St. Mary Gate of Heaven 103-12 101 AVE., OZONE PARK, NEW YORK 11416 MONTFORT MISSIONARIES Rev. Gerald Fitzsimmons, S.M.M., Pastor Rev. Peter D’Abele, S.M.M., Associate Pastor Rev. Mohan Vincent, S.M.M, Associate Pastor Bro. Paul Llorens, S.M.M., Pastoral Assistant Deacon Richard Gilligan Deacon Ramon Cruz Deacon Timothy McBride Mr. Raffaele Corso, Parish School Principal Mrs. Ann Farrell, Director of Religious Education Office Hours Monday - Friday: 9 AM to 1 PM & 2 PM to 8 PM Saturday: 9 AM to 2 PM Sunday: 9 AM to 2 PM Website: RECTORY: SCHOOL: CCD: 718-847-5957 718-846-0689 718-849-9329 718-847-6260 WE WORSHIP Weekdays: Weekend: Bi-Weekly Monday - Saturday 8:45 AM Mass in Chapel 101-25 104 St. Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM 12:30 PM in Spanish 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7:00 PM Prayer and Benediction in Church Reconciliation (In Church) Saturday: 12:30 - 1:30 PM or by appointment with a priest Misas: Lunes a Sabado 8:45 AM - en la capilla (Inglés) 101-25 104 St. Fin de Semana: Sábado:5:00 PM Domingo: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM y 11:00 AM 12:30 PM en español Los Viernes Primeros en Iglesia 6:00 PM - Bendición y Confesión 7:00 PM Rosario y Misa - español Reconciliación (Iglesia) Sábados de las 12:30 PM hasta las 1:30 PM. SENIOR CENTER: 718-847-2100 CHILDREN’S HOUR 718-846-3773 JULY 5, 2015 ST. MARY GATE OF HEAVEN CHURCH PAGE 2 RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Adults interested in becoming baptized or in becoming members of the Catholic Church are invited to participate in the RCIA program at the parish. Please contact Deacon Tim at the rectory for more information. SACRAMENTS FOR ADULT CATHOLICS Adult Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist are invited to participate in our Adult Sacrament Formation program. Please contact Deacon Tim at the rectory for more information. BAPTISM SATURDAY, JULY 4, 2015 5:00 PM Lena Urso SUNDAY, JULY 5, 2015 , 8:00 AM William Schaefer 9:30 AM Blessed Mother Sodality 11:00 AM Andrew & Bertha Mueller, Emilia Sabatini, Kerri-Ann Rome, Charles J. Rome, Sr., Pasqualina Cotugnio, Vincenzo Arganese, Francesca Matera, Giuseppina Maddaloni, Teresa Arganese, Mr. Carter, Sr., Bernadette Rose Mallon, Elena Chavez, Mary Mcmanus, Maria & Donato DellaRatta Baptism of children is celebrated one Sunday of each month, (except during Lent and Advent) after the completion of a preparation program by the parents. Contact the rectory at least six weeks prior to the date of the ceremony to register for the program. 12:30 PM Luznery Molina de Velasco 4:00 PM Filipino Mass MARRIAGE 8:45 AM Coronata Macchia 8:45 AM Angelo Charles Macchia, Joseph and Margaret Sagevich Six months preparation must be completed prior to marriage. Call the rectory to set up an appointment with our priests and deacons to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Many people going into the hospital know for some time in advance when the surgery will be scheduled. We invite anyone entering the hospital with a serious illness to receive the Sacrament of the Sick after Mass on Sunday. Please call the rectory at any time. A communal celebration of the Sacrament is normally scheduled during Advent and Lent. EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Members of our Eucharistic Ministry regularly bring Holy Communion to the infirm and homebound. Please inform the rectory if there is such a need. NEW PARISHIONERS We invite families who have newly arrived in our parish community to register by completing a parish information sheet at the rectory. MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015 TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2015 WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 8:45 AM THURSDAY, JULY 9, 2015 8:45 AM John Yanotta FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015 8:45 AM SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 8:45 AM Daniel McBride 5:00 PM John Considine SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015 8:00 AM Anna Cerretani 9:30 AM Andrew & Bertha Mueller, Gabiel Hans Hubert Weiler, Thomas Crawford, Joan Crawford, Mary Crawford, Saverio Polvere 11:00 AM Florence & Herbert Cumming 12:30 PM Orlando Rendon JULY 5, 2015 ST. MARY GATE OF HEAVEN CHURCH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST Mark’s Gospel account today is built on a double astonishment or amazement: the neighbors and family of Jesus are astonished that he taught in the synagogue with wisdom and worked powerful signs. Jesus, in turn, is amazed that they have no faith in him because they know his origins, not because of any fault with his teaching or ministry. As with many of Mark’s passages, we get a rather intimate glimpse here of the human part of Jesus’ two-fold nature. To reinforce his point, Mark tells of Jesus’ return to his native place, and further points out that he is in the midst of his own family members there. From the very people he expected the most, Jesus received the least. In the day of the Gospel’s writing, Mark was attempting to illustrate a lesson to the house of Israel: the God of the covenant expected the greatest faith from the house of Israel, but often received the least. This is a good source for reflection on our part, we who are Jesus’ followers today. For the wisdom of Christ to continue and for our lives to be seen as signs of his power, he must expect and be able to find great faith among us. Will he? Can he? Does he? Or is he, once again, amazed by its absence? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Please Pray For / Favor Orar Por The Sick / Los Enfermos Isabel Ryan, Sid Bolisay, James Winwood, James Fava, Anna Pancotti, Barbara Kaiser, Veronica and Hugh Johnston, Jose Cabreja, Victoria Godkin, Sarah, Baby Anthony Mauceri Sibilla, Edward Saar, Joan Crane, Angel M. Ortiz, Marilou Salvatierra, Fr. Fred Scragg, S.M.M., Cheryl Ferrara, Carol & Gary Carosella, Rosa Acencio, Jeffrey Arbelaes, Francis Delgado, José Pineda, Velma Rivera, Naomi McGee, Lawrence Reade, Donna Kelly, Fred Verderber, Ralph Seda, Joyce Kaminsky, Rosemary Menechella, Lola Valero de Vargas, Fr. Ted Murphy, S.M.M., Peter Jacobs, Timothy Liello, Anthony Pangiarella PAGE 3 FE EN JESUCRISTO El incidente que nos cuenta san Marcos en el Evangelio de hoy se basa en un doble asombro: primero, los vecinos y parientes de Jesús se asombran de verlo enseñar en la sinagoga con tanta sabiduría, y de ver su poder para hacer milagros. Y Jesús, a su vez, se extraña de la incredulidad de aquella gente, que no pone su fe en él, no porque hallen alguna falta en su enseñanza o en su ministerio, sino porque conocen sus orígenes y su familia. Aquí, como en muchos otros incidentes de su Evangelio, Marcos nos deja ver un aspecto bastante íntimo de la parte humana de la doble naturaleza de Jesús. Para reforzar lo que quiere que veamos, Marcos nos cuenta cómo Jesús vuelve a su pueblo, y nos hace notar que está allí entre sus familiares. Y de la gente de quienes más esperaba es que menos recibe. En la época en que estaba escribiendo su Evangelio, san Marcos trataba de enseñar una lección muy importante para la casa de Israel, el Dios de la Alianza esperaba encontrar la fe más intensa en la casa de Israel, pero muchas veces allí fue donde menos la encontró. Y es bueno que reflexionemos sobre esto, nosotros que hoy día somos el Pueblo de Dios. Para que la Sabiduría de Cristo continúe en este mundo, y para que nuestras vidas sean signos de su poder, Jesús espera hallar, y tiene que hallar, una gran fe en nosotros. ¿La hallará? ¿O quedará, una vez más, pasmado de nuestra poca fe? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The Bread and Wine In Memory of Kerri-Ann Rome & Charles J. Rome, Sr. Donated by The Rome Family Filipino Mass Sunday, July 5, 2015 at 4:00 PM St. Mary Gate of Heaven Church followed by “Pot Luck” Dinner Church Basement JULY 5, 2015 ST. MARY GATE OF HEAVEN CHURCH PAGE 4 St. Mary Gate of Heaven Congratulations to the following couples who will be married at our Church next weekend: Felicidades a las siguientes parejas que se casarán en nuestra parroquia el próximo fin de semana: Michael Orlando and Angela D’Amato Friday, July 10, 2015 at 3:30 PM The Faithful Departed / Los Fieles Difuntos Saverio Polvere Jose Ramon Rubiera Thank You!! A special thank you goes out to The National Honor Society and Student Government Organization of the High School for Construction Trades, Engineering and Architecture on 104th St. They held a food and coat drive and donated over 300 cans of food to our Food Pantry. God bless you all! Just as the motto “To Jesus Through Mary” found ideal expressions in the spirit which animated St. Louis de Montfort and today inspires his followers, so the profoundly Catholic concept of Mary as “Gate of Heaven” finds here its ideal expression in masonry and art. It was a happy inspiration that selected for our parish one of the noblest titles accorded to the Mother of Christ in the Litany of Loretto and in the ancient hymn which hails her as felix coeli porta, or “happy portal of Heaven.” That tribute runs like a living theme throughout the edifice over which her spirit hovers here in Ozone Park. Looking down the long nave to the main altar, the worshippers find their gaze lifted to the chaste figure of the Immaculate, in pure white marble, standing with arms extended and beckoning the faithful to her embrace. Immediately behind her rises the arched golden doorway over which she stands sentinel in her role at the Gate of Grace by which the Divine Redeemer came to man and thus the identical Gate which we must pass if we are to be united to her Son. St. Mary Gate of Heaven, pray for us! Al-Anon meets on Mondays at 1:00 PM at the Provincial House Taken from the St. Mary Gate of Heaven 1954 located at 101-18 104 St. Family members, friends or anyone affected Golden Jubilee Book. by alcoholism are welcome to attend. Memorial Candle/Gifts Te basta mi gracia, porque mi poder se manifiesta en la debilidad. — 2 Corintios 12:9 Memorial Donations are accepted for the sanctuary lamp that burns before the Blessed Sacrament and the Bread and Wine used in our Eucharistic celebrations. Please contact the rectory office. JULY 5, 2015 ST. MARY GATE OF HEAVEN CHURCH PAGE 5 Music at the Gate News The MAG concert series has announced the first three events of the 2015-16 season. The Philippino American Choral Project, a 20 voice mixed chorus will present a varied program of sacred and secular choral music on Saturday, September 26 at 7pm under the direction of Manila- born Enrico Lagasca. The Artesian Guitar Quartet performs on Sunday, October 25 at 5pm. They will perform music written for or arranged for guitar quartet from different times and places expressed through the intimate voice of the guitar. Their members have performed throughout the US and Canada. Check both groups out on Facebook. Finally to put us in the Advent and early Christmas mood, the Scola Sine Nomine chorus with orchestra will perform on Saturday, November 28 at 7pm. There is no admission charge to any of concerts but a donation of $10 is requested to support the performers and the continuation of the series. Mark you calendars and save the dates. Summertime Prayer Lord God, We put ourselves into Your hands and pray You will bless us and our families during the wonderful months of summer. May we always make our home a place of relaxation, joy, love, peace and safety. May we be generous and considerate, not thinking only about ourselves, but helping others enjoy the blessings of summertime. Summer Vacations During the summer months, many of our parishioners go away on vacation. This is a good thing as it helps us to relax, rest and come to see God’s presence in creation and in our family and friends. For those of you who will have a vacation this year, please remember to attend Sunday Mass wherever you may be. For Mass times and locations nationwide, go to on the internet. During the summer months when people are away our collections get much lower, so please continue to give your weekly offering during the summer. We appreciate your generosity. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Visit our Website at: or The Food Pantry will be open on Thursday, July 16 from 11 am to 1 pm.
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