COLLABORATIVE TACTICS FOR NESTSITE SELECTION BY PAIRS OF BLUE FOOTED BOOBIES by JUDY STAMPS 1,2), MIRIAM CALDERÓN-DE ANDA 3) , CARMEN PEREZ 3) and HUGH DRUMMOND 3,4) California, Davis, Davis, California, 95616; 3 Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, México, D.F.) (1 Evolution and Ecology, University of (Acc. 13-IX-2002) Summary The dual concern model suggests that pairs of animals can use four different behavioural strategies to resolve disputes that arise when making joint decisions. Based on their reproductive biology, we predicted that mated pairs of blue footed boobies would use one of these strategies, collaboration, when deciding on a location for their nest. Many of the behaviour tactics diagnostic of collaboration were observed in boobies. For instance, nestsite selection was accompanied by extensive exchanges of a specialized communication signal (nestpointing), rates of nestpointing at a given site were strongly related to the likelihood that a pair would select that site for their nest, couples in which the male and female ‘disagreed’ about the merits of an initial site went on to investigate additional sites together (‘expanding the pie’), individuals pointed at maximal rates at a site only after their partner had already pointed at that same site (‘feeling out procedures’), and both sexes appeared to have ‘veto power’ over potential nestsites, in the sense that a site was virtually never accepted for the nest if one of the two partners failed to point at that site prior to clutch initiation. These results support the hypothesis that mated pairs of blue footed boobies may use collaborative tactics when selecting a nestsite; descriptive accounts suggest that similar tactics may occur in other birds in which mated pairs jointly decide on the location for their nest. 2) Corresponding author’s e-mail address: [email protected] Financial assistance was provided by a grant from UCMexus to JS, and grants to HD through Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (grants D112-903581, 4722-N9407), the UNAM, and the National Geographic Society (grants 4535-91 and 4536-91). We are very grateful to Neil Willits for statistical assistance, Cristina Rodríguez for help with eldwork, and to the Mexican Navy and the shermen of San Blas and Boca de Camichín for logistical help. 4) © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2002 Behaviour 139, 1383-1412 Also available online - 1384 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND Keywords: decision-making, nestsite selection, dispute resolution, collaboration. Introduction Animal behaviourists frequently observe situations in which pairs of animals appear to make joint decisions about space. Nestsite selection in birds provides a striking example of this behaviour. Anecdotal and descriptive accounts from a wide range of species suggest that mated pairs engage in an extended series of displays and social interactions at potential nestsites, a process which eventually results in the selection of one of those sites for the nest (Tinbergen, 1953; Scott, 1972; Nethersole-Thompson & NethersoleThompson, 1979; Ratcliffe, 1980; Furness, 1987; Newton, 1986; Marzluff & Balda, 1992; Tarof & Ratcliffe, 2000). Other examples of joint decisions about space occur in territorial species, when neighbouring pairs use a series of aggressive interactions to determine the location of the boundary between their respective territories (e.g. Stamps & Krishnan, 1998), or species in which pairs of animals travel around together, and jointly decide on the direction of travel at any given moment (e.g. butter y sh, Reese, 1975). Interestingly, although many animal behaviourists are familiar with situations in which animal dyads appear to make joint decisions about space, little is known about the behavioural basis of this process. Some empiricists have described how groups of animals make joint decisions about space, but such groups typically consist of many individuals. Examples include studies of the behaviour that troops or herds of mammals use to decide on direction of travel for the day (Sigg & Stolba, 1981; Prins, 1996; Boinski & Garber, 2000), or studies of the behaviour by which swarms of honeybees decide on a new nestsite (Visscher & Camazine, 1999; Seeley & Buhrman, 2001). Theoreticians have considered one situation in which pairs of animals make joint decisions about space, in suggesting that prospective territory neighbours use aggressive behaviour patterns to negotiate a location for their mutual territory boundary (Adams, 1998; Stamps & Krishnan, 2001). Otherwise, animal behaviourists seem to have largely ignored the behavioural processes animals use to make joint decisions about space. Perhaps one reason for the lack of interest in this topic is the lack of a framework for predicting the types of strategies and tactics that dyads might use to make joint decisions about space. For instance, it makes intuitive sense JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1385 that territorial animals might use aggression to negotiate the location of a boundary between their territories, but it seems less likely that mated pairs of birds would use comparable behaviour to select a place to raise their young. Indeed, descriptive accounts of nestsite selection in birds suggest that mated pairs do not employ aggressive displays or interactions in this situation. Instead, ornithologists describe specialized displays that pairs use to attract one another to potential nestsites, repeated inspections of potential sites by individuals and pairs, and extended series of social interactions that somehow result in the selection of one site for the nest (e.g. see Ratcliffe, 1980). However, though these accounts indicate that avian pairs may use complicated behavior when selecting a nestsite, they offer no insights into general categories of behaviour that these animals might use to make these decisions. Fortunately, scholars working in other disciplines have considered the types of behaviour that pairs of individuals use when making joint decisions, including decisions about space (e.g. Greenhalgh & Chapman, 1995; Pruitt, 1998). In particular, the dual-concern model developed by social psychologists predicts the types of behaviour that human dyads are expected to use when making joint decisions about a variety of topics, including space use (e.g. how married couples select a new home or vacation venue, Pruitt & Rubin, 1986; Pruitt & Carnevale, 1993; Rubin et al., 1994). Empirical studies of humans support the predictions of the dual concern model (De Dreu et al., 2000), implying that this model might provide a useful conceptual framework for studying the behavior that other types of animals use to make joint decisions about space. The current paper uses nestsite selection in blue footed boobies, Sula nebouxii, to show how the dual concern model can be used to study the behavioural processes that pairs of animals employ to make joint decisions about space. Because our goal is to both introduce the dual concern model, and to use it to study nestsite selection in birds, the current paper is necessarily more complicated than contributions that focus exclusively on either conceptual or empirical issues. The paper is divided into six sections. First, we brie y introduce the dual-concern model, and summarize its predictions with respect to the types of behaviour patterns animals might use to make important joint decisions about space. Then, we introduce the study species, and indicate why nestsite selection in blue footed boobies might provide a good system for testing some of the predictions of the 1386 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND dual concern model. Next, we detail the methods we used to study nestsite selection in the boobies. The results on nestsite selection in boobies are divided into two sections. The rst of these focuses on a conspicuous display (nestpointing) that is closely associated with the process of nestsite selection in this species, and shows that rates of nestpointing at a given site are related to the likelihood that a pair will select that site for their nest. Based on these results, we then show how nestpointing can be used to ask whether pairs of boobies exhibit speci c types of behavioural tactics predicted by the dual concern model. Finally, we summarize some of the major conclusions from this study, and suggest that the dual concern model may provide a useful framework for studying the processes by which other species make joint decisions about space. The dual concern model When pairs of animals make joint decisions, the two parties may initially disagree about the best option for their joint decision. Initial disputes over preferred options can occur for a variety of reasons. For instance, two partners may have strongly overlapping interests in the outcome of the joint decision, but initially prefer different options because neither is able to accurately assess the relative merits of different options. Thus, a pair of birds might both bene t by selecting the nestsite which will optimize edgling production and adult survivorship, but initially disagree about the location that is most likely to achieve these objectives. Note that in this situation, a dispute over preferred options does not re ect an underlying con ict of interest; instead, it re ects different assessments by two parties of the relative quality of alternative options for the joint decision. Alternately, two parties might have a con ict of interest with respect to the outcome of the nal decision, such that an outcome favorable for one party comes at the expense of the other party. Thus, when territory neighbours compete for divisible space, a boundary location which yields a larger territory for one individual necessarily results in a smaller territory size for its neighbour (Stamps & Krishnan, 2001). However, regardless of the reasons for the disagreement over preferred options, this disagreement must somehow be resolved, if two parties are to arrive at a joint decision with one another. A model borrowed from social psychology suggests that animal dyads can use at least four different strategies to resolve disputes when making joint JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1387 decisions (Pruitt & Rubin, 1986; Pruitt & Carnevale, 1993). The dual concern model predicts that the behaviour an individual will employ when making a joint decision depends on two factors: the importance of the decision to the actor, and the extent to which the actor is concerned about the outcome of the decision for the other party. Rephrased in terms more familiar to behavioural ecologists, the dual concern model predicts that strategic choice for dispute resolution depends on the potential impact of the decision on the actor’s tness, and on the potential impact of the decision for the other party on the actor’s tness (Fig. 1). An interesting and novel prediction of the dual concern model is that pairs of animals with broadly overlapping interests should use a particular set of behaviour patterns, here termed ‘collaborative tactics’ to resolve disputes when making joint decisions that are important to both of them. One situation in which collaboration is expected is when pairs of animals with extensive biparental care select a nestsite, since in this situation, offspring production for each individual is likely to be affected by the effect of the nestsite on the parental care delivered to the offspring by the other party. For instance, selecting a nestsite highly aversive to the partner might reduce an individual’s reproductive success later in the nestcycle, if the partner’s ef ciency at Fig. 1. Four strategies for dispute-resolutionduring joint decision-making. Strategic choice depends on the potential effect of the decision on the actor’s tness, and the extent to which the actor’s tness is affected by the outcome of the decision for the other party. Collaborative tactics are expected when a decision is important to the actor (high potential direct effect of the decision on actor’s tness) and when actor and other have broadly overlapping interests in the outcome of the joint decision (a positive outcome for the other party is likely to enhance the actor’s tness). See text. 1388 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND incubation, nest protection, or provisioning were compromised as a result of its reluctance to spend extended periods of time at the nestsite. Collaborative tactics are expected when two parties have overlapping interests with respect to most, but not necessarily all, of the features of the various options that they might adopt for their joint decision. For instance, both partners in a mated pair of birds have an interest in selecting a site with high intrinsic quality (e.g. with characteristics likely to enhance offspring growth and survivorship), and each partner has an interest in choosing a site with characteristics that are likely to enhance their mate’s ability to provide high quality care to the offspring. On the other hand, male and female interests might diverge with respect to other characteristics of potential nestsites, e.g., a female might bene t by selecting a site that was located close to a neighboring male with whom she might engage in extra-pair copulations. The issue with respect to collaboration is not whether male and female interests in a joint decision are entirely congruent (they virtually never are), but instead whether males and females have broadly overlapping interests with respect to the option that will eventually be selected for their joint decision. In the situation outlined above, this is likely to be the case. That is, a female would not be expected to prefer a low quality nestsite just because it was located close to a potential extra-pair partner, although proximity to an attractive neighbor might in uence her ranking of otherwise comparable sites. Conversely, most of the characteristics of nestsites that enhance a female’s tness would also, directly or indirectly, enhance the tness of her mate. Hence, in this situation, we might expect partners to use collaborative tactics to resolve disputes over nestsite selection, e.g., after investigating several sites of comparable quality, the male might veto a site that was located too close to the attractive neighbor (see below, and Table 1). Based on the literature on decision-making in humans, collaborative tactics in animals are expected to exhibit a number of properties. Since collaboration is expected when an individual bene ts by decisions that are favorable for its partner, this strategy is expected to involve extensive exchanges of communicative signals, with which each party reveals its level of preference for different options for the joint decision (Pruitt & Rubin, 1986; Pruitt, 1998). Collaboration may include ‘feeling out procedures’, in which one party initially indicates its preferences using low intensity signals, and then increases the level of signal produced in association with its preferred option after determining that this option is also acceptable to the JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1389 other party (Pruitt, 1981). One advantage of feeling out procedures is that an individual does not waste time or energy indicating a strong preference for an option that is unacceptable to the other party, and hence unlikely to be adopted for the nal decision. Another collaborative tactic is ‘expanding the pie’, in which two parties who disagree about an initial set of options go on to locate, explore and discuss a new set of options (Pruitt & Carnevale, 1993). In collaboration, both parties are expected to have ‘veto power’ over decisions, since neither individual is likely to bene t if it obtains an option that is highly aversive to the other party. Finally, in terms of outcomes, collaboration is unlikely to produce decisions which are unfavorable for one of the two parties (win-lose solutions). Instead, it is likely to generate ‘compromise’ solutions (in which each party obtains an outcome that is better than its least-preferred option, but worse than its most-preferred option), or ‘winwin’ solutions, which are better for both parties than any of the options that were initially under consideration (Pruitt & Rubin, 1986; Pruitt, 1998). In contrast, when two parties with broadly non-overlapping interests make joint decisions that are important to both of them, the dual concern model predicts individuals will use contentious behaviour to resolve disputes that arise while making the decision. Many contentious tactics are already familiar to animal behaviourists; examples include aggression, manipulation, deception, persuasion, or harassment (reviews in Huntingford & Turner, 1987; Archer, 1988; Gadagkar, 1997; Kölliker & Richner, 2001). Contentious tactics include any behaviour patterns which increase the chances that a pair will select an option favorable to the actor, without regard to, or at the expense of, the outcome for the other party. For instance, when pairs of animals dispute the location of a boundary between their respective territories, they typically use aggressive behaviour to arrive at a joint decision about the boundary location (Stamps, 1994; Stamps & Krishnan, 1998, 2001). The dual concern model predicts the use of contentious tactics in this situation, because the location of the boundary is likely to affect the size and quality of the territories of both individuals (e.g. Eason, 1992; Adams, 1998), and because an individual’s tness is unlikely to be enhanced if its neighbour obtains a better territory. Collaborative tactics are similar to contentious tactics in some respects: both are expected to involve extensive social interactions and exchanges of specialized communication signals, and both can generate compromise solutions (Table 1). Fortunately, however, there are several ways to discriminate 1390 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND collaborative from contentious tactics. First, feeling out procedures are predicted under collaboration, but not under contention. Contentious tactics often involve increases in signal intensity over time, as part of a phenomenon termed ‘escalation’ (see review in Archer & Huntingford, 1994). However, escalation differs from feeling out procedures in one important respect: in escalation, an individual increases the intensity of signals associated with its preferred option after determining that the other party prefers another option, whereas in feeling out procedures, an individual increases the level of signaling associated with its preferred option after determining that the other party prefers that same option. Another difference between collaboration and contention is that the latter often involves the use of behaviour patterns that improve the outcome for the actor by in icting costs or punishment on the other party (Clutton-Brock & Parker, 1995; Gowaty, 1997; Stamps & Krishnan, 1999, 2001; Bisazza et al., 2001; Schlupp et al., 2001). In contrast, collaboration is predicted in situations in which two parties have broadly overlapping interests, which limits the extent to which one party is likely to in ict costs on the other while making the joint decision. Instead, since one goal of collaborative behaviour is to obtain accurate information about the other party’s level of preference for various options, collaboration is likely to include behaviour by which one party ‘invites’ the other to consider options preferred by the actor (with no penalty should the other party fail to accept that invitation), or behaviour by which an individual encourages the other party to freely express its own preferences for various options (Pruitt & Carnevale, 1993). Third, collaboration is expected to involve the mutual exploration, investigation, and discussion of new options (see expanding the pie, above), whereas contention is not. Fourth, each party in collaboration is expected to have veto power over the nal decision, whereas in contention, the pair can adopt an option that is aversive to one of the two parties. Finally, in terms of outcomes, contention is more likely than collaboration to produce ‘win-lose’ decisions, whereas collaboration is more likely than contention to produce ‘win-win’ decisions. The similarities and differences between contention and collaboration are summarized in Table 1. Even this brief review of the dual concern model indicates why this approach might prove useful for studying joint decision-making in animals. First, the model suggests that extensive exchanges of specialized communication signals are expected whenever pairs of animals make joint decisions that are important to both of them, i.e. this type of behaviour is consistent 1391 JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES TABLE 1. Comparison of contentious and collaborative tactics for joint decision-making A. Behaviour patterns 1. Extensive exchanges of communication signals 2. Feeling out procedures 3. Escalation 4. Behaviour that in icts costs on the other party 5. Expanding the pie 6. Veto power B. Likely Outcomes 1. Win-lose 2. Compromise 3. Win-win Contention Collaboration x x x x x x x x x x x with both collaborative and contentious tactics. This point is worth emphasizing, because it is sometimes assumed that communication in cooperative contexts typically involves brief exchanges of simple, low-cost signals (‘conspiratorial whispers’, Krebs & Davies, 1984; Maynard Smith, 1991, 1994). However, the dual concern model suggests that even if two parties have very broadly overlapping interests, they may need to exchange extensive amounts of information about their levels of preference for various options, in order to make the joint decision that is best for both of them (see also Seeley & Buhrman, 2001, for a related example involving nestsite selection in honeybees). Second, the dual concern model predicts behaviour patterns that have not, to our knowledge, been previously described by empiricists studying joint decisions about space by animal dyads, i.e. expanding the pie, feeling out procedures, or veto power. As we illustrate below for the boobies, one can devise tests to reveal the behavioural tactics that pairs of animals use to select a nestsite, and hence ask whether those animals might be using collaborative tactics to make this type of joint decision. On the other hand, the dual concern model also has some obvious de ciencies. For instance, it is descriptive rather than mathematical, it does not specify which tactics (or mixture of tactics) an individual should employ when the outcome for the other party has an intermediate effect on its own tness, nor does it specify the behaviour or outcomes expected if two members of a dyad employ different strategies when making a joint decision. However, we feel that it would be premature to re ne and formalize the 1392 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND dual concern model, before rst determining if it has any relevance to the behaviour that animals use to make joint decisions. Hence, the primary, and relatively modest, goal of the current study is to ask whether pairs of blue footed boobies exhibit collaborative behaviour patterns when selecting a nestsite. Reproductive biology of blue footed boobies Blue footed boobies are colonial seabirds, which nest on the ground within a small (7 to 20 m2 ) territory, which is situated near the territories of neighbouring pairs (Gonzalez & Osorno, 1987). The nest itself consists of a shallow scrape on the ground, located inside of the territory boundaries (Nelson, 1978). Preliminary observations indicate that nestsite selection in boobies occurs after a pair has formed and established a territory (Stamps, unpubl. data). As is detailed below, pairs typically investigate several different potential nestsites within their territory, and prepare several of these sites for possible use, before selecting one of them for the nest. Because potential nestsites are located within the territory, preemption of sites by other pairs is typically not a problem for boobies; as a result, pairs can investigate a number of different sites, over an extended period of time, before choosing one of them for the nest. Both sexes share in all parental duties associated with the nest, including preparation of potential nestsites, incubation, brooding, protection of eggs and young from predators and aggressive conspeci cs, provisioning of nestlings, and provisioning of edglings (Nelson, 1978; Guerra & Drummond, 1995). Both parents spend extensive amounts of time in offspring production: approximately 170 days elapse between laying of the rst egg and independence of one to three chicks (Nelson, 1978), and for the rst two months of this period, both parents spend many hours each day on or near their nest. The reproductive biology of these birds suggests that they might use collaborative tactics when selecting one of several potential sites for their nest. First, the choice of a nestsite is likely to be important to both partners, given the amount of time, and the extensive amount of parental care, that both individuals invest at the nest over the course of the reproductive season. To the extent that attributes of the nestsite affect the ability of parents to provide to high quality care to their young, or affect parental condition or survivorship, it seems reasonable to assume that the choice of a nestsite JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1393 would be important for both sexes in boobies. Second, it seems reasonable to assume that male and female boobies might attend to the preferences of their partners when selecting a nestsite. Not only do both parents provide extensive amounts of care at the nest within each breeding season, but individuals often re-pair with the same partner in successive years (Stamps & Drummond, unpubl. data; see also below). As a result, an individual whose partner obtained a highly preferred nest location might enjoy higher reproductive success or survivorship during the current season, or might stand a better chance of retaining that mate in subsequent seasons, than an individual whose partner was unenthusiastic about the nest location. Hence, to the extent that a booby’s current or future reproductive success is affected by its partner’s level of satisfaction with the nestsite, one might expect booby pairs to use collaborative behaviour to select a nestsite. Methods Nestsite selection in boobies was studied on Isla Isabel, Nayarít, Mexico from January 1997 to February 1998. All of the edglings and most adults in this colony were banded using numbered metal tags for the previous 12 years. As a result, virtually all of the adults in the current study could be identi ed as individuals based on their band numbers (which were visible at distances of up to 5 m via binoculars). We determined whether each banded adult had bred in previous years, and for the experienced breeders, the location (to within 0.5 m) of the nest and identity of the mate during the previous breeding season. Preliminary observations suggested that two previously undescribed displays, nestscraping and nestpointing, were closely associated with nestsite selection in this species. In nestscraping (abbreviated NSC), boobies remove twigs, rocks and soil from potential nestsites using the bill and the feet. Nestpointing (NP) occurs when a standing individual points its bill at the substrate, with the tip approximately 15 cm from the ground, and moves the bill laterally and vertically, often while vocalizing. NP and NSC were only observed when an individual was standing at a location that was physically appropriate for a nest. NSC and NP were performed by the male alone (male NSC, male NP), the female alone (female NSC, female NP), or by both partners simultaneously, as they stood side by side at the same location (mutual NSC, mutual NP). NP and NSC were rst observed after an individual or a pair established a territory, and neither of these behaviour patterns was observed after the onset of egglaying and incubation. In the current study, we were only interested in sites that were suf ciently attractive to elicit repeated visits by the members of a pair. Thus, for the purposes of this study, a ‘site’ is de ned as a location at which we observed either NSC or NP by either (or both) partners on at least three different days between territory establishment and the onset of egglaying or incubation. Two sets of birds were used for the current study. Focal data were collected on pairs that nested during the 1996-97 breeding season, with observations conducted from January 29 1394 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND to April 10, 1997. Our goal here was to study the process of nestsite selection in rst-time breeders, so we monitored solitary territorial males with no prior breeding experience, and watched for the arrival in the study area of couples composed of two rst-time breeders. Since we were interested in the process of nestsite selection, we only included pairs in the Focal sample if they remained together from the day the female joined a solitary male on his territory (or the couple arrived in the study area), until the onset of incubation; a total of 8 pairs satis ed these criteria. We used onset of incubation as the endpoint of observations because although most (7/8) pairs laid eggs, one female disappeared without laying any eggs. In this pair, the male incubated a rock at one of the sites the pair had investigated prior to the female’s disappearance. Most (14/16) of the individuals in the Focal sample were rst-time breeders; the two exceptions were 2 experienced females who each paired with a solitary, territorial male. For each Focal pair, we scheduled one hour of observation each morning (between 6:00 and 12:00) and one hour in the afternoon (between 14:00 and 16:00) on a rotating schedule to control for behavioural variation as a function of time of day; observations were taken during these scheduled periods whenever one or both members of the pair were present on their territory. On average, pairs were observed for 26.96 (SD D §16.4) hours, virtually every day from pair formation to the onset of incubation. Since we were primarily interested in social interactions between mated pairs, unless otherwise indicated, analyses were based on periods when both partners were together on the territory at the same time. During the focal observations, we noted the location of every bout of individual or mutual NSC and NP to the nearest 1 m on a scale map of the region encompassing the pair’s territory. Each ‘bout’ began when the actor (s) began NP or NSC at a site, and ended when the birds paused for at least 30 sec, began performing another behaviour at the same site, or moved away from the site. Rates of NSC and NP refer to the number of bouts observed during periods when the male and female were together on the territory, divided by the number of hours that both partners were present together on the territory. Survey data were collected for pairs who nested during the 1997-98 breeding season, with behavioural observations conducted from November 20, 1997 to February 15, 1998. The Survey sample consisted of 40 pairs who laid their rst egg before February 15, 1998, and who were either present on their territories at the beginning of the study (Nov 20, 1997) or who formed a pair, and established a territory in the study area after that date. These birds were observed from four blinds, from each of which an area of approximately 80 m2 could be monitored. Every day, trained observers in each of the four blinds recorded the behaviour of pairs around each blind from 6:30 to 8:45, and from 15:00 to 17:15, the periods when the birds were most active in the colony. Each period was divided into 45 minute intervals; during each interval, observers used 1-0 sampling to record the presence and location of male NP, female NP and mutual NP, male NSC, female NSC and mutual NSC; the location of each of these displays was noted to the nearest 1 m on a scale map of each of the four areas. Rates of behaviour patterns for Survey birds re ect the proportion of 45-minute intervals in which we observed individuals or pairs engaging in each of these behaviour patterns. Because each observer monitored a number of pairs simultaneously, it was not possible to keep track of the time each individual arrived or left the study area. Hence it was not possible to restrict these analyses to periods in which one or both members of each pair were present on their territory. Of the two behaviour patterns that booby partners might use to communicate nestsite preferences, we focused on NP for several reasons. First, NP has no direct effect on a site, whereas NSC changes the physical characteristics of a site, in addition to any possible JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1395 communicative functions this behaviour might have. Second, NP virtually always occurs when an individual and its partner are together on the territory, whereas NSC is often performed when an individual is alone on the territory. For instance, in the current study, we observed focal individuals when they were alone on their territories for a total of 60.0 hours (xN D 7:49 hrs/pair), but only recorded one bout of NP, by a male, during this entire period. In contrast, during the same period, solitary females performed NSC at an average rate of 1.84 bouts/hr, and solitary males performed NSC at an average rate of 0.55 bouts/hr. In fact, solitary territorial males typically prepared one site using NSC before acquiring a mate, and then displayed at this site when courting potential partners (see also Nelson, 1978). Finally, analyses of nestsite selection based on NSC produced results which were qualitatively similar to those based on NP. Hence, in the interest of simplicity and brevity, the current study focuses on nestpointing behaviour. Statistical analyses were parametric when the assumptions of normality and equal variance were satis ed; otherwise, non-parametric tests were used. Tests were two-tailed unless otherwise indicated; multiple tests of signi cance were conducted using Hochberg’s procedure (Hochberg, 1988). One new statistical method was developed for this study. One of our goals was to determine whether nestpointing behaviour at a given site was related to the likelihood that that site would be accepted for the nest. This lead to the hypothesis that pairs might select the site at which one of the two individuals had nestpointed at its maximal rate during the prelaying period; the null hypothesis was that pairs selected a site without regard to that individual’s nestpointing rates during the prelaying period. For each pair, we computed the likelihood that a pair would select the site they did, under the null hypothesis. For instance, if pair D had 5 sites, the female nestpointed at her maximal rate at site c, and she laid the rst egg at site c, then under the null hypothesis, there was a 1/5 (or p D 0:2) chance of obtaining this result. Since the number of sites varied among the pairs, each pair had its own likelihood of accepting the site where an individual had pointed at its maximal rate. Results from different pairs were treated as separate ‘experiments’, and were combined using Fisher’s test (Fisher, 1954; see also Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). This test generates a statistic, S, the signi cance of which is traditionally tested under the assumption that it converges on a chi-square distribution (Fisher, 1954, section 21.1). However, this assumption is invalid in the current situation, since in each pair, probabilities could take on only one of two possible values (e.g. either pair D selected the site with maximal female NP (p D 0:2) or they did not (p D 0:8)). Hence, our statistical consultant, N. Willits, wrote a program in SAS to compute the exact probability of obtaining any value of S, based on the number of pairs in the study, and the number of sites for each of those pairs. Since this test might be useful for studying other situations in which individuals select one item from a set of options, and in which the number of options in the set varies among individuals, copies of this SAS program are available on request. 1396 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND Results Nestpointing and nestsite selection Selection of nestsites by experienced breeders A key assumption of this study is that each pair selects a new nestsite every year, since this is the situation in which the behaviour of a pair during the prelaying period would be most strongly related to their choice of a nestsite for the current breeding season. In order to determine whether experienced breeders reuse nestsites from previous years, we compared the location of the current year’s nest with the location of the same individual’s nest the previous year. Seventy-two of the 80 individuals in the Survey sample were banded, and all of these banded birds had nested in the study area the previous year. On average, during the 1997-98 season, these 72 experienced breeders selected a nestsite that was 6.1 (§ 8.4) m away from the location of the nest they had used in 1996-97. Twenty-six of these pairs retained the same mate, and nested in the same region of the colony, in 1996-97 and in 1997-98. However, even among these pairs, only 3 selected a nest that was near (< 1 m) the nest they had used the previous year. In the Focal sample, two of the rst-time breeder males attracted experienced females as mates, but neither of these experienced females selected a nestsite near her nest of the previous year (13.6 m, 25.4 m). The fact that virtually all of the experienced breeders in our study selected a new nestsite is important, because it suggests that even individuals who retained both a territory and a mate from the previous year made a new decision about the location of their nest each breeding season. Nestpointing Most booby pairs investigated a number of different sites, before selecting one of them for their nest. The Survey pairs investigated an average of 3.5 (SD D §2.4, range D 1-9) sites before selecting one of them; the gures were nearly identical for the 8 pairs in the Focal sample (xN D 3:7 § 2:6 sites, range D 2-8). From the perspective of a human observer, at least, NP was quite useful for predicting which of a pair’s sites would eventually be selected for their nest. For instance, the Survey birds pointed at the site eventually chosen as the nest during an average of 44% (SD D 24%) of the days during the prelaying period. Over the same period, those same individuals pointed a much smaller JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1397 proportion of the time (on average, on 8% (§ 8%) of the days) at other sites in their territory (Wilcoxon paired test, z D 4:29, p < 0:001). Similarly, for the Focal birds, NP rates averaged 5.96 (SD D 7.52) bouts/hr at the site that was eventually selected for the nest, but averaged only 0.43 (SD D 0.42) bouts/hr at other sites in the territory (Wilcoxon paired test, exact probability, p D 0:016). Hence, high rates of NP at a site during the weeks prior to clutch initiation provided human observers with an excellent indication that that site would be selected for the nest. Nestpointing at a particular site over a series of consecutive days provided another indication that that site would eventually be chosen for the nest. We quanti ed this phenomenon by setting a ‘NP criterion’, de ned as a period of 7 consecutive days, during which male NP, female NP or mutual NP were observed at a given site on at least 6 of those days. Bayes theorem was used to determine the extent to which NP to criterion at a site allowed us to predict the site at which a pair would lay their rst egg (see Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 1998, page 402). Since pairs in the Survey investigated an average of 3.5 sites prior to selecting one of them for their nest, in the absence of any additional information, we would assume that any given site would have one chance in 3.5 (or p D 0:29) of being selected for the nest. NP to criterion occurred at 32 of the 40 sites that were selected as nests, but NP to criterion almost never occurred (4 cases out of 100 sites) at sites that were not selected as nests. Substituting these values into Bayes theorem, we nd that if we observed NP to criterion at a site, the likelihood of that site being selected for the nest increased from 0.29 to 0.89. Taken together, these results indicate that NP during the period between territory establishment and the rst egg was strongly related to the likelihood that a site would be selected for a nest, with high rates of NP, and consistent NP over time, at the site that was eventually chosen for the nest. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that NP behaviour is related to the process of nestsite selection in this species. However, NP might also have additional functions. For instance, if female NP rates varied as a function of female reproductive status, males might use female NP rates to estimate the date when the rst egg was due, in order to be physiologically prepared to begin incubation as soon as the rst egg was laid (Ligon, 1999). Alternatively, mutual NP rates might convey information about the reproductive status of a pair, and help improve reproductive synchrony with other pairs in their immediate neighbourhood (Murphy & Schauer, 1996). Female 0:054 § 0:048 0:066 § 0:064 0.154 Male 0:064 § 0:053 0:049 § 0:057 0.038 Mutual 0:085 § 0:073 0:167 § 0:144 0.001* Male 0:091 § 0:088 0:141 § 0:155 0.096 Female 0:032 § 0:035 0:057 § 0:072 0.114 Mutual 0:149 § 0:098 0:251 § 0:154 0.0004* Nestscraping (xN § SD) Rates indicate proportion of observation intervals per day in which males, females or both engaged in each behaviour (N D 40 pairs). * Signi cant at ® < 0:005 (Hochberg’s procedure). Period I Period II Wilcoxon matched-pairs test, p value Nestpointing (xN § SD) TABLE 2. Rates of nestpointing and nestscraping of blue footed boobies, as a function of time to rst egg 1398 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1399 If NP behaviour were correlated with the reproductive state of individuals or pairs, we might expect NP rates to systematically change (increase or decrease) as a function of time remaining until the laying of the rst egg. Most of the Survey pairs began NP more than a month (xN D 48:1, §13.7 days) before laying their rst egg. As a result, we were able to compare rates of male NP, female NP and mutual NP early in the prelaying period (Period I: initiation of observations to 15 days prior to the rst egg) with rates of those same behaviour patterns for those same individuals during the two week period prior to the laying of the rst egg (Period II: 14 day period before the rst egg was laid). For comparison, we also computed rates of male, female and mutual NSC for these same periods. Rates of NP and NSC by individuals were similar for Periods I and II, but rates of mutual NP and mutual NSC were signi cantly higher in Period II than in Period I (Table 2, Wilcoxon matched pairs test, including pair-wise p values, and results signi cant at ® < 0:005, based on Hochberg’s procedure). Hence, neither male nor female NP rates appeared to change as a function of time remaining to clutch initiation. On the other hand, these results suggest that mutual display rates (mutual NP or NSC) may be affected by a different set of factors than individual display rates (male or female NP or NSC), since mutual NP and mutual NSC both signi cantly increased as time to the rst egg approached. Sex differences in NP In most of the pairs in this study, the male performed the rst bouts of NP in the territory. In the Survey sample, the male pointed rst in 27 pairs, the female rst in only 9 pairs; in the other four pairs, both sexes began pointing on the same day (Sign test, p < 0:006). In 6 of the Focal pairs, solitary males prepared one potential nestsite in their territory prior to pair formation; all of these males performed NP at this rst site while courting the female who eventually became their mate. Of the two Focal couples that were already paired when they rst arrived in the study area, the female pointed rst in one pair, and in the second pair, both partners began pointing on the same day. In the Survey sample, 21 pairs eventually accepted the site where we rst observed NP by one or both partners, another 16 pairs rejected the rst site with NP; the remaining 3 pairs were not included in this analysis, because they pointed at several different sites on the rst day of NP. Even 1400 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND though males were much more likely than females to initiate NP (see above), the likelihood that the rst site with NP would be accepted as the nest was unrelated to the sex of the partner who initiated NP at that site (44% acceptance for rst sites indicated by the male, 50% acceptance for rst sites indicated by the female). Similarly, the amount of time that elapsed between the rst observation of NP and the rst egg was comparable for pairs that accepted their rst site (46:5 § 13:6 day), and for pairs that rejected their rst site (52:4 § 11:8 days). In a logistic regression which included both of these variables, the likelihood that a rst site would be accepted for the nest was unrelated to the number of days between rst NP and rst egg (Wald statistic, p D 0:28) or to the sex of the partner who rst pointed at that site (p D 0:72) (Model Chi-square D 2.01, 2 df, p D 0:37, based on 35 pairs in which one of the two partners pointed at one site on the rst day of NP). These results suggest that rst sites ‘suggested’ by the male were as likely to be accepted as rst sites suggested by the female, and pairs which began NP nearly two months prior to clutch initiation were just as likely to accept their rst site as pairs that began pointing only a few weeks before laying their rst egg. Regardless of any behaviour that precedes egglaying, female boobies necessarily make the nal decision about the location where those eggs will be laid. Accordingly, we asked whether there was any indication that females pointed at higher rates than males during the two week period immediately before the laying of the rst egg. For each Survey pair, we noted the number of intervals with female NP and male NP during the two week period before the rst egg, and found that females pointed at signi cantly higher rates than their mates during this period (females: xN D 0:068 (§ 0.064) intervals/day, males: xN D 0:048 (§ 0.58) intervals/day, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, p D 0:037). In the Focal pairs, we noted the maximal rate of NP observed for each individual at any site, and then asked whether females had higher maximal NP rates than males. In all 8 pairs, the maximal NP rate observed at any site in the territory was higher for females than for their mates (females: xN D 5:03 bouts/hr, males: xN D 2:92 bouts/hr; Wilcoxon test, p D 0:012). Hence, there were several indications that females pointed at higher rates than their mates during the period preceding egglaying. Taken together, the results in this section are consistent with the hypothesis that NP behaviour re ects the preferences of individuals and pairs for particular nestsites. Accordingly, for the remainder of this study, we assumed JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1401 that NP at a particular site by a male or a female indicates interest by that individual in that site, and that intra-individual variation in rates of NP at different potential nestsites re ects variation in that individual’s level of preference for those sites. These assumptions allowed us to precede to the next portion of this study, whose goal is to ask whether boobies use collaborative tactics to make joint decisions about the location for their nest. Tactics for nestsite selection in boobies Nestpointing, dispute resolution, and expanding the pie The dual concern model suggests that pairs will use speci c types of collaborative tactics (e.g. expanding the pie) if the members of a pair do not immediately agree about the merits of their rst option. Hence, in order to study tactics for dispute-resolution in boobies, we need some way to estimate the degree to which partners agreed (or disagreed) about the merits of potential sites for their nest. One possible way to evaluate agreement about a rst site is to count the number of days that elapsed between the day we observed one partner rst pointing at that site, and the day that the other partner was rst observed to point at that same site. For example, two partners who were both interested in the same site might both begin NP there on the same day, whereas a lengthy delay between initiation of NP at a site by one party and the beginning of NP at that site by the other party might re ect low interest in that site by the second party. Accordingly, for each pair, we computed ‘nestpoint lag’ for each rst site where we observed NP by either partner, where nestpoint lag is the difference in days between rst NP observed at the rst site by one individual and rst NP observed at the rst site by its partner. Note that a low value of nestpoint lag is assumed to re ect a high level of ‘agreement’ between two partners about the merits of that site, whereas a high value of this variable is assumed to re ect disagreement about the merits of the site. As predicted, boobies in the Survey sample were more likely to select rst sites for their nest when both partners ‘agreed’ about those sites (low values of nestpoint lag) than when the two parties did not (high values of nestpoint lag) (Fig. 2). We used logistic regression to predict whether or not the rst site with NP by either party would be accepted for a nest, as a function of three variables: sex of the partner who pointed rst at that site, number of days between rst NP at the site and rst egg, and nestpoint lag. 1402 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND Fig. 2. Likelihood that a pair of boobies would accept their rst site, as a function of nestpoint lag at that site. For each pair (dot), the number of days between the rst nestpointing (NP) observed at the initial site by one partner and the rst NP observed at that same site by the other partner was used to estimate the extent to which the two parties ‘agreed’ about the merits of the initial nestsite. Pairs with a short lag from rst NP to rst NP at their initial site were more likely to select that site for their nest than were pairs with a lengthy delay between rst NP to rst NP at their initial site. Bars indicate mean values of nestpoint lag for pairs that accepted or rejected their initial site (see text). Of these three variables, only nestpoint lag was signi cantly related to the likelihood that a site would be selected for a nest (Wald statistic D 6.6, 1 df, p D 0:01; Model Chi-square D 15.9, 3 df, p D 0:0021; N D 35 pairs). A second logistic regression model which included only nestpoint lag as the independent variable was equally successful at predicting whether or not a site would be selected for a nest (Wald statistic D 8.0, 1 df, p D 0:0047; Model Chi-square D 16.7, 1 df, p < 0:0001, N D 37 pairs). Of the 21 pairs that eventually selected the rst site for their nest, the average nestpoint lag for the rst site was 7.9 (§ 9.0) days, whereas for the 16 pairs who rejected their rst site, the average nestpoint lag for the rst site was 33.6 (§ 23) days (see Fig. 2). Also as predicted, pairs who disagreed about the merits of their rst site were likely to go on to investigate additional sites, i.e. they ‘expanded the pie’. The total number of sites per pair was strongly related to nestpoint lag (r D 0:73, N D 36, p < 0:0001), with comparably strong correlations between nestpoint lag and total number of sites for pairs in which the female rst pointed at the rst site (r D 0:78, N D 8, p D 0:02) and pairs in which the male rst pointed at the rst site (r D 0:76, N D 26, p < 0:0001) (Fig. 3). JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1403 Fig. 3. Expanding the pie. Number of days between rst NP to rst NP at the rst site was used as an index of the extent to which two parties agreed about the merits of that initial nestsite (see Fig. 2). Pairs with a long delay between rst NP to rst NP at their initial site investigated more sites during the prelaying period than did pairs in which both parties began pointing at the initial site within a few days of one another. Pairs that visited more than one site typically traveled back and forth between potential sites before choosing one of them for the nest, but most pairs did not select the last site they investigated. To study the order in which each couple investigated their potential sites, we noted the rst day we observed either party rst pointing at each site, and then arranged the rst NP days for their sites in chronological order. Of 27 Survey pairs that investigated more than one site and that rst pointed at those sites on different days, only 7 pairs selected their last site for the nest. Eleven other pairs eventually chose the rst site at which they had pointed, while the remaining 9 pairs selected a site that was of intermediate rank with respect to rst NP date. Similarly, of the 8 Focal pairs, 3 Focal pairs selected their last site, one pair selected their rst site, and the remaining 4 pairs selected a site with intermediate rank. Feeling out procedures Feeling out procedures are a collaborative tactic by which an individual determines whether an option is acceptable to its partner before signaling at a high rate in association with that option. In boobies, feeling out procedures imply that an individual would only exhibit a high rate of NP at a particular site after its partner had started to point at that same site. For this analysis, we used the Focal data to determine the site at which we observed each 1404 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND individual NP at its maximal rate during the prelaying period. If boobies exhibit behaviour comparable to feeling out procedures, maximal NP at a site by one party should occur after its partner started to point at that same site. Of the 16 individuals in the Focal sample, 11 pointed at their maximal rate at a site at least one day after we rst observed their partner NP at that same site, 3 pointed at maximal rate at a site at least one day before their partner rst pointed at that site; in the two remaining cases, maximal NP rate by an individual and rst NP by the other partner was observed during the same focal period (Sign test, one-tailed, p D 0:03). Hence, there was a signi cant tendency for individuals to NP at their maximal rate at a site after their partner had begun to NP at that same site. We also tested an alternative hypothesis, that high rates of NP at a site indicate escalation (a contentious tactic). For instance, exchanges of NP might represent a ‘shouting match’, by which two partners produce elevated NP rates at different sites, in an attempt to induce their partner to accept their preferred site for the nest. Under this hypothesis, we would expect each individual to NP at its maximal rate at a site after its partner had NP at a high rate at another site. For this analysis, we noted the maximal NP rate per site for each individual, and then noted all of the sites and focal periods at which that individual NP at > 50% of its maximal rate. If high rates of NP indicate escalation, then an individual should point at a maximal rate at a site after its partner pointed at a ‘high’ rate (> 50% of its maximal NP rate) at a different site. Of the 16 birds in the Focal sample, 7 satis ed these criteria, but the other 9 did not. Hence, we found little support for the hypothesis that boobies pointed at maximal rates at a site after receiving signals indicating that their partner might be interested in another site. Veto power In collaboration, two parties are unlikely to adopt an option that is unacceptable to one of the two parties (see Introduction). In boobies, this implies that a site will be selected for a nest after both individuals have indicated that a site is acceptable, by pointing at that site. We tested this prediction for the Survey pairs by focusing on the 31 pairs who pointed at more than one site before laying their rst egg. For each of these pairs, we determined the proportion of sites at which both male NP and female NP were observed at any time during the prelaying period. On average, the Survey pairs with multiple JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1405 sites exhibited both male NP and female NP at 50.1 (§ 24)% of their sites. Hence, if these birds selected nestsites at random with respect to male and female NP, half of the birds in this sample would have been expected to have selected a site at which both parties had pointed prior to egglaying. Instead, 29 of the 31 pairs selected a site at which both male NP and female NP were observed prior to egglaying (p < 0:0001, one-tailed, binomial test). Similarly, the Focal pairs exhibited both male and female NP at an average of 70% of their sites, but all 8 of these pairs eventually selected a site at which both parties had pointed prior to incubation (p D 0:058, one-tailed, binomial test). Taken together, these results support the prediction that booby pairs were more likely to select a site that was acceptable to both of them than to select a site that failed to elicit NP from both individuals. Final decisions about nestsite selection The data thus far indicate that boobies were most likely to select sites that were acceptable to both partners, i.e. sites that stimulated both male and female NP during the prelaying period. However, many pairs had more than one site which elicited NP by both of them. On average, Survey pairs had 1:68 § 1:0 sites with both male and female NP, while Focal pairs had 3:10 § 1:64 sites with NP by both sexes. When confronted with two or more sites which elicited NP from both parties, how did pairs select one of these for their nest? Given the fact that females nestpointed at higher rates than their mates in the two weeks immediately preceding egglaying (see above), we hypothesized that pairs would select the site that was most preferred by the female. In that case, under the assumption that NP rate re ects level of preference for a site, we predicted that pairs would select the site at which we observed the maximal rate of NP by the female during the prelaying period. In fact, all 7 of the Focal females who laid eggs did so at the site where they had pointed at their maximal rate prior to egglaying. We used a variation of Fisher’s combined probability test to determine the probability of this occurring by chance, given the number of sites per pair, and the null hypothesis that females select a site independently of their NP rate during the period prior to egglaying (see Methods). The value of Fisher’s statistic S D 15:48 for this test, with an exact probability of p D 0:003; result signi cant at ® < 0:01, based on 3 tests (see also below). These results are consistent with 1406 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND the hypothesis that pairs eventually select the site that was most attractive to the female during the prelaying period. We used a similar approach to ask about relationships between male behaviour and nestsite selection in this species. First, we asked whether maximal rates of NP in males were related to nal nestsite selection by the pair. In contrast to the situation with females, only 3 of 7 males pointed at their maximal rate at the site that was ultimately selected for the nest (S D 6:99, exact probability D 0.76). Second, we asked whether male incubation behaviour was related to female NP behaviour during the period prior to egglaying. This question was suggested by Focal pair G, in which the female disappeared before laying any eggs (see Methods). Before the female disappeared, this pair investigated 6 different sites; the female pointed at her maximal rate (5 bouts/hr) at one site, while the male pointed at his maximal rate (2 bouts/hr) at another site. After the female disappeared, the male pulled a rock into one of their sites and then performed incubation behaviour while sitting on this rock; the site where the male incubated the rock was the site where the female had pointed at her maximal rate before disappearing. The males in the 7 other focal pairs incubated at the sites where their mate had nestpointed at her maximal rate prior to egglaying. Hence, all of the males in the study incubated at the site at which the female had nestpointed at her maximal rate in the period prior to the onset of male incubation (S D 19:07, exact p D 0:0005; result signi cant at ® < 0:01). Discussion and conclusions The results of this study are consistent with the hypotheses that pairs of blue footed boobies employ collaborative tactics when selecting a nestsite. First, collaboration is expected to involve extensive amounts of communication, where the level of signaling associated with a given location re ects the signaler’s level of preference for that location. Boobies typically investigated several sites before selecting one of them for their nest, and produced a previously undescribed display (nestpointing, NP) when they were standing at a site potentially suitable for a nest. Both sexes produced NP displays at high rates during the weeks in which they were investigating potential nestsites, and NP rates at a given site were strongly related to the likelihood that a pair would select that particular site for their nest. Hence, boobies JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1407 clearly engaged in extensive amounts of communication when selecting a nest, and the NP display seems a likely vehicle by which partners might indicate their preferences for sites to one another. Of course, the inferences in this study were based on correlations between nestpointing rates and nestsite selection, so we must consider other hypotheses that might produce relationships between nestpointing behaviour and nestsite selection. For instance, a spurious positive relationship between NP rate and nestsite selection might occur if NP rates increase as time to rst egg approaches, and (coincidentally) if pairs search for potential nestsites sequentially and accept the last site they visit. However, there was no support for this alternative hypothesis, because rates of male and female NP did not change as a function of time to rst egg, and because most of the pairs that investigated more than one site did not select the last site for their nest. Collaboration in humans may involve ‘feeling out procedures’, by which one party attempts to determine the other’s level of preference for an option before indicating a high level of preference for that same option (see Introduction). If boobies exhibit feeling out procedures, maximal rates of nestpointing at a site by one party should occur after its partner began pointing at that same site, a prediction that was con rmed in the current study. A second collaborative tactic observed in boobies was ‘expanding the pie’; as predicted, pairs in which both partners began nestpointing at their rst site within a few days of one another investigated fewer sites during the prelaying period than pairs in which there was a long delay between rst pointing at the rst site by one party, and rst pointing at that same site by their partner. Also, as expected under expanding the pie, pairs which ‘disagreed’ about their rst site usually rejected this site, and ended up accepting one of their new sites for the nest. Finally, the prediction that each party would have veto power over particular nestsites was con rmed in the current study. Sites that failed to elicit nestpointing from both parties were much less likely to be selected than expected under the hypothesis that pointing by both partners was not a prerequisite for nestsite selection. Since females made the nal decision about where to lay the rst egg, the power of the veto was especially important for the males. In contrast, we found no support for the hypothesis that contentious tactics play a role in nestsite selection in this species. For instance, NP did not seem to re ect attempts by individuals to persuade a reluctant partner to accept their preferred site via escalation of signal intensity, nor was there any 1408 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND indication that individuals in icted costs on their partner during the process of nestsite selection. Indeed, the process of nestsite selection was remarkable for the lack of constraints on the behaviour of the other party. For instance, individuals were free to ignore a partner who was vigorously pointing at a particular site, and in many cases, they did so. We could not envision any way that one bird could coerce its partner into pointing at a site, yet, as was noted above, NP by both individuals seemed to be a prerequisite for the selection of a site for the nest. Our results also illustrate another important point about collaboration, namely that both members of a dyad need not perform the same type of behaviour for this process to produce a joint decision. We noted several sex differences in behaviour during the nestsite selection process: males were more likely than females to initiate pointing at potential nestsites, females pointed at higher rates than males during the two week period prior to egglaying, and maximal NP by the female (but not the male) predicted the site that would eventually be selected for the clutch. However, despite these differences between the sexes, input from both partners was required for nestsite selection. For instance, sites ‘suggested’ by females (i.e. the female was the rst bird we observed pointing at that site) were no more likely to be accepted for the nest than sites suggested by males. And even though females made the nal choice of nestsite in this species, they appear to have made their selection from a ‘short list’ of potential sites that were also acceptable to their mate. To our knowledge, this is the rst detailed behavioural study of the process by which pairs of animals make a joint decisions about a nestsite. However, descriptive accounts suggest that joint selection of nestsites involving lengthy exchanges of specialized communication signals occurs in other species of birds (Tinbergen, 1953; Scott, 1972; Nethersole-Thompson & Nethersole-Thompson, 1979; Furness, 1987; Newton, 1986; Marzluff & Balda, 1992; Tarof & Ratcliffe, 2000). Many of these descriptions of nestsite selection sound quite similar to the process described here for the boobies. Thus, in Peregrine falcons, Falco peregrinus, males are more likely than females to show new nestsites to their partner, both sexes produce specialized ‘ledge displays’ at potential nestsites, ledge displays may be given by the male, by the female, or by both simultaneously, and females seem to invest more time than males in nestsite selection behaviour as time to rst egg approaches (Ratcliffe, 1980). In addition, indirect evidence suggests that other JOINT DECISIONS ABOUT NESTSITES 1409 species of birds may consider multiple sites before selecting one of them for the nest. Thus, O’Connell et al. (1997) reported that a majority of lesser black-backed gulls (Larus fuscus) constructed more than one nest in their territories, before selecting one of these nests for the clutch. As was the case in the boobies, gull pairs with multiple nests were as likely to select the rst as the last of these nests for the eggs, and never built additional nests once they began laying in one of them (O’Connell et al., 1997). Another potential insight from this study is that male and female birds who jointly select a nestsite are expected to engage in extensive amounts of communication during the prelaying period. In fact, monogamous species of birds are notable for the extent to which they display to one another after pair formation (Wachtmeister, 2001). In a recent review on the topic, Wachtmeister (2001) suggested that extensive exchanges of displays in monogamous species represent attempts by each partner to manipulate the other (e.g. into providing more parental care to the young). This argument seems to be based on the assumption that extensive exchanges of communication signals are diagnostic of contentious tactics. However, as we have emphasized in this paper, extensive exchanges of communication signals are also expected under collaboration. Given the broadly overlapping interests of males and females in many monogamous species, and the number of important joint decisions that pairs may need to make prior to clutch initiation (e.g. where to locate territory boundaries, where to place the nest, when to initiate egglaying), it is possible that some of the extensive communication that occurs during this period might re ect collaborative rather than contentious behaviour. The results of the current study are encouraging, in that they suggest that a simple descriptive model derived from studies of joint decision-making in humans may be able to provide useful insights into the processes that other species use to make joint decisions about a nestsite. We were heartened by the number of novel predictions about behaviour patterns that were generated by the dual-concern model, not to mention the number of those predictions that were supported by analyses of nestsite selection in boobies. More generally, we hope that our brief review of the dual concern model, and our preliminary attempt to study collaborative behaviour in the context of nestsite selection in birds, may encourage other workers to consider the range of strategies and tactics that animal dyads might use to make important joint decisions about space. Given the lack of detailed empirical studies on this topic, there is clearly plenty of scope for additional research in this area. 1410 STAMPS, CALDERÓN-DE ANDA, PEREZ & DRUMMOND References Adams, E.S. (1998). Territory size and shape in re ants: a model based on neighbourhood interactions. — Ecology 79, p. 1125-1134. Archer, J. (1988). 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