Epiphany IV The Synagogue: Capernaum Rideau Park United Church Sunday, February 1, 2015 Welcome to Rideau Park United Church. Please note: Audio loops are available from the ushers. Prayer requests for today’s services can be noted on the lists at the entrances. Childcare for pre-schoolers is available in room B-12 (lower hallway). Quiet activity boxes are also available for children in the chapel each Sunday. *Indicates where the congregation is invited to stand as able. After the service, you are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation in Beecroft Hall. Sunday, February 1,2015 - Epiphany IV We Gather Together Organ Prelude: Adagio from Sonata No. 1 Mendelssohn Lighting of Chancel Candles: Matthew 5: 16 “Let you light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” *Call to Worship: One: Eternal God, radiant with grace, ALL: thaw our snow-bound spirits; One: make us shine with your Word, our hope; All: shine within our communion, in our life together; One: shine with your peace, your love and in our joy; All: gather us in the presence of Jesus Christ, who is our Light. *Hymn: 264 VU Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise St Denio *Prayer of Approach and Jesus’ Prayer (p. 921 VU) Prayer of Confession (unison): Source of light: you can call us out of night’s darkness to live in the radiance of your love. You have sent Jesus, Sun of Righteousness to illuminate the way! You have trusted us to be reflectors of your light in all the world. But, forgive us, God: too often we have chosen the shadow rather than the light of day; too often we have chosen other stars to follow; to our peril and the peril of the world. Forgive us God, and fill us once again with the radiant promise of Epiphany. May your light shine bright in each one of us and in all of us together… Amen. (a time for silent reflection and prayer) Words of Assurance Sung Response: 220 MV Hope shines as the solitary star. Faith is the inner light. You and I together mirror the Light of Lights. And illumine the pathway home. Listening For God’s Word Joyful Noise: I See You God Burrows A Time for all God’s Children/Time of Reflection 11:15a.m. Sacrament of Baptism - Extending the Christian Family ✞ Statement of Purpose ✞ Introduction of the Candidates ✞ Questions of Commitment ✞ Profession of Faith-A New Creed VU 918 ✞ Pouring of the Water & Prayer of Thanksgiving ✞ Act of Baptism ✞ Giving of the Baptismal Candle Prayer: (unison) ✞ Sung Blessing VU 965 (sung by all) God who entered our world in spirit and in flesh, hear our prayers for Jackson Joseph Tereschuk baptized today. May those who care for him be a sign of God’s love with him. May we who share this community of faith nurture this family in faith and Christian love. May Jackson know the grace of your Holy Spirit as he continues to grow in his journey of faith. Amen. Hymn: 585 VU (seated) Jesus Bids Us Shine Jesus Bids Us Shine (At 9:30a.m.,following the hymn, the children are invited to go to their Sunday School classes.) Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13 Anthem: Reader: Maya Sutherland Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit Scripture Reading: Mark 1: 21-28 Sermon: Besig Reader: Jeffrey Cooper Possessed Steve Clifton Our Response Offering Offertory Music: Soloist: De Gospel Train Ryan Hofman arr. Burleigh Offertory Response: 540 VU Grant us, God, the grace of giving, with a spirit large and free, that ourselves and all our living we may offer faithfully. Prayer of Thanksgiving and Concern The Life and Work of the Church Youth of London Conference: Maggie Walker *Hymn: 509 VU I, the Lord of Sea and Sky Here I am, Lord *Commissioning and Benediction Voluntary: Flourish For an Occasion Today we welcome through the sacrament of baptism Jackson Joseph Tereschuk, son of Jennifer Jess and Joseph Michael Tereschuk. Harris Rideau Park News 2203 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 7L9 (613) 733-3156 rideaupark.ca Sunday, February 1, 2015 Epiphany IV Upcoming Worship Events Sunday, Feb 8 Two Services-Touch of Brass 9:15 a.m. Sunday, Feb 15 One Service-Annual Meeting 10:00 a.m. Sunday, Feb 22 Lent 1 Services 9:15/11:15am 2014 Income Tax receipts are available in Beecroft Hall, on Sunday, February 1 and 8, between services, or in the office during the week. Rideau Park Book Club - Sunday, February 1, 10:45 a.m. Everybody is welcome to come and join us after the first service. The upcoming book is “Heaven is for Real”, by Todd Burpo. It was also made into a movie in 2014, so you might be able to get it on DVD. If you’ve already read it, you might also be interested in “To Heaven and Back”, by Mary C. Neal or “Proof of Heaven” by Eben Alexander. Cross Stitching: Please be advised that the Cross Stitching group is beginning again on Monday, February 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlour. Everyone is welcome to join. For further information, please contact Lois Jensen or Judy Paré. You are invited - Valentine’s Coffee Party on Thursday February 12th, 9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m. UCW Unit 2 is holding their annual Valentine’s Coffee Party on Thursday, February 12th at 9:30 a.m. in the Parlour. Join us for fellowship, good food, coffee and tea, a Bake Table, and a Potpourri Table. We look forward to seeing you there! Reminder: Please note that the 9:30 a.m. services at Rideau Park are live-streamed on our web site: www.rideaupark.ca on Sunday mornings only. Good to know if you’re stuck at home due to illness, or bad weather, or out of town! Please keep in mind worshippers who have limited mobility, especially with this winter weather. Parking in the parking spots beside Cunningham makes it easier for them to come to church, so if you don’t have the need, please use a parking spot on the Beecroft side or in the back parking lot off Woodcrest. Thank you. 50+ Exercise Group: Please join us each Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00-10:00 a.m., for an hour of gentle, yet thorough exercise and movement for men and women. A fee of $40 is payable at the first class for the January—February session. Plan to stay fit as the New Year progresses. For more information call Mary Harris. Greeting Cards for HEFC: Christmas cards that were collected for clients of Heron Emergency Food Center (HEFC) were a much appreciated success. Now, other unused greeting cards are most welcome. This includes birthday, get well, sympathy, friendship, thank you and general occasion cards. There is a collection box on the Sunday school counter as before. If you don’t wish to hang onto your unused Christmas cards until next Christmas, bring them in also, and I will keep them for the next Christmas season. Many thanks for your support. Movie Night! The young people of Rideau Park are invited to join with the young people of Cityview United to see the movie “Selma”. Selma is a film about Martin Luther King Jr and the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s, and those who have seen it say it’s awesome. We plan to go on the evening of Sunday, February 8. Please speak to Steve for more information. Celebrate Have a Heart Day this February, and stand with First Nations children for the same chance to grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy, and proud of their cultures. Send a Valentine to our Prime Minister (Office of the Prime Minister, 80 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2) and your local MP (Name of MP, House of Commons, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A6) asking them to “Please have a heart. First Nations children should not have to fight for services all other Canadians enjoy.” See the First Nations Caring Society website (www.fncaringsociety.com) for more information, or attend the gathering, led by schoolchildren, on Parliament Hill, February 10, from 10:30-11:45 am. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Sunday, February 15, 2015, 11:15 a.m. : You are invited to join us for the Congregational Meeting in Beecroft Hall at 11:15 a.m., immediately after the 10:00 a.m. church service. Coffee, tea, juice and a light lunch will be served. You will be able to hear about, and provide your views on, the life and work of the congregation. Annual reports are available for pickup today on the Sunday School Counter. CHURCHPOST: The next deadline for Churchpost is coming - please submit articles by Sunday, February 15, at noon, to Marcia Gosse or place your article in the Churchpost slot outside of the Church Administrative Assistant’s office. Thank you. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: will be held on Tuesday, February 17, starting at 5:30 p.m. This supper is being organized as a fund raiser by the Rideau Park Boy Scouts, who will also be doing the cooking. The Scouts will be selling tickets on the two Sundays prior to the event: February 8 and 9. Tickets will be $8.00/adults and $5.00/children. (Also available at the office). Spiritual Practice Groups at Southminster United Church: Compassionate Communication, Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m.; February 3, 17, March 3, 17, OR Healing Pathways Fridays, 1:003 :00 p.m.; February 13, 27, March 13, 27. Please email Meg at: [email protected] to register. Spring Musical! Calling all current and future stars! Rideau Park children and youth (grade 1 to age 18) are invited to participate in a very special musical – “Aladdin Jr”! Under the direction of Ian Bevell (music) and Andrea Laliberté (production), we will be bringing this fantastical story to life in two performances on Saturday, May 9. We need lots of performers for singing/acting roles and we need a full back stage crew too! Everyone wishing to participate will be included. For an information package, to sign up to be on the stage crew or to volunteer your time, please contact Andrea. Come see a PLAY: Ni Wewe Tu and Caribbean Voices present: “Sammy Dead”, Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. here at RPUC in Beecroft Hall. Written and Directed by: Fay Jarrett and Lorna Townsend. Tickets: Adults $20; $25 at the door; children 12 and under $10. TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE RIDEAU PARK OFFICE! More information about this and other events can be found on the web site: www.blackhistoryottawa.org Joyful Noise Choir: This year the Joyful Noise Choir, directed by Ian Bevell, have a fantastic opportunity to sing the National Anthem at an Ottawa 67’s game on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $18 each and can be purchased from the Allo Family. Reminder to all that the John Bell event happening at Kanata United Church, February 27 & 28, 2015 is just a month away. If you are interested in attending this event, please go to our website at: www.kuc.ca and register online, or print off the mail-in registration form. Further details about this event can be found on our website or call the church office at 613-592-5834. South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre Volunteer Positions: contact Jessica Rae Linzel for more information [email protected]. Good Food Box - the Good Food Box is a program SEOCHC runs to provide fresh fruit and vegetables at lower cost to our community. SEOCHC need admin volunteers. Hours needed are the 1st Wednesday of every month from 10am-1pm and the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 9:30-1:00 p.m. Volunteer would be responsible for registering clients, handling money, admin tasks, and handing out food parcels on food pick-up day. Administrative support - we are also looking for a volunteer to provide support at the main reception at 1355 Bank Street on occasion. This volunteer would have to be friendly, confident, well-spoken and preferably speak multiple languages. Flexible hours within main office hours. Duties would include phone calls, supporting walk-in clients, running errands around the office, answering questions. If you are interested in this ongoing position, please let me know. Rideau Park Wi-Fi Service: Just a reminder that we have made changes to the Wi-Fi service which came into effect on Monday, January 12. All users who have not done so, will need to log in to their devices again now that this change has been made. Our apologies for any inconvenience. Bible Explorations: Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 a.m., in the Parlour, please join us to explore the lectionary text for the coming Sunday worship service. Led weekly by the Minister preaching on the Sunday, participants engage in conversation about the meaning of texts for their daily living, adding to the Minister’s reflections about the text also. Activities Calendar: February 1—February 7 Sunday: RPUC Book Club 10:45am Parlour Monday: Cross Stitch 9:30am Parlour Knitting 12:30pm Beecroft Hall UCW Unit 10 1:00pm Parlour Ringing Praise 6:30pm Sanctuary Touch of Brass 7:15pm Sanctuary Oasis (AA) 8:00pm Brackenridge Tuesday: 50+ Fitness 9:00am Beecroft La Belle Ensemble 7:15pm Sanctuary Wednesday: Bible Explorations 9:30am Parlour Thursday: 50+ Fitness 9:00am Parlour Quilters 9:30am Parlour Euchre 1:00pm Parlour Hear Say for Families 5:45pm Beecroft KinderPraise 6:15pm B-9 Seraphs 6:15pm B-12 Cherubs 6:15pm B-13 NoteAble Sound Chimes 6:15pm Sanctuary Joyful Noise 6:45pm B-12 Grace Notes 6:45pm Sanctuary Chancel Choir 7:30pm Sanctuary Friday: Saturday: Coffee Hour Volunteers Feb 1 Daryl & Gary Lindberg Jennifer MacKinnon Pat & Gavin Currie Feb 8 Mary & Keith Harris Janet Buske-Wischer Christy Harris Sunday Duty Officers Feb 1 9:15 am 11:15 am Janet Buske-Wischer Don & Lois Harper Feb 8 9:30am 11:15am Nancy Begg-Durkee Jessie Weldon Counting Volunteers Feb 2 Rod Hagglund Feb 9 Christel Kurz Main Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm Playgroup meet most weekdays 9:30am B-12 Ministers’ pager number: 613-786-4340 Visit our website: rideaupark.ca Prayer Chain: Ext 227 or [email protected] Family Day: Just a heads-up that the office will be CLOSED on this day, February 16, 2015. Elizabeth Bryce—Minister Steve Clifton—Minister Georgina Fitzgerald—Minister Ian Bevell—Music Director Debi Brown—Administrator Debby Gerro—Admin. Assistant Paul Sorg—Custodian Church Staff: 613-733-3156 Mon-Thurs ext 224 Tues-Fri ext 225 Tues-Thurs ext 226 Mon-Wed ext 223 Mon, Wed-Fri ext 228 Tues-Fri ext 229 Mon, Wed-Fri ext 229 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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