GREATER FIRST COLONY NEWSLETTER February, 2015 Volume 33, Issue 2 PRESIDENT’S CORNER Happy Valentine’s Day! To kick off February, I wanted to thank the entire Board and Committee Chairs for putting up with a lengthy first board meeting on January 11th. During this kick off meeting, we took an extensive tour of our amenities, the dam and spillway. The Chairs and returning Board members shared beneficial information with one another concerning the neighborhood amenities. I also appreciate them not flogging me for holding this meeting on a Sunday afternoon during the NFL playoffs. The spillway has degraded to a point that it has now become priority number one for the Association. The eastern roadway drainage swale on the river side of the street has failed and will need corrective action soon. I want to thank Jim Szykman and Tim Harris for all of their efforts the past 45 days trying to resolve this issue. The three of us have had numerous meetings with both VDOT and James City County and at this point, the Board feels our best course of action is to consult with an attorney. I am sure you all can agree, we want to proceed cautiously with this and not create any “unintended consequences” for Greater First Colony. I will try to do an email blast to all the members once we have had a chance to review this with legal counsel informing you of our next step. I have just received a first draft of the Capital Reserve Audit conducted by DMA. I have forwarded this on to the board members for review, comments and questions. Once the board has had a chance to review this extensive 45 page report, my plan is to meet with DMA to put the finishing touches on the final draft. It is our goal to publish this on the GFCACA website for all of you to review no later than February 28th, 2015. My sincere thanks to Tucker Edmonds for coordinating this project. I neglected in December to thank all of the business owners who reside in Greater First Colony and who are members of our association. I cannot tell you how many times these folks have stepped up, often using their own equipment, at their expense to help us with volunteer projects. We all know who they are, so I ask all of you to give these dedicated selfless neighbors a hard look when doing projects around your home or business. A special thanks to Teresa Turner for extending her time by producing this newsletter during the transition. I am pleased to report that John Poorman will be returning as pool manager this summer. I know we all cannot wait for warm weather and the fun we all have at our wonderful pool. In closing, I wanted to thank you all of you who renewed your membership in the GFCACA. Respectfully submitted, Craig Larson, President GFCACA 1/11/15 BOARD MEETING MINUTES President Craig Larson called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM in the clubhouse. Board members present were Jim Szykman (VP), Kevan Danker (Treasurer), Gene Bruss, Sylvia Davis, Roger Hunt, Bobby Jankovic, John Otey, Sonya Peretti-Hull, and John Hochella. Meagan Schultz (Business Manager), Richard Schauffler (Beach and Marina Chair), and Mike McCann (Park Chair) were also present. After introductions, this being the first meeting of the 2015 board, the minutes were approved without change. The park’s broken basketball backboard was briefly discussed. Craig agreed to check on the warranty, and Meagan agreed to check on our insurance coverage. The meeting members then left the clubhouse for a tour led by Craig of neighborhood amenities needing attention. The following places were visited with a discussion held at each place, the most pressing items discussed listed after each place: the lake Call JCC Police Non-Emergency Number (566-0112) with every security incident! If it’s an Emergency — Dial 911 spillway (between 184 and 186 The Maine) - broken / undermined concrete drain channels, erosion of spillway; the lake dam (between 220 and 222 The Maine) - vegetation growth on lake side; the marina - rotting piling of boat ramp dock, dead trees on adjacent property; and the pool - cover, chlorine system, general appearance. Following the neighborhood inspection, the meeting reconvened inside the clubhouse. It was agreed that a park work day would be set up in early April. Kevan presented the October 1 – December 31 Treasurer’s report with support from Meagan. As of December 31, 2014, the association had 338 household memberships, 68 of those using the dues installment payment option. For the period reported, the first quarter of the association’s fiscal year - Revenue: $106,657; Operating Expenses: $19,156; Capital Expenditures: $5,567; Net Income: $81,934. The Treasurer’s report was approved as presented. BEACH AND MARINA REPORT Polar Plunge Fundraising This year we raised about $1,500, all of which is donated to Special Olympics. Thanks again to our sponsors: Ace Hardware, Berkshire Hathaway/ Towne Realty, Berret’s Seafood Restaurant, East Coast Bricking, Hathaway Electric, Johnny Timbers Tree Service, and Drs. Morrison and Murphy DDS. Thanks to all who donated their bodies to the river and their wallets to the cause. Special thanks once again to the Otey family for hosting, to Zach Schauffler for t-shirt design, and the Colonial Sports for donation of staff time for printing the t-shirts. And really special thanks to Ed Wigley, who appeared as the New Year’s Baby, dressed only in top hat, sash, and diaper, to the great entertainment of all. Buy that man another cigar! Membership drive: The board discussed the lapsed membership fee which had been temporarily waived for the current membership drive. The board approved a motion to allow the lapsed membership fee waiver to remain in force throughout this fiscal year. The board agreed to consider reducing the lapsed membership fee during the next fiscal year budget process. About thirteen association members from last year did not rejoin. Craig volunteered to call those lapsed members. Lake Pasbehegh spillway and dam: Craig reported on initial, inconclusive meetings with the VDOT Williamsburg Area Maintenance Superintendent and the James City County Storm water Division. The James City County representative stated there is little funding available because the storm water tax was eliminated. It is clear that James City Service Authority is at least part owner of the dam because of the wastewater pump house located there. The board agreed that spill water runoff was the biggest and most pressing issue to be addressed. The board approved a motion for the association to hire an attorney to research ownership of the spillway and dam, and to recommend a course of action. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM due to its long length. Respectfully submitted, John Hochella, Secretary Boat Slips and Storage The fees are still coming in as this is being written, but it looks like most slips and storage spaces are being renewed and that we will not be able to accommodate those on the waiting list for storage. If so, you will be notified in February. The waiting list will be maintained in its current order, so if you are on it, no need to renew your interest. If you are no longer interested, please advise so I can take your name off. Non-renewing Member Cards Now Suspended In January, we deactivated the cards of nonrenewing members of the Association. We hope many will return, and when they do, their cards will be reactivated (there is no need for new cards). Keep in mind that as a volunteer organization, it can take us up to two weeks to reactivate these cards once renewal payments have been received. We regret any inconvenience. See you at the river, Richard Schauffler, Beach/Marina Chair 2 SUNSHINE COMMITTEE We sent get well wishes to Johnnie Blair of the Maine, who is recovering from pneumonia. Get well wishes were sent to John Wimmer of The Maine who was recently hospitalized and to Sara Weaver of Argall Town who had surgery. In case I have missed someone, I will send get well wishes to all who are suffering or have suffered this month from a cold, the flu, pneumonia, or any other illness. There is a new pneumonia shot available, which should last you the rest of your life, and is free to Medicare recipients. It would be wise to take advantage of it. The way the days are flying by, spring will be here before we know it. On a very sad note, I just learned from Terry Johnston on Jordan's Journey that “back in December, she saw the carcass of Clyde, our wonderful swan, across the lake from them by Alex Kuras' old house on Pasbehegh. She was just reading the December newsletter, where I asked if anyone had seen him.” At least now those of us who loved him have closure. Most of us enjoyed the beauty of Bonnie and Clyde for many years." Ann Hunt, Sunshine Chair 229-1384 [email protected] WELCOMING COMMITTEE Donald and Denise Thomas are the owners of a new house at 116 Pasbehegh. They lived in the Denbigh area for 25 years when they were civilian employees at Fort Eustis and Fort Monroe, but were transferred to Illinois over 4 years ago. After retiring they wanted to return to Virginia which they considered home and be closer to their two grown children and four grandchildren still living in the area. Their first requirement was for a place on the water and their final choice was the lot on Lake Pasbehegh. Since they needed to build, they followed the plans for their house in Illinois, but incorporated "aging" features to make it easier to live in it for the rest of their lives. Donald likes fishing and he plans to fish in the lake with his grandson. Denise likes to work in the yard and she is anxious for the weather to improve so the yard can be landscaped. Both are concerned with the choice of plants for the yard as they have heard how everything should be deer resistant if it's going to last. Late last year the secret allure of the house known as Secret Creek, aka 178 John Rolfe, was discovered by Andrew and Mehgan Mayfield, who were looking to buy a home with water access. Accompanied by their short- haired Collie, Riley, the young couple moved into the house which is a short walk/ ride to the James River in which they can indulge their love of boating, kayaking, canoeing and stand-up paddle boarding. These high school sweethearts, who hail from Clark County, Virginia, lead busy professional and social lives. Andrew obtained a degree in airplane piloting from Ambry Riddle Aeronautic School, but decided that flying commercial jets was too tame. He segued his career into aeronautic communications and became the marketing manager for International Communications Group, whose business deals with jet plane/ satellite communications. Mehgan is an environmental scientist, and works for the Virginia Department of Corrections. After speaking with her, we learned that Virginia's prisons are selfcontained units with much of the labor provided by the inmates themselves. As a result of their work and learned skills, Virginia has the fourth lowest rate of recidivism in the country. Mehgan is also the president of the Jr. Women's Club of Williamsburg, which not only produces our wonderful "Art on the Square" each year but also holds fund raisers to help support the Bacon Street child substance abuse program. Mehgan is also proud of her Russian lineage which includes a blind Cossack dancer, whose DNA shows itself in her obvious ability to finesse her way through the myriad parts she's assumed. Contact us if you see any new neighbors around your area: Georgia Allen Carolyn Morris [email protected] [email protected] 3 NOTES FROM THE GARDEN CLUB FIRST COLONY GARDEN CLUB January 19, 2015 Calendar of Upcoming Events Feb. 16 Garden Club Mtg Clubhouse Feb. 2,4,9, 11,16,18,23, 25 Yoga 5:30 pm Clubhouse Alice Alexander, Sandy Liebler, Carolyn Morris and Elgin Morris with Williamsburg Floral Winter Arrangements For the January Garden Club meeting, Mr. Elgin Morris with Williamsburg Floral brought in examples of various arrangements from small floating candles to large sprays, all in shades of white and green. He demonstrated his talent for ‘mimicking nature’ by creating a beautiful arrangement using perennial bulbs and deer moss in combination with cut flowers and various greens. He recommended the floral arranging products available at Williamsburg Floral located in the James York Plaza on Merrimac Trail. He also advised us of the week day ‘happy hour’ from 4-5 pm and Saturday from 12-1 pm, when leftover cut flowers are half price! Our hostesses for the evening were Alice Alexander, Sandy Liebler and Carolyn Morris. Co-President Georgia Allen conducted a short business meeting and introduced new First Colony resident and potential new club member, Denise Thomas. It was decided that next month’s floral arrangements would be made with fresh cut flowers, a date of March 4th was set for our annual tea, and the annual yard sale will be held in early spring with an exact date to be determined. All First Colony residents are encouraged to join in this yard sale and any donation of items for the Garden Club to sell would be welcome! Remember, all proceeds the Garden Club makes are used for community beautification projects. The next Garden Club meeting will be February 16th. Club members will be creating small floral arrangements for a local nursing home. Hostesses will be Johnnie Blair, Teresa DePew and Linda Osborne. For sale: 42 inch HDTV - $75 (Note: Occasionally blanks – resets with power cycle) – Call Lee at 757-220-2127 These ads are free to resident members of Greater First Colony only. Ads are generally limited to 20 words or less, must be submitted to [email protected] no later than the 20th of each month for inclusion in the following months newsletter and are to be used only for tangible items. GFCACA is not responsible for any disputes that may arise between seller and buyer. Melanie Davis, Secretary 4 5 FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU!!!! 1230 RICHMOND RD WILLIAMSBURG 12490 WARWICK BLVD NEWPORT NEWS 4511 JOHN TYLER HWY WILLIAMSBURG 2098 NICKERSON BLVD HAMPTON 6 Are you interested in renting the Clubhouse for your next party, social event or business function? A beautiful, spacious and affordable facility, the Clubhouse is available for rental by members and non-members for business meetings, private functions, community events, and much more. The Clubhouse features high ceilings, patio, deck, full kitchen, seating for up to 150 people, ample parking and a beautiful view of the park. The Clubhouse is located at 125 Pasbehegh, adjacent to the playground, pavilion and pool. Clubhouse Fee Structure For events sponsored by Association Members: Number of attendees 1-50 51-100 maximum Up to 3 hours $45.00 $55.00 Up to 5 hours $65.00 $85.00 Up to 8 hours $95.00 $130.00 101-150 $100.00 $140.00 $200.00 For events sponsored by non-First Colony residents: Number of attendees 1-50 51-100 101-150 maximum Up to 3 hours $65.00 $75.00 $150.00 Up to 5 hours $95.00 $115.00 $200.00 Up to 8 hours $140.00 $175.00 $275.00 Call *Marion Wolfe to make reservations for the clubhouse. You may contact any Clubhouse member for information or to take a tour. (Clubhouse members are listed below) Sandy Tarantelli 221-8195 *Marion Wolfe 565-1860 *Kerry Armbruster 564-0447 Ann Hunt 229-1384 Dion Walsh 220-1638 Roger Guernsey 229-9496 7 8 9 FIRST COLONY EMPLOYMENT HELP LINE * Red Cross Certified **CPR certified Janet Riddett—Certified K-5 Teacher, teaching Adult [email protected] 810-9577 experience, Tutor for elementary grades Jessica Lee-Babysitting*, Pet Sitting 14 Years 345-9432 Ashley Hoover—Baby Sitting*, Pet Sitting 14 Years 810-9844 Caroline Larson— Babysitting,** Pet Care 15 Years 259-9237 Victoria Hardy—Babysitting, Pet Sitting, Plant- 13 Years 253-8422 Zachary Ward-Leaf pick-up 13 Years 535-5455 Zychowski, Ted—Available for tutoring in general mathematics, pre-algebra and algebra. Certified teacher for grades 4 - 8 Adult 259-0969 Full Availability ing, Mowing To receive notice that the newsletter is available for viewing on the website by e-mail, send a quick note to [email protected] and include your name, street address, and email address. You will receive the link to the eNewsletter in your e-mail each month! To view the newsletter on the First Colony Website as well as accessing information regarding membership, Committee information, community events, the activities calendar and booking community facilities go to All you need is Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, print and forward your color eNewsletter—and it’s FREE at several Internet sites, including or Advertising Rates: Business card - $15; quarter page - $25; half page - $37.50; full page - $75; Employment Help Line listing - $12 per year. Unless noted, deadline is the 20th of each month. Editor: Amy Carter Day, [email protected] Payment must accompany ad. Make check payable to GFCACA. The Greater First Colony Area Civic Association publishes this newsletter monthly for the benefit of the membership. Unless noted, deadline for ALL newsletter submissions is the 20th of each month by 9pm. 10 Photo courtesy Tim Killibrew Photo courtesy Peggy Arnett Photo courtesy Sonya Peretti-Hull Photo courtesy Shirley Vermillion Photo courtesy Tim Killibrew WINTER AROUND FIRST COLONY Photo courtesy Pat Burke 11 Photo courtesy Kevan Danker
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