St. Rita Catholic Community 12521 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas 75244 Phone 972-934-8388 Fax 972-934-8965 July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY LITURGY SERVICES In his Apostolic exhortaon, Amoris Laea (The Joy of the Gospel), Pope Francis writes: Masses Weekend No one can think that the weakening of the family as that natural society founded on marriage will prove beneficial to society as a whole. The contrary is true: it poses a threat to the mature growth of individuals, the cultivation of community values and the moral progress of cities and countries. There is a failure to realize that only the exclusive and indissoluble union between a man and a woman has a plenary role to play in society as a stable commitment that bears fruit in new life. We need to acknowledge the great variety of family situations that can offer a certain stability, but de facto or sameͲsex unions, for example, may not simply be equated with marriage. No union that is temporary or closed to the transmission of life can ensure the future of society. But nowadays who is making an effort to strengthen marriages, to help married couples overcome their problems, to assist them in the work of raising children and, in general, to encourage the stability of the marriage bond? Saturday Vigil: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Bilingual) & 5:30 p.m. (Nursery: 9:00 a.m. Ǧ 1:30 p.m. for Sunday Masses) Monday - Friday 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) Holy Days: 6:25 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual) Sacrament of Reconciliation This Week: (Penance) th Monday, July 25 ʹ Feast of St. James, +ca. 44, Apostle, brother of John, venerated at Compostella, Spain (Sanago de Compostella) Tuesday, July 26th ʹ Memorial of Sts. Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary Friday, July 29th ʹ Memorial of St. Martha, +1st Cent., sister of Mary and Lazarus, model of hospitality and faithful disciple Saturday, July 30th ʹ Oponal Memorial of St. Peter Chrysologus, +ca. 450, known for his exceponal preaching ability (his name in Greek means “of golden speech” Thursday Ǧ 7:30 p.m. Saturday Ǧ 9:00 a.m. Holy Hour Thursday Ǧ 7:30 p.m. First Friday Adoration Eucharistic Adoration begins with Morning Prayer at 8:30 a.m. and concludes with Evening Prayer at 5:15 p.m. At Next Weekend’s Masses: • Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time • Fr. Josh will sll be away on vacaon; Fr. John Follow us on Twitter Szatkowski is scheduled to celebrate the 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Masses Fr. Bob @frbob @frjoshTX @stritadallas And on Facebook A warm St. Rita welcome to all St. Rita Pastoral Council Visitors and Newcomers! pastoralͲ[email protected] Membership registration packets are available in the Church narthex, or you may call the parish office, 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 and request one by mail. Please email the Pastoral Council with any comments or concerns about the parish pastoralͲ[email protected] Did you know you can read and listen to St. Rita Homilies online? Go to and click on the Homily President: Mike Lesher ViceͲPresident: Maureen Blase Secretary: Mary Fimian Members: Gary Billeaudeaux, Jim Burmaster, Gordon Doyle, Chasity Jansa, Bob Kowynia, Gerard Luisi, Lucia On veros, Susan Owens, and Tony Ruggeri St. Rita Catholic Community Mobile App 2 Fr. Bob Coerver,Pastor Deacon Denis Corbin,Parish Administrator St. Rita Catholic Community July 24, 2016 12521 Inwood Road, Dallas TX 75244 Phone: 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 Fax: 972Ͳ934Ͳ8965 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION PASTOR Eucharist for the sick and shutͲins and requests for hospital visitors, please contact the Fr. Josh at 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388, ext. 6506. Rev. Msgr. Bob Coerver, x6516 PAROCHIAL VICARS MATRIMONY: Register in the Parish and become a member of the Sunday worshipping community three months before contacting a priest or deacon. Then contact the priest or deacon at least eight months prior to the date of the wedding. Rev. Joshua WhiCield, x6506 [email protected] PERMANENT DEACONS [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Deacon Charles Sylvester Deacon Moses Chung Deacon Bill Fobes Deacon Doug Breckenridge BAPTISM: The Baptism Class in English will be held on August 14, 2016 in the Staubach Family Wing Room D247, Second Floor Ͳ from 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 p.m. Babysitting will not be available. (Classes may be taken before the baby is born.) PASTORAL CENTER STAFF REQUIREMENTS: Parish Administrator [email protected] Deacon Denis Corbin, x6510 Director of Safe Environment, Administrator of Sacramental Records & Coordinator of RCIA Ms. Susan Podkrash, x6514 [email protected] Special Assistant, Pastoral Services [email protected] Mrs. Gena Maguire, x6523 Business Manager [email protected] Mrs. Helaine Blizzard, x6513 Assistant Business Manager [email protected] Mr. Steve BrockeH, x6512 Registrar Mrs. Vilma Ricciardi, x6511 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Dr. Alfred Calabrese, x6518 [email protected] Administra!ve Assistant, Music Department Mrs. Mindy Hatzmann, x6555 [email protected] Coordinator of Children’s Faith Forma!on [email protected] Mrs. Susan Sheetz, x6502 Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected] Mrs. Maribel Waldon, x6507 Adm. Assistant, Faith Forma!on hfi[email protected] Mrs. Holly Finegan, x6528 Facili!es Manager [email protected] Mr. Steve Niles, FMP, x6581 Facili!es Setup Supervisor [email protected] Mr. Joe Bartush, x6505 Facili!es Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Mr. Neil Lyle, x6533 Director of Communica!on [email protected] Mrs. Michelle Kocurek, x6504 Director of Technology Mr. Andrew Peña, x6525 [email protected] Assistant Director of Technology [email protected] MaH Glass, X6519 Liaison for Spanish Speaking Parishioners [email protected] Mrs. Margarita Rodríguez, x6515 Nursery Coordinator [email protected] Lisa Moorman Recep!onist [email protected] Mrs. Jeri Wray, x6501 Sacristan Mrs. Margaret Saliba, x6520 [email protected] • Both Parents must attend the Baptism Class before the Baptism, Godparents are encouraged to do so. • Godparents are to be (1) fully initiated into the Catholic [email protected] Church; baptized, received 1st Communion and Confirmation, (2) be at least 16 years old, (3) practicing the faith, and (4) if married Ͳ must be in accordance with the Catholic Church. An appointment needs to be made for your child to bap6zed. Please call the Pastoral Center Office at 972 934Ͳ8388, ext. 6514 to set a date. Baptisms are held most Sundays at 2:00 p. m. MASS INTENTIONS living intenon / deceased intenon intención en vida / intención por difuntos If our Priest cannot offer the Mass you have scheduled due to an emergency or other commitment, be assured that your Mass intention will be said elsewhere. Any questions, please call the Pastoral Center Office. Mon. July 25/2 Cor 4:7Ͳ15, Ps 126:1Ͳ6, Mt 20:20Ͳ28 5:30 p.m. Karen Helms+ Tues. July 26/Jer 14:17Ͳ22, Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13, Mt 13:36Ͳ43 5:30 p.m. Edna Schmidt+ Wed. July 27/Jer 15:10Ͳ21, Ps 59: 2Ͳ18, Mt 13:44Ͳ46 5:30 p.m. Joan Cra=* Thurs. July 28/Jer 18: 1Ͳ6, Ps 146:1Ͳ6, Mt 13:47Ͳ53 5:30 p.m. Lorraine Stenne@+ Fri. July 29/Jer 26:1Ͳ9, Ps 69:5Ͳ14, Jn11:19Ͳ27 5:30 p.m. Mary Louise Calabrese+ Sat. July 30/Jer 26:11Ͳ24, Ps 6915Ͳ34, Mt 14:1Ͳ12 8:00 a.m. John DeLeon+ 5:30 p.m. Anne Elizabeth Lynch+ Sun. July 31/Eccl 1:2Ͳ23, Ps 90:3Ͳ17, Col 3:1Ͳ11, Lk 12:13Ͳ21 7:30 a.m. Neil Emmons+ 9:00 a.m. Diane Leminger+ 10:45 a.m. Kerry Franklin* 12:30 p.m. People of the Parish 5:30 p.m. Gene Vilfordi+ ST. RITA SCHOOL ʹ 972Ͳ239Ͳ3203 Principal Dr. Elena C. Hines [email protected] Admissions Mrs. Sonbol Mannas, x6544 [email protected] 3 For informa!on on our parish’s Safe Environment process, please contact Susan Podkrash at [email protected]. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C Tuesday Morning Bible Study for Women Children’s Faith Formation A group made up of the women of our parish who have been in some form of Bible Study for many years. Studies have included a five year Denver Biblical Program, all of the LiHle Rock Series, "This is Our Faith", and many others. This study is recommended for those who are well versed in Bible Study. Join us on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. as we explore the Bible and also share the Scripture in small groups. Please feel free to join this lively and warm group, exploring the Bible in a deep and rewarding way! 2016-2017 Faith Formation Classes Registration for all grades is now open for the coming formation year! All registrations are on-line only: If families do not have internet access, they can contact the office for assistance. Registered families of the parish will need to supply a copy of the baptismal certificate or birth certificate (if not baptized) to complete the process. Enroll early – some grades have had waiting lists in past years. In-person enrollment Monday – Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. September 2016 Ͳ May 2017 We will begin in the fall with a 6 week study of Pope Francis, The Church of Mercy followed by studying the Psalms in the Little Rock series. For more information, please contact: Kay Neuhoff at [email protected] or Jeanette Lynch at [email protected]. Questions – email Susan Sheetz (Kindergarten – 6 grade) at th th [email protected], or Maribel Waldon (7 grade) at [email protected] or call 972-934-8388. Interested in Catholicism? Would you like to explore the Catholic Church and the faith of Catholic Chrisanity? Are you interested in becoming a full member of the Catholic Church? If so, then RCIA is for you. RCIA is a yearͲlong journey of exploration and initiation into the Catholic Church. RCIA is a fun, safe, faithͲbuilding discovery of Jesus Christ and the Church he loves. RCIA will change your life. It will bring you closer to Jesus. Is God calling you now? Are you ready to take that step in faith? The Catholic Church welcomes you. Our first session begins August 31st at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Rita Dining Hall FAITH FORMATION CATECHISTS Looking for an opportunity to share your Catholic faith and the love of Jesus Christ with the children of our parish? Great, we have a ministry for you! We are looking for enthusiastic and spirit-filled people to join the children on Sundays. You do not need to have a child in our program to volunteer. We encourage high school students and adults to prayerfully consider this important and worthwhile ministry. Volunteers will need to be cleared through the Safe Environment process. Questions – email Susan Sheetz (Kindergarten – 6th Grade) at [email protected], Maribel Waldon (7th Grade) at [email protected] or call 972-934-8388. For more informaon, contact: Fr. Joshua J. WhiCield Director of Faith Formaon and Educaon Also, visit our website: Ͳ Search “RCIA” St. Rita Young Adults Please check our Facebook group St. Rita Young Adult Ministry and twiHer account, or send us an email at [email protected] to get summer updates! YOUTH & HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY SUMMER IN THE SON Bible Study Ͳ The Bible Timeline 7/28 End of the Summer Party Night The key to understanding the Bible is finding the story that es it all together. The Great Adventure Bible Timeline makes the complex simple andhas helped hundreds of thousands of Catholics fall in love with the Scriptures. Class meets Sunday aQernoons from 3:15Ͳ5:15 p.m. Staubach Family Wing Ͳ Room D248 and dismisses in me for Mass. Forquesons or sign up please email Cost $30 Ͳ Registra4on Forms available online or by contac4ng Maribel Waldon Ͳ [email protected] ADULT FORMATION Be an RCIA Sponsor! PRAYER Being a companion for individuals exploring the Catholic Church is a sacred ministry. It’s demanding but eternally rewarding. We need strong men and women who are willing to share their faith and experiences with others. You don’t need to be a theologian to be an RCIA sponsor! You just need to have a heart for others and for the Church. God is calling some of our community to be RCIA sponsors this year. Is he calling you? If you’re interested in being a sponsor, contact Fr. Joshua J. Whi(ield, Director of Faith Forma*on and Educa*on [email protected] We Pray for our loved ones serving in the Armed Forces Protect them that you may be the joy of those who love your name. 4 ~ Psalm 5:12b MAJOR Tase Bailey III LT Emily Boehm LT Matthew Boehm CAPT Sarah C. Compton LTJG Patrick F. Gargan, USN LT Christine B. Gargan, USN LT Michael Meyer LT Eric Schortmann,USAF Capt. Jeff Schortmann, USAF CAPT Paul Sula USAF CMDR Frank Volpe Michael Roland CAPT Rusty Meyer LT Charles Waltrip, USMC St. Rita Catholic Community July 24, 2016 WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND Through prayer, we are united as a community of faith. Through prayer, we are comforted and we become stronger in our walk with God. JUVENILE DETENTION MINISTRY TRAINING Catherine Conard, Patrice Conard, Beckett Grimett, Kathy Novotny, Pedro Cárdenas, Arturo Guerrero, Mary Lou Jones-Sumner, Pat Corey, Angela Diego, George Caldwell, Bill Nolan, Lorraine Nolan, Mark Kulyk, Luis Gabriel Herrera, Jack Shiner, Carrie Fisher, Charles Louw, Margaret Moser, Cristina Domínguez, Lucia Fisher, Dave Adams, Mary Hoffman, Ignacio Koch, Barbara Hyna, Monda Garvey, Ellie Falgout, Peter & Patricia Griffith, Liliana Gaviria, Ana María Andrade, and Consuelo Rodriguez. Please contact Michelle Kocurek, [email protected] or call 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 x6504, if you would like to be included in our list for prayer for the sick and homebound. THE HOLY ROSARY Come pray the Rosary after every daily Mass in the Eucharistic Chapel Family Intentions St. Rita Parish would like to invite the families to post their personal intenons for your beloved deceased on the bullen board in the Narthex. As a parish, we can pray along with the members of our church for God’s connuing Grace. Eucharistic Holy Hour and the Sacrament of Reconciliation Thursday, July 28th 7:30 p.m. Parish Ministries Good Samaritan Unable to aHend Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist? The Good Samaritans will visit you in your home or nursing facility to enable you to receive this sacrament. Contact: Regina Bissey: 214Ͳ232Ͳ6320, [email protected] Or Elaine Mele: 214Ͳ537Ͳ5612, [email protected] St. Rita Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers Are There to Care Are you going through a difficult meͶemoonally, spiritually, or relaonally? Are you lonely, experiencing a crisis, or simply stressed by everyday life? You don’t have to suffer alone. Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers, ready to listen and encourage you, pray with and for you, and provide confidenal one ͲtoͲone Chrisan care to help you through whatever it is that you are facing. To find out more, email [email protected] or call 214 Ͳ451Ͳ 6503. You can leave a secure confidential message. We will get back to you. St. Rita Seniors’ St. Rita Senior Bingo will meet at 12 noon on Tuesday, August 2nd in the Staubach Family Wing Ͳ Room D246. Come enjoy food, fun, fellowship and bingo with us. Quesons? Call Fran Moorman 972Ͳ863Ͳ3847. “...I WAS IN PRISON, AND YOU VISITED ME.” - MATTHEW 25:36 In partnership with the Diocese, the Juvenile Detenon Ministry provides a sevenͲweek faithͲbased Life Skills training to residents of Wade Juvenile Detenon Center. Would you like to be part of a session on Anger Management or SelfͲAwareness, or one of the other subjects we cover? To do so, in addion to Safe Environment Training, Dallas County requires aHendance at their 3Ͳhour volunteer training. A rare Saturday morning class is scheduled for August 13th, with other weekday sessions held on July 26, August 23rd and September 20th. Contact John BeaHy at 972Ͳ679Ͳ5572, [email protected] to learn about this ministry and to request a registraon packet. A C M C S If you have been married for at least 3 years, and you’re willing to help engaged couples in their preparation for marriage in the church, please consider becoming part of the marriage ministry at St. Rita. This is a wonderful ministry that husband and wife can participate in together, in your own home, and discover deeper insights and love about your own marriage in the process. The St. Rita’s Sponsor Couple program helps engaged couples prepare to live a sacramental marriage, through 4 oneͲonͲone meetings with a sponsor couple, to discuss various topics. In the course of assisting engaged couples with the exploration of their marriages, you will inevitably learn and grow deeper in your own marriage. You are invited to aHend an orientaon meeng, where details and all requisite materials will be provided about this important ministry, all at no cost and no commitment to you. This meeng will be August 18th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Staubach Family Wing meeng room DͲ247. Please contact Denise or Tom Slz if you want to aHend, or have quesons, at [email protected] Marriage Enrichment and Convalidation Prep For married couples that wish to enrich and renew their marriage Also for married couples seeking Convalidation of their marriage This program offers quality time with your spouse, away from distractions, to focus on your relationship. Open to all married couples, including nonͲparishioners and nonͲCatholics, this program is especially recommended for couples married less than 6 years, and is designed to foster further growth that sparks the passion and romance in your relationship. This program also serves as preparation for couples that are seeking to have their marriages convalidated in the Catholic church. Catholic teachings about the sacrament of marriage will be explored and illustrated. Lunch will be provided.Each couple will also receive a REFOCCUS (similar to the FOCCUS tool used by engaged couples), which will assist with identifying areas for further discussion by the couple. The fee for this program covers the parish’s cost for these items. ($45 per couple) Saturday, September 24, 2016 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.—Sweeney Hall, St. Rita Fee: $45 per couple For more information, please contact Phil Taken at [email protected] 5 or our website at to register. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle C Healing Hurts with the Grace of God Bulletin Submissions Being alive, being human, means we experience hurts in our relationships with others. These hurts may be of an emotional, psychological and/or spiritual nature. Hurts may come from our spouses or significant other, our family, our friends, our community, those we work with, and countless other relationships. St. Rita is offering a program to help you heal those hurts, by calling upon God’s grace through the power of forgiveness. Join us for a program where we will discuss the healing power of forgiveness and offer you a method and ritual that you may use for healing hurts. In addition, this program will provide an opportunity for you to heal any hurts you may be struggling with. The Healing Hurts with the Grace of God program is open to all persons, including nonͲparishioners and nonͲCatholics. Please email bulletin submissions to the Director of Communications, Michelle Kocurek at [email protected] and to Margarita Rodriguez at [email protected] 10 days in advance. St. Rita Nursery DO YOU LOVE WORKING WITH CHILDREN? DO YOU NEED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS? Opportuni$es are available in the St. Rita Nursery for both paid workers and volunteers. The Nursery is offered at the 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Masses on Sunday. Work hours are flexible. Bilingual is a plus. Safe Environment clearance is required, please go to the St. Rita Website for informaon regarding Safe Environment or contact Susan Podkrash at [email protected]. Thursday, September 15, 2016 7:00p.m. St. Rita Parish Dining Hall There is no cost for this program. BabysiFng is available in the nursery for this event, but due to space restricons it will be on a firstͲcomeͲfirstͲserved basis. You will need to preͲregister by September 8th, and provide Susan Podkrash with the number and ages of children for the nursery. To register visit our website at or contact Susan Podkrash, [email protected]. For more informaon about the posion, please contact Dcn. Denis Corbin at [email protected] or 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 x6510. Safe Environment re-certification & initial clearance process Safe Environment Clearance Photo ID Badges: For the 2016 Ͳ 2017 year (July 1 Ͳ June 30), we are issuing a scker that will be placed on your exisng badge. This scker says “Valid to June 2017.” If you have already completed the recerficaon process and have received such noficaon, please bring your badge aQer July 5, 2016 to the new Pastoral Center to pick up your new scker. ReͲcer$fica$on (for those previously cleared) To be recerfied for this upcoming school/catechecal year, please follow these instrucons. Visit hHps:// and follow the prompts to access & update your personal contact informaon. For online classes Click on “View All Online Courses” to see available opons for online courses, and “Print Verificaon” to have proof of compleng an online course. For classes at other parishes Click on “View All Scheduled Classes” to see available opons for finding a schedule of classes at parishes and schools which you may visit to sasfy your annual training. A cerficate is given once the class is completed, and it must be turned in to the Pastoral Center office. New Volunteers Volunteers who work with or minister to children, youth and vulnerable adults are required to complete the Diocesan screening process. The steps are: 1.Complete a screening form by vising: hHps://, or the parish’s website, click the link at the boom of the home page for safe environment . 2. Attend a “Family of Faith” training session by visiting 3. Attending a personal interview after the training session Ȃ contact Susan Podkrash at 972Ǧ934Ǧ8388 x6514 or [email protected]. Questions? Contact Phil Taken at [email protected], 214-520-4264. Music Ministry ST.RITAYOUTHCHOIRS REGISTRATION&SCHEDULEDISTRIBUTION forstudentsandparents SATURDAY,AUGUST20th 10:00Ǧ11:30a.m. ChurchMusicRoom St.Ritahastwochoirsforyouth: CherubChoirǦGrades1Ǧ2 JubilateDeoChoirǦGrades3Ǧ8 Questions?MindyHatzmann [email protected] Refreshmentswillbeserved. Parish Events ST. RITA SCHOOL We Welcome Charles Francis Weaver “Who was baptized into Jesus Christ” 6 St. Rita School is still accepting applications for grades K-4th grade for the upcoming school year. Please contact Admissions if you have any questions [email protected] or 214-451-6544. St. Rita Catholic Community July 24, 2016 Make an impact on St. Rita Catholic School! Looking for a way to make an impact on the school’s future or to honor a teacher or graduate as the school year comes to a close? Please consider making a taxͲdeductible contribution to the St. Rita School Endowment Fund. Earnings from the fund are used to help offset the operating expenses of the school thereby keeping tuition affordable for more parish families. Pledge cards are available in the narthex of the church. Donations can also be made onͲline at the school’s home page on Questions? Contact Susan Lynch, Director of Development for St. Rita Catholic School, at [email protected]. Donations of any size are welcome and help the Endowment Fund grow! Annual Diocesan Silver and Gold Anniversary Mass celebra ng 25, 50 and 50+ Years of Marriage The Annual Diocesan Silver and Gold Anniversary Mass celebrating 25, 50 and 50+ Years of Marriage will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Couples celebrating their 25th anniversary (married in 1991), 50thanniversary (married in 1966), or more than 50 years of marriage (married before 1966) during 2016, are invited to participate. Please register if you plan to attend so that seating can be reserved. Bishop Farrell presides at this beautiful Mass and offers a special blessing for all anniversary couples. Families are welcome to attend and will be seated in open seating. A festive reception will be held following the Mass at the Morton H. Myerson Symphony Center. St. Rita Annual Golf Tournament Register at or call 214Ͳ379Ͳ2874 to register by phone. Deadline for registra&ons is Monday, August 15th. Join school families, parishioners, alumni, alumni parents and other friends for the St. Rita Annual Golf Tournament presented by SaenzͲRodriguez & Associates. The Dads Club and the Booster Club will be hosng this year’s event at Luna Vista Golf Club in Dallas. Enjoy a day full of fun, fellowship and golf! Golfers of all ability levels are welcome and encouraged to parcipate. St. Joseph Catholic Church Speaker Dinner Event Welcoming and Accompanying Our Brothers and Sisters Who Experience Same Sex Aracon The tournament is Friday, September 16th. Living Out Our Universal Call to Chasty and Speaking Truth With Love Call your golfing buddies today and let them know that registration for the tournament has started. Visit for details and registration. Register by July 31st to take advantage of the discounted rate. Presented by Fr. Philip Bochanski, Associate Director of Courage Interna$onal St. Joseph Catholic Church Ͳ Main Dining Hall S. Jupiter Rd., Richardson NON-PARISH BASED ORGANIZATIONS “The listing of these events by a permitted NonͲParish Based Organization (NPBO) does not imply the endorsement by St. Rita Catholic Community, or knowledge of the activities of the said group.” Thursday, August 11, 2016 Buffet Dinner begins at 6:30 P.M. Speaker begins at 7:15 PM Reservaons are needed if aending the dinner, $7 per cket. You may pay at the door. Speaker only, gras. RSVP to [email protected] so that we may prepare the proper number of seats and dinners. “Walking Together in Faith” Dallas Ministry Conference Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2016 Join us at the 10th annual UD Ministry Conference and be a part of the South’s largest annual Catholic ministry conference opened to the public. Attend some of over 170 breakout sessions in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, presented by nationally, local and international known speakers. Participate in Mass and prayer services, peruse the exhibits, admire the liturgical art display, and listen to Catholic musical performances. This three-day event only costs $66! Find out more at our website: John Paul II High School (JPIIHS) Info Nights: JPIIHS will host informaon nights for families wishing to learn more about joining the Cardinal Family. Join us on campus at 900 Coit Road in Plano, on July 27 at 6:30 p.m. Come meet students, parents, and staff members, and discover all that a JPIIHS educaon has to offer. 7 Decimoséptimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Ciclo C LITURGIA Misas de AÑO JUBILAR DE LA MISERICORDIA En su exhortación Apostólicam, Amoris Laea (La alegría del Evangelio), el Papa Francisco escribe… fin de semana Nadie puede pensar que debilitar a la familia como sociedad natural fundada en el matrimonio es algo que favorece a la sociedad. Ocurre lo contrario: perjudica la maduración de las personas, el culvo de los valores comunitarios y el desarrollo éco de las ciudades y de los pueblos. Ya no se advierte con claridad que sólo la unión exclusiva e indisoluble entre un varón y una mujer cumple una función social plena, por ser un compromiso estable y por hacer posible la fecundidad. Debemos reconocer la gran variedad de situaciones familiares que pueden brindar cierta estabilidad, pero las uniones de hecho o entre personas del mismo sexo, por ejemplo, no pueden equipararse sin más al matrimonio. Ninguna unión precaria o cerrada a la comunicación de la vida nos asegura el futuro de la sociedad. Pero ¿quiénes se ocupan hoy de fortalecer los matrimonios, de ayudarles a superar los riesgos que los amenazan, de acompañarlos en su rol educavo, de esmular la estabilidad de la unión conyugal? Misa de Vigilia del Sábado: 5:30 p.m. domingo: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:30 p.m. (Bilingue) & 5:30 p.m. (Guardería: 9:00 a.m. Ǧ 1:30 p.m. durante las Misas del domingo) LUNES—VIERNES 5:30 p.m. SÁBADO 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Vigilia) Días de Precepto: 6:25 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. (Bilingue) SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN (Confesiones) JUEVES Ǧ 7:30 p.m. SÁBADO Ǧ 9:00 a.m. Esta Semana: Hora Santa lunes, 25 de julio Ͳ Fiesta de Sanago, +44, apóstol, hermano de Juan, venerado en Compostela, España (Sanago de Compostela) martes, 26 de de julio Ͳ Memorial de San Joaquín y Santa Ana, padres de la Virgen María viernes, 29 de de julio de Ͳ Memorial de Santa Marta, +1 Siglo, hermana de María y Lázaro, modelo de hospitalidad y fiel discípulo. sábado 30 de julio Ͳ Memorial opcional de San Pedro Crisólogo, +450, conocido por su habilidad excepcional de predicación (su nombre en griego significa "de palabra de oro" JUEVES Ǧ 7:30 p.m. ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA DEL PRIMER VIERNES Después de la Misa de 8:00 a.m. Hasta antes de la Misa de 5:30 p.m. ¡Una cálida bienvenida a todos los visitantes y nuevos feligreses¡ Las tarjetas de inscripción para membresía de la parroquia están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la iglesia, o puede llamar a la oficina parroquial al 972Ͳ934Ͳ8388 y solicitar una por correo. En las Misas del próximo fin de semana: • XVIII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario • El Padre Josh estará de vacaciones; el Padre John Szatkowski celebrará EL SANTO ROSARIO las Misas de 7:30 a.m. y 9:00 a.m. Fr. Bob Venga a rezar el Rosario después de Misa durante la semana, en la Capilla del Santísimo JUEVES 28 de JULIO TALLERES DE ORACIÓN Hora Santa y Confesiones 7:30 p.m. Estudio de Verano: “Conoce lo que ya crees” Y VIDA DOMINGOS 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Sweeney Hall Una Nueva Evangelización UNA RESPUESTA AL MUNDO DE HOY Temas para el crecimiento en la vida cristiana: Basado en la Biblia con Cristo como centro; con actividad orante; paso a paso; adaptado a la persona. Un taller sanador y liberador a través del conocimiento de Dios y de uno mismo. La Fe, Esperanza y Caridad Los Dones del Espíritu Santo Qué es Gracia, Nuestro Libre Albedrío – ¡un hermoso regalo – una responsabilidad aterradora! ♦ Porqué formar nuestra Conciencia ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Son 15 sesiones, son 15 maneras de orar, iniciamos el 4 de agosto—de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Salón—D248 Para más información comuníquese con Reyna García—972-832-7102 8 Comunidad Católica Santa Rita 24 de julio de 2016 Ministerio de Jóvenes Verano en el Estudio Bíblico V LUZ TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Salón D248 - Edificio Nuevo 7/28 fin del verano Noche de Fiesta Cost o$30 Ͳ Formas de inscripción Disponibles en linea o comunicándose conMaribel Waldon Ͳ [email protected] Estudio del Evangelio de San Lucas Formación en la Fe de Niños La Biblia es la Palabra del Padre celesal, que "sale al encuentro de sus hijos y entabla conversación con ellos". Concilio Va cano II. Clases de Formación en la Fe 2016-2017 La inscripción para todos los grados ya está abierta para el año que viene. Las inscripciones se hacen en línea: Si las familias no tienen acceso a Internet, por favor comuníquense con la oficina para recibir asistencia. Las familias inscritas en la parroquia deben proporcionar una copia del cerficado de bausmo o cerficado de nacimiento (si no está bauzado) para completar el proceso. Seguir a Jesús significa aceptar su proyecto… Jesús tiene un proyecto, una misión: anunciar y realizar el Reino de Dios (Mc 1,15). Este es el plan que el Padre le ha encomendado, formar una gran familia de hijos y hermanos, un hogar, una humanidad nueva, los nuevos cielos y la nueva tierra que los profetas habían predicho (Is 65, 17Ͳ 25). Esta es la gran Utopía de Dios, el auténtico paraíso descrito simbólicamente en el Génesis (Gen 1Ͳ2), donde la humanidad vivirá reconciliada con la naturaleza, entre sí y con Dios, de modo que el hombre sea señor del mundo, hermano de las personas e hijo de Dios (DP 322). Esta gran Buena Nocia es algo integral, ya que abarca a toda la persona humana (alma y cuerpo), a todo el mundo (personas y comunidades) y aunque consumará en el más allá, debe comenzar ya aquí en nuestra historia. Este Reino de Dios es liberación de todo lo que oprime a la humanidad, del pecado y del Maligno (EN 9). Es en este contexto que ene sendo explicar y aprender el Padre Nuestro, como se hacía en el antiguo catecumenado. El Padre Nuestro no es sólo una fórmula para orar, sino un compendio del programa de Jesús. El Reino del Padre, el cumplimiento de su voluntad, un mundo donde haya pan y perdón, liberado de todo al y victorioso de toda tentación. En ello el Padre es glorificado, pues la gloria de Dios consiste en que el Reino de Dios venga a la humanidad y todo el mundo viva como hijo del Padre. Inscripciones en persona Lunes - Jueves 10:00 a.m. a las 4:00 p.m.. Inscríbase temprano - en el pasado ha habido lista de espera. Preguntas – email Susan Sheetz (Kinder al 6o grado) [email protected], Maribel Waldon (7o grado) [email protected] o llame al 972-934-8388. Casa de Retiros Monserrat Para hombres y mujeres - agosto 5 –7 Deja tus preocupaciones y tu vida ajetreada atrás... ven para un fin de semana de descanso y encuentro con el Señor. Se invita a todos en la parroquia para asistir a un Retiro de silencio en la Casa de Retiros de Montserrat. Situado en las orillas hermosas y tranquilas del lago Lewisville, en Lake Dallas, Texas. Basado en los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola con oración y dirección espiritual. Cuartos privados, comidas, etc. No se pierda esta maravillosa oportunidad, empezando la noche del viernes 5 de agosto y terminando el domingo 7 de agosto después de la misa yel almuerzo. Regístrese en o llame a Luz Restrepo 940Ͳ321Ͳ6020 ext. 221para más información. El Señor te espera! Celebración Anual Misa de Aniversario de Oro y Plata Celebrando 25, 50 and 50+ años de matrimonio La Misa Anual Diocesana de Bodas de Oro y Plata celebrando 25, 50 o más de 50 años de Matrimonio se llevará a cabo el sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016 a las 2:00 PM en la Catedral Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Si este año se encuentran celebrando su 25avo aniversario (casados en 1991), su 50avo aniversario (casados en 1966) o si están celebrando más de 50 años de casados (casados antes de 1966), esta Misa celebra su aniversario de bodas. Si planea asisr a esta celebración, le pedimos que se registre para que sus asientos le sean reservados. El Obispo Farrell preside la Misa y ofrece una bendición especial para todas las parejas que celebran aniversarios. Sus familias están invitadas a asisr y podrán sentarse en asientos no reservados. Habrá una alegre recepción después de la Misa en el Morton H. Myerson Symphony Center. Si desea inscribirse visite para llenar el formulario. También puede llamar al 214Ͳ379Ͳ2874 si desea inscribirse por teléfono. La fecha límite de inscripción es el lunes, 15 de agosto. Las parábolas del Reino hablan de esta gran Utopía de Dios como un tesoro y una perla, por cuya adquisición vale la pena venderlo todo (Mt 13,44Ͳ46). Los Apóstoles ante el proyecto de Jesús, dejan sus barcas y redes y le siguen (Lc 5,11), mientras que el joven rico se alejó triste de Jesús porque tenía muchas riquezas y no quería aceptar el proyecto de fraternidad universal de Jesús (Mt 19,22). Para seguir a Jesús las riquezas son un gran impedimento (Mt 19,23Ͳ21; Lc 6,24Ͳ26; 12,13Ͳ24), lo cual contrasta con la opinión y la prácca de muchos ricos de América Lana, que se consideran muy crisanos. Ser Cristiano en América Latina P. Víctor Codina sj 9 h$p://
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