Page 2 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Law of Love Having failed to trap Jesus on the question of paying taxes, the Pharisees try again. This time they have an expert in the law raise the question frequently asked of rabbis in those days: “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus’ answer combines two quotations from Deuteronomy and Leviticus. From Deuteronomy 6:5, Jesus takes these following words: “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength.” From Leviticus 19:18, Jesus quotes: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus and the Pharisees do not dispute the importance of the law. Their disagreement has to do with emphasis. The Pharisees, who tend to be legalistic, underscore compliance to the law. In contrast, Jesus places emphasis on love. For Jesus, love of God and people is more important than obedience to the law. Also, the Great Commandment joins together love of God and neighbor – something that has not been previously done. In one of his epistles, John remarks: “How can you say you love God whom you do not see when you do not love your neighbor whom you can see” (1Jn 4:20). — On our cover… We’d like to thank the directors of our two adult Choirs: Katherine Kamrath of the English Choir and Oscar Rodriguez of the Spanish Choir. And thank you to all those who volunteer their time and talent to be a part of our parish Choir. We appreciate your dedication and are blessed by your participation! Mama’s Pies are coming! October 26, 2014 Anoint ing of t he Sick Mass Saturday, November 1st 9 am The Church believes and confesses that among the seven sacraments there is one especially intended to strengthen those who are being tried by illness: the Anointing of the Sick. Everyone is welcome to join us for Mass and anointing. Following the Mass we will have a small reception in the Parish Hall. You are invited to stay for our workshop! Everyone is invit ed t o join us for our workshop on SATURDAY: Pre-Planning Your Funeral & Burial Workshop Saturday, November 1st 1 0 :3 0 am — Parish Hall You have a lot of questions about funerals...How can your family prepare? Where should the vigil be held? Should you have a rosary? Can non-Catholics participate? Must a Catholic be buried at a Catholic cemetery? What’s the difference between a homily and a eulogy? Now is the time to get those questions answered by the experts. Jerry Balistreri from San Diego Funeral Service will be here along with Samantha Betten from Holy Cross Cemetery. Everyone is welcome. It’s never too early to gather information so that you can plan ahead. This Weekend... Knights of Columbus’ Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities (Tootsie Roll) Drive October 25th & 26th Members of the Knights of Columbus do a great deal to assist people with intellectual disabilities. 100% of funds raised here are St. Didacus and in San Diego go to help local persons with intellectual disabilities. Thanks for your support! We would like St. Didacus to be a pie pick-up site on Wednesday, November 26th, but we need a volunteer to hand out the pies that day. If you are available that day and would like to help, please contact the Parish Office for more information. Page 3 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Intentions Saturday………….........October 25 5:00PM……...……...…..All Souls Novena Sunday………….....…...October 26 8:30AM…….……...……People of St. Didacus 10:00AM………….…….All Souls Novena 11:30AM………………..Saiven Selena, Spec. Int. Monday………………...October 27 7:30AM…….……...…....All Souls Novena Tuesday………..…..….October 28 6:00PM………………….All Souls Novena Wednesday……......….October 29 8:30AM……………...….All Souls Novena Thursday………...…….October 30 7:30AM………………….All Souls Novena Friday…………...……...October 31 7:30AM………...…………All Souls Novena Saturday………….........November 1 9:00AM…………….…..†Raymond Triano 5:00PM……...……...…..All Souls Novena Readings for the Week of October 26, 2014 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40 Eph 4:32--5:8/Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20/Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11/Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/ Jn 6:37-40 Daylight Savings Time ends next weekend! Don’t forget to “fall back” one hour on Sunday, November 2nd! Weekly Events at St. Didacus Sunday, October 26, 2014 Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive Divine Mercy Food Sale after Masses Spanish Choir 10:00am Monday, October 27, 2014 Cub Scouts 3:00-4:00pm Spanish RCIA 6:00pm Pastorela Practice 6:30pm Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Small Faith III 8:30am Youth Night 6:30pm Small Faith I&II 6:30pm Small Faith IV 7:00pm Small Faith V 7:00pm Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Eucharistic Adoration 7:30-8:30am Religious Ed 5:30pm Choir 7:00pm Men’s Prayer Group 7:00pm Thursday, October 30, 2014 Divine Mercy 4:00-5:00pm RCIA 7:00pm Friday, October 31, 2014 Saturday, November 1, 2014 Anointing of the Sick 9:00am Funeral Planning Workshop 10:30am Location Church Hall Hall Location Hall Hall Hall Location Hall Hall Hall Hawley Winona Location Church Hall Church Hall Location Hall Hall Location Location Church Hall GIFTS OF OUR TREASURY THE WEEK OF October 19, 2014 General Collection for October 19, 2014 Building Fund for October 19, 2014 Total Income: $4,856.00 $1,537.00 $6,393.00 Please Pray For Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt. Baptisms: Arrangements must be made 3 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for information. Weddings: Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor Parish Office 619-284-3472 October 26, 2014 Rosalba Alarcon Maria Luz Arrellano Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Martha Becerra Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Ruben Campos Marie Cavanaugh Eileen Connolly Terry Davidson Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Cecelia Dueber Mary Farrell Maria Fielding Santiago Fontes Susan Guenzel Sharon Ihle Bernie Kober Marilyn Kober Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Anthony Martinez Rosalie Martinez Dolores Mediano Esteban Mediano Sylvia Paiz Dominick Palestini Diane Porter Antonia Raya Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez Gladys Palestini Jeff Salazar Christine Segura Alice Sergi Michael Smith Raymond Sparks Mary Sutton Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Therese Tucker Carol Verdon Adalina Zarate Josephine And the special intentions in our Book of Needs Page 4 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 St. Didacus Patriotic Rosary 4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730 Fall Festival Weekend! Saturday Mass goers: Join us for dinner at the Fall Festival after Mass! It’s not too late to have a great meal or chat with friends at the Beer Garden. Sunday Mass goers: Stop by the school after Mass to see if they need help tearing down and cleaning up after the Fall Festival. All Souls Day at the Masses next Saturday, November 1st and Sunday, November 2nd. We invite you to bring a photo of your deceased loved ones to display during the Mass you attend. What a wonderful way to honor and remember those who have gone before us. World Mission Sunday Thank you for your generous response to the Society of the Propagation of Faith on World Mission Sunday. It’s not too late to turn in your envelopes in the collection or to the Parish Office. Raffle Items Needed The most exciting part about this event is the raffle. Almost everyone is a winner and the best way to ensure that is to have lots of great prizes. Help us out by donating new and “like-new” items that could be used for raffle prizes. Look around your house or pick up something at the store and bring your items to the Parish Office. Thank you! Religious Ed News Make sure you take a look at the World Mission Sunday insert in the October edition of The Southern Cross! with Bishop Brom Saturday, November 15th 9:00am-noon in the Parish Hall Our Parish Feast Day Celebration is on Sunday, November 9th at 5pm in the Parish Hall. We will celebrate with a potluck dinner. Mark your calendars! We will be celebrating Missionary Disciples: The New Evangelization Please join our parish in praying the Patriotic Rosary for the Consecration of our country on Veteran’s Day, Tuesday, November 11 immediately following the 6:00pm Mass in the Church. Booklets will be provided. If you would like to participate by being one of the readers or leading the group in singing the Patriotic songs (especially Veterans!) please call Mary O’Connor at 619.857.5291. Next Wednesday October 29th, we will have RE at the Parish Hall to do some crafts and altars for the Day of the Dead. Please come to the Hall at 5:30pm instead of meeting at the school. “It’s a ‘wow’ experience, as far as I’m concerned, in terms of materials, the way they were taught, the personal style that Bishop Brom makes everyone a better disciple.” —Doug Metz, a catechist at Sacred Heart Parish in Coronado, after attending the Bishop’s talk. We are all called to be Missionary Disciples and don’t let that scare you! Join us for a morning with Bishop Brom. He’ll talk about how we answer the call to become Missionary Disciples. He will cover the topics of: God, sin and salvation, the New Evangelization and Pope Francis’ “Joy of the Gospel.” This will be a very informative and fun morning that is open to all parishioners. We hope to have a big turnout to welcome Bishop Brom. Call the Parish Office to RSVP so that Bishop Brom knows how many hand-outs to bring. Thanks to parishioner, Greg Wynne, for taking our great choir photos! Page 5 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 The Altar Society would like to thank everyone who donated items, helped at the sale or shopped. They raised $1,400 that will go toward the needs of the parish. Thank you! Outdoor Vigil Will Honor Christ the King An outdoor vigil celebration in honor of the feast of Christ the King will take place on Saturday, November 22nd at Mater Dei Catholic High School in Chula Vista. Mass will be celebrated at 6pm followed by a procession led by Father Alexander De Paulis. The celebration concludes at 9pm. The diocesan Office for Vocations, in collaboration with the Oblates of Merciful Love Foundation and Carlos de Alba, is sponsoring the liturgical songwriting contest and the top songs will be sung during a praise and worship service at the vigil celebration. And thanks to our great Altar Society ladies who donate so much of their time to the parish! Kid’s Corner The money that the Altar Society raises pays for our altar bread, wine and candles as well as other parish needs. Many thanks to these beautiful ladies! Pagina 6 XXX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario AMAR A DIOS Y AL PROJIMO Las lecturas de hoy fluyen directamente de las del pasado domingo: de nuevo Jesús es puesto a prueba por sus adversarios que desean tropezarlo a través de debates astutos. La cuestión de que se trata es concerniente a la Ley: “Maestro, ¿cuál es el mandamiento principal de la Ley?” En el corazón de la relación judía con Dios esta en la Tora. Mas que ley, es la guía de para la vida que guía las relaciones: la relación judía con Dios, con otros judíos y pueblos, y con la tierra. Sabiamente Jesús, usando una frase: “Lo que es odioso para ti, no se lo hagas a tu prójimo. Cuando la pregunta fue planteada a Jesús, sin duda el hubiese recordado textos como los de hoy tomados del libro del Éxodo que requiere justicia y compasión para ambos israelitas y forasteros. Sin embargo, el escogió su respuesta de dos otros grandes textos judíos: “Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente” del Deuteronomio (6:4-9), recitado dos veces diariamente por judíos. Y del Levítico (19:9-18), el lo añadió como un mandamiento acompañante: “Amaras a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.” Para Jesús, estos dos mandamientos son dos lados de la misma moneda. En el juicio del textos de Mateo afirman este principio: “lo que le hagas al mas pequeño de mis hermanos a mi me lo hiciste.” es la practica del amor: “El que no ama no conoce a Dios, porque Dios es amor”. El amor es el poder verdadero que es creativo, sanador, liberador, transformador, en nuestras vidas y en nuestro mundo. El amor creo al universo, el amor resucita a los muertos, el amor da de comer al hambriento y viste al desnudo, cuida por y defiende al vulnerable, y se da audazmente sin interés propio. Y como Pablo afirma: “El amor nunca falla” (1 Corintios 13). Muchas gracias a todos los que participaron de alguna manera en el festival de otoño de la escuela, comprando boletos para la rifa, o trabajaron arduo este fin de semana, Gracias por apoyar a nuestra escuela parroquial. GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD EN EL DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES NOTICIAS DEL CATECISMO El próximo miércoles 29 de octubre tendremos el catecismo en el salón parroquial por motivo de la celebración del día de los muertos, haremos artesanías y altares a las 5:30 PM. 26 de octubre de 2014 Portada del boletín…. Queremos agradecer a los directores de los dos coros de adultos: Katherine Kamrath del Coro Inglés y Oscar Rodríguez del Coro español. Muchas gracias a Oscar y todos los voluntarios de los coros que dan su tiempo y talento para enriquecer nuestras misas. Le agradecemos su dedicación y participación. CELEBRACION DEL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS Los invitamos a traer fotografías de sus seres queridos para la celebración del día de los muertos. Pondremos las fotografías en el hall el miércoles 29 y el jueves 30, y después las pasaremos a la iglesia para la celebración del domingo 2 de noviembre. El horario de verano termina el próximo domingo 2 de noviembre. N o se olvide de "adelantar una hora su reloj”. Misa de Unción de los Enfermos Sábado 1° de noviembre, 9 AM Celebración de nuestra fiesta parroquial el domingo 9 de noviembre a las 5:00 PM en el salón parroquial. Vamos a celebrar con una cena compartida y necesitamos sus ayuda con donaciones para la rifa: La rifa es una parte muy importante de este evento. Casi todos ganan y la mejor manera de asegurarnos es que tengamos un montón de premios. Ayúdenos trayendo artículos "nuevos" que no use en casa y que podrían ser utilizados para los premios de la rifa. Mire alrededor de su casa o compre algo en la tienda y tráigalos a la oficina parroquial. Gracias por su ayuda. Rosario patriótico por el día de los Veteranos Acompáñenos a rezar el Rosario Patriótico para la Consagración de nuestro país en el Día de los Veteranos, el martes 11 de noviembre inmediatamente después de la misa de 6:00 PM en la Iglesia. Se proporcionarán folletos. NOTA: Este día se cambiara el rezo de la Divina Misericordia a las 5 PM antes de misa. S T. D I D A C U S C AT H O L I C C H U R C H W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R B U L L E T I N P O S S I B L E FD 1964 FD 2017 AN EXCLUSIVE FULL SERVICE MORTUARY Burials • Cremation • Preplanning Jerry Balistreri, Funeral Director 2911 2840 Adams Ave. #104 • San Diego, CA 92116, FD1964 619-583-0400 Honor Guard ROOFING Lic. # 691295 References (619) 823-7208 Property Management Real Estate Sales Chris Bushard, Broker KRONE & BUSHARD INC. (619) 226-7368 Salon Kensington Full service salon located behind Clem's Bottle House Mention this ad and receive Upholstery w Drapery w Dress Weight Fabrics Trims w Notions w Vinyls w Silks Remnants w Foam w Batting 50% off your first hair or facial service 1205 W. Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-2445 4104 Adams Ave. 619-283-7116 Craig A. Fahey Attorney at Law Marco A. 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Since 1975 • Smitty ' s Service The Ould Sod, Inc. $2.00 OFF all draft beer daytime Since 1945 3373 Adams Ave. 619.284.6594 3441 Adams Ave. • San Diego, CA 92116 www.TheOuldSod•com (619) 281-7722 ** Live Music & Karaoke ** JACKSON ELECTRIC STUDIO & 1 BDRM RENTALS STARTING AT $34500 SENIOR GATED COMPLEX Community of Normal Heights • Clean and Quiet • Easy Bus Access • Near Shops & Stores State Lic. #822522 Family Owned & Operated Since 1960 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICE & REPAIR Fuse to Circuit Breaker Upgrades New Circuits, Outlets, Switches 619-282-2969 619-992-1117 Testing, Sales & Service NORTH PARK 619-297-4145 3952 30TH ST. 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