ST. JULIE BILLIART THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SATURDAY, February 21 9:00 Spanish Baptism Class-Fenmont 3:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [James & Ruth Milillo Anniv.] SUNDAY, February 22 1st Sunday of Lent 8:30 Mass [The Parish Family] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP 11:00 Mass[Robert C.& Patricia Osterman Annniv] 1:00 Misa en Español 1:00 Secular Franciscans – Dayton House MONDAY, February 23 12:00 Mass [ Rita Yokers ] 7:00 St. Vincent de Paul - Church Office 7:00 Caring Hands Group - Fenmont TUESDAY, February 24 8:00 Mass [The Parish Family] 7:00 Holy Hour- Church WEDNESDAY, February 25 8:00 Holy Communion Service 7:00 BINGO 7:00 Spanish Choir- Church 7:00 RCIA - Dayton House February 22, 2015 PASTOR’S CORNER The movie, Fifty Shades of Grey, is being shown in theaters across America. You may have heard or read that Archbishop Schnurr issued a statement about the movie. The story line is presented as a romance; however, the underlying theme is that bondage, dominance, and sadomasochism are normal and pleasurable. In the story line, a young Miss Steele is urged to sign a contract becoming a sex slave and agreeing to an abusive and degrading relationship. This movie is in direct contrast to the Christian message of God’s design for self-giving and self-sacrificing love, marriage and sexual intimacy. The movie is a direct assault on Christian marriage and on the moral and spiritual strength of God’s people. We need to inform our people about the destructive message of this movie and to highlight the beauty of God’s design for loving relationships between a husband and wife in the bond of marriage. Personally, I again encourage couples to consider either a Marriage Encounter weekend or other kind of retreat. While sexual expression is important to marriage, it is not essential. The movie seems to lift it up while demeaning commitment. THURSDAY, February 26 8:00 Mass [John Lacker+] 1:30 Staff Meeting - Church Office 7:00 Choir - Church 7:00 RCIA Inquiry Session - Dayton House FRIDAY, February 27 9:00 Newsletter Mailing - Church Office 12:00 Mass [Walter Pucke*] 7:00 Way of the Cross SATURDAY, February 28 3:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Laverne Preston] SUNDAY, March 1 2nd Sunday of Lent 8:30 Mass [Altar Rosary Members Living &Dec’d] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP 11:00 Mass[The Parish Family] 1:00 Misa en Español VOCATION VIEWS: As we begin this Lenten season we are reminded of the everlasting covenant God made with us. Renew the promise you made with God. Believe in the Good News! (Psalm 25) READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday First Sunday of Lent Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Monday Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday Is 55:10-11; Ps 34; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138; Mt 7:7-12 Friday Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday Second Sunday of Lent Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 ST. JULIE BILLIART February 22, 2015 STEWARDSHIP TREASURE: Weekly Collection Report July 2014—June 2015 Collection February 15, 2015 Adult Envelopes Received Regular Collection Need: Regular Collection Received Over/Under Goal: YTD Regular Collection Goal: YTD Regular Collection Received YTD Over/Under Goal: 216 $11,000.00 10,598.06 ( 401.94) 378,000.00 335,467.81 (42,532.19) “MAKE -A-CHANGE” FOR FEBRUARY SR. DOROTHY STANG FUND St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive: Preserving our Past – Preparing for Our Future As of 2-15-15 we have received $530,678.02 in donations for the drive. We have exceeded our goal to raise $500,000.00! Thank you for your generous response to this drive which helped us to update our buildings so that we can continue to bring Christ to others through a variety of religious programs as well as recreational and social activities. Capital Drive Project Update: There were 35projects for Phase I of our capital campaign. To date 24 projects are complete. The total budgeted cost of the 35 projects was $560,000.00. So, if we r each this goal all projects in Phase I will be able to be completed. So what’s left to do? Fenmont: Updated security entry system for outside entry doors Upgrades to 2nd floor restrooms 1st Floor hallway and classroom flooring Office & Dayton House Interior updates: carpeting, painting Upgrade building insulation We are counting on the fulfillment of all outstanding pledges and welcome additional donations in order to be able to complete the remaining projects listed above. Thank you again for your outstanding generosity! 2015 Golden (50th) Wedding Anniversary Mass 2:00pm Saturday, May 2, 2015 at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. And, if you know of anyone who is celebrating their 25th, 50th, 60th, 70th or 75th anniversaries, please contact the Parish Office by March 8th at 863-1040 or [email protected]. First Communion JESUS DAY All First Communicants and their parents are participating in the JESUS DAY on Saturday, March 7 beginning at 1 :00 pm at the Fenmont. We ask that the First Communion Banner is turned in at that time. We look forward to painting a Blessing Cup, playing Eucharistic Bingo, Acting out the Loaves and Fish Bible Story, practicing our reverence for the Holy Eucharist and MORE! The First Communicants and their families will be attending the 4:30 pm Mass that Saturday. Chapter 6 in the White Book Families are asked to complete chapter 6 in the white book for First Communion. Confirmation Candidates & Families All folder work needs to be turned in at St. Pete School or to PREP. Sponsor & Baptismal Forms need to be turned in. Extra forms may be printed off The reservations for the Bus to bring candidates and any family members to the Cathedral on Wed. April 15 will be taken at PREP on Sundays or at the parish office during the week. Mentors will continue interviewing candidates on Sunday, March 8 during PREP. THANKS Last week, all our PREP catechists attended a meeting to brush up on discipline skills and Lenten Lesson Planning. Thank you for your time and for sharing your talents! RICE BOWL PRAYERS –Please use the calendar and Rice Bowl to enrich your Lent! Check out the website at MARCH 8 is DAYLIGHT SAVINGS DAY! Please remember to SPRING AHEAD on your clocks 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal Archbishop Schnurr sends his thanks to everyone from St. Julie Billiart who has supported the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so this week. For more information and to pledge securely online, please visit Thank you! ST. JULIE BILLIART February 22, 2015 Is there someone you love who has stopped coming to Mass or feels separated from the Church?JointheLordin invitinghimorherback to church. Text key word FREEDOM to 66866 for your FREE talk “Freedom Through Forgiveness” by Ken Yasinski or go to Catholic churches across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will be open for quiet prayer and confession on Tuesday, March 3 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.In addition the Sacrament is celebrated at St. Julie Billiart every Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00pm and in a community setting with a number of priests on Thursday March 12 at 7:00 pm. Invite your friend to enjoy the quiet and peace of people gatheredinsilentprayer.Ifthetimeisright,alsoinvitehimor hertoconsidertalkingwithapriestorreceivingtheSacrament of Reconciliation. Learn more at: The Notre Dame Alumnae Association is pleased to announce they will be awarding 11 one-time $500 Scholarships for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. This scholarship is open to any 8th grade girls residing in Butler County who will attend Badin High School next school year. Applications were mailed to all girls who are currently enrolled in a Butler County parish school. If you did not receive an application or have questions, please contact Carol Mulcahey at 513-863-7886 or at [email protected] (please put Notre Dame Scholarship in the subject line). All applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2015 to be eliwww.Ligh and follow #WalktHISway on gible for the scholarship. Facebook and Twi"er IS YOUR MARRIAGE HURTING IN ANY WAY? Has your marriage grown cold, distant, unloving, or uncaring? Then please consider Retrouvaille - a program designed to help heal and renew marriages. Retrouvaille is for marriages that have lost some of their spark, for marriages having difficulties in communication and even those marriages on the edge of separation and divorce. The next program locally is April 17, 18, 19 2015. For more information call: 513-922-6045 or go to Other weekends and locations are available – call for details. Do not let finances be a problem. St. Julie Billiart Parish can help with the cost. What can you do to be involved in the RCIA? First of all, you are already involved with the RCIA. The men, women, and children in RCIA are there because they want to join Christ. And where do they find Christ? In the Body of Christ – the parish. They see you in the pew each Sunday participating in Mass and doing good works in your life. So you are already involved in the RCIA by being a member of the Body of Christ. You set an example of faith to these seekers who want to join Christ. Now, maybe you feel called to do something more. You want to share your faith and love of Christ Parents of elementary and high school students in some way. The process of the RCIA can use your are invited and encouraged to attend the help in a number of ways. To find out more about the 'INVESTING IN YOUR CHILD'S FUTURE, Profesways you might be called to become more involved sional Tips to Prepare Financially for College' in the RCIA, call Mary Richter, RCIA Coordinator, presentation on Wed., Feb 25 at 6:30 PM, at the 863-1040 ext *817, or email [email protected]. Courtyard by Marriott, Hamilton. The presentation is brought to you by Badin High School, presented by Courtney Walls of Blackrock, and hosted by financial advisor Matthew Wissman. The event is free, but requires a reservation please RSVP to Angie Bucheit [email protected] or 513-863-3993 x144. PRAYER Partners We have just a few more children who need a person to pray for them and their families while they prepare for the reception of First Holy Eucharist. Please see the church display in the main entrance of Church. ST. JULIE BILLIART February 22, 2015 St. Julie Billiart Annual Lenten Meal Friday, March 20, 2015 5:00-7:30pm The Fenmont Mark Jim’s “Famous” Baked Tilapia JIM Mark’s “Fabulous” Fried Fish and Scrumptious Shrimp John’s Tasty Cheese & Veggie Pizzas Bill’s Marvelous Macaroni and Cheese Gordon’s Fantastic French Fries & Special Sweet Potato Fries Creamy Cole Slaw Homemade desserts Soft Drinks, Coffee The parish hospitality committee invites you and your family and friends to enjoy our annual Lenten meal served from 5-7:30pm. Carry Outs Available Call 513-290-4181 Adults $9.00 Seniors & Teens $8.00 Children $4.00 Family $25.00 We appreciate your help and homemade desserts brought to the Fenmont on the 20th. Your reservations enable us to plan. Name______________________ Telephone # ________________ E-mail ________________ Please indicate the number who will enjoy any or all of the menu items: Dinners: • Fried Fish: _____Adults_____ Seniors/Teens____ Children • Fried Shrimp: _____Adults_____ Seniors/Teens____ Children • Baked Tilapia: _______Adults _______Seniors/Teens ______Children • Cheese Pizza________ Veggie Pizza________ I/we will bring a dessert________ I/we will help: in the kitchen and set up Friday, March 20, 9:30am______2:30-4:45pm_______4:30-6:15pm_____ Serve 4:45-6:15pm_____6:00-7:30_____ Clean-up 5:30-7pm_____7-9pm______ ST. JULIE BILLIART LPMP Information Meetings for Dayton Location: The Lay Pastoral Ministry Program will offer the Non-Degreed Certificate Option in Dayton beginning in August 2015. The program is designed for busy adults with Saturday classes and flexible formation components. Learn about Sacred Scripture, Church Doctrine, Moral Issues, Catholic Social Teaching, the Life of Jesus, Evangelization, Church History and your own call to Discipleship. The integrated approach deepens your faith, expands your knowledge and develops your skills for service. Information Meetings are informal and open to the public. They will include an overview of courses and formation, program benefits, the fees and application process. Join Deacon Hal at the Pilarczyk Center, 1436 Needmore Road, Dayton on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 – 7:00 PM OR Sunday, March 8, 2015 – 2:30 PM OR Saturday, April 11, 2015 – 10:00 AM. For information, call Deacon Hal at 419-305-5486 or email [email protected]. February 22, 2015 Mount Notre Dame Lenten Morning of Reflec on Saturday, March 21 9am—noon Mount Notre Dame alumnae, family, friends and community members are invited to join us for MND’s Lenten Morning of Reflec on on March 21, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Mount Notre Dame chapel. The morning ac vi es will include: Tammy Bundy giving a talk on Listening with your Whole Self, enjoyment of a light breakfast, group reflec on and prayer. This event is $10 per person. To register visit or contact Alumnae Director Megan Seibert Betsch ‘02 at 513.821.3044 x141. Hope to see you there! Caregivers Assistance Network Volunteer opportunities Are you the primary caretaker for an aging parent or spouse? There are Caregivers support groups in 27 locations around the Archdiocese. These monthly meetings offer support and resources for individuals just like you. Why should someone attend? • To help caregivers- care for themselves and access valuable resource information • To provide caregivers with opportunities to express their feelings in a non-threatening, and non-judgmental atmosphere • To help caregivers learn that they are not alone and to share techniques for handling the “nitty-gritty” of daily care • To connect with other caregivers who will listen, understand and ease your burden Call the Careline (513) 869-4483 to find a group near you. To get involved contact Phenicia Johnson, Catholic Charities / Su Casa Volunteer Coordinator at 513-672-3725 or by email at [email protected] Hungering for the Journey Join our parish community—and more than 13,000 Catholic communi es across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl from tables near Church entrances, and don’t forget to download the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. Live the Corporal Works of Mercy by Welcoming the Stranger. Teaching English as a Second Language to non -native speakers. Su Casa will provide the curriculum. There is no need to speak Spanish to volunteer for this opportunity, as one of the rules of ESL is speaking only English in class! This is a great opportunity to help people adjust to life in the United States and learn the language. Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday morning. If you speak English, you can be a teacher. You will need patience, understanding and a positive attitude. To get involved contact Phenicia Johnson, Catholic Charities / Su Casa Volunteer Coordinator at 513-672-3725 or by email at [email protected] RIDE TO MASS NEEDED A parishioner who lives on Buckeye Street is seeking transportation to daily and/or weekend Masses. Please call the Hungering for a Be er Life Our journey with CRS Rice Bowl begins in Tanzania, where a office, 863-1040, simple soybean is changing lives! What ac ons can you take if you can assist this Lent to change lives—at home and around the world? her. Week 1 PDF Page 1 English Will be sent as a separate .pdf Week 1 PDF Page 2 English Week 1 PDF Page 1 Spanish Will be sent as a separate .pdf Week 1 PDF Page 2 Spanish ST. JULIE BILLIART 22 de Febrero, 2015 I DOMINGO DE CUARESMA LEER: Génesis 9: 8-15; Salmo 24; 1 Pedro 3:18-22; Marcos 1:12-15 NOTICIAS DE PREP PRIMERA COMUNIÓN-DIA DE JESÚS– Todos los niños preparándose para la primera comunión y sus padres estarán participando en el Dia de Jesús el Sábado 7 de Marzo empezando a la 1:00pm en el Fenmont. Les pedimos que traigan su banderita de Primera Comunión ese dia. Tenemos un dia lleno de actividades planeado. Vamos a ir a Misa a las 4:30pm. CAPITULO 6 EN EL LIBRO BLANCO-Todas las familias deben terminar el capítulo 6 del libro de Sacramentos blanco. CANDIDATOS DE CONFIRMACIÓN Y FAMILIAS– Todos los papeles del folder necesitan ser entregados a la escuela de St. Pete ó a PREP. Las hojas de los padrinos y de Bautizo necesitan ser entregadas. Pueden encontrar mas copias de las hojas en Las reservaciones del Bus para llevar a los candidatos y a sus familias a la Catedral el Miércoles 15 de Abril se harán durante PREP los Domingos ó en la oficina de la Parroquia durante la semana. GRACIAS - La semana pasada todos los catequistas de PREP asistieron a una reunión para repasar en habilidades de disciplina y planear las lecciones durante la Cuaresma. Gracias por su tiempo y por compartir sus talentos! LAS ESTACIONES DE LA CRUZ– OREMOS JUNTOS Todos los Viernes durante la Cuaresma a las 8:00pm en Español. CURSO DE FORMACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS– La formación será de Abril a Agosto a cada otro Viernes de 6:00-9:00pm en el Fenmont. Para más información por favor comuníquese con Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994. La Luz está Encendida para Ti ¿Hay alguien a quien usted ama que ha dejado de participar en Misa ó que se siente separado de la Iglesia? Unase con el Señor en invitarlo a él o ella a regresar a la Iglesia. Mande un Texto con la palabra clave FREEDOM a 66866 para su conversación GRATIS “Libertad a través del Perdón” de Ken Yasinski o vaya a Iglesias Católicas a través de la Arquidiócesis de Cincinnati estarán abiertas para confesiones y Oraciones el Martes, 3 de Marzo de 7:00pm a 9:00pm. Invite a sus amigos a disfrutar de la paz de personas rezando en silencio. Si el tiempo es justo, invitelos a considerar que hablen con el sacerdote o que reciban el Sacramento de Reconciliación. Aprenda más en: y siga #WalktHISway en Facebook y Twitter SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva dirección es: Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. Tel 513-761-1588. ¿Ha pensado usted en la mejor educación para sus hijos? Las escuelas católicas ofrecen una enseñanza superior en un ambiente de fe, valores y disciplina. Venga a visitarnos y no se arrepentirá. ¡Las inscripciones ya están abiertas! Tenemos becas y ayuda financiera disponible. Para más información, por favor comuníquese con Mayra Wilson– Coordinadora de Relaciones Hispanas al (513) 421.3131 ext. 2718 ESCUELAS CATÓLICAS - ¡La mejor opción… para lo que más importa! Para interesados en atender escuela Secundaria (High School) por favor comuniquense con Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994 o con el Padre Miguel. CLASES DE INGLES Ya no se ofrecerá clases de inglés durante la mañana en el Fenmont a causa de poca asistencia. La última clase fue el 18 de diciembre. Los que ya están en la clase pueden continuar en el Lane Library Tech Center en 10 Journal Square, Hamilton 45011. Todavía habrá clases por la tarde de 5:30-8:30pm Los que quieren matricularse pueden comunicarse con la oficina de ABLE de Butler Tech’s al 420-4520 para buscar mayor información. Si los números aumentan ofrecerán clases nuevamente en el Fenmont. Gracias. Lecturas de la Semana - Febrero 23-28 Lunes: Levítico 19:1-2, 11-18; Salmo 18; Mateo 25:31-46 Martes: Isaías 55:10-11; Salmo 33; Mateo 6:7-15 Miércoles: Jonás 3:1-10; Salmo 50; Lucas 11:29-32 Jueves: Ester 4, 17n. P-r. aa-bb. gg-hh; Salmo 137; Mateo 7:7-12 Viernes: Ezequiel 18:21-28; Salmo 129; Mateo 5:20-26 Sábado: Deuter onomio 26:16-19; Salmo 118; Mateo 5:43-48
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