TIDINGS Vicar FEBRUARY 2015 Rev. Sumod. C. Cherian Christ Church Parsonage DBRA-61, Near Devaswom Board Jn, Nanthencode, Trivandrum-695 003 Mobile : 94471 76033 Telephone : 2316033 [email protected] Tidings February 2015 Asst. Vicar Rev. Saji Cheriyan Mammen Christ Church Parsonage PRA/248, Parottukonam Nalanchira, Trivandrum-695 015 Mobile : 9447006033 [email protected] Church Wardens Mr. John Kurien Prof. K.V. Thomas Church Secretary Mrs. Omana Abraham Lay Treasurer Mr. A.J. Thomas Internal Auditor Mr. Abraham Mathew Church Committee Members Mr. George Ninan Mr. Godwin Mathew Mr. Hezekiel V.S. Mr. M.M. John (Munduparambil) Mr. Joshy Mathew Mrs. Laila Jacob Mr. Luke P.K. Mr. Mesfin Zachariah Abraham Ms. Nimmi Rachel Mathew Mr. Reuben Daniel Koshy Mrs. Susan Thomas Diocesan Council Members Mrs. Mary Mathew Mr. Renju Philip Mr. Saji Sam George Mr. Suku C. Oommen Mrs. Susan Ebby Dr. N.O. Varghese Senior Presbyters Very. Rev. Mathew Mathew Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis Rev. Mathai John Rev. Shiju Samuel Rev. Joseph Samuel Rev. Dr. George Joseph Rev. A. Viswasaraj (Tamil) Church Staff Mr. Aji George Jacob Mr. S. Samuel (Joy) Mr. K.C. Thomas Mr. Roy Daniel 9847175080 8547247910 9745692727 9447020738 9847181820 8289909503 9895332868 9447071185 9544689029 9809788681 9446018091 9495880774 9847062108 9995458461 9895223223 9447751085 Editorial Board Rev. Sumod C Cherian Rev. Saji Cheriyan Mammen Mr. John Kurien Mr. Saji Sam George Mr. M M John Mr. Renju Philip Mrs. Susan Ebby Mr. Godwin Mathew Mr. Ebby Kuruvila Mr. A.J. Thomas Mr. Soman John Mr. Rakesh Jayaprakash 9447054335 9846065640 9447303524 9447059920 9447890411 9847065697 2559965 2432560 9447958556 9447613389 8281291203 9447452473 9495349325 9495304997 9495300681 9846807826 9605242882 CSI CHRIST CHURCH (Diocese Of Madhya Kerala) Palayam Trivandrum Telephone : 2305902 Office : 2726033 Email : [email protected] www.csichristchurch.org Online Edition - http://tidings.csichristchurch.org TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Vicar’s Reflections Dear friends in Christ, Greetings to you all in the name of the One who is to come again, Jesus Christ our Lord! As we enter the Lenten season let us meditate on “Human failures and forgiveness”. Beginning with the Book of Genesis, we read of many instances of mankind’s failures, and the resulting separation of man from God. But our forgiving God again intervened in history and brought man back to God. God loved mankind so much that He sent His own Son to the world. Jesus, through His life, revealed this love to the world. But men did not understand this and led Jesus to the cross. The love that Jesus revealed on the cross was the result of God’s forgiveness. The love of God stands between mankind’s fall and God’s forgiveness and brings the two together. With Ash Wednesday (18th February 2015) we enter the season of Lent, which is a period of the utmost importance in the life of the Church. The thought for this month is “Reconciliation”. Lent is a time of Reconciliation. In Ephesians 2:14 we read: “For He is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility …..” “Oneness” in the Bible refers to the reconciliation brought about in the personal relationship between man and man, and between God and man. Anger and enmity are replaced by love and fellowship. Reconciliation means to change from one condition to another. Therefore, our worship services and prayers during this Lenten period will become meaningful if at least some changes are brought about in our way of life during this season. I pray that such a transformation will happen. I wish to take this opportunity to remind you of another important matter. As you know, our Diocese is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the arrival of CMS missionaries. By 2016, when the celebrations end, if we are to complete the many projects that we as a Diocese have undertaken, the whole-hearted cooperation of all members is necessary. As your Vicar I request all those who have not made any contributions to the Bi-centenary Projects so far to make your valuable donations during the coming months. Remembering you all in my prayers, Sumod Achen 2 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 I¿Ømhn¬ {]nbap≈hsc, \n߃t°h¿°pw ho≠pw hcp∂h\mb I¿Ømhmb tbip{InkvXphns‚ \maØn¬ Fs‚ kvt\lhμ\w. t\mºp Imebfhnte°v {]thin°ptºmƒ, am\pjoI hogvNbpw, £abpw (Human Failures and Forgiveness) F∂ hnjbsØ∏‰n \ap°v [ym\n°mw. Dev]Øn]pkvXIw apX¬ At\I kw`hßfn¬ IqSn a\pjy\v D≠mb hogvNbpw, AXn¬IqSn ssZhØn¬ \n∂pw AI∂pt]mb a\pjys‚ Ncn{Xhpw BWv \mw ImWp∂Xv. F∂m¬ ]n∂oSv £an°p∂ ssZhw, Ncn{XØn¬ ho≠pw CSs]´v a\pjys\ ssZhØn¶te°v ASp∏n®p. kz¥w ]p{Xs\ Cu temIØn\p \evInsIm≠v ssZhw a\pjys\ kvt\ln®p. Cu kvt\lw tbip Xs‚ PohnXØn¬ IqSn temIØn\p ImWn®psImSpØp. a\pjy\v AXp a\ nem°phm≥ Ign™n√. tbiphns\ {Iqin¶te°v \bn®p : {Iqin¬ ImWn® tbiphns‚ kv t \lw, £abpsS {]Xn^e\w Bbncp∂p. a\pjys‚ hogvNbpsSbpw, £abpsSbpw a[yØn¬ ssZhkv t \lw \nev ° p∂p. ssZhkv t \lw Ch c≠ns\bpw XΩn¬ _‘n∏n°p∂p. Nmº¬ _p[\mgv N (18˛02˛2015) tbmSp IqSn \mw t\mºp ImetØbv ° v {]thin°pIbmWv . CXv k`sb kw_‘n®nS tØmfw AXn{][m\amb Hcp ImebfhmWv . Cu amksØ Nn¥mhnjbw “A\pc⁄\w” (Reconciliation) F∂XmWv . Ft^ky¿°v FgpXnb teJ\w c≠mw A≤ymbw 14˛mw hmIyØn¬ \mw Cßs\ hmbn°p∂p. Ah≥ \ΩpsS kam[m\w : Ah≥ Ccp]£sØbpw H∂m°n, N´ßfpw Iev]\Ifpamb \ymb{]amWw F∂ i{XpXzw Xs‚ PUØm¬ \o°n th¿]mSns‚ \Sp®ph¿ CSn®pIf™p.... a\pjy¿ XΩnepw, ssZhhpw a\pjy\pw XΩnepap≈ hy‡n]camb _‘Ønse A\pcRvP\Øns\bmWv ss__nfn¬ \nc∏v F∂p hnh£n°p∂Xv. CXneqsS i{XpXzØns‚bpw hntZzjØns‚bpw ÿm\Øv kam[m\hpw Iq´mbvabpw D≠mIp∂p. Hchÿbn¬ \n∂pw as‰mchÿbnte°v amdpIbmWv \nc∏ns‚ A¿∞w : AXpsIm≠v Cu t\mºp Imebfhv , \ΩpsS Bcm[\Ifpw {]m¿∞\Ifpw, \mw Bbncn°p∂ PohnXm\p`hØn¬ \n∂v , Aev]sa¶nepw amdphm≥ CSbm°nØo¿Øm¬ Cu h¿jsØ t\mºv BNcWw A¿∞hØmbnØocpw. Aßs\bmbnØocs´ F∂p {]m¿∞n°p∂p. 3 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Cu kabØv thsdmcp Imcyw IqsS Hm¿Ωn∏n°phm≥ B{Kln°p∂p. almbnShI anj\dn BKa\Øns‚ 200˛mw hm¿jnIw BtLmjn°pIbmWt√m. 2016˛mw h¿jw BtLmj߃ Ahkm\n°ptºmƒ \mw almbnShIbmbn Gs‰SpØncn°p∂ ]e t{]mPIvSpIfpw ]q¿ØoIcWØn¬ FØsW¶n¬ Bflm¿∞ amb klIcWw D≠mIWw. CXphscbpw CXn¬ klIcn°m Øh¿ XpS¿∂p≈ amkØn¬ \nßfpsS DZmcamb kw`mh\Iƒ \ev I n Cu kwcw`Øn¬ klIcn°Wsa∂v CShI]´°mc≥ F∂p≈ \nebn¬ Rm≥ A`y¿∞n°p∂p. F√mhscbpw {]m¿∞\bn¬ Hm¿ØpsIm≠v. kptamZv A®≥ CShI I¨sh≥j≥ 2015 P\phcn 22, 23, 24 XobXnIfn¬ ]≈nbn¬ h®v \SØs∏´p. shcn dh. F{_lmw kmaph¬, ae¶c am¿tØma N¿®v Bbncp∂p apJy{]mkwKnI≥. dh. kptamZv kn. sNdnbm≥, dh. kPn sNdnbm≥ amΩ≥, shcn dh. amXyp amXyp F∂nh¿ I¨sh≥j≥ tbmK ߃°v t\XrXzw \¬In. ko\nb¿ A®≥amcpsSbpw ktlmZcn k` Ifn¬ \n∂p≈hcpsSbpw \ΩpsS k`mwKßfpsSbpw km∂n≤yØm¬ tbmK߃ A\p{Kl{]Zambncp∂p. I¨sh≥j≥ KmbIkwLw a[pcamb Km\߃ Be]n®p. t\XrXzw \¬Inb {io. {^m¶vfn≥ t\m°vkv, {io. amXyp tXmakv, {io. sh…n Ipcphnf F∂nhtcmSp≈ \μn Adnbn°p∂p. {io. tPm¿÷v ss\\m≥, {io. Fw.Fw. tPm¨, {ioaXn. tacn amXyp F∂nh¿ I¨sh≥j≥ I¨ho\¿amcmbn {]h¿Øn®p. klIcn® F√mh¿°pw \μn Adnbn°p∂p. 4 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 hm¿ØIfpw Ipdn∏pIfpw 31st December 2014 - Watchnight Service ]Xnhpt]mse Cu h¿jhpw Watchnight Service Unkw_¿ 31˛mw XobXn cm{Xn 11.30 \v Bcw`n®p. [mcmfw t]¿ Cu ip{iqjbn¬ ]s¶SpØp. DSºSn ip{iqjtbmSpIqSn Bcm[\ Ahkm\n®p. Aflmb s^temjn∏ns‚ t\XrXzØnep≈ [ym\ tbmKhpw Bcm[\bv°v ap≥]v \SØs∏´p. Adoor Mission Convention a[ytIcf ASq¿ sshZnI Pn√bpsS B`napJyØn¬, 4˛maXv, ASq¿ anj≥ I¨sh≥,≥ 2015, P\phcn 15 apX¬ 18 hscbp≈ XobXnIfn¬, XmgØpa¨ I¨sh≥j≥ \Kdn¬ ]q¿Δm[nIw `wKnbmbn \SØs∏´p. \ΩpsS CShI hnImcn kptamZv kn. sNdnbm≥ A®≥, Akn. hnImcn kPn sNdnbm≥ amΩ≥ A®s\bpw IqSmsX, k`sb {]Xn\n[oIcn®v ssI°mc≥ s{]m^. sI.hn. tXmakpw ]s¶SpØp. ss{IÃv N¿®ns‚ hnlnXamb 25,000 cq] `mchmlnIsf Gev]n®p. Run Kerala Run tZiob sKbnwkn\v apt∂mSnbmbn \S∂ ‘Run Kerala Run’ ¬ \ΩpsS k`m AwKßfpw ]s¶SpØp. Adoor Choir Fest 2015 s^{_phcn 7˛mw XobXn, ss{IÃv N¿®n¬ (Xncph\¥]pcw), cmhnse 9.30 apX¬ D®bv°v 1.30 hsc \SØs∏Spw. Cu {]mhiysØ s^Ãv ss{IÃv N¿®v Bbncn°pw host sNøp∂Xv. k`mwKßsf Cu s^Ãntebv°v kzmKXw sNøp∂p. United Christian Movement Prize Cu h¿jsØ {InkvXpakv Imebfhn¬ \√ Zo]me¶mcØn\p≈ bp.kn.Fw. kΩm\w ss{IÃv N¿®n\v e`n®p. A`n\μ\߃. 5 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 I√dIƒ°p≠mb tISp]mSv Xo¿Øp P\phcn amkw H∂mw XobXn I√dIƒ°nSbn¬ (F tªm°v ) D≠mbncp∂ Hcp acw HSn™phoWp 3 I√dIfpw (A 461, A462, A501) Hcp family vault s‚ …m_pw XI¿∂p. Ch ]pXp°n]Wnbp∂Xn\v 58,850/- cq] Nnehmbn. Cu I√dpIfpambn _‘s∏´ IpSpw_mwKßfpsS DZmcamb kw`mh\Iƒ {]Xo£n°p∂p. Gardener Roy bpsS hoSv \ΩpsS Km¿U\¿ Bb tdmbn°pth≠nbp≈ ]pXnb hoSns‚ \n¿ΩmWw Bcw`n®p. k`mwKßfpsS AIagn™ klIcWw {]Xo£n°p∂p. Examination Oriented Counselling s^{_phcn amkw 17˛mw XobXn sNmΔmgvN cmhnse 9.30 apX¬ 12.30 hsc tZhmebØn¬ h®v 9˛mw ¢mkv apX¬ 12˛mw ¢mkv hscbp≈ Ip´nIƒ°mbn {]tXyI Iu¨enwKv Iymºv a≤ytIcf almbnShI Iu¨knenwKv Un∏m¿´psa‚ns‚ B`napJyØn¬ \SØs∏Sp∂p. Special Prayer for Students Writing Exams s^{_phcn amkw 22˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN Cw•ojv, aebmfw Bcm[\m at≤y Cu h¿jhpw ]co£ FgpXp∂ Ip´nIƒ°mbp≈ {]tXyI {]m¿∞\ \SØs∏Sp∂XmWv. Young Family Fellowship s^{_phcn amkw 8˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN Young Family Fellowship Rmb¿ Bbn BNcn°s∏Sp∂XmWv. Women’s Sunday am¿®v amkw 1˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN kv{XoP\kwJy Rmb¿ Bbn BNcn°s∏Sp∂XmWv. Lenten Service s^{_phcn 18˛mw XobXn Nmº¬ _p[\mgvN apX¬ F√m _p[\mgvNIfnepw t\mºns‚ Bcm[\ D≠mbncn°p∂XmWv. CShI I¨h≥j≥ 2015 P\phcn 22, 23, 24 XobXnIfn¬ ]≈nbn¬ h®v \SØs∏´p. Hma\ F{_lmw (sk{I´dn) 6 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Organisations’ Corner Almaya Fellowship ap≥ h¿jßfnset∏mse kvIqƒ hnZym¿∞nIƒ°v bqWnt^mw hnXcWw sNøp∂Xns‚ `mKambn 1˛1˛2015 cmhnse 9 aWn°v t^m¿´v anj≥ kvIqƒ A¶WØn¬ CShI∏´°mc≥ dh. kptamZv kn. sNdnbm≥ A®s‚ A≤y£Xbn¬ IqSnb tbmKØn¬ h®v Cu kv I qfnse 50 hnZym¿∞n\nIƒ°p≈ bqWnt^mw hnXcWw \S°pIbp≠mbn. A®≥ kv I qƒ Ip´nIsf A`nkwt_m[\ sNbv X p {]kwKn®Xns\ XpS¿∂v A¬amb s^temjn∏ns\ {]Xn\o[oIcn®v {io. Pbnwkv sNdnbm≥ kwkmcn°pIbp≠mbn. kvIqƒ {]n≥kn∏mƒ {ioaXn. sle≥ sshe‰v, amt\P¿ {ioaXn. kqkn F{_lmw, A¬amb s^temjn∏v `mchmlnIfmb k¿Δ{io ssh. tPm¨, tP°_v tXmakv, Fw.]n. cmPp, AUz. ]n.sP. tImin, sI. t]mƒcmPv F∂nh¿ k∂nlnXcmbncp∂p. kvIqƒ {]n≥kn∏mƒ kzmKXw Biwkn®p. Women’s Fellowship ]pXphÕ-c-¯nsâ \·-Ifpw kt´m-jhpw ]¦p sh¡p¶Xn\mbn hna³kv s^tem-jn-¸v AwK-§Ä CS-hI Akn-Ìâ v hnImcn kPn sNdnbm³ am½³ A-¨sâ t\Xr-Xz-¯n 2015 P\p-h-cn- amk-¯nse aq¶mw i\n-bmgvNbmb 17-þmw XobXn cmhnse 11.30 \v Xncp-h-\-´]pcw apS-h³ap-K-fn- {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ NnÂ{U³kv Unssh³ tlmw kvÀin-¡p-I-bp-w hna³kv s^tem-jn-¸nsâ kw`m-h-\-bmb 14500 cq] {]kvXpX Øm]-\-¯n\p \ÂIp-Ibpw sNbvXp. IqSmsX D]tbm-K-tbm-Ky-amb hkv{X-§fpw \ÂIn. hnhn[ {]mb-¯n-epÅ 43 Ip«n-Isfbpw Ahsc kvt\ln¨v ]cn-]m-en-¡p¶ kvt\l-a-bn-bmb Beokv tXmakv F¶ A½- s b- b p- a mWv R§Ä¡v AhnsS ImWm³ km[n-¨-Xv. Dt]-£n-¡-s¸-«-h-cpw, Ai-c-W-cpw, Zcn-{Z-cp-amb Ip«n-Isf k\m-Y-cm¡n, Hcp `h-\-¯nse kvt\lhpw ]cn-em-f-\bpw \ÂIn Ahsc IÀ¯m-hnsâ hgnbn \S¯n kaq-l-¯n\v {]tbmP-\-ap-Å-h-cm¡n hfÀ¯p-¶-Xn\v Cu Øm]\w hen-sbmcp ]¦v hln-¡p¶p F¶v a\-Ên-em-¡p-hm³ km[n-¨p. GI-tZiw 500 Ip«nItfmfw ChnsS \n¶v ]Tn¨v hep-Xm-b-Xmbn Adn-bp-hm³ Ign-ªp. \½psS sIm¨-¨³ Cu Ip«n-Isf Hcp CwKvfojv Km\w ]Tn-¸n-¡pIbpw A©- ¸ hpw c- p ao\pw sIm- v tbip A¸- ¨ ³ A¿m- b ncw 7 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 t]sc t]mjn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvX IY hfsc ck-I-c-ambn AhtcmSv ]d-bp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Ip«n-IÄ ]m«p]mSnbpw \r¯ah-X-cn-¸n¨pw R§-fpsS lrZbw IhÀ¶p. Ip«n-I-tfm-sSm¸w Km\-§Ä Be-]n¡p-Ibpw {]mÀ°n-¡p-Ibpw sNbv-X-Xn-\p-tijw D¨`£Whpw Ignªv AhnsS \n¶pw ]ncn-ªp. sIm¨¨-\pÄs¸sS 24 AwK-§Ä {]kvXpX kvÀi-\-¯n ]s¦-Sp-¯p. Golden Age Fellowship Picnic The Golden Age Fellowship decided to conduct a picnic to Alappuzha on Tuesday the 24th Feb 2015. The picnic will be mainly cruise in a house boat. About 50 persons can join. Detailed programme will be announced. Lenten Retreat Our this years Lenten Retreat will be held on Friday the 27th March 2015 form 9.30 to 1.00 pm. Rev. Dr. M P Joseph, Director, Thottapradesha Mission will lead the retreat. All Parish members are welcome to participate. Bimonthly worship Next Bimonthly worship and get-together will be held on Friday the 13th March 2015 at 7.30 am . Requesting your prayerful participation for the glory of God. CHRISTU SEVA CHARITABLE SOCIETY The next CHRISTU SEVA PAKAL VEEDU will be held on Thursday 26 th February 2015 at the Christu Seva Charitable Society Premises, Devaswom Board Junction, Trivandrum. This will be a Half-day programme and will start at 9.30 AM and will go on till 1.00 PM, followed by lunch. The programme will consist of Singing of songs, Group Activities like Tombola (Housie), Quiz, and a talk on How to meet ‘Challenges of Old Age’ like loneliness, health problems and financial matters etc. by Dr Mrs Suseela Mathew (Psychotherapist). Tea/Coffee and lunch will be provided. The contribution will be Rs.150/- per person. All those above the age of 60 years who are interested in taking part in this program are requested to give their names and contribution at the Christu Seva Charitable Society counter at Christ Church after the Sunday morning church services. 8 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 kv{XoP\kJyØns‚ Nn¬{U≥kv Unssh≥ tlmw kμ¿i\w RUN KERALA RUN 9 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Almanac 01-02-2015 The Goodness of Creation 9th Sunday before Easter krjv S nbpsS \∑ 04-02-2015 06-02-2015 08-02-2015 OT : Genesis 1:24-31 Epistle : Ephesians 1:3-14 Psalm 104:1-13 Gospel : Matthew 6:9-13 6.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel H.E. (English) 6.00 pm Wednesday H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday The Fallenness of Creation 8th Sunday before Easter krjv S nbpsS hogv N OT : Genesis 3:1-10 Epistle : Romans 3:21-26 Psalm 53 Gospel : Matthew 18:23-35 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. Matins (Malayalam) 7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall 6.00 p.m. H.E. at Zenana Chapel 11-02-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 13-02-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 15-02-2015 Lent : A time of Reconciliation 7th Sunday before Easter t\mºv A\pc⁄\Øns‚ Imew 18-02-2015 OT : Genesis 45:1-15 Epistle : Ephesians 2:11-22 Psalm 85 Gospel : John 2:1-11 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel Cross : A Call to Self-Denial Ash Wednesday {Iqiv : kzbXymKØn\p≈ hnfn 20-02-2015 22-02-2015 OT : Joel 2:12-20 Epistle : Galatians 2:15-21 Psalm 32 Gospel : Luke 9:23-27 6.00 p.m. H.E. (Malayalam) H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 am Friday Touching the “Untouchable” 6th Sunday before Easter 1st Sunday in Lent Akv ] riysc kv ] ¿in°pI OT : 2 Kings 5:1-10 Epistle : Hebrews 13:8-17 10 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Psalm 10:1-12 Gospel : Matthew 8:1-4 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. Matins (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 7.00 a.m. H.E. Zion Hall 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel 25-02-2015 Lenten Service (Malayalam) 6.00 pm Wednesday 27-02-015 H.E. (Malayalam) Friday 01-03-2015 Women : Partners in God’s Liberative Act Women’s Sunday 5th snday before Easter 2nd Sunday in Lent 7.30 am kv{XoIƒ : hntamN\ {]h¿Ø\Øn¬ ssZhØns‚ ]¶mfnIƒ OT : Exodus 1:15-22 Epistle : Romans 16:1-16 Psalm 148 Gospel : Mark 15:37-41 6.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel Roster For Reading Lessons ENGLISH Date 01-02-2015 08-02-2015 15-02-2015 22-02-2015 01-03-2015 First Lesson Second Lesson Mr. George John Mrs. Mary Mathew YOUNG FAMILY SUNDAY Mr. John Kurien Mrs. Preethi Koshie Mr. George Koshie Mrs. Reena Thomas WOMENS SUNDAY MALAYALAM Date 01-02-2015 08-02-2015 15-02-2015 22-02-2015 01-03-2015 First Lesson Second Lesson Dr. Thomas Abraham Mrs. Rekha Varghese YOUNG FAMILY SUNDAY Prof. K.V. Thomas Mrs. Santhamma Mathew Mr. Thomas Oommen Mrs. Susamma Stanley WOMENS SUNDAY New Telephone for the Church Office The number of our new telephone at the Church Office is: 2726033. Members may dial this number to contact the Office staff. 11 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Marriages MATHEW ABRAHAM, S/o Mr. Sathish Abraham & Mrs. Rani Abraham, Malyakal, Summer Breeze, Kuravankonam, of this Parish, and MARIAH THAMBI, D/o Dr.C.A. Thambi and Mrs.Mary Thambi, Chemmerikkad, Mayilvahanam, Shornur on 3rdJanuary 2015 RINSU ANN EASO, D/o Mr. Reji Easo Cherian and Mrs. Sosamma Easo, Ambattu, Nanthancode, Thiruvananthapuram 695003 of this Parish, and ROYCE DANIEL MATHEW, S/o Mr. Daniel Mathew and Mrs. Sumana Daniel, Mannat Royce Villa, Thiruvalla, of Sleeba Marthoma Church, Kaviyoor, Thiruvalla on 05th January 2015. VIBIN VINOD S/o Mr. Vinod Kumar E. and Mrs. Valsamma Vinod, Ebby Villa, Kunnukuzhhy, Trivandrum of this Parish, and BIBUNA MATHEW, D/o Mr. T.M.Mathai and Mrs. Aleyamma Mathai, Thekkekalayil House, Kunnanthanam, of St. Mary’s Sehion Orthodox Church, on 7th January 2015 P r o g r a m m e f o r February z All Sundays Sunday School - 8 AM Bible Study (Youth Fellowship) – After the English Service Prayer Meeting (Almaya Fellowship) – After the Malayalam Service Hindi Service at Centenary Hall - 4.30 PM z All Fridays Choir Practice (English) - 5.00 PM z All Saturdays Intercessory Prayer (Youth Fellowship) – 4.30 PM Choir Practice (Junior Choir) - 4.30 PM Choir Practice (Malayalam) - 5.00 PM z 10 th - Tuesday Prison Visit - (Women’s Fellowship) - 2 PM 12 z 13 th- Friday Intercessory Prayer - 10 AM Bible Study (Golden Age Fellowship) After the Intercessory Prayer z 21 st- Saturday Bible Study (Women’s Fellowship) 3.30 PM z 24th - Tuesday Prison Visit - (Women’s Fellowship) - 2 PM z 27 th- Friday Visiting the Sick (Golden Age Fellowship) - 9 AM z 28th - Saturday House Visit (Women’s Fellowship) - 10 AM TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Contributions From 25/12/2014 to 21/01/2015 Book Collections: December 2014 Medical Help Rs. 1 A well wisher 3,000 2 A well wisher 5,000 3 Mr. Thomas Luke 10,000 Education Help 1 A well wisher 3,000 2 A well wisher 5,000 Housing Help 5,000 1 A well wisher City Mission 1 Mr. John K Jacob 100 2 A well wisher 5,000 500 3 Prof. George Joseph Housing Help (Roy Daniel - Gardener) 1 Mr.Y.John 1,000 2 Mr. Mathew John 2,000 3 Mr. Daniel Mathew 4,000 4 Brig. Ommen John 1,000 Food for the Needy 2,000 1 A well wisher 1,000 2 Brig.Ommen John 3 Ashish Mathew Kurian 1,500 4 Mr. Cherian George 100,000 5 Aaron C. Koshy 1,000 6 Mrs. Aleyamma Joseph 500 7 Dr. Cherian Jacob 25,000 8 Mr. Lijo Joseph 2,000 9 Mrs. Mary Joseph 500 10 Mr. Jibu D. Solomon 1,000 11 Prof Jacob V. John 1,000 12 Mr. Alex Andrew jacob 1,000 13 Mr. P.A.Thomas 2,000 14 Mr. George Cherian 1,500 15 Mrs. Valsa Cherian 1,000 16 Dr. Rezy Cheru 1,000 17 Dr. Rezy Cheru 1,000 18 Mr. John K Jacob 100 19 Dr. Thomas Mathai 500 20 Mrs. Thankamma George 1,000 21 Mr. Thomas Luke 10,000 22 Mr. & Mrs. M.Y. Rao 1,000 Parkal / Jangedu Mission 1 Palayam Area Prayer 1,175 2 Mrs. Jussiny Millan 500 3 Mrs. Mary Joseph 500 4 Mrs. Annie George Varghese 1,000 5 Mrs. Annamma T. George 500 6 Mr. John K Jacob 100 7 Dr.Thomas Mathai 8 Mrs. Thankamma George Parkal Orphanage 1 Mr. Benoy Tharian 2 Dr. Thomas Mathai Charkari Mission 1 Mrs. Mary Joseph 2 Mr. John K. Jacob Mysore Mission 1 Mrs. Annamma T. George 2 Mr. John K Jacob Andhra Mission 1 Mrs. Mary Joseph 2 Mr. John K. Jacob Prison Ministry 1 Mrs. Roshni Ninan 2 Mrs. Susan Eapen Poor Patient Fund 1 Ayswariya Mariam Luke Odissa Mission 1 Mr. Abraham Philip Pazhani Hills Mission 1 Mr. Abraham Philip Uttaranjal Mission 1 Mrs. Annamma T. George 2 Mr. John K Jacob Mysore Mission 1 Mr. John K Jacob Choir 1 Mr. John K Jacob Charity 1 Mr. John K Jacob Bible Society 1 Mr. John K Jacob KUTS 1 Mr. John K Jacob Outstations 1 Mr. John K Jacob Women’s Fellowship 1 Prof. J.D. Isaac Thank Offering 1 Dr & Mrs. George P Koshy Home of Love, Parkal 1 Pattom Area Prayer 2 Pattom Area Prayer Church Maintenance 1 Mr. K.I. John 2 Mr. George Joseph Marriage Help 1 Mr. Thomas Luke 13 250 500 6,000 250 500 100 500 100 500 100 500 500 2,000 7,500 7,500 500 100 100 100 100 100 100 300 100 500 1,000 1,000 200 500 5,000 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Area Prayer Meetings Time 02-02-2015 5 PM 05-02-2015 4.30 PM 08-02-2015 4.00 PM 4.30 PM 4.30 PM Area Monday Pongumoodu – Sreekar Thursday Pattom – Plamood Name ID Mr. Wilson P. Mathew 1034 Mr. George Ninan (Prayer at Centenary Hall) 734 Sunday Peroorkada Rev. Dr. George Joseph 866 PTP Nagar – Vattiyoorkavu Mrs. Mary Mathews 1253 Kesavadasapuram Mr. Jacob George 103 (Memorial Prayer) 5.00 PM Kowdiar - Kuravankonam Mr. Satish Abraham 407 14-02-2015 Saturday 4 PM PTP Nagar – Vattiyoorkavu Mr. John K. Jacob 1288 (Prayer at Centenary Hall) 15-02-2015 Sunday 4.30 PM PTP Nagar – Vattiyoorkavu Mr. K.V. Varghese 1206 4.30 PM Med.Coll-Kannammoola Mr. J.B. Knox 438 4.30 PM Kesavadasapuram Mr. Reji Thomas (Subhathara Avenue, Mukkola) 22-02-2015 Sunday 4 PM Pettah – Manacadu Prof. (Dr) G.Joseph Antony 901 4.30 PM Poojappura - Karamana Mr. T.K. Mathew 1130 Phone 9495336753 2549503 2731110 9249461194 2551217 2313342 9497850780 2353705 2554173 2543650 2743393 2351640 CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese - Bi-centenary Celebrations 2012-16 Dear Parishioners, As you are aware, our Diocese is celebrating the Bicentenary of the arrival of the CMS Missionaries to Kerala during 2012-16, with a large number of Projects and Programmes, as advised earlier. The Diocesan Bishop has personally made an appeal addressed to each and every member of the Diocese to participate in the celebration, and contribute one month’s income spread over this period. Projects to the tune of Rs 28 crores are under execution under 5 broad heads. CSI Christ Church, being a constituent of Madhya Kerala Dioceses, it is the duty of every earning member to contribute to this cause. As on 31 st December 2014, 169 members have paid a total of Rs.29,35,601/- while we have 2074 subscribing members as per our records. The recently held Diocesan Council of our Diocese has requested that another appeal may be made to all members of the Diocese to cooperate and support the Bi-centenary Projects of the Diocese. We once again solicit your patronage and support to the Diocesan Bi-centenary Projects. Rev. Sumod C. Cherian John Kurien Prof K V Thomas (Vicar) (Church Wardens) 14 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 t\mºpW¿Øp∂ Nn¥ “Ah¿ bcpiteante°v bm{X sNøpIbmbncp∂p; tbip Ah¿°v apºmbn \S∂p; Ah¿ hnkvabn®p. A\pKan°p∂htcm `bs∏´p” (a¿t°mkv 10:32) tbiphns‚ bcpiteante°p≈ bm{X {Iqin°s∏Sphm\mWv . injy¿ Xs∂ A\pKan°p∂psh¶nepw Ah¿°v {Iqiv Gev t °≠nhcp∂n√. {IqioIcWØn¬ ]¶v tNcWsa∂Xpw AhcpsS tamlambncp∂n√. ]n∂tbm B Hgp°ns\mØv HgpIpIbmbncp∂p. CcphiØpancn°m\p≈ hcØn\p th≠nbp≈ Hgp°v, tlmi∂m.... tlmi∂ F∂ B¿∏phnfnIfn¬ HØptNcm\p≈ Hgp°v . Xo Imbp∂htcmSv IqsS tN¿∂p F√madn™o´pw F\n°dnbn√ F∂ hm°pIfpsS Hgp°v. injysc kw_‘n®nStØmfw B c£m]≤Xn°v CXn¬ Ihn™ Hc¿∞ap≠mbncp∂n√; CXn¬ Ihn™ Hc\p`hhpw D≠mbncp∂n√. tbip Ah¿°v apºmbn \S°ptºmƒ ssZhØns‚ c£m]≤Xnsb∏‰n ]e {]mhiyw ]d™n´p≠v. B ]≤Xnbnse thZ\Ifpw Zpc¥ßfpw shdpsamcp tIƒhnbmbn kzoIcn®v hcØn\pw BtLmj߃°pambncp∂p Ah¿°v XmXv ] cyw. tbiphns‚ adptNmZyw, \n߃ bmNn°p∂Xv C∂Xv F∂v \n߃ Adnbp∂n√; Rm≥ IpSn°p∂ ]m\]m{Xw IpSn∏m\pw, Rm≥ GevIp∂ kv\m\w Gev]m\pw \n߃°v Ignbptam. Hcp t\mºpImeØnte°v \mw {]thin°pIbmWv . t\mºv , ]p\cp∞m\w BtLmjn°p∂Xn\p≈ aps∂mcp°a√; ]p\cp∞m\Øns‚ `mKamWv. t\mºv ]mcºcym\pjvTm\ßfpsS ]p\xcmNcWa√; AsXmcp ioeamWv; ioeamhWw. Rmt\ev°p∂ {Iqiv acWw kzoIcn°phm≥ \n߃ k∂≤tcm F∂ tbiphns‚ tNmZytØmSv Fßs\ \mw {]XnIcn°pw? {Iqiv kzoIcn°p∂ Xn\p≈ ioeambn t\mºv cq]s∏SWw. {Iqiv tbiphn\v Hcp comfort zone Bbncp∂n√; F∂m¬ tbiphns‚ {Iqiv {InkvXphnizmknIƒ°v Hcp comfort zone BWv. thZ\IfpsS a≤yØnse Bizmkw, s\mºcßfpsS a≤yØnepw \nd™ ]p©ncn, Zpc¥ßfpsS a≤yØnepw Pohn°m\p≈ tamlw. CXv t\SnØcp∂Xv tbiphns‚ {IqimWv . B {IqimWv {]Xymi \¬Ip∂Xv. 2015 DW¿Δns‚ h¿jambn (Year of Revival) almbnShI th¿Xncn®ncn°p∂p. DW¿Δv tIhesamcp Cf°s∏cp∏a√; D∂Xamb hnizmkØns‚bpw \n›bZm¿VyØns‚bpw {]Xn^e\amIWw. Cu {]Xn^e\w F√m Xeßfnepw D≠mIWw. \sΩ Xs∂ ssZhk∂n[nbn¬ hnt[bs∏SpØm\pw \Ωnse DW¿Δn\v XS amIp∂hsb Is≠Øm\pw t\mºv klmbIam Is´. hnkvabn®v, `bs∏´v ]nºmbn \S°m\√; Hcpan®v bcpiteante°v bm{X sNøphm≥ {InkvXp \sΩ £Wn°p∂p. Rev. Saji Cheriyan Mammen 15 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Getting married – What Christian Youth ought to Know What a paradox of the times we are living in! Our world is wired for instant communication but people are becoming more and more impersonal and selfish. Violence and crime is on the rise. And our young men and women are in desperate search of that strange sensation called love in an otherwise unfriendly world. They attempt to decide their own destiny unguided by parents and elders. Many of them realize too late that there is no love in the relationship they eagerly rushed into and proceed to unmake the decisions they took earlier. They presume their lives are their own and are not the concern of anybody else. The result is chaos and unhappiness spreading all around, as a rogue virus on mission to poison whole communities. What is Christian Marriage? Did you ever notice that God did not give the choice of a woman to Adam? Had God wanted, it would have been a trivial exercise for Him to give life to dozens of women in different colours, shapes and sizes and then ask Adam to choose one! In the biblical account of creation we do not learn as to when exactly God made Eve. Probably many years lapsed before Adam realised his need for human companionship. Then God paraded all His creation before Adam to see what He would name each bird and each animal. Whatever name Adam gave to each bird or animal that was final. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. [Genesis 2:20] The scripture continues, “So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called `woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become ONE flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” [Genesis 2:21-25] And why ONE? – Because God was seeking godly offspring. [Malachi 2:15] In many cultures marriage is treated as a contract. A Christian marriage is a covenant between a man and woman with God Himself as witness [Malachi 2:14]. What may we infer from the narration above? Firstly, man found no suitable companion among all the birds and animals. This is significant since later when sin and perversion entered the world, God had to issue explicit laws. In today’s world where homosexuality and lesbianism is flaunted openly as a mark of cultural emancipation God 16 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 had given clear rules to His people more than 3000 years ago [Leviticus 18:22-23].The second and the most important fact is that there is no provision for divorce in Christian marriage. How can it be otherwise, when the man and woman united in marriage becomes ONE flesh? “I hate divorce, says the LORD God of Israel” [Malachi 2:16] should make absolutely clear God’s take on marriage.This is affirmed by Jesus as well. He told the Pharisees, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery” [Mathew 19:8-9]. Lastly, we notice that the man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. It symbolizes the ideal marriage where the man and woman had no secret to hide from each other or from God. Lastly, from Genesis 2:7 we would clearly understand that both the flesh and the spirit belong to God. The Psalmist states this fact beautifully. “Know that the LORD is God. It is he, who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” [Psalm 100:3] God has a plan and purpose for us Science tells us that there are no new cells other than the division of pre-existing cells. Virchow is to biology what Einstein is to Physics. His famous epigram “omniscellulae cellula” (all cells come from cells) was published in 1855. Clearly, if Adam was made by God, all of us who have descended from Adam also belong to God. God did not create us without a purpose.‘“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” [Jeremiah 29:11]. His plans include marriage since He is seeking godly offspring. Satan too has a plan If God has plans for our prosperity Satan has plans for our destruction. His plan is to destroy the institution of marriage itself. Without healthy marriages there cannot be families producing godly offspring. Understanding Satan’s plan is elementary, as the legendary Sherlock Homes would tell Doctor Watson. We only have to recognize that families makea community, communities constitute a Nation and Nations form the world. The world we live is saturated with sexual innuendos all around. Whether in print or electronic media, one cannot fail to notice sexual content that teases the young and the old towards a hedonistic way of life totally contrary to the word of God. Parents have the most important role to guide their children. Unfortunately many 17 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 do not perform their duty either out of sheer ignorance of God’s word or in the mistaken notion of being modern in outlook. The Bible does not say sex is bad or evil. Else God would not have included Songs of Solomon in our scriptures. Sex is to be enjoyed strictly within the framework of God ordained marriage. The dilemma of a Christian adolescent Our teenagers are no doubt under tremendous peer pressure to imitate the ways of the rest of the world. They will indeed find the going tough, unless they had been taught during their childhood to decide the right and the wrong based on the infallible word of God. Teenagers invariably think that their parents are outdated and not in sync with the times. Hence they take matters into their own hands on issues like marriage which affect them in a deeply personal way. But God’s laws are eternal and do not change with the times. Honour your father and mother is the first commandment with the promise of long life. It is relevant even today and so are the rest of the commandments. Today’s teenagers find matchmaking by parents an archaic practice. If parents involve God in the exercise, they cannot go wrong in selectingthe perfect partner for their children since God has said He has a plan for us and is seeking godly offspring. When our lives are aligned to doing God’s will in ALL matters and not selectively as per our whims and fancies, we are sure to hear the voice of God as promised in Isaiah 30:21.Earlier we observed that God did not give choice of the woman to Adam. Whatever God decides ought to be PERFECT. Don’t you agree? Christian marriage in a nutshell If you have come thus far, you would have understood that Christian marriage is not about us. It is all about God. It is a covenant between a man and a woman in the presence of God as the witness. It is about God desiring to have godly offspring. Hence Apostle Paul cautions us “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers” [2 Corinthians 6:14]. Apostle Peter likens the people of God to living stones being built into a spiritual house [1 Peter 2:5]. Christian marriage models the wedding of Jesus the Lamb with the Church as the bride when Jesus would return in glory. Conclusion What a great responsibility then, marriage imposes!If we are serving the LORD, God says, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. ”[Hebrew 13:5] What could we lack when Jehovah-Jireh, the God “who provides” is with us in our journey? “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” [Ecclesiastes 4:12] E. Ebenezer Rajakumar (ID 428) 18 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Lent – a Time of Reconciliation “leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” (Matt 5:24) Ever since man’s fall, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were expelled from Eden, there has always been the need for reconciliation of man with God and man with man. Cain killed his brother Abel and there was no possibility of Cain reconciling with Abel thereafter. Soon we see the degeneration among humans and by the time of Noah we see how God sent a flood to destroy mankind and animals because of man’s sin. So the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.” Gen 6:7 While we may treat sin rather lightly, God sees it as something so terrible that he was sorry that He had made man! When Jesus says that we should leave the gift before the altar and offer the gift only after reconciling with our brother, does He not indicate the urgency of reconciliation? The sin of man has such grievous consequences that God had to send His own Son to die the most humiliating and painful death on the cross. We are so familiar with the account of Jesus life, death and resurrection that we fail to realise its significance. And by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. Col 1:20 Yet despite all this, as humans we give a rather low priority to reconciliation. There is increasing conflict within the individual, within the family, between spouses, between siblings, between communities and among the various tribes/nations in our world. So many terrible atrocities of rape, murder, suicide, terrorism and the like are seen in the daily news, that we have come to think of them as the norm. Do we wonder or dream of God’s original intention for man in the garden of Eden? The world economy, aided by technology and globalization, seems to be promoting greater manifestation of selfishness and greed. The planet 19 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 earth has become so spiritually, morally and physically polluted that healthy life is seriously endangered. This is all leading to further alienation among humans. Christians (as people of the Light) have a responsibility in reconciliation. While rivalry, revenge, vengeance, etc. may be expected among the people who have never heard or believed the Gospel, it is a sad fact that reconciliation is not a top priority even for people who claim to know God. During this season of Lent, before we remember the events on Good Friday and Easter, let us focus on the reconciling ministry of the Son of God. Why is reconciliation not a priority for us? We grieve the Spirit of God by holding on to grudges or even by belittling or ignoring our brothers. Our social customs have “evolved” so much that even the nuclear families are breaking down. Traditional and Biblical concept of marriage is giving way to modern godless concepts, and sadly and frighteningly these are finding their way even into the Church! All the more reason to pray, submitting ourselves afresh to the task of reconciliation. Hopefully, it will help us to be mutually more reconciled to each other and be agents of reconciliation (peace makers) in our fallen world. It may not be possible to have perfect relationships here now in our fallen world. Sickness, pain, strife and death are part of our fallen world as it is said: “For we know that the whole creation groans and labours with birth pangs together until now. Not only [that,] but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body.” Rom 8:22-23 But we have the glorious Hope of Perfect relationships in heaven. Hallelujah! Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed [are] those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’ “ And he said to me, “These are the true sayings of God.” Rev 19:9 “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.” Rev 21:1 20 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 “There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.” Rev 22:5 Bible Commentator Mathew Henry states “The new heaven and the new earth will not be separate from each other; the earth of the saints, their glorified bodies, will be heavenly. The old world, with all its troubles and tumults, will have passed away. There will be no sea; this aptly represents freedom from conflicting passions, temptations, troubles, changes, and alarms; from whatever can divide or interrupt the communion of saints. This new Jerusalem is the church of God in its new and perfect state, the church triumphant. Its blessedness came wholly from God, and depends on him. The presence of God with his people in heaven, will not be interrupted as it is on earth, he will dwell with them continually. All effects of former trouble shall be done away. They have often been in tears, by reason of sin, of affliction, of the calamities of the church; but no signs, no remembrance of former sorrows shall remain. Christ makes all things new. If we are willing and desirous that the gracious Redeemer should make all things new in our hearts and nature, he will make all things new in respect of our situation, till he has brought us to enjoy complete happiness.” Till the day we enjoy the perfect relationship with God and with others (as was originally intended in Eden), we need to strive for reconciliation and peace as this is God’s will for us. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Amen (Bible references are from New King James Version) Abraham Koshie (ID 273) Lenten Services During the Lenten Period, beginning on Wednesday 5th March 2014, Evening services in Malayalam will be held at the Church on all Wednesdays from 6.00 PM to 7.00 PM. A Holy Eucharist Service will be conducted on 5th March 2014 (Ash Wednesday) and Evening Services will be conducted on all other Wednesdays. During this period there will be no services in English on Wednesday evenings. 21 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 MKD Bi-centenary Projects Collections Received from April 2013 to 31st December 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Mr. Varkey John E. Mr. Joy Joseph Mr. Abraham Philip Mrs. Annie Eapen Mrs. Santha Joseph Mr. George M. Mrs. Marykutty Abraham 101 36,000 106 2,000 109 34,000 110 10,000 115 10,000 119 20,000 Philip 120 25,000 Mr. K.I. Jacob 124 7,000 Mrs. Mary George 130 10,000 Mr. John Varghese 137 10,000 Mr. E. John Philip 139 1,000 Mr. Mathew Kurien K. 140 10,001 Mr. P.V. Kuruvilla 141 5,000 Mr. Easow Kurien 142 5,000 Mrs. Saramma Thomas 153 45,000 Mr. Kurien Thomas 154 47,500 Mr. T.K. Mathew 159 50,000 Mr. M V Daniel 160 15,000 Mrs. Mariamma John 165 5,000 Mr. Kevin B Jacob 168 25,000 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Mathew 170 3,000 Mrs. Sophy Cherian 172 5,000 Mr. K V Benchamin 173 6,000 Rev. Mathai John 176 2,000 Prof. George Thomas 178 20,000 Mr. John Joseph 182 5,000 Mr. K.M. George 183 30,000 Mr. A.V. Abraham 201 2,000 Mr. Varghese Chacko 209 2,000 Mr. & Mrs. Rajeev George Jacob 215 50,000 Mr. J.E. Mathew 225 20,000 Brig.(Retd) Oommen John 229 24,000 Mr. V.O. John 243 25,000 Mr. George Koshie 272 150,000 Mr. T.I. Cheriyan 311 40,000 Mr. T.V. Jacob 315 10,000 Mr. M.K. Varghese 316 20,000 Mr. Mathew Zachariah P. 325 5,000 Mr. Suresh George & 331 25,000 Very Rev. Matthew Matthew 340 2,000 Mr. Mani Mathen 341 10,000 Dr. Abhilash V. Jacob 344 10,000 Dr. K I Kurien 408 30,000 Mr. John Mathew 413 5,000 Mr. P. George Varghese 425 10,000 Mr. John M. John 503 50,000 Mrs. Molly Varghese 504 25,000 Ms. Salini Sherin Koshy 509 1,500 Mr. Saki Koshy Abraham 509 100,000 Mrs. Leela Joseph 511 2,000 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 22 Mr. Kurien Eapen Thomas 515 6,000 Mrs. Alice Thomas 541 6,000 Mr. A.J. Thomas 543 21,000 Mrs. Mary Thomas 544 20,000 Mrs. Elizabeth Oommen 545 25,000 Mr. Jacob Rajan E. 550 108,000 Mr. P.V. Varkey & Dr Anna Varkey 555 20,000 Mr. Joseph George 559 5,000 Mr. P.I. John 568 1,000 Mr. M.M. John 604 12,000 Mr. M. Mani 610 2,000 Mr. Y. Thomas 616 15,000 Mrs. Molly Chandy 623 5,000 Dr. Shibu Thomas 624 18,500 Mrs. Kunjukunjamma Oommen 625 5,000 Mrs. Molly George 626 35,000 Sr. Annamma Mathew 631 4,200 Mr. Titus Mathew 632 3,500 Mr. Philip John Varghese 634 20,000 Mr. A.S. John 647 24,000 Ms. Lillykutty Mathai 703 2,000 Mr. Roy Mathai 703 2,000 Mr. K.M. Abraham 706 10,000 Mr. Korah Abraham 706 15,000 Dr. Mohan John Mathew 707 2,000 Mr. Cherian George 710 10,000 Mr. K. K. George 714 19,000 Mr. P.C. Varghese 717 8,000 Dr. Ajoy Mathew Varghese717 27,000 Mr. P.T. Abraham 719 100,000 Mr. K.I. Cherian 721 15,000 Mr Mathew K Abraham 723 14,000 Mr. V.S. Samuel 727 2,000 Mr. George Ninan 734 7,000 Mr P A Thomas 736 6,000 Mr. K M Mathen 744 8,000 Mr. Beju Joseph 802 19,000 Mrs. Rajamma Joseph 802 12,000 Mr. Daniel Mathew 806 24,000 Mr. V.C. Kurian 807 20,000 Mr. Mathew Thomas 811 30,000 Mr. P.K. Mathew 821 5,000 Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis & 823 10,000 Mr. Suresh Mathew Verghis & 823A Mr. John Kurien 827 15,000 Mr. K K Koshy & 829 60,000 Mr. George Daniel 833 4,000 Mr. K I Mathew 840 5,000 Mr. K.V. Cherian 846 10,000 Mr. A.G. Abraham 851 1,000 Mr. Mani Joseph 860 5,000 TIDINGS 102 Mr. Sudhir Verghis 870 103 Mr. C. Daniel Thomas 873 104 Dr. Mohan Mathew 880 105 Mr. Varghese Oommen 887 106 Mr. P.M. Varkey 888 107 Mr. M.J. Kuruvilla 889 108 Mr. William Mani 890 109 Rev Dr. K.K. Koshy 893 110 Mr. K.C. Mani 894 111 Mr. Isaac Itty 905 112 Dr. P. George Easow 906 113 Mr. Abraham Jacob 907 114 Mr. Anoop Abraham 907 115 Mr. P.J. Chandy 908 116 Mr. C.A. Abraham 909 117 Dr. Minny Mary Mammen 915 118 Mr. I. Mathew 920 119 Mr. K J. George 921 120 Mr. Joseph George 923 121 Mr. Abraham Koshy 1001 122 Dr Alexander Mathew 1003 123 Prof. K.V. Thomas & 1008 124 Dr. Cherian Jacob & 1009 125 Mr. John Kurien 1011 126 Mr. Pearse Thomas 1013 127 Mr. Rajan P. Eapen 1014 128 Mr. Samuel P. 1015 129 Mrs. Daisy Mani 1022 130 Mr. Jacob George 1023 131 Lt. Col. Dr. Kurian George 1025 132 Mr. Rajan George 1027 133 Dr. P.V. Joy 1029 134 Mr. K.M. Kuriakose 1031 135 Dr. Oommen V. Oommen 1037 136 Mr Samuel John 1041 137 Mr. P.J. George 1044 FEBRUARY 2015 15,000 3,500 36,000 10,000 24,000 10,000 2,000 25,000 7,200 10,000 38,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 35,000 15,000 12,500 12,500 9,000 50,000 25,000 1,000 500 10,000 50,000 15,000 30,000 17,000 6,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 138 Mrs. Aleyamma Chandy 1049 36,000 139 Mr. Eipe Kuruvilla 1104 25,000 140 Mr. M.S. Joseph IAS (Retd.) 1115 100,000 141 Mr. Thomas Jacob 1117 20,000 142 Mr. Y. John 1126 20,000 143 Mrs. Suja Prasad 1137 4,000 144 Mr. Sam John M. 1202 10,000 145 Mr Paul Mathew 1203 2,000 146 Mr. Joseph Eapen 1210 1,000 147 Adv. P.P. Varghese 1213 9,500 148 Mr. Christy G. Mathai 1222 5,000 149 Mr P K Luke 1223 31,000 1227 25,000 150 Mr. Joshy Oommen 151 Mr. P J Joseph 1238 20,000 152 Mr. Thomas Oommen 1248 20,000 153 Mrs Marykutty Abraham 1263 4,000 154 Mr. Koshy Oommen 1274 5,000 155 Mr. Jacob Sanjay John 1288 3,000 156 Mr. P. George Koshy 1290 5,000 157 Mr. P. Jacob Easow _ 3,000 158 Mrs. Mary Koshie _ 20,000 159 Fern Hill Bethel Hostel _ 10,000 160 Ms. Leelamma _ 200 161 Mr. George Cherian _ 15,000 162 Mr. P. G. George _ 10,000 163 Ms. Jency Elizabeth Peter 1030 A 30,000 164 Mrs. Achamma Thomas 1105 A 10,000 165 Mrs. Sosamma Varghese 155 A 15,000 166 Mr. Mammen Joseph 170 A 4,000 167 Mr. Koshy John Madavana 325 A 14,500 168 Mr. Joju Philip 844 A 1,000 169 Mr. M.K. Philip 865 A 10,000 29,35,601 B¬flmb s^temjn∏v ˛ t^m¿´v anj≥ kvIqfnse Ip´nIƒ°p≈ bqWnt^mw hnXcWw 23 TIDINGS FEBRUARY 2015 Drop your answers in the suggestion box before 22nd February B I B L E C R O S S W O R D - 69 ACROSS 1. Moses was of this tribe 3. John here wrote Revelation 6. Son of Zephaniah (Zechariah 6:14) 7. Collective pronoun 9. Jezebel’s king husband 12. A member of the deer family 13. In Ezra 10:3, we read where God told the Israelites to put away their “strange ___ that they had married” 15. Father of Ahab 16. First word of the Bible 17. A city of Edom 18. Adam’s wife 21. Psalm 23:4 says, “Though I ___ through the valley of the shadow of death” 22. Man who was hanged on gallows he had built for another 23. The first home of Adam and Eve 26. High Priest who had Samuel as a student 27. Was said by Paul to have forsaken him, having loved this present world 30. This was placed on Jesus, along with the crown of thorns 32. Where grapes grow 33. Form of verb "to be" 35. Tribe Samson came from 37. Colossians 1:18 tells us that Christ is the Head of the ___, the church 39. In Romans 10:2, Paul spoke of people who had “___ without knowledge” 41. God told Abram, "And in you ____ the families of the earth shall be blessed." 42. The first book of the Minor Prophets 43. Female lamb 44. Ruth was born here 24 DOWN 2. One of David's Mighty Men 3. Matthew was one 4. These follow a shepherd 5. Liquid used with which to write 8. Being a living sacrifice is the Christian’s reasonable ____ 10. One of eight Flood survivors 11. Separates us from God 13. Jesus referred to the Jews of His day as a “___ and adulterous generation” 14. There is much of this in a desert 19. Ham and Japheth’s brother 20. Jesus said that the fields were “___ unto harvest” 21. In the O.T., this is what the Philistines often made against Israel 24. Samson’s mistress 25. Condition Job came from his mother's womb 28. One of the two men that held up Moses' hands during the battle with Amalek 29. Father of Joshua 30. She hid spies 31. Contains 66 books 34. Book before Nehemiah 36. He offered a more-excellent sacrifice 38. Cease to live 40. He pitched his tent toward Sodom AMBATT PRINTERS # 9388542776
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