Holy Trinity Catholic Church February 2015 Parishioner Spotlight To introduce or re-introduce members of our parish family, a Parishioner Spotlight will be published in the newsletter each month. The Pickens Family (left to right): Mark, Mallory, Monica, Meredith, Matthew The Pickens family joined Holy Trinity in October of 2014. They are former parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Ozark since 2002. Mark and Monica met in Mississippi while Monica was attending the University of South Alabama and Mark was serving in the US Navy. Mark is currently an Agency Owner and Monica a Claims Representative for Farmers Insurance. They have three children, Mallory, Meredith & Matthew. Mallory graduated from Springfield Catholic in 2012 and is a junior at Missouri State University. Meredith is a junior at Springfield Catholic and plays Volleyball and is also a member of National Honor Society. Matthew is in the 7th grade at St. Agnes and plays baseball and soccer and is also a member of student council. The family enjoys spending time at the lake, camping, and the St Louis Cardinals! Page 2 We welcome and congratulate those recently baptized into our Catholic faith! Jacob Bernard Basecke, son of Jacob & Keary Basecke Collection for The Mirror The weekend of February 7 and 8 is the collection for The Mirror, our diocese newspaper. For only $14 for an annual subscription, parish families get information about activities and events throughout our diocese, insight from Bishop Johnston, and timely, significant articles by other authorities on our faith. Please use the envelope in your monthly packet marked “The Mirror.” Social Teachings: Constituative To Our Catholic Faith By Mike DePue Welcome New Parishioners! We are happy to welcome the following families to our Holy Trinity Parish Family: Katie Bromley Anthony & Sara Catania Andrew & Connie Eck Roy & Lois Smith Knitting & Crocheting Group The Knitting & Crocheting Group meetings this month will be Monday, February 2 at 2:00 p.m.; Monday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m.; and Monday, February 23 at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome at any of our meetings—you don’t even have to knit or crochet—just enjoy conversation and laughter! Relay For Life Team Holy Trinity’s Relay For Life Team will meet Monday, February 2 at 6:00 p.m. in the Father Allen Room. We will finalize plans for our February bake sale. If you would like to help us in the fight against cancer, please join us at the meeting, or call or text Tina Kile at (417) 827-3165. MADP The Springfield Chapter of the Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP) will meet Monday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Trinity Room. Help us work to end executions in Missouri. For more information contact Donna at 417-459-2960 or visit www.madpmo.org. FAITH IN ACTION Winner of more than 30 major film awards, “The Human Experience” is the story of two brothers; they are brought into the middle of the lives of the homeless on the streets of New York City and also visit a leper colony in Ghana and abandoned children in Peru. The brothers are awakened to the beauty of the human person, the resilience of the human spirit, and the humanity to be found in one another. The Archdiocese of Denver calls this “an astonishing witness [that] shouldn’t be missed.” Join us on Tuesday, February 3, 9:4510:45 a.m. in the Parish Center for film and discussion; just follow the signs. St. Vincent de Paul Society Holy Trinity’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet on Thursday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m. in the Father Allen Room. Our focus is helping the less fortunate in the Springfield area with acceptance and compassion. All are welcome at any time! For information about our organization and how to help, contact Karon Kessler at 417-827-5393. Men’s Club First Friday Rosary, Mass & Breakfast The Holy Trinity Men’s Club celebrates the First Friday of the month starting at 6:00 a.m. praying the Rosary, celebrating Mass at 6:30 and following Mass sharing breakfast in the Social Hall. This event is open to everyone wishing to attend! What better way to come together by beginning the day in prayer and friendship. Mark your calendar and join us on Friday, February 6! A different chef and menu each month! Why not mark your calendar and plan to be there this month! Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament During Lent During Lent, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be held on Wednesdays following the 9:00 a.m. Mass, and continuing until 6:00 p.m. in the Day Chapel. Ash Wednesday is February 18, 2015; the first Wednesday of the Lenten Season Exposition will also be held on each of the following dates: February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, and March 25. There will be no Wednesday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during Holy Week; instead Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be held following the 7:00 p.m. Holy Thursday Mass until 10:00 p.m. Sign-up sheets will be available in the chapel vestibule from Thursday through Tuesday of each week during Lent. Please indicate if you will be attending exposition at the same time each week. This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with the Lord in thanksgiving for all our many blessings, and to reflect on the suffering that was endured by Christ for our Salvation. St. Anthony’s Guild The regular meeting of St. Anthony’s Guild will take place following the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Monday, February 9, in the Father Allen Room. Bring your scissors and materials for our blanket projects. Sharon will be our February hostess. We wish the following members Happy Birthday: Louise on February 13 Henrietta on February 23 May God continue to bless each of you! Our Lady Rosary Makers Our Lady Rosary Makers meets twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Consult the bulletin for additional notices/information about meeting dates. We will meet in the parish office workroom following the 6:30 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, February 11, and 25. K of C Breakfast The Knights of Columbus will serve their monthly breakfast on Sunday, February 8 beginning at 9:15 a.m. Join us in the Social Hall for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits and gravy, fruit, coffee and juice. Donations are welcome! Blood Pressure Screenings The Holy Trinity Health Ministry provides blood pressure screenings on the second Sunday of each month from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. in the parish center. Our next scheduled screening will take place on Sunday, February 8. Look for us in the hall next to the Social Hall where the Knights of Columbus monthly breakfast is held. Senior Retirees The Senior Retirees will not meet in February 2015. We hope to be back in March when the weather is more predictable. If you would like to learn how to make a mission cord or chain rosary, please contact Sharon at 314-504-3496. Advance notice required for all first time attendees. Start up materials provided for all first timers! In the event of inclement weather, please call to verify that we will be meeting. Holy Trinity Health Ministry Alzheimer's Support Group The H. T. Health Ministry’s Alzheimer’s Support Group monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Trinity Room. Attendees are encouraged to park behind the parish kitchen and enter through the brown double doors. If you would like additional information about the group, or about joining the group, please contact Mary Schiman at 872-5155. All inquiries and group sessions are kept in the strictest confidence. St. Monica’s Guild St. Monica's Guild will meet on Thursday, February 19 at 10:00 a.m. in the Father Allen Room. Our February Newborns in Need focus will be diapers or any other baby item of your choice. Our hostesses will be Margaret DeVoss and Jeannette Sorey. We would love to have you join us. If you have questions please contact Pat Guyer at 883-4214. Happy February Birthday to: Margaret DeVoss Irel Ginger Happy Valentine's Day! St. Dorothy’s Guild St. Dorothy’s Guild will meet in the Father Allen Room Monday, February 23 at 9:30 a.m., weather permitting. All ladies of the parish are invited! Help with Tax Preparation Free income tax preparation is available this year for seniors and low income individuals and families. Holy Trinity is one of the sites for this assistance; however, an appointment is required for assistance at our location. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 211 or (417) 720-2000. Please be aware that appointments fill up quickly! MEN’S CLUB NEWS Dear Parishioners, Our First Friday Rosary, Mass & breakfast will be on February 6 beginning at 6:00 a.m. with the Rosary in the Chapel. After Mass we will serve breakfast in the Social Hall. During Lent we will have two fish dinners. The first will be on February 20 from 4:00 to 6:45 p.m. The second fish dinner will be on March 20 at the same time. The menu will be: Baked Tilapia (breaded or plain), French fries, green beans, coleslaw and garlic bread. Anyone wishing to help with the fish dinners should arrive around 3:00 p.m. Donations are accepted and appreciated; however, there is no cost to enjoy good food and good fellowship with other parishioners! Every Friday during Lent we will lead the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. All parishioners are invited to pray with us! Please keep our sick and homebound parishioners in your prayers. “Be strong in the Lord, and His mighty power.” Rod Clifton, President Holy Trinity Men’s Club HOLY TRINITY RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM February Bake Sale February 14 & 15 After All Masses Cakes—Pies – Cookies—Muffins—Dipped Pretzels, etc. All your favorites from our great bakers! Look for us in the Parish Center, just east of the Gathering Area! Parish Council Meeting January 12, 2015 Attendance: Hannah Lowrance, Rick Garand, Gerry Byers, Mike Reinart ,Chris Janick, Tom Gray, Margaret DeVoss, Brian Stowell, Fr. Fergus, Joan Heil, Jim Bureman ,Carly Walters, Sr. Jeanne Opening Prayer led by Fr. Fergus November minutes approved. Reports: Sr. Jeanne Religious Education: Confirmation took place and they are currently looking at how to invite the confirmands to remain active in the parish. The Lenten mission will be a group called Oddwalk Ministries and will be geared toward the youth and their families. That event will take place on March 1st. New small group faith formation opportunities for Lent include Lenten Longings and one focused on the Eucharist. The Family Mardi Gras party will take place during PSR but all families are invited to attend. Margaret DeVoss School Board: Catholic Schools Week is January 25th -31st. A variety of service projects and other activities will take place at schools during that week. Two teachers and 35 Catholic High students will be traveling to the March for Life in Washington DC. St. Agnes school students have been invited to walk with the mayor in the MLK parade on January 19th. Gail Herbert Youth Ministry – no report Betsey Walters CCW – no report Rod Clifton Men’s Club – no report Knights of Columbus – Bowl a Thon takes place on January 18th. This is a huge fundraising effort for the Kitchen, especially with its shift in focus to permanently end homelessness in our community. All parishioners are also invited to play BINGO at the Knights of Columbus hall, another great fundraiser for the Knights that enables them to provide for the church and city community. Terry Touhey Pittman Pals – no report Old Business: Fr. Fergus – Holy Trinity is hosting an ecumenical prayer service and reception with our Assemblies of God neighbors on January 21st at 7pm. All are encouraged to come and help be warm hosts to our guests. Rick Garand Welcoming Committee – 20 new families have been registered since September and have been welcomed with a Knights of Columbus breakfast and welcome bag. Ideas on how to distribute the bags to new parishioners are welcome. St. Vincent DePaul – Currently considering how to provide quarterly opportunities for assisting the community besides monetary donations. All parishioners are members of the society and are encouraged to provide ideas on how to best focus the energy of the group. Live Streaming – Live streaming of the masses is available on the website. Energy efficiency study – no follow-up yet on having this done. Parking Lot – It was advised that the rock salt is washed or swept off the lot as soon as possible to avoid damage to the asphalt. A family game night has been scheduled for the end of January. The date for Holy Trinity’s 50th Anniversary is August 17, 2017. The Research is saying that our youth want to spend more times with their parents in meaningful ways. HOLY TRINITY PARISH, SPRINGFIELD is sponsoring an opportunity during LENT for 712 grade youth, their parents and friends to come together in faith. is a musical/youth ministry which has performed at national youth ministry conventions and will invite our youth to a deeper faith while entertaining. All are invited to come to: Stewardship Sunday February 7 & 8, 2015 SHARE YOUR TALENTS WITH US! The weekend of February 8 will be Stewardship Sunday in our parish. Our theme this year is We Are an Instrument, complementing our ongoing Make Me an Instrument parish spiritual campaign. We remind ourselves of our faith-building campaign each week when we carry our banner in and out of the sanctuary, and also the encouragement we have to grow in our faith through making an effort to attend a daily Mass during the week, increasing our religious education and our active stewardship—ways that we develop, enhance and share gifts that God has given to each us. There are many important and wonderful opportunities for involvement in our parish through our ministries and organizations. Each of these builds our faith community in many ways, most notably through service to our faith family and others, and the meaningful relationships we develop. Many of our parishioners participate in one or more of our parish stewardship groups and everyone is invited to consider how your own personal involvement can be a faith-building and enriching experience. Visit our website at www.holytrinity-catholic.com and click on the “Involvement” tab at the top of the page to see a complete list of stewardship opportunities in our parish. You’re certain to find a stewardship activity that appeals to you and your interests and talents! See you on Stewardship Sunday! Pictorial Directories We have extra copies of our new Holy Trinity Pictorial Directory. If you would like a copy and have not yet obtained one, contact the parish office and we will arrange for you to receive a copy. Our pictorial directory is going online! Watch the weekly bulletin for information the online directory, which will include an option for a mobile app. Parish Guide Book Our Parish Guide Book will be delivered by mail to all households that were registered by the end of November 2014. The Guide Book is a great source for a list of parish organizations and ministries, along with contact names and numbers; as well as our Mass schedule, phone number, web address and staff list. Please check your family’s listing in the Guide Book and contact the Parish Office if corrections are needed. Finance Report for Six Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 Assets & Liabilities as of December 31, 2014 Income and Expenses as of December 31, 2014 ASSETS INCOME Regular Weekly Collections Actual Budget 360,960.05 357,570.96 Checking Accounts 7,084.99 Web Site Transactions 69,256.00 85,266.48 Petty Cash Accounts 1,282.61 Building Maintenance Fund 48,116.00 62,113.68 Savings Funds 2,646.76 Special/Designated Donations 16,048.30 17,837.34 Building Maintenance Funds 38,270.23 Total Parish Operational Income 494,380.35 522,788.46 Endowment Funds 358,735.46 Other Parish Income 123,105.39 99,429.36 Total Assets 408,020.05 Total General Income 617,485.74 622,217.82 312,724.17 299,597.78 51,641.07 52,543.52 LIABILITIES & EQUITY EXPENSES Operational Expense Maintenance and Repairs Current Accounts Payable Current Loans Payable to Diocese 213.90 153,660.67 Parish Program Expense Schools/Other Assessments 19,575.44 235,257.83 19,116.41 235,995.18 Total Liabilities 153,874.57 Total Parish Overhead Expense 622,198.51 607,252.89 Total Equity 254,145.48 Total of Revenues Less Expenses -4,712.77 14,964.93 Total Liabilities and Equity 408,020.05 Net Income for Fiscal Year -4,712.77 Statement of Cash Flow for Six Month Period Ended December 31, 2014 Net Income 21,017.80 Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to net cash provided by operations: Petty Cash -162.58 General Savings Fund 0.00 Building Maintenance Fund 0.00 Holy Trinity General Endowment -5,103.27 Holy Trinity Building Endowment -5,279.96 Change For Life Baby Bottles Holy Trinity will participate in the Change for Life baby bottle campaign from February 14 through March 15 this year. Baby bottles will be available in the Gathering Area of the church beginning February 14. Pick up a bottle and fill it with coins, bills, or checks payable to Birthright. Change for Life benefits Birthright, an organization that helps mothers and their newborn babies. Birthright operates solely on donations. Your generosity helps babies and their mothers! Sponsor-A-Child Endowment -713.51 Accounts Payable Net cash provided by Operating Activities Net cash increase for period -16,892.57 Steubenville Registration -7,134.09 Teens! Get ready for the Steubenville Conference! On the MSU campus July 17-19 More than 3,000 of your closest Catholic teen family! See Gail after Mass February 7 or 8. Registration opens February 11! Cash at beginning of period Cash at end of period Online Contributions -7,134.09 14,219.08 7,084.99 Do you pay some or all of your bills online? You might consider Holy Trinity’s online donation system for your contributions to the parish and special collections. It’s easy to get started, user-friendly, and making changes to your account is a snap! To sign up, visit holytrinity-catholic.com, and click on the box marked “Online Giving.” You can set up recurring or one-time donations. If you need assistance call the Parish Office at 883-3440. Sunday Rosary You are invited to join other parishioners praying the Rosary on Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. in the chapel. Why not spend some extra time during Lent praying the Rosary? Your spiritual health will benefit! HOLY TRINITY HEALTH MINISTRY FEBRUARY, 2015 Dear Friends: February is Heart Health Month, Go Red for Women and Healthy Heart Living. It is also the month of Valentine’s Day, where the heart grows strong with love for another. WARNING SIGNS OF A HEART ATTACK: Some heart attacks are sudden and intense — the "movie heart attack," where no one doubts what's happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening: Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. As with men, women's most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, and back or jaw pain. Learn about the warning signs of heart attack in women. LEARN THE SIGNS: but remember this: Even if you're not sure it's a heart attack, have it checked out (tell a doctor about your symptoms). Minutes matter! Fast action can save lives — maybe your own. Don't wait more than five minutes to call 9-1-1 or your emergency response number. CALLING 9-1-1 is almost always the fastest way to get lifesaving treatment. Emergency medical services (EMS) staff can begin treatment when they arrive — up to an hour sooner than if someone gets to the hospital by car. EMS staff are also trained to revive someone whose heart has stopped. Patients with chest pain who arrive by ambulance usually receive faster treatment at the hospital, too. It is best to call EMS for rapid transport to the emergency room. On February 14, St. Valentine’s Day, take time to reflect on the following: “And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets." Matthew 22: 37-40 HOLY TRINITY 2015 LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES On Wednesday February 18, we will have Distribution of Ashes at the 6:30 and 9:00 a.m. Masses and the 7:00 p.m. Mass. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 18, the Lenten Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place following the 9:00 a.m. Mass and continue until 6:00 p.m. and continue every Wednesday during Lent. Special sign-up sheets will be available in the Chapel Gathering Area starting Friday February 13. Lenten adoration for 2015 will be held on: Feb. 18 and 25; and March 4, 11, 18, and 25. There will be no Adoration on Friday March 6, or on Friday April 3. LENTEN SOUP DINNER Join us for our traditional Ash Wednesday Lenten Soup Dinner on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence for everyone who has reached the age 18 to 59. Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence from meat for all those who have reached the age of 14 to 59. So come and break your day of fast with a delicious homemade bowl of soup, served with bread. For the younger palate, there will be peanut butter and jelly, or cheese sandwiches. Come for the soup dinner and stay for Mass and distribution of ashes at 7:00. ROSARY RECITED Join the Holy Trinity Men’s Club as they recite the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary every Friday during Lent, beginning on February 20. The Rosary will be said at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel. MEN’S CLUB FISH DINNERS The Men’s Club will serve two fish dinners during Lent. The first dinner will be held on Friday, February 20, the second on Friday March 20. See enclosed flyer for further details. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Beginning on Friday, February 20, and continuing every Friday until March 27, Stations of the Cross will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Benediction follows the Stations of the Cross readings and prayers. Stations and Benediction lasts about a half hour, so won’t you consider spending time in special prayer traveling with Christ on his climb to Calvary? PARISH COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICE The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held at all the Catholic parishes in our area. Check the bulletin for a time that will best fit your schedule. At Holy Trinity our Communal Penance Service will be at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 9. FISH DINNER The Holy Trinity Men’s Club will sponsor two Baked Fish Dinners during the 2015 Lenten season. Come join us for our two delicious fish dinners on Friday, February 20, and Friday, March 20 from 4:00 to 6:45 p.m. TAKE OUT AVAILABLE! Menu includes: Tilapia, either breaded or with lemon butter sauce, French fries, green beans, coleslaw, and garlic bread. Choice of beverage: iced tea, coffee or water. DONATIONS ACCEPTED Come for a delicious dinner with good friends in an inviting atmosphere and stay for Stations of the Cross starting at 7:00 p.m. in the church. LENTEN SOUP DINNER Join us for our traditional Ash Wednesday Lenten Soup Dinner Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence for everyone who has reached the age 18 to 59. So come and break your day of fast with a delicious homemade bowl of soup, served with bread. For the younger palate, there will be peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. Dinner begins at 4:30 p.m. in the Social Hall Come for the soup dinner and stay for Mass and distribution of ashes at 6:30 p.m. 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am USHERS GREETERS Judy Schroeder Carol Norman Bill Kristek Pat Bramer Irene Roth Lois DeToy Steve Hard Alicia Ackerman Cora Stenberg Sandy Kremers Sr. Pauline Nugent EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Scott Buckman, Sherry Bureman, Mary Collins, Alyssa Gimlin, Kelly Gimlin, John Griesemer, Gayle Hoogstraet, Greg Hoogstraet, Cathy Meyer Teresa Driver, Kay Green, Kurt Larson, Coral Lawler, Paul Lawler, Amy Squires, Bernie Stasiak, Donna Stewart Don Ackerman, Murray Beairsto, JoAnn Clifton, Rod Clifton, Elizabeth Paddock, Troy Shelangoski, Lisa Yoakam EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Charles Gallagher, Mary Gallagher, Gail Herbert, Susan Jurgensmeyer, Cathy Moore, Jim Moore, Nicola Mullins, Randy Mullins, Peggy Sauer Carol Blomgren, Dan Blomgren, Tuila Brown, Tina Kile, Don Mihalevich, Susan Reichert, Terry Reichert, Keith Seiwert Francie Bunch, Michael Gray, Doug Massoth, Cindy Pearson, Peggy Priest, Ed Samek, Pat Samek LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 2015 LECTORS Bret Falcetto Joan Walker SERVERS Karen Gambon Frank Stewart SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2015 T Michael Thurston Jana Hukriede Patt Stewart B Matthew Casey C Peyton Comstock T Laira Marshall Hannah Lowrance SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 B Michael Stasiak Mike Parker Tim Bentley C Carter Kemna Jeff Bentley Terry Touhey SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2015 T Emma Carroll Michael Dressler David Pomerenke USHERS Sharon Carron GREETERS Julia Bentley Mike Denner SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 Beth Raidel Mark Carron LECTORS B Henry Herbert C Kaiden Kristek SERVERS T Elijah Ponder B Noelle Ponder Dick Stenberg David Braeckel Mary Tilton C Zach Moore Beth Byers Greg Griesemer SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 T Matt Brown Sandy Hopper Ernie Kremers Mike Parker SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Joe Daues Mike McManus Nicola Mullins Brian Stowell Susan Jurgensmeyer B Josh Brown C Emily Phillips T Sam Schomaker B Claire Griesemer C John Griesemer 5:00pm 8:30am 11:00am 5:00pm 8:30 am 11:00am USHERS Alicia Ackerman GREETERS Don Ackerman Jerry Schiman Sam Allen Tom Carter Cathy Carter Steve Hard Doris Otradovec EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Joyce Blades, Steve Hard, Patricia Liermann, David Pomerenke, Brian Stowell, Debbie Stowell, Kitty Stringham, Bob Vienhage, Joan Vienhage Cathy Carter, Tom Carter, Tom Gray, Warren Horine, Richard Kirkey, Pat McDonald, John Prugger, Margaret Schatz Sharon Carron, Jim Gray, Jana Hukriede, Malcolm Hukriede, Ken Schultz, Diane Shanholtzer, Stephen Shanholtzer EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Caitlin Blaine, John Blaine, Sherry Bureman, Denese Cantrell, Harriet Kosky, Scott Kosky, Sr. Pauline Nugent, Elena Piper, Carly Walton Pat Bramer, Bill Buron, Carolyn Buron, Gerry Byers, Sandy Kremers, Pat McKown, Ray McMenamy, Lee Purcell Mike Denner, Sue Denner, Barb DePue, Chris Louzader, Alice Mitchell, Mitch Mitchell, Spencer Redfern LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 2015 LECTORS Ann Moore Tom Dugan SERVERS T Stephen Kielhofner Francie Bunch SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2015 B Michael Thurston Ralph Telscher Sue Gates Rick Garand C Matthew Casey T Jacob Gray Tina Kile SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 B Chase Griesemer Darryl Gates Jim Bureman Dathan McRedmond C Cole Griesemer John Griesemer Brian Stowell SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 T Lillian Hilmes Meg Sabini Terry Touhey USHERS Brennan John GREETERS B Stella Birkenfeld C Genevieve Birkenfeld LECTORS Melissa Bondy Garrett John SERVERS Frank Stewart Kyle John SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015 T James Gambon Faye Swisher Patt Stewart B Peyton Comstock C John Gambon Bill Kristek SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Tom Nelson Loretta Ponder Susan Jurgensmeyer T Matt Byers Kurt Larson Daniel Morrison Michelle Morrison Michael Dressler Sr. Pauline Nugent B Ariel Morrison C Emma Carroll Roseann Bentley Mike McManus SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 T Michael Mullins John Bentley Knial Piper B Christian Musgrave C Nikolaus Musgrave 5 9:30am Cornerstone Thursday Holy Trinity Calendar February 2015 Wednesday 4 Tuesday 3 Election Day Monday 2 Sunday 1 10:00am Bible Timeline 5:30pm Contemplative Prayer Group 6:00pm St. Vincent dePaul 7:00pm RCIA 12 9:30am Cornerstone 10:00am Sr. Retirees 7:00pm RCIA 19 9:30am Cornerstone 10:00am St. Monica’s Guild 5:30pm Contemplative Prayer Group 26 7:00pm RCIA 25 7:00pm RCIA 9:30am Cornerstone 10:00am Bible Timeline 9:30am-6:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00pm K of C Officers 6:00pm Youth Group 4:30pm Lenten Soup Dinner 12:00pm Finance Committee 10:00am Bible Timeline 9:30am-6:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 18 Ash Wednesday 7:00pm Our Lady Rosary 6:00pm Youth Group 10:00am Bible Timeline 11 6:00pm Youth Group 9:45am Faith in Action 10 7:00pm Bible Timeline 8:00am Rosary in the Chapel 6:00pm Relay For Life Team 2:00pm Knitting & Crocheting Group 9:30am Coffee & Donuts 9:45am PSR 9 7:00 pm MADP 8 Stewardship Sunday 10:00am St. Anthony’s Guild 7:00pm Bible Timeline 17 7:00pm Parish Council 6:30pm Knitting & Crocheting Group 8:00am Rosary in the Chapel 9:15am K of C Breakfast/ Coffee & Donuts 9:45am PSR 16 Presidents’ Day 9:45am BP Screenings 15 Parish Center Closed 7:00pm Bible Timeline 6:30pm K of C Pot Luck & Meeting 24 7:00pm Men’s Club 7:00pm Bible Timeline 8:00am Rosary in the Chapel 6:30pm Knitting & Crocheting Group 9:30am St. Dorothy’s Build 23 10:00am Alzheimer’s Support Group 9:30 Coffee & Donuts 9:45am PSR Family Day 22 8:00am Rosary in the Chapel 9:30am Coffee & Donuts 9:45am PSR 6:00pm Youth Group 7:00pm Our Lady Rosary 6 Friday 6:00am Men’s Club Rosary, Mass & Breakfast 9:30am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 13 20 3:00pm Men’s Club Rosary 4:00pm Men’s Club Fish Dinner 7 14 Saturday 8:00am Silent Saturday 2:00pm Silas/Newman Wedding 21 28 9:30am St. Francis DeSales 27 12:00pm Secular Franciscans 7:00pm Stations of the Cross 3:00pm Men’s Club Rosary 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Holy Trinity Catholic Church 2818 E. Bennett Springfield, MO 65804 We’re on the Web! www.holytrinity-catholic.com Rev. J. Fergus Monaghan, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Frank Palermo, - Priest in Residence Sister Jeanne Goessling, SSND, - Director of Religious Education [email protected] Gail Herbert, Youth Director [email protected] Tina Kile, Office Manager [email protected] Rod K. Clifton, Facilities Manager NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRINGFIELD, MO PERMIT NO. 1581 Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Daily Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:30 AM Monday - Saturday: 9:00 AM Wednesday: 6:30 PM Address 2818 E. Bennett Springfield, MO 65804 417-883-3440 *Facilities are Handicapped Accessible [email protected] Frank Stewart, Finance [email protected] Elaine Powell, DRE Assistant [email protected] Paula Ringer, Organist Mary Gray, Choir Director Mission Statement We, the Holy Trinity parish community, seek to live the gospel of Jesus Christ by sharing our faith through committed efforts to know, love and serve God.
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