Sacred Heart Catholic Church Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 15, 2015 FR. PATRICK REILLEY Sacred Heart Catholic Church 302 South B Street Arkansas City, KS 67005 MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday - Friday 8:00 a.m. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. MISA EN ESPAÑOL Domingo 11:00 a.m. Reflection from the Pastor: As we approach Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent, it’s helpful to review the Church’s regulations on the Lenten fast and abstinence. Ash Wednesday (February 18) and Good Friday (April 3) are days of fasting. Catholics, from the 18th birthday up to the 59th birthday are obliged to fast, that is, to take only one full meal and two lesser meals, with nothing to eat in between meals. The two lesser meals together should not equal the full meal. Drinking fluids is not contrary to the practice of fasting. Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent, including Good Friday, are days of abstinence from meat. All Catholics, beginning with the 14th birthday, are obliged to abstain from eating meat. There is no upper age limit on the obligation to abstain from meat. Although those who fall outside of the obligatory groups who must fast or abstain from meat do not have to fast or abstain, it is praiseworthy and in the spirit of Lenten sacrifice, as well as solidarity with your fellow Christians to either begin the practice earlier than one must (for the young) or to continue fasting (for older Catholics). People who are unable to practice bodily penance, due to pregnancy, illness or hard physical labor may choose another form of penance and charity in consultation with your confessor. CONFESSIONS/Confesiónes Tuesday - Friday 7:30 a.m. Martes - Viernes 7:30 a.m. Saturday/Sabado 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Sunday/Domingo 8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m. OFFICE/OFICINA 302 South B Street 620-442-0566 Monday/Lunes 9:00 a.m. -3:30p.m. Tuesday-Friday/Martes-Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00p.m. [email protected] SCHOOL/ESCUELA 312 South B Street 620-442-6550 [email protected] For the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick contact Fr. Reilley at 620-442-0566. Couples planning marriage must contact the pastor six months in advance of the marriage. For homebound visits or RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) call the office, 620-442-0566. 24 hour Adoration weekly from 8 a.m. Tuesday through 8 a.m. Wednesday in the Chapel. Tuesday, February 17 8:00 a.m. Lois Lobmeyer - in celebration of her birthday Wednesday, February 18 – Ash Wednesday 8:00 a.m. † Celebrant’s Intention 6:00 p.m. † Fr. Francis Cox by Sacred Heart K of C Thursday, February 19 8:00 a.m. † Verna Blanchat Friday, February 20 8:00 a.m. † Don McCormick by Steve & Kelley Schones Saturday, February 21 6:00 p.m. † Tony Korte by Mary Korte Sunday, February 22 – First Sunday of Lent 9:00 a.m. † Dorothy Brinkman by the Brinkman Family 11:00 a.m. For the people of the Parish Readings for the week of Feb. 9, 2015 Monday Gen 4:1-15,25 Ps 50:1&8,16bc17,20-21 Ps 29:1a&2,3ac4,3c&9c-10 Ps 51:3-4,5-6ab,1213,14&17 Ps 1:1-2,3,4&6 Mark 8:1113 Mark 8:1421 Matt 6:16,16-18 Luke 9:22-25 Tuesday Wednesday Gen 6:5-8;7:15,10 Joel 2:12-18 Thursday Deu 30:15-20 Friday Isa 58:1-9a Matt 9:14-15 Isa 58:9b-14 Ps 51:3-4,5-6ab,1819 Ps 86:1-2,3-4,5-6 Saturday Sunday Gen 22:12,9a,10-13,15-18 Ps 116:10,15,1617,18-19 Mark 9:2-10 Luke 5:27-32 Liturgical Ministers for Feb. 18(Ash Wednesday) & Feb. 21 & 22 FEB. 18 FEB. 21 & 22 ASH WED. EM LECTOR AS OFFERTORY GREETERS 8AM – SHCS Joi Jay SHCS STUDENTS SHCS STUDENTS SHCS STUDENTS --------- 6:00 PM EM Joi Jay LECTOR Bob Foster ALTAR Taylor Kennedy SERVERS Colten Kennedy Olivia Velasquez OFFERTORY Amy Prater Family GREETERS David & Dixie Givens February Gift Counters Church Cleaners for Next Week 6:00 PM Patti Rolf Kelley Schones 6:45 PM (Spanish) Imposición de Cenizas Tommy, Robby, & James Prater Jack & Donna Blatchford 9:00 AM Patti Rolf Teran Naccarato Courtney Priest Grady Priest Eva Rains Brent Pinion Family Brett & Kathy Butler 11:00 AM Margarita Medina Briana Verdin Yosedaq Esparza Jesus Lopez Aurora Lopez Jose & Silvia Martinez Nickelus Brookshire Family JoLynn Foster, Anthony Smith, & Joe & Connie Carder Janet Bismark, Linda Sobba, Dee White, and Vicki Snowden PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR PRAYERS: YOUR GIFTS TO GOD & PARISH Collection Feb. 8, 2015 Envelopes…………………..…....…………... $ 6,679.00 Loose Cash……………...……………………... $ 1,057.00 Votive Candles………………………………… $ 298.05 TOTAL…………………………...................... $ 8,034.05 Budgeted……………………….……………….. $ 7,670.00 Over ………..…..………………..……..…. $ 364.05 Jackson Weathers, Lito Bearsot, Summer Flowers Davis, Sara Boyd, Barbara Bernhardt, Darci Tauscher, Caiden & Camden Boyd, Roarke Monroe, Roseann Livingston, Sue McNinch, Karson Lozano, Patti Randa, Larry Prichard, Darren Dalton, John Gearhardt, Amanda Wiegman, Bernice Neises, Gilbert Ramirez, Juan Ramirez, Shirley Demaree, Isabelle Demaree, Herron Oyala, Sherley Lopez, Zachary Wheat, Larry Schwartz, Pete Ternes ,Billie Johnson, Malin Riel, David Potter, Larry Schwintz, Kurt Kampbell, Joseph & Barbara Thompson, Bob Mayhill, Judy Eastman, Connie Lane, Cliff Waggoner, Marsha Erickson, Cindy Neises, Marie Ternes, Tom Barnhouse, Madi McGee, Marge Hernandez, Sherry Posy, Sally Wright, Thomas Simpson, Marcie Warnecke, Randy Bruton, Cipriano Aleman, Jeanette George, Judy Michael, Jacob Shepherd, Bobbie Del Core PARISH NEWS Sacred heart school news Pastoral Council: Meeting on Tuesday, February 17 th at 7 PM, in the parish office. ASH WEDNESDAY: Masses will be at 8 AM, 6 PM, and 6:45 PM (Spanish) Stations of the Cross: We will pray the Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings at 6 PM. New Parish Directory Please take advantage of the on line registration and sign up to have your picture taken for the new directory! Just go to our Parish Web Site ( and click on the link. Online registration will be disabled from Friday afternoons until Tuesday mornings to allow for registrations after each mass on the weekends of Feb. 14th & 15th, Feb. 21st & 22nd, and Feb. 28 & March 1st, in the cafeteria. CRS Rice Bowl - Lent 2015 Hungering for the Journey Join our parish community—and more than 13,000 Catholic communities across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl from the entrance of the church or the parish office and don’t forget to download the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. Catholic Men’s Conference The annual Catholic Men's Conference of Wichita will be held on March 7th at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Good Shepherd Hall. The featured speakers will be Bishop Carl Kemme, author Randy Hain, Fr. Ken Van Haverbeke, and author Roy Wenzl. Suggested donation to attend is $25, or $10 for students and includes lunch. Clergy and religious are free. To register visit or contact Rick Riggs at 316-461-6481 Religious Education Confirmation Class Feb. 18th – 7 pm Drinks: Melina Lagunas Food: Paul Fiorentino PSR (Grades 1-8) Sunday, Feb. 22nd - 10 a.m. RCIA Sunday, 7 p.m. Pre-School Pre-Enrollment: We are now taking enrollment for the 4 and 5 year old PreSchool program that will begin in August. There will be a morning class (8 AM – 11 AM, M-F) and an afternoon class (12:10 PM-3:10 PM, M-F)). Please stop by the school office or call 442-6550 to pre-enroll. Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment: We are now pre-enrolling students for the 2015-2016 school year that will begin in August. Please call (442-6550) or stop by the School office to get your name on the list. We will send out Enrollment Forms in February. Dillons Shoppers- Please register your Dillons Shoppers card so Sacred Heart will get 5% of your purchases. You may call 1800-576-4377, pick option 3 and then give our school code which is 10364. OR you can go online and set up an online account and then go to Community rewards. Thanks and if we can help you get signed up let us know. **No school Thursday and Friday Feb 19-20 for Parent Teacher Conferences. *Students will receive their ashes at the 8 AM Mass on Wednesday, Feb 18th. *Children’s Stations of the Cross will begin on Thursday, Feb 26th at 2:30PM. Knights of Columbus News The Knights of Columbus would like to thank all who contributed to the success of our Sausage & Brisket Supper! To the ladies of the Altar Society for the wonderful desserts and help serving! To the CYM for doing the cake-walk and bussing tables. To all the Knights who set-up, made sausage, cooked, scrubbed pots, washed dishes, sliced brisket and cleaned up. And to all who sold tickets and came to eat. We served about 820 meals! Our next regular meeting will be Monday, February 23rd at 7:30 PM. January Knight of the Month Dennis MacLaughlin has a wife Jan, three children; Eric, Tara and Scott. Scott passed on to the Lord in 2013, but he will not be forgotten due to Denny and others that worked very hard to get a memorial to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta placed in front of the church in his memory. Denny is a member of the Stewardship, Finance, and Building and Grounds Committees at Sacred Heart. He also helps count the offertory and cleans the church when needed. Denny donates his time to help serve the school lunch every day. It is our pleasure to recognize Dennis MacLaughlin and his family for Knight and Family for the Month of January 2015. Father/Son Breakfast: All Fathers/Sons, grandfathers, uncles, nephews…join us next Sunday, Feb. 22nd - after 9AM Mass for our Annual Father/Son breakfast! Meditación del Párroco: A medida que nos acercamos al Miércoles de Ceniza y el inicio de la Cuaresma, es útil revisar las regulaciones de la Iglesia sobre el ayuno cuaresmal y la abstinencia. Miércoles de Ceniza (18 de febrero) y el Viernes Santo (03 de abril) son días de ayuno. Católicos, desde los 18 años hasta el 59a cumpleaños están obligados a ayunar, es decir, tomar sólo una comida completa y dos comidas menores, sin nada que comer entre comidas. Las dos comidas menores no deben ser igual a la comida completa. Tomar líquidos no es contrario a la práctica del ayuno. Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los viernes de Cuaresma, incluyendo el Viernes Santo, son días de abstinencia de carne. Todos los católicos, comenzando por 14 años, tienen la obligación de abstenerse de comer carne. No hay límite de edad en la obligación de abstenerse de comer carne. Aunque los que caen fuera de los grupos obligatorios que ayunan o debe abstenerse de comer carne no tienen que ayunar o abstenerse, es digno de alabanza y en el espíritu de la Cuaresma sacrificio, así como la solidaridad con sus hermanos cristianos, comenzar la práctica antes de lo uno debe (para los jóvenes) o continuar el ayuno (para los católicos mayores). Las personas que son incapaces de practicar la penitencia corporal, debido al embarazo, enfermedad o trabajo físico duro pueden elegir otra forma de penitencia y caridad en consulta con su confesor. Noticias de la Parroquia Clases del Bautismo en español: Las clases prebautismales son obligatorios para todos los padres y padrinos. La clase dura una hora y está en la oficina de la parroquia (302 S B Street). Se celebra los bautismos en español el último domingo del mes después de la misa en español. La próxima clase será el 28 de febrero a las 7 pm. Instituto Pastoral Hispano: Con la colaboración del Instituto Pastoral Hispano de la diócesis de Wichita, la parroquia de Sacred Heart se ofrece clases de formación. Las clases consisten de 10 clases de 7 a 9 PM los jueves, comenzando el 15 de enero. Este semestre se ofrecen dos temas: liturgia y la Biblia. El maestro de la clase de liturgia es el Padre Reilley y el maestro de la clase de Biblia es Cruz Navarrete que va a dirigir la clase por medio de un "live-stream" (video en vivo por el Internet). Para mas información y para inscribirse en unas de las clases, por favor de contactar el Padre Reilley en la oficina de la parroquia. Nuevo Directorio de la Parroquia Por favor aprovechen la ventaja de registrarse en la línea por computadora y firmen para que les sea tomada su fotografía para el Nuevo directorio! Simplemente abran nuestra página de nuestro sitio ( y seleccionen en el enlace. El registro en línea estará desactivado los Viernes por la tarde y hasta el martes por la mañana para permitir registrarse después de cada misa en los fines de semana de 14th & 15th, Feb. 21st & 22nd, y Feb. 28 & Marzo 1st, en la cafetería. 15 de febrero 12 – 2 PM Cursillistas están invitados a la reunión del grupo todos los lunes a las 7:00 pm en la iglesia. CYM, PSR, y Clases de Confirmación Clases de Confirmación Miércoles 18 de febrero – 7 p.m. Bebidas: Melina Lagunas Comida: Paul Fiorentino PSR (grados del 1 al 8) Domingo 22 de febrero – 10 a.m. Noticias de la Escuela de El Sagrado Corazón: Pre-Inscripciones de Kindergarten: Estamos ya preinscribiendo a los estudiantes para el ciclo escolar 2015-2016 que iniciara en Agosto. Por favor llame al (442-6550) o deténgase en la oficina de la Escuela y denos su nombre para la lista. Nosotros enviaremos el formato de Inscripción en febrero. **No habrá clases en la escuela el jueves y viernes 19 y 20 de febrero tendremos conferencias de Maestros *Los estudiantes recibiran las cenizas en la misa de las 8:00 a.m. el 18 de febrero. * Las Estaciones de la Cruz para los estudiantes empezaran el Jueves 26 a las 2:30 p.m. empezaran el Jueves 26 a las 2:30 p.m. Desayuno del Hijo: Todos los Padres/Hijos, abuelos, tíos, sobrinos…únance a nosotros el próximo Domingo 22 de Febrero - después de la Misa de las 9:00 a.m. para nuestro desayuno annual de Padres e hijos! CRS Plato de Arroz - Cuaresma 2015 Jornada para combatir el Hambre Únase a nuestra comunidad parroquial— y más de 13.000 comunidades católicas en los Estados Unidos—en una jornada de Cuaresma que cambia vidas con Plato de Arroz de CRS. ¡Consiga el plato de arroz de su familia, y no olvide descargar la aplicación móvil de Plato de Arroz de CRS! Recuerde, sus sacrificios de Cuaresma cambian vidas.
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