The Florido Assisted Living Associotion Presents the FALA 2O1 5 ANNVAL CONFERENCE & TRADEsHOW August II-I4, 2Ol 5 JW Mqrriott Orlondo Grande Lokes Orlondo, Florido Tuesday, August 11 - Conference Attendee Registration and Education Sessions Begin Wednesday, August 12 - Education Sessions, Tradeshow and Welcome Reception Thursday, August 13 - Education Sessions, Tradeshow and Awards Banquet Friday, August 14 - Farewell Breakfast and Annual Mernbership Meeting CONFERENCE PROFILE FALA is the trade association representing the largest number of assisted living facilities (ALFs) and adult family care homes (AFCHs) in Florida. Our Annual Conference & Tradeshow brings together a broad spectrum of individuals representative of Florida's assisted living profession. Florida is one of the largest states for assisted living in the country, with more than 3,000 ALFs and AFCHs that care for close to b6,000 residents. The conference will offer educational seminars for professional development, industry networking opportunities, and a forum for industry product and service providers to showcase their goods. Florida's ALFs spend millions of dollars each year on goods and services, making FALA's Annual Conference & Tradeshow the most attractive showcase for your goods and services in Florida. Our conference attendees are the "decision-makers" who make purchasing decisions on behalf of their communities, This Tradeshow presents a substantial business opportunity for your company. WHO WILL ATTEND? Owners and administrators of assisted living facilities and providers of adult family care homes across the state, corporate representatives, and management companies will be in attendance, As an exhibitor, you will have ample opportunities to discuss your products and services with our conference registrants, with dedicated time and events scheduled in the exhibit hall. Sponsorship opportunities that give your company added exposure are also available. WHO SHOULD EXHIBIT? Companies who offer: ancillary services/therapy, computer products/services, clinical & healthcare consulting, equipment, human resources, furnishings/fixtures, insurance, legal food service management services/advice, pharmaceutical/medical supplies, telecom & security services and other products or services that would be of interest to assisted living professionals in the State of Florida. & Tentative Exhibitors' Sched ule (Scheduled exhibit halltime is dedicated) Wednesdav. Auqust 12 Exhibit Set Up 11:00 am-5:00 pm-7:00 Exhibit Hall Open 5:00 Welcome Reception Times Subject to Change pm pm Thursdav. Auoust 13 12:00 noon-3:00 3:00 pm-6:00 pm pm Exhibit Hall Open Times Subject to Change Exhibit Dismantling Should additional time be required to dismantle your display, arrangements must be made in advance with the Exhibit Manager. BOOTH FURNISHINGS There will be 100 available booths: each I'x 10'booth will consist of 8'high back drapes with 3'high side dividers and will include the following: Company lD Sign (1-line company name) 1 6' x 30" table draped show color 2 padded chairs 1 wastebasket with liner o . . . Each registered exhibitor will receive an Exhibitor's Service Kit that includes forms for ordering items such as electrical service, telephone service, audio/visual equipment, additional booth furnishings and shipping. Please note that these items are not included in the booth rental fee. Goben Services is the Official Decorator for the event, BOOTH FEES FALA Members Non-Members $1,200 $1,700 A minimum of 50% of Payment is Due to Secure the Booth and Payment lN FULL is due by March 2' 2015. lf FULL payment is not received by March 2, 20'15, the booth will be released and all partial payments will be FORFEITED and are NON-REFUNDABLE. TO CHECK BOOTH AVAILABILITY, VISIT THE FALA WEBSITE AT www.fAIAUSA.COM. lncluded with your booth purchase: Wednesday Welcome Reception Thursday Tradeshow Lunch Two Booth Representatives List of attendees, before and after conference Recognition in printed conference materials and throughout the Conference Recognition on FALA website . . . o . o Send your contract and payment to: FALA Gonference Exhibit Manager 2447 Millcreek Gt., Ste. 3 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Email : [email protected] The minimum payment of 50% must accompany the contract for space to be confirmed. Checks should be made payable to FALA, You may also pay by Visa,.MasterCard or American Express. (Federal lD # 010549750). Reservations will be held only with a completed exhibitor application/contract and required deposit. SPACE RESERVATIONS Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-paid basis. Be sure to indicate if there are any companies that you would prefer to be located near or away from. Every effort will be made to accommodate your booth preference. Please list alternate choices in case your first choice is unavailable. You will receive written confirmation of your booth space by return mail or email. Be sure to send your contract and payment in early to secure a preferred location! HOTEL RESERVATIONS lnformation regarding hotel reservations will be posted on our website For additional tradeshow information, please contact: Florida Assisted Living Association Exhibitor Manager 2447 Millcreek Ct., Ste. 3 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Phone: 850-383-1159 Fax: 850-224-0448 E-mail : [email protected] APPLICATION & CONTRACT FOR EXHIBIT SPACE 2015 Florida Assisted Living Association Annual Gonference & Tradeshow August 12-13 o JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes, Orlando, Florida Show lnformation o o . Price includes one (1) full conference registration per Booth and one (1) additional Booth representative A maximum of two (2) additional Booth representatives may be added per Booth for $50.00 each Wednesday Welcome Reception and Thursday Tradeshow Lunch are included in the Booth Fees To hold a preferred booth location, a minimum deposit of 50% of booth fee by check or credit card must be received with this completed contract. Pavment in full must be received by March 2,2015, orthe booth will be released. Booths will not be considered reserved and will be considered open until the deposit and signed contract are received by the FALA office. All pages of this contract must be completed. Booth assignments will be made on a first-come, first-paid basis. Please complete this information as it should appear in the printed program. Company: FALA Member No. Exhibit Contact Person: Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Fax: Phone: Booth Request: lstCho Website: 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Please try to locate me NEAR the following co Please try to locate me AWAY from the following companies: BOOTH FEES AND PAYMENT TERMS: FALA Members $'1,200 $1,700 _# -Non-Members of Booths @ $ TOTAL DUE rt Deposit Paid (minimum 50% booth fee) BALANCE DUE Pavment Method: D Check - Made payable to FALA tr Visa tr MasterCard tr American Credit Card (Fed lD #01-0549750) Express #: Authorized Amount $ Exp. Date: Security Code: Name on Card Card Billing Address: Date Authorized Sig Return contract with payment to: FALA, Exhibit Manager, 2447 Millcreek Ct., Suite 3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Fax:8501224-0448 (for credit card payments only) or email to [email protected] GONTRACT AGREEMENT We understand that this application becomes a contract when signed by us and accepted by the Exhibit Manager. We agree to abide by the Exhibitor Rules and Regulations set forth on page 2 of this contract. Contract will not be accepted without a signature or payment. X S/GNATURE & TITLE OF EXHIBITOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE Accepted by: X S/GNÁTURE OF FALA EXHIBIT MANAGER DATE Confirmation will be emailed upon rece¡pt of contract and payment. Questions: Contact the FALA Exhibit Manager, Susan Langston, at 850-383-1 159 or by email to susanl(@falamail.orq. Page 1 ot 2 EXHIBITOR RULES AND REGULATIONS TAXES AND LICENSES CONTRACÍ FOR SPACE The Application & Contract for Exhibit Space and Exhibitor Rules and Regulations, the formal notice of space assignment by Exhibit Manager, and the rules and regulations set forth in the Exhibitor Service Manual Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any licenses, permits or approvals required under local or state law applicable to their activity at the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow. Exhibitor shall be responsible for obtaining any tax identification numbers and paying all taxes, license fees or other charges due to any governmental authority in connection with their activity at the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow. constitute a contract for the right to exhibit at the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow. Exhibitor agrees to comply with these rules and regulations and also those of the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes. FIRE, SAFETY AND HEALTH APPLICATION & CONTRACT FOR EXHIBIT SPACE The Application & Contract for Exhibit Space must be accompanied by the deposit or payment in full to secure exhibit space. Exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with city, county, state and federal Fire, Safety and Health Ordinances regarding the PAYMENT IN FULL Access to Exhibit Hall will not be allowed unless all fees are paid in full before the Tradeshow. equipment must be reasonably located within the booth and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary to prevent personal accidents to spectators. installation and operation & Regulations as erected. as developed, including End-cap Restrictions, DISPLAY AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS accepted and endorsed by NAEM, EDPA, ESCA, and IEA (copy provided with Exhibitor Service Manual and available again upon request). A standard booth has an 8' high background of drapes on framework of pipe. Dividers separating booths are 36" high. All booths shall be SOUND Public address, sound producing or amplifying devices that project sound beyond the exhibitor's space are prohibited. Exhibitor is responsible for the use of copyrighted compositions, whether live or recorded. OFFICIAL DECORATOR Goben Convention Services is the Official Decorator, Drayage Contractor and Labor Contractor for this event and has the exclusive right to supply all equipment, furniture, carpeting and decorating materials, drayage and nontechnical manpower, on a rental basis to individual exhibitors. BOOTH ASSIGNMENT Exhibitor shall not reassign, sublease or share assigned exhibit space with any person, firm or other entity without prior notification to and approval of the Exhibit Manager. Exhibit Manager reserves the right to alter the location of exhibits as shown on the official floorplan, if it is deemed advisable and in the best interest of the show. RIGHT OF REFUSAL AND/OR CANCELLATION Exhibit Manager reserves the right to approve the character of any exhibit, goods therein, advertising, and sales promotion and to prohibit anything that, in its sole judgment, because of noise or other objectionable features, may be deemed to detract from the show in general. Exhibit Manager reserves the right to cancel this contract whenever it discovers that exhibit is incompatible with the purposes of the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow. Contract for space may also be cancelled if Exhibit Manager deems the exhibitor's demeanor inappropriate or disruptive. INSURANCE AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENTS Fire, Theft, Liability and extended coverage insurance, if so desired, must be obtained by exhibitors at their own expense. Small and valuable exhibit materials should be packed each night and placed in a secure location. Exhibitor is responsible for all property he/she brings into the exhibition area and is the sole risk of loss for that property. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Exhibit Manager, its agents and employees, and the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow from any damages caused by theft or other perils normally covered by extended coverage, liability or fire policies. Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless Exhibit Manager, its agents and employees, and the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow for all claims, losses, liability or damages for injury, death, or property damage that may arise from activities of the exhibitor, its employees, agents, invitees and licensees. ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS Should any litigation arise out of this contract, exhibitor shall pay all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Exhibit Manager and/or the sponsoring organization if the Exhibit Manager and/or exhibit materials and Exhibitor is responsible for taking all steps reasonably necessary in its judgment to ensure the sound engineering and structural integrity of its exhibit design and the proper construction and safety of the exhibit itself, EXHIBIT LIMITATIONS Exhibits may not project beyond the space allotted and aisles must be kept clear for traffic. Exhibits shall not obstruct the view or interfere with traffic to exhibits of others, and must be constructed in compliance with Display Rules of equipment. All constructed in compliance with show regulations. Booths found not to be in compliance with show regulations will not be permitted to be constructed and must be dismantled at the Exhibit Manager's request. A complete copy of design regulations will be furnished upon request. UNOCCUPIED SPACE/DEFAULT BY EXHIBITOR Exhibitor is in default if it fails to pay the required sums under this contract or breaches any of the other provisions of this contract. Any exhibitors' space not occupied one hour prior to the opening of the exhibit hall on the first day of the show shall be deemed to be forfeited by the exhibitor and no refund shall be paid. No refund shall be paid for any space forfeited due to failure to make payment in full. The Exhibit Manager reserves the right to sell paid or unpaid space to another exhibitor or use space for such purpose as it may see fit, without liability on its part. This clause shall not be construed as affecting the obligation of the exhibitor to pay the full amount specified in this contract. Failure to make payment of the full amount specified in this contract by the cut-off date constitutes cancellation by the exhibitor. EARLY TEAR-DOWN OR DISMANTLING Exhibitor agrees by signing this contract that they w¡ll remain on the exhibit hall floor until the official close of the tradeshow, as published in the Exhibitor Service Manual. Early tear-down or dismantling is prohibited. Any exhibitors dismantling their booths prior to the scheduled time will be penalized by losing points in the priority system used for assigning space for future conferences. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS ln the event of cancellation by the exhibitor, the following schedule of refunds will be followed: . Full Refund less a $200.00 administrative fee will be made if cancellation is received by March 2,2015. o No refunds will be made for cancellations made after June 1,2015. . Exhibitors who purchase booths after June 1, 2015 arc not entitled to o any refund. lf canceled at the discretion of the Exhibit Manager, the amount of refund (if any) will be determined by the Exhibit Manager at the time of cancellation. These rules and regulations become a part of the contract between the exhibitor and the Exhibit Manager for the FALA Annual Conference & Tradeshow. The Exhibit Manager respectfully asks the full cooperation of exhibitor in their observance of these regulations, All points not covered are subject to the decision of the Exhibit Manager. sponsoring organization are the prevailing parties. This provision shall extend to the costs and attorneys'fees incurred at both the trial and appellate level, Page 2 ol 2 Exhibitor's lnitials: FALA August 12-13,2015 JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes Orlando, Florida Mediterranean Ballroom 1-4 EXIT 90-8x10 booths ELEVATON 16' ts 120 219 Ð07 z o 'l 220 319 I g 320 415 I 420 519 I SALON 8 520 18 217 218 3'17 318 417 418 517 518 116 215 216 315 316 415 416 515 516 114 213 214 3't3 314 413 414 513 514 o o îÍ. z o ilIT tr () zf 112 211 312 411 212 31'l 412 5't 1 t() SALON 5 zl SALON 7 512 IL J J fD n ø o LL lrJ I,IJ fr EXIT fL qIT 1 1't0 209 210 309 310 409 410 509 510 108 207 208 307 308 407 408 507 508 306 405 406 505 106 205 1.5 206 305 8' 506 204 303 304 403 404 503 504 1î2 2f|1 2o-2 301 3î2 4l]2 501 502 4o1 SALON 6 WOMEN I Ðfi + ROTUNDA U + ENTRANCE PREFUNCTION ffi MEN FX . FIHE EXTINGUISHER FS - FIRE STROBE ffi 11111t14 FS 10 WOMEN fæ-- MEN WOMEN a lh o o l- I 8' 104 203 Ð(Ì É. (L f= Ceiling heights 17.5' 121' Aisle widths as noted tt n s *
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