Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani Corrigendum in the Bid Document of Tender No BSEH/ONLINE-01/2015-2016 Date 29-01-2015 Based upon the discussions held, the e-mails and the representation papers received during the Pre-Bid Conference held on 16.01.2015 in the Committee Room of the Board in connection with the tender cited above, the competent authority of the Board has decided to make the amendments/corrections in the Bid Document, the details of which are as follows: 1 Sl. No. 1 2 3 Page No of the Section/Clause/Sub Bid Document Clause where changes where changes are made are made 1 1st Page/Title Page of the Bid Document 2 3 Notice Inviting Tender 3 4 Section II Tender Summary 4 5 Section III Request for Proposal 5 6 6 7 Section-IV Instruction to Bidders 2. Eligibility Condition Part-A Section IV Instruction to Bidders 7 7 Section –IV Instruction to Bidders 2. Eligibility Condition Part-B 8 15 Section V General (Commercial) Conditions of Contract 9 18 Section VI Special Conditions of Contract 10 19 Section VI Special Conditions of Contract 4 Details of any addition/deletion/correction are made Tender for Online Application and Data Processing for various works for the Academic Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Registration and Processing of Candidates of Diploma in Education Examination for the Academic Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. S.No.1, Description 3) Registration and Processing of Candidates of Diploma in Education Examination for the Academic Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. S.No.2, EMD, Rs. 1,00,000 (Rs. One Lac Only) for work (3) (3) Registration and Processing of Candidates of Diploma in Education Examination for the Academic Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. vi) The Firm/Company/Agency must have ISO 27001 but Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level-5 certification is not mandatory. The Bidders should never have been Debarred/blacklisted for the last 5 years by the Central/State/Govt. Department/ Universities/Educational Institutions/ Organization etc. nor should have any litigation enquiry pending with any of these Department or Court of Law with regards to the works executed by it. i. The bidder must have on his pay role at least One Hundred Fifty Technical and administrative Employees in India for the proper execution of the contracts. 4. d) Payment will be made by the board to the firm/agency on the basis of the total no. of candidates for whom admit cards are generated for appearing the exam of the work concerned. 14. The payment will be made by the board to the firm/agency only after successful completion of work concerned (as the case may be) on the basis of the actual number of candidates for whom the admit cards are generated for appearing for the exam of the work concerned 10. The allotment of works will be for the Academic Year 2015-2016 only (Except for the work no. 3 which is for the Academic Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017) only, in the first instance which may be extended for upto further three years (Upto three Academic batches in 1 11 20 Section VI Special Conditions of Contract 12 25 Section VII Details of Various Works case of D.Ed.) on satisfactory execution of the work/works on year to year basis on the basis of concurrence of both the parties. 25. The Bidder/Firm must handover the Source Code used for the various Softwares related to Pre-Exam and Post-Exam activities programmes with full documentation. (The Source Code of Web based/Internet based Software is not required by the Board) Work No 3. The Name of the Work: Registration and Data Processing of the Candidates for Diploma in Education (D.Ed.) Examination and of Teaching Staff for the Academic Year 2015-2018. A. SCOPE OF WORK This Board conducts Diploma in Education (Three Years Course) Examination under semester system that is first semester, second semester, third semester and fourth semester (All four semesters and reappear in three years duration, each year comprising two semesters) for the candidates who are the regular students (Pupil-Teacher) of the institutes running Diploma in Education course and affiliated with this Board. As per rules & regulations of D.Ed. Examination, a candidate can complete his/her D.ed course in maximum four years. If a candidate drop examination/disqualify under unfair means cases for a specific period, he/she may complete his/her course within four years. There may four hundred (400) institutes (Govt. as well as Pvt. Institutes). The Reappear Candidates i.e. the students of the institutes who got re-appear in one or more subjects also appear in Diploma in Education Examination. The First Semester Examination is likely to be commenced tentatively in the month of January 2016 and the Second Semester Examination is likely to be held in month of July 2016 during the academic year 2015-2016. Similarly the third semester examination is likely to be held in the month of January 2017 and the fourth semester examination is likely to be held in the month of July 2017. Examination for Reappear candidates in 3rd & 4th semesters is likely to be held in January 2018 & July 2018. Candidates belonging to the Private Re-appear category (Those Candidates belonging to the previous academic years, having Re-appears papers) also will appear in Diploma in Education Examination along with the candidates of the institutes during the academic years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. The online registration of the regular candidates is to be done only once but the due examination fees is to be collected twice i.e. once at the beginning of each academic year. The online registration of the Private Re-appear candidates is to be done for each semester examination. There will be different sets of Pre & Post examination activities for all the four semesters but the pattern and the format of the activities remains the same more or less in all semester. There are various stages and activities in the schedule 2 which is to be finalized by the Board for the smooth completion of Pre- Phase Exam and Post-Phase Exam related to Diploma in Education. The Board expects from the prospective bidders to provide “End to End Solution” for the above works with least paper work. The data related to the Staff (Teachers) of the institute are to be captured online along with the registration of the candidates. The awards of Internal Assessments of the registered candidates are also to be collected online and processed as per scheduled decided by the Board. For further details please visit Board’s website. B. VOLUME OF WORK As per the available data related to the candidates who have appeared in the Diploma in Education Examination under Semester System in previous years, it is expected that approximately 20000 number of regular candidates and 5000 number of Re-appear candidates are supposed to appear each time in all semester of D.Ed. Examination of the Board for the academic year 2015-2018. The Data of the Regular candidates already registered at the time of First Semester will only be processed again at the time of Subsequent Semesters and also in case of Reappear candidates in all Semesters. The Data of Approximately 4500 numbers of Teachers are also to be captured and processed for various Examination related duties. C. PERIOD DURING WHICH THE WORK IS TO BE DONE The entire work from the registration of the candidates till the issuance of the document called Diploma in Education is to be completed in maximum four years in such a time bound/scheduled manner so that the candidates can take future course of action for Re-Exam/Admission in next course if required. Pre-Examination and Post-Examination activities are to be completed related to each semester Examination in a schedule manner as decided by the board. The details of Pre-Examination Activities and Post Examination Activities for each semester have been mentioned in an Annexure-6 A. D.OBLIGATIONS OF BOARD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 To supply soft copy of D.Ed. Institutes /Center duly coded. To supply hard/soft copy of input documents/layouts used in the system. To supply hard/soft copy of various reports to be prepared. To supply hard/soft copy of important instructions / policies affecting the system. To prepare time line of the system to provide end to end solution. To approve layout of report formats. To provide any other intermediate information required for the system. To provide pre-printed stationery like Certificate/Re-appear Cards and Diploma Documents. E. OBLIGATIONS OF AGENCY 1. To submit Software Requirement Specification (SRS) after feasible study and its approval from the Board strictly in a time bound manner. 2. Arrangement of Dedicated High-end Server in Cloud Computing Environment in Indian-pacific zone. 3. Development of applications namely; a) Staff statement of D.Ed. Institutes b) Registration of candidates of Diploma in Education Examination (Regular Institutes and Ex-Institutes candidates) 4. User Acceptance Test (UAT) of each application and obtain approval of the same from end user branches. 5. Auditing/Security provisions of application and Database. For candidates in semester system, registration will be required in first semester, except reappear candidates, which will be carried forward in next semesters. 6. Hosting of Application as per time line decided. 7. Processing of Database after closing Date in a phased manner. 8. Demo of similar application developed for elsewhere by the agency before opening of Financial Bid. 9. To set up HELP DESK at Board Premises having trained, qualified and suitable staff (Minimum Two in number) to provide back-end support. Apart from Help Desk, a Toll-Free Number is to be arranged Round the Clock. SMSs and Email alerts are also to be provided as and when required by the system. Backup of data base and images on Hard Disk are required by the Board 10. 11. 13 28 Section IX 14 43 Annexure 6 It is the responsibility of the firm to collect the material from the Board and safe delivery to the Board. No extra payment will be made for this. Loading & unloading charges will be borne by the firm. Work Work Name Rates in Unit No. Words and Figures 3 Online Per Application Candidate and data per Semester processing for Diploma in Education Examination in as per work no. 3 Annexure-6A (Pre Exam and Post Exam Activities under Semester System) Pre Examination Activities Ist Semester after Registration of candidates: 4 1. 2. 3. Checklist of Re-appear Candidates with photo and signature. Apart from this, the Forwarding Letter in the prescribed format with all necessary and required details is to be generated by the Heads of the D.Ed. Institutes. Roll number generation as per directions of Board. Center Allotment of Students based on list of centers and center allotment policy of the Board. Agency will supply reports in desired format (a) Superintendent PAD - One Copy (b) Final List - Two Copies with centers marked. (c) Agency will provide the statistical reports for distributing the question paper to different district/centers as required by Board, these are: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5 District Wise , Center wise and subject wise number of candidates Packing Slips Packing Memo/Challan One Line report (Unit Summary) One copy of one line Center Wise/Date Wise for the purpose of Flying Squad. Clash Report of Date Sheet Center Statement – five copies Updating of Data after migration. Any other report(s). Demand for checking of Fee (Regular and Private) as per format approved by Board. Downloading of Cut Lists of Heads of D.Ed. Institutes and Generation of Admit Cards as per format approved by Board. Signature Chart with Photo (colored) & Signature One Copy Center-wise Board will supply list of UMC/Cancel/GAP/RLE/RLF/Absentees. Agency will mark their records in database for non declaration of their results and to block the downloading of admits cards as per the case applicable. CD of admit cards with photo/sign. (Private Candidates) to upload on Board’s website for downloading. Supply of pre-master updated Database to Board for generating Fictitious Roll numbers. Board will revert back the same database with fictitious roll number for printing of award sheets (OMR). Online registration/entering of marks for Internal Assessments with (Institutes of D.Ed.+Subjectwise+Roll No. order) with all validation checks. Old posting of Re-appear candidates. Supply of pre printed OMR sheets for subjectwise/roll no-wise theory awards based on fictitious roll numbers supplied by the Board or 13. 14. 15. third party engaged. Exam Duties:a) Supply of Printed Checklists of Teaching Staff with Photo and Signature (Distt. wise, Institutes wise). b) Supply the List of Center Superintendents and Supervisory Staff (Scroll/letters/key etc.) as per policy supplied by the Board. c) Supply of List of Head Examiners and Sub Examiners for evaluation of Answer Book (Marking Duty) as per policy supplied by the board. All types of communications with the Heads of the Institutions or individuals candidates as and when required through SMS, E-mails and Board Website. Any intermediate information/report will have to supply as when required. Post Examination Activities – Ist Semester: 1. Post Scanning of OMR sheets duly filled in for preparing result. 2. Address Slips of Institutes. 3. 4. 5. Printing of MIS-Match Report for checking. List of Candidates for which marks are wanting. District wise list of UMC/CANCEL/RLD/RLE/RLF etc. for checking. Supply of dummy result based on the passed formula. Finalize the result data by following step 1-6. Conversion of Fictitious Roll No. to Original Roll No. as per Key database supplied by the Board at the time result compilation. Sample Result of One Distt. Dummy Result for Checking before finalization and declaration of results. Pass Percentage & Statistical report as per requirement of board. Prepare a printed final performance report of Institutes -one copy, along with downloading facility for the same for Heads of the Institutes. Prepare for downloading Institutes-wise list of reappear candidates for Heads of the Institutes. Prepare the 8-10 types of statistical reports. Updating of withheld cases in result file which are to be supplied by the Board. Preparing the data on CD for uploading the result on web-site. Printing of Certificates for Qualified Candidates with photo and signature in colors. Printing of Re-appear Cards with photo and signature in color. Final backup of result files and images, on portable Hard-disk in a format as desired by the Board. All Types of Statistical Reports for pre and post exams as per Proforma/requirements supplied by the Board. Updation of Result Late Cases in the Master Data 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 6 21. and printing of Certificates & Re-appear Cards. Three copies of result sheets of each semester. Pre Examination Activities IInd Semester:1. Center Allotment of Candidates based on list of centers and center allotment policy of the Board. Agency will supply reports in desired format, of all such candidates who got Re-appear either in First Semester or Second Semester or Third Semester or Fourth Semester (as applicable based upon eligibility) including their online registration for Examination. a). Superintendent PAD - One Copy (Semester wise) b). Final Superintendent PAD - Two Copies (Semester wise) c). Agency will provide the statistical reports for distributing the question paper to different district/centers as required by Board, these are:X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 7 District Wise , Center wise and subject wise number of candidates Packing Slips Packing Memo/Challan One Line report (Unit Summary) One copy of one line Center Wise/Date Wise for the purpose of Flying Squad. Clash Report of Date Sheet Center Statement – five copies Updating of Data after migration. Any other report(s). st nd rd th Roll number generation for 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 Semester (Regular/Re-appear as applicable) candidates. Final Checklist with roll numbers and center code (Re-appear) Downloading of Admit Cards. Signature Chart with color Photo & Signature One Copy. CD of admit cards for private candidates with photo/sign to upload on Board’s Website. Online registration/entering of marks for Internal Assessment with roll numbers, with all authentications. Board will supply list of UMC/Cancel/Gap/RLE/RLF/Absentees. Agency will mark their records in database for non declaration of their results and block Downloading of admit cards. Supply of pre-master updated Database to Board for generating Fictitious roll Numbers. Supply of Pre-Printed OMR sheets for External Theory subject-wise/roll no-wise) based on Fictitious roll numbers supplied by the Board. Supply of pre printed OMR sheets for Institutes 12. wise/Subject-wise/Paper-wise/Roll no-wise external Practical awards on original Roll. No. Supply of Pre-printed OMR Sheets & summary for Re-appear candidates District wise / Subject wise / Roll Number wise for external practical. Post Examination Activities – IInd Semester 1. Post Scanning of OMR award sheets for preparing result. 2. Address Slips of Institutes. 3. Agency will provide the dummy result based on pass formula provided by Board. Printing of Mis-Match Report for checking. List of Candidates for which marks are wanted. District wise list of UMC/CANCEL/RLD/RLE/RLF etc. for checking. Conversion of fictitious to original roll number, from the key Database supplied by the Board, before result compilation. Finalize the result data by following step 1-7. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Sample Result of One Distt. for Checking before finalization and declaration of results. Pass Percentage & Statistical report as per requirement of board. Prepare a final performance report (One Hard Copy for Branches and copy for Downloading for the Institutes.) All Type of Statistical Reports for pre and post exams as per Performa/requirements supplied by the Board. Preparing the data on CD for uploading the result in internet and IVRS System. Result Sheets as desired by the Board. Complete Merit List. Printing of Certificates for the Qualified Candidates with photo and signature in colors. Printing of Re-appear Cards with photo and signature in colors. Final backup of result files and images, on HardDisk, in a format as desired by the Board. Pre Examination Activities and PostExamination Activities for the Third Semester and the Fourth Semester will remain on the similar pattern as meant for/decided for the First Semester and Second Semester as described above in the Preceding Para. Result of 3rd semester is to be prepared after compilation of 1st of previous semester’s result and result of 4th semester is to be prepared after compilation of previous semester’s result. Diploma will be printed after qualifying the 4th semester exam and completion of six months internship. 8 15 16 46 47 Annexure-7 Agreement 7. Penalties Annexure-7 Agreement Job Work (4) For unnecessary or unjustified delay penalty @ Rs. 5000/- per day will be imposed. The Secretary of the Board is empowered to impose penalty as he deems fit and appropriate. The vendor will be provided an opportunity to submit justification for delay, if any, if and they fail to provide any reasonable ground for delay, it will be considered as unnecessary or unjustified delay, which will be decided by the Secretary of the Board. (b) For unsuccessful implementation of any activity as per list of Pre-phase or Post-Phase activities, the Secretary of the Board is empowered to impose any penalty upto 4% of the total amount claimed in the bill, per activity, as he deems fit and appropriate. Online Application and Data Processing for Diploma in Education Examination Rates in Words and Figures Unit Per Candidate Per Semester The interested prospective bidders are informed that the above corrigendum has become the part of the main Bid Document of the Tender No BSEH/ONLINE-01/2015-2016 and must be taken into account while submitting their bid document to the Board as per the stipulated time and date given in the Tender Summary. Secretary 9
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