Type of Event MOTORKHANA SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Victorian Motorkhana Championship 2015 Theo Wintels Memorial Motorkhana NGK Victorian Motorkhana Championship Round 1 Name of Event The event will be held under the International Sporting Code of the FIA, the National Competition Rules (NCR) of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd (CAMS), the current National Motorkhana Code (NMC), the current Victorian Motorkhana Championship (VMC) Standing Regulations, the CAMS Passenger in Vehicle Guidelines, these Supplementary Regulations and any Further Regulations that may be issued. The event will be conducted under and in accordance with the CAMS Safe Event Package for Motorkhana and Khanacross, and all competitors are obliged to comply with all reasonable requests of the Organiser. Insurance for this event will be provided in accordance with Appendix I of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport which can be found at www.cams.com.au. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry in accordance with NCR 83 and to cancel the meeting if, in its opinion, insufficient entries are received. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel, postpone or abandon the event in accordance with NCR 59 of the current CAMS Manual. Protests must be lodged in accordance with Part XII of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. Attention is drawn to the provisions of NCR 145a (Anti-Doping Policy) and 145b (Illicit Drugs in Sport Policy) . 1 5 / 1 5 February 15, 2015 Venue TCCA Grounds - McGrath Rd Werribee (~300m Nth of Bulban Road) Promoter/Organiser Toyota Car Club Australia and Ford Four Car Club Clerk of Course Assistant Clerk of Course CAMS Permit No. 3 Date of Event Nicholas Charrett Tamara Dennett Licence No: 0 2 / 0 3 9727109 1092675 Postal Address for Entries VMC1, c/- 34 Piperita Road, Ferntree Gully 3156 Email Entries - with proof of epayment Telephone: Steward 1 (Club) [email protected] [email protected] TBA Chief Steward (CAMS) Please Advice Entries open Upon issue of these regulations. Maximum entries 80 Licence No: February 13, 2015 at 9:00pm February 15, 2015 at 9:50am $30 adult / $15 junior $40 adult / $20 junior Entry restrictions Entries will be accepted in order of receipt, on the official printed or electronic on-line entry form Minimum CAMS licence requirement L2NS/L2NSJ (L1 Come & Try Licences may be available on the day by prior arrangement) Compulsory Drivers Briefing Time & Location 9:50am in front of the book in shed. Vehicle Requirements As per current NMC and current VMC Standing Regulations. Wintertread, bar, hand cut or rally type tyres are not allowed. Tyres marked “Not for Road Use” or similar cannot be used in the production classes. Vehicles shall comply with Schedule A and Group 4H of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. Vehicles shall be adequately muffled to comply with noise restrictions. Classes / Categories As per current VMC Standing Regulations (see General Event Information). Document Verification and Vehicle Scrutiny Verification of relevant CAMS licence and current CAMS Car Club Membership will be required at event check in. Vehicle scrutiny will be undertaken on all competing vehicles between 8:30 and 10:00am. Drivers of vehicles with a log book must present that log book to the scrutineer. Event Conditions Tests will be as per the current CAMS Motorkhana Test Booklet except test dimensions may be varied from the specified minima and tests may be set up in a mirror image and/or run in the opposite direction. Timing will be electronic, with manual back-up stop watches. Results will be determined by the lowest aggregate of elapsed times on the tests completed, plus any penalties. Event Schedule Competition will commence at approximately 10:00am following the drivers briefing. Passengers in Vehicles As per the current NMC Regulation 19.1, passengers are not permitted in competing vehicles, except in vehicles driven for the purpose of instruction or guidance. Other Regulatory Conditions Fuel must be in accordance with Schedule G of the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. Awards will be provided in accordance with the current VMC Standing Regulations. (Awards, restrictions etc) Early Entries close Entries close Early Entry fees Entry fees 0412 175518 (Nicholas) 0419 570191 (Tamara) Licence No Toyota Car Club Australia & Ford Four Car Club present 2015 THEO WINTELS MEMORIAL MOTORKHANA NGK VMC Round 1 – February 15, 2015 GENERAL EVENT INFORMATION VENUE TCCA Grounds – McGrath Rd Werribee (~300m north of Bulban Road) – Melway: Map 205 B10 SURFACE Dirt / Grass FACILITIES Full catering (lunch and snacks), shelter for spectators and toilets will be available at the venue. ENTRIES Mail entries - to the Event Secretary at 34 Piperita Road, Ferntree Gully 3156, with cheque made out to Toyota Car Club Aust. (Vic) Inc. Email entries – to Tamara Dennett [email protected] with evidence of epayment to TCCA bank account: BSB 063206, A/C No. 00300534. Payment description must read “VMC1 <Your surname>” to confirm your entry. Up to 4 adults and any number of Juniors may compete in one car, provided that this is indicated on the Entry Form. More information may be obtained from Nicholas Charrett, phone 0412 175518. CLASSES / Class A: Production Cars: wheelbase up to 2450 mm; 2WD Engine over Drive or Mid-Engined CATEGORIES Class B: Production Cars: wheelbase up to 2450 mm; 2WD Engine away from Drive Class C: Production Cars: wheelbase 2451 mm and over; 2WD- Engine over Drive or Mid-Engined Class D: Production Cars: wheelbase 2451 mm and over; 2WD Engine away from Drive Class E: Production Cars: All Wheel Drive or Four Wheel Drive Class F: Specials Category J: Juniors [note 1] Category L: Ladies Category M: Masters [note 3] Category N: Novices [note 2] Notes: (nomination of eligible driver category is optional – only one may be chosen and MUST be shown on the entry form prior to competition starting) 1. Juniors are defined as having attained the age of 12 years, and being under 18 years of age on 15-02-2015. 2. Novices are defined as competitors who have accumulated less than 9 class, category or outright points in any previous year of VMC competition (excluding the current year’s competition). 3. Masters must have attained 60 years of age on 15-02-2015. DIRECTIONS ENTRY FORM – NGK 2015 VMC 1 – Theo Wintels Memorial Motorkhana Sunday, 15 February 2015 Held under the International Sporting Code of the FIA and the National Competition Rules of CAMS VEHICLE: MAKE……………....…......….. MODEL………..………..…...……… COLOUR…….…..……..…………YEAR:………..... ENGINE OVER DRIVE? YES / NO * WHEELBASE…….…...……..mm 4WD? YES / NO * SPECIAL? YES / NO * VMC CLASS: LOG BOOK NO. (if issued)……………....................................…… COMPETITOR NAME: ...……………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….. STREET:……………………………………..……………..…………….SUBURB:……………………….……………P/CODE:…………… PHONE: ……………………………. EMAIL: (For results -recommended)…………………….………………….............…………………. I HAVE READ AND AGREE WITH THE DISCLAIMER STATEMENT ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM: (SIGNED)……………………………………....….…….…DATE: …………………...….. DRIVER 1: NAME: …………………………………....………………………..……… CATEGORY: J | L | M | N *Refer S/Regs. STREET:…………………………..…………………………….SUBURB:………………...........…………………………P/CODE:………….… PHONE:……………………………. EMAIL: (For results - recommended)…………………….…………………………………...........……… CLUB:……………………...…….......................……M’SHIP #:…………..…CAMS LIC. #:…………....…… EXP DATE…….…...............… I HAVE READ AND AGREE WITH THE DISCLAIMER STATEMENT ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM: (SIGNED)……………………….………..................….…DATE:…………....................….. DRIVER 2: NAME:…………………………………....…………………………..…….. CATEGORY: J | L | M | N *Refer S/Regs. STREET:…………………………..…………………………….SUBURB:………………...........…………………………P/CODE:………….… PHONE:……………………………. EMAIL: (For results - recommended)…………………….…………………………………...........……… CLUB:……………………...…….......................……M’SHIP #:…………..…CAMS LIC. #:…………....…… EXP DATE…….…...............… I HAVE READ AND AGREE WITH THE DISCLAIMER STATEMENT ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM: (SIGNED)……………………….………..................….…DATE:…………....................….. DRIVER 3: NAME:…………………………………....…………………………..………CATEGORY: J | L | M | N *Refer S/Regs. STREET:…………………………..…………………………….SUBURB:………………...........…………………………P/CODE:………….… PHONE:…………………………. EMAIL: (For results - recommended)…………………….…………………………………...........……… CLUB:……………………...……......................……M’SHIP #:…………..…CAMS LIC. #:…………....…… EXP DATE…….…...............… I HAVE READ AND AGREE WITH THE DISCLAIMER STATEMENT ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM: (SIGNED)……………………….………..................….…DATE:…………....................….. DRIVER 4: NAME: ………………………………....…………………………..……..…CATEGORY: J | L | M | N *Refer S/Regs. STREET:…………………………..…………………………….SUBURB:………………...........…………………………P/CODE:………….… PHONE :…………………………. EMAIL: (For results)…………………….…………...........................……………………………….......... CLUB :…………………...…….......................……M’SHIP #:…………..…CAMS LIC. #:…………....…… EXP DATE…….…...............… I HAVE READ AND AGREE WITH THE DISCLAIMER STATEMENT ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM: (SIGNED)……………………….………..................….…DATE:…………....................….. PAYMENT: ......... ADULTS: $___________ NOTE: For persons under the age of 18 years the following parent/guardian consent must be completed. ......... JUNIORS: $ _ TOTAL: $ .................... (OFFICE USE): PAID: CA / CHQ / MO / EFT DISCLAIMER EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK COMPETITORS AND/OR DRIVERS For Competitors I/W e being the competitor/s of the vehicle described on this Entry Form wish to enter that vehicle for the above event. For Competitors and Drivers I/W e being the competitor/s and/or driver, certify that the particulars on this form are true and correct in every particular, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/W e declare that I/we have read and understood the Supplementary Regulations issued for the event, and agree to be bound by them and the provisions of the National Competition Rules of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Limited (“CAMS”). In exchange for being able to attend or participate in the event (including entering the event), I agree: • to release CAMS and Australian Motor Sport Commission Ltd, promoters, sponsor organisations, land owners and lessees, organisers of the event, their respective servants, officials, representatives and agents (collectively, the "Associated Entities") from all liability for my death, personal injury (including burns), psychological trauma, loss or damage (including property damage) ("harm") howsoever arising from my participation in or attendance at the event, except to the extent prohibited by law; • that CAMS and the Associated Entities do not make any warranty, implied or express, that the event services will be provided with due care and skill or that any materials provided in connection with the services will be fit for the purpose for which they are supplied; and • to attend or participate in the event at my own risk. I/we acknowledge that: • the risks associated with attending or participating in the event include the risk that I may suffer harm as a result of: • motor vehicles (or parts of them) colliding with other motor vehicles, persons or property; • acts of violence and other harmful acts (whether intentional or inadvertent) committed by persons attending or participating in the event; and • the failure or unsuitability of facilities (including grand-stands, fences and guard rails) to ensure the safety of persons or property at the event. • motor sport is dangerous and that accidents causing harm can and do happen and may happen to me. I accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending or participating in the event and being provided with the event services by CAMS and the Associated Entities. I understand that this disclaimer is not intended to exclude any valid claim I may have under the CAMS Personal Insurance Scheme. ============================================================================================ For persons under the age of 18 years the following parent/guardian consent must be completed. PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT – PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD I …………………………………… of [Address] ………………………………………………..…………………...………… am the parent/guardian* of ………………………….……………… ("the minor") who is under 18 years old. I have read this document and understand its contents, including the exclusion of liability and assumption of risk, and have explained the contents to the minor. I consent to him/her attending/participating in the event at his/her own risk. Signed……………………………………………………………… [*Parent/Guardian] Date……………………………… ========================================================================================== I …………………………………… of [Address] …………………………………………………………………...…………… am the parent/guardian* of ………………….……………………… ("the minor") who is under 18 years old. I have read this document and understand its contents, including the exclusion of liability and assumption of risk, and have explained the contents to the minor. I consent to him/her attending/participating in the event at his/her own risk. Signed……………………………………………………………… [*Parent/Guardian] Date……………………………… ========================================================================================== I …………………………………… of [Address] …………………………………………………………………...…………… am the parent/guardian* of ………………….……………………… ("the minor") who is under 18 years old. I have read this document and understand its contents, including the exclusion of liability and assumption of risk, and have explained the contents to the minor. I consent to him/her attending/participating in the event at his/her own risk. Signed……………………………………………………………… [*Parent/Guardian] Date……………………………… =========================================================================================== * Delete whichever does not apply
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