The Parish of Saint Patrick 9 North Clinton Avenue • Bay Shore, New York • 11706 E-mail Address: [email protected] Fax: (631) 665-8388 Website: PARISH CLERGY Msgr. Thomas More Coogan ...................................... 665-4911 Pastor Rev. David Atanasio ...................................................... 665-4911 Associate Pastor Rev. Nicholas Onyach, FMH ..................................... 665-4911 Associate Pastor WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00pm in Msgr. Purick Hall Sunday: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:30am, 12:00pm (Español), 5:30pm 9:30am, 11:30am in Msgr. Purick Hall WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday–Friday: 6:30am and 8:00am in the Church Wednesday: 12:10pm in the Church Saturday: 8:00am in the Church DEVOTIONS Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays at 8:30am Sacred Heart/Benediction First Friday—Following the 8:00am Mass Rosary Msgr. Richard Henning ............................................... 665-4911 Weekend Assistant Dcn. Frank Keach .................................................665-4911 x124 Pastoral Associate, PSM Director, Marriage Prep Coordinator Dcn. Gregory Nardone ................................................. 665-4911 Adult Confirmation Coordinator, Nazareth Years Ministry Dcn. Joseph Peralta, OFS .................................... 665-4911x152 Pastoral Associate, RCIA , Baptism Prep Coordinator Msgr. R. Emmet Fagan ................................................................. Pastor Emeritus Msgr. John Nosser .......................................................................... Pastor Emeritus Monday—Saturday at 8:30am Divine Mercy Thursday at 3:15pm in the Convent Chapel PARISH STAFF Cemetery Office Telephone ...................665-4911 x136 Second Saturday—Following the 8:00am Mass Music Director Pat Marfoglio ..............665-4911 x123 Saturday from 4:00pm-5:00pm in the Church Parish Social Ministry Deacon Frank Keach 665-4911 x124 Director Catherine Dennis .......665-4911 x130 Coordinator Padre Pio Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament PARISH CONFESSIONS Wednesday: Saturday: 11:30am in the Church 4:00pm-5:00pm in the Church HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: Holy Day: 5:00pm 6:30am, 8:00am, 12:10pm, and 7:30pm Parish Receptionist Mary Feeney................665-4911 x100 Parish School Roseann Petruccio .............. 665-0569 Principal Beth Diesu ..................665-4911 x144 Secretary Pastor’s Secretary Pat Santo .....................665-4911 x113 RCIA Co-Coordinator Peggy Parker ........................ 665-4911 Religious Education Lily Costantino ...........665-4911 x137 Director of Religious Education Mary Rand ...................665-4911 x138 Secretary Sacristan Coordinator Gary Sullivan ............ 665-4911 x 115 Stewardship Office Wendy Wessler ............ 665-4911x148 Youth Group Matt Ostrow ...............665-4911 x129 Coordinator Sunday, February 1, 2015 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week’s Mass Intentions Celebration of the Sacraments Sunday, February 1, 2015 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms of infants are celebrated every Saturday at 12 noon in MPH and every Sunday at 1:00 PM in our Church. First time parents are asked to participate in our Baptism Preparation Program. Adults seeking Baptism or entrance into the Roman Catholic Church, are asked to participate in the RCIA Program (see below). Please call the Rectory (631-665-4911) to make any necessary arrangements for Baptism. Sacramental Preparation for Children All children in grades 1 through 8 ought to be enrolled in either our Religious Education Program or St. Patrick School. This will insure that they receive religious instruction and receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the proper time. Parents are asked to contact either the Religious Education Office at 631-665-4911 ext 138 or St. Patrick School at 631-665-0569 to enroll their child in the appropriate grade level program. Adult Confirmation St. Patrick Parish offers a basic preparation program for adult Catholics who have yet to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please contact the Rectory to inquire about details. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults A process for adults seeking Baptism and/or those who have not received Communion and Confirmation or non-Catholics wishing to become a member of the Catholic Church. Those interested should call the Rectory Office. Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions are heard every Saturday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM and every Wednesday at 11:30AM in the Church. Individual confessions may also be heard at anytime by making arrangements with a priest Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Catholics who are seriously ill, advanced in age, or going in for surgery are all eligible to receive this sacrament. Anointing of the Sick is celebrated following the 8:00 AM Mass every Sunday in the Church. It can also be celebrated at other times by making an appointment with a priest. Please call the Rectory to arrange for a priest to visit any homebound or hospitalized parishioner who may be in need of the Sacrament. Sacrament of Marriage "Jesus said to His disciples, '"Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female' ? For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate." (Mt.19:5) St. Patrick Parish welcomes all Catholics who would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage in our beautiful church. Because preparation for these celebrations can be involved (Pre-Cana, wedding rehearsals, etc.), we ask that engaged couples begin their arrangements at least 6 months in advance of their wedding date. Interested couples are asked to call the Rectory in order to make an appointment with parish clergy. Sacrament of Holy Orders The Holy Order of Deacon Mature Catholic men who are eligible to serve as deacons and feel an attraction to this vocation of service for the Church are asked to speak with any member of parish clergy to find out more details. The Diocesan Office of Deacons ( offers many materials and programs to help a man answer this call. The Holy Order of Priest Catholic men who are eligible to serve Holy Mother Church as a priest, who are not married and who feel an attraction to a life of service at the altar and in the confessional are asked to contact one of the parish clergy to find out more. The Diocesan Vocations Office ( offers many materials and programs to help a man answer this call. The Holy Order of Bishop At every Mass in the Eucharistic Prayer we pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis and our Diocesan Bishop, William Murphy. Please keep our bishops in your prayers. 7:00am (CH) All Parishioners Living & Deceased 8:00am (CH) Emmett, Mary, & Ursula McNamara and Their Deceased Children, Susan Lycke, Christopher Gubitosa, Omar Alvarez, Anthony C. Ruggerio, Nicholas Ursillo 9:30am (CH) Teresa Korol-Hibl 9:30am (MPH) Kathy Spano 11:30am (MPH) Brigid Claire Feeney 12:00pm (CH) Misa en Español—All Welcome 5:30pm (CH) Diana Modica Monday, February 2, 2015 6:30am (CH) Margaret Eileen Valdini 8:00am (CH) Lauretta Sinnott Tuesday, February 3, 2015 6:30am (CH) Clementine Mueller 8:00am (CH) Frank DiBella Wednesday, February 4, 2015 6:30am (CH) William Kaznowski 8:00am (CH) Inga Carpenter 12:10pm (CH) Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life, Bomparola Family Thursday, February 5, 2015 6:30am (CH) Joseph John Ciccone 8:00 (CH) Kathleen Roskot Friday, February 6, 2015 6:30am (CH) John E. Peters 8:00am (CH) Deceased Members of the Christie & Collins Families Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:00am (CH) Margaret B. 5:00pm (MPH) Intentions of Barbara Keach Sunday, February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00am (CH) All Parishioners Living & Deceased 8:00am (CH) Justin Michael McCauley, Louise Crisi, Richard Shortmyer, Margaret O’Connor, Carl, Olga & Carl, Jr., Kuri, Helen Szewczyk 9:30am (CH) William Coogan 9:30am (MPH) Joan Gracy 11:30am (MPH) Lauren Csorny 12:00pm (CH) Misa en Español—All Welcome 5:30pm (CH) Joseph Lehn St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 2 Dear Parishioners, Any parishioner who may occasionally attend Mass in neighboring parishes might well know that from time to time we priests of Saint Patrick’s help out neighboring parishes with Masses when they are shorthanded. Likewise, our neighbors and the Montforts return the favor on occasion. Our parish has also been known to generously help out in other ways too, whether cooperating on local hospital coverage or even coming to the aid of St. Mary’s School when they had to replace their boiler. These are just some examples of the very close relationship we share with our catholic neighbors. Last week, Our Parish Social Ministry began a new way of cooperating with St. Anne’s in Brentwood (where our dear friend Fr. Steve is serving pastor) by entering into a shared services agreement whereby Saint Patrick’s will help them run their Outreach Office. Saint Patrick parishioner, Janet Lambert, one of our most dedicated advocates in the PSM, will now report to Saint Anne’s and be the head of their Outreach efforts. Deacon Frank (our PSM Director) will oversee her and help as a consultant and be a resource for them too. In exchange, St. Anne’s will make a financial contribution to us. This shared service promises to be a great new way for us to serve those in our area who could benefit from outreach, as it will undoubtedly result in cutting down on redundant services and allow us to know about situations just beyond our parish boundaries. The needs of those who struggle economically do not stop at our parish border. I am very grateful to Janet and Deacon Frank for making this come about, and I am proud that the good things we do here at St. Pat’s can help others too. The premier way, of course, that parishioners can come to the help of Catholic neighbors beyond Bay Shore is for each of you to do your part to support the Catholic Ministries Appeal. As our new shared services makes clear, the work of the Gospel is bigger than just us. The Catholic Ministries Appeal supports the many good works done in the name of the Catholic Church on Long Island (in our diocese) that are not simply the responsibility of one community. Things like charity housing, prison ministry, formation of clergy and ethnic outreaches need to be done and benefit us all. Such efforts as these are only possible with the help of the appeal. Soon all parishioners will be getting a mailing asking you to participate in the 2015 CMA. (If for some reason you do not, educational information is available by the doors.) Given our history of coming to the help of Catholic neighbors in need, I am hopeful that parishioners will also step up and make the CMA this year a success. At your service and His, Our Faith is lived in our Parishes and schools, in our soup kitchens and food pantries, in our programs for the disadvantaged and around our dinner tables. Our faith touches everything we do and everything we have. As Catholics, we are called to share our faith, love and gratitude for all we have been given. Through the Catholic Ministries Appeal we can accomplish this together as a diocesan family, touching lives, uplifting the human spirit and delivering vital ministries where they are most needed. Please join with thousands of your neighbors who Serve God by Serving Others and support the Catholic Ministries Appeal. When you contribute to the Catholic Ministries Appeal your support helps form our priests, deacons and lay leaders; trains our religious education catechists and adult faith formation leaders; helps our young people grow in faith and prepare for reception of the Sacraments. You also help support the programs and services that provide care and comfort to so many through Catholic Charities and Parish Outreach programs. CMA PLEDGE CARD Please make your check payable to: CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Parish: ST. PATRICK CHURCH, BAY SHORE Payment Plan: Go Green - Please make your contribution at Monthly $_______ Quarterly $________ Annually $_______ Other $________ Name: Address: City, State: Zip: Phone: Donor Signature: Date: Serving god by serving others St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 3 P R E PA R I N G FOR THE WEEKS AHEAD N E X T S U N DAY ’ S R E A D I N G S F I F T H S U N D AY IN THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH NEED OUR PRAYERS O R D I N A RY T I M E First Reading Job 7:1-4, 6-7 I am filled with restlessness until the dawn. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 147 Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel. Gospel Mark 1:29-39 Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases Please join us on the first Sunday of the month following the 9:30am Mass in the lower level of Msgr. Purick Hall. FEBRUARY 1st— Blessed are Those Who Mourn: This presentation is based on the beatitudes and will deal with mourning, suffering and what this means for disciples who remain faithful to the Gospel during the times of turmoil. This will also lead into a preparation for the season of Lent. MARCH 1ST — The Dignity of Work (Human Labor): In the Catholic tradition, St. Joseph has always been presented as an example of a just and dignified worker. Using his feast day on March 19th, this presentation will focus on the dignity of work in the life of the Christian and how through our human labor we can be sanctified and brought to a deeper understanding of holiness. BREAD & WINE DONATION The Bread and Wine Consecrated During the Week of February 1, 2015 to February 7, 2015 has been donated in memory of Edward B. Scharf With love and Prayers From, Your Dorothy St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 4 Luz Arciniegas Elizabeth Artinger Henry Artinger Kathryn Bakios Carmelo Barone Gloria Donovan Eileen Eisele Marie Frazzetto Daniel Giampaolo Helen Grzeta Baby Osayi Herhabor Rosemarie Hubert Bill Hughes George Joseph Kristen Kavanagh James & Marjorie Kayser Mary Knapp Dawn Krais Luke Lang Biagio Lepre James Lowery Melina Mazzie Fr. Peter McCrann Adele McLaughlin J. Stewart McLaughlin Angela McNamara Cathy Metzger Christopher Mulcahy Toni Ann Papandrea Beverly Palomino Isabella Grace Palomino Eileen Pisano Maureen Remsky Myles (Buddy) Rogers Cheri Sampogna Luis Segui Ema Tavares Julia Vitkowski Baby Addy Marie Wardrote Please contact the Rectory Office to have a loved one placed on the Prayer List. Names will appear for one month. If their condition continues to warrant our prayers, please call the office and we will gladly include them in one month increments. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFULLY DEPARTED Zaida Bishop Mariam Massucci Timothy P. McCormak Rose Scalafani Stephen Joseph Phillips Frank A. Conti Reminder... All bulletin item submissions must be received by Friday afternoon of the week BEFORE publication date. All items should be emailed to [email protected] St. Patrick Church 9 North Clinton Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706 Rectory Telephone: (631) 665-4911 • Fax (631) 665-8388 Website:, E-mail Address: [email protected] Rectory Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:00AM—12:30PM; 1:30PM—8:00PM Fri 9:00AM—12:30PM; 1:30PM—5:00PM Sat 9:00AM—4:30PM Sun 9:00AM—2:00PM THE YOUTH OF OUR PARISH St. Patrick School News Important reminder for Conf 2 Students! All Saint reports are due on Feb 2! The essay should be a few paragraphs at least and describe the life of the saint and why you chose that saint. Questions can be addressed to REO. Please remember to bring report to class on Monday, Feb 2! *** This year our Religious Education program will celebrate Religious Education Sunday on March 1. This is a day to which all of us look forward. Once again our classes will display some of the work covered throughout this year. Our students enjoy displaying their work for the parish. We will also be showing the dvd of our Christmas Pageant throughout the morning!! We invite all Religious Education families to come to the 9:30 MPH mass to celebrate mass together and then enjoy goodies as we stroll around MPH looking at the displays. Please plan on attending. All are invited to bring something to share with the rest of the parish. Thank you. This week the uppercase letter N will be introduced. The Nursery students will work on letter recognition, sound, as well as tracing/writing the letter. N is for Noah’s Ark, Numbers and Nest. In math, the number 6 will be introduced. Number recognition and counting to four will be covered. In Religion, the students will listen to the story about Noah’s Ark. The Nursery students will continue to practice their name, both letter recognition and writing. Our Fourth graders are now going on their third week of swimming at the YMCA. They are learning a lot and having so much fun splashing around! It’s summer fun in the wintertime! We are busy working on our endangered species research project. We will now act out an interview based on our questions and answers about our chosen animal. Let’s save the endangered animals from extinction! IN ELA, our Sixth graders have been analyzing information text this week as they closely read an excerpt of a speech given by President Obama. Students worked in cooperative groups to determine central ideas, and they made evidencebased claims using key details found in the text. We explored how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits it and contributes to the development of ideas in a text. We also took time this week to discuss how author Christopher Paul Curtis uses writing techniques to convey themes in the novel Bud, Not Buddy. On Sunday, February 8th following the 9:30am Mass, St. Valentine’s Day handouts will be distributed to all children who attend the Family Mass in Msgr. Purick Hall. On Sunday, February 15th at the 9:30am Mass children will be given a mask and will parade into Mass in honor of Mardis Gras and the beginning of the Lenten season, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Please call the Rectory Office (631) 665-4911 with any questions. at St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 5 SHARING OUR GIFTS OF TIME AND TALENT Reflection ~ Moses told the people, “A prophet like me will the Lord, your God, raise up for you from among your own kinsmen.” God still provides among His people the gifts and talents necessary to continue the work of His Church. What gifts are yours to share? Living Stewardship ~ We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who set time aside with the Sunday Readings throughout the week so as to be better prepared to hear the Word of God and act on it. Weekly Offering Table Date Collection Totals Number of Envelopes January 25, 2015 $19,937 778 Last Year $20,886 647 Weekly Attendance Saturday, January 24, 2015 5:00 PM = 285 Sunday, January 25, 2015 7:00 AM = 126 8:00 AM = 155 9:30 AM Church = 315 9:30 AM MPH = 735 11:30 AM = 403 12:00 PM = 307 5:30 PM = 213 This Year’s Total = 2539 St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 6 We are pleased to announce that Fr. Tom Coogan, has been elected to be the 2015 Grand Marshal of the Bay Shore/Brightwaters St. Patrick’s Day Parade! Anyone who would like to support the Commemorative Journal or write a special message to Fr. Tom is asked to call (631) 666-4466 or email [email protected]. Journal prices are $50-$350. Tickets to the Grand Marshal Installment Dinner Saturday, March 7th can be purchased by calling (631) 666-8726. Tickets are $85. The Parade is Saturday, March 14th. “A Scout Is Reverent” Scout Sunday Observance Sunday, February 8 th is Scout Sunday Boy Scout Troop 153 will be hosting a free coffee and donut hour in Msgr. Coffey Center following the 9:30am Mass in MPH on February 8th. The scouts will be participating in the Mass and there will be Boy Scouts on hand to discuss with any interested boys and their parents about becoming a Boy Scout. The Troop will also host an Open House on Wednesday, February 11th at 7:30pm in Msgr. Coffey Center for boys ages 11 and older interested in joining Boy Scouts. Come down and see what Scouting is all about. Coping with grief on Valentine’s Day Workshop — Valentine’s Day can be a particularly difficult time for someone who has lost a loved one. Please join the Bereavement Specialists of Good Shepherd Hospice for a free workshop offering encouragement, education, coping strategies and support. The Workshop will be held at Good Shepherd Hospice Administration Building, 110 Bi-County Blvd., Suite 114, Farmingdale, NY on February 10th, from 7pm-8:30pm. Seating is limited. Registration is required. Please call (631) 465-6262. A wonderful way to support our great parish firstFruits is a convenient way for parishioners of St. Patrick’s Church to support our parish. By signing up for automatic giving from either a bank account or a credit card, parishioners who enroll in firstFruits are saying that their faith is a priority for them. Catholics who are enrolled in firstFruits understand that the good works performed by St. Patrick Parish in their name are too important to rely on irregular or unpredictable means of financial support. E N R O L L M E N T F O R M (Note: Total contribution will be debited on the 15th of the month, or the next business day. If you choose Weekly, the contribution will be debited on Mondays. Please circle Weekly or Monthly: Offertory contribution: $ I would like to enroll in the firstFruits program. I understand that my total contribution amount will be transferred directly from my checking account or credit card as stated above, a record of my gifts will appear on my bank or credit card statement and my transfers will begin next month. I understand that I can increase, decrease, or suspend my giving at any time by submitting in writing to the parish business office 631-665-5184. {All gifts provided to your Church originating as Automated Clearing House transactions comply with U.S. law.} Signature: X __________________________________________________ Date:: ____________________ Parishioner Name(s): (please print) Church Envelope #: Street Address: City/State/Zip Code: Telephone: E-mail: Name as you would like it to appear on Offertory Envelopes: For Checking Account Debit: Please return your completed form and a copy of your voided check to firstFruits Enrollment. For Credit Card Debit: Please complete the following credit card information then return to firstFruits Enrollment. (Please print.). Type of Credit Card: VISA American Express Credit Card #: Print Name as Appears on Card: Signature: CSV #: MasterCard Expiration Date: (For VISA and MasterCard it is the 3-digit number located next to the signature box on the back of the card. For American Express it is the 4-digit number on the right of the front of the card.) “Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When you come into the land which I am giving you, and reap your harvest, you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest as a thanksgiving offering.” Leviticus 23:10 St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 7 P ARISH S OCIAL Advocacy Office Monday-Friday Sign in at 10:00am 10:30am-12:30pm Bethany House Monday—Friday Food and clothing items to be dropped off 9:30am-12:30pm Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen St. Patrick Parish Social Ministries/Outreach Program wishes God’s Blessings, and sincere thanks to all those who generously donate items requested for the Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen. It is because of you that we are able to help those less fortunate in our community. The following items are needed this week: Disposable Razors Toothpaste and Toothbrushes Diapers (Newborn, 1 & 2) Adults Winter Gloves , Hats and Socks L & XL Men’s NEW Underwear (tops & bottoms) Due to lack of storage space, clothing donations will not be accepted until Monday, March 2nd, 2015. At that time donations may be dropped off at the Bethany House Monday-Friday 9:30am-12:30pm. All clothing items should be washed or cleaned for sanitary reasons. PLEASE DO NOT leave any donations unattended, outside Parish Social Ministry Offices, Garages, or any Church Buildings. Please keep in mind that Grocery Gift Cards, along with Target Gift Cards are also needed. Target, Pathmark and Shop Rite gift cards are also used by our clients to pay for their medications in the Pharmaceutical Department. When making food donations, please make sure you check the expiration dates carefully. Foods with expired dates will not be distributed to our clients. Thanks for your help! St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 8 M INISTRY PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... those who are serving in the Armed Services. We have received the names of the following family members and friends from our parish: Dylan James Ahearn Brian Alfano Rory Allen Patrick Ayers William Balogh,II Nicholas Barbato William Barna, II Edder Bazne Jason Becker Marvin Bonilla Colin Boyle John Brady Edward Brennan Daniel Bryant Michael Buckley Megan Burke Hans Cameau Harvey Cameau Christopher Capone Michael A. Carbone, Jr. Elizabeth C. Caskey Christopher Castellano Ryan Castellano Christopher Castillo Michael Catalano Bellaine Cayo John Cochrane Jason Collier Matthew Coughlin Richard Cuzzi Joseph Darcy Christopher Dare Matthew Dembowski Richard Dembowski Scott Dembowski Ralph Dengler Michael DeVita Richard J. Dromerhauser Vincent Edwards Eric Ekelund Patrick Feeney Charles Flood, III Anthony Fortunato Steven Gabrielli Chris Gahl Sean Gallagher Robert M. Galasso Daniel Garcia Robert Gilman Ianner Go Michael J. Gonsalves Jason Grancagnolo Peter Grooms Christian A. Guzzano Matthew Halloran Lou Hernandez Matthew Hickey Ryan J. Hodgetts Brian Hosking Alvin Howard Reymond Kane Paul Kelly Cambridge Kennedy Jonas Klemm Megan Kunkemoeller Daniel LaLota Tyler Lange Terry Leach Karen P. Leahy Marcos J. Ledesma Sarah Light Joseph Louis Lombardo Frank Maier, Jr. Nick Maugeri Daniel Mauro Kevin McCarthy Margaret McCarthy Matthew McCarthy Michael McCarthy Nadine McCarthy Jillian McCormick Ryan McCormick Joseph Mills Elijah Moore Ronny Muller Jillian M. Murray Shaun Noone Mark Papuzinska Devin Prescott Catalina Ramirez Kevin Ryan Christopher Schlafer Courtney Sciacca Nicholas Sciacca Robert Schulz Paul J. Schwedler Nicky Semprini Daniel Stefanelli Philip J.Stefanelli Steven Stryska Joseph Tortorici John Ubel Laura Valladares Dustin Whitton Derek Wilkens Fernando Wong, Jr Gary Young Joseph Young Tyler Zezima PARISH SCHEDULES AND CALENDARS This Week’s Parish Meetings RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, February 1, 2015 RCIA 9:00am-11:00am (RBMT) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND Level 4 4:45pm-6:00pm (MPH 1-8, UP) Adult Faith Formation 10:30am-11:15am (MPH 1-2) Confirmation II 7:00pm-8:30pm (MPH 1-8, UP) CYO 12:00pm-4:00pm (SGYM) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD Level 5 5:30pm-6:45pm (MPH 1-8, UP) Monday, February 2, 2015 CYO Basketball 5:30pm-10:00pm (SGYM) Hibernian Meeting 6:30pm-8:30pm (MCC) Tuesday, February 3, 2015 CYO Basketball 5:30pm-10:00pm (SGYM) Wednesday, February 4, 2015 CYO Basketball 5:30pm-10:00pm (SGYM) Boy Scout Troop 153 7:00pm-9:00pm (MCC) RCIA 7:30pm-9:00pm (RBMT) Thursday, February 5, 2015 Good Shepherd Bereavement 4:00pm-5:30pm (MPH-6) CYO Basketball 5:30pm-10:00pm (SGYM) Good Shepherd Bereavement 6:00pm-7:30pm (MPH-6) Friday, February 6, 2015 CYO Basketball 5:30pm-10:00pm (SGYM) Saturday, February 7, 2015 CYO Basketball 8:00am-5:00pm (SGYM) ADDICTION RECOVERY MEETINGS All meetings take place in Msgr. Purick Hall in room noted ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Sunday 8:00pm-9:30pm MPH-4 Monday 10:00am-12:00pm MPH-5 Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm MPH-5 Saturday 8:00pm-9:30pm MPH-4 AL-ANON Friday 9:30am-12:00pm MPH-5 Sunday 7:30pm-9:30pm MPH-3 Confirmation I 7:00pm-8:30pm (MPH 1-8, UP) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH Level 3 4:45pm-6:00pm (MPH 1-8, UP) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH Eucharist II 8:45pm-10:00am (MPH 1-8) Eucharist II — Teaching Mass 9:00am-9:45am (MPH-UP) Older Sacrament Prep 8:45am-10:00am (MPH-UP) ST. PATRICK SCHOOL WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday, February 2, 2015 CMSAA Basketball — 4:00pm-5:30pm (SGYM) Choir Tuesday, February 3, 2015 CMSAA Basketball — 4:00pm-5:30pm (SGYM) After School Clubs: 5th & 6th Grade Math HW Club Wednesday, February 4, 2015 CMSAA Basketball — 4:00pm-5:30pm (SGYM) After School Club: 3rd Grade Math Thursday, February 5, 2015 CMSAA Basketball — 4:00pm-5:30pm (SGYM) After School Club: Arts & Crafts Club Friday, February 6, 2015 School Mass — 9:15am - All Welcome! Girl Scout Troop 200 — 2:40pm-4:00pm (SCEC) CMSAA Basketball — 4:00pm-5:30pm (SGYM) St. Patrick Parish Bay Shore-474-Pg 9 JANINE L. DIPALMA Registered Representative State Farm VP Management Corp. (Underwriter & Distributor of Securites Product) One State Farm Plaza Bloomington, Illinois 61710-001 (631) 665-4952 (800) 447-4930 (Mutual Funds) 631-273-8111 1814 Fifth Ave. Bayshore, NY Dr. Nayat Bostanci & Sarven Hacikian General Dentistry for Adults & Children $50 for Exam & Cleaning Only • 10% Discount For All Seniors Payment Plans Available • Most Insurances Accepted 631-666-4181 9 No. Windsor Ave. Brightwaters, NY Vita Mazza Irish Coffee Pub RESTAURANT • CATERING • ENTERTAINMENT 131 Carleton Avenue, East Islip, NY 631-277-0007 SB Kitchens Billy Knapp Landscaping KITCHEN & BATHROOM REMODELING For all your landscaping needs Inc. 665-7966 COMPUTERIZED DESIGN (631) 665-5550 Fax (631) 665-8700 Faber Brothers Automotive Repair “Est. 1973” Harry Rodriguez 72 5th Avenue Bay Shore, NY 631-969-1600 Cell: 631-840-7426 Established 1957 Complete Automotive Service 279 Orinoco Drive, Brightwaters, NY 11718 ROB BREIG, MANAGER TAYLOR RENTAL Don’t Buy It, Rent It! 631-665-2055 • F 631-665-3381 84 FIFTH AVE., BAY SHORE, NY THINGS TO RENT FOR EVERY EVENT Fax: 631-206-3114 HSB Home Improvement Inc. Over 25 years of quality and experience MAURICIO LUZZI Licensed • Insured “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies • Specialty Services 1-855-488-2149 (631) 882-4946 Bazar La Bonita Christening, Communion & Special Occasions Dresses • Tuxes • Invitations • Party Favors Accesories • Portraits • Alterations WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! (631) 920-6446 • 135 E. Main St., Bay Shore • Income Taxes • Inmigración • Modificaciones de hipotecas • Compra y venta de casas JOHNY GARCIA • 646.239.2598 IRS Register Tax Return Preparer [email protected] Fine Residential & Commercial Properties South Shore Waterfront Specialists Eric G. Ramsay Jr. Associates LLC Sunday Brunch 10:30 - 2:00 pm Catering For All Occasions • 631-666-0995 240 West Main Street, Bay Shore, NY 11706 PIERRE G. COLLIN, M.D. 236 West Main St.,Bay Shore Board Certified Internal Medicine, General Practice & Preventive Medicine 900 Straight Path West Babylon, NY 11704 631-665-1500 Men • Women • Kids Vegan Products 455 Main St., Islip 631-650-6767 $10 OFF ANY SERVICE Rose’s Funeral Home, Inc. “My Services Make the Difference” Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 474 St. Patrick, Bay Shore, NY (3rd) 631-957-0066 Rosa L. Kasperovich, President, Owner / Manager Certified Minority Owned Business Se Habla 1705 Fifth Ave., North Bay Shore, NY 11706 Español (631) 951-4063 • Fax: (631) 951-9081 Fax 631-957-2701 By Appointment Please 444 Route 111 Smithtown, NY 11787 Puleo Delisle, PLLC Attorneys at Law Gerri Mulligan, Esq. Associate Direct: 631.648.1303 Tel: 631.715.3490 Fax: 631.715.3491 Email: [email protected] Dedicated Exclusively to the Practice of Real Estate Law John Patrick Publishing Company • (800) 333-3166 • Hubbard Sand & Gravel “For All Your Landscape & Mason Supply Needs” 1612 Fifth Avenue Bay Shore, NY 11706 Phone: 631-665-1005 TOPSOIL BARADZI GLASS INC. Window Repair • Custom Mirrors Screening • Shower Doors BARADZIGLASS.COM 631-666-0022 24 HR. EMERGENCY - 516-650-4492 FRESH SEAFOOD & AUTH. LATIN FOOD Catering for All Occasions 631.231.1655 140 PINE AIRE DRIVE BAY SHORE MULCH *SAND *CONCRETE *GRAVEL * PAVERS *BLOCK *SLATE *TREADS * WALL STONES Free Delivery 631-650-6939 1 Large Pizza, 6 Garlic Knots & (1) 2 Liter Soda $12.99 + Tax Se Habla Español Water Front Dining • Catering Certified Orthodontist 2042 Sunrise Highway, Bayshore, NY 11706 (Located in the Kohl’s Plaza) Delivery Available on All Products Open 7 days/week (seasonal) Vitagliano Orthodontics Dedicated To Orthodontics for Children & Adults 150 Higbie Lane West Islip, NY 11795 (631) 661-3025 LAW OFFICES SIBEN & SIBEN, LLP 90 EAST MAIN STREET BAY SHORE (631) 665-3400 “Serving L.I. since 1934” H o l i d a y No Job Too Small All Phases of Tree Work Trims • Removals • Stump Grinding Grading & Leveling • Bobcat Service The South Shore’s Newest Wedding Facility in one of Long Island’s Oldest Historic Waterfront Locations Totally new and completely renovated for “Your Special Day!’ Enjoy a relaxing cocktail hour overlooking our harbor and marina with unique food presentation and menus custom designed to your taste. 122 Ocean Ave., Bay Shore 631-665-6262 web: Free Estimates Andrew Ellis Owner/Operator Licensed & Insured “IT’S BETTER ON OUR BAGEL” Margaret (Meg) Smith, Licensed Broker/Owner 249 West Main St., Bay Shore, NY 11706 Office: (631) 647-7013 • Fax: (631) 647-7018 Cell: (516) 578-7153 Like us on Catering For All Occasions Law Office of Verde Kitchen & Cocktails Kenneth S. Beskin Veterans Disability Compensation C (631) O (631) Lunch Specials 645-0913 416-0059 631-767-5980 635 E. Main St., Bay Shore 631-665-1010 visit 425 Montauk Hwy. West Islip, NY • 631-661-7646 24 E. Main St., E. Islip NY 631-277-1835 $2.00 OFF On Purchase of 12 Bagels VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • Resident/Patient Transporters • Eucharistic Ministers • Office Assistants • Spiritual Care Companions • Recreational Therapy Assistants For more information, please call 631-587-1600 x8223/8228 111 Beach Drive West Islip, NY 11795 Member of Catholic Health Services of Long Island Monday thru Friday Starting at $13.00 Chef/Proprietor John Peter Montgomery Happy Hour Monday thru Friday 3 PM to 6 PM Great Food Above and Below Sea Level Catering All Occasions Bereavement Services & Funeral Lunches Price Fixed Dinners $19.95 “This week Every Week”! 70 E. Main Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 631-665-6300 Weekly Specials Tuesday –Tapas, Small Plates and Big wines Wednesday – “Sea Levels Gone Wild” With Lady’s night $15.95 Dinner Choose from 5 Appetizers & 5 Entrees $15 Bottles of Red Or White Wine $ 5 Cosmo’s & Martini’s Thursday – “The Famous $5 Burger Night” w/ $3 Buds & Bud Lights South Shore Children’s Center Early Childhood Education and Care Annmarie LaRosa, Executive Director 1 Craig B. Gariepy Ave., Islip Terrace, NY 631-581-1234 [email protected] • AFFORDABLE ADVENTURES LTD. Bring the culinary expertise, personalized service and By Michele Schioppa Call 631-208-6647 reputation of Sea Levels to your next special occasion IN DESTINATION WEDDINGS, Great Formal Affairs Begin with Us! SPECIALIZING HONEYMOON & VACATION PACKAGES CATERING AT OUR PLACE OR YOURS Bay Shore 131 W. Main St. 631-665-7700 LOCATED IN RSVP TUXEDOS 391 North Windsor Avenue 631.665.8300 Commack 59 Commack Rd. 631-499-2277 131 W. Main St., Bay Shore, NY • 631-665-7700 Brightwaters, NY 11718 Fax 631.665.8308 • [email protected] Margaret Zadnik-O’Connell, DDS Shane Hoelz, DDS Nicole Cuoccio, DMD 1325 Brentwood Road, Bay Shore, NY 11706 • MEETING THE HEALTHCARE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY Conveniently located in Bay Shore, off Sunrise Highway, the Sunrise Manor staff is known for their quality care and dedicated to each resident. Our newly renovated facility is one of the few Blue Cross / Blue Shield, AETNA, US Healthcare providers in Suffolk County 439 Main St., Islip 631-581-1150 SUNRISE MANOR OFFERS: • 24 Hour Skilled Nursing Care • Subacute Care • Orthopedic Rehab. • Hospice • 7 Day-A-Week Short Term Rehab. • Post Surgical Care • Wound Management Call us today for a personalized tour or to make a referral: 474 St. Patrick, Bay Shore, NY (inside) (631) 665-4960 Residential & Corporate Catering For All Occasions Home Delivery Always Available For Pizza & Take-Out Dinners Check Out Our Website 192 Howells Road, Bay Shore (Across The Street From World Gym) 631-665-2004 10% OFF All Communion & Graduation Catering With this Ad. John Patrick Publishing Company • (800) 333-3166 • Patthey Flowers • Fruit & Gormet Baskets • Dish Gardens ~ Plants • Mylar Balloons • Funeral Arrangments Flowers.... Medication for the Soul.• Wedding Flowers M SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! 665-0202 • Open 7 Days 252 2 East Main St. (Across from South Side Hospital) Linda Alba Masin ATTORNEY AT LAW PERSONAL INJURY Accidents, Wrongful Death CHOWDER BAR Home/Hospital Visits Available REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS • WILLS • ESTATES ALBA & MASIN, PLLC, 1250 Montauk Highway, West Islip, New York 631-422-0500 John T. McLoughlin, D.D.S. Cosmetic, Implant & Family Dentistry 631-665-9859 FRESH FISH • LUNCH • DINNER 123 MAPLE AVE, DOCK, BAY SHORE CLOSED FEBRUARY $10.00 OFF any Purchase of $75.00 or more with ad • Massaging Dental Chairs • Call For Free Consultation • Flat Screen TVs • Se Habla Español • Most Insurances Accepted • Most Credit Cards Accepted For Part or Full Payment • Like Us On Facebook * Interest Free Financing Available * (631) 665-6814 • FAX: (631) 969-7911 • 245 BAY SHORE RD. • BAY SHORE, NY 11706 • WWW.BAYSHOREFAMILYDENTIST.COM • [email protected] EAST ISLIP Lc oUm pM B E R an y inc LUMIERE BALLET ACADEMY WINDOWS LUMBER AND TRIM HARDWARE DOORS• ROOFING SKYLIGHTS • DECKING Russian School Age 4 to Adult Nutcracker & More (631) 586-2921 33 Wall Street, East Islip, N.Y. 11730 35-C Corbin Ave. Bay Shore Tel. 631.581.1869 Fax 631.581.0392 631-277-5100 516-799-1400 IND. & BUSINESS TAX PREP. & PLANNING SPECIALIST 157A Grant Avenue Islip, NY 11751 ALL ACCOUNTING SERVICES AVAILABLE LICENSED M MAHER MOVING & STORAGE INSURED Free Estimates FL • NC • SC • GA • MD • VA & North East LONG ISLANDS EAST COAST MOVER FUEL OIL...HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING “DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE 1932” (631) 665-3300 7 BELFORD AVE. JOE DEL VECCHIO NICK DEL VECCHIO 631-563-5171 INTERIOR EXTERIOR Inc. The Rolling Pin POWERWASHING STAINING B A K E R Y 28 Cottage Ave., Bay Shore, NY 631.666.2899 • Bay Shore 184 West Main St. Adjacent to the YMCA (631) 647-5112 Setauket 1387 Route 25A Three Village Shpg. Plaza (631) 689-BAKE All Pets Animal Hospital And House Call Service 975 Little East Neck Rd. W. Babylon, NY 11704 Family Owned and Operated Dr. Bob Corona, D.V.M. (631) 376-1133 Nassau County Locations Villa Monaco Restaurant BEREAVEMENTS PRIVATE ROOMS • CATERING 778 Montauk Hwy • West Islip 631-661-5599 474 St. Patrick, Bay Shore, NY (back) UPS EAST ISLIP 62 Carleton Ave (631) 581-2828 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INTERIOR • EXTERIOR WANTAGH EAST MEADOW Proudly serving all the families of St. Patrick 603 Wantagh Ave. 2515 N Jerusalem Road For a FREE ESTIMATE call Chris (516) 731-5550 (516) 826-1010 (631) 335-3552 Chris Rentz - Diocese Member BECAUSE PAINTING IS PERSONAL™ John Patrick Publishing Company • (800) 333-3166 •
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