The Communicator First United Methodist Church 702 Avenue A Opelika, AL 36801 334-745-7604 Sunday Services 8:30am – Traditional Worship 9:45am – Sunday School 10:45am – Contemporary Worship 11:00am – Traditional Worship FUMC Staff: Rev. Randy Woodham Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Scott Kaak Executive Pastor [email protected] Rev. Rick Lane Associate Pastor, Student Ministries [email protected] Rev. Ric Smith Associate Pastor [email protected] FUMC has WIFI!!! Password is: fumcwifi Friday, January 30, 2015 The purpose of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. But how do we do that? The most visible way God knits people into the community of Christ and draws people into the relationship with God is through congregations that fulfill the ministry of Christ in the world. Fruitful congregations repeat and improve on these five basic practices: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, RiskTaking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity. Church Wide Study: Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations begins Sunday, Feb. 22nd & Small Group Sign-up begins Sunday, Feb. 8th Ms. Nicole Agostino Pianist Mrs. Laura Boggs Administrative Assistant [email protected] Ms. Maudie Evans Church Maid Mrs. Sunny Hahn Organist [email protected] Mr. Bruce Heath Sexton [email protected] Mr. Don Lawrence Facilities Supervisor [email protected] Ms. Beverly Marlett Church Secretary [email protected] Ms. Mary Virginia Norris Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Mrs. Tina Roberts Financial Secretary [email protected] Mr. Andy Snyder Sound Technician Mrs. Drew Speakman Director of Sonshine Preschool Asst. Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Mrs. Julia Stutts Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Mr. John Vedder College Ministries [email protected] Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations describes practices that shape and sustain congregations. Vibrant, growing, fruitful congregations repeat and deepen certain fundamental activities, seeking to perform them with excellence: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk-Taking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity. These edgy words focus us on the appropriate work that helps us fulfill the mission of church. Congregations offer the invitation and welcome of Christ, provide worship that connects us to God and to one another, offer opportunities for people to grow in Christ by learning in community, relieve suffering and improve the conditions of people in need through service and mission, and teach people to give of themselves. The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be observed during worship services this Sunday. The offering you leave on the communion rail will be given to the College 2015 Philippines Mission Team. Our College Team is preparing to go to the Philippines in June. Your generous giving will help send our college students into the mission field to help make disciples of Jesus Christ! You may also give to this ministry at any time you wish by placing your gift in the offering plate or bringing/sending it to the church office. Please designate it for “Philippines”. Lay Person of the Year The United Methodist Men are taking nominations for the 2014 Lay Person of the Year. Please make your nominations based on the person’s service and commitment. These are due by Monday, Feb. 2nd. This person will be recognized at the Ladies Night Banquet on Thursday, February 12th. I would like to nominate ________________________________________________ because: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ FUMC CALENDAR Sunday, February 1 7:15am- Men’s Breakfast 8:30am - Worship 9:45am – Sunday School 10:45am – Contemporary Worship 11:00am – Worship 4:00pm – 5:00pm – One Accord 5:00pm – Sunday Night Youth 5:00pm – 7:00pm – Disciple III (#308) 5:15pm – 6:15pm – Wesley Ringers Monday, February 2 8:45am - 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool Tuesday, February 3 8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool 2:00pm – Prison Ministry Wednesday, February 4 7:00am – Men’s Devotion 4:30pm – M.A.T.T. 5:00pm – Wednesday Connection 6:15pm – Chancel Choir Thursday, February 5 8:45am – 1:00pm - Sonshine Preschool 5:30pm – Staff Parish Relations (Library) YOUTH NEWS SM Youth every Sunday from 9:45am – 10:30am up on the 4th floor! SN Youth this Sunday Night (2/1) Youth Choir from 4 - 5pm; Super Bowl Party from 5pm until the game is over! Simply follow these easy steps: 1. Visit the church website at 2. Click on the Online Giving button, 3. Click on the Create Profile button, then 4. Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions. Save your Campbell's labels! OUR LIFE TOGETHER January 25, 2015 Attendance: Sunday School – 198 Worship – 475 (95/101/279) GENEROUS GIVING Designated Funds Given this week: $1,647 Given this YTD: $6,971 General Fund Given this week: $ 9,065 Given YTD: $96,156 Total Debt: $705,899 FUMC Prison Ministry – Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Volunteers: Margaret Rogers, Danielle Goff, Barbara Kriel, Sara Nan Levins, Laura Fuller, Fay Burns Inmates ministered to: 63 males Bibles given: 2 English, 1 Adult Bible Studies Message by Pastor Scott Kaak: “Should I Forgive?” Inmates were reminded that much of Jesus’ teachings are on the topic of forgiveness. Jesus knew that that no love, no marriage, no friendship, no family, no church, and no society can live without it. Revenge is never sweet; it ultimately becomes a sour stomach and bitter memory. Violence only breeds more violence and hate poisons the soul. Jesus knew this and thus he called for us to be bridge builders, to be peacemakers, to seek forgiveness and to offer it. Scripture Card: Luke 17:3-4; Philippians 3:13-14 (The weekly ministry to the inmates at Lee County Detention Center that provides prayer, stationery, greeting cards, used paperback books, word games, two pieces of hard candy and a devotion -- all delivered unconditionally with a smile and the love of Christ!) AED Training – Sundays, February 8th & 15th at WN Youth (2/4 and 2/11) MATT from 4:30 - 6pm Small Groups from 6 - 7pm SN Youth next week(2/8) Youth Choir from 4 - 5pm; Jr Hi from 5 7pm; Sr Hi from 6 - 8pm; Youth Supper at 6pm Emmaus Covered Dish Dinner Monday, February 6:00pm Fellowship Hall On Line Giving Is Here! 2nd LOST - An opal and diamond ring. If you have found this ring please turn it into the church office. This ring was left in the ladies’ restroom on the third floor. 10:35am and 12:05pm. An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the lifethreatening arrhythmias of ventricular (The weekly ministry to thecardiac inmates at Lee County Detentionfibrillation Center thatand provides prayer, stationery, cards, usedtopaperback word games, ventricular tachycardia in a greeting patient, and is able treat thembooks, through two pieces of hard candy and a devotion -all delivered unconditionally with a defibrillation, the application of electrical therapy which stops the arrhythmia, smile and the love of Christ!) allowing the heart to reestablish an effective rhythm. If you are interested in training please contact the church office. (745-7604) Ladies Night Banquet Thursday, February 12, 2015 6:30pm Fellowship Hall This year’s event features entertainment by David Horton and his twelve year versatile trio group, Cool Change. Our special guest speaker is Hoffman Rhyne of Benton, AL, who is on staff at Campus Crusade in Auburn. He plans to share his testimony and 8+ years experience as a missionary in China. Tickets are available from any member of the Methodist Men or in the Church Office. Servants in Christ + + + Sunday, February 1, 2015 Greeters: 8:30 – Camilla Rice & John Rice; 11:00 – Sue & Matthew Bentley Pre-Service Music: Shannon Cason Crucifer: Witt Daffin Acolytes: 8:30 – Hudson Galimore & Martha Pugh; 11:00 – Libby Gaberlavage & Connor Haynes Ushers: 8:30 – John Parker (Captain); Aaron Waller (Co-Captain);Blake Epperson; Richard Pelham; Chuck Wacker 11:00 – Kenneth Boggs (Captain); H. S. Bence (Co-Captain); Bob Boothe; Tucker Boswell; Newell Floyd; Richard Shackelford Sound: 8:30 – Andy Snyder; 11:00 – Nathan Goff Media: John Stephens Transportation: Barbara Patton; Kathy Woodham Nurturing Notes: Phoebe Branch Welcome Notes: Peggy Dyar Communion Setup: Kim Mann; Beverly McKeever Communion Server: 8:30 – Julene Pugh Monday Flowers: Claud Brown; Nell & Bill Samford Tuesday Office Volunteer: Earle Wilkes Prison Ministry: Terri Knight; Laura Fuller; Jerry Perkins; Margaret Rogers; Danielle Goff; Pastor Scott Kaak Hospital Visitor: Mon., Feb. 2nd – Jo Lovell; Tue., Feb. 3rd – Jo Lovell; Wed., Feb. 4th – Lisa Abercrombie; Thur., Feb. 5th – Phyllis Mayfield; Fri., Feb. 6th – Todd Shipman MEMORIALS: A gift has been given in loving memory of: Walter Boucher by Lucinda Cannon; Catherine & Ross Davis; Empty Nest Sunday School Class of First Baptist Church; Nell & Bill Samford; Jean & Dick Strickrod. Peggy Hurst by Lucinda Cannon; Catherine & Ross Davis; Bruce & Jean Heath; Nell & Bill Samford. Lydia Ingram by Lucinda Cannon. Paul Knight by Lucinda Cannon; Ginger & Jerry Perkins; Nell & Bill Samford. Frances Dudley by Bruce & Jean Heath. John Waldrip by Lucinda Cannon. Keith Woodall by Lucinda Cannon; Barbara Curry; The Tyson Daffin Family; Catherine & Ross Davis; Jannis & John Farmer; Dr. & Mrs. David R. Gunter; Bruce & Jean Heath; Bob Ingram; Jeannie & Lanier Johnson; Harriet Landrum; Steve Russell. Music Ministry News Come Sing the Duruflé Requiem On the evening of Palm Sunday (March 29th), the Chancel Choir will present a special program featuring Maurice Duruflé’s iconic setting of the Requiem Mass text. Using ancient chant lines folded into rich harmonies, all supported by exquisite organ accompaniment, this is one of the major works of the 20th Century. This program will help us turn our hearts from the celebration of Palm Sunday towards the road to Calvary. If you are interested in singing this work, the Chancel Choir will rehearse this piece at the beginning of rehearsal each week. All are invited to join us this Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. in the Choir Room. Contact Mary Virginia ([email protected]) for more information. This Week’s Special Music Give Me Jesus (8:30) arr. Moses Hogan Mary Virginia Norris, solo; Nicole Agostino, piano Everlasting God (11:00) Tom Fettke Chancel Choir; Nicole Agostino, piano GREEN BAG FOOD PROJECT - The next pick-up for the Food Bank will be Sunday, February 8th, at the church. You may place your bags in the hallway on the 1st floor. Shopping List: (No glass containers, please) Peanut Butter Canned Meat & Tuna Dried or Canned Beans & Peas Hearty Soups Shelf –stable Milk Enriched Rice & Pasta Grains (Oatmeal, Quinoa, Bulgur, Couscous) Iron-enriched & Multi-Grain Cereal Canned Tomato Products Canned Fruit in Water or Juice Low-Sodium Canned Vegetables Mac & Cheese Cornbread Mix Crackers Trail Mix Granola Cereal Bars “I Love. . .” - Pastor Scott Kaak 10:45am Contemporary Service (Fellowship Hall) The HUB is an outreach mission of FUMC. Wednesday Connection – February 4th MENU: Loaded Hot Dogs & Chili; Dessert Reservations for dinner are expected by 10:00am on Mondays. Please fill out the green card & place it in the offering plate on Sundays or call the church office (745-7604) or email Laura at [email protected] Classes Power Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church Led by Rev. Randy Woodham in room #310 Life’s Healing Choices - Led by: Chuck Wacker; Loretta Lowery & Lori Kaak in room #304 Unraveling Your View of God's Calling - This is a ladies study. Led by Joy Samford in room #308 A Study in the Book of James - Led by Danielle Goff in room #303 IT’S A BOY!!! Congratulations to Sam & Libba Wilkes upon the birth of their son, Henry Judah Wilkes. Henry was born January 29, 2015 weighing 7 lbs. 7oz and 21 inches long. Proud grandparents are Earle & Kenny Wilkes. Henry and his parents live in Fairhope, AL. PRAYER CONCERNS (as of Friday, January 30 ) th EAMC: Marie Bass (Michael Bass’ grandmother); Sara Martin (Becky Bailey’s mother) UAB (Birmingham): Suzy Conerly and Cullen (Sonshine Preschool Teacher & premature baby); Leslie Gaston (Mike & Becky Gaston’s cousin) Home: David Alexander (Marcia Alexander’s husband); Barbara Allen; Don Allen (friend of Tori Beth Thompson); Patty Allen; Marlo Burdette; Genevieve Canonica (friend of Leigh & Michael Bass); Beverly Collins; Rossie Culley; Virginia Cumbie; David Eastridge, Jr. (Rhonda Boothe’s nephew); Shirley Flora; Jessica Gilmore (friend of Kathie & David Kastner); Dave Gladney (friend of Dudley & Al Cook); B J Horn; Charles Huling; Malcolm Humphries; Joan King; Amanda Mayhall (Sonshine preschool mom); Charles Orange (friend of Gene Smith); Carly Parker; Tammy Samford (friend of Patty Allen); Gene Smith; Mary Rose Smith; Doris & Bill Southers (Laurie Williams’ parents); Ileta Sumners (Arbor Springs); Merle & Quinton Walton; Rev. David Warren (Senior Pastor @ Trinity UMC); Stites Whatley (Debbie Karcher’s son); Alice Williams Out of Town: Bob Bowen (Julia Moreman’s brother-in-law); Sharon Dennis (Sandra Holloway’s sister); Ned Grove (friend of Jennifer & Clay Harper); Vernice Hart (Pam Hope’s step-mother); Morgan Hasty (friend of Ginny Gaberlavage); Bryan Hoch (Sue Bentley’s nephew); Doug Holden (Shirley Flora’s brother-in-law); Brenda Joullian (Sherri Rowton’s mother); Penny Krennerich (friend of Wei Beach); Sam Lowery (friend of Nell & Bill Samford); Avery Mallard (Hilda Lockhart’s granddaughter); Donna Martin (Becky Bailey’s sister-in-law); Frieda & Anthony Meacham (Emily Finck’s parents); Bob Miller (Sam Bailey’s brother-in-law); Robert Mills (Becky Bailey’s son); Mary Minton (Kathy Cason’s aunt); Ray Ramage (friend of Joyce Windsor); Kenny Reding (friend of Allen Blythe); Ed Reynolds (Kim Epperson’s father); Willie Mae Roberts (Lybbi Epperson’s grandmother); Marian Rogers (Emily Finck’s grandmother); Jim Royal (Kevin Royal’s father); Celia Satterwhite (Ruth Meadows’ mother); Carolyn Sell (Jo Vaughan’s daughter); Jeff Shipman (Todd Shipman’s brother); Jim Short (friend of Jerrell Askew); Greg & Skip Wheelus (Ginny Gaberlavage’s father & brother); Grover Worth (Bobby Worth’s father) Military: Josh Beasley (Ann & David Canon’s grandson); Lindsey Cooper (Mary Rose & Albert Smith’s granddaughter); John Dukes (Trinchua & Keith Dukes’ son); Michael Fischer & T J Fischer (friends of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Robert Groszmann (Bob Ingram’s nephew); Garrett Guess (Becky Mills’ nephew); Samuel Hayes (Sharon & Ron Rooks’ son-in-law); Trey Long (Becky Mills’ nephew); Harry & Jake Meadows (Tamara & Bill Meadows’ sons); Steven Olaveson; Alex Pendergraph (Janet Taylor’s grandson); Jacob Ramus (Phyllis & Jim Mayfield’s son-in-law); Frank Rielly (friend of Phyllis & Jim Mayfield); Kennard R. Smith (friend of Anne & Sheldon Whittelsey); Ronnie Snyder (Arden & Dave Snyder’s grandson); Jim Whaley (Beverly Collins’ grandson) Missionaries: Orphanage Emmanuel: Burrows family Orphanage Emmanuel: Abdi Abisai Casco (young son of the mechanic and driver that takes our team to & from the airport) Christian Sympathy. . . . . .is extended to Betty Letlow and all of the family upon the death of her husband, Louie Letlow. . . .is extended to Shannon & Kathy Cason and all of the family upon the death of Shannon’s uncle, Jimmy Jones, of Decatur, AL.
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