St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish “One Family in Christ” ! December 6, 2015! The Second Sunday of Advent! Corpus Chris Church 369 Georgetown Road Carneys Point Queen of the Apostles Church 391 S. Broadway Pennsville St. Mary Church! 25 Oak Street! Salem! ~ Pastor ~ ! Holy Mass Schedule! Rev. Charles J. Colozzi! Parochial Vicar! Rev. Robert Ngageno! Parochial Vicar for Hispanic Ministry! Rev. Gustavo Agudelo! Deacons! Deacon Robert Fanelli, Business Manager! Deacon John Harrington! Pastoral Minister! Sr. Carol Adams, CSJP! Director of Religious Educaon! Ms. Karen Caso, MA! ! SAT (Vigil): ! ! ! ! SUN: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! MON FRI: ! ! WED:! ! FRI : ! ! SAT: ! 4:00pm! Corpus Chris@! 6:00pm! Corpus Chris@ (Español) ! 7:30am! Corpus Chris@! 8:00am! St. Mary’s! 9:30am! Queen of the Apostles! 11:00am! Corpus Chris@! 5:00pm! Corpus Chris@ ! 7:30am! Corpus Chris@! 7:00pm! Corpus Chris@ (Español)! 8:30am! St. Mary’s (Communion Service)! 8:30am! Corpus Chris@ ! Confessions! ! ~ Trustees ~ ! Sco$ Greenwald • Charles Hassler ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Pastoral Council! Angela Greenwald, President • Lisa Tanyer, Secretary ! Ken Brown • Ana Casiano • Art Clemente! Dan Delaney • Thomas Gant • Claudine Pankok! Finance Council! John Pietrantonio, Chair • Julie Doughty • ! Christopher Feigenbutz • Amada Fernandez • Shannon Layfield! ~ Parish Contacts ~ ! ! ! ! Office: 350 Georgetown Road, Carneys Point, NJ! Phone: 8562993833 • Fax: 8562993887! Email: [email protected]! Website:! Facebook:! Office Hours: Weekdays, 9:00am 12:30pm, 1:00pm 4:00pm! Business Manager: Ext. 306 • St. Mary Cemetery: Ext. 306! Religious Educaon: Ext. 316 • Youth Office: Ext. 313! Oficina Hispana: 8562990161! Mary Seat of Wisdom Homeschool: Ext. 305! Catholic Charies: 8562991296! Guardian Angels Regional School: 8564239440! ! 6:00 to 7:00pm Corpus Chris@! 9:00 to 10:00am Corpus Chris@ ! 3:15 to 3:45pm Corpus Chris@! 5:15 to 5:45pm Corpus Chris@ (Español)! 7:45am St. Mary’s! 9:15am Queen of the Apostles! Eucharisc Adoraon! ! ! THU:! SAT: ! ! ! SUN: ! ! MON & TUE:! MON: ! THU: ! SAT: ! 8:00am to 10:00pm Corpus Chris@ ! 12:00pm to 1:00pm St. Mary’s! 6:00pm to 7:00pm Corpus Chris@! 9:00am to 10:00am Corpus Chris@ ! Rosary Recitaon before weekday morning Masses! Miraculous Medal Novena aLer Wednesday morning Mass! Legion of Mary aLer Thursday morning Mass! Queen of Peace Prayer Group aLer Friday morning Mass! Hispanic Faith Formaon Friday 7:00 to 9:00pm ! ! ! in the Parish Center! Divine Will Prayer Group Monday evenings! Sacrament of Bapsm: Call the office to schedule both a Bap@sm and PreJordan class. ! ! Pastoral Care of the Sick: If in hospital or homebound, call the office to schedule Sacramental visits. ! In the event of a life ordeath emergency, call the office & follow voice prompts for a priest.! ! RCIA: Rite of Chrisan Iniaon for Adults: If interested, call to meet with a priest or deacon first. ! Any ques@ons, email Thomas MaDoli at [email protected].! Sacrament of Matrimony: Call to meet with a priest or deacon before scheduling one year in advance.! ! Funerals: The standard procedure for Catholics is a vigil service at a funeral home, ! a funeral Mass in church, and then a formal burial service.! 1 ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL PARISH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Carneys Point – 8:30am Intentions of the Parish Carneys Point – 4:00pm Albert Crescenzi Req. by Wife, Pierina & Son, Albert Hugh Atwell Req. by Ed & Jane Gant Carl Capasso Req. by Ann & Bob Chevreuil Patricia Pennington Req. by Eleanor Meyer & Family SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 Carneys Point – 8:30am Intentions of the Parish ~ Weekday Masses ~! ! MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 Carneys Point – 7:30am Deceased Legionaires Req. by Mary, Mother Most Pure, Junior Legion of Mary THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION HOLY DAY: MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 Pennsville – 7:00pm Vigil Mass Anna Marie Conway Req. by Rosemary McLaughlin & Family Carneys Point - 6:00pm Spanish Holy Souls in Purgatory Req. by Marianne HOLY DAY: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 Carneys Point – 7:30am Timothy J. Garbini Req. by Dad SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 Carneys Point – 7:30am John Domenico, Jr. Req. by Art Clemente Larry Buyarski Req. by Suzann Mendenhall & Josephine Schantz Salem – 8:00am Jane Fredricks Req. by Sarah & Julie Gale Hassler Req. by Ed & Sarah Lawrence Jack McCarthy Req. by Wife, Rita & Children Harry & Mary Musumeci Req. by Daughter, Angela M. Freas CARNEYS POINT, NJ Carneys Point – 10:00am Intentions of Mary, Seat of Wisdom Staff & Students Pennsville – 9:30am Conchetta Jackson Req. by The Jackson Family Andrew S. Pappas Req. by George & Cecilia Kehnast Special Intention - Brayden Ryan McDonough Req. by Tom & Dawn McDonough Carneys Point – 11:00am Sister Jean Celeste Req. by Leon A. & Marie Ann Mattioli Guido Clemente Req. by Wife, Clara & Son, Art Thomas Crossland Req. by Mark & Paul Crossland Pasquale Savarese Req. by Albert & Erennia Izzi Carneys Point – 5:00 pm For the Youth of the Parish Carneys Point – 7:00pm Spanish Eric Rivera Req. by The Rivera & Huslin Families WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 Carneys Point – 7:30am Tony Marandola For my wonderful husband, from Fran Carneys Point – 7:00pm Spanish Intentions of the Parish THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 Carneys Point – 7:30am Intentions of the Parish Carneys Point - 6:00pm Spanish Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 Carneys Point – 7:30am Alessandro & Maria Garbini Req. by Clara Clemente Adam & Pauline Tietchen Req. by Daughter, Pat & Family Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors Jean & Danny Chomo Req. by Marge Roeske & Family Salem – 12:00 noon Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. J. Coyle Req. by The Huslin Family Carneys Point – 4:00pm Rita Annanie Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chevreuil Judith D. Clemente Req. by Joel & Faith Vittori Thomas Littel Req. by Susan Davis & Family Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors Salem – 8:00am Jane Fredricks Req. by Janet & Leroy Emmons Gale Hassler Req. by Bill & Julie Doughty Jack Rose Req. by Pat Rose Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors Pennsville – 9:30am Conchetta Jackson Req. by The Jackson Family Selwyn Pruetta Req. by Dorothy Gathers & Family Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors Carneys Point – 11:00am Tony & Angie Gioia Req. by Children & Grandchildren Gale Hassler Req. by Julie McCoy & Family Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors Carneys Point – 5:00 pm Golf Tournament Memorial Sponsors FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11 Carneys Point – 7:30am Intentions of the Parish Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: ! Readings for the Week of December 6, 2015! This Sun: Bar 5:1!9/Ps 126:1!6/Phil 1:4!6, 8!11/Lk 3:1!6 Monday: Is 35: 1!10/Ps 85: 9ab, 10!14/Lk 5: 17!26 Tuesday: Gn 3:9!15, 20/Ps 98:1!4/Eph 1:3!6, 11!12/Lk 1:26!38 Wednesday: Is 40:25!31/Ps 103:1!4, 8 & 10/Mt 11:28!30 Thursday: Is 41:13!20/Ps 145:1 & 9!13ab/Mt 11:11!15 Friday: Is 48:17!19/Ps 1:1!4 & 6/Mt 11:16!19 Saturday: Zec 2:14!17 or Rev 11:19a, 12:1!6a, 10ab, Jud 13:18!19/Lk 1:26!38 Next Sun: Zep 3:14!18a/Is 2:2!6/Phl 4:4!7/Lk 3:10!18 Deceased Members of our Parish Family Kindly remember in your prayers those ! who are ill, housebound, or recuperang: ! Michael Pierre Catalano, Cynthia Chester, Kay Halter, Yvonne Haskell, Teresa Marini, Mariann McKamey, Edith Perlmutter PLEASE NOTE: Aer 4 weeks, names on the sick list are placed on the ! Perpetual Prayer List, posted at each church. If you would like a name ! readded to or removed from the bulle%n list, please contact the office.! HOLY DAY OFFICE HOURS:! The office will be CLOSED Tuesday, December 8th ! for the Feast of the Immaculate Concepon.! In Loving Memory of ! The Myers and Taylor Families 2 Dear Parishioners,! During this Year of Consecrated Life, Pope Francis has called upon the People of God to recognize the gi" that religious are to the whole church. The Re'rement Fund for Religious is one way for our parishioners to express their love for the sisters, brothers and religious order priests who have served here in the Diocese of Camden. This year the collec'on will take place on the weekend of December 1213.! The communi'es represented in this Diocese benefit greatly from this collec'on either locally or at Motherhouses located elsewhere across the na'on and every year, this collec'on brings in more than any other.! In 1988, Catholic bishops of the United States launched the Re'rement Fund for Religious to address the significant lack of re'rement funding ! for Catholic sisters, brothers and priests in religious orders. The Na'onal Religious Re'rement Office (NRRO), formerly the TriConference Re'rement Office, was established to coordinate the annual collec'on and to distribute the proceeds to religious communi'es in need.! The deficit in re'rement funding can be a8ributed to three primary factors: insufficient re'rement savings, rising healthcare costs and declining income. Tradi'onally, women and men religious worked for li8le pay. Today, a majority of religious orders lack adequate savings for re'rement. ! At the same 'me, the cost of care con'nues to increase, especially as older religious both outnumber younger religious and are living longer. ! Since 2009, the total cost of care for religious past age 70 has exceeded $1 billion annually and according to NRRO data, there are more than twice ! as many religious past age 70 as under. By 2025, it is projected that religious past age 70 will outnumber those under age 70 by roughly four to one. Income will con'nue to decline as more religious reach re'rement age and leave compensated ministry.! The annual appeal for the Re'rement Fund for Religious, which is taken up each December in most U.S. Catholic parishes, provides vital support to religious communi'es in mee'ng current and future re'rement needs. Since 1989, the NRRO has distributed $718 million to communi'es across the na'on, including almost $634 million to help underwrite the direct care of elderly religious. More than $84 million has supported efforts by religious congrega'ons to stabilize savings and to develop comprehensive re'rement strategies.! Over 93% of dona'ons to the Re'rement Fund for Religious aid senior religious; roughly, 7% are used for promo'onal and administra've expenses.! In addi'on to sponsoring the annual appeal, the NRRO offers assessment tools, educa'onal programming, services and resources that enable ! religious communi'es to evaluate and prepare for longterm re'rement needs. The office also coordinates an extensive network of volunteer ! consultants, including experts in eldercare and financial planning, to help communi'es plan for the ongoing care of senior members.! The NRRO is sponsored by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM), the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR), ! the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the United States Conference of Catholic hops (USCCB).! Gratefully, Sr. ! ! Carol! Queridos Feligreses,! Durante este Año de la Vida Consagrada, Francisco ha pedido al Pueblo de Dios que reconozca el don que los religiosos son para toda la iglesia. ! El Fondo de Jubilación de los Religiosos es una manera para que nuestros feligreses expresen su amor por las hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas que han servido aquí en la Diócesis de Camden. Este año la recaudación se llevará a cabo el fin de semana de diciembre 12 al 13.! Las comunidades representadas en esta Diócesis se benefician enormemente de esta colecta, ya sea localmente o en casas matrices que se ! encuentran en otros lugares a través del país y todos los años, esta colecta aporta más que cualquier otra.! En 1988, los obispos católicos de los Estados Unidos pusieron en marcha el Fondo de Jubilación de los Religiosos para hacer nota de la gran falta ! de fondos de jubilación para las hermanas católicas, hermanos y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas. La Oficina Nacional Religioso Re'ro (NRRO), ! formalmente la Oficina de Re'ro Tri Conferencia, fue establecida para coordinar la colecta anual y distribuir los ingresos para las comunidades ! religiosas que lo necesitan.! El déficit en la financiación de la jubilación puede atribuirse a tres factores principales: la insuficiencia de ahorro para la jubilación, el aumento ! de los costos de atención a la salud y la disminución de ingresos. Tradicionalmente, las mujeres y los hombres religiosos trabajaron por poco dinero. Hoy en día, la mayoría de las órdenes religiosas carecen de suficientes ahorros para la jubilación. Al mismo 'empo el costo de la atención sigue en aumento, especialmente el número de religiosos de la tercera edad es rebasado por los religiosos más jóvenes y están viviendo más 'empo. Desde ! el año 2009, el costo total de la atención para los religiosos que son mayores de 70 años ha superado $ 1 mil millones al año y de acuerdo a los datos NRRO hay más del doble de los religiosos que rebasan los 70 años que los mas jóvenes. Para 2025, se proyecta que el los religiosos de 70 años supere en número a los menores de 70 años en aproximadamente cuatro a uno. Los Ingresos seguirá disminuyendo a medida que más religiosos alcancen la edad de jubilación y dejan el ministerio compensado. ! El llamamiento anual para el Fondo de Jubilación de Religiosos, que ha sido tomado cada diciembre en la mayoría de las parroquias católicas de Estados Unidos, ofrece un apoyo vital a las comunidades religiosas para sa'sfacer las necesidades actuales y futuras de la jubilación. Desde 1989, el NRRO ha distribuido $ 718 millones a comunidades en toda la nación, incluyendo casi $ 634 millones para ayudar a financiar la atención directa de los religiosos ancianos. Más de $ 84 millones ha apoyado los esfuerzos por congregaciones religiosas para estabilizar el ahorro y desarrollar estrategias integrales de re'ro.! Más del 93 por ciento de las donaciones al Fondo de Re'ro ayuda religiosas en la tercera edad; más o menos, 7 porciento se u'lizan para gastos ! de promoción y administra'vos.! Además de patrocinar el llamamiento anual, la NRRO ofrece herramientas de evaluación, programas educa'vos, servicios y recursos que permitan ! a las comunidades religiosas para evaluar y prepararse para las necesidades de jubilación a largo plazo. La oficina también coordina una extensa red de consultores voluntarios, entre ellos expertos en planificación de cuidado de personas mayores y financiera, para ayudar a las comunidades a planificar el cuidado permanente de los miembros de la tercera edad. ! El NRRO es patrocinado por la Conferencia de Hombres Superiores Mayores ( CMSM ), el Consejo de Superiores Mayores de Mujeres Religiosas ( CMSWR ) , la Conferencia de Liderazgo de Mujeres Religiosas ( LCWR ) y la Conferencia de los Estados Unidos de Católicos ( USCCB ) .! ! Con agradecimiento, Hermana 3 Carol! ! Small Chris+an Community Faith Sharing! Please note that we put the following week’s Gospel passage in this space so you can prepare all week for proclamation of the Gospel the following Sunday. Faith Sharing helps ordinary people connect their faith with everyday life experiences. Excerpt from the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Advent, December 13, 2015 ~ Luke 3:10-18 The crowds asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?” John said to them, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, “Teacher, what should we do?” John answered, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.” All were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ. John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Commentary: John’s brand of advice may not have sounded like good news to those who asked for it. He urged the crowds to give away what they had in surplus to those who were in need. John basically told people to be generous and just, to clean up their acts, and to wait for the One who was coming just behind him. This is still good advice. Questions for Reflection and Sharing: 1. What is God saying to me in this Gospel passage?! ! ! ! ! 2. What word or phrase in this Gospel speaks to me?! ! ! ! ! 3. What word or phrase in the Reflec'on resonates with me?! The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: TUE, DEC 8th! SERENATE: Friday, December 11! The Solemnity of the Immaculate Concep4on ! 10:00pm Adora@on, ! HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE:! 11:00pm Praise & Serenade! Monday, December 7th: Queen of Apostles at 7:00pm! PARTY: Saturday, December 12! Tuesday, December 8th: Corpus Chris@ at 7:30am and 10:00am,! St. Mary’s at 12:00 Noon, and Corpus Chris@ at 7:00pm (Spanish)! 4:00pm Pilgrimage! 6:00pm Holy Mass! Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord!! ALL ARE WELCOME!! PENANCE SERVICE : ! Wednesday, December 9th! 6:00pm at Corpus Chris! This Advent, prepare a place ! in your heart for the Christ Child! The following is the schedule of Masses for Christmas. As in previous years, mul4ple inten4ons are permi5ed for each Mass. Due to the large volume of people who come to Mass at 4:00pm, and limited space and availability of priests & musicians, we have decided this year to have Mass at the DuPont Field House at Salem Community College. Hopefully, this will permit an even larger a5endance and a greater spirit of community as our parish family celebrates the birth of the Savior. The December mee@ng of the ! St. Gabriel the Archangel Senior Saints ! will be held Tue, Dec 15th at 12:00 Noon ! at the parish hall in Carneys Point.! The Oak Singers, under the direc@on of Charles Musser, will present a Christmas musical program.! ~ Christmas Eve Masses ~! Christmas dinner catered by DiPaolo’s Ristorante of Penns Grove.! Music Program will begin at 3:30pm! Members only cost is $10. For reservaons, call 8562990504. ! For more informa@on, call 8562995083.! Dec. 24 at 4:00pm ~ DuPont Field House! at Salem Community College! Dec. 24 at 4:00pm ~ Saint Mary’s! Dec. 24 at 6:00pm ~ (S#$%&'() Corpus Chris! ~ St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish ~! ~ Christmas Day Masses ~! Christmas Breakfast with Santa! ( M M)! TODAY! Sunday, Dec 6th ~ 8:3011:30am! in the Msgr. Rocco Connillo Hall ! Homebaked cakes will be available for purchase. ! $9 for adults, $5 for children 10 & under. ! Dec. 25 at 12:00am: Midnight Mass ~ Corpus Chris! Dec. 25 at 7:30am ~ Corpus Chris! Dec. 25 at 9:30am ~ Queen of Apostles! Dec. 25 at 11:00am ~ Corpus Chris! 4 Year of Mercy: A Spiritual Bouquet ! Mark Your Calendars!! 12/06 St. Gabriel Christmas Breakfast 8:30am11:30am! The upcoming year, beginning Dec 8th, has been ! designated by Pope Francis as the “Year of Mercy”. To pray in solidarity with the Pope, especially for ! the conversion of nonbelievers and the return of ! nonprac@cing Catholics, please fill out a “Spiritual Bouquet” form as a pledge of extra prayers or sacrifices in the coming year. Please indicate on the form if you would like to have the Divine Mercy Image in your home for a week in the upcoming year.! During the Year of Mercy, the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be recited every Wednesday in the Parish Center at 3:00pm. All are welcome.! 12/08 HOLY DAY: Solemnity of the Immaculate Concepon! 12/09 Penance Service 6:00pm! 12/10 Talk on the Faith! 12/11 Potomac Christmas trip! 12/12 Guadalupe Feast! 12/14 AC Casino trip! 12/20 Christmas Concert, Corpus Chris@, 3:00pm! TALKS ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH! 12/31 Parish New Year’s Eve Party ~ 8:00pm1:00am! Talks on the Catholic Faith are being held the last Thursday of every month. Offered in conjunc@on with the RCIA program, they are geared toward helping us ALL gain a be$er knowledge ! of the faith we are called to live. Fr. Chuck’s talk ! ! “The Sacraments” will be presented Thursday, ! ! December 10th at 7:30pm in the Parish Center. ! St. Gabriel Parish! Religious Ar!cles Gi# Shops! Just in 6me for Christmas!! Queen of the Apostles aLer 9:30am Mass! Corpus Chris@ aLer the 11:00am Mass! (Corpus Chris+: 1st Sunday of the month only)! Handmaid of the Lord Catholic Girls Club Girls ages 610: ! Every 3rd Saturday from 2:003:30pm in the Parish Ctr. ! FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY, ! please call no later than Mon, Dec 7th:! Peggy at 6784130 or Debbie at 2993394! Handmaid of the Lord Catholic Girls Club Girls ages 1117: ! Every 3rd Saturday from 12:303:30pm in the Parish Ctr. ! Men of Valor Catholic Boys Club Young men ages 1017: ! Join us every 2nd Thursday from 7:008:30pm in the Parish Center.! Please pick an ornament from the! ~ ST. GABRIEL PARISH GIVING TREE ~! Return your wrapped giE ! with the tag aFached! NO LATER THAN SUN, DEC 13th.!! For signup & more info, call Vicky Shields 8562998994.! ST. GABRIEL TRAVEL CLUB! Gis will benefit local families, ! Catholic Chari es, Cornerstone Pregnancy, ! and our troops overseas.! ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~! Potomac Christmas Trip Fri, Dec 11th, 2015! Tour Mount Vernon Inn, its halls decked for the holidays!! View the Potomac from a Windsor chair on the piazza. ! Visit Old Town Alexandria and the grand Christmas tree ! at Na@onal Harbor. Lunch at Mount Vernon Inn.! Your giEs will help to bless others ! with!a “Merry Christmas!”! All Travel Club reservaons, call Peggy at 8569350075! ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~! 3rd Annual St. Gabriel Parish ! ~ NEW YEARS EVE PARTY! ~! Atlan-c City Casino Trip Mon Dec 14th, 2015! Thursday, December 31st ! Msgr. Rocco Connillo Hall!from 8:00pm 1:00am! Leaves Salem ~ 8:00am, Deepwater ~ 8:15am, Woodstown ~ 8:35am Thank you for your con-nued support ... ! Join Us to Ring in 2016!! Tix $25/ea | BYOB | Dinner: 8pm, Sandwiches at Midnight! Food by DiPaolo's !| Music by "Joe Curiale"! ! ! !FOR TICKETS: Parish Office 2993833 or Lori Valente !2999587! CONGRATULATIONS to parishioner MIKE MESSICK ! who has been selected to be inducted into the ! Class of 2015 Salem County Sports Hall of Fame! COLLECTIONS RECEIVED BUDGET DIFFERENCE Week of: 11/22/15! $10,822! $11,538! $716! Week of: 11/29/15! $10,215! $11,538! $1,323! Total to date from 7/1/15! $233,383! $253,836! $20,453! Note: St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish Fiscal Year is: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Weekly collections and Budget amount do not include Christmas, Easter or Holy Days. 5 La Comunidad Hispana Diciembre 6, 2015 Segundo Domingo de Adviento (856) 299-0161 (856) 299-3833 Lucas 3, 1-6 En el año décimo quinto del reinado del César Tiberio, siendo Poncio Pilato procurador de Judea; Herodes, tetrarca de Galilea; su hermano Filipo, tetrarca de las regiones de Iturea y Traconí de; y Lisanias, tetrarca de Abilene; bajo el pon ficado de los sumos sacerdotes Anás y Caifás, vino la palabra de Dios en el desierto sobre Juan, hijo de Zacarías.! Entonces comenzó a recorrer toda la comarca del Jordán, predicando un bau smo de penitencia para el perdón de los pecados, como está escrito en el libro de las predicciones del profeta Isaías: Ha resonado una voz en el desierto: Preparen el camino del Señor,! hagan rectos sus senderos. Todo valle será rellenado,! toda montaña y colina, rebajada: lo tortuoso se hará derecho,! los caminos ásperos serán allanados y todos los hombres verán la salvación de Dios. ! ** Virgen de Guadalupe ** Solemnidad: La Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María Necesitamos de su Generosa Ayuda **SANTO DIA DE OBLIGACION ** MAÑANITAS SAGRADA MISA VIERNES DICIEMBRE 11. DICIEMBRE 8, 7:00 PM 10:00 PM ‘”ADORACION” 11:00 PM ALABANZA En aquel tiempo, el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea, llamada Nazaret, a una virgen desposada con un varón de la estirpe de David, llamado José. La virgen se llamaba María. Y MAÑANITAS. ~~~~~~ FIESTA Entró el ángel a donde ella estaba y le dijo: “Alégrate, llena de gracia, el Señor está contigo”. Al oír estas palabras, ella se preocupó mucho y se preguntaba qué querría decir semejante saludo. El ángel le dijo: “No temas, María, porque has hallado gracia ante Dios. Vas a concebir y a dar a luz un hijo y le pondrás por nombre Jesús. El será grande y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo; el Señor Dios le dará el trono de David, su padre, y él reinará sobre la casa de Jacob por los siglos y su reinado no tendrá fin”. María le dijo entonces al ángel: “ podrá ser esto, puesto que yo permanezco virgen?” El ángel le contestó: “El Espíritu Santo descenderá sobre ti y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra. Por eso, el Santo, que va a nacer de ti, será llamado Hijo de Dios. Ahí tienes a tu parienta Isabel, que a pesar de su vejez, ha concebido un hijo y ya va en el sexto mes la que llamaban estéril, porque no hay nada imposible para Dios”. María contestó: “Yo soy la esclava del Señor, cúmplase en mí lo que me has dicho”. Y el ángel se retiró de su presencia. SABADO DICIEMBRE 12. 4:00 PM PEREGRINACION 6:00 PM SAGRADA MISA. Si usted desea ser voluntario o ayudar con alguna donación, llame a la oficina o hable con el Padre Gustavo. TODOS LOS JUEVES DIVINA MISERICOR- De6:00 6:00pm pmaa 7:00 7:00pm pm !! De Queridos Feligreses! Si usted desea tener una intención especial durante la misa para un ser querido que falleció o alguna persona enferma, ya puede hacerlo con an@cipación, favor de contactarnos en la oficina de Martes a Viernes de 9:00 am a 4:00 pm y sábados de 9:00 a 1:00 pm o puede llamar al tel.: 856 2993833.! ¿QUE ES UN DIA DE OBLIGACION?! Días de obligación son los días fesvos en los que los católicos están obligados a asisr a Misa y evitar (en lo posible) el trabajo servil. ! La observancia de los días de obligación forma parte del deber de los domingos. El primer de los preceptos de la iglesia. Actualmente hay diez días de obligación en el rito lano de la iglesia católica. Sin embargo en los estados unidos se observan solo seis días ! El Padre Gustavo Agudelo, esta disponible los Miércoles o Viernes de 9 am a 5 pm o llamar al 8562990161. ! 6 Locally Grown, Locally Owned 10% OFF COUPON Join Us !"#$%&"'(%)*%+'%!"%,+-.-/*%+0$1%2()12(%3-1% 4)#5+6%71)#2(8%31-9%:;+9%'-%<=98%+#5% you will receive 10% OFF your total check! Wednesday-Saturday 12-9pm Sunday 12-6pm Weekend Entertainment 60 N. Railroad Ave., Pedricktown, NJ (856) 889-2121 RAPONE FAMILY DENTISTRY Julius A Rapone DDS Anthony J Rapone DDS David S Rapone DMD (856) 299-2818 Di Paolo’s Italian Restaurant 28 South Broad Street, Penns Grove, NJ Eve. & Sat. Appts Phone: (856) 299-4645 294 Harding Hwy., Carney’s Pt., NJ * Only one coupon can be used per check * Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion VOTED BEST DENTIST OF SALEM COUNTY P.O. Box 322 586 N. Broadway (Rt. 130) Deepwater, NJ 08023 856-299-1783 Fax: 856-299-5925 HASSLER LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS Logistics Management & Consulting 266 Shell Rd., Carneys Point • 856-299-1337 10 Village Center Dr., Swedesboro, NJ 08085 856-467-1704 Supply Chain Management 856-562-8178 856-299-7645 Mention this ad for FREE DELIVERY [email protected] IMMEDIATE CASH • • • • • FOR Gold, Silver, Platinum - All Forms Coins, Tokens, Paper Money Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Military, Collectibles, Antiques Vintage Toys PAT HASSLER, Owner 104 East Quillytown Rd Carneys Point, NJ 08069 HASSLER MONUMENTS Fine Art • Memorials Handcrafted For You Charles & Gale Hassler, Owners 15 Delaware Dr. • Salem Can’t Come to Us - We’ll Go to You! All Transactions Confidential/Bonded Call 800-720-7639 157B N. 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(856) 678-6609 856.299.8100 Income and age restrictions apply Bagwell Funeral Home, Inc. Service with Dignity and Honor C. Stephen Bagwell For Advertising Information, call KATHY BUCK at LPi today! 800.888.4574 ext. 3429 [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. NOVEMBER 5, 2015 2:45 PM Manager 131 S. Broad Street Penns Grove, NJ (P) 856-299-1611 (F) 856-299-7665 N.J. Lic. No. 3468 ST. GABRIEL THE ANCHANGEL, CARNEY’S POINT 03-0732 “Bert the Plumber” JAMES J. SUSACK, D.M.D., P.C. ALBERT D. RAPPA ! ! Providing the Latest in Pain-Free Laser Dentistry "#$%&'()!*+,-./'() *!0'1!23(4'/'3('() 856-678-7076 (856) 678-2033 7 Days a Week 856-299-2096 NJ LIC. #8310 Jennings EQUIPMENT & EXCAVATING, INC. Equipment Rentals with Operators Contract work also available Backhoes • Loaders • Rollers • Excavators Dozers • Skid Loaders • Mini-Excavators Fork Lifts • All Attachments !"#$%&'()*+,'-../0101 234&'()*+,'-../5++5 (800) 808-0887 Marc Adams, Manager, Funeral Dir. 151 North Broadway Pennsville Emily Abeledo-Adams, NJ Funeral Dir. NJ Lic.# 4410 William Adams, NJ Funeral Dir. Lic.# 2250 .60'789:%'6.';'<3=%> -6'?89@'A8BCDE ()*+,'.1*/)5F+ 315 Merion Avenue Carneys Point, NJ 08069 Call 856-299-0300 Lic.# 4687 Full Service Shoe Store & Shoe Repair Shop Rx’s Filled on premises Shoe Sale EVERYDAY Buy 1 Pair, Get 2nd Pair Half OFF or 15% OFF single pair. 210 N. Broadway Pennsville, NJ G3@'H'ICEJ:'A@9$K'7%L3C@ Our focus is on wellness ahead... 856-678-3132 Italian Kitchen & Roman Pantry Come in and see us 506 South Pennsville Auburn Rd Carneys Point, NJ 08069 One Friends Drive 856-769-4000 F 856-351-9232 Woodstown, New Jersey [email protected] Evasio R. Cagande, MBA, CIMA®, CRPC® Financial Advisor An Ameriprise Platinum Financial Services® practice An Ameriprise Financial Franchise 856-299-3300 856.305.3974 (856) 299-2121 111 South Main St. • Elmer, NJ 08318 Voted Best of Salem County 2003 – 2009 T 856-351-9222 “For All Your Lawn Care Needs” 18 Maple Ave. • Penns Grove, NJ 08318 ANTHONY’S SPECIALTY SHOES HASSLER REPAIR GARAGE Respecting Your Independence HUFF’S LAWN SERVICE ADAMS FUNERAL HOME Certified service on Saturday! !"#$%&'(#)*&+*,*-#./01#2#3%4'0#"56#2#7-&,089:#;%*,'<#$= We service all makes and models • ASE certified techs We Do Catering and Party Trays Call For Details: 678-2098 299-5257 339 Hook Rd. 447 Harding Hwy. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 141 West Broadway, Salem, NJ 08079 Tel: 856.279.2375 Fax: 856.279.2597 [email protected] CA Insurance #0D02520 Caring Hands | Caring Hearts Healthcare Monitoring - Activities & Trips Free Transportation - Social Services Meals - Physical & Occupational Therapy 53 South Broad St., Penns Grove, NJ Ph: 856-299-1111 • Fax: 856-299-5036 Ashcraft Funeral Homes JOHN G. ASHCRAFT - NJ LIC. NO. 3548 ALL CARS OLD TO NEW! Director Specializing in: • Automatic Transmission • Suspension Work • Minor & Major Repairs 47 STATE STREET • PENNS GROVE, NJ 740 SO. BROADWAY • PENNSVILLE, NJ 299-3366 93 E Main St., Penns Grove, NJ 08069 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. NOVEMBER 5, 2015 2:45 PM ST. GABRIEL THE ANCHANGEL, CARNEY’S POINT 03-0732
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