Pastor’s Paragraphs thanks for the good response to the first of the series of messages on the family. i trust you will encourage others to be in worship to share in these vital thoughts for christian families. also be reminded of the opportunity for the Marriage Retreat just over a week away. there is still time to contact the church office or Ricky Solar. Don’t forget to visit the website often. as was evidenced by some new folks to our church sunday morning, it continues to serve as a beacon for our church ministries. there you will find up to the minute event information, programming and ministries. also you will find the latest issue of the mail out as well as blogs from our ministers. i am so grateful to Susan Cline and the work she does for us in continuing development of this ministry for our members as well as those who might be seeking a church home. research tells us the web site of a church is a critical tool in the process of finding a church. congratulations and thanks to our Women’s Ministry for the outstanding conference this past weekend. these conferences are a blessing to our church as well as to women from across the area. our prayer is that the spiritual impact will continue to bear fruit for the Lord and our church for months and years to come. silly little stories sometimes make significant and pointed messages for us. Here’s one of my favorites. “to illustrate the matter of commitment to his son, the father asked this question, ‘three frogs were sitting on a log and one decided to jump off. How many frogs were left?’ to that the young boy answered, “oh, that’s easy dad, two.” then the father quickly corrected the boy by saying, ‘You weren’t listening.’ ‘once again now, three frogs were sitting on a log and one decided to jump off. How many frogs were left?’ the answer suddenly dawned on the young man. He changed his answer to ‘three, because one had only decided to jump, he was not committed to jump.’ commitment is not easy. it requires more than a decision, it takes commitment.” therein we find a great issue for the church to ponder today. L. Rick Marshall IN THE PULPIT A.M. “Faith & Family Working Together” Luke 14:25-27 P.M. “Where’s The Lord When We Hurt?” Psalm 23:5 Vol. 59 No. 5 / Friday, Februay 6, 2015 EHBC, Montgomery, AL Join us on Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14 for a lot of fun as we talk through some very eclectic lessons on a variety of topics regarding your marriage! Deadline to register is Sunday, February 8. So be sure to call us at the church to sign up. Invite your friends, also! 272-0604 DETAILS? YOU WANT DETAILS!? OKAY HERE YOU GO... Dates: Friday and saturday, February 13-14 times: Friday 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm saturday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Food? Yes! always! We’ll feed you Friday and saturday! topics: Love, man, it’s all about the love... actually we’ll cover a variety of topics ranging from Differences in men and Women, Love Languages, influence, Honor, Forgiveness and staying in Love. cost: $25 per couple LeaDer: ricky solar pLace: reception room a speciaL tHing: round table Discussion about anything you want to talk about! CHILD CARE: Yes, if you will need child care please let us know in advance and we can arrange that for you! MUSIC NOTES Youth Choir sunday at 4:45 pm Homebound Lord’s Supper Observance This Sunday, February 8, 2015 This Sunday, February 8, 2015 If you are willing to help, please meet at 2:00 pm in Room 139. We gratefully acknowledge gifts to the church in memory of: Raymond Bryan given by: alex & Debbie Johnson Dotty Blevins Larry & sue spears Dan & Brenda summers Bill & Virginia morgan Betty Hutchinson gayle Harper martin & Brenda glover robert & robbie Barnes al & aimee steineker Debra Walters Kevin & nicole Walters & Family angela & tJ moulton & Family Mary Vann given by: alex & Debbie Johnson Betty mcgraw mary claire sellers Judi Lackey given by: alex & Debbie Johnson Bruce & emilie reid Frances Smith given by: Dotty Blevins Annie Edwards given by: Dr. & mrs. Hamp greene, iii Jacob Jinright given by: alex & Debbie Johnson STUDENT NEWS Disciple Now Weekend February 20-22, 2015 Cost $30 This is an area-wide discipleship weekend event. We will meet in homes this year as well as the church. Sign up now for this wonderful weekend experience! Jesus, the One and Only A study of the life of Jesus based on the book of Luke. Beth moore mondays at 1:30 pm Led by susan Lanthrip Gripped By the Greatness of God Expound upon Isaiah’s encounters with God, to rediscover the wonder of God’s attributes. James mcDonald tuesdays at 9:30 am Led by cecelia armstrong Me, Myself, & Lies: A Thought-Closet Makeover This study will encourage you to replace hidden negative thoughts with positive truths from God’s Word. Jennifer rothschild tuesdays at 6:00 pm Led by Kimberly turman Precepts: Genesis Part 2 The Fall, the Flood and the Nations Kay arthur tuesdays at 9:30 am; 6:30 pm Led by Judy ray meets in Judy’s home at 6:30 pm All ladies are invited! Childcare will be provided only when requested to Susan Sessions in the church office. Missions of Mobile MISSIONS OF MOBILE will be presenting a concert at EASTERN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH on Sunday night, March 8th at 6:00 pm. missions of mobile, is a classical worship ensemble from the University of mobile. through the use of multiple languages from across the world, the group hopes to cross cultural boundaries in pursuit of taking the gospel to the corners of the earth. our own, Karissa smitH, is a part of this group. A love offering will be received to help with the groups’ future mission trips to share the gospel. WILD GAME DINNER Saturday, March 7, 2015 • 6:00 pm • CLC Tickets $8.00 per person or $60 a table Tickets are available Sundays in the Green Ridge Welcome Center and Wednesdays in the gym It’s hunting season and we need to start now in gathering deer meat, or any other donations, for our upcoming Wild Game Dinner in March. We need approximately 10 to 13 processed deer donated for this year’s event to be successful. Each person will receive four (4) passes to this year’s Wild Game Dinner for each deer donated. Our guest speaker this year is Siran Stacy, former football player. In November 2007, his life changed forever when a drunk driver struck his van, a mile from their home, killing his wife and 4 of his 5 children. Come hear his testimony and hear how the Lord has carried him through this tragedy and continues to work in his life. Please contact Larry Kennedy 850-8405 or the Church Office 272-0604 if you have a deer to donate. Please help us in making this outreach event successful. Volunteers are needed to bring appetizers. Be sure to sign up in SS or call the church office if you would be willing to help. PICTURES NEEDED! Start now and send your Hunting/Fishing/Game pictures to Ricky Solar ([email protected]) or Melissa Steward ([email protected]) for this year’s Wild Game Dinner. These pictures will be shown on a big screen at this event, and always fun to watch. Children’s Ministr y B I RT H DAY B OA R D Mastin Wells Lilah Waters February 7 February 12 (11) (4) Discipleship Classes Both beginning at 4:45 Prayer: Principles and Practice “preparing the prayer Warrior” “Putting on the Full Armor of God” led by Dave Furst Meets in Room 154 Why Do You Believe That? Meets in Room 150 Up-coming Events SENIOR ACTIVITIES GAME DAY tuesday, February 10 CELEBRATION SINGERS thursday, February 12 & 26 CHAPPY’S BREAKFAST BUNCH monday, February 23 the Youth Department is in need of volunteers to make desserts for Disciple now Weekend and Breakfast items for sunday morning, February 22nd. if you will be willing to donate an item(s), please drop off desserts in the gym on Friday, February 20th or breakfast items on sunday morning, February 22 between 8 - 9 am in the reception room. this is the time of year when we have the most youth in our church, so we will need Lots of goodies! please contact Jill Wells, 279-9824 to sign up. Thank you in advance for your help! SENIOR ADULT TRIP March 23-27, 2015 Savannah, Georgia and St. Augustine, Florida $730.00 per person Double occupancy price includes motor coach transportation • 4 nights accommodations one dinner cruise • 2 theatrical productions 3 evening meals... and much more. Detailed itinerary available in the church office. call the church office to sign up. caLLing aLL senior aDULts to come anD Be a part oF tHe “Glory 2015 Conference” at mt Hebron West Baptist church in elmore, aL thursday, February 26 1:30 - 4:30 pm cost $16 per person the bus will leave at 12:30 pm. Featuring three outstanding talents, squire parsons, Frank Jones and guy anderson. sign-up today in sunday school or call the church office for this great event! The February edition of “The Encourager” is available in the Sunday School Classes and the kiosks. TERRY VEAZEY Pray for Evangelist Terry Veazey as he preaches in Oradea, Romania during the dates of February 5 to 16. For additional information, go online to Veritas Sunday, February 15 at 6:00 pm The unmistakable sound of Veritas brings a fresh approach to the contemporary classical genre. These five male vocalists sing both new and old songs, delivering the sound of love, hope and excellence. Visit their website, A Love Offering will be received. W E D N E S D AY N I G H T M E N U February 11, 2015 Family Night Meal 4:45 p.m. Capraise Chicken Feta Pasta Vegetable Medley King’s Table Salad Roll Lemon Pound Cake Drink CHILDREN’S MENU Beef Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookie, Drink The Messenger (USPS No. 591-420) is published weekly by Eastern Hills Baptist Church. Rev. Ricky Solar, Editor. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery Alabama. Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Messenger, 3604 Pleasant Ridge Road, Montgomery Alabama 36109 SOUP/SALAD BAR Baked Potato Please note that you must CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE BY12:00 pm ON MONDAY to make or change your reservation. NO SHOWS ARE EXPECTED TO PAY FA M I LY CONGRATULATIONS to John and Mirenda Tatum on the birth of a granddaughter, emily Blaire tatum, born January 15, 2015. proud parents are seth and ashley tatum. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to Hamil & Sandra Martin & Family in the death of their step-granddaughter, Haley Bell. to Maurice Willis in the death of his wife, Fritz Willis. (Former eHBc minister) LIBRARY MEMORIALS the book, “Waiting on god” by charles stanley given in memory of Curly Thomas by Kendrick ss class. MEN’S PRAYER GROUP Tuesdays at 6:45 am • All men are invited! MEN’S BIBLE STUDY MONDAY’S • 6:30 - 7:30 PM ROOM 150 MINISTERIAL STAFF Dr. Rick Marshall ......................................Senior Pastor Dan Harrison ...................................Associate Pastor of Senior Adult Ministries & Administration Ricky Solar ......................................Associate Pastor of Education & Families Keith Pate ...........................................Minister of Music Greg Gosselin .................................Minister of Children Mark McLendon ..........Minister of Students & Activities Debbie Farthing .................................Pastor’s Secretary Donna Brown ...................................Financial Secretary Melissa Steward ...................Education/Youth Secretary Joy Priester ..........................................Music Secretary Susan Sessions ......................................Staff Secretary and Receptionist Chad Royal...............................Building Superintendent Stacy Royal..........................................Daycare Director THIS SUNDAY Counting Committee morris Kendrick, robert Barnes Deacon Offering Chairman 8:15 am – Jim gouge 10:45 am – Harry Brash Deacons of the Week February 8 – steve sprayberry, trey Higbe Security Team 2/8 & 2/11– Walter Kelley, Jimmy Bradford Golf Cart Drivers John messick, Jim tanner Wednesday Night Servers Lillian antes, Faye spivey, Bobbie owens, gray & Judy Watson EXTENDED SESSION WORKERS FEBRUARY 8 Captain: Melissa Steward Please be in place by 8:00 am. 8:15 Bed Babies: Pam & Neal Kendrick Toddlers/Creepers: Tony & Karen Owens Please be in place by 10:30 am. 10:45 Bed Babies: Lisa Emerson Toddlers/Creepers: Jackie Argo, Glenda Hardin 2’s: Randy & Jen Pollard 3’s: Brian & Laura Hidle 4’s: Trey & Jessica Kennedy ON THE GROW Sunday School Attendance for February 1, 2015 Att. g.o. 8 preschool & teachers 48 children & teachers 49 Youth & teachers 73 adults 476 spanish ministry 13 Total 667 BUDGET REPORT Year to Date Budget requirements Budget receipts UnDer BUDget $182,867.00 170,625.90 12,241.10 Weekly Budget Report February 1, 2015 Budget requirements Budget receipts oVer BUDget Designated continue the Dream Designated $36,573.40 40,172.90 3,599.50 $2,307.50 1,812.00
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