TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 6455 Hiller St. Suite A-2 (915) 203-6425 (915) 591-8625 Website: http//www.t21cacp.org E-mail: [email protected] PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION PACKET The following information is provided to help you in the completion of your application packet. If you need further information, please call our office for assistance. The teacher applicant must submit the following documents for evaluation for the Teachers for 21st Century Alternative Certification Program. BE SURE TO MAKE COPIES OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS. DOCUMENTS WILL NOT BE RETURNED TO YOU. State Board of Educators Certification requirements for entry into Texas Alternative Certification Programs: Bachelors degree or higher from an accredited university. Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above on a four point scale, or 2.75 in the last sixty hours. Required semester hours for the desired certification area, with a GPA of 2.5 or above in that content area. APPLICATION PACKETS MUST INCLUDE: 1. APPLICATION signed and completed. 2. TRANSCRIPTS Applicant must provide all official college transcripts, showing degree awarded and date conferred. Make sure to request transcripts in advance. Computer downloaded or faxed transcripts are UNACCPETABLE. 3. TOEFL Passing Scores (For applicants with foreign credentials) 4. APPLICANT’S QUESTIONAIRE – It needs to be completed in its entirety. 5. $50.00 EVALUATION FEE. APPLICATION LACKING ANY OF THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS IS INCOMPLETE AND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Application Date: ___________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Received by: ______________________________________________________________________________________ AN OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME A FULLY CERTIFIED AND EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM TEACHER IN A SCHOOL CALENDAR YEAR WITH AN ADDITIONAL YEAR OF ON-GOING SUPPORT. TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM PROGRAM STUDENT TEACHER CANDIDATE HANDBOOK This program is an intense field-based training model in which competencies are learned from Master teachers who have the knowledge and skills to model and guide teacher candidates to be effective teachers in the classroom and pass the State required professional tests to be certified in the State of Texas. If accepted into the program, teacher candidates will receive intensive training in Pedagogy and Texas Examinations of Educators [TExES]. Each teacher candidate will receive up to 17 weeks of coursework by Program Designer and Director, Margarita Guerry. Student Teacher Candidates who are struggling to pass the TEXES content and pedagogy test will be required to repeat the 17 weeks of classroom instruction. A large percentage of ACP candidates come from professions other than education, and it is very important that they immerse for 30 clock hours in the school culture of El Paso area schools. Program teacher candidates can observe the interaction of teachers of record with school administrators, students, parents, and communities at large. The 30 clock hours can be accrued through classroom observations, tutoring, as teacher’s aides, volunteers or substitutes. Teacher candidates are expected to observe the following to spare them from the brutal shock of finding that some school systems are not developing each individual student’s emotional, social, and cognitive needs and prepare a portfolio of their field experiences: Positive learning environments vs. non-positive Teachers developing each individual child vs. teachers teaching groups of children Student-centered classrooms vs. students working individually Classrooms where teachers have their students in a learning process vs. piecemeal learning to prepare them to pass TAKS. School principal’s instructional leadership vs. managerial style Classroom instruction driven by the Six Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy vs. TAKS testing skills. Communications between all of the school stakeholders Technology available in the schools classrooms Age- appropriate materials, and classroom materials that are going to enhance student’s critical thinking skills School’s teamwork system Internal and external obstacles which will impede them to use their knowledge and skills which they were prepared to comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate during their first and second year as a teacher of record to become Master teachers. The school district is their employer; therefore, program teachers must follow school’s instructional action plan. They will also accrue 50 clock hours of staff development during their approval internship. Teacher candidates are eligible to be employed as a teacher of record for the school year (internship year) upon completing the pre-service training. The teacher candidate will receive the same salary and benefits as a public school classroom certified teacher for the school year. It is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to check with the district that has hired him or her about his or her respective salary scales and benefits packages. Teacher candidates are responsible for securing his or her own employment with a school district. TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Baccalaureate degree from an accredited university. An official copy of all college transcripts. Applicants must provide all official transcripts, showing degree awarded and date conferred. An evaluation will not be completed until ALL transcripts are received. Minimum overall GPA of 2.5 or 2.75 in the last 60 semester hours of college coursework. TOEFL for applicants with foreign credentials. A minimum of 24 hours of coursework in a combination of subjects which shall include English, Math, Science and Social Studies with a combined minimum GPA of 2.50. Criminal history documentation check. Ability to meet program cost. One-on-one interviews to determine applicants: English and Spanish oral proficiency, communication skills, listening skills, educational philosophy, background knowledge, and work related experiences. TRAINING SESSIONS Open Enrollment Tuesday and Thursday 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM TYPES OF CERTIFICATES: Please select the one you are interested in obtaining. Generalist Early Childhood – 4th Grade or Bilingual Early Childhood – 4th Grade. A minimum of three hours in the following subjects: math, science, social studies, English. Generalist Early Childhood – 6th Grade or Bilingual Early Childhood – 6th Grade. A minimum of three hours in the following subjects: math, science, social studies, English. Generalist Grades 4th - 8th or Bilingual 4th – 8th. A minimum of six hours in the following subjects: math, social studies, English and science. The Bilingual Generalist must pass the Texas Oral Proficiency Test [TOPT] with an intermediate, mid or higher score. English, Language Arts and Reading 4th – 8th Grade. Six hours in upper division courses: English, Reading Foundation, Speech communications (including composition & literature). Minimum three hours required in each area. English, Language Arts and Reading 8th – 12th. 18 hours of upper division courses. English, Reading Foundations, Speech communications (including Composition and Literature). Math Grades 4th – 8th. 18 semester hours with six of those hours in upper division courses. Math Grades 8th – 12th. 12 hours in upper division courses. . Social Studies Grades 4th – 8th. Six hours in hours in upper division courses: Economics, Geography, Political Science (government), History and Sociology. Social Studies Graded 8th – 12th. 18 hours in upper division courses: Economics, History, Geography, Political Science and Sociology (a minimum of three hours required in each area). Science Grades 4th – 8th. Six hours in upper division courses: Biology (Life Science), Physics (Physical Science), Chemistry, Geology (Earth Science) and Astronomy (Space Science). Minimum three semester hours in each area. Science Grades 8th – 12th. 18 hours in upper division courses: Biology (Life Science), Physics (Physical Science), Chemistry, Geology (Earth Science) and Astronomy (Space Science). Minimum three semester hours in each area. ESL EC-4 Grade Levels ESL 4th – 8th Grade Levels Spanish, French, and Latin 6th – 12th Grade Levels Computer Science 8th – 12th Physical Education EC – 12th Technology Application Special Education EC-12 / Supplemental Vocational Business All-Level Arts All-Level Music TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM COST OF THE PROGRAM The cost of the program to the students will be based on Teachers For The 21st Century program tuition cost and on going support for teacher candidates for two years. Application Fee Pre-training academy fee Internship Program Fee $50.00 $450.00 $4,000.00 Total Program Cost $4,500.00 If the candidate secures a teaching job, the Internship Program Fee may be deducted through payroll deduction on a monthly basis during the ten or twelve month period at the school district’s discretion. Upon obtaining employment, interns will submit a $50 money order payable to SBEC for their probationary certificate. Intern will pay for his or her certificate exams. Intern will pay $75 to SBEC for their standard certification, once the intern has met all program and state requirements. The application fee and training fees are non-refundable. APPLICATION PROCESS 1. All transcripts must be submitted to the office of T21CACP. Applicant must have the degree conferred and date posted on the official transcript prior to beginning the application process. 2. Application packet must be completed and turned in to the T21CACP office at 6455 Hiller St. Suite A-2, El Paso, Texas 79925 3. T21CACP Leveling Plan - This plan will help candidates who are lacking coursework or have a low GPA (overall/content). 4. Formal Interview - The Program Executive Director will schedule a formal interview. Applicants will be screened and must meet program eligibility requirements to be considered as a teacher candidate. TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM 6455 Hiller St. Suite A-2 (915) 203-6425 (915) 591-8625 Website: http//www.t21cacp.org E-mail: [email protected] APPLICATION 2015-2016 NAME: _______________________________________________________ DATE: ____________________ (Please Print) ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE # _________________________________ CELL PHONE # _________________________ E-MAIL _________________________________________ WORK PHONE # ________________________ CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: _________________________________________________________________ (Business Name) (Business Address) SOCIAL SECURITY # _________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________________ BA: ____________________ MAJOR: ___________________________ MINOR: _____________________ CERTIFICATE(S) DESIRED: ________________________________________________________________ THE APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNLESS ALL BLANKS ARE FILLED IN AND THE APPLICATION IS SIGNED. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE (My signature above certifies that I have read all the information given to me, and I agree with all the terms that have been specified by T21CACP). TEACHERS FOR THE 21st CENTURY ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: WHY DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A TEACHER? WHAT RELEVANT AND MEANINGFUL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS DO YOU POSSESS THAT WILL CONTRIBUTE TO THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN? HOW DO YOU LEARN BEST? WHAT DOES THE PHRASE, “NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND”, MEAN TO YOU? WHO DO YOU CONSIDERED TO HAVE BEEN YOUR BEST TEACHER? WHAT MADE HIM/HER THE BEST? DO YOU THINK YOU RECEIVED A GOOD EDUCATION? WHY? WHY NOT? WHAT ROLE SHOULD PARENTS PLAY IN THEIR CHILDREN’S EDUCATION? EXPLAIN!!!
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