Newsletter - English Martyrs

30th January 2015
Issue 18
Federated with St Augustine’s Catholic Voluntary Academy, Stamford
Part of the St Gilbert of Sempringham Catholic Academy Trust
‘Together with God’s love and guidance we will continue to make our school a happy place where
everyone is loved and respected for who they are. We will strive to achieve our full potential every
day and throughout our lives.’
Diary Dates
Friday 13th February
School Closes for
Term 3
Cake Sale and FEM Social
at 2.45 in the Hall
expressed an interest in
purchasing the English
Martyrs black tracksuit –
please speak to the office
if you wish to order one.
The cost is £24.95
Statement of the
Please discuss with
your family at home
‘I try to follow our
school and
classroom rules’
Congratulations to James Deacon
who was awarded the trophy for
Courage this week
Well done to everyone who was awarded a
certificate in assembly this morning
We made the most of the snow at
playtime yesterday!
Get Reading!
Once again, years 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be
trying to read as many books as possible
using Read For My School. We did really
well last year; winning £150 worth of
books for the school library. We hope to
do even better this year.
The website to record reading
Sainsbury’s (and English Martyrs) Active Kids !
We are collecting the ‘Active Kids’ Vouchers again this
year. In previous years we have managed to procure a
large amount of sports and cooking equipment through
this scheme, so please ask you friends and relatives to
collect the vouchers for us! Thank you
Pupils can then make their own login, they
will need the school code which is 294386.
Please encourage your child to sign up, it is
a fun way to encourage reading. There will
be a prize for the pupil who reads the most
Mrs Hooley will be in school on Monday afternoon, Wednesday and Friday morning next week. To contact her at any
other time please call St Augustine’s on 01780 762094 or email [email protected]
30th January 2015
Issue 18
We are all really looking forward to National Science Week 16th - 22nd March.
During the week we will be carrying out a range of investigations using the school grounds. We will also be trying to
develop our grounds further. Including a work day on the Saturday, when all parents, grandparents and carers are
invited to help us improve the outdoor learning facilities that our school has to offer.
On the Friday, celebration assembly will be replaced with a come and share our science morning
On Wednesday, 14 year 5 and 6 pupils travelled to
Uppingham School for the qualifying round of the
County basketball competition. Two teams were
entered by EM. Team 1, coached by Mr Wiggans got off
to a shaky start losing to Hallaton 1, they came back to
beat Exton, St. Nicks and Hallaton 2. They were then
beaten by Brook Priory and by English Martyrs 2.
English Martyrs 2 coached by Mr Hodgson were
unbeatable, winning all of their games with an
impressive net tally of 43. All of the pupils played
fantastically and were a real credit to the school. Both
teams have now qualified for the finals competition on
February 11th. Well done to all!
The Toddler group that runs on a Thursday
morning from 9.15 – 11.15, were busy on
Thursday and the children made some beautiful
crowns using all their artistic skills – some took it
one step further and dressed up too!
Please come along and support the group, there
are lots of activities to join in, games to play and
the chance for children to interact while the
‘grown ups’ enjoy a cup of tea or coffee!
Clubs for next term are now available to book on
ParentPay. To ensure you have a place please
book early to avoid disappointment.
Please do not walk children across the staff car park.
The space is small and at times busy and it is essential
that children and parents use the path and not the car
park to access to school to keep everyone safe.
Our school will be taking part in this on Friday 6th March.
If you are able to donate any of the following items it
would be gratefully appreciated. Vegetable oil, Basmati
Rice, Batli Curry Paste, chopping boards, wooden
spoons. Nearer the time we will also ask for perishable
items. More information to follow!
If the school is to close due to weather (or any other
reason) parents will be notified in the following order
 Rutland Radio.
 The school Facebook
 An email via ParentPay.
 The home page of the school website.
30th January 2015
Issue 18
500 Words
Mr Hodgson was
so impressed by
the quality of
writing produced
by Year 5 and 6
stories to the
A big well done to Ruby for winning
the silver medal for the vault!
Key Steps 1 Gymnasts, Maddison, Annabelle,
Anna, Tosia, Ruby, Annabella, Kyra and Sophie.
Team 1 missed third place by just 0.6 points. While
Team 2 were placed 9th out of 14. Well done to all!
Good Luck!
Friends of English Martyrs News
Friends of English Martyrs are holding a ‘Ladies Pamper Evening’ on Friday 6th February from 7 – 9pm. Tickets are
priced at £3 and this includes a drink when you arrive!
Following the extra ordinary meeting this morning, Natalie Freckingham has been voted in as Chair of FEM with Kelly
Maxwell Vice-Chair, Mel Dudin is the secretary and Mikayla Graves secretary. There will be a tea, coffee and cake
sale for parents on Friday 13th February to meet, socialise and learn a little more about FEM from 2.45 in the school
hall. Please come along!
Last Friday children from Year 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 were involved in the
Rutland Primary Quicksticks Hockey Competition at Uppingham School.
The Year 3 and 4 team played in the morning and did incredibly well
winning one game and drawing two. Overall they were 7th out of 15
teams. Guy and RJ were picked out as men of the match, but all of the
children did fabulously well.
In the afternoon it was the turn of the Year 5 and 6's, we had two teams,
Team B did well but were unable to win any games. Team A however, won
their group convincingly to qualify for the Semi-Finals, unfortunately they
were beaten 1-0 by Brook Hill and 2-0 by Uppingham CE leaving them in
6th place overall. Well done to everyone who participated.
Guy, Rhys, Teddy, RJ, Will, Charlie,
Maria, Tara and Finn
We had a visit from James Alexander, the
Optometrist from Simmons, on Tuesday and
he spoke to all the children about eyes, how
they work and how important it is to look
after them. Eye tests for children are free
and are recommended for any child who
may be suffering with suspected poor vision,
especially if they are under 8 years old.
Please call 01572 756434.
Adam and Thomas trying out a
new look!
30th January 2015
Issue 18
On Tuesday four of our Year 6 children
took place in the team maths
challenge. They competed in four
rounds, changing pairings each time.
Despite the complex nature of the
questions the children did very well
coming in the top 6 schools. The
children will take part in the next
round next Friday.
Well done to Jaidan who last week won the trophy for
the value of Friendship
The Governing Body are looking
to appoint Parent Governors to
the Governing Body. Please
speak to Mrs Chambers, Mrs
Hooley or Mrs Iden for more
information or to make an
application. Applications are
invited by Friday 6th February.
Congratulations to all the children who received
certificates last week
The Victorian era arrived at English Martyrs today in
Year 1/2
The children and teachers
dressed in Victorian clothing and
experienced school as it may have
been during the reign of Queen
Victoria – they wrote using slate
deportment and sitting up
straight and upright. Well done
to all the children for dressing up
so well (and to the parents too for
all their effort!)