Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) On homogeneous parameter dependent quadratic Lyapunov function for robust H∞ filtering design in switched linear discrete-time systems with polytopic uncertainties Guochen Pang · Kanjian Zhang Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract This article is concerned with the problem of robust H∞ filter design for switched linear discrete-time systems with polytopic uncertainties. The condition of robustly asymptotically stable for uncertain switched system and a less conservative H∞ noise-attenuation level bounds are obtained by homogeneous parameter dependent quadratic Lyapunov function. Moreover, a more feasible and effective against the variations of uncertain parameter robust switched linear filter is designed under the given arbitrary switching signal. Lastly, simulation results are used to illustrate the effectiveness of our method. Keywords switched linear systems · robust H∞ filter · homogeneous polynomial function · polytopic uncertainties 1 Introduction Switched systems are a class of hybrid systems that consist of a finite number of subsystems and a logical rule orchestrating switching between the subsystems. Since this class of systems have numerous applications in the control of mechanical systems, the automotive industry, aircraft and air traffic control, switching power converters and many other fields, the problems of stability analysis and control design for switched systems have received wide attention Guochen Pang Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of CSE Ministry of Education, School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China. Tel.: +86 02583794766 Fax: +86 02583794766 E-mail: [email protected] Kanjian Zhang Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of CSE Ministry of Education, School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China. 2 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang during the past two decades [1–15]. [2] proposed the H∞ weight learning law for switched Hopfield neural networks with time-delay under parametric uncertainty. [8] dealt with the delay-dependent exponentially convergent state estimation problem for delayed switched neural networks. Some criteria for exponential stability and asymptotic stability of a class of nonlinear hybrid impulsive and switching systems have been established using switched Lyapunov functions in [9]. [14] investigated the problem of designing a switching compensator for a plant switching amongst a family of given configurations. On the other hand, within robust control theory scheme, the H∞ noiseattention level is an important index for the influence of external disturbance on system stability[17–20]. However, the uncertainties which generally exist in many practical plants and environments may result in significant changes in robust H∞ noise-attention level. In order to suppress the conservativeness, many new methods have been considered. Among these methods, homogeneous polynomial parameter-dependent quadratic Lyapunov function is one of the most effective methods. The main feature of this function is that they are quadratic Lyapunov functions whose dependence on the uncertain parameters is expressed as a polynomial homogeneous form. It is firstly introduced to study robust stability of polynomial systems in [21]. Most results have been presented in [23–27]. In [20], homogeneous parameter-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions were used to establish tightness in robust H∞ analysis. [23] presented some general results concerning the existence of homogeneous polynomial solutions to parameter-dependent linear matrix inequalities whose coefficients are continuous functions of parameters lying in the unit simplex. [25] investigated the problems of checking robust stability and evaluating robust H2 performance of uncertain continuous-time linear systems with time-invariant parameters lying in polytropic domains. [27] introduced Gram-tight forms, i.e. forms whose minimum coincides with the lower bound provided by LMI optimizations based on SOS(sum of squares of polynomials) relaxations. Thus, in order to suppress the influence of uncertainties on the system’s robust H∞ control, the homogeneous parameter-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions are used to desgin robust H∞ filter in this paper. We first consider the system’s anti-interference of external disturbance. Along this direction, the robust H∞ filters for switched linear discrete-time systems are designed. Lastly, through the comparison, we have that homogeneous parameter-dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions can suppress conservativeness which the uncertainties bring. The rest of this article is organised as follows. We state the problem formulation in Section 2. The main results are presented in Section 3. Section 4 illustrates the obtained result by numerical examples, which is followed by the conclusion in Section 5. Notation: Rn denotes the n-dimension Euclidean space and Rn×m is the real matrices with dimension n × m; Rn0 means Rn /{0}; The notation X ≥ Y (respectively X > Y ) where X and Y are symmetric matrices, represents that the matrix X − Y is positive semi-definite (respectively, positive definite); AT denotes the transposed matrix of A; sq(x) represents (x21 , · · · , x2n ) with x ∈ Rn ; Robust H∞ Filtering 3 he(X) means X + X T with X ∈ Rn×n ; x ⊗ y denotes the Kronecker product of vectors x and y. ∥ · ∥ denotes Euclidean norm for vector or the spectral norm of matrices. 2 Problem Statement Consider a class of uncertain switched linear discrete-time systems which were given in [1]. x(k + 1) = Ai (λ)x(k) + Bi (λ)ω(k) y(k) = Ci (λ)x(k) + Di (λ)ω(k) z(k) = Hi (λ)x(k) + Li (λ)ω(k) (1) where x(k) ∈ Rn is state vector, ω(k) ∈ Rl is disturbance input which belongs to l2 [0, +∞), y(k) is the measurement output, z(k) is objective signal to be attenuated, i is switching rule, which takes its value in the finite set Π := {1, · · · , N }. As in reference [1], the switching signal i is unknown a priori, but its instantaneous value is available in real time. As an arbitrary discrete time k, the switching signal i is dependent on k or x(k), or both or other switching rules. ∑s λ is an uncertain parameter vector supposed to satisfy λ ∈ Λ = {λj ≥ 0, j=1 = 1}. The vector λ represents the time-invariant parametric uncertainty which affects linearly the system dynamics. The vector λ can take any value in Λ, but it is known to be constant in time. The matrices of each subsystem have appropriate dimensions and are assumed to belong to a given convex-bounded polyhedral domain described by s vertices in the ith subsystem, i.e. (Ai (λ) Bi (λ) Ci (λ) Di (λ) Hi (λ) Li (λ) ) ∈ Γi (2) where Γi := {(Ai (λ) Bi (λ) Ci (λ) Di (λ) Hi (λ) Li (λ) ) s s ∑ ∑ = λj (Aij Bij Cij Dij Hij Lij ); λj ≥ 0 λj = 1. j=1 j=1 Hence, we are interested in designing an estimator or filter of the form xf (k + 1) = Af i xf (k) + Bf i y(k) zf (k) = Cf i xf (k) + Df i y(k) (3) where xf (k) ∈ Rn , zf (k) ∈ Rq and Af i Bf i Cf i Df i are the parameterized filter matrices to be determined. The filter with the above structure may be called switched linear filter, in which the switching signal i is also assumed unknown a priori but available in real-time and homogeneous with the switching signal in system (1). 4 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang Augmenting the model of (1) to include the state of the filer (3), we obtain the filtering error system: xe (k + 1) = Aei (λ)xe (k) + Bei (λ)ω(k) e(k) = Cei (λ)xe (k) + Dei (λ)ω(k) (4) where ( )T xe (k) = x(k) xf (k) , e(k) = z(k) − zf (k) ( ) ( )T Ai (λ) 0 Aei (λ) = , Bei (λ) = Bi (λ) Bf i Di (λ) , Bf i Ci (λ) Af i ( ) Cei (λ) = Hi (λ) − Df i Ci (λ) −Cf i , Dei (λ) = Li (λ) − Df i Di (λ). Based on [1], the robust H∞ filtering problem addressed in this paper can be formulated as follows: found a prescribed level of noise attention γ > 0, and determining a robust switched linear filter (3) such that the filtering error system is robustly asymptotically stable and ∥ e ∥2 < γ 2 ∥ ω ∥2 . (5) This problem has been received a great deal of attention. In order to get a better level of noise attention γ > 0, we will use homogeneous polynomial functions which have been demonstrated non-conservative result for serval problems. In this paper, we extend these methods to design robust switched linear filter. The following preliminaries are given, which are essential for later developments. We firstly recall the homogeneous polynomial function from chesi et al. [16]. Definition 1 The function h : Rn → R is a form of degree d in n scalar variables if ∑ h(x) = aq xq (6) where Ln,s = {q ∈ N n : monomial xq . ∑n q∈Ln,s i=1 qi = s}, x ∈ Rn and aq ∈ R is coefficient of the The set of forms of degree s in n scalar variables is defined as Ξn,s = {h : Rn → R : (6) holds}. (7) Definition 2 The function f : Rn → R is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to s, in n scalar variables, if f (x) = s ∑ i=0 where x ∈ Rn and hi ∈ Ξn,i , i = 1, · · · , s. hi (x) (8) Robust H∞ Filtering 5 Definition 3 Consider the vector x ∈ Rn , x = [x1 , · · · , xn ]T . The power transformation of degree m is a nonlinear change of coordinates that forms a new vector xm of all integer powered monomials of degree m that can be made from the original x vector, m m j1 jn xm x2 j2 · · · xm , mji ∈ 1, · · · , n, n j = cj x1 n ∑ (n + m − 1)! mji = m, j = 1, · · · , d(n,m) , d(n,m) = . (n − 1)!m! i=1 Usually we take cj = 1, then with m > 0, m T x1 (x1 , x2 , x3 , · · · , xn )m−1 x1 T x2 x2 (x2 , x3 , · · · , xn )m−1 .. = .. . . ; (9) T xn xn (xn )m−1 otherwise m x1 x2 .. = 1. . (10) xn For example, n = 2, m = 2, =⇒ d(n,m) = 3, ( x= x1 x2 ) x21 =⇒ x2 = x1 x2 . x22 (11) Definition 4 The function M : Rn → Rr×r is a homogeneous parameter dependent matrix of degree m in n scalar variables if Mi,j ∈ Ξn,m , ∀i, j = 1, · · · , r. (12) We denote the set of r × r homogeneous parameter dependent matrices of degree m in n scalar variables as # Ξn,m,r = {M : Rn → Rr×r : (12) holds} (13) and the set of symmetric matrix forms as # Ξn,m,r = {M ∈ Ξn,m,r : M (x) = M T (x) ∀x ∈ Rn }. (14) Definition 5 Let M ∈ Ξn,2m,r and H ∈ Srd(n,m) such that M (x) = Φ(H, xm , r) (15) where Φ(H, x , r) = (x ⊗ Ir ) H(x ⊗ Ir ). Then (15) is called a Square Matrical Representation (SMR) of M (x) with respect to xm ⊗ Ir . Moreover, H is called a SMR matrix of M (x) with respect to xm ⊗ Ir . m m T m 6 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang Lemma 1 (Chesi et al. [16]) Let M ∈ Ξn,2m,r . Then H = {H ∈ Srd(n,m) : (15) holds} is an affine space. Moreover, H(M ) = {H + L : H ∈ Srd(n,m) satisf ies (15), L ∈ Ln,m,r } (16) where Ln,m,r is linear space Ln,m,r = {L ∈ Srd(n,m) : Φ(L, xm , r) = 0r×r ∀x ∈ Rn } (17) whose dimension is given by ω(n, m, r) = r ((d(n,m) (rd(n,m) + 1)) − (r + 1)d(n,2m) . 2 (18) Lemma 2 (Chesi et al. [16]) Let M ∈ Ξn,s,r . Then M (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ γq = {x ∈ Rq : xi ≥ 0, q ∑ xi = 1} (19) i=1 holds if and only if M (sq(x)) > 0, ∀x ∈ Rn0 . Lemma 3 (Boyd et al. [28]) The linear matrix inequalities ) ( S11 S12 <0 S= T S22 S12 (20) (21) T T is equivalent to and S22 = S22 where S11 = S11 −1 T S11 < 0, S22 − S12 S11 S12 < 0. (22) 3 Main Result In this section, the sufficient condition for existence of robust H∞ filter for uncertain switched systems are formulated. For this purpose, we firstly consider the anti-interference of system (1) for disturbance. Theorem 1 For a given scalar γ > 0. Consider the system (1), if there exist matrices Pij > 0 and matrices Rij such that Ψ11 (P¯ij , Rij ) 0 Ψ13 (Rij , Aij ) Ψ14 (Rij , Bij ) L11 L12 L13 L14 ∗ −Ic Ψ23 (Cij ) Ψ24 (Dij ) + ∗ L22 L23 L24 < 0 ∗ ∗ Ψ33 (Pij ) 0 ∗ ∗ L33 L34 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ Ic ∗ ∗ ∗ L44 ∏ i, ¯i ∈ , j ∈ [1, s] (23) Robust H∞ Filtering 7 with ΦP¯i Ri (λm+1 ) = s ∑ λj (P¯i (λm ) − Ri (λm ) − RiT (λm )); j=1 m+1 ) = Ri (λm )Ai (λ); ΦRi Bi (λm+1 ) = Ri (λm )Bi (λ); s s ∑ ∑ λj )m Ci (λ); ΦDi (λm+1 ) = ( λj )m Di (λ); ΦCi (λm+1 ) = ( ΦRi Ai (λ j=1 j=1 ΦI (λm+1 ) = ( s ∑ λj )m+1 I; ΦPi (λm+1 ) = j=1 m+1 ΦP¯i Ri (sq(λ s ∑ λj Pi (λm ); j=1 T m+1 )) = ϖ (λ )Ψ11 (P¯ij , Rij )ϖ(λm+1 ); ΦRi Ai (sq(λm+1 )) = ϖT (λm+1 )Ψ13 (Rij , Aij )ϖ(λm+1 ); ΦRi Bi (sq(λm+1 )) = ϖT (λm+1 )Ψ14 (Rij , Bij )ϖ(λm+1 ); ΦCi (sq(λm+1 )) = ϖT (λm+1 )Ψ23 (Cij )ϖ(λm+1 ); ΦDi (sq(λm+1 )) = ϖT (λm+1 )Ψ24 (Dij )ϖ(λm+1 ); ΦPi (sq(λm+1 )) = ϖT (λm+1 )Ψ33 (Pij )ϖ(λm+1 ); ΦI (sq(λm+1 )) = ϖT (λm+1 )Ic ϖ(λm+1 ); ϖ(λm+1 ) = λm+1 ⊗ I; L11 · · · L44 ∈ Ls,m,n where Ψ (·) is a matrix which is made up of Aij , Bij , Cij , Dij , Pij , Rij and the set Ls,m,n is defined in Lemma 1, then system (1) is robustly asymptotically stable with H∞ performance γ for any switching signal. Proof : Consider the following homogeneous parameter dependent quadratic Lyapunov function V (k, x(k)) = xT (k)Pi (λm )x(k). (24) Then, along the trajectory of system (1), we have △V = V (k + 1, x(k + 1)) − V (k, x(k)) = xT (k)[ATi (λ)P¯i (λm )Ai (λ) − Pi (λm )]x(k) +2xT (k)[ATi (λ)P¯i (λm )Bi (λ)]ω(k) +ω T (k)[BiT (λ)P¯i (λm )Bi (λ)]ω(k). (25) When i = ¯i, the switched system is described by the ith mode. When i ̸= ¯i, it represents the switched system being at the switching times from mode ¯i to mode i. Pre- and post-multiply inequality (23) by {λm+1 ⊗ I}T and {λm+1 ⊗ I}, we have ΦP¯i Ri (sq(λm+1 )) 0 ΦRi Ai (sq(λm+1 )) ΦRi Bi (sq(λm+1 )) ∗ −ΦI (sq(λm+1 )) ΦCi (sq(λm+1 )) ΦDi (sq(λm+1 )) < 0. ∗ ∗ ΦPi (sq(λm+1 )) 0 2 m+1 ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ ΦI (sq(λ )) 8 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang From Lemma 2, one has ΦP¯i Ri (λm+1 ) 0 ΦRi Ai (λm+1 ) ΦRi Bi (λm+1 ) ∗ −ΦI (λm+1 ) ΦCi (λm+1 ) ΦDi (λm+1 ) <0 ∗ ∗ ΦPi (λm+1 ) 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 ΦI (λm+1 ) which implies P¯i (λm ) − Ri (λm ) − RiT (λm ) ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 −I ∗ ∗ (26) Ri (λm )Ai (λ) Ri (λm )Bi (λ) Ci (λ) Di (λ) < 0. (27) m Pi (λ ) 0 2 ∗ −γ I Under the disturbance ω(k) = 0, we get △V = xT (k)[ATi (λ)P¯i (λm )Ai (λ) − Pi (λm )]x(k). (28) ATi (λ)P¯i (λm )Ai (λ) − Pi (λm ) < 0, ∀i, ¯i ∈ Π (29) If then △V < 0. It implies the system (1) is robust asymptotic stable. In terms of Lemma 3, the condition (29) is equivalent to ( ) −P¯i (λm ) P¯i (λm )Ai (λ) < 0. ∗ Pi (λm ) (30) Since (23), it follows that P¯i (λm ) − Ri (λm ) − RiT (λm ) < 0 (31) which implies the matrices Ri (λm ) are non-singular for each i. Then, we have (P¯i (λm ) − Ri (λm ))P¯i−1 (λm )(P¯i (λm ) − Ri (λm ))T ≥ 0 (32) which is equivalent to P¯i (λm ) − Ri (λm ) − RiT (λm ) ≥ −Ri (λm )P¯i−1 (λm )RiT (λm ). (33) Hence, it can be readily established that (27) is equivalent to −Ri (λm )P¯i−1 (λm )RiT (λm ) 0 Ri (λm )Ai (λ) Ri (λm )Bi (λ) Di (λ) ∗ −I Ci (λ) < 0.(34) m 0 ∗ ∗ −Pi (λ ) 2 −γ I ∗ ∗ ∗ Pre- and post-multiplying by diag{−Ri−T (λm )P¯i (λm ), I, I, I} to above inequality, we obtain −P¯i (λm ) 0 P¯i (λm )Ai (λ) P¯i (λm )Bi (λ) ∗ −I Ci (λ) Di (λ) < 0. m ∗ ∗ −Pi (λ ) 0 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ I Robust H∞ Filtering 9 which implies (30) hold. Then, the stability of system (1) can be deduced. On other hand, let J= ∞ ∑ [y T (k)y(k) − γ 2 ω T (k)ω(k)] (35) k=0 as performance index to establish the H∞ performance of system (1). When the initial condition x(0) = 0, we have V (k, x(k))|k=0 = 0 which implies J< = ∞ ∑ k=0 ∞ ∑ k=0 [y T (k)y(k) − γ 2 ω T (k)ω(k) + △V ] ( (xT (k) ω T (k)) Θ11 Θ12 T Θ12 Θ22 )( x(k) ω(k) ) (36) where Θ11 = ATi (λ)P¯i (λm )Ai (λ) − Pi (λm ) + CiT (λ)Ci (λ); Θ12 = ATi (λ)P¯i (λm )Bi (λ) + CiT (λ)Di (λ); Θ22 = −γ 2 I + BiT (λ)P¯i (λm )Bi (λ) + DiT (λ)Di (λ). (37) In term of Lemma 3, we have J < 0 which means that ∥ y ∥2 < γ ∥ ω ∥2 . Then, the proof is completed. 2 Remark 1 Within robustly H∞ performance scheme, the basic idea is to get a upper bound of H∞ noise-attention level. Since model uncertainties may result in significant changes in H∞ noise-attention level, we should effectively reduce this effect. For this purpose, the homogeneous parameter-dependent quadratic Lyapunov function is exploited in Theorem 1. Remark 2 In Theorem 1, Ψ (·) is a matrix which is made up of Aij , Bij , Cij , Dij , Pij , Rij . For example, when n = 2 and m = 1, the condition (23) can be written as T 0 0 P¯i1 − Ri1 −Ri1 T ∗ −Ri1 − Ri1 0 T , −Ri2 − Ri2 Ψ11 (P¯ij , Rij ) = +P¯i1 + P¯i2 ∗ ∗ P¯i2 − Ri2 T −Ri2 Ri1 Ai1 0 0 Ri1 Ai2 + Ri2 Ai1 0 , Ψ13 (Rij , Aij ) = ∗ ∗ ∗ Ri2 Ai2 Ri1 Bi1 0 0 Ri1 Bi2 + Ri2 Bi1 0 , Ψ14 (Rij , Bij ) = ∗ ∗ ∗ Ri2 Bi2 10 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang Ci1 0 0 Di1 0 0 Ψ23 (Cij ) = ∗ Ci1 + Ci2 0 , Ψ24 (Cij ) = ∗ Di1 + Di2 0 , ∗ ∗ Ci2 ∗ ∗ Di2 −Pi1 0 0 Ψ33 (Pij ) = ∗ −Pi1 − Pi2 0 . ∗ ∗ −Pi2 (38) Remark 3 About the calculation of matrices L11 · · · L44 , the following algorithm is presented in [16]: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. choose xm and x2m as in Definition 3 where x ∈ Rn set A = 0d(n,2m) d(r,2) ×3 and b = 0 and define the variable α ∈ Rω(n,m,r) for i = 1, . . . , d(n,m) and j = 1, . . . , r set c = r(i − 1) + j for k = 1, . . . , d(n,m) and l = max{1, j + r(i − k)}, . . . , r set d = r(k − 1) + l and f = ind((xm )i (xm )k , x2m ) set g = ind(yj yl , y 2 ) and a = f dr,2 + g and Aa,1 = Aa,1 + 1 if Aa,1 = 1 set Aa,2 = c and Aa,3 = d else set b = b + 1 and G = 0rd(n,m) ×rd(n,m) and Gc,d = 1 set h = Aa,2 and p = Aa,3 and Gh,p = Gh,p − 1 set L = L + αb G endif endfor endfor set L = 0.5he(L) Next, the condition for robust H∞ filter are formulated. For convenience, we define n = 2, m = 1 and s = 2. ¯f i , C¯f i , D ¯ f i , xij Theorem 2 Given a constant γ > 0, if there exist matrices P2ij , yi , ζij , A¯f i , B and positive definite matrices P1ij , P3ij and scalar εi such that Λ11 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Λ12 Λ22 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 0 Λ33 ∗ ∗ ∗ Λ14 Λ24 Λ34 Λ44 ∗ ∗ Λ15 Λ25 Λ35 Λ45 Λ55 ∗ Λ16 L11 ∗ Λ26 Λ36 + ∗ 0 ∗ 0 ∗ Λ66 ∗ L12 L22 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L13 L23 L33 ∗ ∗ ∗ L14 L24 L34 L44 ∗ ∗ L15 L25 L35 L45 L55 ∗ L16 L26 L36 <0 L46 L56 L66 (39) Robust H∞ Filtering with Λ11 Λ12 Λ14 Λ15 Λ16 Λ22 Λ24 P1¯i1 − xi1 0 0 −xTi1 T 0 −x − x 0 i1 i1 T , −x − x = i2 i2 +P + P ¯ ¯ 1i1 1i2 0 0 P1¯i2 − xi2 −xTi2 P2i1 − εi yi 0 0 −ζi1 0 P2i1 + P2i2 0 , −ζi1 − ζi2 = −2εi yi 0 0 P2i1 − εi yi −ζi2 xi1 Ai1 0 0 ¯f i Ci1 +εi B ¯ 0 xi1 Ai2 + εi Bf i Ci1 0 , = ¯ +xi2 Ai1 + εi Bf i Ci2 0 0 xi2 Ai2 ¯f i Ci2 +εi B εi A¯f i 0 0 0 2εi A¯f i 0 , = 0 0 εi A¯f i xi1 Bi1 0 0 ¯f i Di1 +εi B ¯ 0 xi1 Bi2 + εi Bf i Di1 0 , = ¯ +xi2 Bi1 + εi Bf i Di2 0 0 xi2 Ai2 ¯f i Di2 +εi B P3i1 − yi 0 0 −yiT 0 P3i1 + P3i2 0 , = T −2yi − 2yi 0 0 P3i2 − yi −yiT ζi1 Ai1 0 0 ¯f i Ci1 +B ¯ 0 ζi1 Ai2 + Bf i Ci1 0 , = ¯ +ζi2 Ai1 + Bf i Ci2 0 0 ζi2 Ai2 ¯f i Ci2 +B 11 12 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang Λ25 Λ26 A¯f i 0 0 2A¯f i = 0 0 ζi1 Bi1 ¯f i Di1 +B 0 = 0 Λ33 = Λ34 = Λ35 = Λ36 = Λ44 = Λ55 = L11 · · · 0 0 , ¯ Af i 0 0 ¯ ζi1 Bi2 + Bf i Di1 0 , ¯ +ζi2 Bi1 + Bf i Di2 0 ζi2 Ai2 ¯f i Di2 +B −I1×1 0 0 0 −2I1×1 0 , 0 0 −I1×1 ¯ Hi1 − Df i Ci1 0 0 ¯ f i Ci1 0 Hi1 − D 0 , ¯ +Hi2 − Df i Ci2 ¯ 0 0 Hi2 − Df i Ci2 ¯ −Cf i 0 0 0 −2C¯f i 0 , 0 0 −C¯f i ¯ f i Di1 Li1 − D 0 0 ¯ f i Di1 0 Li1 − D 0 , ¯ +Li2 − Df i Di2 ¯ 0 0 Li2 − Df i Di2 −P1i1 0 0 −P2i1 0 0 0 −P1i1 − P1i2 0 , Λ45 = 0 −P2i1 − P2i2 0 0 0 −P1i2 0 0 −P2i2 2 −P3i1 0 0 −γ I1×1 0 0 0 −P3i1 − P3i2 0 , Λ66 = , 0 −2γ 2 I1×1 0 2 0 0 −P3i2 0 0 −γ I1×1 L66 ∈ L2,2,2 . Then, there exist a robust switched linear filter in form of (3) such that, for all admissible uncertainties, the filter error system (4) is robustly asymptotically stable and performance index holds for any non-zero ω ∈ l2 [0, ∞) where Af i = ¯f i , Cf i = C¯f i , Df i = D ¯ f i. yi−1 A¯f i , Bf i = yi−1 B Proof : Let ( Pi (λ) = P1i (λ) P2i (λ) ∗ P3i (λ) ) ( , Ri (λ) = xi (λ) εi yi ζi (λ) yi where ( P1i (sq(λ)) = {λ ⊗ I}T P1i1 0 0 P1i2 ) {λ ⊗ I} ) Robust H∞ Filtering 13 ( P2i (sq(λ)) = {λ ⊗ I}T ( P2i1 0 0 P2i2 ) {λ ⊗ I} ) P3i1 0 {λ ⊗ I} 0 P3i2 ( ) xi1 0 xi (sq(λ)) = {λ ⊗ I}T {λ ⊗ I} 0 xi2 ( ) ζi1 0 ζi (sq(λ)) = {λ ⊗ I}T {λ ⊗ I} 0 ζi2 P3i (sq(λ)) = {λ ⊗ I}T (40) From Theorem 1, the filter error system is robust asymptotically stable with a prescribed H∞ noise-attenuation level bound γ if the following matrix inequality hold: P1i (λ) − xi (λ) P2i (λ) − εi yi 0 xi (λ)Ai (λ) εi A¯f i xi (λ)Bi (λ) ¯f i Ci (λ) ¯f i Di (λ) −xi (λ)T −ζi (λ) +εi B +εi B ¯ ∗ P − y 0 ζ (λ)A (λ) A ζ (λ)B 3i i i i fi i i (λ) T ¯f i Ci (λ) ¯f i Di (λ) −y + B + B i <0 ∗ ∗ −I Hi (λ) C¯f i Li (λ) ¯ f i Ci (λ) ¯ f i Di (λ) − D − D ∗ ∗ ∗ −P1i (λ) −P2i (λ) 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −P3i (λ) 0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ −γ 2 I (41) By (40) and Lemma 2, one can obtain that the inequality (39) is equivalent to (41). Thus, if (39) holds, the filter error system is robustly asymptotically stable with an H∞ noise-attenuation level bound γ > 0. Then, the proof is completed. 4 Examples The following example exhibits the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method for robust H∞ filtering problems with polytopic uncertainties. Consider the following uncertain discrete-time switched linear systems (1) consisting of two uncertain subsystems which is given in [1]. There are two groups of vertex matrices in subsystem 1: ( ) ( ) 0.82 0.10 0 A11 = ρ , B11 = ρ , −0.06 0.77 0.1 ( ) ( ) C11 = ρ 1 0 , D11 = ρ, H11 = ρ 1 0 , L11 = 0, ( A12 = ρ 0.82 0.10 −0.06 −0.75 ) ( , B12 = ρ 0 −0.1 ) , 14 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang ( ) ( ) C12 = ρ 1 0.2 , D12 = 0.8ρ, H12 = ρ 1 0 , L12 = 0 and two groups of vertex matrices in subsystem 2: ( ) ) ( 0.82 0.06 0.1 A21 = ρ , B21 = ρ , −0.10 0.77 0 ( ) ( ) C21 = ρ 0 −1 , D21 = −ρ, H21 = ρ 1 0 , L21 = 0, ( A22 = ρ 0.82 0.06 −0.10 −0.75 ) ( , B22 = ρ −0.1 0 ) , ( ) ( ) C22 = ρ 0.2 −1 , D22 = −0.8ρ, H22 = ρ 1 0 , L22 = 0. Moreover, we define the disturbance ω(k) = 0.001e−0.003k sin(0.002πk). (42) Firstly, consider the problem of robust asymptotically stable with an H∞ noise-attenuation for the uncertain switched system which was given in Theorem 1. The different minimum H∞ noise-attenuation level bounds γ can be obtained by different methods. Table 1 lists the different calculation results. From Tabler 1, it can be clearly seen that the results which are gotten by Table 1 Different minimum γ for uncertain switched system ρ 1 1.1 1.2 [1] 1.2799 1.6985 6.2048 Theorem 1 1.2799 1.6984 4.0988 homogeneous parameter dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions are better. In addition, for given ρ = 1.2, and initial condition x(0) = [0.1, − 0.3]T , Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show systems (1) are robustly asymptotically stable with an H∞ noise-attenuation level bound γ = 4.0988. Next, we consider the problem of robust H∞ filtering. In order to get H∞ noise-attenuation level bound γ, we define ε1 = ε2 = 1. By solving the corresponding convex optimization problems in Theorem 2, we obtain the minimum H∞ noise-attenuation level bounds γ. Table 2 lists our results and [1]’s results. Moreover, When ρ = 1.2, the admissible filter parameters can be obtained according to Theorem 2 as ( ) ( ) ( ) 0.8770 0.0505 −0.0852 Af 1 = , Bf 1 = , Cf 1 = −1.2057 0.0112 , −0.7334 0.3356 −0.1077 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1.1457 0.6743 −0.2593 Af 2 = , Bf 1 = , Cf 2 = −0.8695 −0.1525 , −1.2492 −0.8883 0.5929 Df 1 = −0.0073, Df 2 = −0.0045. Robust H∞ Filtering 15 0.2 x1(t) x2(t) 0.15 Magnitude 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 0 50 100 t/step 150 200 Fig. 1 The states responses corresponding to uncertain parameter λ1 = 0.4, λ2 = 0.6. −3 3 x 10 y(t) γw(t) −γw(t) 2 Magnitude 1 0 −1 −2 −3 0 100 200 300 400 500 t/step Fig. 2 H∞ noise-attenuation level bound γ = 4.0988 By comparison, using homogeneous parameter dependent quadratic Lyapunov function for the existence of a robust switched linear filter in Theorem 2 are better. By giving H∞ noise-attenuation level bound γ = 4.2892 and initial condition xe (0) = [0.1 − 0.3 0 0]T , Fig. 3 shows the filtering error system is robustly asymptotically stable and Fig. 4 shows the error response of the resulting filtering error system by applying above filter. It is clearly that the method in Theorem 2 is feasible and effective against the variations of uncertain parameter. 16 Guochen Pang, Kanjian Zhang Table 2 Different minimum γ for robust switched linear filter ρ 1 1.1 1.2 [1] 0.5375 1.1414 4.4493 Theorem 2 0.5148 1.0826 4.2892 0.5 x1(t) x2(t) xf1(t) xf2(t) 0.4 0.3 Magnitude 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 0 50 100 t/step 150 200 Fig. 3 The states responses corresponding to uncertain parameter λ1 = 0.4, λ2 = 0.6. 5 Conclusions In this paper, the problems of robustly asymptotically stable with an H∞ noise-attenuation level bounds γ and switched linear filter design for uncertain switched linear system are studied by homogeneous parameter dependent quadratic Lyapunov functions. By using this method, the less conservative H∞ noise-attenuation level bounds are obtained. Moreover, we also get a more feasible and effective against the variations of uncertain parameter under the given arbitrary switching signal. 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