ST. JULIE BILLIART May 10, 2015 LETTER FROM ARCHBISHOP +DENNIS M. SCHNURR Dear Fathers and Deacons, Over the past several years, we have heard and been a part of discussions regarding those aspects of the Affordable Care Act which threaten religious liberty by forcing religious institutions to cooperate with contraception and abortion. More recently, in arguing before the Supreme Court, the lawyer for the Obama Administration stated that constitutionalizing same-sex marriage could threaten the tax-exempt status of all religious institutions. His exact words were, “It’s certainly going to be an issue. I don’t deny that. I don’t deny that, Justice Alito. It is, it is going to be an issue.” That is to say, if the Court rules in favor of the Administration’s position, churches that do not perform samesex marriages will most likely lose tax-exempt status. This is one of many reasons why the Supreme Court should leave the definition of marriage where it has always been – with the states. Even if a state allows same-sex marriage, it can provide religious exemption in the same law. Constitutionalizing same-sex marriage, on the other hand, does not come with religious exemptions. This information needs to get out. Please ask your people to pray that the Supreme Court will uphold religious liberty. Sincerely yours in Christ, +Dennis M. Schnurr Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr Archbishop of Cincinnati COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND FOR CRS AID TO NEPAL We know of your compassionate concern for the people of Nepal in the days following that massive earthquake Saturday and its aftershocks. Catholic Relief Services, the official international humanitarian relief agency of the US Catholic community, and Caritas Nepal are on the ground providing disaster relief to the people sleeping and living outdoors now in the cold rain. Find the latest updates at: CRS Partner, Caritas Nepal, distributes emergency relief at a site in Kathmandu, Nepal. Photo courtesy of Caritas Australia. CONTACT US: Address: 224 Dayton Street, Hamilton, OH 45011 Ph: 513-863-1040 Fax: 513-863-1132 Website: Bulletins, Newsletters, Parish Histories & More! Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-Noon; 1pm-4pm Staff: Pastor: Rev. Michael U. Pucke: Deacon: Mr. William Renneker: Deacon: Mr. Thomas Strodtbeck: Religious Ed: Mary Pat Austing: RCIA Coordinator: Mary Richter Music Director: Jonathan Alexander ext.*813 ext.*814 896-1872 ext.*815 ext.*817 ext.*832 Hispanic Ministry: Karla Eysoldt Business Manager: Elizabeth Meiner Sec./Receptionist: Mary Ann Accorinti Bonnie Whittlesey Maintenance: Dennis Briggs 513-448-8994 ext.*811 ext.*810 ext.*812 ext.*819 ST. JULIE BILLIART May 10, 2015 STEWARDSHIP PASTOR’S CORNER TREASURE: July 2014-June 2015 Weekly Collection Collection: April 19 Total Adult Envelopes Received Regular Collection Goal: Regular Collection Received Over/Under Goal: YTD Regular Collection Goal: YTD Regular Collection Received YTD Over/Under Goal: 198 $ 11,000.00 8,318.51 (2,681.49) 508,000.00 447,462.00 (60,537.00) “MAKE -A-CHANGE” FOR MAY RELIEF FOR NEPAL (CRS) St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive: Preserving our Past – Preparing for Our Future As of 5-3-15 we have received $539,979.02 in donations for the drive. We have exceeded our goal to raise $500,000.00! Thank you for your generous response to this drive which helped us to update our buildings so that we can continue to bring Christ to others through a variety of religious programs as well as recreational and social activities. Capital Drive Project Update: There were 35projects for Phase I of our capital campaign. To date 24 projects are complete. The total budgeted cost of the 35 projects was $560,000.00. So, if we r each this goal all projects in Phase I will be able to be completed. On April 25 seven men were ordained transitional deacons. These are “seminary” deacons. Unlike our two deacons, they were ordained with the intention of seeking ordination as a priest. In addition, next Saturday, May 16, three men will be ordained priests. At the same time we have more than three priests who are retiring this summer. I encourage you to pray for vocations and to “plant the seed” in the hearts and minds of your children and grandchildren. As I mentioned at Masses last weekend, I feel a little foolish standing up in front of all of you and saying, “I’m happy being a priest.” I certainly hope that my daily life evidences that. It is also vital to encourage our young people to consider the possibility of full-time, professional lay ministry in the Church. Throughout my ministry I have been blessed to be part of a team that included married men and women. It will be even more necessary in the future to offer a clear career path for these ministers. The diversity of ministries makes us a stronger Church. I will be away for a week beginning Monday afternoon and returning the following Monday. In the meantime, if there is a pastoral emergency please call St. Peter in Chains. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH SATURDAY, May 9 3:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [The Parish Family ] THURSDAY, May 14 8:00 Holy Communion Service / Mass at St. Joe’s 1:00 ACES - Fenmont 1:30 Staff Meeting 7:00 Choir Practice - Church 7:00 RCIA Inquiry Session - Dayton House SUNDAY, May 10 8:30 Mass [Ruth Blankenburg] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 11:00 Mass [Maria Chiapetta Ricchio] 1:00 Misa en Español FRIDAY, May 15 8:00 Holy Communion Service / Mass at St. Joe’s 6:00 Spanish Christian Formation for Adults –Fmt MONDAY, May 11 11:30 Rosary - Church 12:00 Mass [Laverne Preston] 7:00 St. Vincent de Paul - Church Office SATURDAY, May 16 3:00 - 4:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [The Parish Family ] TUESDAY, May 12 8:00 Holy Communion Service / Mass at St. Peter Mass at St. Peter WEDNESDAY, May 13 Our Lady of Fatima 8:00 Holy Communion Service / Mass at St. Peter 7:00 BINGO 7:00 Spanish Choir - Church SUNDAY, May 17 8:30 Mass [The Parish Family] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 10:00 First Tee Program - Rivers Edge (tentative) 11:00 Mass [The Parish Family] May Crowning after 11:00 Mass 1:00 Misa en Español Fr. Mike away May 12-17 ST. JULIE BILLIART READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Sunday Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 Monday Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149; Jn 15:26—16:4a Tuesday Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; Saint Pancras, Martyr Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138; Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday Our Lady of Fatima Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; Ps 148; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13; Mk 16:15-20 Friday Saint Isidore Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday Seventh Sunday of Easter Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26; Ps 103; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17:11b-19 + PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR LOURDES + Parishioners George and Theresa Kearney will be leaving for Lourdes on May 11 and will take your prayer intentions with them. Just fill out a slip of paper and put it in the folder in the vestibule. Or just email: [email protected] VOCATION VIEWS : It was God who chose us to go forth and bear fruit that will last. Let your heart rejoice in God’s call to you. What is the fruit of your life? (John 15:9-17) Executive Director Position Open at Pregnancy Center West (PCW). Immediate full time hire, salaried position to provide leadership in all areas of the organization. Duties include supervision of paid staff and volunteers in all programs. PCW adheres to Catholic Church teaching regarding the gifts of human life, sexuality, marriage, and family and is seeking a committed Catholic with leadership experience. Send resume, cover letter , salary requirements and pastoral reference by May 18 to Board President Lisa Smith, at [email protected]. For a link to more details about this paid, full time position, visit our website at Pregnancy Center West 4900 Glenway Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45238 Phone: 513-244-5700 Text: 513-549-5041 Fax: 513-244-2886 Email: [email protected] May 10, 2015 PREP REGISTRATION Going on NOW! Please fill out your registration forms for 2015-16 year by June 30 to avoid a $10.00 per form late fee. We really need your registrations to be turned in as soon as possible. The forms are online at and at the main entrance of church. Families may mail in the forms, drop them off at the Office or at the orange box at the main church entrance. May Procession will be on May 17 after the 11 am Mass. All First Communicants are asked to wear their outfits to lead us in Procession that day. We will meet in the courtyard by the Statue of Mary. Come and Honor Mary during the Month of May. Catechist and PREP aides Appreciation Breakfast Our parish is lucky to have wonderful teachers of the faith! We ask all Catechists, substitute catechists, aides and mentors to come to the Breakfast on Sunday, May 17 at 9:30-10:30 am in the Fenmont. If you would like to help in serving that day or preparing a dish, casserole, baked goods, fruit bowl, juice, etc. please contact Mary Pat Austing mpausting@stjulie,net ; 863-1040 Ext. *815 . VBS at St. Pete’s Put July 20 -24 on your calendar! Fun, Games, songs, crafts, snacks, dance…all centered around the Bible! Adult and teen helpers encouraged to volunteer! Could it be you? Yes, YOU! The Lord is calling you to spread the Good News! Consider being a Catechist! Call Mary Pat Austing at 863-1040 or email: [email protected] Next year’s PREP begins on Sept. 13. St. Peter in Chains Pastoral Council invites you to join us for a Parish Dinner and Fellowship Night. Saturday, May 16th 5:30pm in the St. Peter school cafeteria Roast Beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, desserts and drinks. $8 per person (children 4 and under $3). Pre-sale tickets available after Mass – first two weekends in May. For tickets call Kevin Kessler (894-3596) or Sue Austing (863-6458). ST. JULIE BILLIART May 10, 2015 EVENTS The First Tee is a char acter building program using golf as the way to teach life skills along with golf skills. We have been in the Hamilton area since 2008. Our chapter, The First Tee of Greater Miami Valley, is one of 188 chapters across the country. What we are doing at St. Julie is an introduction to The First Tee. We will have four Sunday mor nings at St. J ulie from 10:15 to 11:30 on May 17, 24, 31 and June 7. A fifth day will be June 21 at Potters Park from 2:30-3:30. Each lesson builds upon the next and we will teach putting, chipping and full swing. We will use the gym and the open area next to the church. Assisting me will be some of our high school players. We will emphasize our core values of honesty, respect, integrity, confidence, responsibility, perseverance, judgment, sportsmanship and courtesy. We have summer programs that go into much more depth for life and golf skills. Our schedule can be found at our website: Look for the Hamilton/Fairfield programs. We have a first year program at Miles of Golf on Rte 4/Bypass 4 starting June 9th and another starting on July 14th at Twin Run Golf Course in Hamilton. Cost is $99 per child for 13 days of instruction and play. For more info, call Mike Wolf 907-8121 or 756-0313 [email protected] 9 Months with Christ in the Womb We have a few prayer cards for a daily prayer to “Christ in the womb” available as part of this nine-month campaign aimed at helping people respect and honor life in all its stages. It may also be found in the St. Julie May Newsletter . This Week with Christ in the Womb: Jesus’ mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are becoming more defined this week, and his lungs are growing at a notable pace. Jesus of the womb, Hear our prayers! “Remembering Your Prom” ACES Thursday , May 14 at 1pm Fenmont All are welcome to come to enjoy the last regular meeting of the year dressed “formal or informal” there will be great music for listening or dancing. Invite a friend to come with you. In June, there will be a picnic at Pyramid Hill Park. Unity Picnic Saturday, June 20 11:00am - 5:00 pm Booker T. Washington Center, 1140 S. Front Street & in the park Praise Service (you’ll love the music) Fellowship, Free meal, Games for kids We need you to both help and to come & enjoy! The workers will be scheduled so that they will have plenty of time to enjoy everything. Consider volunteering for one of the following Teams: Set up/clean up; Food; First aid; Publicity; Security; Transportation; Activities; Musicians/Choirs Cookie Makers! If you can help, we would like donations of 1 dozen sandwich bags of cookies, bagged 3 or 4 cookies to a bag. Plan ahead and freeze some for June 20. They may be dropped off at the office on June 18 or 19th between 9am and 4pm. To Help or For More Information CONTACT John Accorinti 513-608-8328 [email protected] Family Promise of Butler County Coming Soon to St. Julie’s! Have you ever thought about how you could safely and productively give a, “hand up” to someone that is homeless? . We will be hosting homeless families, 3-4 times per year, a week at a time, in the Fenmont. How can you help? *Coordinate volunteers *Cook a dinner, or partial dinner one evening for the families that we host (14-18 people total). *Donate food *Donate Items such as toys, games, family videos, etc. for families to use while being housed at the Fenmont. *Volunteer your time *Volunteer to Stay overnight at the Fenmont, once, dur ing the week that we host. There must be 2 adult supervisors present each night that we host. Families arrive at approximately 5:30 pm each evening and leave by 7:00 am each morning. To Volunteer or For Further Information: Fill Out the form below and drop in the collection basket any Sunday. Name: _____________________________________ Phone# ________________________________ Email Address:___________________________________ ST. JULIE BILLIART May 10, 2015 Come Pray the Rosary with Us The Blessed Virgin has asked that we pray the rosary. The main goal of the Altar Rosary Society’s Mission statement is to encourage devotion to Mary. So, starting on Monday May 4th we will be saying the rosary on Mondays and on the first Fridays at 11:30am before the noon Mass. The rosary is a powerful prayer. We live in a world today where there are so many things we need to pray for. If you are interested in leading the rosary or saying one of the decades or have any questions please contact Marilyn Vidourek at 894-5851 or [email protected] . Please Come Pray the Rosary with us. RIDE TO MASS DESIRED BY WOMAN LIVING ON NW WASHINGTON BLVD. Please call the office if you may be able to provide transportation. 863-1040 Thank you. Are you or a family member GRADUATING from High School, college, Post Graduate, Tech Schools, etc? Please submit graduation pictures and bio’s to put into our July Newsletter by June 2. They may be e-mailed to Mary Ann at [email protected]. Free tomato plants May 23 & 24! Parishioners Andy & Freddie Lampl have some extra tomato plants they would like to share. After all 4 Masses on May 23/24 they will be behind the church to give them away . There will be at least 75 plants for each Mass, so if you would like a few, stop by! Call the office if you have questions. BADIN HIGH SCHOOL STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING SUMMER CAMPS: Football Speed and Strength Camp: This is a 10 session camp designed to prepare the athlete for the rigors of their football season. Over the course of 5 weeks, every Monday and Wednesday from June 8-July 8th, 4:00 – 5:00 P.M., the athletes will participate in 2 sessions per week, both comprising of speed and agility, as well as strength training. It is our goal that the athletes will improve their speed, strength, and conditioning, and be well prepared leading right up to the start of their football season. This camp is open to 7th and 8th grade football athletes and the cost is $125.00 per athlete. 1 week Speed and Agility Camp: This camp will run Monday-Friday, July 6-10, 9:00-10:00A.M., and is open to 7th and 8th grade male and female athletes. Over the course of the 5 days we will teach proper acceleration, change of direction, and top speed mechanics, which all transfer to any sport. We will educate the athletes on how to properly warm-up and cool down, and how to reduce the potential for injury. The athletes will go through a speed evaluation on Monday, and be re-tested on Friday to show time improvements. The cost is $75.00 per athlete. St. Julie Caring Hands Knitting & Crochet Group Report from Ann Elam: In May we will be meeting on the 3rd Monday, May 18th at 7:00 p.m. We received a donation of 48 spools of cotton thread. I do have patterns for a scarf and an afghan if anyone would like to make something with the cotton thread. I called Hospice of Hamilton and they are interested in our afghans. I have also placed a call with Mercy Hospital to see if they need any more. Our cabinet is very full and we need to donate some of the afghans to make more room. Right now we have 38 afghans and lapghans plus several small quilts. Since we started in March, 2014 we have made 660 items and have given away 468. I want to thank all of you for the good work you are doing. ST. JULIE BILLIART VI DOMINGO DE PASCUA LEER: Hechos 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48, Salmo 97 I Juan 4:7-10; Juan 15:9-17 NOTICIAS DE PREP INSCRIPCIONES DE PREP El programa de Educación religiosa ya tiene inscripciones para el año escolar del 2015-2016. Las clases son los Domingos en el Fenmont de 9:45-10:45am de Septiembre a Abril. Las hojas de inscripción están en o en la entrada principal de la Iglesia.No se le niega preparación a un niño por dificultades financieras. Por favor entregue sus registros antes del 30 de Junio. VBS EN ST. PETE’S pongan en su caledario las fechas de Julio 20-24! Juegos, manualidades, meriendas, baileL todo concentrado alrededor de la Biblia! Se necesitan adultos y adolecentes para voluntarios. PETICIONES PARA LOURDES: George y Theresa Kearney viajarán el 11 de Mayo. Si le interesa mandar una intención a Lourdes por favor póngala en la carpeta en la entrada de la Iglesia o envíela a [email protected] el 10 de Mayo. CELEBRACION DEL DIA DE LAS MADRES– El 10 de Mayo después de Misa de la 1pm en el Fenmont. Traer un platillo para compartir. FELIZ DIA MADRES!! EVENTOS ESPECIALES DE CELEBRACIÓN EN ST. JULIE BILLIART DURANTE LA MISA EN ESPAÑOLPrimer Domingo del mes: Presentaciones de 3 años. Segundo Domingo del mes: Cumpleaños. Tercer Domingo del mes: Quinceañeras, Aniversarios. Cuarto Domingo del mes: Bautizos. RETIRO DE QUINCEAÑERAS Y SUS MADRES: El retiro es para todas las jóvenes que quieran celebrar sus XV años este año y su mamá. El Sábado 30 de Mayo en St. Susanna en Mason. PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES: Las próximas clases serán el 16 de Mayo de 9am-12pm en la Iglesia de St. Susanna en Mason. 616 Reading Rd. Mason, Ohio 45040. Registro necesario. PLANTITAS DE TOMATE GRATIS! Feligreses Andy & Freddie Lampl tienen plantas de tomate extras que les gustaría compartir. Después de todas las 4 Misas el 23/24 de Mayo ellos estarán atrás de la Iglesia para entregarlas. Habrán 75 plantas para cada Misa. Lecturas de la Semana – 11 a 16 de Mayo Lunes: Hechos 16:11-15; Salmo 149; Juan 15:26-16,4 Martes: Hechos 16:22-34; Salmo 137; Juan 16:5-11 Miércoles: Hechos17:15-16, 22-18,1Salmo148;Juan16:12-15 Jueves: Hechos 1:1-11; Salmo 46; Efesios 1:17-23; Marcos 16:15-20 Viernes: Hechos 18:9-18; Salmo 46; Juan 16:20-23 Sábado: Hechos 18:23-28; Salmo 46; Juan 16:23-28 10 de Mayo, 2015 El Programa de First Tee en St. Julie es gratis para niños y niñas de 7 a 18 años, es un programa de 5 dias. El programa de First Tee le enseñará a los niños golf, la importancia de honestidad, respeto, buenos modales y responsabilidad a ayudar a otros y su familia. Los niños no tienen que traer nada. Las fechas son 17, 24 y 31 de Mayo, Junio 7 de 10:15 -11:30am en St. Julie y en Junio 21 en Potters Park Golf Course a la par de Badin HS de 2:30-3:30pm. SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva dirección es: Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. Tel 513-761-1588. CLASES DE INGLES Lunes, Martes y Jueves de 5:30-8:30pm en el Fenmont. Los que quier an r egistr ar se pueden comunicarse con la oficina de ABLE de Butler Tech’s al (513)420-4520 para más información. Los esperamos! ¿Ha pensado usted en la mejor educación para sus hijos? Las escuelas católicas ofrecen una enseñanza superior en un ambiente de fe, valores y disciplina. Venga a visitarnos y no se arrepentirá. ¡Las inscripciones ya están abiertas! Tenemos becas y ayuda financiera disponible. Para más información, por favor comuníquese con Mayra Wilson– Coordinadora de Relaciones Hispanas al (513) 421.3131 ext. 2718 ESCUELAS CATÓLICAS - ¡La mejor opción… para lo que más importa! Para interesados en atender escuela Secundaria (High School) por favor comuniquense con Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994 o con el Padre Miguel. ¿Conoce a alguien a quien el alcohol y las drogas representan problemas en su vida? Grupo Oxford tiene sesiones: Lunes a Sábado 7-9 PM Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, Jueves y Viernes de 7-9:00pm. Para más información por favor llame a: (513) 614-8784 (513) 390-3825 Si tiene alguna pregunta ó necesita más información por favor comuniquese con: Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994 [email protected]
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