SAINT STANISLAUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER April 12, 2015 51 LANSDALE AVENUE, LANSDALE, PA 19446 Telephone: 215.855.3133 • Fax: 215.855.5478 Mater Dei School: 215.368.0995 • Religious Education Office: 215.855.9893 Email: [email protected] • Web: Like us on Facebook: St. Stanislaus Lansdale APRIL 12, 2015 We welcome all to join us for worship and invite you to become a part of our parish family. New members are asked to call the Parish Center to schedule an appointment for registration. Registration is required for admission to our programs of Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Marriage. Eligibility certificates for Sponsorship for Baptism and Confirmation are issued to registered parishioners who are practicing Catholics. Couples planning to be married, or those desiring to schedule a Baptism are asked to call the Parish Center to schedule an appointment to speak with a priest. The Parish Center is open Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 9 pm (closing from noon to 1 pm for lunch and 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm for dinner), Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (closing from noon to 1 pm for lunch), Saturday from 9 am to Noon and Sunday from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Priests are available after building hours for emergencies only by calling 215.368.0220. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is available in the Saint Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel. MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday Vigil 5:15 pm Sunday 7 am, 9 am, 11 am and 1 pm in Spanish Daily Monday through Friday 6:30 & 8 am Saturday 8 am, followed by Miraculous Medal Novena Prayers Catholic Mass in Sign Language 4th Sunday of the month in the Parish Center Chapel. Mass Interpreted in ASL 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, 9 am Mass in the Church CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD During 11 am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 8:30 to 9 am; 4 to 4:45 pm PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Philip M. Forlano Rev. Michael G. Mullan, LC IN RESIDENCE Rev. Gregory J. Hamill DEACONS Deacon Charles G. Lewis Deacon C. Stephens Vondercrone Deacon Raymond C. Wellbank PAGE - 2 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated Sundays after the 11 am Mass. Parents and godparents are expected to participate in a pre-baptismal formation session which is offered on the third Monday evening of every month, except August and December, at 7 pm in the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact the Church at least 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are reserved. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with Archdiocesan policy. Further information will be provided at the time of the meeting with a priest. PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Penny Mitchell MATER DEI CATHOLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Miss Diane E. McCaughan COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Leona Russell DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Peggy Dominick DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sr. Barbara McGahan, RSM DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Bill Wilson PARISH SERVICE MINISTERS Sr. Dolora Curley, OSF, Hospital Ministry Laurel Murphy, Pastoral Assistant Karen Smith, Pastoral Assistant 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Dear friends / Mis amigos queridos, Is belief in UFOs something you take seriously? For most people, the prospect of aliens up there in the sky, mapping our world is too much of a stretch. Despite claims of numerous sightings that date all the way back to 1290, the majority of us would not believe unless a UFO landed at our house. Otherwise it is just beyond our experience. This might help us understand why Thomas had such trouble believing that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. We aspire to be like the faith-filled disciples who saw Jesus in the Upper Room, but we are a lot like Thomas. We were not there. Thomas wanted proof. You and I – products of the scientific method – probably would consider it unreasonable to believe in resurrection until Jesus stood before us and we had the chance to probe His wounds. We, like Thomas, were not in the room when the risen Christ was there on that Sunday night. We may doubt that He was really alive and with us. Thomas had an advantage over us, however. Seven days later when Jesus returned, he was able to put his finger into the nail marks and his hand into His side. None of us have had that opportunity. The story of Thomas is a source of relief that doubts about faith are not “black marks” that God holds against us or makes God disappointed in us. In fact, it is a fact of the spiritual life. Doubt is not the same as lack of faith. Doubt can be a good thing when it leads to honest answers (which are not the same as actual proof). Thomas Merton said faith is not the suppression of doubt. It is the overcoming of doubt and you overcome doubt by going through it. The person who has never experienced doubt is not a person of faith. Thomas teaches us that sometimes true faith wavers. When Jesus went to Bethany to visit the dying Lazarus, his faith was unshaken as he boldly urged the other apostles to go with Jesus so they could die with them. He confidently expressed Jesus’ divinity after Christ’s own death (my Lord and my God). But in between these two declarations, Thomas does not seem so certain. He moves to a deeper level of faith by passing through doubt. Jesus respects his unbelief and invites him to intimacy. Put your finger here and bring your hand and put it into my side, Jesus tells him. Even though we will never physically touch the wounds of Christ as Thomas did, we have been invited into an intimate relationship with the divine. Doubts are welcome, but we must reflect deeply on them so as to deepen our encounter with the risen Lord. ++++++++++++++++++++ Since it was popularized by Saint John Paul II, Divine Mercy Sunday has traditionally been observed on the Second Sunday of Easter. The following overview of the Divine Mercy devotion is taken from the EWTN website and is provided for your information. Background of the Divine Mercy Devotion From the diary of a young Polish nun, a special devotion began spreading throughout the world in the 1930s. The message is nothing new, but is a reminder of what the Church has always taught through Scripture and Tradition: that God is merciful and forgiving and that we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness. But in the Divine Mercy devotion, the message takes on a powerful new focus, calling people to a deeper understanding that God’s love is unlimited and available to everyone – especially the greatest sinners. The message and devotion to Jesus as the Divine Mercy is based on the writings of St. Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of 600+ pages recording the revelations she received about God’s mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to the Divine Mercy had begun to spread. The message of mercy is that God loves us – all of us – no matter how great our sins. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. The message can be remembered by recalling A – B – C. A = Ask for God’s mercy. The Lord wants us to approach him constantly in prayer, repent of our sins, and ask for an outpouring of that mercy to the whole world. B = Be merciful yourself. Let Divine Mercy flow through you to others. Extend forgiveness and love to others just as God does for us. C = Completely trust in Jesus. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive. (continued on Page 8) PAGE - 3 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA APRIL 12, 2015 TODAY SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR “My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.” -(Diary of St. Faustina #699) All are welcome on Divine Mercy Sunday, today, April 12, to attend an extraordinary celebration of thanksgiving for the graces received on this great feast day. The Holy Hour will begin at 3 pm in the Church. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Benediction and time for silent prayer and thanksgiving. “All the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened.” (699) Today: Monday: Tuesday Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Acts 4:32-35; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 Acts 4:32-31; Jn 3:1-8 Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7-15 Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21 Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36 Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15 Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; 1 Jn 2:1-5; Lk 24:35-48 Sunday, April 12 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11 am Mass 10 am PREP @ School 11 am Secular Franciscans @ Cahill room 12:30 pm Martha & Mary Study @ Schade room 3 pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour @ Church Monday, April 13 7 pm Hispanic Music Ministry @ Cahill room 7 pm Homiletics @ Chapel 7:30 pm Altar & Rosary Society @ lobby room Tuesday, April 14 1 pm Senior Club @ lobby meeting room 6 pm CYO @ gym 7 pm Spanish Prayer Group @ McDonough & Cahill rooms & Chapel 7:30 pm G.I.F.T. @ lobby meeting room Wednesday, April 15 6:45 pm PREP @ school and gym 7:30 pm RCIA @ lobby meeting room Thursday, April 16 1:45 pm Legion of Mary @ Cahill 6:30 pm Confirmation Rehearsal @ Church 6:50 pm Bingo @ gym 7 pm New Beginnings @ lobby meeting room Friday, April 17: No meetings or events scheduled Saturday, April 18 8:30 am Confessions until 9 am 10 am Confirmation @ Church 4 pm Confessions until 4:45 pm Easter Prayer PRAYER MEETING The stone which the builders rejected has become the corner stone. This is the Lord’s doing, and we marvel in it. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad. "God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8 Our next prayer meeting is Tuesday, April 28 at 7 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Let's praise God for His abundant love, especially in this Easter season. -Psalm 118: 22-24 TREASURE INFORMATION Weekly Parish collection: March 29, 2015: $22,717* March 30, 2014: $16,810 Parish Debt Reduction collection: March 29, 2015: $2,540 *Contributed in 513 envelopes and 21 loose checks. March 30, 2014: $2,301 Easter 2015: $44,254** Easter 2014: $43,497 Easter 2015: $2,983 Easter 2014: $2,818 **Contributed in 734 envelopes and 38 loose checks. 85 parish families participated in online giving (EFT) during March, 2015 Major Bills Paid Since March 30, 2015 Payroll & Related: $15,131; Utilities: $7,888; Maintenance & Snow Plowing: $2,095; Printing & envelopes: $1,095 PAGE - 4 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday 6:30 am 8 am Tuesday 6:30 am 8 am Wednesday 6:30 am 8 am Thursday 6:30 am 8 am Friday 6:30 am 8 am Saturday 8 am St. Martin I, Pope & Martyr Deceased Members of the Vencius Family Requested by John Vencius Elizabeth M. Scrimshaw Stella Knipe (Birthday Remembrance) Requested by the Knipe Family Florence Migliaccio Requested by husband, Neil & Family Marie Pecharo (5th Anniversary) Requested by husband Robert Pecharo John Grady Requested by Helen & John McCullagh Louisa Warchol Requested by Daughter & Family Arenida Busciacco Requested by Josie & Gilda Giuliano Joseph P. Mattero, III Requested by Donna Rowe William Adams Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Koch Thomas Reilly Requested by the Family Sunday, April 19, Third Sunday of Easter 7 am Anna Gabel Requested by Walter Boguslaw 9 am Stella Knipe Requested by Joe & Peg Flaherty 11 am Thomas Hopkins Requested by the Family Miraculous Medal Novena Prayers follow the 8 am Saturday Mass. The Rosary is prayed after daily Mass. All are welcome. The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week for Family Healing and the Souls in Purgatory, at the request of Matthew Camporeale. No 2015 dates remain for intentions for the Church Sanctuary Candle. Beginning April 19, we will accept intentions for the Parish Center Chapel Sanctuary Candle. If you wish to have the Chapel Sanctuary Candle burn in memory of a loved one, or for a special intention, please come to the Parish Center during regular operating hours to make arrangements. An offering of $7 is requested. PAGE - 5 Please pray for the sick who carry the cross of illness especially: Daniel Abaldo, Jim Algeo, Sister Ann Teresa, RA, Lydia Brinker, Joe Burns, Helen Daly, Bernadette Donnelly, Hugh Donnelly, Robert F. Eckler, Jack Feeney, Rita Field, Glenn Gausz, Maria Hatonek, Patricia Hendricks, Justin Laing, Ann Loeffler, Stanley Meade, Margaret Mindell, Noreen Mullin, Jay Murphy, Edward Nemchik, James O’Neill, Phyllis Owoc, Frances Piper, Betsey Powers, Frank Rieg, Pauline Sabia, Lucille Salerno, Joseph Sandone, David Stewart, Ken Tucker, Thomas Van Bell, Frank Yevak, Michael Joseph Victor, Bill Yourl. If you wish to place a particular family member or friend on the Bulletin list for a period of three weeks, please call Maureen Fillenwarth or Karen Smith at the Parish Center, 215.855.3133. If you wish to place a name on our Prayer Line, contact Meg Szewczak at 215.997.8386 or [email protected], or Karen Smith at the Parish Center. WE REMEMBER OUR DECEASED: Our parish family expresses prayerful condolences to the loved ones of Chris Falkenstein, Marty Fallon, Samuel Lawn, Johanna Mitchell, Nancy Skotarczak. WEDDINGS We extend our best wishes and promise of prayers to St. Stanislaus parishioners who are preparing for marriage, especially: Daniela Pisinski and Timothy Schaffer Cara Bauder & Sean Bonner INVITATION TO MSGR. RICCI’S JUBILEE You are cordially invited to join Reverend Monsignor Philip C. Ricci in celebration of his 50th Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood with a Mass of Thanksgiving, Sunday, May 24 at 3 pm at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church in North Wales. Dinner reception immediately following Mass in the Catholic Education Center. Msgr. Ricci served as parochial vicar here at St. Stanislaus from 1968 to 1974. Please RSVP by May 1 to 215.362.7400 or [email protected]. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA APRIL 12, 2015 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. -John 8:31-32 Give thanks and praise to the Lord and spend an hour with Jesus. Hours of Need Sunday: 4 am and 11 am Saturday 10 pm These are IMMEDIATE URGENT NEEDS; no one is currently scheduled for these hours. Please call Sue Gillen if you can help. We are always in need of committed adorers and substitutes. For more information contact Sue Gillen at 215.362.8643 or [email protected]. DVD CLASS: CATHOLIC IDENTITY: CELEBRATE THE DIFFERENCE This program explores our Catholic understanding of the Human Person, God and the Church via a series of DVD’s and small group discussion and incorporates the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults. All are invited. Teachers and catechists can get religion credits for attending. This will be a 3session program on May 11, 18 & 26. There are 2 options: 4-6:30 pm OR 6:30-9 pm. Fr. Chris Walsh is the presenter on the DVD (Leona Russell to facilitate). Advance registration is required. The cost is $25. To register, go to: catechetical/DVD/catholicidentity.htm. MORNING REFLECTION ON THE HOLY EUCHARIST On Saturday April 25 Father Michael Mullan will present a morning reflection on “7 secrets of the Holy Eucharist” after the 8 am Mass. We will gather in the Parish Center lobby meeting room after Mass. Refreshments provided. Everyone is invited, and please bring a friend! PAGE - 6 Thank you so much for your generosity to our Parish Food Cupboard during the April Food Collection last weekend. At our food cupboard distributions for the first quarter of 2015 (January, February and March), you enabled us to give out 211 bags of groceries, serving 228 people. A most caring and effective response to needs in our local community! We appreciate all you provide, and so do our less fortunate brothers and sisters here in Lansdale. So thank you all very much. And a special thank you for those who help carry all the donations down to the Food Cupboard! May God abundantly bless you and your families, especially during this Blessed Easter Season! With gratitude, Sister Barbara G.I.F.T. (GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER) APRIL 14, 7:30 PM, LOBBY MEETING ROOM We are pleased to welcome our own Fr. Michael Mullan who will speak to us on Keeping God in Family Life. In the lead up to the World Meeting of Families in September, Fr. Michael wishes to share from his own experiences not a "magical formula" but rather simple elements that can go a long way to keep God in family life during an age when that value is quite challenged. It isn´t simply a matter of praying. Many more elements go into it. Fr. Michael will sum it up with 10 catchy ways that might just help keep God in the family-craziness. MAY 4, 7:30 PM, LOBBY MEETING ROOM We are most pleased to welcome Catholic artist Mr. Neilson Carlin who will speak to us on Sacred Art. Mr. Carlin has devoted his talents and career to serving the Church, specializing in commissioned sacred and devotional art. Most recently, he is credited with painting the Icon image of the Holy Family for the World Meeting of Families this September. All are welcome! Light refreshments will follow. Save the Date: Mater Dei's Vacation Bible School, Catholic Kidz CampThe Vatican Express! takes place June 22- June 26, and is open to all children completing PreK3 through Grade 4. More details soon! 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Mater Dei Matters “It’s What’s Inside That Matters” For information on Mater Dei Catholic School call 215.368.0995, email [email protected] or visit Congratulations to the following Mater Dei students for achieving honors in the second trimester: Principal’s Honors: Colton Bauder, Matthew Harryn First Honors Patrick Coyle Simon DiDomenico Nevaeh Lombardo Anton Meyer Charles Bautista Audrey Cutajar Grace Gola Benjamin Herron Robert Macartney Nadia Vangeli Colin Young Madalyn Berry Vito Leone Jason Mattera John O'Donell John Rhines Amanda Albanesius Abigail Benner Matthew Martino Aidan Moore Dana Pezzuti Andrew Robinson Isabella Trotter Stephen Esterle Gregory Cutajar Sarah Holland Victoria Borlando Hannah Conley Rose Concepcion Jenifer Cronin Marleena Detweiler David McCabe Grace Wilson Second Honors Sophia Carlo Dean Corrado Jessica Dang Autumn DeBoer Ezekiel Wagner Morgan Yaich Rosa Zito Sydney Campbell Natalie Colibraro Alison Dougherty Daniel Fitzgerald Emily Greene Kylie Magarity Angelena Antenuci Abigail Cashley Philip Colonna Brendan Keyser Elizabeth Mozi Robert Romano Julia Ussai Jack Herman Ryan Meagher Zachary Peikin Abigail Pepka Mia Rosenberger Courtney Woehlcke Isabella Carlo Kiley DeVico Molly Eckert Kathryn Fuchs Caitlin McNamara Grace Vesey Emily Cooper Margaret Kell Erin McKenna Mater Dei Open House at Saint Maria Goretti On Sunday, April 19, Mater Dei will be hosting an Open House for our Preschool and Kindergarten Programs through grade 8 after the 9:30 and 11:30 am Masses in Drexel Hall. St. Stanislaus parishioners are welcome to attend. Registration/Information for All Grades Mater Dei is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year and classes are filling fast! We have two kindergartens filled for the 2015-16 school year and may open a third! Please let us know if you have a kindergarten student who might want to attend Mater Dei in the Fall. Our Pre-K Four Year Old Program is expanding to two classrooms and both are almost filled! “Shadow Days” are also available for students in Grades 1 through 8. Please contact the Advancement Office for more information or to schedule a visit at 215.368.9787 or [email protected]. Marketing/Research Internship Available Mater Dei’s Advancement Office is currently seeking a college intern to help build and market its “Alum Connection.” Although the internship is unpaid, this is a ground floor opportunity to develop and implement this program with the Advancement Office. Approximately 20 hours per week beginning in May. Please email your resume to Grace Samanns at [email protected]. St. Rose of Lima Dance The next St. Rose of Lima dance is scheduled for Friday, April 17. The dance will be at SRL in the Lumen Christi Center, from 7:30 pm to 10 pm. Tickets are $8 each for pre-sale. Only 6th, 7th and 8th grade St. Rose of Lima CCD, Parish Academy and Mater Dei Catholic School students are eligible for the pre-sale of tickets. The pre-sale of tickets will be Thursday, April 16, in the SRL Parish Center lobby from 7 pm to 8 pm. All other 6th, 7th and 8th grade students can buy tickets at the door the night of the dance for $10 with proper school I.D. Proper dress required for all students. PAGE - 7 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA APRIL 12, 2015 Coordinator of Religious Education (PREP): Mrs. Leona Russell Office Phone Number: 215.855.9893; Email: [email protected] Confirmation is NEXT Saturday! April 16 – Rehearsal 6:30 – 8 pm – both Candidates & Sponsors must attend – We will meet in the Church. (If a sponsor is not available for the rehearsal, a parent may stand in at the rehearsal to pass along instructions to the sponsor prior to the Confirmation Mass.) April 18 – Rite of Confirmation – 10 am Mass to be celebrated by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. Candidates and sponsors report to the school gym at 9 am to lineup before Mass. The candidates and sponsors will be processing into the church at 9:45 am, prior to the start of Mass. All guests should be seated at that time. PREP Registration for 2015-2016 Registration will begin on April 15. Forms for active PREP families will be pre-printed and available for you to review during PREP classes on April 15, 22, 26 & 29. Tuition paid by May 1 will receive a discount! Registration will be held in the school gym on the Wednesday dates. The gym doors will remain open during the session on these dates for the parents to come in and register for next year. NEW families are also welcome to come in to register during the PREP sessions or may stop in the PREP office on or after April 15 during regular PREP office hours to sign up or to get more information. PREP is open to students in grades K through 8. There are two session options: Wednesday evenings from 6:45 – 8 pm, OR Sunday mornings from 10:15 – 11:30 am (meets twice a month and also has a home-school component) Youth Minister: Mrs. Peggy Dominick; Phone: 215.855.3133; Email: [email protected]; Web:, Youth Ministry tab FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: SEARCH ST STANS YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH NEWS Manna on Main Street: All 6th to 8th graders are invited to help serve the evening meal from 3:30 pm to 6 pm at Manna on Main Street on Tuesday, April 14. Permission forms required; contact Mrs. Dominick. Regional Kairos Retreat: Attention students in Grades 11 & 12 in a public or private high school: Are you interested in attending a Regional Kairos Retreat? Dates are July 23-26. Information is available at http:// What a wonderful way to enrich your faith with other youth!!! Living the Message of Mercy Pastor’s Message continued from Page 3 The devotional practices revealed by Saint Faustina in her diary were given as "vessels of mercy" through which God's love can be poured out upon the world, but they are not sufficient in themselves. It is not enough for us to hang the Divine Mercy image in our homes or churches, pray the Chaplet every day at three o'clock, and receive Holy Communion on the first Sunday after Easter. We also have to show mercy to our neighbors. Putting mercy into action is not an option of the Divine Mercy Devotion; it's a requirement! St. Stanislaus Church will have a Divine Mercy Holy Hour (with sacramental confession) this Sunday starting at 3 pm. All are welcome. HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE! PAGE - 8 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY SENIOR CLUB Meetings: April 14 and 23, 1 pm in the Parish Center lobby meeting room. Trips: Call Rosemary at 215.368.4645 for information and/or reservations. Monday, April 13, Tropicana Casino in Atlantic City. The bus leaves at 9:30 am. Sold out Wednesday, May 13, Doolans in Spring Lake, NJ for “Legends in Music,” featuring the music of Neil Diamond, Patsy Cline & Judy Garland. The cost is $70/ pp and includes motor coach, l hour open bar, complete luncheon (choice of 3 entrees), show and ALL taxes & gratuities. Seats available. May 18 to May 22, Montreal & Quebec, Canada, 5 days/4 nights. Sold out. Tuesday, June 16, River Lady Lunch Cruise & Smithville, NJ. The bus leaves the parking lot at 8:45 am. Wait List only. Tuesday, September 15, Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in Hampton, NJ. The cost is $72/pp and includes motor coach, sit down luncheon, dessert buffet, Andrew Bergman’s Broadway hit play “Social Security”. The bus leaves the parking lot at 9:15 am. October 13-16, Cape Cod, Provincetown, Plymouth for 4 days/3 nights. The cost is $430/pp double occupancy and includes 3 full breakfasts & dinners, baggage handling, taxes, tips. CALL FOR BROCHURE. NOTE: The MARCH 20 trip cancelled due to snow has been rescheduled for Doolans Christmas Show on December 4, 2015. Shop For a Cause With Catholic Relief Services and Ten Thousand Villages on Friday, April 17! Catholic Relief Services and Ten Thousand Villages are holding a community shopping event on Friday, April 17 at all stores, including the store located in Souderton. Ten Thousand Villages is an official fair trade retailer of uniquely hand-crafted items made by disadvantaged artisans in 38 countries across the globe. Buy beautiful fair trade art, jewelry, clothing, and home décor and stock up on unique gifts for Mother’s Day, Confirmation, First Communion, and Graduation. Fifteen percent of proceeds from your purchase will go to the CRS Fair Trade Fund to benefit artisans and farmers overseas. For more information and store hours visit or contact [email protected]. PAGE - 9 Spring is here! Can summer, and the Parish Festival Garage Sale, be far behind? Please keep this in mind as you do spring cleaning, or plan to downsize or clean out a house. Your items can be recycled here for someone else to reuse, and be a source of finance for our parish. Thank you for all you have done to make the Festival Garage Sale a success each year! SAINT FAUSTINA: MESSENGER OF DIVINE MERCY Saint Faustina: Messenger of Divine Mercy, the moving, live production performed by actress Maria Vargo and directed by Leonardo Defilippis of Saint Luke Productions, will be presented at St. Philip Neri Parish Hall on Sunday, May 17 at 7 pm. The event is sponsored by St. Philip Neri Catholic Family Life Center. Experience firsthand the life and message of Saint Faustina whose personal encounters with Jesus have inspired a world-wide devotion to Christ’s Divine Mercy. This drama brings audiences a riveting modern story that makes Divine Mercy remarkably relevant and urgent for our world today. The program is filled with all the elements of professional theater, runs 90 minutes, and is suitable for ages 13 and up. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for youth ages 6-15, or $25 for families of 4 or more. Preregistration required. For tickets or information, contact Tom Dewees at St. Philip Neri Catholic Family Life Center, 215.679.2237 or [email protected] or FIRST ANNUAL ARCHDIOCESAN MAY PROCESSION Families are invited to celebrate Mary, the Mother of Families at the Cathedral Basilica of Ss. Peter and Paul on Sunday, May 3 at 2 pm. The procession begins with a Liturgy of the Word in the Cathedral followed by an outdoor May Procession, Rosary and Crowning of Our Blessed Mother. Signs and banners are welcome! First Communicants are invited to wear their suits or dresses. Mary’s Court for Crowning will be selected from brief essays submitted by individuals or families entitled: “Why My Family Calls Upon Mary.” For more information visit SAVE THE DATE: MONDAY, MAY 4 Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, comes to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Doylestown, to talk about life, death, and social justice. Don’t miss it! 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA APRIL 12, 2015 2 DOMINGO DE PASCUA – LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA 12 DE ABRIL DE 2015 Abrid vuestro corazón con alegría, y dad gracias a Dios. Intención de la misa: (Para ofrecer una misa por una intención anunciada, hable con Padre Forlano) 1) Hch 4, 32-35 2) 1 Juan 5, 1-6 Lecturas del Domingo Salmo 117, 2-4. 16ab-18. 22-24 Den gracias al Señor porque es bueno, porque es eterna su misericordia. 3) Jn 20, 19-31 Reflexión acerca de la misericordia Misericordia:Virtud que inclina el ánimo a la compasión y al perdón. - Justicia:Virtud que nos inclina a dar a cada uno lo que le pertenece. Pena o castigo público. Castigo de muerte. “Si hablamos de misericordia es válido asentar que es el atributo más grande de Dios. La misericordia es el fruto del amor, y del amor de Dios no hay quien pueda dudar. La primera manifestación del amor misericordioso de Dios lo vemos plasmado en el proto-evangelio. (proto = primero) Dios se conduele de sus hijos caídos en pecado y ofrece la redención a través de su Hijo Unigenito, y aqui podríamos decir: "El amor misericordioso tomó carne y habitó entre nosotros". Creo que todos recordamos pues, que Jesús nuestro Señor ya vino a hacer "Su parte", por así decirlo, en nuestra redención y el resto es tarea nuestra, pero Dios sabe y conoce nuestra condición de pecadores, infieles, ingratos, olvidadizos. El sabe de qué barro estamos hechos, y sabe también que somos propensos a caer y a quedarnos caídos, y como El es la misericordia misma, y como Su amor es eterno y fiel, a 2000 años de su primera venida a este mundo, trabaja actualmente para ayudarnos a preparar Su segunda venida. "Según San Ignacio de Loyola, cuando Dios mira al mundo vé en él mucho pecado y por eso decide: Hagamos redención" Sin duda alguna, en este tiempo, el mayor mal que nos aqueja, la enfermedad más mortal que padecemos y la causa de todo el dolor que la humanidad padece es: la falta de amor, o desamor. Falta de amor a Dios, al semejante, y hasta a sí mismo. A lo largo y ancho de la tierra vemos una falta total de valores morales, la familia cada vez mas amenazada con su total destrucción, una soledad cada vez mayor no obstante vivir en una de las ciudades más pobladas. Y claro, si no hay amor, menos se ve su fruto, la misericordia. Muy pocos se conduelen del hermano en desgracia y menos aún quieren compartir lo que a ellos Dios generosamente les otorga, con los que menos tienen. Es una lucha tenaz por poseer, es una carrera vertiginosa en pos del oropel y de todo lo falso y vano que el mundo ofrece. Solo se busca el disfrute de los goces pasajeros, y para Dios, no hay tiempo, todo es vanidad de vanidades, como dice el Eclesiastés. ¡Oh humanidad ciega y dura de corazón!, ¿acaso te crees eterna?, ¿ya olvidaste que traes el pecado, la enfermedad y la muerte como única cosa cierta en tu vida?” Fuente: Libro Misericordia y Justicia, Sor María Piedad D. R. Servidora de la Misericordia. Por favor, rueguen por los enfermos. Hernan Dario Murillo, Emma Pedroza, Nick Dion, Carlos Erazo, Minerva Montaño Abonza, Padre Orlando Carmona, Aurora Millan, Carlos Benavides, Max Ho Morales, Benjamin Hernandez, Saulo Guarin, Victor Alarcou, Analiz Florez, Roman Rivera, Magdalena Mendoza, Concepción Sampeño, Yeinaldo Benitez, Elsa Roig, Esteban Tellez, Guadalupe Salinas, Imelda Peña, Josefina D’Hoy, Eliseo Berrio, Edwin Anglero, Manuel Hernandez, Marylin Alvarez, Filigonio Gomez, Viviana Aviles, Adela Alvarez Aguilar, José Santiago. Escriba los nombres en la hoja de peti- ciones antes de la misa, y aquí se incluirán en el boletín la semana que viene. PAGE - 10 ACTIVIDADES Y FORMACIÓN EN LA FE “La Virgen Peregrina.” Un retablo de la Virgen de Guadalupe está viajando por los hogares de la comunidad. Es una oportunidad maravillosa para acercarnos a ella en familia. Para registrar su familia por una semana, llamar a Carlos Z. (954) 309-1771. Grupo de Oración se reúne todos los martes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla en el centro parroquial. Para más información, favor de contactar a Carlos Zuluaga, (954) 309-1771. Hoy, el 2º domingo de Pascua, el 12 de abril de 2105, es el Domingo de la Misericordia Divina. Tendremos una hora santa bilingüe en la Iglesia principal de San Estanislao a las 3:00 de la tarde. Se rezará la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia. Todos están invitados a participar. Los sacerdotes estarán disponibles para la confesión durante la Hora Santa. LOS SACRAMENTOS Bautismos – Clases bautismales serán el primer Domingo de cada mes después de la misa. La próxima clase bautismal es el 3 de mayo después de la misa. Inscríbase por anticipado con el Padre Forlano. Todos los que necesitan bautizar a un niño o una niña o quieren ser padrino o madrina deben asistir. Normalmente, se celebran los bautismos durante la misa del segundo y cuarto Domingo del mes. Para ser padrino/madrina o recibir una carta de elegibilidad, una persona tiene que ser: 1) Un Católico practicante con un mínimo de 16 años de edad y haya recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación - bautismo, confirmación, y comunión. 2) Registrado en la parroquia o bien conocido en la comunidad de la Iglesia. 3) Casado por la iglesia católica o soltero sin vivir en unión libre. 4) Hay que asistir a la Misa. 5) Deben tener sus propios hijos confirmados si tienen la edad. El Sacramento de Reconciliación - se ofrece los sábados a las 8:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. y los domingos a las 12:30 - 12:50 p.m. o por cita con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel. El Matrimonio – Hable con Padre Forlano más que 6 meses antes de la fecha anticipada. Un clase de preparación - “Pre-Cana” es un requisito antes de casarse. El Instituto Católico Móvil también ofrece el taller “Pre-Caná” varias veces durante el año en la Parroquia de San Martin de Tours, Roosevelt Blvd. & Cheltenham Ave., Filadelfia. Para inscribirse o informarse (215) 667-2820/2824 o [email protected] o [email protected]. ¿Cómo le devolveré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? (Salmo 116:12) 3/29/15 Domingo de Ramos - Colecta: $674.91 Asistentes: 270 4/5/15 Domingo de Pascua - Colecta: $926.86 Asistentes: 270 Gracias por su generosidad y que Dios les bendiga. ¡Felices Pascuas! Para un consejo o una cita, hable con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel después de la misa o puede contactarlos a 215-855-3133 ext. 111 (P. Forlano) o ext. 101 (P. Miguel) al Centro Parroquial de San Estanislao. También, se puede comunicar con Padre Forlano por correo electrónico: [email protected] o con Padre Miguel: [email protected] 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA Stan Stockmal Carmen C. Rocco, DDS Carmen C. Rocco, Jr., DDS Constance Buffett, DDS Agent Auto • Life Health • Home Gary’s Plaza 439 S. Broad St. FAMILY DENTISTRY 855-3421 By Appointment (215) 855-9068 601 East Main Street (Across From St. Stanislaus) Zenith INTEQ Sony Trinitron CARL’S TV & APPL. Call 855-3736 855-1153 Main and Line Streets, Lansdale 248-1323 322 W. Main St. Lansdale SALES & SERVICE Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd. Soudertown, PA 18964 Parishioner 215-799-0515 Harleysville 215-256-9290 Choose Quality ~ Discover Value Continuing Care Retirement Community 215-361-5600 HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST Carpentry • Electrical • Plumbing NO JOB TOO SMALL Rob McClard - Our Lansdale Neighbor 610-755-1100 215-368-3922 ASSOCIATES IN HEARING - HEARING AID SPECIALIST Patricia L. Reiff, AUD/CCC, Director 100 W. Main St., Suite 105, Lansdale 215-855-4217 GET YOUR JUMP ON! Lansdale 215-855-9258 since 1985 GUTTER CLEANING GUTTER DOCTORX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 Kimberly L. Smith, MS, PT, CHT NORTH NO WALES HAND REHABILITATION 102 West Walnut Street, North Wales 215-699-2844 • Like Us On Facebook UPPER GWYNEDD SERVICE CENTER 215-699-6640 PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING So. Broad & Sumneytown Pike Friendly & Complete Automotive Service WEST POINT DELI PLUS at Gulf Gas Station 616 E. MAIN ST. 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MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Licensed & Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair Insured ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding S ENIOR C ITIZEN D ISCOUNT 1.877.490.5599 C 215-256-1100 CARPET • TILE • WOOD EMERT RECYCLING (215)855-7690 x Cash Buyers of all Grades of Scrap Copper • Brass • Alum. • Steel • Alum. Cans Present This Ad For Your Free Gift 2700 Richmond Road Hatfield, PA Hanna Eadeh Rug Co. Mohawk Smart Strand Carpet $ Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 215-362-2547 Proudly Serving the North Penn Area Since 1981 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 ORTHODONTICS FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS Once again, voted 2014 “Reader’s Choice Best” Orthodontist! 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North Penn Physical Therapy offers personalized, One-on-One treatment at every visit, giving you the time and attention you need to feel better fast. CALL NOW! (215) 872-7822 Flexible scheduling, most insurance plans accepted at the Lansdale campus John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home Paul Bauder Construction J. Boyd McIlvane, Supervisor Traditional Funerals • Cremations • FREE Pre-Need Planning Family Owned Since 1886 532 East Main St., Lansdale, PA 215-855-3434 Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Riemenschneider Insurance Agency Additions • Garages • Basements 642 East Main St., Lansdale, PA 19446 Parishioner 215-393-1293 215-855-4995 SCOTT BURMAN PLUMBING Free Estimates Licensed & Insured Lt Comm & Res Emergency 484.614.8221 20 East 7th Street Lansdale, PA 19446 215.393.4761 Experience the Comfort of Radiant Heating Local Diocese Member Erica Gonzalez Travel Professional Lifelong Parishioner ATTORNEY ROBERT J. IANNOZZI, JR. 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BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 -Weddings-Meetings-etc. 215-368-3044 Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes 430 W. Main St. Trappe, Pa 19426 484-902-8030 Next to Trappe Tavern DWAY BROA E’S JO Chuck Carmody Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Waffles & Eatery Your Family Restaurant Breakfast ~ Lunch ~ Dinner 2032 North Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 DAILY SPECIALS ALL DAY BREAKFAST 1649 N. Broad St. • 267-663-7324 126 St. Stanislaus, Lansdale (BACK) Rt. D 285 Bethlehem Pike Colmar, Pa 18955 267-477-1445 Rt. 309 & Advance Ln. You've enjoyed our famous "Smith Island" crab cakes with your church fundraiser ~ now enjoy them year round at our 2 retail locations Take & Bake • Made Fresh Daily • Restaurant Quality CARING FOR ALL OUR ST. STANISLAUS FAMILIES 215-855-6500 • [email protected] Licensed & Insured [email protected] We’ll make you smile with our summer bleaching! Knights of Columbus Extended evening hours are available. 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