NCCA Novice Neerim Classic. Run in conjunction with the NCCA Neerim Classic (VCRS) - 28 Feb 15 Thank you for taking interest in this event. With approximately 85 – 90km competitive, we are using some absolutely amazing forest roads. We feature some ARC roads as well as some roads not rallied on for a long time (if ever) as well as some of the more traditional rally roads of the area. Real Driver’s Roads !!! This year we are including a Novice event running on the night sections. The event will still be easy navigational and route charted competitive sections. No crystal balls required here. Of course, being a novice event, the competitor and vehicle requirements are somewhat more relaxed than the VCRS. Basic equipment is required in the cars (Complying with Schedules A and R of the CAMS Manual) and a CAMS Level 2NS or 2NSJ licence and of course a current civil licence for the driver. Roll over protection is recommended but not compulsory. Helmets are compulsory as is neck to wrist to ankle non synthetic clothing. Start, Finish and the Major Service are all located in the easily accessible Neerim South oval in Neerim East Road with Rally HQ being in the Social Club Rooms on site. This is one of the closest rally areas to Melbourne and this event will be a great way to kick off the 2015 rally season. But that’s not all !!! Glad Fish and Nick Wright from George Woods fame are running a Rally Training Night at CAMS from 7:30pm on 20 Feb 15. It will be full of useful tips and information for those new to rallying or indeed for those who want to brush up on their skills. A great night well worth attending. Thanks to Glad and Nick for bringing it forward to accommodate competitors in our event too. There will be on-site catering at the start/finish area provided by the Neerim South Cricket Club as well as a BBQ afterwards that will be free for competitors and officials. Scrutineering will be at Traction Tyres and More in Rowville. Many thanks to Andrew who has supported motorsport in Victoria for many years. Please consider using the services of those who help us. Of course we are also looking for officials too. So if your car is not ready yet or you just want a quiet? day/night in the forest, our Officials co-ordinator (Lynn Cuttle) would love to hear from you on 0421 058 175 AH or [email protected]. Hope to see you there one way or another. Keith Cuttle Clerk of Course - NCCA Neerim Classic incorporating NCCA Novice Neerim Classic NCCA Novice Neerim Classic 28th February 2015 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. EVENT SCHEDULE Entries Open ......................................... Wednesday 14th January 2015 Entries Close for Ballot ....................... Friday 20th February 2015, at 20:00 hrs Further Regulations Released ............. Sunday 22nd February 2015 Scrutiny .................................................. Wednesday 25th February 2015, from 18:30 to 21:00 hrs Final Entries Close .............................. Wednesday 25th February 2015, at 20:00 hrs Start of the Event ................................. Saturday, 28th February 2015, 17:00 hrs Scrutiny Venue .................................... Traction Tyres and More 65 Kellets Road, Rowville. Melways Ref:73 A11 Event Headquarters............................. Neerim South Cricket Club Social Room, Neerim South Oval Neerim East Road, Neerim South Entry Fee Payable to ......................... Nissan Car Club Australia Inc. and sent to Event Secretary (below) 2. EVENT SUMMARY The event shall be known as the "NCCA Novice Neerim Classic", hereinafter referred to as "the Event" and will be run as a multi-club, non-special stage Introductory Rally. It will be run as one division of approximately 90 km of competitive and 55 km of transport. The event will run on private and public roads in the Neerim, Jindivick, Powelltown and Noojee areas, during the hours of darkness on Saturday the 28th February and morning of Sunday the 1 st March 2015. The Event will be run in conjunction with the NCCA Neerim Classic (VCRS Round 1). 3. AUTHORITY The event shall be conducted under the provisions of the following documents that are current at the start of the Event: The International Sporting Code of the FIA The National Competition Rules (NCR) of Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd (CAMS) The National Rally Code (NRC) and the Victorian Rally Bulletins And These Supplementary Regulations and any Further Regulations, Bulletins, and Route instructions which may be issued by the organisers. The CAMS permit number 315/2802/01, authorising this event, which will be displayed at the start. The CAMS OHS and Risk Management Policies which can be found at NCCA Novice Neerim Classic Supplementary Regulations Page 1 4. KEY PERSONNEL The event will be organised and promoted by the Nissan Car Club Australia Inc., which has appointed the following organising committee. Clerk of Course ................................... Keith Cuttle (Lic: 9025548) Phone (AH): 0427 288 853 Email: [email protected] Assistant Clerks of Course ................... Tyler Cuttle (Lic: 1050813) Phone (AH): 0423 058 975 Event Secretary .................................... Lynn Cuttle (Lic:9552515) Phone (AH): 0401 158 075 Addr: C/- 10 Flinders Road Longwarry Vic 3816 Additionally, the following people fulfill the roles designated: Course and Compliance Checker ......... Trevor Woods (Lic: 889096) CAMS Stewards ..................................... Stuart Lister (Lic: 883528) Gary Gourlay (Lic: 9338336) Chief Scrutineer.................................... Brett Roffey (Lic: 887853) Area Coordinator .................................. Peter Otzen(Lic: 9236414) 5. RUNNING DETAILS 5.1. The event will be run in one division, at night, totaling approximately 90 km competitive. 5.2. Late Running time will be 90 minutes. 5.3. Further details of competitive and transport distances and service details will be provided in the Further Regulations. 5.4. The competitive kilometres of event will be a minimum of 50% navigation. 6. OFFICIAL MAPS The official maps will be: Recreation Survey Maps (RS) Toorongo Edition 1 Drawn 2001 Scale 1:50,000 and Recreation Survey Maps (RS) Beenak Edition 1 Drawn 2001 Scale 1:50,000 as well as any other maps which may be supplied by the organisers NOTE: the designated maps will not be provided by the organisers, they are available from Autosport Performance Accessories (, 0424 899 720) and Melbourne Map Centre (, 03 9569 5472). 7. FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS Further instructions will be emailed to all crews following the Ballot and will include. Competitor Number, Report time & venue, Start time & venue, Odometer check, List of Competitors, Running details, Details of any additional awards, Availability of fuel Any other information or changes that may be deemed necessary. 8. COMMUNICATION Further communications such as Further Regulations and Results will be by way of email sent to the address supplied on the entry form. NCCA Novice Neerim Classic Supplementary Regulations Page 2 9. CREW ELIGIBILITY 9.1. The Entrant and both crew members must be members of a club affiliated with CAMS in Victoria and hold a CAMS 2NS/2NSJ licence or superior. The driver must hold a current civil driver's licence valid in Victoria. 9.2. Both crew members must have officiated at any gravel surface event on the Victorian Rally Calendar for the previous year. Crew members new to rallying are given 12 months to comply with this requirement. Crew members who do not meet these criteria may not be permitted to start the event as per VRB 3.1.24. 9.3. The Event is open to State Clubman (Grade C), Clubman (Grade D), Novice (Grade E) and Rookie (Grade F) competitors. However, only Novice crews (Grade E/E, E/F, F/E or F/F) are eligible for awards. 9.4. A crew shall comprise of two persons only. One shall be nominated as Driver and the other as Navigator. No changing of roles will be permitted throughout the event except in the case of emergency. 9.5. Drivers cannot drive in this event in vehicles with forced induction until having completed five rallies or trials as a driver or having been granted dispensation by the VRAP as per the current Victorian Rally Bulletin. 9.6. No person may participate in any competitive section without wearing a helmet and apparel as detailed in the CAMS Manual of Motorsport Schedule D 2.2 for RALLY/ROAD Gravel Multi-club events, ie Minimum requirements are Helmet (to listed standards), Ankles to neck to wrists nonsynthetic clothing, shoes with leather upper. Penalty for non-compliance may be exclusion. 10. VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY All vehicles must comply with CAMS Manual of Motorsport Schedules A and R. Rollover protection is recommended but not compulsory. 11. SCRUTINY 11.1. Scrutineering will be conducted on the date and at the venue listed in article 1. All crews attending official scrutiny must report between the times listed in article 1. 11.2. Crews are to present the following documentation at scrutiny (or at book-in for those crews not attending official scrutiny): Current club membership cards CAMS licences, containing previous officiating details Drivers' civil licence CAMS logbook Vehicle registration papers, and homologation papers (if applicable) 11.3. Crews are reminded to present their vehicles in full rally trim (except for tyres but including safety equipment and auxiliary lights). Vehicles must be presented at scrutiny and the event start in a clean and tidy condition. Vehicles deemed not to comply with this requirement by the scrutineers or Clerk of Course will not be scrutineered or allowed to start the event as appropriate. 11.4. Non-attendance at the official scrutiny may be permitted in the case where the vehicle's owner or entrant resides a distance greater than 50 km from the specified scrutiny venue and provided the secretary is notified prior to official scrutiny and the Clerk of Course approves. 11.4.1.The Clerk of Course will approve of an appropriate Scrutineer, who will be a Victorian Rally Scrutiny Panel member, a regional scrutineer or a scrutineer listed on the current VRSP list. The regional scrutineer is to print and sign their name and also supply their CAMS licence number on the scrutiny form. Any crew whose vehicle is not presented at official scrutiny must present a copy of these Supplementary Regulations to the scrutineer upon presentation of the vehicle for scrutiny. Vehicles not presented at official scrutiny may be required to be re-presented for further scrutiny at the discretion of the organisors. NCCA Novice Neerim Classic Supplementary Regulations Page 3 11.5. All competing vehicles must pass scrutiny to start the event. A completed scrutiny form is required at book-in in order to receive event documentation including route instructions. Those competitors requiring re-scrutiny must make their own arrangements for appropriate checking prior to the event. There may be no scrutiny at the start. 11.6. The Chief Scrutineer at scrutiny and his assistants are deemed to be Judges of Fact with regard to scrutiny matters. 11.7. All cars must be adequately muffled in accordance with Schedule R part 7 of the current CAMS Manual. Fuel must be in accordance with Schedule G of the current CAMS Manual. 11.8. An OK/SOS Board must be supplied in each competing vehicle by the crew. 'OK' shall be green and 'SOS' shall be red. The sign may incorporate reflective materials and must be at least A4 size. The board must be accessible by both crew members in the event of an incident. 12. ENTRIES 12.1. Entries must be on the official entry form, complete in every detail and accompanied by the appropriate entry fee or evidence of payment via Direct Deposit. Scanned completed entry forms may be emailed if accompanied by evidence of payment. Competitors are reminded of the penalties under the NCR for false statements. 12.2. All entries are to be forwarded to the Event Secretary as listed in article 4. 12.3. Entries will open and close as listed in article 1. Entries received after ballot but prior to the close of entries will be allocated a start number by the organisers at the rear of their respective Grades. 12.4. The entry fee will be as follows: Entries received prior to ballot $175 Entries received after ballot and prior to entries close $200 Cheques, etc. should be made payable as listed in Article 1. Direct Deposit to NCCA is also an acceptable method of payment Acct Name:- Nissan Car Club Aust Inc BSB:- 013 225 Acct No:- 2971 92428 When direct depositing, the reference :- NNC followed by the surname of the competitor (entrant) must be used. In accordance with Appendix I of the current CAMS Manual, CAMS Personal Accident insurance for all crew members is included in the entry fee. 12.5. The total combined field of the NCCA Novice Neerim Classic (Introductory) and the NCCA Neerim Classic (VCRS) shall be limited to sixty (60) cars, accepted with preference to NCCA Neerim Classic (VCRS) entries up until the ballot, then in order of receipt. The event secretary shall record the time and date of each entry. Receipt shall not be considered until a complete entry form accompanied by full payment or evidence of full payment is received. 12.6. Competitors under the age of 18 years must have written consent of parent or guardian to enter and participate. 12.7. The organisers, at their discretion, reserve the right to refuse any entry in accordance with the National Competition Rules (NCR 83). 12.8. Entries withdrawn prior to the event will be treated in accordance with the NCRs. 12.9. The organisers reserve the right to postpone or cancel the event in accordance with NCR 59 if in their opinion insufficient entries are received before the final close of entries, or for reasons of force majeure. 12.10. Competitors are encouraged to nominate an official to attend the event with their own car and assist as requested. Nominations should be given to the Clerk of Course. NCCA Novice Neerim Classic Supplementary Regulations Page 4 13. STARTING ORDER 13.1. The starting order shall be determined by ballot on the date listed in article 1 Event Schedule. Entries received after this date will be placed at the rear of their respective grade in order of receipt of entry. Crews will start in balloted order in their respective grades behind the same graded crews competing in the NCCA Neerim Classic (VCRS). Start Order and Start Time will be posted on the official notice board in Rally HQ at least 30 minutes prior to the first competitive crew's start time. 13.2. Vehicle Numbers will be supplied by the organisers. 14. CONTROLS & TIMING 14.1. Controls and timing will be in accordance with the provisions of the NRC in the current CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. The event will be timed to the second and scored to the forward minute. 14.2. Observations (informations) from a particular section are to be counter signed on the road card by an official at the finish control of the same section before leaving the control. It is the crew’s responsibility to ensure this is done before leaving that finish control. 14.3. Crews are reminded that it is the crew's responsibility to ensure that all appropriate entries are made completely and correctly on their road card. For this event, this must be done before leaving the control. 14.4. If used, Passage Controls will be preceded by a “P” board and Observations will be preceded by an “O” board, both within 50m of the Passage or Observation location. 15. PENALTIES & PROTESTS 15.1. The Clerk of Course, when compiling results, reserves the right to take into account any documents provided by officials of the event. 15.2. Protests must be lodged in accordance with Part XII of the NCRs. 15.3. All control officials of the event will be Judges of Fact in regard to time and direction of entry into controls and crew conduct. 16. ALTERATIONS OR ABANDONMENT 16.1. The Organisers reserve the right to postpone, alter or abandon the event as per the National Competition Rules (NCR 59), the National Rally Code and the current Victorian Rally Bulletins. 17. CREW CONDUCT 17.1. Practicing and reconnaissance on the roads in the general area of the event is forbidden for a period of four weeks prior to the start of the event. Any competitor found so doing may not be allowed to start the event. 17.2. Notes deemed by the organisors to be “Pace Notes” are strictly forbidden. Any crew observed to be carrying or using Pace Notes will be referred to the Stewards of the event. 17.3. Any crew observed to be deliberately obstructing the passage of another crew will be referred to the Stewards of the event. 17.4. Any observed misconduct of a crew within a Quiet Zone or Restricted Speed Zone will not be tolerated and will be referred to the Stewards of the event. 17.5. In the instance where a vehicle has stopped on a section the first requirement of the competing crew is to prominently display two reflective triangles, so that the following crews receive adequate warning of any danger ahead. 17.6. Competing crews should familiarise themselves with all aspects of the Rally Code, the Victorian Rally Bulletins, the Series Rules of the VCRS, the motor traffic act and are to conduct themselves in a manner befitting to the sport. 17.7. The maximum speed allowed on non-sealed transport sections will be 80 km/h. Lower limits may be specified for sealed and non-sealed roads. 17.8. Use of two-way radios and mobile phone communications is encouraged for safety reasons. Please register mobile numbers on your entry form. 17.9. Competitors are reminded of bush fire dangers and of civil penalties for throwing lighted matches and cigarettes etc. from vehicles and for entering forest areas with faulty exhausts. NCCA Novice Neerim Classic Supplementary Regulations Page 5 18. SERVICE CREWS 18.1. Service crews must be registered in the space provided on the entry form. 18.2. Competing crews may be penalised for misconduct of their service crew. Any observed misconduct of Service crews will be referred to the stewards of the event and may result in penalties including exclusion being applied to their competing crew. 18.3. Start/Finish will be at Event Headquarters listed in article 1. There will be a minor service and refuel at another location. Service crew instructions will be comprehensive and require no supporting maps. Competing crews without a Service crew are advised to contact the Clerk of Course if assistance with servicing is required. 18.4. The entire event is deemed to be a Non-Service area except for designated Service Areas as detailed in Further Regulations, Route Instructions, Service Instructions, Bulletins or Boards. 18.4.1 In Non-Service areas, competing vehicles are to be serviced, replenished or repaired ONLY with tools, equipment and spares carried within the vehicle unless specifically approved by the Clerk of Course. Crew members may be supplied with food and drink without limitation provided event personnel are not hindered in their duties (eg at controls). 18.5. All fueling or refueling operations to any competing vehicle during the event are to be undertaken ONLY within refueling areas as defined in Route Instructions or Service Instructions or by Boards and bunting, or at a commercial fuel outlet. 18.5.1. All personnel taking part in fueling or refueling operations at a designated refueling area must wear neck to wrist to toes non-synthetic clothing. Personnel not directly involved in refueling operations must be outside the refueling area during refueling operations. 18.5.2. The utmost care is to be taken to avoid fuel spills at all times. 18.5.3. Fuel is NOT to be stored in designated refueling areas. 19. SPECTATORS A spectator guide will be available at the start of the event 20. AWARDS Minimum awards will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd Driver and Navigator. Any extra awards will be detailed in Further Regulations and will be dependant on entries. 21. ANTI-DOPING 21.1. During any event, consumption of alcoholic beverages in the paddock, pits or any other portion of the competition venue under the control of the officials is expressly forbidden until all practice or competition activity is concluded for each day. Any driver or crew member who is found to be affected by alcohol on the day of the event or practice therefore shall not be permitted to participate. Refer NCR 145A and 145B of the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport. In addition, the persons concerned will be subject to the articles of the Standard Operating Procedure for Alcohol Testing, the CAMS Anti-Doping Policy and the CAMS Illicit Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy. Competitors, crews or officials may be randomly tested for alcohol by a CAMS Accredited Testing Official (CATO) or other drugs at any time during the event(s). Other Prohibited Substances: the CAMS Anti-Doping Policy, as appears in the CAMS Manual of Motor Sport, and as amended from time to time, recognised as an integral component of the NCR and is duly authorised as such. In any areas where the National Competition Rules and the CAMS AntiDoping Policy conflict, the CAMS Anti-Doping Policy will apply. Additionally, in any areas where the National Competition Rules and the CAMS Illicit Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy conflict, the CAMS Illicit Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy will apply. NCCA Novice Neerim Classic Supplementary Regulations Page 6
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