ST. MARY OF MT. CARMEL PARISH ST. JOSEPH CHURCH 226 FRENCH STREET HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 Phone 609-704-5945 Fax 609-704-5249 Website Email [email protected] SERVED BY Pastor ............................................................................. Rev. Thomas S. Donio Parochial Vicar ................................................................ Rev. Steven Pinzon In Residence ............................................ Rev. Christopher M. Markellos Part-Time Assistance ................................................. Rev. Charles Conaty Part-Time Assistance .....................................................Rev. Neal F. Dante Deacon ............................................................George Van Leer Pastoral Minister .................. Sr. Geraldine Canale, MPF School Principal & Convent Superior ....................................................... Sr. Betty Jean Takacs, MPF Religious Education............................. Lori Scotto DiVetta Email ......................................................... [email protected] Director of Liturgy & Music .............................. Lisa Neglia Email Youth Minister……………………… ...........Kimberly Fahy Email……………………… [email protected] ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH 285 Route 206, Hammonton, NJ 08037 - August 16, 2015 - MASS SCHEDULE St. Mary of Mt. Carmel St. Anthony Saturday........................................................................................................................... 5:15 p.m. Sunday ................................................................................................... 7:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. St. Joseph Daily Mass............................................................................................ 7:00 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Wednesday .............................................................................................. 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday................................................................................................8:30 a.m. & 4:15 p.m. Confession .................................................................................................... 3:15 - 4:00 p.m. Sunday .................................................. 8:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. & 11:45 a.m. (Spanish) PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday ................................... 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Closed 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM for lunch MISSION STATEMENT Called forth by the Holy Spirit through Baptism and nourished by our Celebration of the Eucharist, we, St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish, seek to build the Kingdom of God here on earth by our proclamation of and witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Following the example of Mary, the Mother of God and Queen of all Saints, we strive to give birth to God’s saving love by our contemplative and active participation in the healing ministry of Our Lord Jesus Christ, especially in His outreach to the poor. 23ST. MARY OF MT. CARMEL ST. MARY OF MT. CARMEL SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Parents should be registered and participating members of the parish. Please contact the Rectory during the sixth month of pregnancy to schedule for the parent preparation program held the first Wednesday of each month in the St. Patrick's Room at 7 PM. Baptisms are scheduled the Second and Fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM (SPANISH): Spanish Baptisms are held the First and Third Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. Please contact the Parish Office 704-5945 on Tuesdays to schedule. Preparación para el bautismo cada 1er miércoles mensualmente después de la misa de las 7 pm. SACRAMENT OF ANNOINTING: (Care of Infirm and Elderly): The Rectory may be called at any time for the Sacrament of the Sick. (609-7045945) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:15 PM—4:00 PM at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel, before or after daily Mass, or any time upon request. Parish Family Penance Service: Scheduled Advent and Lent. R.C.I.A.: (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): For information about RCIA, please contact the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Diocesan regulations require that arrangements be made one year in advance with the officiating Priest. Those desiring to receive this Sacrament must be registered for at least six months and be participating members of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish. As you contemplate marriage, contact the Rectory. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOCIAL CONCERNS / ST. VINCENT DEPAUL FOOD PANTRY: Food distribution every Thursday 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM and in the evening from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in St. Lucy Hall (Convent Basement, French St.) ADORATION—FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH FOLLOWING THE 8:00 AM MASS UNTIL 4:00 PM BENEDICTION. SIGN UP SHEETS IN VESTIBULE OF CHURCH. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PARISH REGISTRATION St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish Welcomes All (You can register online. Website address on cover of bulletin) Readings for the Week No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc.; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish. ----------------------------------------------------------Parish Registration (Please drop in collection basket) Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ City: _____________________ Zip ______ Phone: Home: ______________________ Daytime: ___________________________ ( ) New Parishioner ( Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Prv 9:1-6; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58 Monday Jgs 2:11-19; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday Jgs 6:11-24a; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday Jgs 9:6-15; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday Jgs 11:29-39a; Mt 22:1-14 Friday Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday Ru 2:1-3, 8-11, 4:13-17; Mt 23:1-12 ) Address Change 1 WED 8 /1 SAT 8/15 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 4:15 pm (SJ) Req by Req by Req by Req by 5:15 pm (SA) Req by Req by Req by Req by SUN 8/16 7:30 am (SA) Req by 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 10:15 am (SJ) Req by Req by Req by Req by 11:45 am (SJ) Req by Req by Req by 6:00 pm (SA) Req by MON 8/17 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Req by Req by TUES 8/18 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Req by Req by WED 8/19 7:00 AM (SJ) Req by 8:00 am Req by Matilda Caruso Husband Joe Kazmer “Bud” Kowal Anna H. Kowal Margaret Provnick Pat Jennie Rotondo Alice & Michael Convey Logan DeAngelis Bob & Ginger Perri Anthony & Nathan Domenico & Marie Angelow Family Logan DeAngelis Ray & Phyllis Canfield Regina DeClement Children Sue Donio John & Kay Tomasello Req by 7:00 pm (SJ) Gaetano Matro Loretta & Rohna Ruberton Robert Salvo Delores David Tomasello Bridget & Joe Carruolo Kathryn Bruno Alice & Michael Convey Intentions for Healing THURS 8/20 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Aurelio Vetrini Anna & Bob Esau Gaetano Matro Borrelli Family FRI 8/21 7:00 am (SJ) Req by 8:00 am (SJ) Req by Ellen Berenato Dotty & Inferrera Family Clifford, Irene & Esther Thomas Bob Lippi Req by Marion Coia Dan & Evelyn Franchetti Erminio Gioelli Amelia Trepiccione Dr. Charles B. Sceia Gerhart L. & Anne Sceia Klein Rocco Lillia Jim & Marti Matro Maria “Pia” Sassano Mr. & Mrs. Dave Campanella Katherine Reilly Perri Family Antonio Pratts Ana Rivera & Gladys Torres Maria Pagon Luis Pagon Carmen Lagos Carmen Estévez Francis Scott Henshaw Robert & Gail Moore SAT 8/22 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 4:15 pm (SJ) Req by Req by Req by Req by 5:15 pm (SA) Req by Req by Req by Req by SUN 8/23 7:30 am (SA) Req by 8:30 am (SJ) Req by 10:15 am (SJ) Req by Gaetano Matro Dotty & Inferrera Family George J. Tidwell Sr Erma Annabel Arena Angela Hernandez Frank & Robert Gibase Mario & Christine Massarelli Req by Req by Mary Lou Franchetti-Bacher Parents Dan & Evelyn Frank Safryn Joan Anderson & Jerry Providenza Papale Catherine Amendolia & Family David Tomasello Laurie Schleyer Req by 11:45 am (SJ) Req by Req by 11:45 am (SJ) 6:00 pm (SA) Req by 2 Annabel Arena Dotty Orlandini & Inferrera Family Jack Olivo Sylvia & Family Frank Jenis Bill & Patty Boyer Jim & Adeline Garrison Anna Ebinger & Family Rosaria Spolzino Sisters of St. Joseph Convent Sue Donio Richard Grillo Albert Restuccio Kathie Restuccio & Family Katherine Reilly June Ambrose Frank Ingemi Joe & Rose Arena Sue Donio Marti & Joe Badagliacco Philip & Millie Carina Phyllis & Kay Thomas & Angelina Costa & Family Costa Family Charles, Chris & Chip Domenico Josephine Domenico Maria Sassano Richard Grillo Raymond Canfield Richard Grillo Lydia Melendez Falcon Mom and Dad Epifanio Torres Carmen Perpetual Mass Remembrance Marion Coia Pat & Skeeter TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME– AUGUST 16, 2015 Dear Friends: Estimados amigos: One of the most enduring, if not the most enduring, metaphors to describe the Kingdom of Heaven is that of the banquet. Rooted in numerous passages of the Old Testament, banquet imagery provides a most apt description of the glories which await us. Who does not like a party, especially one complete with juicy rich foods and choice wines (cf. Isaiah 25)? Our reading from Proverbs describes Wisdom with such banquet imagery: “…she has dressed her meat, mixed her wine, yes, she has spread her table.” A description like that is one to make our mouths water and hunger to be at the table of such a sumptuous meal. The larger context here is the willingness and desire to provide us with such a spread. As we continue with our reading of John 6, Jesus becomes more visceral with his invitation to the people. “Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you,” is most explicit and the people think that Jesus is either crazy or cannibalistic. However, what Jesus is inviting them and us to is definitely a meal, a meal where he is the main course. On one level what is being referred to is the Eucharist where we eat what is truly the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. On a deeper level we are being invited into the most intimate relationship or communion with our Lord. In eating his flesh and drinking his blood, Jesus becomes a part of us and we a part of him. Our feasting upon our Lord Jesus Christ further cements our bond with him in a more profound manner than we could ever have imagined. Once so bonded we can never be separated. We are bound in the love of God through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. We become one with God and God with us. Emanuel, God is with us! Una de las metáforas más duraderas, si no la más perdurables, para describir el Reino de los cielos es la del banquete. Arraigada en numerosos pasajes del Antiguo Testamento, banquete imaginario ofrece una descripción más apta de las glorias que nos esperan. ¿A quién no le gusta una fiesta, especialmente uno con jugosos ricos alimentos y vinos de elección (cf. Isaías 25)? Nuestra lectura de Proverbios describe sabiduría con estas imágenes del banquete: «... mitadAlbanés ha vestido su carne, mezcla su vino, sí, ella ha extendido su mesa. " Una descripción como la que es uno para hacer nuestras bocas agua y hambre que en la mesa de una opípara comida. El contexto aquí es la voluntad y el deseo que nos proporcione tal extensión. Mientras continuamos con nuestra lectura de Juan 6, Jesús se convierte en más visceral con su invitación a la gente. "Amén, Amén, os digo que, si no coméis la carne del hijo del hombre y bebéis su sangre, no tienes vida dentro de ti," es más explícitos y la gente piensa que Jesús está loco o caníbales. Sin embargo, lo que Jesús invita a ellos y nosotros es sin duda una comida, una comida donde es el curso principal. En un nivel lo que se conoce es la Eucaristía donde comemos lo que es verdaderamente el cuerpo y la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. En un nivel más profundo se nos invita a la más íntima relación o comunión con nuestro Señor. En comer su carne y beber su sangre, Jesús se convierte en una parte de nosotros y una parte de él. Nuestra fiesta a nuestro Señor Jesucristo más consolida nuestro vínculo con él de una manera más profunda que jamás podríamos haber imaginado. Tan consolidada nos no podemos nunca ser separados. Estamos obligados en el amor de Dios a través de Jesús en el Espíritu Santo. Que ser uno con Dios y Dios con nosotros. Emanuel, Dios está con nosotros! With peace and joy! Fr. Tom ¡Con paz y alegría! Fr. Tom’s telephone number at St. Anthony is 561-3313. Padre Tom Please call before 9 PM unless an emergency Padre Tom Telefono 561-3313 3 WEDDING BANN Alexander Quinones and Ashley Cameron Salvatore Jacobs and Janet Smith PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Donna Amendolia, Nancy Baach, Lena Balsama, Mary Berenato, Rachael Beretta, Elise Brunda, Thomas Burke, Joseph & Kimberly Cantanzariti, Lee Chappine, Andy Chillari, Luz Crespo, Kathleen Crowley, Anita Curran, Peggy Davenport, Lee DeNardo, John DiRiego, Florence “Zazz” DeRose, Thomas Eamas, Mary Falcone, Barbara Foster, Natalie and Chris Galli, Taylor Gehringer, Frank Giglio, Donna Glynn, Ed Grimm, Regina Heaton, Ryan Helzel, Rita Herbert, Taylor Hyndman, Eileen Hughes, Charles Kaston, Eleanor Laferriere, Lorna LaMantia, Sharon LaSassa, Dale Lombardi, Justina Long, Rita McGruddy, Frank Monopoli, Nora Martines, Kristin Miller-Ruttler, Daniel Monopoli, Frank Monopoli, Gerrie Monestero, Darlene Monzo, Jonathan O’Neil, Joseph Panepinto Jr., Phyllis Pastore, Russell Pavesi, Nilda Perez, Shelly Perna, Marion Pistoria, Larry Priest, Linda Raso, Chris Rehmann Jr., Lillian Renzi, Cosmo & Thomas Ricca, Franky C. Roman, Savino Roman, Ryan Rosen, John Rubsam, Sharon Sacco, Arthur Sanford, Anna Marie Santangelo, Elisabet Savino, Hailey Scherf, Elizabeth Cynthia Sims, Dennis Snell, Lil Sparano, William Sullivan, Gloria Tagliaferra, Lillian Tassone, Anna Templeton, Nick Theisen, Wilfredo Torres, Luke Trechy, Rocky Vaughn, Jesus Vasquez, Elizabeth Whallen, Donna Wolf, Mary Woolson, Andres Zarate. Please call the Rectory to add a name to our Prayer List and please let Father Tom know if any parishioners are in the hospital. After three months, the names will be removed unless you inform us otherwise. K of C PADRE PIO COUNCIL 14191 Meets at St Martin’s on 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 PM 76.7% OF GOAL $130,608.65 So far, we have reached 76.7% of our goal with a total of $100,185.50 raised to date with the help of just 429 families!! That’s an average of $233 per family. We invite ALL parishioners to participate in our effort to reach our goal. STEWARDSHIP August 8-9, 2015 1st Collection Youth Group E-Giving SANCTUARY CANDLE Week August 16, 2015 $11,395 2,690 1,115 8/15/2015 Feast of Assumption 8/16/2015 Special Needs – Convent 8/23/2015 St. Vincent de Paul St. Joseph Church In memory of: John M. Raffa Req by: Raffa Family Albertson Please make checks payable to St. Mary of Mt. Carmel. All checks for St. Vincent de Paul should be payable to SVDP. St. Anthony Church In memory of: Anthony & Mildred DiMeo Req by: Dottie & Nancy Thank you for your generosity! Chapel of St. Martin dePorres Sanctuary Light In Memory of: Donald Volpe, MD Req by: Cindy & Family RELIGIOUS ED REGISTRATION Please submit your child’s Religious Ed registration form ASAP to the Parish Office. Payment is not due when registering. You will be billed later. It is imperative that your child be registered so that the correct amount of books and supplies are ordered. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED: Jean A. DeRose, Gerald Berenato, Frances Bertino, Beatrice D. Graule, William A. Bartolone, III, Gertrude McKelvey 4 IT’S NOT TOO LATE BEFORE GOING AWAY ON VACATION! LITURGY AND MUSIC NEWS So far, the success of our e-giving program has been wonderful! In just a few short months, we have been steadily increasing our parishioner participation. Won’t you consider signing up for our e-giving program through Parish Giving? It’s a great way to schedule your regular donations even when you are on vacation. It is simple, convenient and secure. Just follow the instructions. Please call the parish office if you have any questions. Here are more opportunities to pray together: Thursday, August 20th Memorial of Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church; Friday, August 21st Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope; and Saturday, August 22nd Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What is a Patriotic Rosary? A Patriotic Rosary is a combination of the recitation of the rosary woven to readings and quotes of our fore fathers who offer insightful thoughts regarding prayer and freedom. It is a powerful service we dedicate to those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, those who served and/or lost their lives defending our country and their families and those who currently serve and protect our right to freedom. Simply go to and click on . HELP US REACH OUR RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE GOAL OF 40 PINTS MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015 2-7 PM. Upcoming Liturgical Events: Patriotic Rosary, Thursday, September 10th, 7:00 p.m., St. Joseph Church. Lector Training and Meeting, Monday, September 14th, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Church. Want to start a Children's Choir? What day and time is good for you and your child? Email Lisa Neglia at [email protected] with your suggestions. A Children's Choir is a staple of every parish. It gives children the opportunity to be active on the altar and renews the family's love of the Mass. Ages 6 and up. I look forward to hearing from you ~ Lisa Neglia. Please help us reach our goal of 40 pints of blood! So far, our parish has collected 273 pints of blood since 2010. This donated blood has helped a total of 819 patients. That’s an extraordinary contribution from so many generous parish donors. Let’s keep up the good work! Anyone who wishes to donate blood and can do so, please call Michelle DeFiore, 609-567-8827, OR go online at the Red Cross’ official site,, and enter sponsor code: st.marymtcarmel. You cannot imagine the good that your blood donations do. Countless lives, especially many cancer stricken children’s lives, are saved. Please do what you can to help make our Blood Drive a success! Have you thanked our ushers lately? Our ushers are awesome. They quietly service the church and make us feel safe while we pray. They are the first ones to greet us as we enter God's house. Please go up to an usher and thank them for being there for us every Sunday. RELIGIOUS TEACHERS FILIPPINI “In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary." ~ St. Bernard Please join the Religious Teachers Filippini in prayers of gratitude for the final profession of Sr. Diana Yodris, MPF on August 22nd and for the two young women, Luciana and Catherine, beginning the process of becoming Religious Teachers Filippini in the Affiliate program. Also, please join us in praying for the young women in discernment with the Filippini Sisters: Vanessa, Melissa, and Shakana. All of us are called to holiness and to service. May these young women respond with a "YES" to God's call for them as religious Sisters. If God calls you, call us for information. THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSING ON FRIDAYS AT 12 NOON UNTIL LABOR DAY Visit or email Sr. Shirlee at [email protected] 5 BEREAVEMENT Our next Bereavement Counseling Session will be on Wednesday August 19th at 7 PM. All who have lost a loved one are welcome to attend! Session will be at St. Anthony of Padua Church. Please use the back entrance of the church. Any questions please call Debbie at 704-5601. God's Little Angels Thank You Prayer Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you, God, for everything! Llamar A Gladys Cruz- Director 609-233-7459 609-561-3161 CORO DENINOS Thank you for my family. Thank you, God, for loving me. For each and every child I pray, And thank you for this special day! The GOD'S LITTLE ANGELS weekly toddler program will begin WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd at 10:30 a.m. in the hall at St. Anthony. This free program is for children 18 months to 4 years and their caregivers. It will last approximately 45 minutes. There will be songs, movement, a craft, a light snack, Bible stories, an introduction to prayers and fun! Please PARK IN THE BACK OF THE CHURCH and enter through the back double doors all the way to the left of the building. Bring a beverage for your child and of course, younger siblings are welcome. We had a great turnout during the winter and spring sessions and we look forward to seeing our friends and new little angels this fall! If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. SISTERS OF MERCY ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC Will take place on Monday September 21st at Trump National Golf Club in Colts Neck, New Jersey. “Fore” all the details on this fun-filled event, which benefits our retired Sisters, please contact us at [email protected] WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER HOT HOT HOT. If you enjoy the warmth of summer, why not sign up for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend and bring some more warmth and intimacy to your marriage. The next weekend dates are Oct 23-25 and Dec 11-13. Contact us at 609-742-4035 for information or you can send an email to [email protected]. Also, please visit our website: THE HAMMONTON HAWKS will be having their annual Chicken Barbecue on August 29th at the Hammonton Lake Park from 12:00-5PM. Tickets can be purchased that day or from any Board Member. 6 UPCOMING EVENTS Save the Dates!! 4TH ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL – Sunday, October 11th CRAFT SHOW – Saturday/Sunday, November 28-29th CHRISTMAS CONCERT with GREATER SJ CHORUS – Friday, December 18th More info to follow -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CRAFTERS/VENDORS NEEDED FOR CRAFT SHOW. Please contact the Parish Center for more information. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPONSORS NEEDED FOR GAMES AT FALL FESTIVAL. We also need volunteers to work, donations of desserts, water and soda. Please contact the Parish Center for more information or return the following in the collection basket. NAME_____________________ PHONE NUMBER________________________ FALL FESTIVAL DONATION OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES: ___________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Pope Francis quote of the week: “Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor.” Knot of the week: Over 190,000 people in the Diocese of Camden lack consistent access to adequate food. That’s 14% of the Diocese’s total population. As Pope Francis’ historic visit to Philadelphia nears, Catholic Charities invites you to be on the lookout for 40 Days of Francis, our countdown in the Diocese of Camden to his arrival. As part of this period of preparation, Catholic Charities will be hosting Open Houses at its centers across the Diocese. Come meet Catholic Charities’ staff, learn about what we do and how you can become a part of it, participate in service and reflection, and enjoy food and fellowship. Come learn how your Catholic Charities agency is helping untie the knots of poverty in your area. This Monday, August 17, will mark exactly 40 days until the arrival of Pope Francis in Philadelphia on September 26. Forty days is a number of great religious significance. It’s the number of years Moses and the Israelites wandered the desert; it’s the number of days Jesus fasted and prayed before beginning his public ministry; and its’ the number of days Catholics spend preparing for Jesus’ Passion, death and resurrection during Lent. During these 40 Days of Francis, Catholic Charities invites you to prepare for the coming of this Pope of and for the poor by “encountering” the reality of poverty in the Diocese of Camden. After Mass this weekend, you will find “knots” at the back of the church that you can take home with you. These knots, inspired by Pope Francis’ devotion to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, represents the knots of poverty so many in South Jersey face. We invite you to visit the Catholic Charities center near you to learn how we as a Catholic community can respond to these issues and help untie the knots. Catholic Charities’ open house for Atlantic County will be held in Atlantic City on Tuesday, August 25th from 4-6 pm (9 N. Georgia Ave., Atlantic City 08401). For a complete listing of open houses, visit Open House Schedule: Aug. 24-29 Atlantic County Tues., Aug. 25 from 4-6 pm 9 N Georgia Ave. Atlantic City, NJ 08360 Gloucester County Thur., August 27 from 4-6 pm 1200 N Delsea Drive Suite 1 Westville, NJ 08093 Cumberland County Mon., August 24 from 4-6 pm 810 Montrose St. Vineland, NJ 08360 Camden County Sat., Aug. 29 from 11 am – 2 pm 1845 Haddon Ave Camden, NJ 08103 8 Cita semanal del Papa Francisco: “Entre nuestras tareas como testigos del amor de Cristo está el darle voz al llanto de los pobres.” Nudo de la semana: Más de 190,000 personas de la Diócesis de Camden carecen de un acceso consistente a comida adecuada. Eso es un 14% de la población total de la Diócesis. Este lunes 17 de Agosto marcará exactamente 40 días antes de la llegada del Papa Francisco a Filadelfia el 26 de Septiembre. Cuarenta días es un número de gran significado religioso. Es el número de años que Moisés y los Israelitas navegaron por el desierto; es el número de días que Jesús ayunó y oró antes de empezar su ministerio público; y es el número de días que los Católicos pasamos preparándonos para la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús durante la Cuaresma. Durante estos 40 Días con Francisco, Caridades Católicas los invita a prepararse para la venida de este Papa de, y para los pobres “enfrentando” la realidad de la pobreza en la Diócesis de Camden. Después de la Misa este fin de semana, encontrarán “nudos” en la parte posterior de la Iglesia que pueden llevarse a su casa. Estos nudos, inspirados por la devoción del Papa Francisco por Nuestra Señora la que Desata los Nudos, representan los nudos de la pobreza que muchos enfrentan en el Sur de Nueva Jersey. Los invitamos a visitar el centro de Caridades Católicas más cercano a ustedes y aprender cómo nosotros como comunidad Católica respondemos a estos problemas y ayudamos a desatar los nudos. La próxima semana ofreceremos eventos Abiertos al Público en todos los centros a través de la Diócesis de Camden. ¡Esperamos verlos! El evento abierto al público de Caridades Católicas en el condado de Atlantic tendrá lugar en Atlantic City, el Martes 25 de Ago. de 4-6 pm (9 N. Georgia Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401). Para una lista completa de las fechas y horas de los eventos abiertos al público, visiten Horario de eventos Abiertos al Público: Ago.24-29 Condado de Atlantic el Martes 25 de Ago. de 4-6 pm 9 N Georgia Ave. Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Condado de Gloucester el Jueves 27 de Ago. de 4-6 pm 1200 N Delsea Dr., Suite 1 Westville, NJ 08093 Condado de Cumberland el Lunes 24 de Ago. de 4-6 pm 810 Montrose St. Vineland, NJ 08360 Condado de Camden el Sábado 29 de Ago. de 11 am – 2 pm 1845 Haddon Ave. Camden, NJ 08103 9 NEWS FLASH! Foremost Insurance is now writing auto insurance in NJ!!! Call me ASAP for a quote comparison! Comfort in Coverage 2nd & Vine St., Hammonton • 609-561-0409 Call “Dave” Santoro, Inc. Independent Agent For All Your HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING 609-561-0288 Established 1959 Italian Specialties • USDA Choice Meats Auto, Homeowners, Contractors, Business Owners Fresh Farm Produce • Fresh Italian Breads Daily 609-561-0693 Life • Bonds • Boat • Motorcycle • Flood N.J. State Master Plumber Lic. # 7858 E-mail: [email protected] 417 12 TH S TREET · H AMMONTON SPECIALIZING IN RETIREMENT INCOME PLANNING CONFUSED ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY OR MEDICARE PLANNING? Call Rocco Taraborrelli at 800-551-5510 151 FRIES MILL ROAD · SUITE 504A · TURNERSVILLE Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisors LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other entity. ADVISORS NEW TANNING SALON IN ATCO! We Offer Competitive Pricing...eGé will MATCH or BEAT any packages around! TANNING SALON Bed • Booth • Spray 386 White Horse Pike • Atco (Murphy’s Market Shopping Center) 856-809-6623 0% Financing Available Before ROOFING & SIDING Roofing · Siding · Windows · Doors · Gutters After WILLIAM A. MYERS 24 Hour Service NJ Plumbing Lic. #10055 O: 609-567-9413 · C: 609-432-5437 Keith Emmons, Owner $500 OFF ANY JOB 856-885-6677 Over $5,000 Barstools · Dinettes · Bedrooms Living Rooms · Bars · Design · Accents Upholstery Shop And MORE! Licenses: NJ #13VH01345700 · PA# PA072374 · DE# 2012101056 331 Tilton Road (Next To The Imax Theater) Northfield Must be presented at time of contract. Not valid with other offers or prior sales. Offer Expires: 5/31/15 609-646-6464 Enrico M. Dellagatta, PT, DPT, MEd 609-561-1974 255 Messina Avenue · Hammonton, NJ NEW JERSEY HEARING CENTER Do your loved ones complain about your hearing? Are you frequently missing out during group conversations? JOHN MAZZEO, AU.D. DOCTOR OF AUDIOLOGY AUD LIC. #839 · HAD LIC. #1271 609-481-2932 AFFORDABLE HEARING AIDS 650 SOUTH WHITE HORSE PIKE · SUITE B · HAMMONTON FREE HEARING TEST New In Hammonton! Learn to Sew, Knit, Quilt... Fabric & Sewing Notions at the Vac & Sew Center 430 N. White Horse Pike, Hammonton • 609-561-6700 $10 OFF w/ad Any Vac or Sewing Machine Repair. Parts Extra. Exp. 3/31/15 C40280 (JA) • St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish • Hammonton, NJ The Law Office of Kristin M. Lis, LLC SPECIALTIES Family Law Adoption [email protected] 609-254-9461 KristinLisEsq 1110 Black Horse Pike Unit B, Folsom, NJ 08037 SHARON AMMANN • AGENCY OWNER 421 South Rte. 73, Berlin 856-335-1152 [email protected] FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836 inside MARINELLA JOHN C. MARINELLA MANAGER NJ LIC #2515 FUNERAL HOME, Inc. (609) 561-1311 DIRECTOR NJ LIC #4366 BELLEVUE CRESCENT SERVICE, LLC DRUG COMPANY 325 S. White Horse Pike (Route 30) Complete Auto & Tire Service JACK MAZZEO “MASTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY” Salon & Boutique 111 South Egg Harbor Road · 609-561-1205 609.567.5922 WWW.MAZZEOSTUDIO.COM 80 S. White Horse Pike, Hammonton Call Today To Schedule Your First Lesson!* NICHOLAS B. LAGUARDIA, JR 102 N. 3rd Street · Hammonton, New Jersey 08037 MAZZEO STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY EST. 1946 Social, Latin & Ballroom Dance STEVEN J. KINCAID DIRECTOR NJ LIC # 3874 254 BELLEVUE AVE. · HAMMONTON Hammonton, NJ 08037 - (609) 561-1155 • Additions • Remodeling • Home Repair 1337 Tilton Road · Northfield, NJ 08225 Patrick Einwechter [email protected] Joseph D. DiFilippo First Vice President · Investments · Financial Advisor · Parishioner UBS Financial Services Inc. Tel 609-677-2254 · Tel 609-677-9555 CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Toll Free 800-654-4866 · Fax 609-677-1647 UBS Financial Services, Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. New Home Builder 14 South 2 Street · Hammonton, NJ 08037 nd * MENTION THIS AD FOR A FREE CLASS Best Hoagies In South Jersey! MONDAY-FRIDAY 9A.M. - 9P.M. (609) 965-1146 SATURDAY 9A.M.-4P.M. • SUNDAY 9A.M.-NOON FREE ESTIMATES 609-561-5300 3339 WHITE HORSE PIKE • HAMMONTON, NJ STOC-UP FOOD MARKET Mays Landing Road · Folsom The Collision Specialists Daily Lunch Specials · Party Trays · Homemade Salads Marcello’s TRATTORIA & PIZZERIA Have You Tried Our “Corleone Pizza” Yet? 14 TWELFTH STREET · HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 D’AGOSTINO AGENCY $5.00 OFF YOUR ENTIRE CHECK OF $30 OR MORE (609) 704-1901 225 Bellevue Avenue · Hammonton LANDOLFI FUNERAL HOME OF HAMMONTON, LLC ROBERT LANDOLFI DIRECTOR N.J. LIC.# 2341 LANDOLFI (609) 561-0160 ROBERTMD. ANAGER 237 BELLEVUE AVENUE · HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 POLISHED NAIL & SPA 20% OFF ANY SERVICE 15 12 Street · Hammonton · 609-567-3444 th Children’s Boutique Clothing & Accessories ... Coming Soon ... Private Princess Birthday Parties, Royal Tea Parties, Mommy and Me Tea Parties and Much More 609-704-9600 A ·H , NJ 08037 114 BELLEVUE VENUE AMMONTON N.J. LIC.#3633 S.K.D. Power Washing Solutions LLC ~ Celebrating Our 1 Year Anniversary ~ Steve Masi, Owner Operator 20% OFF ANY SERVICE N.J. State #3402-22-684-001 609-704-1414 [email protected] 951 8th Street · Hammonton, NJ 609-204-8768 • Licensed & Insured Decks • Patios • Houses • Fleet Vehicle Services TH TREET AMMONTON All Types of Pests Treated C40280 (JA) • St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish • Hammonton, NJ Fresh Italian Breads & Rolls Baked Daily 609-561-5558 631 SOUTH EGG HARBOR ROAD · WINSLOW, NJ Taverez Automotive M &M R AJOR EPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC 567-3670 1004 Black Horse Pike · Folsom 609-289-2570 300 BELLEVUE AVENUE · HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 609-567-8621 Termite Treatments 609-567-0100 LUCCAS BAKERY Estate Planning-Wills · Trusts Living Wills · Estate Administration Asset Protection/Nursing Home-Medicaid Planning Real Estate - Residential, Commerical, Environmental NJDEP Compliance, Municipal Court Matters ABC CLOSETS ~ Catering For All Occasions! ~ 561-0994 201 12 S ·H (609) 561-8404 INOR Custom Closet Organizers FREE ESTIMATES West End Grill & Bar INSURANCE John D’Agostino, Jr. LAW OFFICE OF FREDERICK J. DECLEMENT, ESQ. Frank DiMatteo Jr. Frank DiMatteo, III Free Estimates SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 609-567-7400 Napolitan & Sicilian Pizza · Pizza By The Slice Calzones · Sandwiches · Pasta Dinners Peachtree Plaza · 80 S. White Horse Pike · Hammonton OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK - Mon.-Sat. 11am-10:30pm · Sun. 11:30am-10pm Serving The Community Since 1950 HARDWOOD • CERAMIC • LAMINATE • CARPET CALL & PICK UP 567-1080 Full Service Pharmacy & Total Home Health Care Needs mazza’s (855) 411-STAR BROTHER’S PIZZA (609) 561-0825 Baking On Premises All Baked Goods Available For Take-Out Full Service Bar Catering Available All Requests... If Possible, Fulfilled 6:00am-1:00am ROUTE 30 AND 206 • HAMMONTON, NJ 08037 Phone 609-561-6974 Fax 609-704-0566 Email [email protected] FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • Bon Venture Services, LLC • 34 Ironia Road • Flanders, NJ 07836 outside
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