April 12, 2015 Pastoral Staff 209-835-4560 Ext. # by Name Rev. Msgr. Ivo D. Rocha, #108 Pastor Rev. Fr. David Dutra, #125 Welcome to St. Bernard’s Parish Page 2 Sunday of Divine Mercy April 12, 2015 Associate Pastor Rev. Fr. Chad Wahl, #156 Rev. Fr. Efrain M. Tijerino, #118 Rev. Fr. Charles S. Fermeglia, #112 Parochial Vicars Rev. Mr. Ray Whitlock 836-3194 Rev. Mr. Peter Ryza, #162 Deacons Jennifer Overby, #157 Administrator Marie White, #111 Office Manager Mary Correia, #102 Maria Esther Ramirez, #163 Parish Secretaries Leticia Gomez, #110 Receptionist Elvira Orozco, #189 Faith Formation Director Henry Correa, #121 Confirmation Director Stacy Hughes, #107 Faith Formation Assistant Remedios M. Barrera, #188 Spanish Pastoral Associate Leticia Villegas-Gomez, #128 Youth Ministry Coordinator Efrain Orjuela, #138 Music Director Steve Arena, #113 Stewardship Coordinator Sr. Marlene Sylas, #142 Ministry of Caring Coordinator Sr. Cecilia D’Mello, #155 Funeral Ministry Coordinator Sr. Cecilia D’Mello, #103 Eng. Baptism Ministry Coordinator Paula Yroz, #161 Liturgical Director Dulcina Serda, #140 Liturgical Assistant Patricia Paredes, #130 Principal Mary Costa, #131 School Secretary Sue Barnes, #132 Bookkeeper/Scrip Coordinator Karen Abelar, #301 Pre-School Director Larry Bettencourt, #135 Chuck Dubie Maintenance Supervisors Cristina Barrera, Sandra Parreiras Samuel Contreras Maintenance Staff St. Bernard’s Thrift Store 836-2498 OUR MISSION STATEMENT Expressing our love of Jesus Christ through the Eucharist, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and by living the will of the Father, we gather as one family, rich in culture and tradition, willing to share our gifts with all, and working together as we journey to the kingdom of God. OF ONE HEART AND MIND Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a real inspiration to those of us who have been Christians for a long time, as well as for those who are newly baptized. Can you imagine people of this world being “of one heart and mind” as was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of John seems to hold the key to how this can be accomplished. Keeping God’s commandments and loving all of God’s children seems to be the start of being “of one heart and mind.” We live in a world that stresses differences—differences among religions, among races, between genders, and among economic classes. Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in common on this fragile planet of ours. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. A Warm Welcome St. Bernard's Parish extends a warm welcome to our newest Parochial Vicars, Fr. Charles Fermeglia and Fr. Efrain Tijerino. We are a Parish Community that is known for being welcoming, and in keeping with this tradition, please greet them and show them our hospitality. You can find a brief biography of them on our website. The role of a mother is one of great privilege; to be chosen to share in a creative miracle and to bring new Saints to heaven. Mothers give of themselves endlessly in the nurturing and education of their children, that they may be a joy in this world and a glory in the next. On Mother’s Day, May 10th, all Masses will include the Mass Intention: “All mothers, living and deceased”. Envelopes honoring the names of our mothers will be lovingly placed in a basket near the Altar at the Church and Holy Family Center for the weekend. Their names will also be in the Bulletin. To have your mother remembered, living or deceased, please drop by the Parish Office to fill out the Mother’s Day envelope. A donation for each name is appreciated. The deadline is April 29th at 5:00pm. St. Bernard’s Parish Page 3 MASS INTENTIONS Church Holy Family Center DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, April 12th DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, April 12th 7:00 a.m 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. For the intentions of our Parish Family & people throughout the world. For the Souls of the Faithful Departed, especially those in most need of His Mercy. MONDAY, April 13th 8:00 a.m. +Moises Sousa Felix +Carlos Teixeira Sick & deceased members of Our Lady of Fatima society 5:30 p.m. +Mary C. & Rosemarie Silva +Manuel A. & Mary C. Brazil TUESDAY, April 14th 8:00 a.m. +Antonio Corsaro +All Souls Intentions of Diana Boongaling 5:30 p.m. +Teresa & Francisco Placeres +Sara Rodriguez +Valeriano Garcia WEDNESDAY, April 15th 8:00 a.m. +Ana Teixeira +Gilda Emhoff +Michael Villegas In Thanksgiving 5:30 p.m. +Luz & Adela Mendez +Jaime Yalung +John & Raulino Rita THURSDAY, April 16th 8:00 a.m. +Louie Saguiguit +Richie Morales +Virginia M. & Jacinto Silva 5:30 p.m. +Fr. John Kelly +Pat Selna +Martin, Felipe, & Glafira Rangel 3 FRIDAY, April 17th 8:00 a.m. +Manuel & Ana Vitoria +Agustin Boado +João, Maria, & Nivia Dinis 8:45 a.m. School Learning Mass 5:30 p.m. +Peter Abelar +Doug Conner +Maria Odete Silva +Joe F. Silveira SATURDAY, April 18th 8:00 a.m. +John Castro +Isabel Vega +Bob Reeves +Antonio G. Silva 5:00 p.m. +Egidio Martins +Joe Vargas +Manuel & Margarette Craveiro 7:00 p.m. Intentions of Jose Banales Intentions of Veronica Peñaflor 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. For the intentions of our Parish Family & people throughout the world. For the Souls of the Faithful Departed, especially those in most need of His Mercy. Second Offering Today, our second offering will be for the New Church, our “Building Together With Christ Campaign”. The generosity of our parishioners who continue to donate to the “New Church” Fund has continued to allow us to pay down our debt on the Holy Family Center. Thank you to them and all who have donated to this most needed project…...please continue to pray for our NEW CHURCH! Altar Candle Memorial The Altar Candle Memorial for the week of April 12th: In memory of David Geist, requested by Ida Geist & Family. In memory of the deceased members of the Minh Nguyen Family, requested by Minh & Mai Nguyen. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (Adoration Chapel located in Convent behind Church) “A Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration helps to bring everlasting peace on earth.” ~Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta To become an adorer or to inquire, call Anita Laspina (English) @ 835-3173 or Cecilia Garcia (Spanish) @ 346-3372. A CHEERFUL GIVER A cheerful giver does not count the cost of what he gives. His heart is set on pleasing and cheering the one to whom the gift is given. St. Julian St. Bernard’s Parish Page 4 Parish Activities HFC-Holy Family Center , LH-Large Hall, SH-Small Hall, MC-Ministry Center, LH Mtg. Rm.-Large Hall Meeting Room Sunday, April 12, 2015 12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. CYO-LH Couples for Christ-SH, LH Mtg. Rm. High School Youth Group-HFC Monday, April 13, 2015 2:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Classes-MC Rms. 1 CYO-LH Confirmation Classes-MC Rms. 1 Amigos de Dios-LH, SH Legion of Mary-MC Rm. 2 Spanish Altar Servers-Church Jr. High Youth Group-HFC Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Cantor Practice-Church CYO-LH Charismatic Prayer Group-MC Rm. 1 Confirmation Classes-School English Communion Practice-HFC Spanish Choir “Voces”-MC Rm. 2 Knights of Columbus Mtg.-SH Ultreya de Cursillo-LH Mtg. Rm. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Morning Social-LH Mtg. Rm. CYO-LH Spanish Communion Practice-HFC English Cursillo-SH Parish Choir-MC Rm. 1 Spanish Bible Study-MC Rm. 2 Misioneros Guadalupanos-LH Mtg. Rm. Thursday, April 16, 2015 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Cleaning for Jesus-Church Eucharistic Service at Astoria Gardens Our Lady’s Prayer Group-Chapel CYO-LH Confirmation Classes-School Renacer-Church Viento Nuevo-MC Rm. 1 American Heritage Girls-School, LH Mtg. Rm. RCIA-HFC Friday, April 17, 2015 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Eucharistic Service at Brookdale Mass at New Hope English Children’s Choir-MC Rm. 1 Spanish Children’s Choir-MC Rm. 1 Spanish Choir “ABBA”-MC Rm. 1 Spanish Couples-HFC SBS Father/Daughter Dance-LH 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Spanish Young Adult Group-SH Spanish Bible Study-MC Rm. 2 Saturday, April 18, 2015 7:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Confessions-Church Cursillo Sabatina-SH English First Communions-HFC Spanish Baptisms-Church Eucharistic Service at Tracy Rehab. & Convalescent Home Spanish First Communions-HFC Confessions-Church Tracy Interfaith Fundraiser-LH, K, LH Mtg. Rm. Spanish Day Care-Kindergarten Spanish RCIA-MC Rm. 1 12:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Morning Social Please join us for coffee, juice, and a light refreshment and fellowship. We will meet this Wednesday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Large Hall Meeting Room. Reconciliation Schedule Saturday 7:00 am to 7:45 am 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 St. Bernard’s Parish Page 5 Ministry of Caring God’s Gift of Life …. Baby Ruby Dituri born to Angelo & Jennifer! Baby Vanessa Jasso born to William & Alejandra! Love endures … Anthony & Gloria Souza celebrating 54 years on the 15th! Louis & Miriam Avilla celebrating 62 years! Tim & Elaine Bogetti celebrating 45 years! Roy & Mary Hawkins celebrating 45 years! - on the 18th! Lifting up to God for healing: ... those lately in hospital … Lily McWilliams, Carol Jaques, Jennifer Gabriel, Janine Vergara, Celia Gonzalez, Sandra Mesillas, Margarito Contreras, Maria Ortiz, Leopoldo Villa, Thomas Mathew, Loretta Oliveira, Jolen Peacock, Veronica Lourenco, Georgina Leonardo, Felix Leyva, Jesus Cisneros, Manuel Castro, Gloria Perry, Diego Cerano, Enrique Quezada, and at home/convalescent: Teresa Amaral, Janet Farmer, Mary Myers, Betty Brazil, Carol Louise Silva, Remedios Barrera, Rita Baretta, Betsy Parrillo, Regina Stevens, Liz Costa, David & Maxie Millingar, Margaret Tine, Mary H. Bacchetti, Vince & Donna Vaca, Tom Trujillo, Mary Coleman, Glorianne Piatek, Rose Solis, Katie Chavez, Alice Borges, Tillie Castellon, Mary Serpa, Luis Rosario, Eileen Morri, Inez Gomes, Eric Treiss, Connie (Peterson) Person, Frank & Josie Silva, Manuel Nunes, Vincent & Mary Ungaro, Joanne Tynes, Howard & Dorothy Silva, Martina Tan, Jack & Barbara Lawlor, Lou & Caroline Rotella, Minnie Martin, Lynne Hemmingsen, Bob Schneider, Aggie Deeds, Betty Turnley, Roger Elissagaray, Teresa Olasolo, Patrick Morse, Ida Geist, Bill Baier, Maria Zilli, Alex Miller, Mary Perry, Jose Carrasquillo, June La Bel, Diane Souza, Margaret Gonzalez, Carol O’Neill, Harriet Pereira, Ralph & Joyce Krebs, Aileen Connolly, Sharon Brown, Jose & Maria C. Salvador, Germaine Imhof, Zonda Hyman-Whitten, Gloria Martinez, Maria Kost, Salvador Sanchez Jr., Robert Palmer, Scott Coleman, Jessica Gray, Mike Mattos, Clarinda Da Rosa, Luis Correia, John Martinho, Pet Manacio, Candida Sarmento, Nerisa Castro, Veronica Magnan, Maria Dutra, Louis & Miriam Avilla, Dale Nelson Sr., Reggie Mersaroli, Jose S. Silveira, Jim Ennis, Gussie Owens, Omar Hernandez, Dana Hogan, Ted & Lorraine White, Peter Mazzoni, Maria Gaton, Monica Leal, Randall Lacey, Gilbert Gomez, Rosa Gonzalez, Mary Garcia, John Gomez, Maria Pothast, Janice Mattos, Joshua Ulloa, Edward Drysdale, Maria Sapiandante, B. R. & Carleen Costa, Shane Conner, Marcelo Tiangson, Alfonso & Dolores Grijalva, Alan & Joette Marks, Frank Garcia, Joe Peralta, Raeanne Judd, Cindy Anderson, Christopher Castellon, Jeanie Ferreira, Esther Chi, Diane Geipel, Desi Santos, Ted Sandoval, Louie Villalovoz Jr., Mary Reyes, Karol Morris, Delia Betonio, and those we hold in our hearts. Our beloved now living with Christ in a new way … Imogene Teresa Green and Delfina N. Velasquez. Remembered with love … Nella Bonomini RIP by Dick & Rosemarie Freitas, Pete & Charlene Reece. Kurt Perez RIP by Lorraine & Marvin Foster. Wedding Anniversaries need to be called in 3 weeks in advance. Names cannot be automatically put into this column without your authorization because of privacy laws. Please call Sr. Marlene for information or names to be added in this column. Join “Our Lady’s Prayer Group” on Thursdays in the Chapel from 1pm to 3pm for prayer. They pray for their families, our Parish families, the community, priests, and peace in the world. All are welcome! Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life Father in heaven, You sent us Your only Son to redeem us and to build Your kingdom on earth. Please give us the wisdom and strength we need to follow His call. Grant to the faithful a spirit of generosity, that vocations may flourish. Bless our priests with holiness and courage, that they may lead your people to Christ. Help all brothers and sisters to fulfill their sacred promises and so be effective signs of your kingdom. Lord, invite more men and women to Your service. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. St. Bernard’s Parish Page 6 Our Parish Community New Parishioners: Sacraments Baptism For Infant Baptisms, at least two months in advance is required. English: Sr. Cecilia, Ext. 103 Spanish: Remedios, Ext. 188 First Reconciliation For children preparing for their First Holy Communion. Elvira Orozco, Ext. 189 First Holy Communion For school age children (2nd grade or higher); this is a two year preparation. Elvira Orozco, Ext. 189 Confirmation For students 6th grade or above who desire to become a fully initiated Catholic; this is a two year preparation. Henry Correa, Ext. 121 Matrimony Registered parishioners should make an appointment at least six months prior to the marriage date. English: Deac. Pete, Ext. 162 Spanish: Remedios, Ext. 188 RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) For school age children, between 8 & 16 years of age, who have not been baptized; this is a two year preparation. Elvira Orozco, Ext. 189 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) This process provides you with the opportunity to explore your calling and become a fully initiated Catholic Christian or to help others do so. English and Spanish: Henry Correa, Ext. 121 Our Parish is blessed and enriched by the presence of new parishioners. Our prayer is that they will find in this place a home where they can bring their sorrows and joys, their pain and triumphs Welcome: March 22nd to April 2nd Bernardino Centeno and Family Manuel & Claudia Escobar and Family Keith & Thanporn Han and Family Miguel & Noemi Ibarra and Family Felipe Miranda and Family Rafael & Dolores Navarro and Family Crisanto & Juana Olivares and Family Williams & Maria Perez and Family Socorro Plascencia Adelina Salas WELCOME `````````````````TO OUR FAITH COMMUNITY Through the Waters of Baptism: Dominic Ezquivel, son of Esteban & Vanessa Ethan Christopher Ward, son of Christopher & Christine Raelynn Rose Evola, daughter of Christopher & Melissa Joya Albertina Freitas, daughter of Delberto & Elizabeth McKenna Brie Rickman, daughter of Michael & Brittany Owen Parker Price, son of Jeffrey & Shina Mallory Alexa Church Suastes, daughter of Mark & Olibertha May Ngoc Phan, daughter of Tuan & Huong Sacrament of MARRIAGE Congratulations to our newly married couples: February 14th Jose Luis & Maria Yesenia Amador Oscar Omar & Ana Maria Chavez Lino & Maria Arcelia Esparza Gerardo & Patricia Espinoza German & Maria del Carmen Vargas Jorge Alexander & Maria de Jesus Navarro Ruben & Gloria Armida Rojas Jose Luis & Ana Maria Valencia March 14th Richard & Zenaida Nuñez March 21st Jose & Betty Santana St. Bernard’s Parish Page 7 Holy Communion 2015 Schedule of Mass & Practice The schedule for your child’s Holy Communion Mass is based on the first letter of your child’s last name is as follows: If the first letter of your child’s last name is: A-L: Eng. Mass Saturday, April 18th at 9:00am at Holy Family Center Practice: Tuesday, April 14th at 6:30pm at Holy Family Center M-Z: Eng. Mass Saturday, April 25th at 12 noon at Holy Family Center Practice: Tuesday, April 21st at 6:30pm at Holy Family Center Dress Code: Boys: Dark dress pants (no jeans), white dress shirts (long or short sleeved), solid colored tie, dress shoes Girls: White dresses (must cover shoulders and be at least knee length), sensible dress shoes (heels not to exceed 1 1/2 inches in height, no open-toed shoes), veil is optional Religious Articles and Gift Ideas If you are in need of a gift for someone receiving 1st Communion or Confirmation, come in to the Parish Office. We have a new assortment of rosaries, rosary boxes and pouches, crosses, bracelets, a gift box items, all very reasonably priced. Due to space, our supply is limited, so come early to avoid disappointment. This Week’s Schedule of Classes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Regular session For Confirmation Easter Break For Confirmation No Classes All Programs Easter Break For Confirmation No Classes All Programs No Classes All Programs Confirmation Programs Current First Year Students: The 1st Year Confirmation Program Classes resume their regular schedule this week of April 13th. These classes are part of the program and mandatory for all students. The last day of class will be during the week of April 27th Registration Information for 2015-2016 If you are a new participant to the programs, you will need to attend an Orientation Meeting to obtain valuable information and a Registration Packet. (You will not be able to complete registration without a completed packet): May 9th: Orientation Meeting for "New" First Year Participants: Spanish: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Holy Family Center English: 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Holy Family Center May 16th: Open registration for all New and Returning Participants 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Fr. Fleming Hall St. Bernard’s Parish Page 8 Congratulations... …..to Mrs. Neder on her new position as the Principal of Our lady of Fatima Catholic School in Modesto. She will be starting next school year. 2nd Grade Teacher Vacancy for 2015-2016 The position begins August 1, 2015. Salary is determined by experience and units completed beyond a B.A. Teaching credential is required. All interested applicants contact the school for further information. Applications can be found at www.st-bernardschool.org. Please include application, resume, letter of interest, and three letters of reference. 165 W. Eaton Ave. Tracy, CA 95376 [email protected] Enrollment Information St. Bernard’s Catholic Preschool has begun open registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. St. Bernard’s Catholic Preschool is a nurturing, Christcentered Catholic Preschool serving children 3-5 yrs. old. Our loving staff is professionally trained and highly dedicated to the development of young children. We believe in the development of the whole child and provide curriculum and activities that encourage them to grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically. We provide experiences in the area of religion, math, science, music, cooking, art, dramatic play, language, and literature. For more information, email Karen Abelar at: [email protected] or call 209-835-8019. Safety in the Lord Please Note: There are Religious Education Classes going on in the early evening on Tuesdays. Please refrain from parking alongside the School. Cars parked there disrupt the dismissal process and endanger the safety of the students. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. CALENDAR OF EVENTS 4/12 & 4/13 4/19 4/20 4/26 & 4/27 Divine Mercy Sunday Prayer & Worship No Jr. High Youth Group World Vocation Day Edge Nights are open to all Jr. High students (6th, 7th, and 8th grade). We meet Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM at HFC on Valpico Road. LifeTeen Nights are open to all High School students. We meet Sundays right after the 6:00 PM Youth Mass at HFC on Valpico Road, 7:30-9:00 PM. World Vocation Day The weekend of April 26th is World Vocation Weekend. Come and listen to some great testimonies from our Parish leadership, like Fr. David Dutra and Sister Cecilia D’Mello. Vacation Bible School Adults Volunteers needed Vacation Bible School is beginning with the preparations for its Summer 2015 program and needs your help to be successful. The program is looking for adult volunteers who enjoy working with our parish children to teach them about Jesus in a fun environment. VBS is scheduled for June 8th to 12th. Registrations... ...will be held after the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, April 18th, and after the 10:00am, 11:00am, and 6:00pm Sunday Masses. Price for registration will be $25.00 with $5.00 off for each sibling's registration. For questions please call Melissa Lanthier at (209) 839-6726 or email: [email protected]. St. Bernard’s Parish Page 9 “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” ST. BERNARD’S 2015 GALA This year is the 12th annual Gala event that will be held at the Holy Family Center on May 16, 2015. All are welcome to attend this evening of fellowship, great food, entertainment and a décor that will inspire all. Please contact the Parish Office and an invitation and response card will be sent to you or you can come to the Parish Office to make your reservation. We are seeking donations that can be used for the Auctions. If you have anything you would like to donate from household items, yard items, sporting, children’s, women, men, or any theme baskets, we would be grateful for your donation. We are also accepting gift cards or event tickets. All donations can be brought to the Parish Office. FINANCE COUNCIL Msgr. Ivo D. Rocha Carl Navarra Mike Loscavio Mary Lee Garrett Arnaudo Frank I. Silva (President) (Chairperson) (Vice-Chair) (Secretary) Ann Silva Valerie Stroup Jennifer Overby (ex-oficio) Patricia Paredes (ex-oficio) Fr. David Dutra (ex-oficio) Fr. Chad Wahl (ex-oficio) Fr. Efrain Tijerino (ex-oficio) Fr. Charles Fermeglia (ex-oficio) Diane Traina (Chair) Miguel Chao (Vice Chair) Debbie Rinaldo (Secretary) Jim Abell Daisy Dabandan Alberto Estudillo Chris Martin Randy Pineda Jeff Ramsey Louie Serrato Lilia Vazquez Msgr. Ivo D. Rocha (ex-oficio) Fr. David Dutra (ex-oficio) Fr. Chad Wahl (ex-oficio) Fr. Efrain Tijerino (ex-oficio) Fr. Charlie Fermeglia (ex-oficio) LOOK Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, faith looks up. —Anonymous The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Serving St. Bernard’s Parish Help Us Help Others If you are in need of assistance, we can help. 209-835-4560 Strictly Confidential There’s a seat right here! St. Bernard’s is known for being a welcoming Parish. In keeping with this tradition, please greet & make room for others in the pews: move to the center when you see someone looking for a seat & put purses on the floor... they will be most grateful! The BMA funds the operating expenses of the ministries provided by the Bishop of Stockton, helping thousands of people throughout the Diocese. The continued success of the BMA benefits the Catholic services offered through diocesan programs, ministries, and leadership. The BMA results collected March 28th & 29th: Donors: 836 Pledged: $283,533.00 Collected: $175,315.00 Thank you for your sacrificial, supportive donations! St. Bernard’s Parish Page 10 13 SAVE THE DATE…APRIL 25 TH ... to benefit Pregnancy Resource Center of Tracy…… Join us at Lincoln Park at 9am for registration. The Walk begins at 10am. Pledge forms are available in the Parish Office or on Pregnancy Resource Center’s (PRC) donor website: www.donate.tracyprc.org Thank you for your support! Tracy Interfaith Ministries Annual Dinner and Auction HEAVENLY HOE-DOWN April 18, 2015 6:30 p.m. Fr. Fleming Hall $40.00 per person (table for 8 to 10 may be reserved) For more information call: (209) 836-5424 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat April 24-26, 2015 Has abortion left you with a broken heart? Experience the healing… Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild, and redeem hearts broken by abortion. The weekend offers a supportive, and non-judgemental environment to transform the pain of the past into love and hope. We encourage women, men and couples to attend. Space is limited. Sign up now! All inquiries are completely confidential. For Retreat details, contact Kim Fuentes: 209-465-5433 or email [email protected] Do You Look at the Advertisers Supporting Our Church Bulletin? Our bulletin is provided to our parish by J.S. Paluch at no cost! The advertisers that you see on the back of the bulletin purchase ads that cover the cost of printing our bulletin. We are very grateful to all of them. We encourage you to look at the many advertisers in our bulletin and patronize their businesses….let them know that you support them. Bulletin advertising is a proven, cost-effective method of advertising that is noticed by our Parishioners. It delivers a positive impression about the businesses. If you are interested in advertising in our bulletin, contact Mary Cortez (209-918-0558) for a special introductory offer! You’re Pregnant! Pregnancy Resource Center of Tracy is there to listen, care, and help. You can reach PRC at 836-4415 (24 hour helpline) or on the web at: www.tracyprc.org or visit them at 1039 Central Avenue (Open Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday 10am-4pm; Tuesday 2pm– 6pm; closed Friday through Sunday). You don’t have to face life’s questions alone. Explore your options…..PRC offers hope, help and healing. All services are free and confidential. We have several new advertisers in our bulletin….please be sure to check out their ads and pay them a visit! It is with the support of our advertisers that we receive our bulletin from JS Paluch at no cost. Thank you to all of our faithful advertisers!! If you have a business and you would like to advertise in our bulletin, please call Mary Cortez (918-0558). She has a special introductory offer just for you! CHRIST HAS RISEN Pro Life Corner “There are two basic truths that each person has to admit in this life: 1) There is a God. 2) It isn’t me. To understand these lessons is to understand why abortion is wrong. Only God has the absolute dominion over human life.” ~American Life League Where is your sting, O death? Where is your victory, O hell? Christ has risen, and you are overthrown. Christ has risen, and the demons have fallen. Christ has risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ has risen, and life reigns. Christ has risen, and not one dead rests in the grave. For Christ having risen from the dead became the first-fruits of them that slept. To him be glory and majesty to ages of ages. Amen. —Byzantine Pentekostarion St. Bernard’s Parish Child Abuse Prevention APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH HELP REDUCE ABUSE STATISTICS Nationally, more than 2 million reports of abuse or neglect of minors are made each year. Only a small percentage of child abuse is ever reported. Learn how to spot suspected abuse or neglect, and how to report it to the proper authorities. For more information, please contact Linda Dillen, Benefits Manager & Diocesan Safe Environment Training Coordinator, Diocese of Stockton, (209) 466-0636. Catholic Charities CalFresh Program Catholic Charities provides free prescreening and application assistance for the CalFresh program (formally known as Food Stamps). Benefits will help families/individuals provide healthy, nutritious food to your family. Call to see if you qualify. We assist with the following; *New enrollments *Case Follow-up *Semi-Annual report (SAR) *Annual Recertification *Fair Hearings *Verifications *Food Pantry Referrals Please call for more information or to schedule an appointment at 209-444-5944 or 209-444-5922. We offer assistance in the following locations; Stockton: 1106 N. El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95202 Tracy: 35 E. 10th St., Tracy, CA 95376 Lodi: 631 E. Oak St., Lodi, CA 95240. Worldwide Marriage Encounter (in the Stockton Diocese) Married Couples: Are you willing to spend a few minutes to find out about an experience that can make your good marriage even better? The next Marriage Encounter Weekends are: June 12-14 in Turlock and October 2-4 in Modesto. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: stocktonwwme.org or contact John and Angelica Angarita at [email protected] or 209691-0603. Page118 Page Pray for our Seminarians On April 18, 2015, Seminarian Ronald Manango will be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. Ronald’s parents will be coming from the Philippines for this joyous occasion. Pray in thanksgiving for the gift of Ronald and all of the seminarians studying for the Diocese of Stockton. Easter People We are Easter people and Alleluia is our song! ~St. Augustine Catholic Family Summer Camp Bring your family up to experience the beauty of nature and spirit together at our first annual Catholic Family Summer Retreat Camp. Enjoy faith-filled time together at Golden Valley Camp in Volcano from July 9-12. All costs for camping, classes, activities, and meals are included in these reasonable rates: Married couple-$202 Teens/young adults 13+-$116 Ages 9 to 12-$93 Ages 4 to 8-$85 Ages 3 and under are free. Call a.s.a.p. for a reservation form: Tracy or Deacon Ben Joe at (209) 957-1467. Holy Year Pilgrimage Bishop Stephen Blaire will be leading a diocesan pilgrimage to Rome for the Holy Year from June 1st thru June 11th, 2016. Visits to Venice, Florence, Assisi, and Orvieto will also be included. More detailed information will be available shortly after Easter. St. Bernard’s Parish Page 12 SU PALABRA EN ESPAÑOL El papel de una madre es de gran privilegio: ser elegida para compartir en el milagro creativo y traer nuevos Santos al cielo. Madres dan de si mismas sin fin en la crianza y educación de sus hijos, para que puedan ser jubilosos en esta vida y gloriosos en la que sigue. El Día de las Madres, 10 de Mayo, todas las Intenciones de las Misas incluirán la intención: “All mothers, living and deceased” (que significa: “Para todas las Madres, vivas y difuntas”). Sobres brindado honor al nombre de nuestras madres serán ubicadas en una canasta y amorosamente expuesta cerca del Altar en la Iglesia y el Centro de la Sagrada Familia durante el fin de semana entero. Estos nombres aparecerán en el Boletín Parroquial de ese fin de semana. Si usted desea conmemorar a su mama, viva o difunta, por favor pase a la Oficina de la Parroquia para llenar un sobre para el Día de Las Madres. Una donación es apreciada para cada nombre publicado. La fecha limite para los nombres es el 29 de abril. Segunda Ofrenda Hoy, nuestra segunda ofrenda será para la Nueva Iglesia, nuestra campaña “Construyendo Juntos Con Cristo”. La generosidad de nuestros feligreses que donan regularmente nos ha permitido continuar a disminuir nuestra deuda del Centro La Sagrada Familia. Gracias a todos que han donado a este proyecto tan necesitado…...por favor continúen a orar por nuestra NUEVA IGLESIA! Horario de Reconciliación Sábado 7:00 am a 7:45 am 4:00 pm a 4:45 pm LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Prevención del Abuso de Niños ABRIL ES EL MES DE LA PREVENCION CONTRA EL ABUSO INFANTIL-AYUDE A REDUCIR LAS ESTADISTICAS Más de 2 millones de abusos o negligencias a menores se reportan nacionalmente cada año. Solo un pequeño porcentaje de estos abusos es reportado. Para aprender más sobre este tema o de cómo repórtalo a las autoridades se puede contactar a la coordinación de entrenamiento de la diócesis de Stockton, (209) 466-0636 Hch 4:23-31; Sal 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Hch 4:32-37; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Hch 5:17-26; Sal 34 (33):2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Hch 5:27-33; Sal 34 (33):2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Viernes: Hch 5:34-42; Sal 27 (26):1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Sábado: Hch 6:1-7; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Domingo: Hch 3:13-15, 17-19; Sal 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lc 24:35-48 Adoración Eucarística "Una Hora Santa de Adoración Eucarística ayuda a traer la paz eterna en la Tierra." ~ Beata Madre Teresa de Calcuta Peregrinación de Año Santo El Obispo Stephen Blaire dirigirá una peregrinación diocesana del 1 al 11 de junio, 2016 a Roma para el Año Santo. Se incluirán visitas a Venecia, Florencia, Asís y Orvieto Una información más detallada estará disponible poco después de Pascua. Para preguntas o para convertirse en un adorador, por favor llame a: Cecilia García (español) 346-3372 o Claudia (español) 627-7905. GENEROSIDAD La generosidad no consiste en dar mucho, sino en dar a tiempo. —Anónimo St. Bernard’s Parish Page 13 YÉÜÅtv|™Ç wx Yx Horario de Misa y Práctica para la Primera Comunión 2015 El horario de la Misa de La Primera Comunión de su hijo se basa en la primera letra del apellido de su hijo y es la siguiente: Si la primera letra del apellido de su hijo es: A-L: Misa el sábado, 18 de abril a las 12:00 p.m. en el centro La Sagrada Familia Practica: miércoles, 15 de abril a las 6:30 p.m. en el centro la Sagrada Familia M-Z: Misa el sábado, 25 de abril a las 9:00 a.m. en el centro La Sagrada Familia Practica: miércoles, 22 de abril a las 6:30 p.m. en el centro La Sagrada Familia Vestuario: Niños: Pantalón de vestir obscuro (no jeans), camisa blanca, corbata color solido, zapatos de vestir Niñas: vestido blanco (debe cubrir hombros y llegar a la rodilla o mas largo), zapatos sensibles (tacón no mas de 1½ pulgadas de alto, y debe ser cerrado), velo es opcional. Elvira Orozco antes del 9 de marzo al 835-4560 Ext. 189 Artículos Religiosos e Ideas de Regalo Si usted está buscando un regalo para alguien que va a recibir la Primera Comunión o Confirmación, venga a la Oficina Parroquial. Tenemos un nuevo surtido de rosarios, cajas y bolsas de rosario, cruces, pulseras, unos elementos de cuadro de regalo, todo a un precio muy razonable. Debido al espacio, nuestra oferta es limitada, así que venga pronto para evitar decepciones. Horario de Clases para esta semana lunes martes miércoles jueves viernes sábado Sesión Regular para Confirmación Sesión Regular para 1er año de Confirmación No habrá clases en todos los Programas Sesión Regular para 1er año de Confirmación No habrá clases en todos los Programas No habrá clases en todos los Programas Programa de Confirmación Programa de Primer Año: Las clases se reanudarán esta semana del 13 de abril en horarios regulares. El último día de clase será durante la semana del 27 de abril. Información de Registración para el año 2015-2016 Si usted es un Nuevo participe al programa, necesita asistir a una Reunión de Orientación para obtener información importante y el paquete de registración. (No podrá completar la registración sin el paquete): 9 de Mayo: Orientación será en el centro la Sagrada Familia (12100 W Valpico Road, Tracy, Ca ) Español: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Ingles: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 16 de Mayo: Registración será en la Parroquia de San Bernardo (gimnasio) 8:00 a.m. - 12 del medio día St. Bernard’s Parish Page 14 SU PALABRA EN ESPAÑOL Clases de Diabetes Tipo 2 Gratis La Fundación de Recursos para Niños en Riesgo (CARR) ofrece clases de una hora de duración con educación e información básica en Diabetes Tipo 2. Las clases y materiales son Bilingües. Este proyecto ha sido hecho posible gracias a un auspicio otorgado por Sutter Hopital Foundation de Tracy. Un cuestionario inicial y final será entregado a los participantes como método de evaluación. Para mas información comuníquese con: Becky Knodt al (209) 482-6918 o Ginger Guadagni (209) 8152330. BODAS EN GRUPO Solicitud Ministerial del Obispo Como uno, haciendo la obra de Dios El BMA provee los fondos para que el Obispo de la Diócesis de Stockton pueda administrar los ministerios que ofrece nuestra Diócesis para ayudar a tantas comunidades. El éxito continuo de BMA beneficia a los servicios ofrecidos a través de programas católicos diocesanos, ministerios, y liderazgo. ¿Han pensado en bendecir su unión con el Sacramento del Matrimonio? La Parroquia de San Bernardo esta promoviendo la celebración de unas bodas colectivas, para parejas conviviendo juntas y deseen recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Para mas información por favor comuníquese con Remedios Barrera al (209) 835-4560 Ext. 188. (Cont’d) Resultados del BMA del la semana pasada: Donadores: 836 Donaciones: $283,533.00 Pago: $175,315.00 Gracias por sus donaciones de sacrificio, apoyo, y oraciones. Since 1999 We Do Catering CONSIGNED TAQUIZAS (Taco Party) FASHION, FURNITURE, DECOR & MORE 209-832-3020 209.833.3455 61 WEST 10TH STREET, DOWNTOWN TRACY Fax: 209-834-0691 912 & 918 Central Ave. www.2ndAveConsign.com (209) 835-1125 45 W. 10th Street Tracy, CA 95376 Steve Blutman BRE#01941878 Altamont Mechanical Heating and Air Conditioning V & F BODY SHOP 8066 West 11th St. Tracy, CA 95304 24 Hour Towing (209) 835-6828 Geraldo Melo 111850 St Bernard Church (C) “Energy and Environmentally Conscious” COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL Sales Service Maintenance Repairs Installations Replacements 209-346-2422 • 925-922-9965 CA Lic.#949952 Brenda’s Fashion Alterations www.altamontmechanical.com JOE’S 836-4766 SMOG SHACK & AUTOMOTIVE Foreign & Domestic • Diagnosis & Repair 500 E. 10th Street, Tracy, CA 95376 DJ SERVICE POWERHOUSE ENTERTAINMENT Dresses for... Wedding & Event Weddings, Quinceaneras Coordinating Bridesmaids, Tuxedos 209-599-9328 First Communion, Baptism New York Life Insurance Layaway System Group & Individual Life, Health, Disability Insurance, MON-FRI 10:30-7:00 p.m. Medicare Supplements, Retirement & Pension Plans, IRAs SAT 10:30-5:00 p.m. Oscar A. Anzaldo, LUTCF CA Lic. # 0652418 738 Central Ave. Tracy 835-2110 209-839-8506 My people will dwell in peaceful country, in secure dwellings and quiet resting places Isaiah 32:18 209-679-6074 [email protected] Insured/Bonded/Lic #12362 www.blutmanspestcontrol.com Pest Control Operators of California www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com 209-833-8590 (Across from DMV, next to Firestone) Tedra Torrice, Realtor 510-493-6802 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 2800 Auto Plaza Dr. Ste 130 www.AmericasMusicTeacher.com Patti Blahnick, Owner Brian or Sally, coordinators Carpet-Laminate-Vinyl-Hardwood Granite Countertops Senior Citizen Discount & Hero’s Discount LESSONS • SALES SERVICE • RENTALS Operator/Parishioner Special Discounts for Parishioners 860.399.1785 Family Owned & Operated, 30 Years Experience “Where Students Come First.” 1015 A Street 834-0744 4600 S. Tracy Blvd. Suite #118 Dr. D.K. Makker, Medical Director Veronica Yerian, R.N. Hablamos Español www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 M EMORIAL C HAPEL Hotchkiss Mortuary, Inc. FRYMatthew Simpson TRACY MASOLEUM COA561 FDR1878 FD-321 Tracy’s Locally Owned and Operated Funeral Home Serving the San Joaquin Valley Since 1927 Locally operated and serving your family with compassion and trust. FD1461 550 S. Central Ave. Tracy 836-1970 8842 W. Schulte Rd. Louis Campbell & Naomi Campbell Harold K. Reich’s Pharmacy 5 West Highland Ave. 835-4072 209-835-1832 39 W. 10th Street, Tracy, CA 95376 FDR 1216 Sixth Street Studio Tracy Homes = $$$$ The Housing Crisis Is Over! Top Dollar For Your Home Call “Your Local Realtor” John Keating PMZ Real Estate photography wedding | seniors | corporate event | quincenera www.sixststudio.com 209.834.1256 209-603-9326 SIX•ST STUDIO CalBRE #01862795 / [email protected] / www.jkeating.pmz.com OFELIA’S Authentic Mexican Food PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts • Tacos • Burritos • Quesadillas ➢ Price Guarantee Tortas & Much More ➢ American Made • Carne asada, lengua, caveza, carnitas • Chicken Mole • Menudo • Birria TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months • Camarones Rancheros y a la diabla DINE IN or TAKE-OUT Mon.-Sat. 8 AM-10 PM Sun. 8 AM-9 PM Closed Tuesday’s (209) 835-0852 3019 Tracy Blvd. (In the Food 4 Less center) Old World Travel Service Since 1981 Cst # 2058120-10 836-3570 Absolute Caregivers Locations: Locations: Sisk Road McHenry Ave. Vintage Faire Mall Oakdale Rd. “We come to you” MOBILE SERVICE 209-207-9679 CR ACCOUNTING SERVICES 10% Discount on Sundays Only Not Valid with any other Discount Coupon Bookkeeping, Taxes, Notary Caroline Rotella 209-518-1438 [email protected] Louie The Plumber CAVALLO RIDING CENTER 835-8357 FULL SERVICE BOARDING FACILITY Riding Lessons Youth Saddle Club, Trail Rides Mommy & Me Birthday Parties TRACY Custom Residential Commercial Remodel • Repair Lic. CL #753107 T. Pombo GAONA TAX & ACCOUNTING FREE CONSULTATION BUSINESS/PERSONAL Tax • Accounting • IRS Audits • Payroll BUSINESS/CORPORATIONS Start-up • Sale • Dissolution Notary Services SERVICIO en ESPAÑOL • 111850 St Bernard Church (B) 209.221.6999 In-Home Senior Care Mobility Assistance - Companionship - Personal Hygiene Light Housekeeping - Meal Prep - Life Care Consulting Incontinence Care - Med Reminders - Errands/Shopping Respite Care - Long Term Insurance 209-855-6376 (Insured, Bonded, Screened) 800-985-3080 Authentic Mexican Food DINE IN OR TAKE OUT (209) 832-5032 57 E. 11th Street Tracy, CA 95376 J.C Rego 209-855-6006 Refrigeration Heat & Air 3975 Canal Blvd., Tracy www.cavalloridingcenter.com find us on Facebook (209) 234-1937 Lathrop, Manteca, Ripon (209) 836-5353 Tracy JOHN C. REGO • Owner • Lic. #506594 ABALA PHARMACY 209-832-7080 550-B WEST EATON AVE. TRACY, CA 95376 www.jspaluch.com 24 Hour Emergency Service P.O. Box 1109 • Tracy, CA 95378 Haircuts for the young and the young at heart! $2 OFF ONE HAIRCUT 925.240.1337 PROPER CARE PEST CONTROL Professional Service & Great Prices 209-341-1610 10% OFF With Ad www.propercarepc.com Like us on Facebook & Twitter For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Homes • Short Sales • Property Management • Investments Cal BRE #01192207 Irene G. Woods 209.321.1834 Servicio En Español ARNAUDO BROTHERS Growers • Shippers Tracy Blvd. 2880 N. Tracy Blvd. Ste 3 Tracy, CA 95376 835-0406 209.833.7711 • 888.300.7711 Angeles House Cleaning A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Low Rates - Flex Schedule Family owned & operated Great References -FREE ESTIMATES- www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com 209-407-0527 Chavez Accounting Concepts, Inc. 10 Perfect Nails Complete Professional ✔ Enrolled Agent ✔ IRS Audit Representation ✔ Bookkeeping Nail Care ✔ Individual and Business Tax Returns ✔ Specializing in Small Business Services • Massage • Facial • Waxing • Eyelash • Extensions • Airbrush • Pedicure $18.00 • Manicure/Pedicure Pkg. $5.00 Off • Special Occasion Discounts Call for Special M-Thur Discounts 839-0342 1870 W. 11th St. “Fine Mexican Cuisine” Orders To Go 209/835-0863 7500 East 11th Street Tracy, CA 95376 (Truck Stop, corner of 11th & Chrisman Road) is the premium 68 East 11th St., Suite118, Tracy provider of Services Include: Up to 24 Hour Care • Hygiene Assistance • Live-In or Live-Out In-Home (209) 835-0125 Care Light Housekeeping • Flexible Schedules • Day or Night Care • Meal Preparation Services Rewarding Companionship • Errands/Shopping • Respite for Family Caregivers for the Experienced Caregivers • Temporary or Long Term San Joaquin Skin Care • Cosmetics ★ EMPLOYEE BASED ★ SCREENED ★ BONDED ★ INSURED Area! Barbara G. Chavez, EA Gary P. Chavez, MBA BRISTOL WEST Call For Free Facials • Business Opportunity Call Today for your •Executive Gift Services FREE No Obligation consultation! LILIA VAZQUEZ 835-5330 Specializes in health Eliminate Fat...Without Surgery Parishioner 403-2735 and beauty treatments No Pain ~ Non Invasive 3120 N. TRACY BLVD., SUITE E Angeline Njamfa for men and $49 1 Lipo Light Session TRACY, CA 95376 Independent Beauty Consultant women on the go Mention this coupon for introCall Now: Parent ductory offer 209-814-5445 Parishioner/School 209.476.1930 Script Available 209-836-0407 www.marykay.com/anjamfa Lipo Light • Infra Slim • Body Wraps • Facials AUTO • HOME • LIFE • COMMERCIAL (209) 952-3585 Memorial Art Co. Inc. Monuments & Markers Statues • Photos • Inscription Lettering for your cemetery needs Two Locations To Serve You TRACY 835-5506 www.memorialartco.com Dr. Francisca Acuman MODESTO 524-2821 SPECIAL ENROLLMENT ENDS 04/30/2015 ANAMARIE EMERY The Barringer Family 209-833-7777 Dentist Parishioner • Tagalog Spoken AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BUSINESS 209-836-0240 • Anamarie.com Emery Insurance & Financial Services Since 2002 • Lic #0D63036 4598 S. Tracy Blvd., Ste. 100 • Tracy, CA 95377 1-800-894-7282 $$ WANT TO KNOW YOUR HOMES $$ APPROXIMATE MARKET VALUE LOG ONTO: WWW.TRACYHOMEVALUE.COM M&M and Associates DRE #00959667 Parishioners 209-836-1290 2271 West Grant Line Rd. MONTESSORI on the PRAIRIE (A.M.I. Trained Teachers) To Order call NOW ENROLLING Vivian (209) 832-4489 or www.youravon.com/vconcepcion To Sell Call or Apply online@ www.start.youravon.com (code: vconcepcion) PIANO LESSONS Music & Movement Classes Patricia Mersaroli 209-481-8800 EWTN Radio 1230 AM Sponsored by Zills Tile, Inc. SER-MAR GENERAL CONTRACTING INC. Commercial / Residential Design / Drawings Engineering: Commercial Specialist: Custom Homes: 209-834-7147 Lic. #999149 Parishioner Since 1958 GIL SERRATO 111850 St Bernard Church (A) Specializing in Custom Blinds • Shutters • Shades in the New Facility 244 W. Grant Line Rd. www.MontessorionthePrairie.com 650-315-9803 for inquiries www.TracyBlindsEtc.com CA Lic.# 824765 (209) 839-1790 FREE ESTIMATES STEVE ARENA Owner/Parishioner www.meloconstructioninc.com TAQUERIA MAGUEY Mexican Food • Design / Drafting • Additions • Remodels Mon: Buy 1 Reg. Burrito Get 2nd. FREE Tues: Posole $5.00 • Commercial Wed: Tacos .75 Thurs: Mexican Enchiladas Combo $5.00 Fri: Tacos .75 • Plumbing 2242 W. Grant Line Rd. Ste. 106 209-832-1059 • Electrical Weekday Specials THE STROUP LAW FIRM A Professional Corporation GREGORY M. STROUP PERSONAL INJURY VALERIE C. STROUP FAMILY LAW • VEHICLE ACCIDENTS • HIGHWAY DESIGN/ROAD DEFECTS • DANGEROUS PROPERTY • DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS • DIVORCE • SUPPORT MODIFICATIONS • CHILD & SPOUSAL SUPPORT • GUARDIANSHIPS 835-9590 1030 Central Avenue • Tracy • www.strouplawfirm.com www.jspaluch.com General Contractor 209-835-7314 LIC.# 563250 [email protected] HAIR ILLUSIONS S A L O N 1884 W. 11th Street ~ Tracy, CA 209.836.1020 CERTIFIED HAIR COLORISTS www.hairillusionssalonintracy.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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