February 1, 2015 - St. Dominic Church

As members of St. Dominic Catholic Parish, we commit ourselves
“To Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ,
Each One for the Sake of All.”
Message from Our Pastor
I am happy to announce that our new
Pastoral Associate & Director of Adult
and Family Ministry, Mary Lestina, has
begun her ministry in our parish
community as of this past Thursday,
January 29. Mary brings to our parish a
strong educational and formational
background, as well as, a number of
years of experience in Church ministry,
and, in particular, those areas that the
job description for this important
position on our Pastoral Staff calls for.
We will have Mary introduce herself at
the weekend Masses in the near future.
This weekend, we join Churches
throughout the world in responding to
the request of Pope Francis to celebrate
2015 as a Year of Consecrated Life.
Over the year, we will try to heighten
the awareness of our parish family
pertaining to the great contribution of
men and women religious
communities, both active and
contemplative. The Church has been
blessed over the years and is currently
being blessed. It is our challenge and
responsibility to encourage men and
women to answer the Lord’s call to
serve Him and the Church in
Consecrated Life. It is a lifestyle that is
truly an “Encounter with Christ”.
Next weekend, we will have the
customary privilege of receiving a
message from Archbishop Listecki,
during homily time, as he invites us to
enter into the spirit of making our
participation in the annual Catholic
Stewardship Appeal an important part
of our upcoming Lenten almsgiving
~Father David H. Reith
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Please Pray On World Day
For Consecrated Life!
World Day for Consecrated Life
will be celebrated in the Church on
Monday, February 2, 2015 and in
parishes on the weekend of
February 7/8, 2015.
Please pray for all those who have
made commitments in the
consecrated life, and be sure to thank
them on their special day. May they
continue to be inspired by Jesus
Christ and respond generously to
God's gift of their vocation.
Little Black Book Of Lenten
Scout Sunday March 1, 2015, 9:00 am Mass
Awards Presentation and Hospitality
Please pick up your
“Little Black Book” of
daily Lenten
meditations from the
Church narthexes,
beginning on the weekend of
February 7 & 8.
This user-friendly tool serves as an
excellent resource for connecting our
hearts to the deep spiritual meaning
of the Lenten season. These books are
available for a free will donation.
Please return the envelopes provided
to the Parish Center or the offertory
baskets at Mass.
All Scouts who attend St. Dominic Catholic
Parish are invited to attend Scout Sunday Mass
at 9:00 am on Sunday, March 1 at St. Dominic.
Several Scouts will receive the religious
emblems that they earned this year. Scouts
should wear their uniform and sit with their
troop or den in the reserved seats at the front of church. Please arrive early,
respectfully find your group and be seated before Mass begins. After Mass, join
the Scouts and friends and family for hospitality in the Marcy Center.
Den and Troop Leaders, please RSVP with your full Troop or Den roster,
including leaders and members, the names of any scouts who will receive a
religious award at the Mass, and the name and description of the award. This is
to ensure that we have plenty of reserved seating for Scouts and the correct
information for the presentation of awards. Please email your RSVP information
to Dana Bacciocco at [email protected].
Bring In Your Palms!
Attention Seniors!
Please bring in any
palms you have from
last year, by Sunday,
February 15.
We will be burning
them for use at our
Ash Wednesday
Masses. Baskets are available for
them in both narthexes.
We invite any parishioner (+55) to the next
meeting of the Seniors group.
Deacon Larry LaFond will offer a Communion
Service at 10:30 am on Tuesday, February
10. After the meeting and lunch, our speaker,
Michael Groark, General Manager of the Marian Center, will present another of
his inspirational talks. Believe it or not, Ash Wednesday is next week.
Reservations for guests and new members can be made by calling Valerie
Cherek at 262.523.0748.
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Saints In (Fitness) Training Is
Back In Action! Join Us!
A fitness program geared toward
older adults, to focus on
stretching, balance and
When: Wednesday mornings
7:30 am
Location: Marcy Center 7
Come join us for some free
fun and fitness!
Led by Nora De Lise, parishioner &
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Join Us For Book Club!
Our next Book Club Selection will be All the
Pope's Men: The Inside Story of How the Vatican
Really Thinks, by John L. Allen Jr.
All the Pope’s Men is a lucid, in-depth guide to the
sometimes puzzling, often incomprehensible inner
workings of the Vatican. It reveals how decisions are
made, how papal bureaucrats think, and how
careers in the Roman Curia are shaped. It debunks
the myths that have fed the distrust and suspicions
many English-speaking Catholics harbor about the
way the Vatican conducts its business, explains who
really wields the power, and offers entertaining
profiles of the personalities, historical and presentday, who have wielded that power for good and for
bad. A thoughtful analysis of the recent sexual abuse
crisis sheds light on how the Vatican perceives the Church in the United States.
Balanced, lively, and filled with Vatican history and lore, All The Pope’s Men
provides the general reader with an authoritative picture of the highly charged
relationship between the Vatican and the richest, most influential national
Catholic church in the world today.
Please join us on Monday, February 9, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Parish
Center, for a lively and insightful discussion about All The Pope’s Men by John L.
Allen, Jr. If you have any questions about the St. Dominic Book Club, please
email Nancy Jurss at [email protected].
That Man Is You! Is Back In Session!
We are looking forward to welcoming back
everyone from last Fall and are hoping for some
new men to join us. Meet us on Fridays at 6:00 am
for breakfast and be done by 7:30 am. For those
who can’t make Friday mornings, we have started
Thursday night sessions. They will start with refreshments at 7:00 pm and will
be done by 8:30 pm. Both sessions will meet in the Marcy Center.
We hope you will join us. If you have any questions, you can contact Bob
Boehler at 414.640.2008 or [email protected].
Rosary For Life
Join with members of our Respect Life Committee in
praying the Rosary, petitioning for the sanctity of all life on
Tuesday, February 3 and Tuesday, February 17 at
7:00 pm in the Chapel.
Don’t know the Rosary well? Prayer aides will be available.
For more information, please contact Bob Boehler at [email protected].
For All Our Safety...
Please help our campus be safe and secure for
everyone. For security purposes, at no time should
any of our doors be propped open. Please set an
expectation that the doors will be monitored 15 minutes before and during the
start of a meeting. Someone should be assigned to let people in during these 15
minutes. During meetings the doors should be locked. We ask all parishioners
to participate in keeping our campus and its parishioners safe by being vigilant
and speaking with others if we see this practice being violated. Thank you.
“Only with prayer—
prayer that storms the
heavens for justice and
mercy, prayer that
cleanses our hearts and
souls—will the culture
of death that surrounds
us today be replaced
with a culture of life.”
~Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life
Activities, U.S. Catholic
w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t
World Day For Consecrated Life Will Be Celebrated In The
Church On Monday, February 2, 2015 And In Parishes On The
Weekend Of February 7/8, 2015.
From the beginning of the Church, there have been men and women who have
chosen to live in a radical witness to Christ by imitating him as closely as
possible in his poverty, chastity, and
obedience. In the course of the centuries, this
commitment became more and more visible
through the establishment of monasteries,
religious orders and congregations, and other
types of institutes. Men and women professed
publicly evangelical “counsels” (vows) of
poverty, chastity, and obedience and
committed themselves to stability of life within
Prayer For Consecrated Persons
GOD OUR FATHER, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your
Son’s Kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and
hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and
love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and
courageously to your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Source: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
Stewardship Summary
Budget for fiscal year end
6/30/15: $1,725,321
Budget for 7/1/14 through
1/25/15: $1,030,376
Actual for 7/1/14 through
1/25/15: $1,037,566
Budget for week ending
1/25/15: $30,981
Actual for week ending
**Includes stock donations
of $11,593**
Blood Drive Thank You!
Thank you to all who helped make
our winter blood
drive such a success.
We had 62 people
register, generating
56 units, which
surpassed our goal.
Having had the
cold & snowy
weather, the Blood Center is in dire
need of blood. Your efforts were
greatly appreciated. If you weren’t
able to make it to our blood drive,
please call 414.933.5000 to make an
appointment at the Blood Center.
Thank you also to the bakers,
callers, set up and take down crew
and canteen hostess.
Thank you for helping to save many
lives. Mark your calendar now for
our summer blood drive on
Wednesday, August 12, 2015!
Diann Pergande, Coordinator
2015 Treasure Campaign Update
2015 Treasure Campaign Pledged
Commitment to date:
$1,310,230 from 738 Parish families
Our fiscal year end June 30, 2015
Stewardship Budget is:
Please assist the Finance Council in their upcoming budget planning
process, by returning your 2015 Stewardship Commitment Pledge in
the collection baskets at Mass, online, or to the Parish Center.
Thank you for your prompt response to this request.
Charitable Giving Ideas
Gifts of appreciated stock will afford a
charitable income tax deduction and capital
gains tax savings.
Many corporations will match gifts to a
qualified non-profit organization made by
their employees and retirees.
Endowment Fund which is a separate
entity created solely for the furtherance of Catholic education and
formation, including both the parish day school and lifelong faith formation
programs. The fund requires that the principal remain preserved with only
the earnings being used to support the mission of the fund. Previously, the
earnings have been used in the area of tuition financial assistance.
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Come Experience The
Difference A Catholic
Education Makes
Schedule a tour today! We are
currently accepting applications,
and openings are available at all
grade levels, K3-8!
The St. Dominic Catholic School Forensics
team is hosting the Jr. High Forensics Meet on
Friday, February 6.
We are in search of volunteers to assist
throughout the night, as we play host to over 350
students from 21 different schools. Volunteers
can be anyone from sixth grade on up. Service
hours will be given for those who might require them. There are many different
shifts (3:30-5:00 pm, 5:00-6:30 pm or 6:30-8:30 pm) and many different jobs
(helping students find their assigned classrooms, serving dinner, concessions,
clean up). We would love to see our entire community get involved! Any
questions, please email Jane Pittman at [email protected].
Congratulations to our St. Dominic
Alumni who made the honor roll at
MUHS this semester.
Contact Mrs. Jill Fischer,
Principal, at 262.783.7565 x271 or
[email protected].
Thomas Brzozowski, Daniel Drees, Nick Durst, Andrew Kahler, Michael Kahler,
Joseph Hughes, Brian Jerke, Billy Klingsporn, Nicholas Reif, Mitchell Sauer,
Charles Sawasky, Robert Tallmadge, Keegan von Estroff, Michael von Estroff,
Alex Kramer, Jared Lieungh, Justin Magnus, Christopher Malliet, Nicholas
Mikhailov, Jack O’Grady, Harrison Ott, Jackson Minessale, Sean O’Brien, and John
Way to go Knights!
Attention 2nd Grade Parents!
Our “parents only” meeting for First Eucharist is scheduled for
this Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm, in the Marcy Center. Children
need not be in attendance; all materials they will need will be given
that this meeting. Contact Mrs. Irvine with any questions.
Sunday Nursery & Children’s Liturgy of the Word
We will have Children’s Liturgy of the Word, as well as nursery this weekend
and next, February 1 & 8, during the 9:00 am Mass. CLOW is designed for
children in grades 1 through 4 and nursery for those up to age 3. Both activities
are adult supervised and facilitated by members of this year’s confirmation
This Week In Children’s Ministry
Tuesday, February 3:
NO LFF classes for K5-6th grade (semester break)
Wednesday, February 4: Playgroup MC5/6 10:00 am-noon
1st Eucharist (Parents) Meeting Marcy Center 6:30 pm
Thursday, February 5: NO LFF classes for K5-6th grade (semester break)
Sunday, February 8:
LFF classes -K3-1st grade 9:00-10:15 am in school
Nursery during 9:00 am Mass in MC5
Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9:00 am Mass
For Family Thought
In the Gospel reading from Mark, we hear about how Jesus took the devil (or
demon) out of a man who was not a believer of Christ. At times, we all have
things that seem to get in the way of our relationship with God. What are those
things? As a family, talk about how you can set aside an activity or practice that
draws you away from God. Pray an Our Father together as a sign of your
commitment to be more faithful.
Saint Of The Week-St. Brigid
Feast Day—February 1
As a girl, Brigid sensed a call to
become a nun, and St. Mel, bishop of
Armagh, received her vows. Before
Brigid, consecrated virgins lived at
home with their families. But the
saint, imitating Patrick, began to
assemble nuns in communities, a
historic move which enriched the
church in Ireland.
In 471, Brigid founded a monastery
for both women and men at Kildare.
This was the first convent in Ireland,
and Brigid was the abbess. Under her
leadership Kildare became a center of
learning and spirituality. Her school
of art fashioned both lovely utensils
for worship and beautifully
illustrated manuscripts. Again
following Patrick’s model, Brigid used
Kildare as a base and built convents
throughout the island.
Brigid’s hallmark was uninhibited,
generous giving to anyone in need.
Many of the saint’s earliest miracles
seem to have rescued her from
punishment for having given
something to the poor that was
intended for someone else.
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Join us at SURRENDER – Monday night at 7:00 pm in Church!
Bring your family with you!
Update On The 2015
Summer Mission Trips
Junior High (7th & 8th graders)
Summer Outreach Camp informational meeting at 6:00 pm, this Wed.,
Feb. 4, in the Parish Center. Registration forms will be available.
You can still get in on the NET Retreat on February 8! It’s open to all 7/8
graders in the parish, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We will take a bus from
here. Call Debbie if you need a registration form.
All parish 6-8th graders joining us March 22 for the Middle School WI
Catholic Youth Rally, 9:00 am-2:00 pm, must register now! Registration
forms are online. Turn yours in to the Parish Center by February 9.
Workcamp:June 20-27 in
Mifflinburg, PA
Lifetree July 25-August 1
WORKCAMP - We are in need of
female adult chaperones.
High School (9th-12th graders)
Join us for the WCYR – Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally for all High schoolers
on March 21. Registration materials were emailed to you and can be found
online. Turn yours in to the Parish Center by February 9.
LAST CALL -Would you like to go to a SUMMER Steubenville YOUTH
CONFERENCE? We have NEW dates! Due to overwhelming registration, we
were unable to secure the June dates, but will be attending Steubenville St.
Louis Mid America 2, at Missouri State University,
July 17-19. See the details on the website under
Youth Ministry. Registration is required this week to
secure your spot. We’re attending with St. Mary
CYM bowling – start getting your team together.
Lolek is a Catholic faith-building organization for
young adults, ages 18-35, in the Archdiocese of
LFF For Teens
Sundays, 10:10-11:50 am
unless otherwise noted
7th grade: Feb. 8 - Retreat
8:30 am -2:30 pm (includes
Mass) Feb. 15, Feb. 22 special
8th grade: Feb. 8 & 15, Feb. 22 Retreat at the Seminary
9th grade: Feb. 8 & 22
10th grade: Feb. 8 meeting at
Harder and Feb. 22 in MC
Confirmation 2014-2015
Session #5
Feb. 8-Conway/
Peot, Case/Thiel,
 Feb. 15 - Alioto/
Kearney, Baran/
Kane, Lengell/
McKibbin, Zwolinski
 Feb. 22 - Whittenberger/Otten
February 15 – Lengell/McKibbin
at the Open Door Cafe
You and your group will provide
home repairs at no cost for elderly,
disabled, and disadvantaged people
who need your help. Project crews
typically serve the same resident for
the entire week, creating an
environment where meaningful
relationships develop.
Call the St. Dominic Youth Office, if
you would like to come, at
262.781.3480 x252.
Meetings are held at St. Mary’s Visitation Parish in Elm Grove.
Meetings begin with adoration at 7:00 pm, followed by a brief social before
the speaker. For more information visit
www.lolekyoungadults.com or like us on Facebook.
February 10 - The Blessings and Hardships of Marriage
with Peter & Jess Machi
February 24 - Joy with St. Dominic parishioner Ryan Grusenski
Social Events - 5:00 pm Mass at St. Mary’s in Elm Grove
6:30 pm Dinner followed by an activity
Friday, February 20- Fish Fry at TBD, stations of the cross at St. Mary’s,
& afterwards at Laura Richter’s house
w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t
Your Source Of Catholic Information
Looking to stay connected to your faith? The
Catholic Herald offers a variety of ways to keep in
touch. With a subscription, the publication arrives in
your mailbox weekly; visit catholicherald.org for up-to
-the-minute news, videos and more, follow us on Twitter (milcathherald), join
our Facebook community (facebook.com/MilCathHerald) or sign up online
(catholicherald.org) to receive our free e-newsletter! No matter how you
connect, you’ll keep informed about the news of the Catholic Church, while
enjoying our many inspirational features. For more information, or to subscribe,
call 414.769.3500, toll free 877.769.7699 or visit www.catholicherald.org.
deChantal Society For Women
Ladies, we invite you to take a short respite that promises
silence, prayer and spiritual formation…time for YOU. The
de Chantal Society is a group of women who are passionate about
supporting vocations, families and their own spirituality. We
gather a few times per year in the peace of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary for
Eucharistic adoration, formation and benediction.
Our February gatherings will be led by Fr. Ryan Pruess. Please join us at
whichever time works best for you:
Wed., Feb. 25, 7:00 – 9:00 pm or Thurs., Feb. 26, 9:00 – 11:00 am
Gatherings are held at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, 3257 South Lake Drive,
St. Francis. RSVP to [email protected] or 414.747.6463.
World Meeting of Families
Pilgrimage, Sept. 22 - 28
Join Archbishop Listecki on the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s
pilgrimage to the World Meeting of
Families in Philadelphia!
The 6-day pilgrimage will include
opportunities to hear speakers at the
World Meeting of Families, visit major
attractions and spiritual sites in
Philadelphia, and take part in the
papal events and Mass with Pope
Francis. The pilgrimage will take
place from Tues., Sept. 22 – Mon.,
Sept. 28, 2015.
Space is limited! Registration can be
found on www.archmil.org. For more
information, please contact Susan
McNeil, Director of the Nazareth
Project for Marriage and Family
Formation, at 414.758.2214 or
[email protected].
Magnificat, A Ministry To
Catholic Women
1-Day Lenten Retreat
Sat., Feb. 28 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Queen of Apostles, Pewaukee
Cost $15.00
We are privileged to have Fr. Jim
Kubicki and Dr. Margaret Schlientz
help us
prepare our
hearts and
minds for
Lent with
prayer and
reflection that will help us think
about the love of God and the
salvation that was granted to all of us
through Jesus Christ.
For information, call Terri at
262.853.3349 or visit magnificatwb.com. To order tickets, send a selfaddressed stamped envelope with
ticket order to: Marlene Nagel, 1502
Hidden Fields Drive, West Bend, WI
It’s Almost Fish Fry Season!
St. Anthony Fish Fry
Friday, February 6 and February 20
4:00-7:00 pm– School Multi-purpose Room (Reichling Hall)
N74W13604 Appleton Ave., Menomonee Falls
As we prepare to begin this season of Lent, St. Anthony in
Menomonee Falls invites you to attend our two fish fries in February. Join us for
this tradition with good food and friends. All you can eat fish, fries, homemade
cole slaw, potato salad, rye bread, beverage and dessert - all served family
style. We look forward to serving you! Come early! For more information
please call their parish office at 262.251.5910 x710.
Come & Discover...
...a presentation on “The Ignatian Spirituality Experience” and “The
Milwaukee Community of Ignatian Associates” (a faith community of lay people
based on the practice of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in everyday life).
Come to an evening of wine and cheese & good company on Wednesday,
February 11, 2015 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. in the lower meeting room of the Gesu
Parish Center, 1210 W. Michigan St., directly behind Gesu Church.
Scripture With Scholars
Join us on Thurs., Feb. 12, 7:00-8:30 pm, at the Cathedral of
St. John the Evangelist, 812 N. Jackson St., Milwaukee, for an
exploration of From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth: Biblical
Reflections on the Dynamic Legacy of Dei Verbum and the essential Outreach of the
Church’s Mission, featuring noted biblical scholar, Fr. Donald Senior. This event is
free and open to the public. No registration is required.
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This Lent, He Is Waiting
Lenten Evenings of Prayer and the
Sacrament of Reconciliation
He Is Waiting, a new Lenten
initiative of the Archdiocese of
Milwaukee, invites Catholics who
have been away from the Sacrament
of Reconciliation to find Jesus waiting
for them.
Invite Catholics you know to join
you the first five Tuesday nights in
Lent at parishes throughout the
archdiocese. This Season of Mercy,
spend time with The One who loves
you. To find a participating parish
near you, visit
www.johnpaul2center.org and search
for He is Waiting.
St. Dominic
Dinner Auction
As a community, we are entrusted with something great, and a successful parish event
requires each one of us to be in community with others and calls for all of us to be
actively involved.
How are you being called to help make
Vatican City a success?
 Prayerfully consider sharing your ideas, your time, and your God-given talents! We need
people to assist before and during the auction in a wide variety of areas and for specific
tasks. We will find a place for you on our team! Find our committee list online.
 Each of the past dinner auctions have been blessed with generous sponsors! Business and
family sponsorships are available at different levels. All amounts are received in humble
appreciation. Thank you in advance for sharing your gift of sponsorship!
 Gift donations become treasured bid items that bring excitement to our social event
while helping to fund our parish mission. St. Dominic Catholic Parish touches the lives of
our members from birth until passing into eternal life.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns, or to volunteer,
sponsor, or donate an auction item! [email protected].
The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for February
That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity.
Separated Spouses
That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the
Christian community.
For more information about prayer, visit, www.apostleshipofprayer.org.
Come To The Saturday Morning Men’s Group!
Would you like to make new friendships that are centered in Christ? If so, the
Quad Parish Men's Group is for you! Join ordinary Catholic laymen from
surrounding parishes to connect, and inspire each other. These informal
sessions take place every Saturday morning, 7:15—8:30 am in the Marcy Center,
to study and reflect on the scripture readings for the weekend. Attendance is
casual, just come if you can make it on any Saturday. For more information,
contact Peter Murray, 262.781.9736, or John Zinda, 262.783.5327.
Mass Intentions & Sanctuary Lamps
Mass intentions are a beautiful way to remember a deceased loved one, or
offer prayers for a living person. Immediate openings are available for weekday
Masses in the month of February and March. The stipend is $10 per Mass.
We also offer sponsorship of the sanctuary lamps in both the Church and
Chapel. An offering of $100 is asked, to sponsor this month-long remembrance
of a deceased loved one or friend. Contact Barb Schenauer in the Parish Center
Office at 262.781.3480, x242 to make arrangements.
New members are always welcome
and encouraged to register as members
of St. Dominic Catholic Parish!
Young adults, age 23+, should register
as adult members even if living at home.
Parish membership is required for
baptism, first reconciliation, first
Eucharist and marriage.
We meet personally with all new
members to… provide a warm welcome;
answer questions; fill out the necessary
forms; provide information based on
specific needs or concerns, and give a
tour of the facilities, if interested.
To schedule your personal meeting,
please contact Molly Schmidt,
262.781.3480 x241 or
[email protected].
For more information about our
parish, please visit
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In Loving Remembrance
In your charity, please remember in your prayers the
following people who recently died:
† Patricia Tushaus, mother of Mark (Kathleen) Tushaus,
grandmother of Thomas and Benjamin, Mother of Dan
(Colleen) and grandmother of Katie & Abby Tushaus
† Lorraine Mertens, mother of Monica (Greg)
† Patricia Pergoli, mother of Mary Pat (Todd) Jordan,
grandmother of Patrick and Molly
† Michael Franzini, son of John & Ellen Franzini, brother
of Susan and Paul
† Raymond J. Prossen
Remember In Your Prayers…
...parishioners or family of parishioners who are ill, or
recovering from injury or surgery, especially Judy Bickler,
Russell Bordeaux, Carol Dati, Kaley Donohue, Kathleen
Fischer, Jean Gabardi, Gregory Golbricht, Bridget
Griepentrog, Larry Hanson, Elaine Kleinhans, Dave
Kornacki, Tom Leupold, Janet Lillie, Adam David Maresca,
Joe Marincic, Marlene Pribe, Kenneth Schaefer, Jeff
Steinhardt, Robert Stormowski, Peggy Tate, Jim Toby,
Mary Jane Walsh, Dolores Wechter, Katie Wilkenson, Jim
Wolak, Pat Wutke and Jim Zielinski
Mass Intentions
Monday, February 2—The Presentation of the Lord
8:30 am † Maury Oxenreiter (Loeb family)
Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
Tuesday, February 3—St. Blaise, St. Ansgar
6:30 am † Albert Schneider (Gerry & Kathy Monday)
Wednesday, February 4
8:30 am For the health of Fr. Luke Strand
Thursday, February 5—St. Agatha
6:30 am † Virginia “Ginny” Brock (Chris & Gerri
Friday, February 6—St. Paul Miki & Companions
8:30 am †Glenn Bardele (Friends)
Anointing of the Sick
Rosary in the Chapel after Mass
Saturday, February 7
3:30 pm Individual Reconciliation in the Chapel
4:30 pm For the living & deceased members of the
Cunningham & Jaeger families (Judy Schmidt)
Baptism of Nathan Joseph Summers
Sunday, February 8
7:30 am For All Parishioners
9:00 am † Cale Austin (Tom Austin family)
11:00 am † Larry Montanari (Mrs. Stich’s K4 class)
Sanctuary Lamps
The Church Lamp will burn in February in memory of
the deceased Bunco Sisters.
The Chapel Lamp will burn in February for blessings of
grace of the Holy Family, on our parish family.
Please visit www.stdominic.net or call the Parish Center for sacramental information.
Weekend Maintenance Staff, Tim Buckingham...... x282
Parish Center……………………………….….....262.781.3480
Pastor, Father David H. Reith………………………………..x222
Associate Pastor, Father Brad Krawczyk……………...x224
Deacon, Larry LaFond…………………………….262.345.5357
Deacon, Greg Diciaula…………………………….262.547.4216
Teaching Parish Seminarian, Michael Thiel………..x229
Pastoral Associate, Mary Lestina………………………..x225
Administrative Services, Amy Whittenberger….... x253
Child Ministry, Stacey Irvine……………………………….x251
Liturgy & Music, Paul Burzynski..……………………......x240
Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Debbie Olla………..x252
Finance Administration, Karen Chaffee………...…....x223
Marketing-Communications, Meg Picciolo .............. x248
Parish Membership & Events, Molly Schmidt......... x241
Evangelization Minister, Brian Magliocco…………...x620
Administrative Assistants:
Finance, Jeanne Verthein ................................................. x227
Liturgy/Music & Human Concerns, Barb Schenauer . x242
Lifelong Faith Formation, Debbie Caputo………….x250
Administrative Support, Judy Shilka........................ x228
Maintenance Supervisor, Steve Veres ........................ x282
Maintenance Staff, Dan Hughes ...................................... x282
School Principal, Jill Fischer ............................................. x271
School Secretary, Mary Kay Reinbold .......................... x280
Parish Trustees
Michael Ricci .................................................................. 781.1358
Jerry Buting .................................................................... 783.6555
Pastoral Council Officers
E-mail ................................... [email protected]
Chair, Don Drees ................................................ 262.781.2516
Vice Chair, Jim Palzewicz ......................... 262.790.1209
Secretary, Meg Siehr ........................................ 262.691.2139
Additional Contacts
Marcy Center ........................................................ 781.3480 x233
Marcy Center Kitchen ....................................... 781.3480 x232
Prayer Network: Kathy Monday............................. 790.0535
St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ................................................ x600
[email protected]
Email addresses for all staff members may be found on our website, www.stdominic.net.
w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t
Server Schedule
Readings for the Week of Feb. 1
Saturday, February 7
4:30 pm Danny Von Estorff/
Michael Sohn/Steve Serbiak
Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/
Mk 1:21-28
Mon: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40
or 2:22-32
Tues: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43
Wed: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6
Thurs: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13
Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/
Mk 1:29-39
Sunday, February 8
7:30 am Adult Servers
9:00 am Mike Kahler/Will Kahler/
Andy Kahler
11:00 am Tyler Shecterle/Mike Weisse/
Tyler Mark
This Week’s Schedule
Sunday, February 1
8:45 am
7th gr. NET Retreat-MC All
9:00 am
9:05 am
Children's Liturgy of the Word - MC7
10:00 am
Hospitality Sunday-MC7/KI
10:10 am
9:00 pm
Adult Men's Basketball-PAF
Monday, February 2
9:30 am
Moms Group-MC3/5/6
2:45 pm
Brownies #8349 Meeting-MC7
2:50 pm
Intermediate Band-PAAC
7:00 pm
SVdP Meeting-MC6
7:00 pm
Budget Committee-PC105
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
SVdP Home Visitors Training-MC7/KI
Tuesday, February 3
2:45 pm
4th Grade Junior Girl Scouts-MC1/5
3:00 pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences-School
7:00 pm
Rosary for Life-Chapel
7:00 pm
The Sacraments-MC7/KI
7:30 pm
Respect Life Committee-MC6
Wednesday, February 4
7:05 am
Strings Advanced-PAAC
7:30 am
Saints In (Fitness) Training-MC7
8:30 am
Mass With All School-Church
9:45 am
Bible Study-MC1
10:00 am
10:30 am
Cantor Rehearsal-Church
2:45 pm
Children's Choir Rehearsal-Church
2:45 pm
Strings Intermediate-PAAC
4:00 pm
MS Moms/Circle of Hope-MC1/5/6
6:00 pm
Chess Club - Resource Center
6:00 pm
Den 3 Meeting-Cafeteria
6:30 pm
1st Eucharist Parent Meeting-MC7
7:00 pm
Prayer & Worship Committee-PC105
Thursday, February 5
7:15 am
Buildings & Grounds-PC105
9:30 am
Parish Staff Meeting-PC105
2:45 pm
Forensics-Marcy Center
3:00 pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences-School
3:00 pm
Siena House Meal-Offsite
6:00 pm
Cantor Rehearsal-Church
6:30 pm
Den 1 Meeting-Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Adult Choir Rehearsal-Church
7:00 pm
Facilities Committee-PC105
7:00 pm
That Man Is You!-MC7
9:00 pm
Adult Men's Basketball-PAF
Friday, February 6
6:00 am
That Man Is You!-MC7/KI
10:00 am
Beginning Band-PAAC
2:45 pm
Strings Beginners-PAAC
3:00 pm
Forensics Meet-PAF
6:00 pm
AA Meeting-MC6
9:00 pm
Adult Co-ed Volleyball-PAF
Saturday, February 7
7:00 am
Men's Ministry-MC1-3
8:00 am
8:00 am
Form Catechetical Spirit-Resource Center
Sunday, February 8
9:00 am
Children's Ministry LFF-School
9:00 am
9:05 am
Children's Liturgy of the Word-MC7
10:10 am
10:10 am
9th gr. LFF-Youth Room
10:10 am
8th gr. LFF-School
10:10 am
7th gr. LFF-School
10:10 am
10th gr. LFF-Marcy Center
1:30 pm
New Beginnings-St. Joseph
9:00 pm
Adult Men's Basketball-PAF
Meeting Room Key
AFM-Adult & Family Ministry Room • CH-Church • C-Cafeteria • KI-Kitchen • MC-Marcy Center
PAF-Parish Athletic Facility • PAAC-Parish Arts & Activity Center • PC-Parish Center • PG-Prayer Gardens
• S-Storage • TL-Teacher’s Lounge • YR-Youth Room
St. Dominic Catholic Parish
The following children were baptized at our parish
from July—December 2014
Norah Elizabeth Jaworski
Daughter of Jeffery and Katherine Jaworski
Peyton Jeanne Koerner
Daughter of Kory and Kristin Koerner
Luke Jonathan Tlachac
Son of Jonathan and Jodee Tlachac
Scarlett Reese Sweet
Daughter of Matthew and Mary Sweet
William James Kwiatt
Son of James and Katie Kwiatt
Ethan David Gore
Son of Alex and Tina Gore
Jacob Phillip Gundrum
Son of Daniel and Angela Gundrum
Lucas John Neighbors
Son of Michael and Jennifer Neighbors
Madeline Christina Lawton
Daughter of Edward and Katherine Lawton
Hannah Elizabeth Perez
Daughter of Ramon and Jessica Perez
Charlotte Lee Annesley
Daughter of Douglas and Alexandrea Annesley
Nolan Charles Ridosko
Son of Adam and Erin Ridosko
Ezra David Hill
Son of Ryan and Olivia Hoeffler
Noah Mark Stern
Son of Mark and Jewel Stern
Nathaniel Arthur Harmelink
Son of Neal and Mindy Harmelink
Graham Nicholas Kummer
Son of Nicholas and Katie Kummer
Serafina Eloise Mooren
Daughter of Michael and Christina Mooren
Claire Anne Gawryleski
Daughter of Gary and Courtney Gawryleski
Ashlyn Grace Gripentrog
Daughter of Lee and Angela Gripentrog
Julianna Rose Morrissey
Daughter of Andrew and Jessica Morrissey
Austin James Koelbl
Son of Andrew and Cheryl Koelbl
Benjamin Cueto Sampang
Son of Benjamin and Josephine-Liezl
Declan Gordon Koch
Son of Jason and Julie Koch
Charlotte Hope Montanari
Daughter of Robert and Rachel Montanari
Grace Cecile Hamill
Daughter of Michael and Mary Hamill
Gracelyn Jane Purtell
Daughter of James and Nicole Purtell
Veneda Everly Haas
Daughter of Lucas and Tracy Haas
Simon Aurel Sonnentag
Son of Shawn and Tara Sonnentag
Anderson J Schneider (no . after the J)
Son of Jason and Ann Schneider
Milo Adam Gansler
Son of Peter and Tiffany Gansler
Congratulations & welcome
to our parish family!
Cornerstone Law
Estate Planning
Real Estate
Elder Law
Darryl D. Stich, D.D.S., Parish Member
414-403-6279 (MARY)
“If it’s a home you’re seekin’,
call Mary Deeken!”
Residential & Commercial
Licensed • Insured
Office Relocation/Storage
Archives Center/Document Scanning
~Parish Member~
414-372-7000 • chcoakley.com
Brookfield Office
13620 W Capitol Drive
Located in
Brookfield, WI
A Division of Kappl Construction, Inc.
Sales Associate
(414) 813-0036
[email protected]
Sherry Wittemann
Serving Brookfield and the
St. Dominic Community
Since 1993
No Pressure, “PAINLESS” Real Estate Services Parish Member Since 1983
Direct: 414-807-5356
Web: sherry.shorewest.com
Email: [email protected]
Jim Swiderski
Work: (414) 257-0833 • Cell: (262) 853-5467
[email protected]
“We Are Specialist in the Art of Travel”
17000 W. Capitol Dr. • Brookfield, WI
262-373-1000 Call Lorraine or email
[email protected]
Parish Member
Exceptional service since 2003
Associate Vice President, ABR, CRS, CSRS, GRI
• Business Law • Real Estate
• Employment Law
• Estate Planning
Serving Parishioners, Their Businesses
and Their Families
(262) 784-3323
John Norfolk - Parish Family
Commercial Interior Design, Construction/Remodeling,
Painting/Wallcoverings, Furnishings
Parish Member
Daniel G. Gundrum, CFP®
Financial Advisor - Parish Member
[email protected]
800-792-2473 • [email protected]
777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202-5391
21150 W. Capitol Dr.
Brookfield, WI
414-765-1465 • Fax 414-298-7400
Phone 781-2700
Help For Senior Independence
Charles W. Steinbach, D.D.S.
414 403 6227
ShiningAngel.net Parish Member
Terese Wutke
Thomas A. Steinbach, D.D.S.
“In a competitive marketplace it pays to have the advantage”
Wise Choice Property Enviromental, Safety and Recycling Services
[email protected]
Roofing Home Repair | Gutter Cleaning & Repair
And All Things in Between
(262) 790-2500
Parish Member
Triangle Tool Corporation
Meet, Drink & Paint Happy.
Daily Kids to Adults Public Sessions.
Check out our online calendar of events!
W249 N5267 Executive Dr.- Sussex
8609 W. Port Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53224
TEL: (414) 357-7117 • FAX: (414) 357-7610
E-Mail: [email protected] for more information
James T. Kwiatt, M.D.
Frank Fantazzi, PT, ,DPT, OCS
Parish Member
Mark Snyder, PT, DPT
(262) 796-2850
700 Pilgrim Parkway, Elm Grove
Board Certified Gastroenterologist
Mayfair/Elmbrook/Mukwonago: (414) 454-0600
Oconomowoc/Waukesha: (262) 569-7877
The Right People/The Right Ideas/The Right Tools
Landscaping • Design
Renovation • Grounds Care
Walkways and Patios
Tree Science & Services
David Marcello
[email protected]
Serving real estate needs
Watertown: (920) 262-1099
Fax: (414) 454-0971
Family Founded and Operated for 40 years
Shea Hughes - Owner / Parish Member
Parish Member
Brookfield: 20350 Water Tower Blvd., Ste. 101
Brookfield, WI 53045 (262) 432-8506
Greenfield: 8555 W. Forest Home Ave., Ste. 100
Greenfield, WI 53228 (414) 529-4044
Racine: 5801 Washington Avenue, Ste. 100
Racine, WI 53406 (232) 884-7700
A 4C 01-0232
12-23-2014 11:41:24
Nationally recognized digestive health experts
compliments of
Tues-Fri 8:00-5:00
Sat 8:00-12:00
Lia’s Tailors & Cleaners
Dean K. Harder • Eric C. Harder
Providing the exceptional service and
facilities families have come to expect.
18700 W. Capitol Dr.
Family Dentistry
Final Alterations for Ladies & Men
Leather Cleaning & Repair
Rosalia Orlando
Parish Member
12614 W. Hampton Ave.
N89 W15680 Main St. Menomonee Falls
Parish Members
785-0225 parish member
Garage Doors & Openers
(262) 784-4250
(414) 541-9217 24 hr.
Brookfield Hills Golf Course
Au tomotive Inc.
2 blocks South of I-94
on Moorland Rd.
C o m p l e t e Au t o m o t i v e R e p a i r s
Hours 7
- 6
Joseph M. King
Vice President - Investments
A Company You Can Trust.
18780 W. Burleigh Rd. 781-3140
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
20800 Swenson Drive, Suite 200
Waukesha, WI 53186
Tel: 262-798-3732
Fax: 262-798-3595
Toll Free: 800-823-1410
[email protected]
Schmidt & Bartelt
Guardalabene & Amato Funeral & Cremation Service
“Providing Affordable Services at Your
Church, Chapel or Any One of Our Locations.”
Menomonee Falls, Wauwatosa, Sussex
Vito Marchese - Parish Member
Commercial Residential
Kurt Wahlen Jr.,
Parish Member
Capital Insurance Agency
of Wisconsin, Inc.
Personal and Business
Complete Homeowners Services
Painting - Carpentry - Odd Jobs - Mowing
Aeration - Upkeep - Snow Blowing and More...
Kevin O’Connell • 262-352-1551
Insured parish member
10225 W. Capitol Dr., Wauwatosa 414-463-5700
520 Hartbrook Dr., Hartland
Bryant Chaffee, Parish Member
Sunday - TThursday 6:00am - 10:00pm
Friday & Saturday 6:00am - 11:00pm
18025 W. Capitol Dr. (262) 783-4501 • Fax (262)783-6371
Monday - Sunday 6:00am - 11:00pm
115 E. Collins St. (262)569-0072 • Fax (262)569-0036
[email protected]
All Occasions
Chicago & O’Hare
622 North 79th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213
Timothy T. Brennan
% 781-8080
Charles Hewett DDS MS
Joshua Barta DDS MS
Daniel Holzhauer DDS MS, Parishioner
Jeff Sladky - Parish Member
Landscape design • Installation • Management
Brick & Stone Patio & Walkways • Plantings
Night Lighting • Irrigation • Yard Maintenance • Fencing
& Operated
Professional Pressure
Washing & Parking Lot Striping
Chaffee Limousine
(262) 650-1900
(262) 691-2740
(262) 255-1900
West Allis
(414) 327-7100
Flexible Schedules
State Certified
Teens & Adults
Prints from Digital Media
Canvas, Metal, Large Format
18110 W. Bluemound Rd.
Parish Member 262-782-4303
Complete Plumbing Solutions
David Strigenz
Collision & Auto Body Repairs
Master Plumber #224873
Parish Member
9921 W. Carmen Ave.
(414) 466-0210
Milwaukee, WI 53225
Fax (414) 466-8337
Tobin J. Strupp DDS
Family Dentistry Since 1985
Accepting New Patients
14335 W. Capitol Dr.
Office: (262) 783-3311
Tony Pruski
Pruning • Removal • Storm Damage
Quality work at a reasonable price
(not valid with any other offers)
17301 W. Capitol Dr. location only • (Capitol Drive @ Calhoun Rd)
(262) 373-1100
FRANTL Industries Inc.
“Spray On Insulation”
Applications Include, But Not Limited To:
Attics, Box Sills & Crawl Spaces
- Parish Member
262-246-3866 • www.thesprayguys.com
Residential Work
Brian Frantl
Business Tax and Accounting
Individual Tax Preparation
• Accurate
• Responsive
• One-to-One Service Accounting
Peter R. Bray, CPA
Susan M. Schmidt, CPA
11707 West North Avenue • Wauwatosa, WI 53226
www.brayco.com • 414-771-9611
23 Convenient Locations
Italian Sports Car Center
Service Dept. Open in Brookfield
Lorenzo Reina - Parishioner
12730 W. Capitol Dr., Brookfield, WI
Support Our Advertisers
Contact Jeff Tkachuk to place an ad today!
[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2513
Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages.
21300 W. Capitol Dr.
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Family owned & operated*
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or e-mail [email protected]
B 2C 01-0232
12-23-2014 11:41:24