SAINT S TANISLAUS R C C OMAN ATHOLIC HURCH 51 LANSDALE AVENUE, LANSDALE, PA 19446 Telephone: 215.855.3133 • Fax: 215.855.5478 Mater Dei School: 215.368.0995 • Religious Education Office: 215.855.9893 Email: [email protected] • Web: Like us on Facebook: St. Stanislaus Lansdale MASS SCHEDULE Weekend: Saturday Vigil: 5:15pm; Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (Spanish) Daily: Monday through Friday 6:30am & 8am in the Parish Center Chapel; Saturday 8am in the Church CATHOLIC MASS IN SIGN LANGUAGE: 4th Sunday of the month in the Chapel MASS INTERPRETED IN ASL: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Sundays, 9am Mass CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD: During 11am Mass each Sunday MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Following Saturday 8am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 8:30am to 9am; 4pm to 4:45pm and other times by appointment. BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated Sundays after the 11am Mass. Parents and godparents are expected to participate in a prebaptismal formation session which is offered on the third Monday evening of every month, except August and December, at 7pm in the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. MARRIAGE: Couples planning to be married should contact the Church at least 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are reserved. Attendance at a Marriage Preparation program is required in accord with Archdiocesan policy. Further information will be provided at the time of the meeting with a priest. PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Tracy PARISH BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs. Penny Mitchell PASTOR EMERITUS MATER DEI SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Miss Diane E. McCaughan Rev. Msgr. Joseph W. Murray PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Philip M. Forlano Rev. Michael G. Mullan, LC IN RESIDENCE Rev. Gregory J. Hamill DEACONS Deacon Charles G. Lewis Deacon C. Stephens Vondercrone Deacon Raymond C. Wellbank COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Leona Russell DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Peggy Dominick DIRECTOR OF PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Sr. Barbara A. McGahan, RSM DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY Mr. Bill Wilson PARISH SERVICE MINISTER Sr. Dolora Curley, OSF Laurel Murphy WELCOME We welcome all to join us for worship and invite you to become a part of our parish family. We encourage you to full and active participation in our parish life. New members are asked to call the Parish Center to schedule an appointment for registration. Registration is required for admission to our programs of Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and Marriage. Eligibility certificates for Sponsorship for Baptism and Confirmation are issued to registered parishioners who are practicing Catholics. HOURS OF OPERATION The Saint Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel is open for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Parish Center is open Monday through Thursday from 9am to 9pm, closing from 12pm to 1pm for lunch and from 5:30pm to 6:30pm for dinner; Friday from 9am to 5pm, closing from 12pm to 1pm for lunch; Saturday from 9am to Noon and Sunday from 8:30am to 1pm. Priests are available after building ho ur s f o r emerg en cies . Cal l 215.368.0220. Sunday, February 22, 2015 ~ The First Sunday of Lent FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Dear friends / Mis amigos queridos, Many parents of young children employ a method of discipline called “time outs,” where children are taken out of their regular activity and put in another special place in the home designated for persistent, inappropriate, or forbidden behavior. So when little Sally is throwing her food rather than eating it, or Johnny stubbornly refuses to pick up a mess, mom or dad puts him or her in the “time-out” space, usually increasing crying or sometimes inducing tantrums. Lent can be like that for us: a positive “time-out” of sorts, providing the space and time to stop and think about our behavior, all the while knowing that we can be forgiven. It can be a needed period of reflection on what is happening in our lives, how we are affecting others, how we are growing (or not) in our faith, how the family is surviving dealing with several hectic schedules running currently, or how well we strive to be a person of integrity. During Lent, God embraces all people. He determines who is worthy to be at the table. God will judge who is to live and who is to die. It is during this time-out we call Lent that we have time to stop, to look, and to listen to our conscience, to our heart and to be touched by God. These 40 days are an invitation to all – children included – to evaluate ways that behaviors may need to change. We take “time out,” not to be scolded or chided, but to evaluate ways and attitudes about our relationship with Jesus and the ways we can draw closer to Him. +++++++++++++++++++++ The first reading for this year’s Sunday Lenten season is a tip-off that the idea of covenant will be “front and center” over the next six weeks. God forms a covenant with Noah, and in succeeding weeks, the Lectionary will recall other covenants and renewals of covenants in the history of Israel. The one God establishes with Noah is a comprehensive one, including every living creature that Noah had on the ark. It represents a covenant with all creation, the basis for a theological understanding of the need to care for the environment. Renewals of covenants are always prominent themes during the sacred season of Lent. They often make connections to our own covenant with God that was begun at baptism. Lent is always about baptismal preparation and renewal. We renew our own covenantal relationship with God in Jesus. The whole community enters the renewal together (particularly at Easter) since we became a part of the body of Christ in community. Renewal comes about in individual ways as well. Throughout the ages, Christians have used other forms of prayer and devotion to foster a deeper relationship with the Lord. Every Lent, we consider some of the ways we might profitably draw on that tradition in our time. Devotions support the power of the Eucharistic liturgy to form us into the image of Christ. Since baptism and baptismal awareness are the primary focus of the Lenten season, all that we do should contribute in some way to a deeper baptismal awareness in us. In the Gospel today, Jesus emerges from the desert to step firmly into the calling He had received at His own baptism. He proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was at hand. When we go into the desert we will be led out by the God with whom we have been joined in covenant through the waters of baptism. Like Jesus in Mark’s gospel, we will be able to resume the work given to us and begun a long time ago. ++++++++++++++++++++ Last weekend’s cold snap again negatively affected the weekly donations to the parish. Year-to-date, we are down nearly 5% in Sunday contributions, which we hope will be reduced once the weather gets more tolerable. This is another reason to sign up for electronic giving, a process whereby donations are assured whatever the weather. You can sign up to become an EFT giver on the parish web site under “electronic giving.” Thank you to everyone who tries to be faithful to regular, weekly contributing to St. Stanislaus. Working from a budget prepared last year, we depend on your generosity. HAVE A GOOD WEEK EVERYONE! PAGE - 2 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT TODAY Collection: Care of the Aging and Infirm Priests of the Archdiocese. We will not have a special second collection. Please place your donation in the regular Sunday Offering basket in a designated envelope. Thank you for your generosity to this Appeal. CYO winter sports participants will be in attendance at the 11 am Mass. Knights of Columbus Breakfast See Page 9 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: Monday: Tuesday Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 Gn 22:1-2, 9-18; Rom 8:31-34; Mk 9:2-10 THIS WEEK SUMMER FESTIVAL KICK-OFF MEETING Please join us for the Kick-Off meeting on Sunday, February 22 at 7 pm in the Parish Center lobby meeting room. Share your ideas and feedback. Learn about the many FUN volunteer opportunities available in all areas of the Festival. Refreshments will be served! If you have questions or need more information, please call Maureen Fillenwarth at the Parish Center. MATER DEI REGISTRATION/INFORMATION DAY RESCHEDULED Due to the snow day on February 17, the registration day for students in Grades Pre-K to 8 is rescheduled for Tuesday, February 24th from 10 am to11:30 am and 5:30 pm to7:30 pm. All are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Grace Samanns in the Advancement Office at 215.368.9787. PRAYER MEETING "I rejoice heartily in the Lord, in my God is the joy of my soul!" Isaiah 61:10 (but don't stop there). You are invited to our next prayer meeting: Tuesday, February 24, at 7 pm in the Parish Center Chapel, weather permitting. Hope to see you then. PAGE - 3 SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK Sunday, February 22 Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 11 am Mass 10 am PREP @ school 11:45 am DeSales Society @ Chapel & lobby room Noon CYO @ gym 7 pm Festival Meeting @ lobby meeting room 7:30 pm CYO Board @ Cahill room Monday, February 23 9 am Bible Studies - Psalms @ lobby 6:30 pm CYO @ gym 6:45 pm Bible Studies - Psalms @ lobby 7 pm Hispanic Music Ministry @ Cahill Tuesday, February 24 10 am MaterDei Registration @ school 5:30 pm MaterDei Registration @ school 7 pm Home & School meeting @ gym 7 pm Divine Mercy Cenacle @ Schade 7 pm Spanish Prayer Group @ lobby room 7 pm Stations of the Cross (Spanish) @ Church 7 pm Prayer Meeting @ Chapel 7 pm Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion @ Cahill room Wednesday, February 25 9:45 am Play Group @ lobby meeting room 6:45 pm PREP @ school and gym 7 pm Cub Scout leaders @ Cahill room 7:30 pm RCIA @ lobby meeting room 8:30 pm CYO @ gym Thursday, February 26 1 pm Senior Club @ lobby meeting room 1:45 pm Legion of Mary @ Cahill 6:50 pm Bingo @ gym 7 pm Consoling Heart of Jesus @ Cahill Friday, February 27 2 pm Stations of the Cross @ Church 7 pm Stations of the Cross @ Church Saturday, February 28 8:30 am Confessions until 9 am 10 am Choir @ lobby meeting room 4 pm Confessions until 4:45 pm 7 pm Mater Dei Jazz Festival @ gym NEXT WEEKEND Food Cupboard Collection - see Page 5 September 21– 27, 2015 Visit: For information on speakers, volunteer opportunities and more! 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA FEBRUARY 22, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday 6:30 am 8 am Tuesday 6:30 am 8 am Wednesday 6:30 am 8 am Thursday 6:30 am 8 am Friday 6:30 am 8 am Saturday 8 am St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr Josephine Podhar Requested by Robert & Deborah Bartle Francis Chapman, III Requested by Victoria Bartle Ellie Cassidy Requested by Tom & Mary Ann Carney Father’s Day Remembrance Deceased Members of the Novia Family Requested by Viviane Miller George Williams ( Birthday Remembrance) Requested by wife, Catherine Howard Crown (Anniversary Rem.) Requested by the Family Chester & Jean Basara Requested by Charles & Susan Koneski Mother’s Day Remembrance Charlotte Deeny Post Requested by the Deeny Family T.J. & Kevin Boland Requested by Helen & John McCullagh Sunday, March 1, the Second Sunday of Lent 7 am Memorial Fund Mass 9 am Stella Knipe Requested by Frank & Anna Menta 11 am Mario Carlo, Jr. Requested by the Cooper Family Stations of the Cross During Lent, Stations of the Cross will take place on Tuesdays at 7 pm in Spanish, and on Fridays at 2 pm and 7 pm in English, in the Church. TREASURE INFORMATION Weekly Parish collection: February 15, 2015: $11,936* February 16, 2014: $12,400 *Contributed in 337 envelopes and 8 loose checks. Parish Debt Reduction: February 15, 2015: $1,747 February 16, 2014: $1,756 Major Bills Paid Since February 16, 2015 Priest Health, Auto, Pension, General Insurance, Worker’s Comp, Disability & Assessment: $23,773 Payroll & related: $1,444 Utilities: $1,808 PAGE - 4 Please pray for the sick who carry the cross of illness especially: Daniel Abaldo, Sister Ann Teresa, RA, Joe Burns, Maria Catarino, Helen Daly, Bernadette Donnelly, Hugh Donnelly, Chris Falkenstein, Ava Sophia Gerstemeier, Patricia Hendricks, Charlotte Larkin, Stanley Meade, Margaret Mindell, Noreen Mullin, Jay Murphy, Edward Nemchik, Phyllis Owoc, Ralph Pester, Betsey Powers, Frank Rieg, Lucille Salerno, David Stewart, Ken Tucker, Thomas Van Bell, Karen Yannacone, Frank Yevak, Bill Yourl. If you wish to place a particular family member or friend on the Bulletin list for a period of three weeks, please call Maureen Fillenwarth or Laurel Murphy at the Parish Center, 215.855.3133. If you wish to place a name on our Prayer Line, contact Meg Szewczak at 215.997.8386 or [email protected], or Laurel Murphy at the Parish Center. WE REMEMBER OUR DECEASED: Our parish family expresses prayerful condolences to the loved ones of Denise Coshin. WEDDINGS We extend our best wishes and promise of prayers to St. Stanislaus parishioners who are preparing for marriage, especially: Jillian Jonello & Fabio Caruso Nicole Lee & Jeremy DeLaurentis St. Stanislaus Parish is introducing an additional means to remember a loved one or to pray for a special intention. You may request to have the Sanctuary Candle on our church altar burn for one week, Sunday through Saturday, for your intention, which will also be announced in our Sunday bulletin. The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns this week in memory of Howard Crown at the request of his Wife and Family If you wish to have a Sanctuary Candle burn in memory of a loved one, or for a special intention, please come to the Parish Center during regular operating hours to make arrangements. An offering of $7 is requested. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration St. Katharine Drexel Adoration Chapel It is the LORD who goes before you; He will be with you, He will not fail you or forsake you; do not fear or be dismayed. - Deuteronomy 31:8 Hours of Need Sunday: 4 am** and 11 am** Tuesday 4pm; Friday 10pm **These are IMMEDIATE URGENT NEEDS; no one is currently scheduled for these hours. Please call Sue Gillen if you can help. Come spend an hour with our Lord We are always in need of committed adorers and substitutes. For more information contact Sue Gillen at 215.362.8643 or [email protected]. SENIOR CLUB Meetings: February 26, March 10 & 26, at 1 pm in the Parish Center lobby meeting room Trips: March 20: Doolans in Spring Lake, NJ, for the Italian Festival of St. Joseph. The bus leaves the church parking lot at 9:15 am. Wait list only. Wednesday, May 13: Doolans-Spring Lake, NJ to see “Legends in Music Review” featuring the music of Neil Diamond, Judy Garland and Patsy Cline. The cost is $70/pp and includes motorcoach, one hour open bar, complete luncheon (choice of 3 entrees), show and all taxes and tips, including driver’s. May 18 to May 22: Montreal & Quebec, Canada for 5 days/4 nights. Wait list only. October 13 to16: Cape Cod, Provincetown, Plymouth for 4 days/ 3 nights. Accommodations at Yarmouth Resort, MA. Price per person $430, double occupancy. Includes 3 full breakfasts & dinners, baggage handling, taxes and tips. Call for brochure. Our March food collection is coming up on the weekend of February 28 & March 1. This time of year our food cupboard is in great need of the following items: Non-Food Needs: toilet tissue; shampoo and conditioner; bar soap/body wash; tooth paste; adult tooth brushes Food Needs: plain rice; canned meat and fish; juice bottles and boxes; jam and jelly; sugar/ honey; pancake syrup; mayo; coffee; canned fruit Also, we need your help by NOT giving us: Baby items – Catholic Social Services in Norristown can really use them! Outdated or opened food items – we cannot give these out and we must then dispose of it & the local bird sanctuary no longer takes them! Over-sized products or packages – we find they are not taken and remain on our shelves; Any sugared items where healthier substitutes are available: cereals, snacks, etc.; Prepared rice – people seem to prefer plain rice as the prepared rice boxes remain on our shelves; Thank you again in advance, for your wonderful generosity! May God bless you and your families for your on-going support to the needy in our Lansdale community. With gratitude, Sister Barbara GIFT (GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER) March 10, 7:30 pm, Lobby Meeting Room We are pleased to welcome members of St. Stanislaus Divine Mercy Cenacle who will speak to us on God’s Divine Mercy. In anticipation of Divine Mercy Sunday this year, Cenacle members will address the meaning of Divine Mercy and offer a better understanding of St. Faustina and her role in the establishment of the Chaplet and the novena. This presentation will provide a wonderful way to prepare for Saint Stanislaus’ 2nd Divine Mercy Holy Hour. All are welcome! Light refreshments will follow the presentation. Call Rosemary at 215.368.4645 for information and/or reservations. PAGE - 5 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Mater Dei Matters “It’s What’s Inside That Matters” For information on Mater Dei Catholic School call 215.368.0995, email [email protected] or visit Please join us in congratulating the following Mater Dei 8th grade students who have been awarded over $192,000 in scholarships to area high schools. We are very proud of the accomplishments of our students! Saint Joseph’s Preparatory High School: DAVID MCCABE LaSalle College High School: GREGORY CUTAJAR Mount Saint Joseph Academy High School: VICTORIA BORLANDO, GRACE WILSON Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School: VICTORIA BORLANDO Lansdale Catholic HS: GREGORY CUTAJAR, DANIEL CLARK, STEPHEN ESTERLE, CAITLIN MCNAMARA Pope John Paul II High School: KILEY DEVICO Mater Dei Jazz Band Festival, February 28 On Saturday February 28 Mater Dei Catholic School will host a Middle School Jazz Festival. Jazz bands from middle schools across the archdiocese will perform and compete for awards. All are invited to come out for an evening of great music and delicious food, and to cheer on our own jazz band, “The Jazz Masters”. The event will be held in the school gym and performances begin at 7 pm. Tickets will be available at the door for $5. For more information please contact Cheryl Fuchs at [email protected]. “Under the Sea” Pizza Party: March 6, 6 pm to-7:30 pm Join the cast of Mater Dei’s “Little Mermaid Junior” on Friday, March 6 from 6 to 7:30 pm in the school gym for a pizza dinner! Any family with children 6 and under will love meeting the cast of characters in this year’s drama club production, “Little Mermaid Junior.” Cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Please contact the school office at 215.368.0995 to RSVP. Your reservation is due by March 2 and all are welcome! Attention Saint Stanislaus Parish School Alumni! The Mater Dei Advancement Office is building an alumni database of its legacy schools. Help us to honor the past, celebrate the present and build the future by letting us know if you are a graduate of St. Maria Goretti, St. Rose or St. Stanislaus. Please email Grace Samanns at [email protected] and provide your name, legacy school, graduation year, occupation, current address, phone and email. Mater Dei Catholic Open Gym Maria, Rose and Stan, our polar bear mascots, welcome you to Mater Dei’s Open Gym! It’s not too cold for them outside, but it is for everyone else! So come meet other parents and grandparents while your children enjoy some free play time in a large indoor area! Call the Advancement Office with any questions, at 215.368.9787. The gym will be open on Wednesday February 25 from 2 to 3 pm. All children six and under are welcome & must be accompanied by an adult. Enter through the gym door by the ramp; parking is at the rear of the school building, off Third Street. This is open to all and the cost is free! ***REGISTRATION/INFORMATION DAY RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY 24. SEE PAGE 3 FOR DETAILS.*** 53RD ANNUAL PENNY AUCTION Spring Training at Mater Dei! Help us score a Home Run for our school and join us for one of our largest fundraisers of the year on Tuesday, March 3. Doors open at 6 pm. Auction begins at 7:30 pm...Get there early to grab a seat! Admission Cost is $10/per person (players must be 18 or older to play). Call the school office at 215.368.0995 for tickets. Donations of unopened, unused items are still being accepted for the bidding packages. Donations labeled “Penny Auction” can be dropped off to the Parish Center or Mater Dei School. Questions? Contact Melissa Lombardo at [email protected] or Kelly Collier at [email protected]. Thank You! PAGE - 6 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Coordinator of Religious Education (PREP): Mrs. Leona Russell Office Phone Number: 215.855.9893; Email: [email protected] Pre-K 3 & 4 and Kindergarten students are invited to join us this Sunday, February 22, during the 11 am Mass for Sunday School! Children should be dropped off at the school before Mass…please enter through the back of the school at the glass double doors. We meet every 2 weeks; our next session will be on March 8. For more information, please call the Religious Education office. All are welcome! Sunday, March 8 from 9 am to 2 pm We will come together for Mass at 9 am and then proceed to the gym at the school for the retreat. We will have snack after Mass and lunch will also be provided. Confirmation Prayer Partners are invited to join us for the closing prayer service at the retreat at 1:30 pm. If you are unable to be there, we kindly ask that you drop your letter to the candidate off at the Parish Center by March 4. Thank you! March 10 – First Communion Parent Reflection at 7 pm in the Chapel – Fr. Michael Mullan will join us to share a reflection on “The Secrets of the Eucharist”. Parents will also receive a First Communion preparation packet to take home. Child care is available in the gym during the meeting. Please contact Leona Russell for more information. Other Sacrament Related Dates to Remember… March 28 – First Communion Retreat Day – 9 am to Noon (children only) April 16 – Confirmation Rehearsal at 6:30 pm (candidates AND sponsors) April 18 – Confirmation Mass at 10 am – Archbishop Charles J. Chaput presiding Please mark your calendar! Youth Minister: Mrs. Peggy Dominick; Phone: 215.855.3133; Email: [email protected]; Web:, Youth Ministry tab FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: SEARCH ST STANS YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH NEWS Generation Phaith Rally for Teens: Join hundreds of other teens from across the Archdiocese for Generation Phaith 2015 - “Totally Yours! - St. John Paul II. This event will be held on Sunday, March 8 at Archbishop Carroll High School from 10 am to 5:30 pm. The keynote speaker, Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, author of the bestselling book 33 Days to Morning Glory, will speak on how teens can grow in their relationship with Jesus through Mary, His Mother. Music by Teresa Peterson and Will Panagokos. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Mike Speziale. Teens in grades 8 through 12 welcome. The cost is $20 per person. Registration materials are available at, or call Mrs. Dominick. NET overnight Retreat, Anchored in Hope at Saint Rose April 25-26 for 8-12th graders. Contact Mrs. Dominick if you are interested in this overnight retreat filled with music, skits and laughs. NET Missionaries will share their life stories and help us look at how Christ can be the hope we need when life is tough. The cost is $30. Sign up by April 10. Spring Sports Registration: Registration for Spring 2015 sports is now open, and will close soon. Register online at as soon as possible, then email your appropriate coach: JV softball: Kerry Greene, [email protected]; Varsity softball: Bob DeVico, [email protected]; JV baseball: Ed Ward, [email protected]; Varsity baseball: Paul Cutajar, [email protected], track: Mike Shive, [email protected]; high school volleyball: Megan Murphy Ryan, [email protected], and NEW: boys JV and varsity volleyball: Mike Shive, [email protected]. PAGE - 7 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Samantha Childs Nicholas Coyne, Jr. Natalie Zollo Kristen Sulzbach Kevin Kimmel Please pray for our Catechumen and Candidates for Full Communion in the Catholic Church as they enter into their final and more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation. Saturday afternoon, February 21, they went to the Cathedral to meet Archbishop Chaput and to participate in the Celebration of the Rite of Election of Catechumens and of the Call to Continuing Conversion of Candidates. At this rite, they expressed publicly their intention and resolve to receive the sacraments of the Church. Our role as a community of faith at St. Stanislaus is to surround the elect and candidates with prayer so that we “will accompany and lead them to encounter Christ.” I ask this to be your special intention for your prayers and devotions this Lent. Please pray for them by name and for the “team” who has been guiding them along the journey. Samantha Childs is our Catechumen. Nicholas Coyne, Jr., Kevin Kimmel, Kristen Sulzbach, and Natalie Zollo are candidates for Full Communion Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Forlano Lenten Prayer Dear Father in Heaven, may this season of repentance bring us the blessings of Your forgiveness and the gift of Your light. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen PAGE - 8 YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in Montgomery County. The group supports Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Visit or email [email protected] to learn more. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS Monthly Breakfast Today, Sunday February 22 from 8 am to 12 noon, the Knights will be hosting their monthly Breakfast. It is All-You-Can-Eat buffet including made to order omelets as well as a selection of hot and cold entrees. $9 for adults, $8 for Seniors, $6 for children ages 5 to 12. Active duty Fire, Police, Military and children under 5 eat free! Spaghetti Dinner On Saturday, March 7 from 4 pm to 8 pm, the Knights will be hosting a Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner fundraiser. Dinner includes salad, desert and non -alcoholic beverage. Wine and bar drinks available for purchase. Fixed price donation of $10 for adults, $5 for children 6 to 12 years of age. Children 5 and under eat free! A portion of profits will benefit Boy Scout Troop #414. The Knights of Columbus hall is located at 258 West 8th Street in Lansdale, on the corner of 8th Street and Kenilworth Ave. Call 215-368-3044 or [email protected]. The Annual Archdiocesan Mass Honoring the Gifts of Persons with Disabilities, the Deaf Community, Family, Friends and Caregivers is scheduled for Saturday, March 21 at 10:30 am at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. Visit for information. MAN-UP PHILLY MEN'S CONFERENCE On Saturday March 7 at St. Joseph University Hagan Arena, men are invited to join Catholic men from throughout the Archdiocese for the 7th Annual Men's Spirituality Conference. Speakers include Dr. Scott Hahn, Gus Lloyd, Catholic radio host, Devin Schadt, from Catholic Answers, and Jim Longon, member of the Papal Foundation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered, and the Conference will conclude with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. For more information and to register visit LANSDALE CATHOLIC NEWS 7th Grade Practice Scholarship Exam - LC will hold their annual Practice Scholarship Exam Saturday, March 14 at 8 am. Students from regional public, private and parochial schools are encouraged to call the Admissions Office at 215.362.6160 x194 or visit our website at for information regarding the application process. Dance Company Showcase – The LC Dance Company students present their 23rd Annual Showcase with the theme of “Peace, Love, Dance” with choreography by alumni and current students. Show times are Friday, February 27 and Saturday, February 28 at 7 pm and Sunday, March 1 at 2 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Tickets may be purchased at LC’s Activities Office. AN INVITATION Would you like to participate in the celebration of Mass in a more active way? You are invited to participate in the privilege of serving as Offertory Gift Bearers at the Saturday Vigil, Sunday or Holy Day Masses. This could be an opportunity for you to mark a special event or anniversary while participating in Mass in a deeper way. Sign up online at This link is also on our parish website. Please select an available day and time slot that is convenient for you. You may also contact Alexa Friend at [email protected] or 267.664.1215 to sign up. SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING FOR ALL COACHES, CATECHISTS AND VOLUNTEERS OVER AGE 18 WHO WORK OR PLAN TO WORK WITH ST. STANISLAUS PARISH YOUTH St. Stanislaus Parish will offer Safe Environment training on Thursday, March 12 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm in the Parish Center. This training is part of a comprehensive child safety and child sexual abuse prevention program that creates a network of prevention and protection for the children entrusted to the Archdiocese’ care. This one-time FREE training is MANDATORY - NO EXCEPTIONS- for all who come in contact with parish youth in any capacity - coaching, scouting, school or PREP volunteering, catechists, etc. Please register online at Click on “Registration” then “View List of Sessions” then “Select Your Organization”. Select “Philadelphia Archdiocese” and you will be shown a list of area classes, including those at St. Stanislaus, for which you can register. For other required clearances, visit Questions? Please call Peggy Dominick at the Parish Center, 215.855.3133. PAGE - 9 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA FEBRUARY 22, 2015 I DOMINGO DE CUARESMA – 22 DE FEBRERO DE 2015 “Renovemos nuestra vida con un espíritu de humildad y penitencia.” Joel 2, 13 Intención de la misa: Por el eterno descanso de Meliton Sánchez (pedida por Eva Zavala). que guardan tu alianza. 1) Génesis 9, 8-15 Lecturas del Domingo Salmo 24, 4bc-5ab. 6-7bc. 8-9 Tus sendas, Señor, son misericordia y lealtad, para los 2) 1 Pedro 3, 18-22 3) Marcos 1, 12-15 Extracto del Mensaje del Papa Francisco para el Cuaresma 2015 La Cuaresma es un tiempo de renovación para la Iglesia, para las comunidades y para cada creyente. Pero sobre todo es un «tiempo de gracia» (2 Co 6,2). Dios no nos pide nada que no nos haya dado antes: «Nosotros amemos a Dios porque él nos amó primero» (1 Jn 4,19). Él no es indiferente a nosotros. Está interesado en cada uno de nosotros, nos conoce por nuestro nombre, nos cuida y nos busca cuando lo dejamos. Cada uno de nosotros le interesa; su amor le impide ser indiferente a lo que nos sucede. Pero ocurre que cuando estamos bien y nos sentimos a gusto, nos olvidamos de los demás (algo que Dios Padre no hace jamás), no nos interesan sus problemas, ni sus sufrimientos, ni las injusticias que padecen... Entonces nuestro corazón cae en la indiferencia: yo estoy relativamente bien y a gusto, y me olvido de quienes no están bien. Esta actitud egoísta, de indiferencia, ha alcanzado hoy una dimensión mundial, hasta tal punto que podemos hablar de una globalización de la indiferencia. Se trata de un malestar que tenemos que afrontar como cristianos… La indiferencia hacia el prójimo y hacia Dios es una tentación real también para los cristianos. Por eso, necesitamos oír en cada Cuaresma el grito de los profetas que levantan su voz y nos despiertan… El pueblo de Dios, por tanto, tiene necesidad de renovación, para no ser indiferente y para no cerrarse en sí mismo …Queridos hermanos y hermanas, cuánto deseo que los lugares en los que se manifiesta la Iglesia, en particular nuestras parroquias y nuestras comunidades, lleguen a ser islas de misericordia en medio del mar de la indiferencia… Por favor, rueguen por los enfermos. Hernan Dario Murillo, Emma Pedroza, Nick Dion, Carlos Erazo, Minerva Montaño Abonza, Padre Orlando Carmona, Aurora Millan, Carlos Benavides, Max Ho Morales, Benjamin Hernandez, Saulo Guarin, Victor Alarcou, Analiz Florez, Roman Rivera, Magdalena Mendoza, Concepción Sampeño, Yeinaldo Benitez, Elsa Roig, Esteban Tellez, Guadalupe Salinas, Imelda Peña, Josefina D’Hoy, Eliseo Berrio, Edwin Anglero, Manuel Hernandez, Marylin Alvarez, Filigonio Gomez, Viviana Aviles, Adela Alvarez Aguilar, José Santiago. Escriba los nombres en la hoja de peti- ciones antes de la misa, y aquí se incluirán en el boletín la semana que viene. ¿Cómo le devolveré al Señor todo el bien que me ha hecho? (Salmo 116:12) 2/15/15 - Colecta: $287.80; 115 Asistentes ¡Gracias por su generosidad! ¿Es mi ofrenda una señal de agradecimiento a Dios y una participación en su caridad? Para un consejo o una cita, hable con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel después de la misa o puede contactarlos a 215-855-3133 ext. 111 (P. Forlano) o ext. 101 (P. Miguel) al Centro Parroquial de San Estanislao. También, se puede comunicar con Padre Forlano por correo electrónico: [email protected] o con Padre Miguel: [email protected] Plato de Arroz de CRS: recuerde que sus sacrificios de Cuaresma incluyen la oración, el ayuno y los donativos a los más necesitados. A través del plato de arroz la familia puede recordarse diariamente los que sufren de hambre, los que no tienen hogar y los necesitados. Esto nos ayude a profundizar nuestra fe en Dio y nuestro amor a los demás. PAGE - 10 ACTIVIDADES Y FORMACIÓN EN LA FE Grupo de Oración se reúne todos los Martes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla en el centro parroquial. Para más información, favor de contactar a Carlos Zuluaga, (954) 309-1771. “La Virgen Peregrina.” Un retablo de la Virgen de Guadalupe está viajando por los hogares de la comunidad. Es una oportunidad maravillosa para acercarnos a ella en familia. Para registrar su familia por una semana, llamar a Carlos Z. (954) 309-1771. Via Crucis. Empezando el martes, 24 de Febrero, celebraremos el Via Crucis en la iglesia principal cada martes a las 7:00 en la tarde hasta la Pascua. Todos están invitados a participar en esta devoción cuaresmal. Clase De Quinceañera La Iglesia de San Estanislao en Lansdale PA estará ofreciendo una clase de Quinceañera el sábado, 11 de Abril, de 10 AM a 2:00 PM. Esta clase es un requisito para las jóvenes que desean celebrar sus quince años con una ceremonia en la Iglesia. Para mas información favor de contactors a: Angelica Santillan: 215-803 -3800. Email: [email protected] o Diana Zuluaga: 954-296-1420 Email: [email protected] / Iglesia de San Estanislao 51 Lansdale Ave, Lansdale PA 19446 LOS SACRAMENTOS Bautismos – Clases bautismales serán el primer Domingo de cada mes después de la misa. La próxima clase bautismal es el 1 de marzo después de la misa. Inscríbase por anticipado con el Padre Forlano. Todos los que necesitan bautizar a un niño o una niña o quieren ser padrino o madrina deben asistir. Normalmente, se celebran los bautismos durante la misa del segundo y cuarto Domingo del mes. Para ser padrino/madrina o recibir una carta de elegibilidad, una persona tiene que ser: 1) Un Católico practicante con un mínimo de 16 años de edad y haya recibido todos los sacramentos de iniciación - bautismo, confirmación, y comunión. 2) Registrado en la parroquia o bien conocido en la comunidad de la Iglesia. 3) Casado por la iglesia católica o soltero sin vivir en unión libre. 4) Hay que asistir a la Misa. 5) Deben tener sus propios hijos confirmados si tienen la edad. El Sacramento de Reconciliación - se ofrece los sábados a las 8:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. y los domingos 12:30 - 12:50 p.m. o por cita con Padre Forlano o Padre Miguel. Las normas de abstinencia y ayuno. Abstinencia es una práctica penitencial que consiste en abstenerse del consumo de carne y debe observarse por todo católico mayor de 14 años de edad. El Miércoles de Ceniza, Viernes Santo, y los viernes de cuaresma son días de abstinencia. Además de la abstinencia, el ayuno debe acostumbrarse por todo católico entre las edades de 18 a 59 años (inclusivo). Durante los días de ayuno, el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo, se permite una sola comida completa al día. Se pueden tomar dos comidas ligeras al día, suficientes para mantener la fuerza, de acuerdo a las necesidades particulares, pero las dos juntas no deben equivaler otra comida completa. Comer entre comidas no está permitido, más sí está permitido tomar líquidos. 126 St. Stanislaus - Lansdale, PA Stan Stockmal Carmen C. Rocco, DDS Carmen C. Rocco, Jr., DDS Constance Buffett, DDS Agent Auto • Life Health • Home Gary’s Plaza 439 S. Broad St. FAMILY DENTISTRY 855-3421 By Appointment (215) 855-9068 601 East Main Street (Across From St. Stanislaus) Zenith INTEQ Sony Trinitron CARL’S TV & APPL. Call 855-3736 855-1153 Main and Line Streets, Lansdale 248-1323 Heating and Air Conditioning Co. YORK EQUIPMENT • INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 800 Hagey Rd. Soudertown, PA 18964 Parishioner 215-799-0515 EMERT RECYCLING (215)855-7690 x Cash Buyers of all Grades of Scrap Copper • Brass • Alum. • Steel • Alum. Cans Present This Ad For Your Free Gift 2700 Richmond Road Hatfield, PA $ CAROL M. LAUCHMEN P.C. Attorney at Law • Prompt, Personal Attention Real Estate & Zoning • Wills & Estate Planning Family Law • Estate Administration Personal Injury • Small Business & Corporations 388 Main St., Harleysville, PA 19438 215-256-4300 E-mail: [email protected] ROOFING SIDING WINDOWS PAINTING Approved Auto Repair 322 W. Main St. Lansdale SALES & SERVICE Harleysville 215-256-9290 Diocese Member McClard Construction HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST Carpentry • Electrical • Plumbing NO JOB TOO SMALL Rob McClard - Our Lansdale Neighbor 610-755-1100 Hanna Eadeh Rug Co. Mohawk Smart Strand Carpet GET YOUR JUMP ON! 616 E. MAIN ST. LANDSDALE, PA $11.95 sq. yd. installed w/pad 215-362-6800 GUTTER CLEANING Jeff Polansky Owner 215-322-7400 GUTTER DOCTORX Like Us On Facebook Licensed & Insured PA 050067 WEST POINT DELI PLUS at Gulf Gas Station NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL With value of $2500.00 or more 215-855-4217 Lansdale 215-855-9258 since 1985 PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING So. Broad & Sumneytown Pike Friendly & Complete Automotive Service Roofing or Siding Job - HEARING AID SPECIALIST Patricia L. Reiff, AUD/CCC, Director 100 W. Main St., Suite 105, Lansdale COMING SOON! 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JR Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults Invisalign Certified 1300 Horizon Dr., Suite 117, Chalfont, PA 215-997-0200 G CANNON Real Estate / Land Use / Zoning Commercial / Business Litigation Personal Injury Litigation Estates, Trusts & Elder Law Family Law • Municipal Law Labor & Employment Law Criminal Law • Tax & Business Law Education Law ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS 484-653-5800 LARGE PLAIN PIZZA 215-362-2474 1800 Pennbrook Parkway Ste 200 • Lansdale, PA 19446 10% OFF 101 Cowpath Rd. • 362-1401 Not combined w/any other offer • Expires 3/31/2015 Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry -Padre Pio The Leading Vascular Center of Excellence in the Delaware Valley After Church Special 1.00 OFF $ WITH AD 25 S. Broad, Lansdale • 215-855-3900 CONTACT J.E.M.’S SPARKLE & SHINE PROFESSIONAL Cleaning Services for a free estimate! • House Cleaning • Laundry Tired leg(s) or foot wounds that won’t heal? 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Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes 430 W. Main St. Trappe, Pa 19426 484-902-8030 Next to Trappe Tavern 285 Bethlehem Pike Colmar, Pa 18955 267-477-1445 Rt. 309 & Advance Ln. You've enjoyed our famous "Smith Island" crab cakes with your church fundraiser ~ now enjoy them year round at our 2 retail locations Take & Bake • Made Fresh Daily • Restaurant Quality Dr. Richard Lizerbram Dr. Ira Silverman PODIATRIC PHYSICIANS CARING FOR ALL OUR ST. STANISLAUS FAMILIES 2032 North Broad Street Lansdale, PA 19446 215-855-6500 • [email protected] 126 St. Stanislaus, Lansdale (BACK) Rt. D John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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