Immanuel Episcopal C hurc h Out of Old C hurch - January 2 015 imm a n u e l • 8 04 -7 7 9-3 45 4 im m an o c h @ v e r iz o n .n e t In the Diocese of Virginia The Rt. Rev. Shannon S. Johnston, Bishop The Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff, Bishop Suffragan The Rt. Rev. Ted Gulick, Assistant Bishop Immanuel’s Clergy and Staff The Rev. Anne Lane Witt, Priest-in-Charge Jimmy Hicks, Minister of Music Britton Trimble, Parish Administrator Joy Morgan, Cherub School Director Anne Cooper,Britton Trimble, Treasurers Seselia Coles, Sexton The Vestry Steve Colvin, Senior Warden Zach Stout, Junior Warden Carol Joyce, Register Martha Childress, Jane Kinsley, Ken Miller, Mary Elmore Rice, and Nerine Woodard. Ministry Points of Contact Altar Guild -Steve Colvin Cemetery Committee - Gerry Gravatt Godly Play - Jane Kinsley, Heather Wilson Cherub School Board - Suzy Miller, Cheryl Anderson Marketing & Communications/Newcomers Paula Neely Finance - Anne Cooper, Britton Trimble Landscape - Page Causey Outreach - Ken Miller Nursery - Mary Beth Ivanhoe Refreshments - Eleanor Fukushima Stewardship - John Fulton Ushers - Richard Neely We follow the way of Christ to serve the community and foster spiritual growth through worship, education, fellowship, and joyful song. Name Address City, State ZIP December 30, 2014 Dear People of Immanuel, We are still in the midst of Christmastide. As I write this, we are celebrating the Sixth Day of Christmas so “Six geese a-laying!” is running through my head. As much fun as it can be to sing about the Twelve Days of Christmas, I find it very helpful to reflect upon what Christmas means and how to live that out. For years, I have found this poem by Howard Thurman to be very helpful. I hope you will as well. Your sister in Christ, Anne Lane “The Work of Christmas" When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart. - See more at:, accessed 12/29/2014 Annual Meeting Godly Play Immanuel’s annual meeting will be held on January 25th after the 11am service. Please join us in the Parish House as we elect new Vestry members, hear reports from the past year, and eat a light lunch together. Financial reports and all written reports received by the Parish Office for the meeting will be compiled into a packet. Packets will be available at the meeting, in the Parish Office, or by request. Please contact Britton Trimble in the Parish Office for more information. Godly Play will be held on the first and third Sundays at 10:55am. Godly Players will learn about Baptism on January 4, and and will learn about Epiphany on January 18. Please contact Heather Wilson, Ann Sydnor, or Mary Beth Ivanhoe for more information. Treasurer’s Notes Final Pledge statements for 2014 will go out in January. If you have questions about your pledge statement, please contact Britton Trimble. Annual Council The Rev. Anne Lane Witt and Nerine Woodard will officially represent Immanuel at the Diocese’s 220th Annual Council. This year’s meeting will be in Richmond on January 22 through 24. Some members of Immanuel will be working at and helping with Council, while others will be singing with the Annual Council choir under the direction of Ellen Johnston. Please keep all of these folks in your prayers as they go about doing God’s work in the greater church. Prayer Books and Potables Note that the figures below do not reflect any checks received after December 26th. Final year statements in the Annual Meeting packet will include Immanuel’s full financial picture for 2013. Commitment Cards: If you have not turned in your card for 2015, it’s not too late! Your commitment to Immanuel helps us plan and carry out our many ministries. Remember that you can always change your current pledge at any time during the year. Happy New Year from The Cherub School Interested in learning more about the Book of Common Prayer? Want to spend some relaxed time with fellow parishioners and your priest? Come join us for Prayer Books and Potables on January 15, 6:30pm, at Marty’s Grill. Marty’s is at 9357 Atlee Rd. in Rutland Commons. Normally PB&P meets on the fourth Thursday, but Diocesan Annual Council begins on that day so we’re meeting a week early in January. The regular schedule will resume in February. Bring yourself, some money for food and drink, and a Prayer Book if you have one. Come one, come all, regardless of familiarity with the Prayer Book. You don’t have to have attended an previous meeting to attend. If you have questions about this program, please contact Anne Lane. The Cherub School wrapped up their first semester with two joyous Christmas programs. Students sang Christmas songs and played bells in the church for their parents and grandparents, and then enjoyed a reception in the Parish House. School starts again on January 5! CornerStone Update • January’s suggested items for food donations are peanut butter, jelly, and soup. Thanks for all you do to help those in need in our area! • Thanks for your gifts of presents for the early teenagers and coats, gloves, hats, mittens, and socks. They were much appreciated! Immanuel sent 54 gifts for the Angel Tree this year, and two baskets plus several large bags of donations to the gloves, hats, mittens, coats, and scarves drive. Financial Update as of December 26, 2014 Budgeted Total Pledges To date Percentage $133,000 $110,074 83% $47,808 $56,363 118% Total Income $180,808 $166,437 92% Total Expenses $202,230 $187,286 93% Total Other Income January 2015 Schedule Sunday, January 4 11:00 AM 9:00 AM Linda York Melissa Jarvis Linda York John Fulton Shelley Loving Ryder George Davis Teresa Davis Maria Koenig Brenda Smith Jeff Piland Jim Trimble Chalicer Lay Reader 11:00 AM Holy Eucharist with Baptism Brian Stout Patti Bartol Lindsay Ryland Heather Wilson Alex Wilson Maria Koenig Brenda Smith Jeff Piland NOT FILLED Chalicer EV Lay Reader Refreshments Refreshments Altar Guild Altar Guild Ushers Ushers Sunday, January 25 Chalicer EV Lay Reader Refreshments Refreshments Altar Guild Altar Guild Ushers Ushers Sunday, January 18 9:00 AM Terri Clinger Terri Clinger Sunday, January 11 11:00 AM 9:00 AM Gail Goldsmith Ken Miller Barbara Baker Patti Bartol Joan Beal Members of Vestry Kay Jewell Linden Updike Jeff Piland Jim Trimble Chalicer Lay Reader Chalicer Lay Reader 9:00 AM Linda York Lindsay Ryland Chalicer Lay Reader 11:00 AM Ann Garner Patti Bartol Dabney Morriss Anne Piland Jeff Piland Kay Jewell Linden Updike Jeff Piland Jim Trimble Chalicer EV Lay Reader Refreshments Refreshments Altar Guild Altar Guild Ushers Ushers Chalicer EV Lay Reader Refreshments Altar Guild Altar Guild Ushers Ushers January Anniversaries 3 - Dabney and Betty Morriss 23 - Jeff and Brenda Smith January 1 - Zach Stout 2 - Dave Gardner 2- Mellanie Farnsworth 3 - Phyllis Gravatt 5 - Patricia Kreynus 5 - Andrew Braith 7 - Jeff Smith 10 - Kendra Ellis 11 - Sue Ruffin 12 - Chandler Thomas 13 - Royal Arnette 22 - Stephanie Arnette 25 - Ellen Joyce 26 - Nancy Wheeler 28 - Joan Beal 29 - Ann Garner p.4 January 2015 Sun Dec. 28 Mon Dec. 29 Tue Dec. 30 Wed Dec. 31 Thu 1 Christmas 10am Lessons and Carols 11:15am Refreshments: Bring Cookies to Share 1 Fri 2 Parish Office Closed Sat 3 Baker Wedding Happy New Year! EfM meets at 6:30pm Parish Office Closed Both Days. No Choir & No Healing Service on Dec. 31. 4 2 Christmas 9am Holy Eucharist 10am Adult Forum 10:55am Godly Play 11am Holy Eucharist with Baptism 12:15pm Refreshments 5 6 7 9 15 16 Parish Office Closed Parish Office Closed 10 EfM meets at 6:30pm 6:15pm Healing Service with Holy Eucharist Scouts meet at 7pm 11 8 12 13 14 17 Parish House Floors waxed in the morning. 1 Epiphany 9am Holy Eucharist 10am Adult Forum 11am Holy Eucharist 12:15pm Refreshments EfM meets at 6:30pm ♬ Scouts meet at 7pm 18 6:15pm Healing Service with Holy Eucharist 19 Choir: 7:30-9pm 20 21 22 23 Parish Office Closed 24 2 Epiphany 9am Holy Eucharist 10am Adult Forum 10:55am Godly Play 11am Holy Eucharist 12:15pm Refreshments 6:15pm Healing Service with Holy Eucharist 6:15pm-Evening Prayer. 6:30pm-Open Forum and meeting. EfM meets at 6:30pm ♬ Choir: 7:30-9pm Scouts meet at 7pm 25 3 Epiphany 26 27 28 29 10am Holy Eucharist 11:15am Annual Meeting 6:15pm Healing Service with Holy Eucharist EfM meets at 6:30pm Scouts meet at 7pm 220th Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia ♬ Choir: 7:30-9pm 30 31 Parish Office Closed
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