ST. JULIE BILLIART October 19, 2014 THIS WEEK PASTOR’S CORNER SATURDAY, October 18 9:00 Spanish Baptism Class—Fenmont 3:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Oscar Bodner] SUNDAY, October 19 8:30 Mass [The Parish Family] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP 11:00 Mass [Sheldon James Pallazza] 1:00 Misa en Español World Mission Sunday No matter where a Catholic may find himself or herself, this Sunday is World Mission Sunday. Unlike other observances such as Respect Life Sunday or the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, this is a Sunday which is observed in every Catholic Parish throughout the world. It celebrates that our primary identity as Church is to be MISSIONARY. MONDAY, October 20 12:00 Mass [Lou Falconi] 7:00 St. Vincent de Paul– Church Office TUESDAY, October 21 8:00 Mass at St. Peter. No Mass here. WEDNESDAY, October 22 St. John Paul II 8:00 Communion Service 7:00 BINGO - Fenmont 7:00 Spanish Choir - Church 7:00 RCIA – Dayton House 7:30 Capital Drive Committee Mtg— Church Office You know that this does not mean that every Catholic must pack up and go far away from home to proclaim the Good News. Rather, it speaks to how we live our faith: not as a private possession but as a gift in turn to be given to others. That fundamental orientation makes all the difference! This Sunday does give us the opportunity to celebrate, pray for, and contribute to the world-wide missionary efforts of the Church. Our Irish Heritage Year is a good occasion to reflect on how the impetus to share the Good News transforms the world. At one St. John Paul II THURSDAY, October 23 8:00 Mass [Elizabeth Kushner] 1:30 Staff Meeting—Church Office 7:00 RCIA Inquiry Meeting – Dayton House 7:00 Choir Practice - Church 7:00 “A Catholic Approach to5” Series –Fenmont time Ireland was the primary source of priests working FRIDAY, October 24 8:00 Mass [The Parish Family] such an abundance of priests, the world still needs to SATURDAY, October 25 1:00 Klimek—Albrecht Wedding 3:00 Reconciliation - Church 4:30 Mass [Paul Jacquin, Jr.] 6:00 Salvador –Herrera Wedding da or the Churches of Anglophone Africa. How often was it that in a Florida parish you’d hear the clear Irish brogue? While the Church in Ireland no longer has hear the Gospel in every corner. PREP BAKE SALE AFTER ALL MASSES SUNDAY, October 26 8:30 Mass [Mary Ann Hornung] 9:30 RCIA - Dayton House 9:45 PREP 11:00 Mass [The Parish Family] 1:00 Misa en Español 1:00 Secular Franciscans—Dayton House 6:30 Lourdes Pilgrimage Service— Church VOCATION VIEWS: in English-speaking “missionary” diocese such as Flori- “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” Our lives ultimately belong to God; let His love shine through all that you do. (Matthew 22:21) READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Monday Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday Blessed John Paul II, Pope Eph 3:2-12; Is 12; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday Saint John of Capistrano, Priest Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33; Lk 12:49-53 Friday Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 ST. JULIE BILLIART STEWARDSHIP TREASURE: July 2014-June 2015 Weekly Collection Review October 19, 2014 Come help our parishioners and visitors feel welcome and “expected”. Collection October 12, 2014 Adult Envelopes Received 196 Regular Collection Goal: $11,000.00 Regular Collection Received 8,636.57 Over/Under Goal: (2,745.55) YTD Regular Collection Goal: 165,000.00 YTD Regular Collection Received 140,915.40 YTD Over/Under Goal: (24,084.60) “MAKE -A-CHANGE” FOR OCTOBER TUES., OCTOBER 21 7-8pm Greeter Ministry Meeting Attention all Bakers!: SAVE LIVES – DONATE TO THE RESPECT LIFE FUND - After all the Masses on Oct. 25 & 26, our Confirmation candidates St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive: will be selling baked goods at the Preserving our Past – PREP Bake Sale. The money raised goes to help Preparing for Our Future with various outreach programs…St. Raphael As of 10-12-14 we have received Thanksgiving baskets, Heifer International, Rice $461,594.97 for the drive. We received several additional pledges and donations from Bowl and to children with serious health conditions. Baked good donations members who had made pledges/donations at the beginning of our drive in June 2012. are welcomed from all our Thanks for your continued support of this drive which will parishioners…just drop off at the help us maintain and update or buildings so that we can tables in the church entrance the continue to bring Christ to others through a variety of days of the sale. THANK YOU! religious programs as well as recreational and social activities. Donation envelopes for our Capital Campaign Drive can be found in the vestibule of church and are in you’re your regular donation packets. St. Julie Celebrates Marriage! Are you celebrating a wedding anniversary milestone in 2014? If so, St. Julie’s would like to invite couples whose 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th, th th 65 or 70 anniversary occur in 2014 to be their special guests at the upcoming parish Irish Heritage Dinner on Saturday, November 8th. The dinner, sponsored by our Hospitality Committee, takes place at our Fenmont Center after the 4:30 Mass. Reservations are necessary for this event, so be sure to fill out a reservation form and return it to the parish office by Saturday, October 18th. Also at all the Masses November 8th and 9th couples celebrating these milestone sacramental anniversaries will receive a blessing at the end of Mass. Catholic Disciplemen is a process of engaging men to become commi ed followers of Jesus Christ. You are invited to the first Men’s Discipleship Equip Training November 1 at the Savannah Center in West Chester. Come: -Learn the Principles and Strategies of a Comprehensive approach to Men’s Disciple. -Discover how reaching our men, and especially our young men, can be a game-changing moment for our Church and our society. -Begin the simple prac-ces that will enable you to become an effec-ve discipler of the other men in your life. For more informa-on: h p:// Our Prayers & Condolences To the Family Sheldon James Pallazza who recently passed away ~ father of Michael , Michelle and Danielle Pallazza and of parishioners Jennifer Craft. To the Family of Mary Helmers, who recently passed away ~ mother of parishioner Mary Ann Gault. May their souls and all of the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace... ST. JULIE BILLIART October 19, 2014 Consider Attending the World Meeting of Families with Pope Francis! Scheduled Sept. 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the eighth World Meeting of Families is expected to draw tens of thousands of participants from around the world. The event was established by Pope St. John Paul II in 1994 in Rome with the Year of the Family and was aimed at strengthening family bonds around the world. Since then, the Pontifical Council for the Family has been in charge of organizing the meeting, which takes place every three years in different cities throughout the world. We would like to send some families from St. Julie’s! We will be keeping you posted on ways you can prepare for this pilgrimage, but until then, please join us in praying the official prayer for the event: God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. A CATHOLIC APPROACH TO… Several years ago Fr. Mike offered a series entitled “A Catholic Approach to Scripture, Sacraments and Spirituality, and Morality”. The sessions will be offered in the “St. Stephen Hall” of the Fenmont from 7:00- 8:30pm on the following days: Scripture : Thurs., Oct. 23 Sacraments and Spirituality: May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love, Morality : Thurs., Oct. 30 Thurs., Nov.13 through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! -Tami Urcia Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes, France Sunday October 26th 6:30pm North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a 90-minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to Lour des, Fr ance, at St. J ulie Billiar t Par ish on Sunday, October 26th at 6:30 PM. Dur ing this guided Lour des exper ience, you will immerse yourself in the Message of Lourdes as given by Our Lady to St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock and to experience the liquid grace of Lourdes Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw nearer to God with Our Lady and St. Bernadette, you will receive a Eucharistic blessing and pray the Rosary. Come and experience the healing grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate Mother. The next best thing to visiting Lourdes is a Virtual Pilgrimage journey without the travel! Sacred Heart Church M Marshall Ave. & Central Parkway 541-4654 Camp Washington -Hopple St. Exit Held in the Church Auditorium Original Italian Dinner (103 years!) Sunday, October 19, 2014 -Noon until Supplies run out Featuring Homemade Ravioli and Spaghetti Dinners Adults $12 and Children $5 Generous Portion Carryouts Badin Open House Sun., Nov. 2 1-4 PM! Find out what sets Badin apart and how your son or daughter can become their best during their high school years. Learn more about our 1:1 iPad program, Project Lead the Way Engineering Program, Gaming and Robotics courses, AP and honors courses, Badin Rocks Ensemble and so much more. See you there! For more information, contact Badin Admissions at (513) 863-3993, ext. 120. ST. JULIE BILLIART PROJECT RACHEL WEEKEND RETREAT Project Rachel is offering a threeday retreat for post-abortive women in Cincinnati on November 7, 8, and 9. The cost is $125 but scholarships are available and cost should not be a barrier. It’s time for a second chance. Choose to accept God’s love and forgive yourself. “The women of Project Rachel supported me lovingly, and started me on the path to healing. God forgave me, but I still had to forgive myself. God does not want you to be broken-He wants you to be the Holy Person He created you to be.” G., past retreat participant. For specific times and location or more information, please call the confidential hotline at 513.784.0531. IS YOUR MARRIAGE HURTING IN ANY WAY? Has your marriage grown cold, distant, unloving, or uncaring? Then please consider Retrouvaille (pronounced ret’ro-vi)- a program designed to help heal and renew marriages. Retrouvaille is for marriages that have lost some of their spark, for marriages having difficulties in communication and even those marriages on the edge of separation and divorce. The next program locally is January 9, 10, 11, 2015. For more information call: 800-470-2230 or go to Other weekends and locations are available – call for details. Do not let finances be a problem. St. Julie Billiart Parish can help with the cost. October 19, 2014 ROSARY DEVOTION IN PREPARATION FOR FEASTS OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE & CHRISTMAS Mexican families have the tradition of praying the rosary with family and friends each evening prior to the great feasts of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12) and Christmas. It is done in their homes before an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The image travels each day from family to family. We want to invite English-speaking parishioners to participate in this by being with a family in their home any evening from November 26 through Dec. 20. You can pray along in either English or Spanish. If you would like to pray in Spanish, we can give you a CD with the rosary prayers in Spanish to practice. Let Tami Urcia or Fr. Mike know of your interest and which day(s) you would like to participate. We will call the host family and tell them to expect you. We will give you the family’s names, address, and phone number. We hope many families will take advantage of this great opportunity to participate in a multicultural experience of devotion and tradition! Jr. High School Youth Group in October (Grades 7 & 8) Niederman Farm Sat., Oct. 25, 5PM - 9PM Jr. High & High School Youth will gather at Niederman Farm in Liberty Twp., with bonfire, food, corn maize, hayrides. $10 admission per student. Please RSVP to Deacon Jeff. 863-3938 "Mark your calendar! All are welcome! St Peters Parish Turkey Dinner, Saturday November 15 at 5:30 in the school cafeteria (corner of Liberty and Ridgelawn). Turkey dinner with sides, drink and dessert included in price of ticket. $8 for adults, $4 for under 10 and under 2 is free. There will be basket raffles for some great items and other fun games of chance. Join us for a time to come together for good food and good fun. Get your pre-event tickets now by calling Peggy Bange 894-2878, there won't be any tickets sold the night of the dinner. Hope to see you there!" Sponsored by St Peter's Rosary Altar Society Remembrance Book During the month of November you are invited to remember those near and dear to you who have passed away. Please write their names in our parish Remembrance Book located by the Baptismal font. ST. JULIE BILLIART October 19, 2014 DIVORCE CARE This program is being held in the St. Clare Room at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Centerville this fall on Thursday nights September 4 – December 4, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. It will also be held this winter on Thursday nights from January 8 – March 31, 2015, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Cost is $25.00 per person and scholarships are available. Please call Marcelle Toma at 937.312.1157 if you have questions or would like to attend. Special Mass at Badin High School with our local Asian Communities October 19 at 3pm followed with fellowship and entertainment from the various groups. “Pink Pink Friday” Friday Ladies, gather your girlfriends and mark your calendar for the “ultimate ladies night out” at Queen of Peace. “Pink Friday” (formerly Girls, Let’s Shop) will be held on Friday, November 14th, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm in the Queen of Peace gym. Over 60 vendors will be offering home décor, jewelry, beauty items, accessories, kids items, food, and so much more! Food and “Friday friendly” beverages will be available. Admission to this night of shopping will be $3.00. If you would like to participate as a vendor, please feel free to call 863-4344. Queen of Peace is located at 2550 Millville Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. (Note: plenty of handicap parking will be available at the gym entrance on Rosary Circle) SEE YOU THERE! CONTACT US: Address: 224 Dayton Street, Hamilton, OH 45011 Phone: 513-863-1040 Fax: 513-863-1132 Website: Bulletins, Newsletters, Parish Histories & More! PARISH OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE ATENCIÓN EN LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Monday to Friday, Lunes a Viernes: 9:00 to 12:00, 1:00 to 4:00 Rev. Michel U. Pucke: Pastor/Párroco Sacraments Baptism: If you have an infant to baptize, please call the office. Adults wishing to enter the Church participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). For information contact the office. Email: [email protected] Ext. *813 Deacon / Diácono: Mr. William Renneker [email protected] Deacon / Diácono: Mr. Thomas Strodtbeck deacontommarysr@aol,com Ext. *814 896-1872 Mrs. Tami Urcia: Family Life Minister/Ministerio de la Vida Familiar Email: [email protected] Ext. *825 Confirmation: If you are an adult, active Catholic who has not received the sacrament, please schedule an appointment with the pastor. (863-1040) Mrs. Mary Pat Austing: Religious Education / Educación Religiosa Email: [email protected] Ext.* 815 Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00 to 4:00 pm or by appointment. Mr. Jonathan Alexander: Liturgical Music / Música Litúrgica Email: [email protected] Ext.*832 Mrs. Mary Richter: Sacraments for Adults / Sacramentos para adultos Email: [email protected] Ext. *817 Mrs. Betty Meiner: Business Manager / Manejo de bienes Email: [email protected] Ext.*811 Mrs. Mary Ann Accorinti: Receptionist / Recepcionista Email: [email protected] Ext.*810 Mrs. Bonnie Whittlesey: Clerical / Email: [email protected] Ext.*812 Mr. Dennis Briggs: Maintenance / Mantención Email: [email protected] Ext.*819 Anointing of the Sick: Ideally celebrated with family and friends present, call to make appt. Please seek the sacrament ahead of time if you have surgery/medical procedures scheduled. Marriage: Schedule through the pastor or deacons at least 6 months prior to anticipated date. Call the office 863-1040. Holy Orders: Considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life? Contact Fr. Mike or the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Vocation Office (513)4213131. ST. JULIE BILLIART XXIX DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO LEER: Isaías 45:1 y 4-6, Salmo 95, 1 Tesalonicenses 1:1-5, Mateo 22:15-21 ¡Atención a los que les gusta preparar postres! Después de todas las misas el 25 y 26 de octubre, nuestros candidatos de confirmación van a vender postres en el PREP Bake Sale. El dinero que ingresan va para ayudar a varias programas de ayuda comunitaria…canastas del Día de Gracias en St. Raphael, Heifer International, Rice Bowl y a niños con problemas serias de salud. Estamos pidiendo a los parroquianos que traigan donativos de postres para vender…pueden dejarlos en las mesas en la entrada de la iglesia el día de la venta. MUCHAS GRACIAS! Escuchemos las palabras del Papa Francisco sobre la Jornada Mundial de las Misiones, que se celebra hoy: “Hoy en día todavía hay mucha gente que no conoce a Jesucristo. La Jornada Mundial de las Misiones es...una celebración de gracia y de alegría. De gracia, porque el Espíritu Santo, mandado por el Padre, ofrece sabiduría y fortaleza a aquellos que son dóciles a su acción. De alegría, porque Jesucristo, Hijo del Padre, enviado para evangelizar al mundo, sostiene y acompaña nuestra obra misionera. “La humanidad tiene una gran necesidad de aprovechar la salvación que nos ha traído Cristo. Los discípulos son los que se dejan aferrar cada vez más por el amor de Jesús y marcar por el fuego de la pasión por el Reino de Dios, para ser portadores de la alegría del Evangelio. Todos los discípulos del Señor están llamados a cultivar la alegría de la evangelización. [] “La alegría del Evangelio nace del encuentro con Cristo y del compartir con los pobres. Por tanto, animo a las comunidades parroquiales, asociaciones y grupos a vivir una vida fraterna intensa, basada en el amor a Jesús y atenta a las necesidades de los más desfavorecidos. Hace tiempo que se ha tomado conciencia de la identidad y de la misión de los fieles laicos en la Iglesia, así como del papel cada vez mas importante que ellos están llamados a desempeñar en la difusión del Evangelio.” Señor Jesucristo, infunde en todos tus fieles un espíritu de evangelización y apostolado para llevar tu mensaje de salvación a todos los confines del mundo. Amen. (Tomado de La Palabra Entre Nosotros) October 19, 2014 RETIRO PREMATRIMONIAL Y DE PAREJAS Fecha: 22 de Noviembre de 8:30am-5:00pm Dirección: Igl. Sta. Susanna, 616 Reading Rd, Mason OH Información: P. Samuel González Tel. (513) 383-8867 email: [email protected] o Karla Eysoldt: Tel. (513) 398-3821 Ext. 3112, email: [email protected] Nota: Se aceptan parejas que vivan en unión libre, o que estén casadas por lo civil o matrimonios católicos que quieran participar Costo: $20 por pareja para refrigerios y almuerzo. : **Todas las parejas que piensan en casarse en los próximos 12 meses deben asistir en este retiro. Pueden registrarse con Tamara Urcia al 513-863-1040** El 7 de diciembre durante la misa habrá una bendición de las mamás embarazadas para bendecir a la creatura en el vientre. Peregrinaje Virtual de Lourdes, Francia Voluntarios Norte Americanos de Lourdes van a presentar un PEREGRINAJE VIRTUAL de Lourdes, Francia, en la Parroquia de St. Julie Billiart el domingo, 26 de octubre a las 6:30 PM. Durará aproximadamente 90 minutos. Durante esta experiencia guiada de Lourdes, podrá profundizar en el mensaje de Lourdes dado por Nuestra Señora a Sta. Bernadette. Tendrá la oportunidad de tocar una piedra del grotto y experimentar la gracia que brota del agua de Lourdes. Como parte de esta oportunidad espiritual de acercarse a Dios y Nuestra Señora y Sta. Bernadette, recibirá una bendición Eucarística y rezaremos el rosario. Vengan a experimentar la gracia sanadora de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo a través de su Madre Inmaculada. A parte de visitar al mismo Lourdes, el Peregrinaje Virtual es lo mejor, y sin viajar! Necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar con este evento. Buscamos gente para ayudar con la procesión, audiovisuales, meriendas, ujieres, equipo de bienvenida, músicos, y monaguillos. Tendremos una reunión organizativa el 15 de septiembre en la oficina parroquial. Si desea ayudar por favor comuníquese con la Sra. Mary Richter para más información al 513 863 1040. Nuestra Señora extiende su invitación a todos! ¡Inviten a su familia, sus hijos y amigos! ¡Todos están bienvenidos! Lecturas de la Semana - Octubre 20-27 Lunes: Efesios 2:1-10, Salmo 99, Lucas 12:13-21 Martes: Efesios 2:12-22, Salmo 84, Lucas 12:35-38 Miércoles: Efesios 3:2-12, Isaías 12, Lucas 12:39-48 Jueves: Efesios 3:14-21, Salmo 32, Lucas 12:49-53 Viernes: Efesios 4:1-6, Salmo 23, Lucas 12:54-59 Sábado: Efesios 4:7 y 11-16, Salmo 121, Lucas 13:1-9
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