February 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Mary Church 626 Willard Avenue Newington, CT 06111 Reverend Joseph F. Keough, Pastor Reverend Nicholas J. Cesaro (in residence) Rectory Office 626 Willard Avenue Newington, CT 06111 (860) 666-1591 Fax: (860) 666-5720 Amy Lasek, Secretary Office hours: M-Th - 9–4 p.m. Fri. 9-2:30 p.m. Our website & e-mail are: www.stmarysnewington.net [email protected] Saint Mary’s School 652 Willard Avenue (860) 666-3844 Mrs. Margaret McDonald, Principal www.stmarynewington.com Religious Education Office (860) 666-6347 Joan Guerrera, Director Cathy Bowen, Asst. Director Permanent Deacons James Tanguay Michael O’Toole Bruce Thompson Director of Music/Organist (860) 666-1591 x306 Elizabeth Trainer Church of Saint Mary’s Mass Schedule Saturday Evening Vigil: 4:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. (During Daylight Savings Time: 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.) Daily Mass: Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel Holy Day: 8:30 a.m., 12:10 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday from 9-10 a.m. in the Chapel Mass Intentions can be requested on the 1st business day of the current month through the same month of the next year by calling the Rectory, 860-666-1591. Sacraments Baptism: 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Contact the Rectory Office to make arrangements. Reconciliation: Prior to Saturday Vigil Mass – 3:15-3:45 p.m. & anytime by appointment. Communion: For parishioners, who are homebound or hospitalized, contact the Rectory Office. Marriage: Contact the Rectory Office at least 6 months in advance to begin preparation. Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Rectory or hospital Chaplain. St. Mary Prayer Line is here to assist you. Call Margaret Pelletier (666-3287), Julie Carta (667-9714) or email requests to [email protected] and give the first name of the person to be prayed for and the intention. Each month we revise our prayer list and ask that you contact us if you wish a name to remain on the list. 600-St. Mary Church 1 ~Mass Intentions~ Saturday, January 31, 2015 4:00 Charles W. Goodwin & Alice O’Laughlin Gatty By Eldon & Marge Albert Sunday, Februay 1, 2015 8:00 Simone Barwikowski By daughter, Denise & grandchildren 10:00 Rene Lamontagne By daughter, Sylvie & Family (9th Anniversary) 11:30 Gary Piccard By the Piccard Family Monday, February 2, 2015 8:30 Mary Mitchell By the family Tuesday, February 3, 2015 8:30 Mary Sousa By the children Wednesday, February 4, 2015 8:30 Emma Carlone By her husband Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:30 St. Mary Parishioners Friday, February 6, 2015 8:30 Arthur Favreau By daughter and son-in-law (3rd Anniversary) Saturday, February 7, 2015 4:00 Pauline Hayes By the family Sunday, Februay 8, 2015 8:00 Mass of Thanksgiving By the Barys Family 10:00 Joseph Meucci By the family 11:30 Sister Margaret Gay By MaryBeth Cenci Mass Intentions can be requested on the 1st business day of the current month through the same month of the next year. Please contact the Rectory Office at 860-666-1591 to schedule your Mass intention. 600-St. Mary Church From the Desk of the Pastor When we think of February, we often think about cold weather, Presidents’ Day, Black History Month, the ground hog and maybe Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday. You may be like me and think, “February… where did January go?” How about February as a healing month? In our gospel this weekend, Jesus heals a person with an unclean spirit. In the second reading, St. Paul wants our faith in Christ to be our healing from anxiety and distress. Our Church calendar gives us a few opportunities for healing as well. This weekend we share the blessing of throats through the intercession of St. Blaise for the protection of God from all diseases of the throat and every other illness. February 5th is the Feast Day of St. Agatha, who is known as the Patron Saint of people with Breast Cancer. February 11th is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the World Day of the Sick. In the middle of the month, we enter into the great season of Lent. Lent is a time of healing! Think about a visit to your health care provider. You are prescribed a new medication or therapy, told to abstain from certain foods or cigarettes or alcohol. Before a certain test you have to fast for twelve hours or more. Each visit to a hospital or clinic, you are marked with an id bracelet as a patient in process. Marked with ashes, we are called to be healed from our bad habits by abstaining or fasting from them while adding some spiritual remedies such as prayer, scripture study or other devotions. This Lent can be your time for healing and renewal. Begin to make your list of areas in your life where spiritual growth is needed and plan to take advantage of the healing opportunities available at the parish and throughout the Archdiocese. Be well! Fr. Joe Keough Parishioners Helping Parishioners: A member of our parish family is in need of a ride home from work beginning February 26th through April 26th, Monday through Friday around 12 noon from NBC Studio, 142 New Britain Ave, West Hartford to Brown Street in New Britain. This is about a 10-15 minute drive. Your assistance would mean a great deal to this family. Thank you for your kindness! For more information, please call the rectory at 860-666-1591. THANK YOU! On behalf of our Catholic secondary school students, we would like to express sincere thanks to all those who supported the 2015 High School Collection. Your generosity is deeply appreciated by all those whose future you have helped to shape. Sacred Heart Church in Hartford offers their appreciation for our parishioners’ generosity with the Christmas presents for their Christmas celebration. Newington Department of Human Services is thankful for our parishioners’ continuing commitment to our town and its residents by the generous donations of food delivered to the town’s food pantry last month. 2 Saint Mary School is holding a Coat Drive now through February 14th. We are asking for gently used coats, new hats and scarves. Boxes are in the front hall of the school. All sizes for children and adults are needed. Thank you for your help. Save the dates: March 8-11th at St. Mary Church for our Lenten Parish Mission, “Lent 40 Days to the Best Version of Yourself” with Fr. Dennis Vincenzo and Fr. Joe Keough. Learn More About Our Church Building This year, in conjunction with our RCIA program, we are offering adult education classes on various topics of the Catholic Faith. All parishioners are invited to join our RCIA candidates to learn more about the practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church. Classes should last from 60 to 90 minutes. This week our class will meet on Monday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the church. We will be taking a tour of the church to better understand the various areas and symbols of the building. See the Adult Education page on the parish website for future scheduled topics. Contact Deacon Jim with any questions. ON-GOING FOOD DRIVE Non-perishable, unopened food can be brought to the church weekly and placed in the proper receptacles at each entry way. All food is donated to the Newington Food Bank. The spring choir season is here! Rehearsals start this week: Cherubim Choir (ages 6-12), Wednesdays 4-5 p.m. Teen Choir (ages 13-18), Thursdays 6-7 p.m. Adult Choir, Thursdays, 7-8:30 p.m. New members are always welcome! For more information please contact Elizabeth Trainer, (860) 666-1591 ext. 306 or email [email protected] If you have the cold or flu, please stay home and rest. You should also refrain from handshakes at the sign of peace. Simply nod or wave to the person near you and wish them God’s Peace. CCD News: 860-666-6347 or [email protected] All CCD classes will meet this week. will begin on Wednesday, February 25th-March 18th. We will be discussing the Old Testament’s Book of Wisdom. Please call Doris Stevens for more information or to sign up at 860-666-5183. First Holy Communion Parent Meeting originally scheduled for Monday, January 26 has been rescheduled due to the snow storm to Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall. Please make every effort to attend this meeting as you will receive all of the information you need to know for your child’s sacrament. St. Mary Women’s Club will hold a Pot Luck Supper on Monday, February 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Hall. Bring your favorite Pot Luck Dish (appetizer, salad or entree) and enjoy a delightful and tasty evening with your fellow parishioners. Dessert will be provided. All members of the parish are welcome. Please call Trish by Wednesday, February 4th at 860-202-7773 to sign-up and "register" your culinary contribution! Sunday Monthly Class: 11-12:30 p.m.: February 1st: Grade 5: Mrs. Murphy/Vumback (Lower Rectory) Grade 6: Mrs. Zoll (Hall) February 8th: Children’s Mass Grade 1: (SMS Gym) Grade 4: Mrs. Astornio (Hall) Grade 7: Mrs. Plavcan (location TBA) Grade 8: Mrs. Costa (Lower Rectory) Weekly Collection January 25th: $6,675.00 Catholic School Collection: $1,278 600-St. Mary Church Grade 9, Mrs. Allo’s class is making sandwiches for the soup kitchen. All students should check with their teachers IF they are uncertain as to whether or not they are meeting. Grade 10, 4:50-7pm, Students responsible for supper should report at 4:40 with their food. Letters to the Bishop are due. 3 Winter reminders: Please be cautious when the weather conditions are messy. Play it safe and stay home and watch the televised Mass on Sunday morning at 10:00 on WTXX. If Newington Schools are closed or have a delayed opening, Morning Mass will be cancelled in the interest of safety. CALLING ALL MEN Many St. Mary parishioners attend the men's retreat held each year at the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford. Perhaps you have thought from time to time that you needed a new approach to refresh your connection with God. The retreat offers many opportunities to stir the embers of the fire of faith--prayer, reflection, speakers, music, meditation--to name but a few. The cost for providing food and services is minimal. Our parish weekend is Friday, February 6th at 6:00 p.m. until noon on Sunday, February 8th. Please join us this February. Help yourself and the St. Mary community grow into a deeper and more expressive faith. You may register on line at www.holyfamilyretreat.org or by calling the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center (860-521-0440). Retreat offering is $295, more if you can, less if you can't. The offering is only a suggestion and should not prevent anyone from attending. Please call John Webster at 860-667-0516, to discuss any aspect of the retreat. We are looking forward to seeing you there. On the weekend of March 20-22nd, the women of our parish are invited to Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center in Farmington, CT. Experience a weekend filled with rest, relaxation and spiritual renewal. At Our Lady of Calvary, the natural beauty of the grounds and the peaceful atmosphere of the retreat house can provide a much needed break from your daily routine. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in the sacraments, to hear conference talks, to share with other women and to reflect on this year’s theme: “Touched By Wisdom, Held In Hope”. For more information call Vicky Bologna at 860-667-2963. Winter Reading Suggestions: Some of these dreary winter days are a good time to catch up on our faith issues. May I suggest: The Lamb’s Supper, the Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn Mercy in the City, How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned and Keep your Day Job by Kerry Weber Blessed by Less: Cleaning Your Life of Clutter by Living Lightly by Susan V. Vogt Rediscover Catholism, A Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose by Matthew Kelly All of these books are available in print or as ebooks. Mindful of those who are sick, please pray for the following people, and those who care for them. Mark Annunziato Christopher Batty CherieLee Bell Kevin Bhola Claire Bialaski Edmund Bialaski Kyle Bloom Frank Bury Theresa Bury Dale Crocker Geraldine Cyr Helen Cyr Joey DeVito Chuck Donnelli Deborah Durity Helen Esberg Russell Fancher James Fink Larry Finlay Kasey Grimaldi Elaine Grossi Richard Grossi Dennis Horrigan Donna Kagan Alexandra Kubko Patricia Lamb James Levesque Bill Moore Gavin Thomas Morris Nancy Nazzone Chylene Pender Greg Picklesimer John Piotrowski Edward Radomsky Paul Richard Darlene Rood Ryan Rood Marj Sasiela Madeline Scanlon Sr. Rosemary Spodnik Irene Satkowski Debbie Dittman Warner Wes Webster Jim Yoerkie Paul Zocco Please call the rectory each month to add or keep a name on the bulletin prayer list. 600-St. Mary Church 4 Farley-Sullivan, Inc. FUNERAL HOME 34 Beaver Road • Wethersfield, CT 06129-0205 860-563-9999 “Serving Your Parish Area For Over 55 Years” Accounting Services, Inc. BOOKKEEPING • PAYROLL & INCOME TAX SERVICES French’s Weber’s Nursery Worldwide Travel & Florist ANDREW F. DEFELICE Enrolled Agent 31 East Cedar St. Newington, CT Over 25 Years Travel Experience 860.665.7862 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 10am-2pm accountingservicesct.com [email protected] [email protected] (860) 666-4625 For Flowers - Call Dorine For Paving Call Gary 33 Charles Street New Britain 860-223-7887 www.webernursery.com S. Richard Bascetta, D.M.D. www.DRBASCETTA.com @ 337 Willard Ave. Newington, CT Sheet Metal • Heating Air Conditioning Service & Installation 419 Robbins Avenue Newington, CT 860-667-3700 860-666-2696 THE BOND gourmet foods to go catering - party planning 1096 Main St., Newington, CT www.GoldBurgers.com 860.665.0478 338 ASYLUM AVE. 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Margaret Pelletier 666-3287 Julie Carta 667-9714 NEWINGTON MEMORIAL Each month we revise our prayer list and ask that you contact us if you wish a name to remain on the list. 20 Bonair Avenue • Newington, CT 06111 (860) 666-0600 • www.duksa.net For all your Home Improvement Needs... get the BEST with We do it all from Design to finish! Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Tilework • Counter Replacement Basements • Custom Woodworking & Much MORE! 30 years of Expertise! License #HIC0620964 Turnpike Motors Autobody We Do Collision Work On All Makes Of Cars & Heavy Duty Trucks. 2550 Berlin Turnpike Newington, CT 06111 McBride Wayside Carpet Co. GREEN VALLEY LANDSCAPE 860.666.3319 Member of Parish Voted Best Pizza For 2014 Mowing • Snow Removal Much, Much More! Spring & Fall Cleanups Flower Beds • Walkways Patios • New Lawn Installations 3153 Berlin Turnpike Newington, CT 06111 Josh Boutin, Owner 666-2512 Fax 666-4901 860-666-3604 667-4084 666-6229 Removals, Pruning Tree Maintenance Licensed Tree Surgeon www.turnpikemotors.com Office: Newington (860) 757-3800 Parishioner Be a friend, to a friend, invite someone to our RCIA program. Call the rectory 666-1591 for details. For all your insurance needs... BOB NEWBOLD Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Thomas Fahy Insurance Associates 433 South Main Street West Hartford, CT 06110 No Job Is Too Small Old or New, We Do It All [email protected] S.J. PIZZELLA 33 East Cedar Street Newington, CT 06111 (860) 666-9813 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 & Sat. 9-4 GRAVER’S TREE CARE (860) 232-1330 563-6581 Wethersfield Bruce Graver CONNECTICUT CHIMNEY Sweep & Restoration Co., LLC Complete Chimney Repair & Maintenance Residential • Commercial (860) 828-0756 www.CTchimney.com BERLIN, CT 06037 James Kasulis “How may we brighten your day?” A&S SCRAP METAL & RECYCLING DUMP RUNS & DEMOLITION FREE PICK-UP OF ALL APPLIANCES: Washers, Dryers, ACs, Refrigerators CASH PAID FOR JUNK VEHICLES Call Stephen 860-810-4903 FREE PICK-UP 1018 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 860-667-1467 36 Holland Drive Newington, CT 06111 Phone: 860-667-7652 Fax: 860-667-0241 Save $30 on any service call St. Mary’s Parish, welcome to the coolest place in CT! BOOK YOUR SUMMER BIRTHDAY PARTIES NOW! www.NewingtonArena.com $2 OFF PUBLIC SKATE ALL SUMMER 10% OFF FOR ST. 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