Ministry Team Rev Kevin Johnson: 0161 928 2429 Rev Ros Watson: 07923 044709 Rachel Foster: 07940 041854 Jackie Davies : 07754 275075 Altrincham Office: [email protected] 0161 928 0022 Bowdon Vale: [email protected] Handsworth: [email protected] Timperley Office: [email protected] 0161 903 8188 The Vine (Hale): [email protected] Sunday 15 May 2016 A Prayer you may like to use as you prepare for worship At the start of Christian Aid Week and Pentecost we pray. Spirit of God as gentle as a dove and powerful as the wind, warm our hearts and minds so that we can freely move in the direction of Your love. As the disciples found new courage when the Holy Spirit moved them, so bring renewed energy to Your disciples today and in the future. As our churches plan for the future we pray Your Holy Spirit will lead us in confidence, faith, hope and love. We pray you will grant us the strength and compassion to participate with the oppressed in their struggle against injustice, debt and death. Give is the wisdom to build bridges of friendship and unity so that all prejudices which separate people may be removed and help us to recognise that we are part of the integrity of creation. We give thanks for those who will be collecting for Christian Aid this week and pray you will bless and protect them. Amen. Please remember in your prayers and also remember our elderly & housebound Doreen Walker Joyce McLaughlin Edna Gowing Sybil McCoy Audrey Barber Sunday’s Collection last week Altrincham £1446.41 The Vine £157.00 Wanda Canning Pentecost Circuit Morning Service 10.30am Timperley Methodist Church There will be no Evening Services HANDSWORTH Thursday 19th May 6.00pm Led by Rev Kevin Johnson Sunday ALTRINCHAM Morning Service 10.30am Led by Dot Bretherton Evening Service 6.30pm Led by Rev Ros Watson BOWDON VALE Morning Service 10.45am Led by Rev Kevin Johnson 22 May TIMPERLEY Morning Service 10.30am Joint Service at Christ Church THE VINE Morning Service 10.30am Led by Rev Ian Golding TIMPERLEY SHOPPERS Thursday 19th May 11.00am Led by Shirley Blinston Church Office in Altrincham, Bowdon Vale, Timperley & The Vine (Hale) Altrincham (A) 928 0022 [email protected] Timperley (T) 903 8188 [email protected] OFFICE OPENING HOURS Monday 10.00am – 12.00noon (T) & 9.00am – 12.00noon (A) Tuesday 9.00am – 12.00noon (A) Wednesday 10.00am – 12.00 noon (T) Thursday 11.00am – 3.00pm Friday 10.00am – 12.00noon (T) & 12.00noon – 2.00pm (A) If you would like anything included in the notice sheet, please send or email to Admin Team by Wednesday (12.00 noon-Timperley) or Thursday (1pm-Altrincham) of each week. If you would like to receive a copy of notice sheet via email, please send your email address to [email protected] Websites: Bowdon House Group Our next meeting is on Thursday May 19th, at Catherine and David Merrell's, 30, Ravenwood Drive, Hale (7.15 for 7.30pm) We shall be looking at Session 2 of Handing on the Torch.....A Secular Society. See you there! Family Film Nights Altrincham Methodist Church Coffee Bar 7.45pm prompt, no charge Altrincham Interfaith Group are holding a Quiz Night on Thursday 19th May at Westleigh St Vincent's Church Groby Road Altrincham. This is a fun and social evening with a wide range of general knowledge questions. It starts at 7.30pm and admission is £3, children free. There are prizes (not big ones) and light refreshments will be served. Bowdon Vale Methodist Church: Dementia Conversations Friday June 3rd MATILDA (Roald Dahl) - a super smart little girl with dreadful parents and school, and a happy ending! PG Dementia Friends: What's it all about? An information session with Jackie Hudson - a Dementia Champion To register interest or ask more about this - contact Dave Jolley 07976018418 Timperley Methodist Church Council - Change of Date Church Council will now meet on Wednesday 18th May 8pm in the Lounge. This will replace the meeting for Tuesday 14th June The Vine Monday 16th May 12.30pm Lunch Club 2.00pm Fellowship Altrincham Methodist Church Meet & Greet (Sunday Morning) – can you be here for 10am (1 Sunday morning a month) – do you have a nice smile (?!) – and can you shake hands. Please speak to one of the church stewards if you are able to help. Timperley Methodist Church Bowling Club The new season has begun! We meet on Saturdays and Bank Holidays at 2pm. Bowls are available and beginners welcome. Do join us – contact Eric Stuffins for further information (0161 980 2955) 1st Timperley Company The Girls' Brigade - We are collecting Sainsbury’s Kids Vouchers, please support us by placing them in the box in Cornerstone or one of the envelopes on our boards in the large and small halls. Many thanks. Save the date! Circuit Family Picnic - Saturday 23rd July - venue to finalised. Further details, when available, from Lesley Entwistle or Fiona Pearson. Messy Church Next Messy Church at The Vine is Tuesday 17th May 2016. - Please can you save empty boxes of any kind. - Small bottles – water bottles (with lids) - Kitchen roll tubes/wrapping paper tubes - Please drop them off at any of the churches for Jackie (Davies) or Gina (Francis) Thank you It's that time of year again!! This year I am part of Camp Gideon in July, teaching my crafts again but this time with even more children. As Gideon is a Methodist camp, we will be able to do Bible stories and memory verses with the children as well as games, crafts and even, weather permitting, some beach activities on the Baltic coast! During an intensive training weekend in April we did lots of planning and learned how to sing 'My God is a Great Big God' in Russian. Like last year, I have 'Summer Camp Angel' cards for anybody who feels that they could help contribute towards expenses of the camp. These are a kind of 'sponsor card' towards activities, travel, games equipment etc. I will be carrying these cards around so do please ask to see them and pick one. The idea is that you pay the amount on the card that you choose, a fun way of fundraising. They vary in price from £2 to £20 with others in between! I am also hoping to set up a Just Giving page & of course any other donations or purchase of either my scarves, Smart cards or other craft items would be fantastic too. I really appreciated all the support I received last year from the circuit and knowing everyone was praying and thinking about me during my Summer Camp experience made so much difference. Watch this space! Alison Smart Timperley Methodist Church Book Club This group has been meeting for several years in members’ homes. We are anxious to recruit new members and plan to meet in the Cornerstone Room in future. We chat about our opinion of the book and have coffee (or tea), cake or biscuits and more chat! Our next meeting will be on June 2nd at 8pm and the book to read is "Three Wishes" by Liane Moriarty. Do come along - we are a friendly bunch who will make you welcome. Any queries contact Phyllis Stuffins 0161 980 2955. Hearing at the Vine. A meeting has been arranged 1pm Tuesday 24th May at the Vine to discuss the possibilities of improving the hearing system in the hall. A representative of a firm called "Christians in Churches" has agreed to give us a free survey and Ros is keen that anyone who has had any difficulties in hearing, or has any comments, should try to be present. The object of the meeting is to present the representative with our problems and hope that he has some helpful comments. It is not envisaged that the meeting will be a long one. ----------------Ros’s Ordination There are still a few tickets available for Ros’ ordination – please speak to church office if you would like one. Kevin Jaquiss has explored the possibility of travelling by train - 12.05 train from Stockport which gets you to Surbiton station at 15.25. (According to Google it’s a 7 minute walk from the station to the church. Return journey 19.00 train from Surbiton gets you back to Stockport at 22.18. The total cost both ways with no railcard and Standard Class on the train to and from London is £48.00. If you wish to travel by train, please speak to Kevin Jaquiss.
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