The Parish of St Martin de Porres, Wakefield Weekly . St Austin’s Wentworth Terrace, WF1 3QN St Martin de Porres Pray for us Dewsbury Road, WF2 9DD Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Please pray for the faithful departed, especially those who have died recently: Philomena Melican Agnes Geary Margaret Gavin and all whose anniversaries are at this time: Please pray: -for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and for Benedict, Pope Emeritus; -for our Bishop, Marcus; -for Fr Tim and Mgr John Wilson as they look to new beginnings; -for Elliott Wright, Tim Whitwell and Nicholas Palmer & all who are exploring vocations to the priesthood & religious life; -for peace & unity in the world, and for the victims of war & terrorism; -for the elderly and infirm in this cold weather -for immigrants, for the displaced, asylum seekers & refugees; -for the unemployed and the hungry; amongst English Martyrs Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1st February 2015 Prayer -for unity Christians Bulletin all -for The Wednesday Word mission; -for our schools: to be academically excellent and passionately Catholic; -for human life & for the vulnerable, particularly the unborn, the sick & elderly; -for the sick & housebound and those in hospital and the hospice; -for the victims of Ebola those caring for them: and for Pauline Cafferkey, in thanksgiving for her recovery. Prayer of the Church: Week 4 Please deliver or e-mail items for this bulletin by noon on Thursdays “He taught them with authority...” Our first Sunday Reading is from the book of Deuteronomy “I will raise up a prophet” says God to the people through Moses. “Hail the rock who saves us”, responds the Psalm (94). In the Second Reading, from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he gives advice about commitment: how do we arrange our lives? In the GOSPEL from Mark, Jesus teaches and heals in the Synagogue at Capernaum Moses tells the people that God will send a great prophet - Jesus fulfils that role and tradition , teaching with authority and power. Weekday Readings take us towards the end of the letter to the Hebrews with words of hope “Strengthen your drooping hands and weak knees” and remind us of the faith of our ancestors, the great “cloud of witnesses” who have gone before us in the communion of saints. In the Gospels Jesus’ miracles include acts of healing, and the raising of Jairus’ daughter: he sends out his apostles- if you are not accepted, move on, he tells them: good advice today. Mark also records Herod’s reaction to Jesus- Is John back from the dead: Mark then recounts the killing of John the Baptist on Herod’s orders. Days of the Week: Monday is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or Candlemas, a day to celebrate the coming of the Light of the World. Here is a light for the world, a light to enlighten the Gentiles. The following day, Tuesday, is St Blaise’s Day, when, following an old tradition, we may have a blessing for the healing of throats and all diseases. He is known around here, too, as patron of woolcombers, at risk from anthrax. Thursday is the memorial of St Agatha, martyred in Sicily about 250. The Jesuit St Paul Miki and his companions (+1597- Friday) were crucified in Japan, with 25 others at Nagasaki in the Emperor’s persecution- but the faith lives on. Today is EDUCATION SUNDAY: Headteachers from local schools will speak at Masses. Fr TIM MOVES ON: our Parish Priest, Fr Timothy Swinglehurst is moving after nearly ten years here. In that time, he has overseen the amalgamation of the two parishes of St Austin’s and English Martyrs to form the new parish of St Martin de Porres: he also took an important role in establishing the mission of the Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust, incorporating most of our local Catholic schools. Bishop Marcus has now appointed him Episcopal Vicar for Education and Evangelisation, working from Hinsley Hall. Fr Tim’s successor will be Mgr John Wilson who has recently completed two years as Diocesan Administrator, during the absence of a Bishop. Rev. Mgr. John Wilson is a native of Sheffield, who studied at Leeds University before going to Venerable English College, Rome. He was ordained priest in 1995 and worked in parishes in Pontefract and Bradford with a locum spell at Ss Peter & Paul’s. In 1999 he went to Ushaw College as lecturer in moral theology, and served as Vice Rector. Bishop Roche then appointed him his Vicar for Evangelisation where he also assumed responsibility for the Office for Education. We look forward to welcoming Fr John after Easter. THIS IS EDUCATION SUNDAY: The Catholic Church is one of the first providers of schools and universities in the country and remains a fundamental part of our national education system. Across England and Wales the Catholic Church is the largest provider of secondary schools, and the second largest provider of primary schools. Catholic schools and colleges support Catholic parents in their responsibility to educate their children in the Catholic faith. As well as providing a high standard of academic education, Catholic schools aim to instill high moral values within their pupils. The Church is committed to making Catholic education available for every Catholic child. Catholic schools promote: The Education of the Whole Person : The Education of All- Catholic schools have a duty to care for the poor and to educate those who are disadvantaged: The Search for ExcellenceChristians are called to fulfill their potential in all aspects of their lives- Catholic schools strive to offer students every opportunity to develop their talents to the full in all areas. There are 816,007 pupils taught by 47,986 teachers and over 36,000 support staff. Fr Timothy Swinglehurst: Fr Michael Kelly: Dcn Nick Shields Parish Office: 6 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3QN 01924 372080 email:[email protected] website: Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity 249404 Holy Mass & Devotions in the Week DAY LOCATION INTENTION Sat 9.30 am Mass 31 Jan 10.00 – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Margaret Chappell – RIP Exposition and Confessions Confessions November Dead List Sun 1 Feb 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 2:00pm Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s Private Intention Keith & Mark Swetman – Anniversary Philomena Melican – RIP Syro Malabar Mass Polish Mass People of the Parish Mon 2 Feb 9.00 am 9.30 am Mass 7.00 pm 7:00 pm St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s English Martyrs Exposition Special Intention Novena: Adoration: Night Prayer Tue 3 Feb 9.30 am Mass 11.30 am 12 noon Mass 6.00 pm St Austin’s English Martyrs English Martyrs St Austin’s Brian Hawkin - RIP Exposition Margaret Ainsworth – Intentions Reception for Philomena Melican Wed 4 Feb 9.45 am Funeral Mass 6:30-7:30 7.30 pm Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs English Martyrs Philomena Melican - RIP Prayer & Praise Anne Atkinson – Anniversary Thu 5 Feb 10.00am -4.00pm 12 noon Mass 6.30 pm Mass St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s Exposition Salvatore Triola Pat Burns - RIP St Agatha, Virgin and Martyr Fri 6 Feb 11.30 am 12 noon Mass Mass English Martyrs English Martyrs School Exposition Patrick – Return to Health November Dead List Ss Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs Sat 7 Feb 9.30 am Mass 10.00 am – 11.00 am 5.15 – 5.45 pm 6.15 pm Vigil Mass St St St St Caroline Dalziel - RIP Confessions and Exposition Confessions Private Intention 8.15 am Mass 9.30 am Mass 11.00 am Mass 3.30 pm Mass 6.00 pm Mass St Austin’s English Martyrs St Austin’s St Austin’s St Austin’s Sun 8 Feb TIME Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Reconciliation St Austin’s: Saturday 10.00 – 11.00 am; Saturday 5:15-5:45 English Martyrs: on request BAPTISMS Parents wanting Baptism for their children are asked to first attend a Saturday afternoon programme: please contact Deacon Nick or e-mail [email protected] The next programme will be on 25th April CONFIRMATION 2015 Next Confirmation Session 13th February 7.15 – 8:45pm. Bishop Marcus will confirm our young people on Thursday 14th May. More Information when final arrangements [email protected] Angela Caines, Simon Bolton, Dannie Crook & Fr Michael FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 will be celebrated on 14th and 21st June at St Austin’s and 28th June at English Martyrs: details from your catechists. MARRIAGE Our Marriage Course is on 28th February. If you are intending marriage this year, please contact Deacon Nick as soon as possible or [email protected] FEAST St Anthony, Abbot Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Presentation of the Lord Candlemas:Word and Holy Communion Mary Meehan - Anniversary People of the Parish Austin Ganley - Anniversary Polish Mass Mr F. Turner - RIP St Blaise, Bishop & Martyr Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time THE POPE’s INTENTIONS FOR THIS MONTH Peace: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild their lives with dignity. Please pray an Angelus or Rosary for this intention. PONTIFEX: Words from Pope Francis: Unity Speaking last week about the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Pope reflected on its theme- the Gospel story of the Living Water and Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, and its message for Christians to work together. “ Jesus also speaks to the woman about true worship which breaks down walls of division. So many past controversies between Christians can be overcome, he said, when we put aside all polemical (critical, controversial) approaches and seek to grasp more fully the unity we already share. Christian unity will not be the fruit of subtle theoretical discussions in which each tries to convince the other of the soundness of their opinions.” Just as the Samaritan woman becomes a missionary after her encounter with Jesus, Pope Francis said all Christians today are called to share the good news of the Gospel with the weary and thirsty men and women of today’s world. In the call to be evangelisers, he said, we discover a privileged setting for closer cooperation among all the Churches and other ecclesial communities. ST MARTIN’S PARISH NOTICES PARISH DIARY Sunday Monday Wednesday week beginning February 1st First Holy Communion SA&EM UCM -Mothers Prayers 7:30 EM Prayer & Share 9am EM Wednesday Friends 2pm SA1 CWL 1:30pm SA2 Film Club 6:30pm SA1 Scripture Study 7:30pm SA2 Thursday Parents & Toddlers 9-11 SA Thursday Club 12:30 SA Singing for Pleasure 1:30pm SA1 SVP 7pm Rm2 Friday Youth Group 7-8:30pm EM Men’s Group 7:45 SA Prayer services and devotions are now shown on the schedule on p2 FILM CLUB Wednesday 4 February- the British comedy “Salmon Fishing on the Yemen”, based on the book by Paul Torday starring Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. Doors open at 6 30 pm for aperitifs: film at 7. At the interval, hot drinks, ice creams and bar. No charge but donations appreciated. -don’t forget to bring a friend! MONTHLY DAY OF ADORATION resumes this Thursday 5th February in St. Austin's Church, from 10am-4pm. There will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the day with Mass at 12 noon, then individual healing before the Blessed Sacrament. The YOUTH GROUP meets this Friday 6th February from 7-8:30pm at English Martyrs Centre. Y7 & above welcome. PIANO & ORGAN RECITAL (romantic genre) in Aid of Iraqi Christians in Need (ICIN) supporting refugee families in Northern Iraq. St. Austin’s Friday 27th February 2015 7pm by Carl Bahoshy; (UK-born Iraqi Catholic pianist & organist) Works by Beethoven, Chopin, Messiaen, Schubert, Vierne & Widor FREE ADMISSION- RETIRING COLLECTION Iraqi Christians In Need (ICIN) is a UKregistered charity founded in 2007 that provides direct financial relief to displaced refugee families under the care of the Catholic Chaldean, Syriac and Orthodox churches in Erbil, northern Iraq. Current economic needs include the procurement of medical aid and long-term shelter. All aid is channeled through Bishops of the churches 200+ Club: January's winner of £175 is Agnes Hoban (no.111) and there is £20 each to Dannie Firth (34), Joyce Gilroy (225) and Maureen Rafferty (208). I will collect THIS weekend. Thanks. (Bernard) WEDNESDAY FRIENDS: the weather couldn’t keep us away from our exercises this week and a good session we had with exercise in the form of circuit training. Unfortunately the session ended with our leader Julie informing us that she is unable to continue for health reasons. Luckily we have someone to stand in for the time being but who knows what the future may bring. Why don’t you come along and join the group any Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Parish Rooms- and find out. A LATIN for Adult Beginners Course is being offered at St. Thomas a Becket’s Academy, beginning in February. The class will run on Monday evenings, and be taught by Mr. David Dean, who runs the Latin project for pupils at Becket’s and is also Head of Classics at QEGS. Please have a look at the poster on the noticeboard and/ or pick up a letter from Father Tim. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN WAKEFIELD For more details of shared activities in Wakefield, go to OTHER NOTICES JOANNA BOGLE, the British Catholic journalist, writer & broadcaster is giving a talk on St. John Paul II, about whom she has recently published a book, at Holy Trinity Church on Boar Lane Leeds -7.30pm Friday 6th February. FOOD BANKS: CHARITY OR INJUSTICE? A half-day conference to discuss the Leeds Justice & Peace Commission survey on food poverty, find out some more details about what is happening about food poverty in our diocese area, hear some theological reflections and engage with prospective Yorkshire politicians and find out their views – particularly important in view of the upcoming General Election. 28 February 2015: 10:30am – 1:30pm Oxford Place Centre, Oxford Place, Leeds LS1 3AX (next Town Hall). Conference free but numbers limited so please register online or email [email protected] "OH NO! NOT TAKE OUR BREAD AGAIN!" Joe Burns & Jane Shields offer this half-day workshop to those looking at music in contemporary styles. Explore new hymns, try some hymns in mainstream hymnbooks that may be lurking unused and talk about what works/doesn't work musically in your parish. We can tailor this workshop to the needs of individual parishes. It's aimed not just at music groups but anyone in a parish interested in modern hymnody: e-mail Joe at [email protected] JOHN BELL COMES TO YORKSHIRE: those who came to the fabulous evening workshop in November with Marty Haugen will know that St.Benedict's Garforth are hosting John Bell for the whole weekend after Easter - 11-12 April - "A Weekend of Words and music exploring the Joy of the Gospel" From the Iona Community, he regularly speaks on 'Thought for the Day' and writes wonderful hymns-many with very challenging words. Contact St.Benedict's church directly or Joanne O'Hara on 0113 286 3224 [email protected] HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 23 - 30 November 2015: you might wish to join St. Joseph's Wetherby on their forthcoming Pilgrimage. Cost: £965.00 (per person in a twin bedded room) Single supp £335.00. Fly from Manchester to Tel Aviv with EasyJet, early booking ensures the lowest cost. Booking forms available from Canon John Nunan, St. Joseph Church, Westgate, Wetherby LS22 6LL Telephone 01937 582283 email [email protected] WAYS OF PRAYING: a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ that calls us to Mission. A day to reflect upon what the Gospels tell us about prayer and how prayer is part of our everyday lives at home, at work, in our neighbourhood and beyond..... All welcome. Saturday 28th February 2015, 9.00 am - 3.30 pm at The Briery Retreat Centre, 38 Victoria Avenue, Ilkley, LS29 9BW. To book contact Catherine or Angela on 0113 261 8040 or [email protected] PARISH FINANCE and General Purposes Committee A special collection and parish appeal will take place on 15 February. More details next week. Drawings have been submitted, approvals obtained and costings are being sought for some changes to the Lady Chapel, to reposition the Baptismal Font and alterations to the altar steps, at St Austin’s. The plans are now pending but it is hoped to share them in due course with the parish. Health and Safety- Fire Please ensure that you are aware of the emergency exits from St Austin’s Church- usual rear exit and via the old baptistry, front left. Please ensure that the main double doors are open during weekend masses - one pinned open. Please take great care with votive lights in the chapel: never overlap or squash them in any way as this can cause serious fire – always leave space between. PARISH COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU! Envelopes: £715.01 Loose: £552.38 Standing Orders: £781.45 Total: £2,048.84 Suzy Fund: £164.42 This weekend there will be a second collection for the Catholic Education Service. Some of our local headteachers will speak at some of the masses.
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