The Edale Times ~ January 2015 Dear Parents and Carers, come. Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready for the term to Firstly, on behalf of the staff and myself, a big ‘thank you’ for all the kind cards and gifts you gave to us for Christmas. They were very much appreciated. Staffing news: I am delighted to tell you that we have two new additions to the ‘Edale family’. Mrs Ryan’s daughter, Evie and Miss Arnold’s daughter Georgie both arrived safe and well before Christmas. Congratulations to all; we look forward to seeing these babies (and their Mums!) in school soon. A quick update on changes to staffing: We welcome back Mrs Sadecka, who will be working with Mr Rennie in Year 3. Mrs Ellis joins us as Year 1 teacher Mrs Fletcher will be returning to Year 1, joining Mrs Ellis Miss Orridge will be continuing as Deputy HeaTeacher We welcome Mr Crooks who replaces Miss Mancey in Year 5 this term We were hoping to employ a new teacher this term to work in upper school with small groups of children. Unfortunately, the person who accepted the post has, at the last minute, changed her mind! We will be working hard to sort this out as a matter of urgency. Homework: At the end of last term, we had over 50 ‘Homework heroes’ This was a good improvement on the first half term but there is still a long way to go in some classes! Please encourage your child to take time over their homework and read every day, even for 10 minutes. It will make such a difference! If you need some help with helping your child at home, please talk to your child’s teacher. We will be very happy to advise you. New website! Arran Bilsbrough, our Technician, has been working hard to update our website and we are hoping to launch the new version this week. We think it is good but we would like your opinion too. Let us know if there are any changes you would like us to make to improve it further. Drugaware: This term, the children will be learning about drug awareness at various levels. The school has also just been re-accredited for the ‘Drugaware’ standard. We shall be having an assembly for the award to be presented and for children to talk about their learning. It will be on the last day of term (2nd April) and all parents are warmly invited to attend. We are also hoping to run a workshop for parents interested in learning more about Drugs education in school (and increasing their own knowledge, too!). Please let Zoe Wilkinson know if you would like to attend. Can you help? As part of our Citizenship curriculum, we are running a ‘World of Work’ programme for the Year 5 and 6 children. Every half term, we invite someone in to talk about their job. So far, we have had a scientist, a hairdresser and a T shirt designer, to name a few. We would very much like to increase the number of people we can call on, so if you have a job you would like to tell the children about or know someone who could come and talk to the children, do let us know. It is such an important part of our curriculum for children to have an idea of the range of jobs available to them. Please see attached a list of diary dates for the coming weeks. I am sure there will be more added as we go along – keep your eyes on the notice boards and website for updates! Thank you Mrs Jane Swingler, Head Teacher Diary dates – Spring Term I W/b 5th: Swimming starts for Years 1, 2 and 4 8th Life Education bus in school (activities and workshops for Foundation Stage, Years 1, 2 and 3) 12th: Change for Life – curriculum support in Y3 and 4 and After School Club starts 13th: New entry system being installed 16th: Safety in the Home Day 19th: 3.30 to 4.15 - Family story telling session in Foundation Stage 20th: Attendance breakfast – who will win? 26th: Governing Body Resources group meeting (4.00) 27th: Healthy School Audit February: 4th: Robot Wars in Y4 9th: Full Governing Body meeting (4.00) 11th Road Safety quiz for Years 3,4,5 and 6 11th: Film club, Years 5 and 6 13th: INSET – school closed for staff training 16th to 20th: HALF TERM HOLIDAY 23rd: Chinese New Year assembly w/b 23rd: Parents meetings – details to follow March: w/b 2nd Book Week 9th: Governing Body Standards group meeting (4.00) 16th: Mathletics Week 20th: Family assembly – Drugaware Award presentation 23rd: Full Governing Body meeting (4.00) April: 2nd: Mathletics assembly and awards 2nd: End of term. We return to school on Thursday 16th April School Clubs this half term: Details from Zoe Wilkinson or Office staff Day Monday Time 3.30 to 4.30 Club Football training Year groups KS2 Dates Every week from 12th January 12.30 to 1.00 Lunchtime ICT Club Year 5 Every week from 12th January 3.30 to 4.30 Change for Life group Years 1 to 3 Every week from 12th January Keyboard lessons Mixed Every week; starts 14th January 3.30 to 4.30 ‘Natty Knitters’ Mixed Every week; starts 14th January 3.30 to 4.30 ‘Digismart’ group Years 5 and 6 Every week; starts 8th January 3.30 to 4.30 Gymnastics Club Years 1 and 2 Starts 8th January Tuesday Wednesday 12.00 to 1.30 Thursday Friday Parent and Community groups: Day Time Group Venue Start and end dates Tuesday 9.00 to 11.00 Wednesday Thursday 9.30 to 11.30 Craft group Oliver Hind Club Every week English for Speakers Oliver Hind Club of other Languages and ‘life skills’ class Every week. Friday Family Assembly Every week Monday 9.00 to 9.30 Hall
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