SAINT S TANISLAUS R C C OMAN ATHOLIC HURCH 51 LANSDALE AVENUE, LANSDALE, PA 19446 Telephone: 215.855.3133 • Fax: 215.855.5478 Mater Dei School: 215.368.0995 • Religious Education Office: 215.855.9893 Email: [email protected] • Web: Like us on Facebook: St. Stanislaus Lansdale MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday Vigil: 5:15pm; Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) Daily: Monday through Friday 6:30am & 8am in the Parish Center Chapel; Saturday 8am in the Church CATHOLIC MASS IN SIGN LANGUAGE: 4th Sunday of the month in the Chapel MASS INTERPRETED IN ASL: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, 9am Mass CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: During 11am Mass each Sunday MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Following Saturday 8am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 8:30am to 9am; 4pm to 4:45pm and other times by appointment. BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated Sundays after the 11am Mass. Parents and godparents are expected to participate in a prebaptismal formation session which is offered on the third Monday evening of every month, except August and December, at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact the Church at least 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are reserved. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with Archdiocesan policy. Further information will be provided at the time of the meeting with a priest. PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Penny Mitchell PASTOR EMERITUS MATER DEI SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Miss Diane E. McCaughan Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Philip M. Forlano Rev. Michael G. Mullan, LC IN RESIDENCE Rev. Gregory J. Hamill DEACONS Deacon Charles G. Lewis Deacon C. Stephens Vondercrone Deacon Raymond C. Wellbank Deacon Mathieu Tielemans, Retired COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Leona Russell DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Peggy Dominick DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sr. Barbara A. McGahan, RSM DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Bill Wilson PARISH SERVICE MINISTERS Sr. Dolora Curley, OSF Mrs. Frances W. Mordell WELCOME We welcome all to join us for worship and invite you to become a part of our parish family. We encourage you to full and active participation in our parish life. New members are asked to call the Parish Center to schedule an appointment for registration. Registration is required for admission to our programs of Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Marriage. Eligibility certificates for Sponsorship for Baptism and Confirmation are issued to registered parishioners who are practicing Catholics. HOURS OF OPERATION The Saint Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel is open for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Parish Center is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 9pm, closing from 12pm to 1pm for lunch and from 5:30pm to 6:30pm for dinner; Friday from 9am to 5pm, closing from 12pm to 1pm for lunch; Saturday from 9am to Noon and Sunday from 8:30am to 1pm. Priests are available after building ho ur s f o r emerg en cies . Cal l 215.368.0220. Sunday, January 25, 2015 ~ The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time JANUARY 25, 2015 Daily Reflection for January 25, 2015 By Mary Lee Brock, Creighton University Werner Institute During the first part of January there is a lot of energy around New Year’s Resolutions. People ask if you make resolutions. News outlets feature stories on how to make effective resolutions. People see this as a chance to attend to long neglected goals around health, finances, relationships. The fitness clubs are always their busiest right after the first of the calendar year. Organizing bins and brand new calendars fly off the store shelves. Yet as the weeks of January progress our resolutions are often left by the wayside. One poll indicates that so many people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after 3 ½ weeks that this [past] Friday, January 23, could be referred to as Fail Friday. Today’s readings are about repenting and changed identities and new beginnings. In the first reading when the people of Nineveh hear Jonah announce their city will be destroyed they drastically change their behavior. The Psalms cry out for the Lord to teach us His ways. There is an urgency in the second reading from Corinthians which speaks about time running out. And in today’s Gospel from Mark, Jesus proclaims the gospel to the people of Galilee: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” When I was younger I remember being afraid of the word repent. It was associated with dire consequences. I was sure there was a trick question involved and I worried that I would not know that I was not in God’s favor. What if I had been a citizen of Nineveh and had my ear phones in so I missed Jonah’s urging to change my ways? Now as I look at the definition of repent: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one’s life, I have a different view. I trust in God’s love for me and I believe God wants me to make the right choices. God is always speaking and I simply need to listen and trust in His ways. I also feel God’s compassion when I fall short in my efforts. It is no wonder New Year’s resolutions are abandoned as they are rarely grounded in serving the kingdom of God. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the values of society and worry about appearance or financial wealth. When I reflect upon some of my sinful moments I can see how my choices are fueled by fervent rationalizations and misguided distractions. When thinking about a most popular resolution to exercise more: celebrating a healthy body by exercising more is not inherently a bad thing, but what a difference it would make if our focus on physical exercise would be to grow stronger and to have more energy to better serve others. So as I luxuriate in these days of ordinary time I ask myself these questions in prayer: What habits do I have that call for me to repent and turn toward God? When I am motivated by ego or selfishness how can I become a more generous and loving person? How can I be more open to God’s loving guidance to help me use my gifts and talents in service to my community? TODAY MARKS THE START OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It begins on the last Sunday in January. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week 2015 is “Catholic Schools: Communi- ties of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are part of a centuries-long tradition of academic excellence. Each year at this time, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia focuses on the many gifts a Catholic education has to offer our children. Particularly during times of change and challenge, Philadelphia Archdiocesan Catholic schools provide long-term benefits to our youth, namely a high-quality, faith-based education that will continue to pay dividends for years to come. Please see Page 6 for the Catholic Schools Week events planned at Mater Dei Catholic School. PAGE - 2 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY Girl Scout Cookie Sale Knights of Columbus Breakfast - see Page 8 Collection: Catholic Relief Services. There will not be a separate collection. Please place your donation in the regular Sunday Offering basket in a designated envelope. Thank your for your generosity. Sanctuary Flowers Flowers on the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph altars this weekend are in loving memory of Bobby Weigle on this 11th Anniversary with love from his Mom, Dad and brother, Carl. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Monday: Tuesday Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 2 Tm 1:1-8; Mk 3:22-30 Heb 10:1-10; Mk 3:31-35 Heb 10:11-18; Mk 4:1-20 Heb 10:19-25; Mk 4:21-25 Heb 10:32-39; Mk 4:26-34 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Mk 4:35-41 Dt 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 THIS WEEK PRAYER MEETING For God is leading (us) in joy by the light of his glory, with his mercy and justice for company. - Baruch 5:9 (NAB). You are invited to attend a monthly prayer meeting: the first one of the year is in the Parish Center Chapel, at 7 pm, on January 27, and each succeeding 4th Tuesday night. World Meeting of Families – 2015: Presenting & Discussing Love is Our Mission Each month through September we will explore a chapter of the catechesis on family life, as presented by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the Pontifical Council on the Family. The next session is January 27, at 9 am or 7 pm. All are welcome. There is no cost. NEXT WEEKEND Blessing of Throats at all Masses Blessing of First Communion Candidates at the 9 am Mass Girl Scout Cookie Sale LC Robotics Hoagie Sale SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK Sunday, January 25 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11 am Mass 11:45 am DeSales Society @ Chapel & lobby Monday, January 26 9 am Bible Studies - Psalms @ lobby 6:30 pm CYO @ gym 6:45 pm Bible Studies - Psalms @ lobby 7 pm Hispanic Music Ministry @ Cahill Tuesday, January 27 9 am WMOF Catechesis @ lobby 5 pm CYO @ gym 7 pm WMOF Catechesis @ lobby 7 pm Divine Mercy Cenacle @ Schade 7 pm Charismatic Prayer Group @ Chapel 7 pm Spanish Prayer Group @ McDonough & Cahill rooms 7 pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion @ Murray room Wednesday, January 28 6:45 pm PREP @ school and gym 7 pm Cub Scout leaders @ Cahill 7:30 pm RCIA @ lobby meeting room 8:30 am CYO @ gym Thursday, January 29 1:45 pm Legion of Mary @ Cahill 6:50 pm Bingo @ gym 7 pm Consoling Heart of Jesus @ Cahill Friday, January 30 No meetings or events scheduled Saturday, January 31 8:30 am Confessions until 9 am 4 pm Confessions until 4:45 pm Winter Prayer Lord, you know I am growing older. Keep me from becoming talkative and possessed with the idea that I must express myself on every subject. Release me from the craving to straighten out everyone’s affairs. Keep me from the recital of endless detail but give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips when I am inclined to tell of my aches and pains. They are increasing with the years, and my love to speak of them grows sweeter as time goes by. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be wrong. Make me thoughtful but not nosey; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom and experience, it does seem a pity not to use it all, but you know, Lord, that I will want a few friends at the end. after the 9 am, 11 am and 1 pm Masses. See Page 7. PAGE - 3 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA JANUARY 25, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday 6:30 am 8 am Tuesday 6:30 am 8 am Wednesday 6:30 am 8 am Thursday 6:30 am 8 am Friday 6:30 am 8 am Saturday 8 am Ss. Timothy & Titus, Bishops Margaret “Peg” Cianchetta Requested by the Altar & Rosary Society Stephen & Catherine Koch Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Koch St. Angela Merici, Virgin Bobby Weigle Requested by Mom, Dad & Carl Gregorio DiBetta Requested by Arlene Rowley & Family St. Thomas Aquinas, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Loretta McPeak Requested by George McPeak Angelina & Michael Falco (Wedding Anv.) Requested by Joe & Anne Falco Peg Cianchetta Requested by St. Stan’s Senior Club Catherine Zelt Raymond Zelt Frank Malack Migliaccio Requested by brother, Neil & Family Nicolino Carafa Requested by Frank & Anna Menta Sunday, February 1, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 am Memorial Fund Mass 9 am Michael McKinney Requested by the McKinney Family 11 am Charles Taylor Requested by Gloria Eline Miraculous Medal Novena Prayers follow the 8 am Mass on Saturdays. The Rosary is recited after the 8 am daily Mass. All are most welcome! GIFT (GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER) FEBRUARY 10, 7:30 PM ~ LOBBY MEETING ROOM We are pleased to welcome Rev. Msgr. Paul DiGirolamo, J.C.D., Judicial Vicar of the Archdiocesan Tribunal, who will speak to us on Church Annulments. While the presentation is intended for divorced persons, it is open to anyone seeking sound, clear information on the annulment process. Join us for a unique opportunity to further explore this particular dimension of our faith in Christ. Light refreshments will follow. PAGE - 4 Please pray for the sick who carry the cross of illness especially: Daniel Abaldo, Sister Ann Teresa, RA, Joe Burns, Maria Catarino, Helen Daly, Bernadette Donnelly, Hugh Donnelly, Chris Falkenstein, Ava Sophia Gerstemeier, Patricia Hendricks, Charlotte Larkin, Jay Murphy, Edward Nemchik, Phyllis Owoc, Ralph Pester, Frank Rieg, Lucille Salerno, David Stewart, Ken Tucker, Thomas Van Bell, Karen Yannacone, Frank Yevak, Bill Yourl. If you wish to place a particular family member or friend on the Bulletin list for a period of three weeks, please call Maureen Fillenwarth or Fran Mordell at the Parish Center, 215.855.3133. If you wish to place a name on our Prayer Line, call Chris & Bethann DeCree at 215.256.0260, or Fran Mordell. WE REMEMBER OUR DECEASED: Our parish family expresses prayerful condolences to the loved ones of Joseph S. Conwell, Margaret Jones, Michael Kasmerski, Ronald Stadelmayer. MASS OF ANOINTING AT ST. STANISLAUS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 11 AM MASS St. James writes: "Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the Church and they should pray over him, anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up." The grace received through this sacrament is a gift of the Holy Spirit, Who renews trust and faith in God and strengthens us against the temptations of the evil one and the temptation to discouragement and anguish. Anyone who has a serious health condition or illness, who has experienced sudden health problems, who will be undergoing surgery between February 8 and February 15, or who experiences the frailty of old age, is encouraged to receive the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at the 11 am Mass on Sunday, February 8. If you plan on attending this Mass, please call the Parish Center and leave your name. September 21– 27, 2015 Save your vacation time to participate in this historic event right here in Philadelphia! Host a family! Attend the presentations! Find out much more at: 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; wisdom and instruction fools despise." - Proverbs 1: 7 Come spend an hour with our Lord Hours of Need Sunday: 4 am** and 10 am Tuesday: 8 am and 4 pm **4 am is an URGENT NEED; there is currently no one scheduled for this hour. Can you help? Or share this hour with another? 4 pm Tuesday is soon to become an urgent hour. Please contact Sue Gillen if you can help! We are always in need of committed adorers and substitutes. For more information contact Sue Gillen at 215.362.8643 or [email protected]. GROW YOUR FAITH AT ST. STANISLAUS Still Time to Sign-up! There is still time to join in with other parishioners for a Great Adventure bible study called Psalms: The School of Prayer on either Monday mornings (from 9 to 10:30 am) or Monday evenings (from 7 to 8:30 pm). So far the group is only one week into the text (an introduction only)! Did you know the Psalms is the most often quoted book in the New Testament? Or that King David contrary to tradition - did not write all 150 psalms? Jesus Himself used the psalms frequently - not just in prayer, but to explain things about Himself and His teaching. Come explore and learn more about this rich biblical resource for private prayer, orient your heart to God and direct your inmost thoughts to Him. The cost to participants in the study for the workbook and study guide is $20; the remainder will be picked up by the parish. This is a great Lenten and preLenten exercise to draw closer to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during this season. PAGE - 5 FEBRUARY FOOD COLLECTION will be on the weekend of January 31 & February 1. For this upcoming food cupboard we are in need of the following items: Food Needs: plain rice, canned meat and fish, jars of applesauce, hearty low sodium soups, juice boxes & bottles, jam/jelly, sugar/honey, mayo, ketchup, mustard, coffee/tea, healthy cold cereals, canned beans. Non-Food Needs: liquid laundry detergent, toilet tissue, paper towels, liquid hand soap, facial tissues, 3 in 1 body wash, toothpaste, deodorants, shampoos Also, we need your help by NOT giving us: Baby items – Catholic Social Services in Norristown can really use them! Outdated or opened food items – we cannot give these out and we must then dispose of it & the local bird sanctuary no longer takes them! Over-sized products or packages – we find they are not taken and remain on our shelves; Any sugared items where healthier substitutes are available: cereals, snacks, etc.; Prepared rice – people seem to prefer plain rice as the prepared rice boxes remain on our shelves; Thank you again for all that you do, as the Food Cupboard would not exist without your dedicated support and wonderful generosity! May God bless you and your families for your on-going support to the needy in our Lansdale community. With gratitude, Sister Barbara TREASURE INFORMATION Weekly Parish collection: January 18, 2015: $14,557* January 19, 2014: $16,474 *Contributed in 559 envelopes and 16 loose checks. Parish Debt Reduction: January 18, 2015: $1,572 January 19, 2014: $1,818 Major Bills Paid Since January 19, 2015 Printing: $1,315 Utilities: $1,156 Snow plowing and salting: $1,140 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA JANUARY 25, 2015 Mater Dei Matters “It’s What’s Inside That Matters” For information on Mater Dei Catholic School call 215.368.0995, email [email protected] or visit During Catholic Schools Week, please join us in celebrating the Faith, Excellence and Service at Mater Dei Catholic School. All are welcome! Sunday, January 25: Opening of Catholic Schools Week 9 am Mass at Saint Stanislaus ~ 9:30 am Mass at Saint Rose 9:30 am Mass at Saint Maria Goretti, “Frozen” Pancake Breakfast after the 9:30 Mass Monday, January 26: Day of Thanks Tuesday, January 27: Teacher Appreciation Day, Spelling Bee for Grades 7 & 8 in the gym Wednesday, January 28: Spelling Bee for Grades 4, 5, & 6 in the gym Thursday, January 29: Theology and Science Prayer Service at 2 pm in the gym. All are invited! Friday, January 30: Student Appreciation Day Mater Dei Catholic School welcomes Scholastic Book Fair! ~ January 26-30 Family Night: January 26 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm ~ Chase away the “Winter Blues” with a good Book! Mater Dei Catholic School Information & Registration Day ~ February 17, 2015 New 2015-2016 students and their families are invited on Tuesday, February 17 to Mater Dei Catholic. The morning session will take place from 10 am to11:30 am and our evening session will take place from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Tours will be offered after a brief information session about Mater Dei and the registration process. Call the Advancement Office at 215.368.9787 to RSVP or to schedule a visit for your family or a shadow day for your child and to talk about the admissions’ process for the 2015-2016 school year. Irish Night at Mater Dei ~ Saturday, February 21 from 7 pm to 11 pm Sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division #4 to benefit Mater Dei Catholic School. Cost is $35 per person or reserve a table of 8 for $250. Ticket includes live Irish music by Celtic Pride, performances by authentic Irish step-dancers and bag pipers, buffet dinner, beer, wine and soda. This is expected to be a sell-out! For tickets or information, please contact Tom McGann at 267.228.1931 or [email protected]. Tickets are also on sale at the Mater Dei Catholic school office. Attention Saint Stanislaus Parish School Alumni! The Mater Dei Advancement Office is beginning to build an alumni database of its legacy schools. Help us to honor the past, celebrate the present and build the future by letting us know if you are a graduate of Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Rose or Saint Stanislaus. Please email Grace Samanns in the Advancement Office at [email protected] and provide your name, legacy school, graduation year, occupation, current address, phone and email. PENNY AUCTION TO BENEFIT MATER DEI SCHOOL: YOUR DONATIONS REQUESTED! On Tuesday, March 3, St. Stanislaus will be holding its annual Penny Auction to benefit Mater Dei Catholic School. Rally your team and get out your favorite jersey because this year the theme is Spring Training at Mater Dei! Did you receive a Christmas gift that is just not your style? Do you have items in your home that you never found a use for? Are you a season ticket holder and have tickets for a game or 2 that you can't go to? Consider donating them to the Penny Auction! The Prize Patrol is in need of unopened, unused items for the bidding packages. While in the past we have been blessed with donations from local businesses, many of the cherished items have come from parish families. All donations, labeled “Penny Auction,” can be dropped off to the Parish Center or Mater Dei School. Questions? Please contact Melissa Lombardo at [email protected] or Kelly Collier at [email protected]. Thank You! PAGE - 6 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Coordinator of Religious Education (PREP): Mrs. Leona Russell Office Phone Number: 215.855.9893; Email: [email protected] A Blessing of the First Communion candidates will take place at the 9 am Mass next Sunday, February 1. The families are invited to hospitality following the Mass in the Lobby Meeting Room. Important Dates to Remember… March 8 – Confirmation Retreat – 9 am to 2 pm (candidates only) March 10 – First Communion Parent Reflection at 7 pm in the Parish Center Chapel March 28 – First Communion Retreat Day for the children – 9 am to Noon April 18 – Confirmation at 10 am – Archbishop Charles J. Chaput presiding Please mark your calendar! Youth Minister: Mrs. Peggy Dominick; Phone: 215.855.3133; Email: [email protected]; Web:, Youth Ministry tab FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: SEARCH ST STANS YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH NEWS Manna on Main Street: All 6th to 8th graders are invited to help serve the evening meal from 3:30 pm to 6 pm at Manna, located at 713 Main Street in Lansdale, on Thursday, February 5, & Monday, February 16. High School Youth Conference Retreat: Steubenville Retreat NYC, at St. John University in Queens, August 7 to 9, 2015. We will be traveling with youth from Epiphany of our Lord, Mary, Mother of the Redeemer and Saint Rose parishes. Please contact Mrs. Dominick ASAP if interested. More information is available at Attention 7th & 8th graders at Mater Dei: Come spend your day off on February 4 at Saint John Hospice, helping those in need and having a fun time in Philadelphia! We will meet at the Pennbrook train station by 9:30 am and return by 3:10 pm. Bring a lunch or eat the lunch provided by the hospice. Help serve the noon meal. We will then visit Reading Terminal Market before we head home! Train fare provided by St Stanislaus CYO. Contact Mrs. Dominick if interested; permission form required. Save the date: Net overnight Retreat at Saint Rose April 25-26 for 8-12th graders. More info to follow! SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY, JANUARY 31/FEBRUARY 1 Parish youth are invited to donate the following items for the St. Stanislaus Food cupboard (this is a regular scheduled food collection Sunday): healthy and low sodium soups, canned fruit and plain rice. Please leave donations in the Church vestibules. We thank you for your donations to help our food cupboard keep operating and helping the needy in our area. LANSDALE CATHOLIC Robotics TEAM SUPER BOWL HOAGIE SALE The LC Robotics Team will hold their annual Super Bowl Hoagie Sale on February 1. You may purchase turkey and Italian hoagies for your Super Bowl party outside Church after the 9 am, 11 am and 1 pm Masses. If you wish to preorder, visit and follow the instructions or call Anne Larkin at 215.368.4453. You can also stop by the school cafeteria, where team members will be happy to prepare your order between the hours of 9 am and Noon. The cost for one hoagie is only $6. The proceeds will help to support the LC Robotics Team as they head into their competition season. PAGE - 7 NEWS FROM AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Mount Saint Joseph Academy 7th grade girls are invited to register for the Pre-HSPT, a 7th grade edition of the Scholarship/Entrance Exam given to eighth grade applicants, given on Saturday, March 28, from 8 am to 11:30 am. Registration is available online only at: Gwynedd Mercy Academy 7th grade practice test takes place Saturday, April 25. Alternate test date: April 26. Register before February 13 and receive a 50% discount on the registration fee - just $15! For more information or to register, visit 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA JANUARY 25, 2015 This is the Year of Consecrated Life, as proclaimed by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. The Vatican has asked that events be planned throughout the year, but especially if possible on February 8, in order for religious communities to become better known by all. Following are events of local communities: Sisters of Saint Francis Friends, neighbors and their families are invited to tour the Motherhouse (Convent of Our Lady of Angels in Aston, PA) to meet the Sisters and enjoy a short presentation about our Franciscan Way of Life on Sunday, February 8 from 2 pm to 4 pm. Get to know your Assumption Sisters Come for Tea, Conversation and Prayer! Sunday February 8, from 4 pm to 6 pm, 506 Crestview Road - Lansdale In addition, the three communities serving our St. Stanislaus Parish, the Franciscans, the Religious of the Assumption, and the Sisters of Mercy will host an event together for conversation, prayer and refreshments sometime after Easter, once the weather improves! So look for that day to come... WALKING TOWARD ETERNITY: ENGAGING THE STRUGGLES OF YOUR HEART This program is an inspiring DVD series with Jeff and Emily Cavins designed to help participants live their faith more fully. This is a challenging eight week study that introduces seven common struggles and obstacles in our Christian walk. Through prayer, reflection, guidance, discussion, and the aid of the Holy Spirit, we begin to engage these difficulties in a positive way as we continue toward our goal of union with Christ. Cost of study materials is $16. Please download a registration form from the Adult Faith Formation Events Page of the Corpus Christi website, For more information about the study, contact our facilitator, Eileen Dowling at [email protected]. The program takes place on Wednesdays, February 4, 11, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, and April 1, 2015, 8:45 am to 11 am OR 6:45 pm to 9 pm in the Corpus Christi Parish Center. PAGE - 8 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PIUS IX COUNCIL NEWS Crab Cake Sale The Knights are holding a Crab Cake sale with all profits going to promote Pro Life activities. They are selling Smith Island Crab Cakes, Maryland Crab Soup and Crab Critters – all prize winning offerings from Capt’n Chucky’s and made fresh for pick up on February 7 between 1 and 4:30 pm at the Knights of Columbus hall. Orders must be received by January 31. An order form can be downloaded at the EVENTS section at, or you can call Al Perry at 215.822.0683 or Chuck McNevin at 215.258.1298 for more information. Monthly Breakfast Today, Sunday January 25th from 8 am to noon, the Knights will host their monthly Breakfast with the Knights. $9 for adults, $8 for Seniors, $6 for children ages 5 to 12. Active duty Fire, Police, Military and children under 5 eat free! Hall Rental Open to Public The K of C Hall is available 7 days a week for both day and evening event rentals. To reserve the hall, contact Al Perry at 215.822.0683 or Bill Steigerwalt at 215.880.4200 or visit under the tab of “Hall Rental” for current calendar and more information. The K of C hall is located at 258 West 8th Street in Lansdale. THE GUARDIANS This monthly support group for fathers of all ages is named in honor of Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer. It provides opportunities for members to learn from one another by sharing their insights about challenges they face in married and family life, in the workplace, and in their spiritual life. Through fellowship, prayer, and discussion of relevant issues, participants come to a deeper understanding of the richness of their Catholic faith and their identity as husbands and fathers. Single fathers are always welcome. For more information or to register for your first meeting, contact Deacon Frank Langsdorf at [email protected]. The group will meet on Tuesdays, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, August 4, September 1, October 6, November 3, and December 1, 2015, 7 pm to 8:30 pm in the Religious Education Room at Corpus Christi. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JOSEPH’S PEOPLE CHAPTER Are you Unemployed? Underemployed? Want to learn more about networking? How to create an effective resume? Talk to others who are sharing the same experience as you are? At Joseph's People we offer support and guidance to those who are unemployed or underemployed. Join us on the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Saint Maria Goretti Parish Center Library. Our February meetings are on February 5 and 19. On February 5, we will be hosting Renato Amarena, author of “The Success Factor; Your 1 Hour Guide to Achieving Your Personal and Professional Goals”. Teaching at local colleges and running his own training and coaching business, Renato enjoys helping business professionals and leaders sharpen their presentation, communication, and public speaking skills. During this session, he will show participants how to keep those resolutions starting with our February “do-over”. Make 2015 the year that you achieve your personal and professional goals including acing those tough interview questions. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Nancy Boak at [email protected]. If you are an employer who is hiring or work for or know someone who is hiring, we have a number of great candidates seeking employment. Please contact Nancy Boak at the email address above. LET US PRAY Do you find it easy to pray? Is prayer an integral part of your day? Do you hear God’s voice in your daily life, and do you know how to respond accordingly? In our busy lives, prayer is seen as a luxury, when in reality it is the foundation of a healthy spiritual life. The Oremus (“Let Us Pray”) program will teach you the essentials of an effective and fruitful prayer life. In this eight week study you will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Each session includes a thirty minute DVD presentation followed by group discussion. Sessions take place Sundays, February 1 through March 22 from 7 pm to 8:15 pm or Fridays, February 6 through March 27 from 9:30 am to 11 am at Saint Maria Goretti Parish Center Lower Level. The cost is $20. Please mail name, phone number, and email address, along with payment, to: Saint Maria Goretti Parish, c/o Angela McClellan, 1601 Derstine Road, Hatfield, PA 19440. PAGE - 9 MOM CAFÉ AT CORPUS CHRISTI This year, the Mom Café of Corpus Christi Parish will utilize the Momnipotent DVD series hosted by Danielle Bean. At each monthly session, we will view the DVD presentation, and then, through real and honest conversations, journey together through the concerns, challenges, joys, and unique experiences that all mothers share. Join us in this opportunity to challenge, encourage, and support each other in motherhood and momnipotence! The Mom Café meets on the first Tuesday of each month from October through May in the Religious Education Room of the church from 9:30 am to 11 am. Child care is available at no cost. Study packet is $30 and includes both the book and journal. For more information or to register for your first meeting, contact Angela McClellan at [email protected]. REDISCOVER THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE The Retrouvaille Marriage Program is a Catholic based program that offers help for struggling marriages. Thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13–15 at the Family Life Center in Malvern. For more information, visit or call 1.800.470.2230. All inquires are kept strictly confidential. RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREATS Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer a supportive, confidential and nonjudgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. Call 215.906.6337 or 610.399.0890 for information on upcoming retreats. All contacts are confidential. More information is available at the national website: OFFICE FOR DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD: HEED THE CALL Come stay at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary and experience life on campus: High School Weekend, February 13 to 15; Post High School Weekend, February 20 to 22. Rooms are limited! For more information or to register, call 610.667.5778 or visit 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA JANUARY 25, 2015 III DOMINGO ORDINARIO - 25 DE ENERO DE 2015 Yo soy la luz del mundo, dice el Señor; el que me sigue no caminará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida. (Juan 8, 12) Intención de la misa: (Para ofrecer una misa por una intención anunciada, hable con Padre Forlano) 1) Jonás 3, 1-5. 10 2) 1 Corintios 7, 29-31 Lecturas del Domingo Salmo 24, 4bc-5ab. 6-7bc. 8-9 Señor, instrúyeme en tus sendas. 3) Marcos 1, 14-20 IR DETRÁS DE JESÚS Cuando el Bautista fue detenido, Jesús vino a Galilea y comenzó a «proclamar la Buena Noticia de Dios». Según Marcos, no enseña propiamente una doctrina para que sus discípulos la aprendan y difundan correctamente. Jesús anuncia un acontecimiento que está ya ocurriendo. Él lo está ya viviendo y quiere compartir su experiencia con todos. Marcos resume así su mensaje: «Se ha cumplido el plazo»: ya no hay que mirar hacia atrás. «Está cerca el reino de Dios»: pues quiere construir un mundo más humano. «Convertíos»: no podéis seguir como si nada estuviera ocurriendo; cambiad vuestra manera de pensar y de actuar. «Creed en esta Buena Noticia». Este proyecto de Dios es la mejor noticia que podemos escuchar. Todo lo que Jesús decía de Dios, todo lo que hacía en nombre de Dios, a la gente le resultaba algo nuevo y bueno. Y su mensaje se reducía a esto: "Dios está cerca de nosotros, más cerca de lo que os imagi- náis, y solo quiere hacer una vida más humana, más digna y dichosa. Cambiar de manera de pensar y creer en esta Buena Noticia”. Después de este solemne resumen, la primera actuación de Jesús es buscar colaboradores para llevar adelante su proyecto. Jesús va «pasando junto al lago de Galilea». Ha comenzado su camino. Es un profeta itinerante que busca seguidores para hacer con ellos un recorrido apasionante: vivir abriendo caminos al reino de Dios. No es un rabino sentado en su cátedra, que busca alumnos para formar una escuela religiosa. Ser cristiano no es aprender doctrinas, sino seguirle a Jesús en su proyecto de vida. El que toma la iniciativa es siempre Jesús. Se acerca, fija su mirada en aquellos cuatro pescadores y los llama a dar una orientación nueva a sus vidas. Sin su intervención, no nace nunca un verdadero cristiano. Los creyentes hemos de vivir con más fe la presencia viva de Cristo y su mirada sobre cada uno de nosotros. Si no es él, ¿quién puede dar una nueva orientación a nuestras vidas? Pero lo más decisivo es escuchar desde dentro su llamada: «Venid detrás de mí». No es tarea de un día. Escuchar esta llamada significa despertar la confianza en Jesús, reavivar nuestra adhesión personal a él, tener fe en su proyecto, identificarnos con su programa, reproducir en nosotros sus actitudes… y, de esta manera, ganar más personas para su proyecto. Fuente: José Antonio Pagola, El 22 de enero en todas las diócesis de los Estados Unidos se observa un día de penitencia por violaciones contra la dignidad de la persona humana por actos de aborto. Roguemos por la restauración plena del derecho legal a la vida. Es el aniversario de la legalización del aborto en los Estados Unidos por la decisión, Roe vs. Wade, por la Corte Suprema (1973). Rueguen para que se respete la vida humana como un don sagrado, especialmente la de niños en el vientre de su madre. Oración a Dios el Padre de toda la vida Dios eterno, te has revelado como El Padre de toda la vida. Te alabamos por el amor de Padre que ofreces a toda la creación, pero en especial a nosotros, porque nos creaste a Tú imagen y semejanza. Padre, te suplicamos, protege a todos los que son amenazados por el aborto y sálvalos de ese maligno poder destructor. Te rogamos que les des fuerza y valor, a todos los Padres que luchan contra la tentación del aborto, para que nunca caigan bajo su poder de terror. Bendice a nuestras familias y a nuestro país, para que podamos acoger con alegría la vida, de la cual, Tú mismo eres fuente y eternidad. Amén. PAGE - 10 Por favor, rueguen por los enfermos. Emma Pedroza, Nick Dion, Carlos Erazo, Gregorio Montano, Minerva Montaño Abonza, Padre Orlando Carmona, Aurora Millan, Carlos Benavides, Max Ho Morales, Benjamin Hernandez, Saulo Guarin, Victor Alarcou, Analiz Florez, Roman Rivera, Magdalena Mendoza, Concepción Sampeño, Yeinaldo Benitez, Elsa Roig, Esteban Tellez, Guadalupe Salinas, Imelda Peña, Josefina D’Hoy, Eliseo Berrio, Edwin Anglero, Manuel Hernandez, Marylin Alvarez, Filigonio Gomez, Viviana Aviles, Adela Alvarez Aguilar, José Santiago, Lidia Escobosa. Escriba los nombres en la hoja de peticiones antes de la misa, y aquí se incluirán en el boletín la semana que viene. “La Virgen Peregrina.” Un retablo de la Virgen de Guadalupe va a viajar por los hogares de la comunidad y cada familia tendrá la Virgen por una semana y tendrá la oportunidad a rezar el rosario en familia e invitar a más familias - sus vecinos - a unirse en la oración. Es un medio que ayuda a tener un encuentro con María, quien como buena Madre, sale a nuestro paso y llega a visitarnos a nuestra casa. Es una oportunidad maravillosa para acercarnos a ella en familia, agradecerle, ponernos en sus manos, ofrecerle nuestras penas y alegrías y pedirle que nos proteja. Para alguna pregunta o para registrar su familia por una semana, llamar a Carlos Z. (954) 309-1771. LOS SACRAMENTOS Bautismos – Clases bautismales serán el primer Domingo de cada mes después de la misa. Inscríbase por anticipado con el Padre Forlano. La próxima clase bautismal es el 1 de febrero. Todos los que necesitan bautizar a un niño o una niña o quieren ser padrino o madrina deben asistir. Normalmente, se celebran los bautismos durante la misa del segundo y cuarto Domingo del mes. Para ser padrino/madrina o recibir una carta de elegibilidad, una persona tiene que ser: 1) Un Católico practicante con un mínimo de 16 años de edad y haya recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación - bautismo, confirmación, y comunión. 2) Registrado en la parroquia o bien conocido en la comunidad de la Iglesia. 3) Casado por la iglesia católica o soltero sin vivir en unión libre. 4) Hay que asistir a la Misa. 5) Deben tener sus propios hijos confirmados si tienen la edad. El Sacramento de Reconciliación se ofrece los sábados a las 8:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. y los domingos 12:30 - 12:50 p.m. o por cita con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel. ¿Cómo le devolveré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? (Salmo 116:12) 1/18/15 - Colecta: $189.15 ¡Gracias por su generosidad! ¿Es mi ofrenda una señal de agradecimiento a Dios y una participación en su caridad? Para un consejo o una cita, hable con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel después de la misa o puede contactarlos a 215-855-3133 ext. 111 (P. Forlano) o ext. 101 (P. Miguel) al Centro Parroquial de San Estanislao. También, se puede comunicar con Padre Forlano por correo electrónico: [email protected] o con Padre Miguel: [email protected] SANACIÓN POST-ABORTO: Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está sufriendo después de un aborto,que no juzga confidencial está disponible: Tema Serie del Proyecto Raquel nacional gratuito artíículo: 888-456-HOPE (-4673) o visite Los hispanohablantes pueden visitar 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA Stan Stockmal Auto • Life Health • Home Gary’s Plaza 439 S. Broad St. Est. 1966 • Voted Best by Reader’s Choice FAMILY DENTISTRY 855-3421 By Appointment HILLCREST SHOPPING CENTER • 664 E. MAIN ST. • LANSDALE (215) 855-9068 Sony Trinitron CARL’S TV & APPL. Call 855-3736 Main and Line Streets, Lansdale 248-1323 322 W. Main St. Lansdale SALES & SERVICE 215-368-3922 Diocese Member 601 East Main Street (Across From St. Stanislaus) Zenith INTEQ 855-1153 VIP BARBERSHOP Carmen C. Rocco, DDS Carmen C. Rocco, Jr., DDS Constance Buffett, DDS Agent ASSOCIATES IN HEARING McClard Construction HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST Carpentry • Electrical • Plumbing NO JOB TOO SMALL Rob McClard - Our Lansdale Neighbor 610-755-1100 - HEARING AID SPECIALIST Patricia L. Reiff, AUD/CCC, Director 100 W. Main St., Suite 105, Lansdale 215-855-4217 East Norriton Women’s Healthcare Joann Sansone, DO • Grace Adofo, MD Obstetrics: Individualized Pre-natal Care & Delivery Dominick Giuffrida, DO Gynecology: Specializing in Robotic Surgery Jeffrey Blatt, MD Accepting new patients and offering evening and weekend appointment hours Margaret Toth, CRNP • Katherine Schneider, CRNP For all women’s healthcare needs, please call 610-239-8970 for an appointment Francesca Kotey, CNM 325 West Germantown Pike, Ste. 300 • East Norriton, PA 19403 Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd. Soudertown, PA 18964 Parishioner 215-799-0515 OLD FORGE MOTORCARS Full Service Repairs & Maintenance On All Makes & Models 215-631-1776 1101 N. Broad St. CAROL M. LAUCHMEN P.C. Attorney at Law • Prompt, Personal Attention Real Estate & Zoning • Wills & Estate Planning Family Law • Estate Administration Personal Injury • Small Business & Corporations CARPET • TILE • WOOD All Our Fresh Flower Bouquets Are Hand-Picked, Hand-Designed & Hand-Delivered. We Guarantee It! Hanna Eadeh Rug Co. Mohawk Smart Strand Carpet Harleysville 215-256-9290 $11.95 sq. yd. installed w/pad Lansdale 215-855-9258 since 1985 215-362-6800 FREE INSPECTION PA Lic. #006806 RIGHTWAY Licensed & Insured WATERPROOFING CO. GUTTER CLEANING BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 215-322-7400 610-789-3717 388 Main St., Harleysville, PA 19438 GUTTER DOCTORX 215-256-4300 E-mail: [email protected] Licensed & Insured PA 050067 Approved Auto Repair UPPER GWYNEDD SERVICE CENTER 215-699-6640 PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING So. Broad & Sumneytown Pike Friendly & Complete Automotive Service ROOFING WEST POINT DELI PLUS at Gulf Gas Station Pike SIDING 215-699-8207 • So. Broad & SumneytownN.I.A.S.E. 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Broad St., Lansdale, PA HANDYMAN SERVICES THE RAILING DOCTORS WROUGHT IRON • RAILINGS • GATES x 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 HANDYMAN John Nales • Fully Ins. • Lic.#9757 267-885-3376 “Fellow Christian” Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Simcox-McIlvaine Funeral Home Paul Bauder Construction J. Boyd McIlvane, Supervisor Traditional Funerals • Cremations • FREE Pre-Need Planning Family Owned Since 1886 532 East Main St., Lansdale, PA 215-855-3434 Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. 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Where Beautiful Landscapes Begin Lawn Mowing/Applications • Mulching Shrub Trimming • Lawn/Driveway Drainage Hardscaping • Lawn Renovation Landscape Design/Installation Insured Certified Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Tracey Rauh this week Voted Best in North Penn Area! Extended evening hours are available. Licensed PA 049360 Direct number: 610-405-6534 Dr. Richard Chillemi We’ll make you smile with our summer bleaching! McCaffrey Roofing, Inc. 35 years experience in the community mccaffrey100 Medical Campus Dr., Lansdale, PA 19446 215-646-3095 [email protected] Certified Wedding & Event Planner WWW.BEYONDWEDDINGSANDEVENTS.COM John Maurer, Parishioner 215-760-1301 | WWW.JEMSPARKLEANDSHINECLEANING.COM WILLS * ESTATE ADMINISTRATION* REAL ESTATE * ZONING (215) 362-8644 Laundry Bathroom & Bedroom Cleaning 215-368-2100 ATTORNEY AT LAW 2031 N. 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