JANUARY 2015 Newsletter Rowntree P.S. Principal: Mrs. Kristensen-Irvine “Mrs. K-I” Vice-Principals: Ms. S. Johnson Mrs. M. Haslett Office Manager: Mrs. C. Rowley Office Assistants: Mrs. M. Hutchinson Mrs. S. Gardiman Inside this issue: Winter Clothing 2 EQAO 2 Literacy Conference 2 Basketball Extravaganzas 2 Extreme Weather 3 Fundraising Update 3 Library News 3 Sick Kids 3 Basketball Team 3 Student of the Month 4 Celebrations 4 Upcoming Events 4 Wishing our families & neighbours Peace & Happiness in 2015. A special thank you to Mrs. Le Sarge and staff for organizing a fabulous concert on December 16, 2014. The air was festive and the children were fantastic! FRENCH IMMERSION DEADLINE - JANUARY 30, 2015. Parents must register children for entry into grade 1 FI by 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 30, 2015. To register your child for FI, go to the online registration form at www.peelschools.org/ parents/programs/French/registration. This is for kindergarten children born in 2009 only. CLOSING SCHOOLS DUE TO BAD WEATHER During the winter months, we may need to cancel buses or close schools because of bad weather. The board decides by 6:45 a.m. whether to cancel buses or close schools. To find out if busing is cancelled or schools closed, visit www.peelschools.org or call 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146. You will receive one of the following messages: Peel District School Board buses are cancelled. Schools remain open for students and staff, but buses are cancelled. Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities that require busing will also be cancelled. Permits, night school classes, daycare and other activities in schools will operate as usual. All Peel District School Board schools and board offices are closed. Due to weather conditions, schools and board offices are closed to students and staff. All activities in schools and board offices are also cancelled, including daycare, night school and permits. All evening programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled. Due to weather conditions, all activities in schools and board offices are cancelled, including continuing education courses and events. The buildings will be closed. All weekend programs and permits at the Peel District School Board are cancelled. Due to weather conditions, all activities in schools and board offices are cancelled, including continuing education courses and events. The buildings will be closed. MRS. ROWLEY IS RETIRING Many of you have had the pleasure of knowing Mrs. Candice Rowley for many years. Her contributions to the success of Rowntree P.S. have been enormous! She has been on the front line in the office as the Office Manager, helping students and parents and staff, since the school opened in 2005. She has worked for the Peel District School Board since 1987. Now, it is time for Mrs. Rowley to enjoy some time for herself as she begins her retirement in January, 2015. We wish Mrs. Rowley all the best as she starts her “Next Chapter”! She will enjoy some travel, time with family and friends, and, we hope, revisiting Rowntree P.S. whenever she can. On January 23rd, we invite the community to a Celebration Assembly for Mrs. Rowley at 10:15 a.m. to thank her for all that she has done at Rowntree P.S. and beyond, and to wish her well, as she begins her retirement. 254 Queen Mary Drive, Brampton, L7A 3L6, Ontario. Tel: (905) 840-4601 Peel District School Board WINTER CLOTHING – WINTER IS OFFICIALLY HERE! It is extremely important that the students come to school dressed appropriately for the winter weather conditions. Remember to consider the wind chill factor (wind velocity) when determining the actual temperature. Congratulations to students wearing their indoor shoes. In order to prevent spending time during the day in wet shoes, indoor footwear is required. Students should wear boots to school. Mittens and hats are also necessary. One never knows when the fire alarm can cause us to exit the building within seconds. Once the alarm sounds, everyone must exit the building; there is no time for putting on shoes, boots, coats, etc. Let’s hope that we don’t have an emergency! Please check to see that your son or daughter comes to school properly attired for the weather. Canada Safety Council recommends the following tips for staying comfortable and preventing hypothermia when working or playing outdoors: Eat high-energy food such as raisins. Wear layered clothing. Layers allow warm air to stay trapped around the body. Protect your feet and hands. Wear loose waterproof boots. If the boots have liners, carry an extra pair to replace damp ones or take an extra pair of socks. Mittens are warmer than gloves. Carry an extra pair of mittens to school, on outings, etc. Prevent dehydration and exhaustion, which can lead to hypothermia. Drink plenty of fluids and pace yourself when doing vigorous activities. Wear a warm hat—most body heat is lost through the head. Children should keep an extra hat at school. Stay fit by exercising and eating well—people who are fit are less susceptible to hypothermia. If you stay indoors, avoid moving from a hot environment to a cold one. Excessive sweating caused from an extreme change in temperature increases the risk of developing hypothermia. If you are travelling (on the road or in the wilderness) carry emergency supplies. EQAO: PROVINCIAL TESTING PROGRAMME FOR OUR GRADE 3 STUDENTS The Province Wide testing for Grade 3 students will take place May 25th through June 5th, 2015. It is very important that Grade 3 students be at school for the full day during testing. Thank you in advance for making every effort to avoid setting up outside appointments or scheduling holidays on these dates. BASKETBALL EXTRAVAGANZAS Basketball Extravaganza were held for the grade 2, 3, 4 and 5 students. Congratulations to the top 6 boys and girls, from each grade, who received a special certificate and announced their names on the P.A. system. All students displayed being a good sport. Well done everyone!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO MR. MORTON’S GRADE 5 class for making a difference for children around the world. On December 3rd they held a bake sale to raise money for the charity Operation Rainbow Canada. This charity provides surgeries for children born with Cleft Lip/Palates. In the classroom, they made cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread men, brownies and sugar cookies from scratch. They raised a total of $511. Excellent work Grade 5's! EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS DURING LUNCH HOUR During extreme winter temperatures, students will remain indoors over the lunch hour with the supervisors on duty. Students who go home for lunch are to go to the office when returning to school. Students will also remain indoors for recess during extreme weather conditions. LIBRARY NEWS Blue Spruce and Silver Birch reading programs will begin in the new year. We will be reading some new Canadian books and voting on our favourite one! Visit your local Public Library or Chapters Bookstore if you would like to start reading some of these great books! Mrs. Plews still needs parent volunteers, who have their completed criminal record checks, to help shelve books. Any help would be greatly appreciated! SICK CHILDREN SHOULD REMAIN AT HOME UNTIL THEY ARE HEALTHY On occasion, parents request that children be kept in at recess because they are not well. In the interest of their own personal health and the health of the other students and staff, children who are not well should remain at home until they are healthy. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BASKETBALL TEAM Our Rowntree co-ed basketball team has been very busy practising. Congratulations to all of the athletes for their superb performance! Thank you Mrs. Cheema and Mr. Fisher for their time and effort in working with our athletes. In November, they participated in the Cassie Campbell Classic Tournament. Our team did extremely well and made it to the championship game. It was a close game, the team played well, however, we lost by 2 points! The pennant highlighting Rowntree as the Runners-up will be mounted on our gym wall. In December we participated in the Central Peel High School First Annual co-ed basketball tournament for grade 4 and 5 students. Once again our team did extremely well and made it to the championship game. The game was close and we lost by a few points. A second pennant highlighting Rowntree as the Runners-up will be mounted on our gym wall. Rowntree is very proud of our Basketball team. Job Well Done Team!!! KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FEBRUARY 2nd to 5th, 2015 We look forward to meeting our newest little students! Children born in 2011 are eligible to start kindergarten year one. Registration will take place at Rowntree P. S. on February 2th, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and one evening on Feb. 5th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. To assist us with registration, please fill out the pre-registration form below and return it to the school A.S.A.P. A registration package will be sent to you in the middle of January with your appointment time. Child's Name: _______________________Child's Birth Date: YY/MM/DD: 20__/ __ /__ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home: ____________ Work: _____________ email: ________________ Parents names: _____________________________ / _____________________________ Sibling(s) attending Rowntree: Name/Teacher: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ I prefer my appointment time to be: Date: ___________________ Time: _____________ If you have a neighbour or friend with a child born in 2011. Please share this with them. Thank You. Traffic safety in our community Safety is a top priority at our school. Here is a list of traffic tips to keep students, staff and parents safe while commuting to and from school. Respect traffic signs and road markers around the school. Drive slowly and with caution on and near school property. Adhere to the posted speed limits on any surrounding streets used by students on their way to and from school. Always yield to pedestrian traffic. Wait for students, staff members and parents to cross before driving past them. When dropping your child off at the school, use the Kiss'n'Ride area. This is a supervised area that is designed to keep students safe. Do not double park or do anything else to block traffic or draw your child off the curb and into traffic. Do not take shortcuts over curbs. Have your child ready to exit the car when you reach the curb. Say goodbye to your child before you park at the curb to let your child out of your car. During regular drop-off times, students are to remain in the car until it is safe for them to exit the car onto the curb. Follow the directions of staff or volunteers on duty in the school parking lot and treat staff, students, volunteers, passengers and other drivers with respect. Consider parking off site and walking a short distance to school. This will give you time to talk to your children about their day, review new vocabulary words, math concepts, etc. Remind your child to only cross the street at an intersection or crosswalk. They should never “jaywalk” by crossing in the middle of the street. STUDENT OF THE MONTH Mrs. Alderman Ms. Campbell Ms. Gilpin Mrs. Kornblum Mrs. Laidlaw Ms. Li Ms. Mayer Jeevat B. Amrit G. Mihira R. Paris C. Reena U. Mehtab S. Jaya S. Josiah S. Aidan T. Anthony T. Sartaj J. Navneer V. Gurnoor B. Nasr R. Martin V. Saffron M. Mercedes R. Raminderjit N. Melissa G. Amber A. Mlle McGurrin Mrs. Elder Mrs. Jackson-Lloyd Ms. Kristensen Mr. Belliveau Ms. O’Hanlon Gurnoor K. Jia T. Malcolm J. Angelica D. Nate L. Rhea S. Gurliv A. Abisha S. Gurjap J. Rhianna L. Akshaya A. Muhammad H. Bhavjeet T. Selena T. Kobisan K. Mehar B. Mr. Carr Mrs. Nelson Ms. Waite Ms. Sandilands Mrs. Paul Mrs. Cadeau Ms. Felker Mrs. Atkison Carl F. Ruquaiya M. Daksh S. Navaneethan S. Marleigh E. Christopher D. Zahra R. Yusuf B. Udayvir D. Maddisen P. Aathmika V. Devin N. Nyas P. Ekamjot B. Shujian N. Mme Millar Mlle Ramasawmy Mrs. Redpath Ms. Chamberlain Mrs. Medd Mme Handa Mr. Mezei Ms. Stinson Amir I. Selene L. Kendall P. Nirvan G. Mya L. Darian B. Ashwin K. Kaylah S. Jaskaran N. Tamanna J. Akshayan S. Vaishaly B. Ramadhan A. Ashhal A. Pawanjot B. Mrs. Vidad Ms. Kergan Ms. Caissie Mlle Riccardi Mme Schrier Mr. Morton Mr. Sawh Ms. Burnett Jayden M. Afsha A. Sukhman B. Ajit S. Gurleen M. Nishil P. Snehal D. Arpitha A. Christian L. Remil T. Mustapha M. Avneet A. Vagishan S. Anureet G. Kyle B. Kirandeep H. Daria D. Dereyck S. Art Music Computers Phys. Ed. French Devak S. Tamanna K. Mrs. Redpath’s class Harleen B. Arravinth N. Vikram S. Kim B. Cererian C. Delayna N. Ravneet K. Mia M. Mrs. Mathur Mrs. Enright Mr. Bara DAYS OF COMMEMORATION & CELEBRATION: JANUARY Buddhism Christianity: Sikhism: Hinduism: Islam Canadian Holidays: 1st 7th 27th 31st 1st 6th 7th 14th 19th 5th 13th 13th 14th 24th 3rd 1st Temple Day Amitabha Buddha’s Birthday Sakyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment Lunar New Year/Moutreya Bodhisattra’s Birthday New Year’s Day Epiphany Christmas (J) New Year’s Day (J) Epiphany (J) Birth of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Maghi Lohri Maker Sankranti Vasant Panchami Milad-un-Nabi New Year’s Day UPCOMING EVENTS February 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th February 10th February 17th February 19th February 26th Kindergarten Registration February 6th Lockdown Drill February 13th Lunch Letters Go Home February 18th Lunar New Year February 20th Student of the Month Assembly (Lunar New Year) Report Cards Go Home Red and White Day Wear colours of Heritage Day Black History Assembly
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