Offertories for last Sunday Amount needed each week for parish ministry in 2015: $6,950 (interim budget) Offertories collected: $3,475 Electronic giving: $3,018 TOTAL GIVING: $6,493 Mission giving: $457 For giving offertories electronically, the details are: Parish: BSB 062-585, Account 10117813, All Saints Anglican Church Nowra All Saints Community Care: ASCC: BSB 032-691, Account 246574, All Saints Community Care Inc – remember to include your name in order to receive a tax-deductible receipt. Missions: BSB 062-585, Account 10117821, All Saints Anglican Church Nowra please indicate (or email the Treasurer) if your donation is intended for a specific mission. Graham Tillott, Treasurer Shoalhaven Men’s 2015 Convention - 28 th February 8.30am – 3.30pm Nowra Anglican College Speaker: Steve Wakeford “A study in Ecclesiastes” Cost: $45 (includes Morning Tea & Lunch) Register at: or phone Mick on 4443 7326 by 24/2/2015 Whom to contact Welcome to the family of Office 4421 2018 [email protected] 4421 6884 (fax) 4421 7122 Secretary: Jan Booth Mon-Fri 9-12noon Acting Rector Bp David Mulready [email protected] 4421 2018 0428 030 774 Associate Minister Rev Jai McMordie 0425 279 721 [email protected] 4421 2018 Student Minister Ministry for Youth & Children Josh Murphy [email protected] 0401 163 620 4421 2018 Ministry to Seniors Rev David Woodbridge [email protected] 0429 442 302 4423 0274 Minister for Open House Fellowship Rev Ray Beckman [email protected] The Church of the Good Shepherd, Nerriga The Union Church, Greenwell Point as we meet together to meet with God 8th February 2015 ‘Jesus sets the record straight’ 8am: Proverbs 11:1-10, p999 Romans 3:1-8, p1749 10am & 5pm: Romans 3:1-8, p1749 What we do... SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT Point to the Lord Jesus, with Bibles open, in the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus had told the Disciples of his approaching death and they were troubled and confused. Church Wardens Bruce Wright Ron Hockey Kay Cutmore [email protected] 4446 0661 0428 428 940 4422 8459 Treasurer Graham Tillott [email protected] 0410 185 071 The results we look for... Verger & Maintenance Co-ordinator Allan Weatherby 0434 108 017 [email protected] Loving fellowships of committed believers; worshipping God together, seeking to reconcile people to Christ, to mature them in Him, to involve them in service to one another and the world. All Saints Community Care Lyn Miles [email protected] (fax) Bus (mobile 0405 108 994) Sunday: 10am service Wednesday: for Open House 4423 1099 4423 1998 0405 108 994 0405 108 994 (leave message on Bus mobile) John 14:1-14, p1675 John 14:1-14, p1675 We read in John 14:1-14 of Jesus explaining things to the Disciples upon which action was needed. They already trusted in God but Jesus explained that He was the only way to the Father. They needed to trust in Him as well, for He and the Father are one. In an age of supposed tolerance, the claim by Christians to have the only access to God sounds somewhat arrogant. What about the other religions? Aren’t there many ways to God? Taking God at His word is not arrogance but faith. We should have great confidence in believing and proclaiming that Jesus is the only way to knowing God. If Jesus was wrong on this point then we can’t believe anything that He said! May the Lord help us as we better understand God’s truth during 2015. Sincerely in Christ, David Mulready Prayer This week at a glance: 9th to 15th February 2015 The special prayer for today (The Collect) Lord God, you know that we cannot put our trust in anything that we do: help us to have faith in you alone, and mercifully defend us by your power against all adversity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Mon Diocesan Prayer Almighty God, we call upon you for such an outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon us, that we as your people may be assured of your love through your word, seek to please the Saviour in all things, manifest the godly life and be filled with prayerful and sacrificial compassion for the lost in all the world. In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen Please Pray for... those we know who are ill or facing long term illness: Madira Arnold, Ray & Sue Beckman, Peggy Dowling, John Glennan, Jan 2.30pm Tuesday Ladies Bible Study Leader’s meeting in the Cottage 7.30pm Ladies Craft Group in Hall (Crafting Forever Friendships) Tue 10.00am Parish Ladies Bible Study in Hall Wed 8.00am Praying for the Parish & Beyond in the Cottage Nowra Public School Scripture Thur Those who are housebound/Nursing Home residents: Warren Barrett, Yvonne Harvey, Phyllis O’Keeffe, Reg Pope, Nancy Sharples, Violet Stockman Open House Fellowship (& Meal) in Hall 9.30am EPIC (Every Parent in Christ) in Hall – Crèche provided Greenwell Point Public School Scripture 2.00pm Senior Ladies Bible Study in Hall 8.00am Retired Men’s Bible Study in Hall 10.00am English for Life Classes in Hall 3.00pm Kid’s Club (yrs 4-6) in Hall 7.00pm “Rev 21” Youth Group in Hall Sat 8.00am Men’s Breakfast in Hall Sun 8.00am Holy Communion, followed by Morning Tea in the Hall Fri Hancock, Shane Iredale & mum Beryl, Sally Jones, Frank Kercher, Rob Maher, Alys McNaughton, Norm Piercy, Matthew Pickering, Glen Simpkins, Yani Stawski, Beryl Stewart, Anne Wellman, Barbara Willis (Sue’s mum), David Woodbridge Continuing progress for: Barbara Walton 6.15pm 10.00am Morning Service, followed by Morning Tea in the Hall Pray for our Confirmation Candidates, Daniel & Jordan Hockey, Alex & 2.00pm Nursing Home Ministry Team Meeting - 13 Flanagan Crt Worrigee Callum Mackay, Terry Staples & Jemma Hamaty as Jai prepares them for their Confirmation on Tuesday 24th February. 4.00pm Confirmation Class in Cottage Annual General Meeting (Sunday 8th March, 11.30am) When the early church needed people to handle their administrative arrangements they looked for those who were “full of the Spirit and wisdom”. Pray that God will guide us to select such people to be Churchwardens, Parish Councillors, Nominators & Synod Reps at our upcoming Annual General Meeting. Nominations forms are available today Pray for Rev Geoff & Mrs Anne Thompson Please uphold Geoff and Anne as they prepare to make the move to Nowra that God will bless them in their future ministry amongst us. Important Diary Dates Confirmation Service 7pm, Tuesday 24th February 5.00pm Evening Service (starts with a cuppa and chat in the Hall, Children’s Dinner at 5pm, Service commences at 5.30pm in the Church) All Saints Community Care “suggested Pantry item” Next Sunday: Instant noodles All Saints Community Care: Back from break ASCC is open again for 2015 after a break over the Christmas - New Year period. Change to opening days Our office at 74 Osborne St will be open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only Annual General Meeting 11.30am, Sunday 8th March until further notice. Commencement of Ministry Service & Official Welcome to Rev Geoff & Mrs Anne Thompson 4pm, The change to 3 days is part of a holding plan put in place while we consider the issues that arose during our review day last November. Please pray for wisdom as discussions continue. Saturday 14th March Lyn Miles, COORDINATOR Sermon Notes Title: Jesus sets the record straight Bible passage: John 14:1-14 Preacher: David Mulready (8am & 10am); Jai McMordie (5pm) Important events coming up Confirmation Service Tuesday 24th February at 7pm This will be a very significant day for our Parish and especially for our candidates, Daniel & Jordan Hockey, Alex & Callum Mackay, Terry Staples and Jemma Hamaty who will be presented to Bishop Peter Hayward for Confirmation. Please uphold each of our candidates in prayer and we encourage you to be present at this important service. Supper will follow at the conclusion of the service and if you are able to contribute a plate of cake, slice, sandwiches or biscuits it would be appreciated. Annual General Meeting Sunday 8th March at 11.30am in the Church At the Annual General Meeting we elect people to significant roles, hear reports on ministry, pass the budget and have the opportunity to make recommendations to Parish Council. There are a number of brochures describing “What do the positions of Parish Councillor and Warden involve?” available from the back table. In order to give people a chance to prepare prayerfully for the AGM, people are encouraged to submit in advance to the church office: Nomination forms, which include short descriptions for the different positions of Churchwardens, Parish Councillors, Nominators and Synod Representatives, these are available in your bulletin today. Completed & signed forms can be placed in the “Church Letter box” at the back of the church. A list of nominees and received reports of our various ministries will be made available the Sunday before the meeting so people can think and pray about them beforehand. The excitement is building!! Not long now until we welcome Geoff and Anne Thompson to Nowra! We will be having an Induction Service on Saturday, 14th March at 4pm, followed by light refreshments! PLEASE could you indicate on the list at the back of the church what you would like to contribute to the light refreshments? Thank you for your help! Next Sunday Topic: Something to prove Bible Passage: John 14:15-31 If you have any queries please don't hesitate to ring me (Kay Cutmore) on 44228459. Rob Dunstan has indicated that she will help in the kitchen and Margaret Richardson has kindly said she would set out the tables with tablecloths. They will need help, if you would like to assist them please let them know. The Wardens SOWING AND REAPING Notices Service at Nerriga Today You are invited to join our brothers and sisters at Nerriga today at 2pm for a service of Holy Communion. Afternoon tea will be served after the service Note: John will be taking the church bus out to Nerriga for those who would like to attend the service. The bus will be leaving the church carpark at 12.45pm – Bus fare is: $2per person If possible, please let John know if you will be travelling by bus by ringing 4423 6974 or just turn up on the day. Men’s breakfast Our next Men’s breakfast will be held next Saturday, 14th Feb starting at 8am in the Hall – cost for a breakfast of cereal, bacon, egg & toast is $5. Come along and bring a friend! Enquiries to Jai on 0425 279 721 Ash Wednesday There will be a short service of Holy Communion on Wednesday 18th February commencing at 8am. All are welcome to attend this service. “The God of Life” by Bishop John Harrower ($10) You can order a copy of the book for Lent TODAY by filling in a ‘Care & Communication Card” and placing it in the letterbox at the back of church. Enquiries – David Woodbridge 0429 442 302 Reynold’s Commissioning Service Dave & Liz’s commissioning service will be held on Saturday 21st February, 10.30am at St Michaels Anglican Cathedral, Wollongong and you are invited to attend this service of celebration and reaffirmation of their partnership in the Gospel as they are ‘sent’ out again to East Asia. John will be driving the church bus for any parishioner who needs transport to attend this service. Either contact John on 4423 6974 or put your name and contact details on the Notice Board list. The bus will be leaving from the church carpark by 9am (be here by 8.50am) Bus fare is: $2per person Dear friends, Being a Christian involves total commitment: our whole lives are at our Lord’s disposal. This includes our money! Please prayerfully consider how much you give to the Lord’s work in this Church as we have only seven weeks left before our new Rector arrives. You might consider electronic giving. Sincerely in Christ, David Mulready “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 SECET News (Shoalhaven Employers of Christian Education Teachers Inc) Prayer and Praise Day Saturday 21 Feb: Pray at home, at the prayer gathering at All Saints' (2pm – 4pm in the church) or at other local churches - see your SECET rep for local arrangements. Thanksgiving & Commissioning Service Sunday 22nd Feb 2:00pm at St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kinghorne St Nowra (opposite Aldi). Come and encourage your local primary and secondary Scripture teachers as they go into the schools each week. Pray for SECET & SRE Teachers: Grant Abbott (Bomaderry HS), Andrew Perry & Wendy Kettlewell (Nowra HS), Marty Richardson & Alison Stewart (Shoalhaven), Michael Davey {Keith Fellows on LSL} (Vincentia HS) SECET Board Representative: Elaine Langshaw Teacher Support Group: Elaine Langshaw, Beth Dodd SRE Teachers at Nowra, Greenwell Pt, Nowra Hill: Catherine Apperley, Barbara Davey, Shane Iredale, Josh Murphy, Elaine Langshaw, Leanne Beer, Catherine Bolton, Robert Emery, Jai McMordie All Saints Global Partnerships Matt & Donna Toulmin Dear friends and supporters, I’ve hit the ground running in India, while Donna has had the joy in Australia of taking our kids back for their first day at school this week. For Ellie, that means first day at big school. Wow! The opportunity for Donna to have the surgery next week came out of the blue … just before we were due to leave as a family. It was strange to change plans like that, and postpone departure from Australia for Donna and kids. But we are glad Donna can receive this medical help, and it does simplify things over in India that Matt can get everything ready and rolling along, then welcome Donna and kids to our home in India in 4 weeks’ time. Continued over…. Things are getting off to a good start in India. I felt very encouraged as I caught up with all that is going on in our State, thinking of how God has brought together an alliance of churches and organisations in the region, and the team is learning more how to offer in-time and targeted training that benefits minority language communities in the villages. God’s light is shining brighter among them through this large-scale partnership. Many relationships have been built up over years, and by God’s grace these hold it all together. Thank you Lord! We have a new team member from UK, who Donna is going to supervise, called Rachel. She comes to us with NGO management coaching experience, so I've been setting her to work with one of the key staff here (Ananga) who has a role which is too complex for him to do well without coaching. Very exciting to see how that help is coming at a really good time for him: he understands his purpose and vision, but can’t organise all the activities too well, or effectively manage the 6 staff he leads, or coordinate it all so that more village libraries, tracts, CDs, health flashcards, stories, songs … are created, used and bless the communities. So I’m glad to see how the team has become stronger with Rachel’s addition. I need to go and register my presence in India with the Government today. It used to be that we had to travel 4 hours by jeep up into the mountains to register in a town there. Now we can register online, then turn up to an office in our town! Impressive! On Monday I’ll go to the neighbouring state to meet my Indian Director, to work through how I can look after projects in 7 states for this Indian organisation. Exciting. A bit daunting. Once again … relationships with these people have been built over years, and now have the potential to bear much fruit. Please pray for us: 1. Donna and kids in Australia, and Donna’s operation Friday 6th. 2. Christ-honouring unity in all the translation and language development teams. Matt will be visiting and encouraging teams in various states in the coming month. 3. Matt to learn quickly what he needs to be in the new roles. To guide and supervise managers, and not micromanage. To have wisdom and faith, to help my colleagues respond well to minor and major crises. A God-centred vision. Thanks for sharing this journey with us! Matt, for Donna, Oscar, Ellie Are you someone interested in teaching kids and want an adventure? We're currently looking for someone who might be interested in coming to India to help teach our group homeschool classes. We currently have two classes (kindergarten and year two) with only about 5 kids in each class! In the coming school year we may add another class too. You would have the joy of teaching either one or both of my gorgeous kiddies! You would need to raise funds for your own support and perhaps join a mission organisation of your choice. The role will begin August 2015 (since we work to the American school year). Official teaching qualifications are not necessary, since we follow a homeschool style curriculum, but certainly you would need to have an interest in teaching kids of this age. If you're interested please let Donna know via this email address, Matt and Donna Toulmin [email protected]
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