RICHMOND TODAY JULY 2015 A CHEVRON RICHMOND PUBLICATION Progress on Chevron’s Newer, Safer, Cleaner Refinery Modernization Project Avances en el proyecto de modernización de la refinería más nueva, más segura y más limpia BY JEFF HARTWIG POR JEFF HARTWIG After years of planning and working directly with this community, we’re excited to report progress on the Refinery Modernization Project. Después de años de planificar y trabajar directamente con esta comunidad, nos entusiasma informar el avance del Proyecto de modernización de la refinería. This project, which was approved by the Richmond City Council last July, is a significant win for this community, our workforce and the refinery. Modernization as approved will replace older equipment with more modern technologies that will help us become a newer, safer, cleaner refinery. These improvements will result in a decrease in emissions and a safety program that far exceeds regulatory requirements. Este proyecto, aprobado por el Consejo Municipal de Richmond el pasado mes de julio, es un triunfo importante para esta comunidad, para nuestra fuerza de trabajo y para la refinería. La modernización, de acuerdo a lo aprobado, reemplazará el equipo más viejo por tecnologías más modernas que nos ayudarán a tener una refinería más nueva, más segura y más limpia. Estas mejoras disminuirán las emisiones y se formará un programa de seguridad que supera ampliamente los requisitos reglamentarios. The project also delivers important community benefits, including 1,000 local construction and 1,300 related jobs and a $90 million community investment agreement for Richmond and North Richmond residents. El proyecto también promueve beneficios importantes para la comunidad, incluyendo 2,300 empleos locales de construcción y un convenio de inversión de la comunidad de $90 millones de dólares para los residentes de Richmond y North Richmond. We are now working through project details as part of the planning, engineering and pre-construction phase. Construction is estimated to begin in the summer of 2016 and could take 18-24 months to complete. We’re excited to continue making progress on this important project. Ahora estamos afinando los detalles del proyecto como parte de la fase de planificación, ingeniería y preconstrucción. Se espera que la construcción inicie en el verano de 2016 y podría tardar de 18 a 24 meses en completarse. Estamos emocionados de seguir avanzando en este importante proyecto. Jeff Hartwig is the Refinery Modernization Project Director. Jeff Hartwig es el director del proyecto de modernización de la refinería. MODERNIZATION’S BENEFITS: AN OVERVIEW Propelled by modern technology and an enhanced focus on safety, the Refinery Modernization Project will increase energy efficiency, protect the environment and create local jobs. The $90 million Environmental and Community Investment Agreement (ECIA) will be implemented by the City of Richmond. For more information about the programs under the ECIA, contact the City of Richmond at 510-620-6512. This infographic illustrates a few ways a modernized refinery will benefit the community we share. RICHMOND PROMISE PROGRAM $35 MILLION SIGNIFICANT STEPS TO PROTECT THE COMMUNITY BUILDING THE LOCAL WORKFORCE 1,000 1,300 Stronger regulatory oversight New, upgraded piping LOCAL CONSTRUCTION JOBS BY DAWN WEISZ Annual reporting of results to community Enhanced safety inspections Source: EIR pages 4.13-101; 4.13-102; 4.13-130; A4.13-REL-5. JOB TRAINING $6 MILLION Funding will support job training and readiness programs and transition training to help residents prepare for jobs on the modernization project, in refinery operations or in the emerging field of renewable energy. PUBLIC SAFETY PROGRAMS $2 MILLION A LONG-TERM ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT $30,000,000 Funding will sustain critical public safety programs in Richmond including the Youth Academy, Explorers, the CCTV cameras and others. TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE FREE INTERNET ACCESS $1 MILLION AND CREATE GREEN JOBS Source: EIR page 3-34. CLEANER SKIES AND BETTER AIR QUALITY Annual NOx reductions equivalent to removing over Annual PM 10 reductions equivalent to removing 11,000 172 cars from Richmond streets big rig trucks from the Source: EIR page 4.3-85. ECIA Spotlight: Solar One Project SAFETY ADDITIONAL RELATED LOCAL JOBS Source: Chevron Refinery Modernization Project, Environmental Impact Report (EIR) page 4.12-5; Beacon Economics study “Chevron Refinery Multi-Regional Economic Impact Analysis,” 2013. Funding will provide scholarship money for Richmond residents seeking a college education or vocational training. The City of Richmond is developing guidelines and eligibility requirements. Learn more at Richmond Parkway Source: EIR pages 4.0-11; 4.0-14; 4.0-33. Free internet access will be provided for residents in refinery fenceline neighborhoods to ensure they have access to data from the Richmond Community Air Monitoring Program and other resources. Para descargar una traducción al español, visite GREENHOUSE GAS REDUCTION PROGRAMS $30 MILLION $90 MILLION Over 10 Years Funding will support programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote alternative and zero emission methods of transportation and help implement the City of Richmond’s Climate Action Plan and other programs. SOLAR ONE $10 MILLION (LAND VALUE) Chevron is providing access to 49 acres of refinery land for MCE Richmond’s Solar One farm, which is made possible in part by Deep Green 100% renewable energy customers who support local renewable development. See story on the next page for more details about local jobs and benefits. COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM $6 MILLION Funding will support community programs and nonprofit organizations focused on youth and youth sports, health equality, senior citizens and education. MCE Richmond, a local public agency that offers clean electric service as an alternative to PG&E, is developing one of the Bay Area’s largest solar projects right here in Richmond. Thanks to 49 acres of land leased to MCE by Chevron for only $1 per year, MCE is working to construct a 10.5 megawatt solar farm that will help us provide Richmond residents and businesses with locally-sourced, affordable clean energy. Because half of the premium paid by Deep Green 100% renewable energy customers goes toward the development of local renewable projects, hundreds of Richmond customers are also helping this project come to fruition. The advanced technology solar panels are being built in the U.S. by San Jose-based Stion Technology, one of the nation’s leading solar industry innovators. Construction is expected to begin later this summer and be completed by the end of 2015. MCE is proud to partner with RichmondBUILD – the City of Richmond’s award-winning job training program – to staff construction of the project, which will support 344 local jobs in Richmond. Once complete, the Solar One project will generate enough solar energy to power 3,400 Richmond homes per year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 13,998 metric tons – the equivalent of removing nearly 3,000 cars from our streets. Dawn Weisz is the Chief Executive Officer for Marin Clean Energy. Enfoque en inversión de la comunidad: Proyecto Solar One POR DAWN WEISZ MCE Richmond, una agencia pública local que ofrece servicio eléctrico limpio como alternativa a PG&E, está desarrollando uno de los proyectos solares más grandes del Área de la Bahía justo aquí en Richmond. Gracias a los 49 acres de terreno de Chevron arrendados a MCE por sólo $1 al año, MCE está trabajando para construir una huerta solar de 10.5 megavatios que nos ayudará a proveer a los residentes y negocios de Richmond energía limpia local a precios asequibles. Ya que la mitad de la prima pagada por clientes de energía 100% renovable de Deep Green se destina al desarrollo de proyectos renovables locales, cientos de clientes de Richmond también colaboran para que este proyecto llegue a término. Powering 3,400 Homes Creating 344 Construction Jobs Eliminating 13,998 metric tons of CO2 Stion Technology, uno de los innovadores de la industria solar líder a nivel nacional con sede en San José, construye paneles solares de tecnología avanzada en los Estados Unidos. Se espera que la construcción inicie más adelante este verano y concluya a finales de 2015. MCE se enorgullece de su asociación con RichmondBUILD, el programa galardonado de capacitación en el trabajo de la Ciudad de Richmond, para contratar personal de construcción para el proyecto, con lo cual apoyará a 344 empleos locales en Richmond. Una vez concluido, el proyecto Solar One generará suficiente energía solar para suministrar electricidad a 3,400 hogares de Richmond al año y reducir 13,998 toneladas métricas de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, el equivalente a eliminar casi 3,000 automóviles de nuestras calles. Dawn Weisz es directora ejecutiva de Marin Clean Energy. MEET OUR EMPLOYEES A SERIES INTRODUCING CHEVRON EMPLOYEES TO OUR NEIGHBORS EMPLOYEE NAME Per Lorentzen JOB AT CHEVRON Construction Manager for the Chevron Richmond Refinery YEARS WITH CHEVRON 9 EDUCATION A bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Denmark and a master’s in Business Administration from Scotland. Tell us about your job at Chevron. I manage the various construction projects that we have going on here at the refinery, which involves organizing our contractors, ensuring that quality is met and overseeing the safety plans that are in place. What do you like best about your job? I like to be challenged, and I like working with people. When our team executes well, I feel good about it. I like seeing when a plan comes together. Tell us about your role in the Refinery Modernization Project. In addition to managing construction of the project itself, I also work closely with our partners in this community, including the Building Trade Unions, the Workforce Investment Board and the City of Richmond to ensure that many of the jobs created by the project are reserved for Richmond residents. How many jobs will be created by modernization? At its peak, this project will create up to 1,000 construction jobs and 1,300 related jobs. We are hoping that many of those jobs go to Richmond residents. We are currently working with RichmondBUILD, the city’s job training program, to help residents qualify for jobs on the project. What is your advice for Richmond residents interested in finding a job on the modernization project? If you are interested in working on a construction job as part of the project, I recommend reaching out to the Contra Costa Construction and Building Trades Council and joining one of their apprenticeship programs. There are lots of opportunities in construction, including painters, boilermakers, electricians, scaffold builders, insulators, laborers and many others. Any advice for residents interested in applying? Early preparation is key to getting into the union apprenticeship programs. There are sometimes math tests and other requirements that may take some time and effort to meet. Any details about what modernization means to you personally? I was hired for this job nine years ago, and it’s the reason I am still here. Modernization is good for the company, good for the environment, good for the local economy and good for the people in Richmond. I want to see it finally finished. For more information about the programs mentioned above, visit Chevron Richmond 841 Chevron Way Richmond, CA 94801 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Oakland, CA Permit No. 379 FOR MORE INFORMATION PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN Email [email protected] or call 510-242-2000. For noise and odor complaints, please contact 510-242-2127. Email a [email protected] o llamando al número 510-242-2000. Para quejas relacionadas con ruidos y olores, por favor llame al número 510-242-2127. You’re Invited to Tour the Richmond Refinery on August 22, 2015 We would like to invite you and your family to be our special guests for a tour of the Richmond Refinery. We can promise you a fascinating look at what we do and how it benefits the community we share. We think it’s important for you to have a clear and confident picture of what happens here on a daily basis — from our comprehensive safety systems to our environmental protections and community investments. Come for the tour, stay for the good food and conversation. Our employees are eager to answer all of your questions and hear your feedback. WHEN: SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2015 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. WHERE: CHEVRON RICHMOND REFINERY RSVP: ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED BY JULY 30, 2015 VISIT WWW.CHEVRONRICHMONDTOUR.COM OR CALL 510-242-2000 TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT.
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