A proof of global attractivity for a class of switching systems using a non-Lyapunov approach Robert Shorten Department of Computer Science National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland Fiacre O Cairbre Department of Mathematics National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland A proof of global attractivity of a class of switching systems using a non-Lyapunov approach Robert Shorten Department of Computer Science National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland Fiacre O Cairbre Department of Mathematics National University of Ireland Maynooth, Co. Kildare Ireland Abstract A su cient condition for the existence of a Lyapunov function of the form V (x) = xT Px P = P T > 0 P 2 IRn n , for the stable linear time invariant systems x_ = Ai x Ai 2 IR n n Ai 2 A =4 fA1 ::: Amg, is that the matrices Ai are Hurwitz, and that a non-singular matrix T exists, such that TAi T ;1 i 2 f1 ::: mg, is upper triangular (Mori, Mori & Kuroe 1996, Mori, Mori & Kuroe 1997, Liberzon, Hespanha & Morse 1998, Shorten & Narendra 1998b). The existence of such a function, referred to as a common quadratic Lyapunov function (CQLF), is su cient to guarantee the exponential stability of the switching system x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A. In this paper we investigate the stability properties of a related class of switching systems. We consider sets of matrices A, where no single matrix T exists that simultaneously transforms each Ai 2 A to upper triangular form, but where a set of non-singular matrices Tij exist such that the matrices fTij Ai Tij;1 Tij Aj Tij;1 g i j 2 f1 ::: mg, are upper triangular. We show that, for a special class of such systems, the origin of the switching system x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A, is globally attractive. A novel technique is developed to derive this result, and the applicability of this technique to more general systems is discussed towards the end of the paper. 1 1 Introductory remarks A su cient condition for the existence of a common quadratic Lyapunov function (CQLF), V (x) = xT Px P = P T > 0 P 2 IRn n , for the stable linear time invariant (LTI) systems x_ = Aix x 2 IRn A(t) 2 A =4 fA1 :::: Amg Ai 2 IRn n , is that the matrices Ai are Hurwitz, and that a non-singular transformation T exists such that TAiT ;1 is upper triangular for all i 2 f1 ::: mg. The existence of a CQLF is su cient to guarantee the exponential stability of the switching system x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A. This result was rst derived by Mori et al. (1997), and further discussed by Liberzon et al. (1998) and Shorten & Narendra (1998b). Unfortunately, from a practical viewpoint, the requirement of simultaneous triangularisability imposes unrealistic conditions on the matrices in the set A. It is therefore of interest to extend the results derived by Mori et al. (1997) with a view to relaxing this requirement. In this context several authors have recently published new conditions which also guarantee exponential stability of the switching system. Typically, the approach adopted is to bound the maximum allowable perturbations of the matrix parameters from a nominal (triangularisable) set of matrices, thereby guaranteeing the existence of a CQLF see Mori et al. (1997). In this paper we consider a class of switching systems that is closely related to those studied by Mori et al. (1997). However, rather than assuming maximum allowable perturbations from nominal matrix parameters, we explicitly assume that no single non-singular transformation T exists that simultaneously triangularises all of the matrices in A. Rather, we assume that a number of non-singular matrices Tij exist, such that for each pair of matrices in A, fAi Aj g, the pair of matrices fTij AiTij;1 Tij Aj Tij;1g are upper triangular. For a class of such systems, we demonstrate that the origin of the switching system, x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A, is globally attractive. The results presented in this paper are important for a number of reasons. Primarily, they suggest that the requirement for simultaneous triangularisability may be relaxed considerably without the loss of asymptotic stability. Secondly, a novel technique, which does not utilise concepts from Lyapunov theory, is developed to demonstrate the global attractivity 2 of the origin, for the system class considered. This technique may be of su cient generality to be of use in the study of other classes of hybrid systems. This paper is organised as follows. Preliminary de nitions, and some useful results, are presented in Section 2. The main result of the paper is presented in Section 3. Finally, the relevance of the results for more general systems is discussed in Section 4. 2 De nitions In this section we introduce some simple concepts and de nitions (from Narendra & Annaswamy (1989)) which are useful in the remainder of the paper. (i) The switching system : Consider the linear time-varying system x_ = A(t)x (1) where x 2 IRn , and where the matrix switches between the matrices Ai 2 IRn n belonging to the set A = fA1 ::: Amg. We shall refer to this as the switching system. The time-invariant linear system x_ = Aix, denoted Ai is referred to as the ith constituent system. Suppose that (1) is described by the th system x_ = A x over a time interval t t +1]. By de nition, the next system that we switch to, say the ( + 1)th system, starts at time t +1 with initial conditions equal to the terminal conditions of the th system at time t +1. (ii) Stability of the origin : The equilibrium state x = 0 of Equation (1) is said to be stable if for every > 0 and t0 0, there exists a ( t0) > 0 such that k x0 k< ( t0) implies that k x(t x0 t0) k< 8 t t0. 3 (iii) Attractivity of the origin : The equilibrium state x = 0 of Equation (1) is said to be attractive if for some > 0, and for every > 0 and t0, there exists a number T ( x0 t0) such that k x0 k< implies that k x(t x0 t0) k< 8 t t0 + T . (iv) Global attractivity of the origin : The equilibrium state x = 0 of Equation (1) is said to be globally attractive if limt!1 x(t x0 t0) = 0, for all initial conditions x0 and for all t0 0. (v) Asymptotic stability : The equilibrium state of Equation (1) is said to be asymptotically stable if it is both stable and attractive. (vi) Common quadratic Lyapunov function: In the following discussion we refer to common quadratic Lyapunov functions (CQLF's). A common quadratic Lyapunov function is de ned as follows. Consider the switching system de ned in (1) where all the elements of A are Hurwitz. The quadratic function V (x) = xT Px P = P T > 0 P 2 IRn n (2) is said to be a common quadratic Lyapunov function for each of the constituent subsystems Ai i 2 f1 ::: mg, if symmetric positive de nite matrices Qi i 2 f1 ::: mg, exist such that the matrix P is a solution of the matrix equations ATi P + PAi = ;Qi: (3) The existence of a common quadratic Lyapunov function implies the exponential stability of the switching system (1) as discussed by Narendra & Balakrishnan (1994). Common quadratic Lyapunov functions provide the basis for many known stability results see for example Narendra & Taylor (1973) and Vidysagar (1993). It is therefore of interest 4 to develop conditions which either guarantee the existence or non-existence of such a function. For completeness we include the following results which are useful in this context (see Cohen & Lewkowicz (1997) and Shorten & Narendra (1998a) for more extensive discussions). Theorem 2.1 : (see Barker, Berman & Plemmons (1978) and Shorten & Narendra (1998a)) The stable dynamic systems A and A; , A 2 IRn n share the same quadratic Lyapunov function V (x) = xT Px, P = P T > 0 P 2 IRn n . 1 Corollary 2.1 : (a) Let V (x) be a CQLF for for Ai m X x_ = ( i=1 i 2 f1 ::: mg. Then V (x) is also a Lyapunov function i Ai)x m X 0 i i i=1 >0 (4) Pm A , i=1 i i Therefore, a necessary condition for a CQLF to exist is that the matrix pencil P is also Hurwitz for all i 0 mi=1 i > 0 Narendra & Balakrishnan (1994). (b) From (a) and Theorem 2.1, a necessary condition for a CQLF to exist for the system (1), is that the matrix pencil m X i=1 ;1 8 i Ai + i Ai 0 i 0 i m X i=1 i+ i >0 (5) is Hurwitz. (c) Let V (x) be a CQLF for for x_ = ( m X i=1 Ai i 2 f1 ::: mg. Then, V (x) is also a Lyapunov function ;1 i Ai + iAi )x i 0 i 0 m X i=1 i+ i >0 (6) and for x_ = "X m i=1 m X ;1 i Ai + i Ai + ( 5 i=1 ;1 ;1 i Ai + i Ai ) # x (7) where i 0 i 0 i 0 i 0 condition for the stable LTI systems, matrix pencil m X i=1 is Hurwitz, where i 0 0 i > 0. Hence, a necessary i 2 f1 ::: mg, to have a CQLF is that the i=1 i + i + i + i Ai ;1 iAi + ( i Ai + i Pm 0 m X i=1 i ;1 ;1 i Ai + i Ai ) 0 and where (8) Pm i=1 i + i + i + i > 0. Comment : Let the matrix Ai be Hurwitz. Suppose that the pencil m X i=1 i Ai + ;1 i Ai 8 i 0 i 0 m X i=1 i+ i>0 (9) P has eigenvalues in the right half of the complex plane for some i 0 i 0 mi=1 i + i > 0. Then a switching sequence exists such that the solution of the di erential equation x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 fA1 A;1 1 ::: Am A;m1g (10) is unbounded (Shorten 1996, Shorten, O Cairbre & Curran 2000). 3 Main result The condition that every matrix in the set A can be simultaneously triangularised, and is Hurwitz, is su cient to guarantee the existence of a CQLF for every Ai , i 2 f1 ::: mg. Unfortunately, the weaker condition of pairwise triangularisability is not su cient to guarantee the existence of a CQLF. This is illustrated by the following example. Example 1: Consider the following stable LTI systems, Ai : x_ = Aix Ai 2 IR2 2 with, 2 3 2 3 2 3 ;1:0000 0:0998 7 ;1:00000 ;0:0995 7 ;1:0000 ;0:0818 7 A1 = 64 5 A2 = 64 5 A3 = 64 5: ;0:9982 0:0980 ;0:9945 ;0:1049 6 ;8:1818 ;1 The set of matrices for which ATi P + PAi < 0 P = P T > 0 P 2 IR2 2, is given by PAi : detfATi P + PAig > 0 where 2 P = 64 (11) 3 p12 7 5: 1 p12 p22 (12) Equation (11) de nes a convex set in (p12 p22) space. These sets are depicted graphically for each of the systems A1 A2 , and A3 in Figure 1. 1 0.8 A 2 0.6 P22 0.4 A 1 0.2 0 A 3 −0.2 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 P12 Figure 1: PAi for A1 , A2 and A3 . Clearly, no CQLF exists as the sets PAi i 2 1 2 3], have no common intersection (Shorten & Narendra 2000). However, the matrix pairs fA1 A2g, fA2 A3g, fA1 A3g are pairwise triangularizable with 2 3 2 1 0:1 7 T12 = 64 5 T23 = 64 1 1 3 2 3 17 0:1 1 7 5 T13 = 64 5: 1 ;10 1 7 1 1 Hence, in general, for stable LTI systems, pairwise triangulizability of the system matrices does not imply the existence of a CQLF. In cases when a CQLF does not exist, the stability properties of the system must be determined using non-CQLF techniques. In the remainder of this paper, we present a novel method for showing the global attractivity of the origin for a class of systems in the form of Equation (1). We consider systems where the Ai matrices in A are diagonalisable, and where any two of the Ai matrices have at least n ; 1 real linearly independent eigenvectors in common. For certain systems of this form, the origin of the switching system is globally attractive as veri ed in the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Consider the switching system (1) with the set A de ned as follows. Let V = fv1 : : : vn+1g be a set of real vectors, where each vi 2 IRn. Suppose any n vectors in V are linearly independent. For each i 2 f1 2 : : : n + 1g, construct an n n matrix Mi as follows: M1 = v1 v2 : : : vi;1 vi : : : vn;1 vn ] and for 2 i n + 1 we de ne Mi = v1 v2 : : : vn+1 vi : : : vn;1 vn], i.e. Mi is obtained by replacing the (i ; 1)th column in M1 with the vector vn+1 . Suppose we also have p di erent diagonal matrices D1 D2 : : : Dp with all diagonal entries negative. De ne Ai h = MiDh Mi;1 , for 1 i n + 1 and 1 h p. Let A be a subset of fAi h : 1 i n + 1 1 h pg. Then the origin of the system (1) is globally attractive. Comment : The set A de ned in Theorem 3.1 satis es the following properties: (a) Every matrix in A is Hurwitz and diagonalisable (b) The eigenvectors of any matrix in A are real (c) Every pair of matrices in A share at least n ; 1 linearly independent common eigenvectors. 8 (d) Every matrix pair in A can be simultaneously triangularised (Shorten 1996). For ease of exposition we rst present an outline of the main ideas. The proof is then developed by means of several key lemmas. Note that in the sequel we use row and column notation interchangeably to denote vectors. Outline of Proof Step 1: We replace each n n matrix Mj by an (n + 1) (n + 1) matrix Mj . We then replace each n n matrix Ai h in A by an (n + 1) (n + 1) matrix Ai h. The matrices Ai h 2 A =4 fAi h : Ai h 2 Ag are chosen such that there is at least one common eigenvector = (1 0 0 : : : 0) for all the matrices in A, and also such that the properties of the solutions of the dynamic system x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A (13) will ultimately imply the global attractivity of the origin of the system x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A where x = (x1 ::: xn) and x = (xn+1 x1 ::: xn). 9 (14) Step 2: For a given j 2 f1 2 : : : n + 1g we consider the n + 1 linearly independent columns of Mj . These form an n + 1 dimensional coordinate system which includes as one of the axes. We consider the projection of the state x(t) onto as the dynamics of the system (13) evolve. This projection is given by the rst component of the vector gj (t) = Mj;1x(t) (15) and is denoted by gj ]1(t). Step 3: We then show that limt!1 j gj ]1(t) ; gi]1(t)j = 0 8 i j 2 f1 ::: n +1g. From this fact we can deduce that limt!1(x1 : : : xn) = 0. This is su cient to demonstrate the global attractivity of the origin of the system, x_ = A(t)x A(t) 2 A: (16) Technical details of Proof Lemma 3.1. There exists a positive number a such that the set W = f(a v1) (1 v2) (1 v3) : : : (1 vn+1)g is linearly independent in IRn+1. Here (a v1) is the vector with n + 1 coordinates, whose rst coordinate is a and remaining n coordinates are the n coordinates of v1. Proof : Let V = fv1 v2 : : : vn+1g in IRn. We know that any subset of V which contains n elements is linearly independent and thus forms a basis for IRn . Consequently, fv2 v3 : : : vn+1g forms a basis for IRn and so there exist unique real numbers j such that v1 = P +1 . to be a positive number which is di erent from nj=2 j Pn+1 v . Pick a j =2 j j We now show that the set W is linearly independent in IRn+1. Let v1 = (a v1) and vj = P +1 v = 0 with at least one of the 0s non{zero. We (1 vj ), for 2 j n + 1. Suppose ni=1 i i i 10 P P +1 n+1 want to derive a contradiction. Note that 1a + nj=2 j = 0 and i=1 i vi = 0. Also note P +1 j vj = 0 and so i = 0 for 1 i n + 1 that 1 6= 0, because if 1 = 0 then we have nj=2 P +1 j vj and a = ; 1 Pn+1 j . and this is false. Consequently, we can write v1 = ; 11 nj=2 j =2 1 P +1 Thus by uniqueness of j , we have j = ; j1 , for 2 j n + 1 and so a = nj=2 j , which is false. Therefore W is linearly independent in IRn+1 . Q.E.D. De ne Mi to be the following (n + 1) (n + 1) matrix: 0 1 b B B B 0 B B B B0 Mi = B B B 0 B B ... B B @ 1 1 ::: :::1 Mi 0 1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A where b = a (from Lemma 3.1), if i 6= 2 and b = 1, if i = 2. The change in the value of b is because v1 only appears in Mi when i 6= 2. Note that the columns of Mi, apart from the rst column, are vectors from the set W in Lemma 3.1. Note that 1 0 1 s1 s2 : : : sn C B C B C B 0 C B C B C B ; 1 Mi;1 = B C 0 M i C B C B . . C B . C B A @ 0 for some real numbers s1 s2 : : : sn which depend on i. 11 De ne Dh to be the following (n + 1) (n + 1) diagonal matrix: 0 0 ::: ::: ::: B B B 0 B B B B0 Dh Dh = B B B 0 B B ... B B @ 0 1 0C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A De ne Ai h = Mi Dh Mi;1. We then get 0 1 0 c1 c2 : : : cn C B C B B C 0 B C B C C Ai h = B B C 0 Ai h C B C B . . B C . B C @ A 0 for some real numbers c1 c2 : : : cn which depend on i and h. Note that (1 0 0 : : : 0) is a common eigenvector for all the m matrices Ai h. We then have that 1 1 0 0 x_ n+1 C xn+1 C B B C B C B B C B x _1 C x C B B 1 C C C B B C B B = A C B ihB x_ 2 C x2 C C B C B C C B B . . . . C C B B . . C C B B A A @ @ x_ n if and only if (17) xn 0 1 0 1 x_ 1 C x1 C B B B C B C B B C C x _ x 2 2 B C B C = A B C B ... C i h B ... C B C B C B @ A @ C A and x_ n+1 = n X i=1 ci xi x_ n xn We will show that limt!1(x1 x2 : : : xn) = 0, for any solution (xn+1 x1 x2 : : : xn) to the switching system (13). By the above, this will then imply that limt!1(x1 x2 : : : xn) = 0, 12 for any solution (x1 x2 : : : xn ) to the switching system (1) and that will give us global attractivity of the origin in the switching system (1), and we will be done. Let x = (xn+1 x1 x2 : : : xn). We consider the evolution of the system dynamics (13) in each of the coordinate systems gi = Mi;1x (18) There are n + 1 coordinate systems corresponding to i 2 f1 2 : : : n + 1g. Let G = f g1]1 g2]1 : : : gn+1]1g, where gi]1 denotes the rst component of the vector gi. Let the system dynamics be initially described by x_ = Aj hx (19) over some time interval t1 t2]. Note that g_j = Dh gj . Let gj ]m be the mth component of the vector gj and let h i denote the (i i)th diagonal entry in Dh and hence the (i + 1 i + 1)th diagonal entry in Dh . Then we have that g_j ]m = h m;1 gj ]m, for m 6= 1 and g_j ]1 = 0. Therefore, when we are in system (19), we have gj ]m(t) = gj ]m(t1) e h m;1(t;t1) for m 6= 1 (20) and gj ]1 is a constant function of t. The members of G, when we are in system (19), are illustrated in Figure 1. Note that gj ]1 is a constant function of time over t1 t2] while the other gj ]m's vary with time according to (20). - gi]1 gj ]1 gm ]1 gk ]1 + Figure 2: Members of the set G. Consider the evolution of gi]1 relative to gj ]1. This `distance' denoted by di j (t), is given by di j (t) = j gi]1(t) ; gj ]1(t)j 13 (21) and can be conveniently calculated from gi = Mi;1 Mj gj (22) We now analyse the structure of the matrix Fi j = Mi;1Mj , for i 6= j . We see that 1 always appears in the rst row rst column entry of Fi j . We claim that there is only one other non{zero entry in the rst row. Lemma 3.2. If we exclude the rst column of the matrix Fi j , for i 6= j , then there is only one non{zero entry (denoted by Ci j k ) in the rst row. Ci j k appears in the kth column where k = j , when i = 1, and k = i, when i 6= 1. Note that k is never 1. Proof : Denote the rst row of Mi;1 by ~r. Suppose rst that i = 1. We see that a basis for the orthogonal complement of ~r in IRn+1 is given by f(a v1) (1 v2) (1 v3) : : : (1 vn )g. Hence, using the result of Lemma 3.1, the only place (apart from the rst column) in the rst row of Fi j which is non{zero, is the kth column where k is the number of the column in Mj which has (1 vn+1). Thus k = j . Here Ci j k is the dot product of ~r and (1 vn+1). Suppose next that i = 2. We see that a basis for the orthogonal complement of ~r in IRn+1 is given by f(1 v2) (1 v3) : : : (1 vn+1)g. Hence, as above, the only place (apart from the rst column) in the rst row of Fi j which is non{zero, is the kth column where k is the number of the column in Mj which has (a v1). Thus k = 2. Here Ci j k is the dot product of ~r and (a v1). Suppose nally that i > 2. We see that a basis for the orthogonal complement of ~r in IRn+1 is obtained by deleting (1 vi;1) from the set W in Lemma 3.1. Hence, as above, the only place (apart from the rst column) in the rst row of Fi j which is non{zero, is the kth column where k is the number of the column in Mj which has (1 vi;1). Thus k = i. Here Ci j k is the dot product of ~r and (1 vi;1). Q.E.D. 14 We combine Lemma 3.2 with (22) to obtain gi]1 = gj ]1 + Ci j k gj ]k for 1 i n + 1 with i 6= j: (23) Note that (23) is true irrespective of what system we are in. We combine (20) and (24) to obtain gi]1(t) ; gj ]1(t) = Ci j k gj ]k (t1) e h k;1(t;t1) for i 6= j (24) whenever we are in system (19). Hence di j (t) = jCi j k jj gj ]k (t1)j e h k;1(t;t1) for t1 t t2 and i 6= j: Consequently ddidtj (t) < 0, or else gi]1 and gj ]1 both agree over the time interval t1 t2]. Thus the distance between gi]1(t) and the constant gj ]1(t) is either getting smaller or always zero over the time interval t1 t2], when we are in the system described by x_ = Aj hx. Proof of Theorem 3.1 : We will now prove that limt!1 (x1 x2 : : : xn) = 0, for any solution (x1 x2 : : : xn) to the system (1) with the set A de ned as in statement of Theorem 3.1, and then we will be done. Denote the maximum value (minimum value) of G(t), for a time t in the time interval t1 t2], by max1 G(t) (min1 G(t)). Recall that we are in system (19) when t 2 t1 t2]. Then max1 G(t) ; min1 G(t) = gi]1(t) ; gr ]1(t) for some i r 2 f1 2 : : : n + 1g = gi]1(t) ; gj ]1(t) + gj ]1(t) ; gr ]1(t) = jCi j k j j gj ]k (t1)j e h k;1(t;t1) + jCr j qj j gj ]q (t1)j e h q;1 (t;t1 ) where, as in Lemma 3.2, k = j , if i = 1, and k = i, if i 6= 1. Similarly q = j , if r = 1, and q = r, if r 6= 1. Note that if gj ]1 is a maximum value (or minimum value) of G(t), then the last line above collapses to just one term instead of two, and in this case the following arguments will also work. Now let Bi j t1 = jCi j k j j gj ]k (t1)j = distance between gi]1(t1) and gj ]1(t1). Let Br j t1 = jCr j q j j gj ]q (t1)j = distance between gj ]1(t1) and gr ]1(t1). Also let 15 = maxf :1 ng. Note that < 0. Then p 1 max1 G(t) ; min1 G(t) (Bi j t1 + Br j t1 ) e (t;t1) (max1 G(t1) ; min1 G(t1)) e (t;t1) (25) The last inequality follows from the fact that, over the time interval t1 t2], gi]1(t) remains on the same side of the constant gj ]1(t) and gr]1(t) remains on the other side of gj ]1(t). This is because the right hand side of (24) does not change sign as time changes over the time interval t1 t2]. Note that i and r may change with time and so max1 G(t1) may not correspond to gi]1(t1), and min1 G(t1) may not correspond to gr ]1(t1). Now suppose we switch to the next (second) system described by x_ = Ac w x (26) over the time interval t2 t3]. Denote the maximum value (minimum value) of G(t), for some time t 2 t2 t3], by max2 G(t) (min2 G(t)). Then as above we get max2 G(t) ; min2 G(t) (max2 G(t2) ; min2 G(t2)) e (t;t2) (max1 G(t1) ; min1 G(t1)) e (t2;t1 ) (max1 G(t1) ; min1 G(t1)) e (t;t1) e (t;t2) The second inequality above follows from the fact that we start the second system (26) at time t2 when we stop the rst system (19), and the initial conditions for the second system are the terminal conditions for the rst system at time t2. Thus max2 G(t2) ; min2 G(t2) (max1 G(t1) ; min1 G(t1)) e (t2;t1) from (25). Now suppose we switch to the next (third) system described by x_ = Ad ux (27) over the time interval t3 t4]. Denote the maximum value (minimum value) of G(t), for some time t 2 t3 t4], by max3 G(t) (min3 G(t)). Then as above we get max3 G(t) ; min3 G(t) (max1 G(t1) ; min1 G(t1)) e 16 (t;t1) For the general suituation, when we have switched for the mth time, we are in the system described by x_ = Az lx over the time interval tm tm+1]. Again we denote the maximum value (minimum value) of G(t), for some time t 2 tm tm+1], by maxm G(t) (minm G(t)). Then as above we get maxm G(t) ; minm G(t) (max1 G(t1) ; min1 G(t1)) e (t;t1) Therefore, since < 0, we have limt!1 (max G(t);min G(t)) = 0, where max G(t) (min G(t)) denotes the maximum value (minimum value) of G(t) for any time t t1. Thus lim j gi]1(t) ; gj ]1(t)j = 0 for all i j 2 f1 2 : : : n + 1g: t!1 lim jCi j k jj gj ]k (t)j = 0 where k = j if i = 1 and k = i if i 6= 1 and i 6= j: t!1 lim j gj ]k (t)j = 0 for j 2 f1 2 : : : n + 1g and k 2 f2 3 : : : n + 1g: t!1 The second line above follows from (23), which is independent of what system we are in. The last line above follows from the fact that the Ci0sj k form a nite collection of non{zero numbers when i 6= j . Also note that the last line above might not hold for k = 1 because then i = j = 1. Therefore, since limt!1 x(t) = limt!1 Mj gj (t), we get 0 1 xn+1 C B B C B C x B 1 C B C B C lim B C t!1 B x2 C B ... C B C B C @ A = xn 0 1 x1 C B C B C B x 2 B lim B C C t!1 B .. C . C B @ A xn 0 1 b B B B 0 B B B B 0 B lim t!1 B B 0 B B ... B B @ 1 1 ::: Mj 0 = 0 BB 0 BB 0 Mj lim B t!1 B .. B@ . 0 17 10 B C B C B C B C B C B C C @ AB 1 :::1 C 1 0 C C gj ]1(t) C C B C C B C C B g ] ( t ) C j 2 C B C C B C . B C .. C B C C @ A C C C A gj ]n+1(t) 1 gj ]1(t) C C gj ]2(t) C C C ... C C A gj ]n+1(t) = 0 1 0C B B C B 0C B C B C . B C . . B @ C A 0 Thus lim (x1 x2 : : : xn) = 0 t!1 and we have global attractivity of the origin in the switching system (1). Q.E.D. 4 Concluding remarks In this paper we have shown global attractivity for a class of switching systems. This result is important for a number of reasons. Primarily, it can be readily shown from Example 1, or by using examples generated from standard convex optimization packages, such as the MATLAB LMI toolbox (Gahinet, Nemirovski, Laub & Chilali 1995), that the condition of pairwise triangularisability is not su cient to guarantee the existence of a CQLF. Hence, in cases where no CQLF exists, qualitative statements concerning system stability, must be validated using other techniques. One such technique is presented in this paper namely, a technique which proves global attractivity by embedding the original (n-dimensional) state space in a higher (n + 1) dimensional state space. This technique can be used to prove the global attractivity in cases when a CQLF does not exist, and it is likely that derived methodology is applicable to a wide class of related switching systems. 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