The Community Bible Experience By Pastor Jonathan Lovelady INSIDE THIS ISSUE Family News & Prayer Requests ............. 2 Our Lent study will be a different format than the studies of the last couple of years. The goal of this study is to read through the New Testament in a matter of 40 days (5 days a week or 8 weeks), and you can shorten the time by reading 6 days per week rather than 5. During this Lenten season, we are to set aside about 30 minutes per day to read through the New Testament. You will also have an opportunity to watch a short video about each day’s reading (about 30 seconds), as well as an introduction video to each book of the New Testament. I know this seems like a difficult goal, but the group at the Community Bible Experience have reconfigured the New Testament to read more like a book rather than a “reference” book. Their website states: “Community Bible Experience ( has one simple goal: to change the way we read the Bible. Less like a reference book, more like a story. For thousands of churches, this 8-week journey has opened up a new conversation about the Scriptures, reigniting a passion for God’s Word…In fact, more than 80% of surveyed participants finish the entire New Testament on or ahead of schedule. That’s because this feels more like reading a book than doing a Bible study—and because you’re done in just 8 weeks.” (Continued on page 2) Lent Kick-Off Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17th 6:30PM Peterson Fellowship Hall Please RSVP by February 12th The Cost of Loving Others ........................ 3 Congregational Meeting ............................ 3 New Member Classes Offered .......................... 3 Photos From Pastor Jon’s Trip .......................... 5 A Greeting From Our New Director of Youth & Families My wife, Christina, and I can’t even begin to describe what a joy it is to finally be joining the St. Johns Family. In fact, it’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago we were dealing with snow and -15 degree weather serving at a church in a small, quaint Indiana town; yet God’s providence and timing throughout the process that brought us together has been amazingly evident, so we are so excited to start sharing and growing in ministry and fellowship with all of you. I grew up about 30 minutes south of Indianapolis in the town of Martinsville, IN before attending Huntington University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. I spent the last three years on staff at the Middletown Church of the Nazarene as the Associate Pastor of Youth and Families. Although Christina will claim Pittsburgh as (Continued on page 2) St. Johns Presbyterian Church The Community Bible Experience (Continued from page 1) BAPTISMS Cora Michelle Johnson on December 7th DEATHS Erd Wilson on January 28th SYMPATHY TO Linda Wilson at the loss of her husband on January 28th If you have a prayer request or praise report you would like to share with our church family, please contact the church office at (904) 384-4501. Doris Cass Kathryn Fortson Merilyn Graham Nancy Haynes Elizabeth McKean Jack Reinhard Joe Schmidt Marian Strange Airen Walker Danielle Walker-Kelshall Bold indicates member In the course of the 6 to 8 week study, small groups will meet to discuss 5 simple questions. 1.What's something you noticed for the first time? 2.What questions did you have? 3.Was there anything that bothered you? 4.What did you learn about loving God? 5.What did you learn about loving others? Anytime we can bring the Word of God into our lives and encounter it for ourselves, then we will grow spiritually. The greatest validation of the power of the scripture is the Word itself, or to say it another way, scripture is “self-validating.” It does not need external validation because it transmits the power of God to our lives and to this world. Each participant gets a print copy of “The Books of the Bible: New Testament,” a presentation of Scripture designed to help you read whole books. In addition, participants can download an eBook for mobile devices and an mp3 audio version with one track for each day of the campaign. You can also sign up to have each day's reading (text and audio) delivered by email. GIVING REPORT You can view a short video with each day’s reading and there will be a 2 to 3 minute introduction for each book of the Bible. Individuals can sign up to get the videos by email when they download their campaign materials. December Donations $130,968 Year-To-Date: $743,498 This study offers us the resources and opportunity to engage the Word of God in our lives. I hope you will take the opportunity to join a small group or even lead one. Be watching for more information as we get closer to Lent and moving toward the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Welcome, Travis & Christina Barnett! (Continued from page 1) March Family Focus Information Due: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH Please Email to [email protected] If you need a ride to an appointment, please contact the church office at 384-4501. St. Johns Presbyterian Church Office Hours: MONDAY—THURSDAY 9AM-4PM Page 2 her hometown, she also spent several years living in New Jersey and Indiana where her father serves as PCUSA Pastor. She is also a graduate of Huntington University holding a degree in Educational Ministries. For the last several years, she has been pouring into the teens at the Middletown Church of the Nazarene through Worship leading, assisting and tutoring at the Cove after school ministry, small group leading and relationship building; additionally, she was on staff at the Shenandoah Middle School as an instructional aide. We have been married since October of 2013 and are expecting our first child this July. Already, we have been blown away by your hospitality and are looking forward to connecting with all of you, so please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself or stop by the office to chat. We will be kicking off Sunday Night Youth Group and Sunday School beginning in February, so whether you are a student who has long been involved with the SPJC Youth or if you haven’t yet gotten connected, we hope you will join us as God works in, among and through us as we Connect to Christ, Church and Community. Family Focus The Cost Of Loving Others things happening around SJPC in... By diann Catlin Often, folks I teach the Bible to ask me how I know what I am going to read in my daily Bible quiet time. Personally, I prefer going straight to the Bible over reading someone’s devotional which I find short on Scripture and long on other people’s thoughts coming from their own quiet times. I do have numerous devotionals scattered around the house for sit down times during the day, but I purposely want my time with the Lord to be a face to face, ears open meeting. Each day is fresh and the Word teaches me and corrects me. Sometimes I go to Romans 12 and Philippians 2 when I need to be reminded about showing authentic love, or Proverbs 31 when I need to do more for my husband, home and family. Sometimes I read the prophets to comprehend the holiness and righteousness of God. The other day, while reading Galatians 1, verse 10 jumped off the page. One of my friends is being persecuted because he is a Christian. Verse 10 reads, “For am I now seeking the favor of men or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” This made me turn to Philippians 1:27-29 which reads, “Only conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ…standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, in no way alarmed by your opponents…For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His sake.” The Word is always rich and it always touches me, but it also teaches that not every day for the Christian will be rosy. Many of us would rather do anything but suffer or even just live sacrificially. YOUTH GROUP 2/1, 8, 22: Youth meet in The Loft from 5-7PM for Bible study. Some of the youth will be on a ski trip 2/13-2/16, so there will be NO youth group on 2/15. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY 2/9*: The 1st Monday Women’s Bible Study and Prayer Group continues their study on the book of Revelation. Fellowship in PFH begins at 10AM and the study at 10:30AM. *Date change! WEDNESDAY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY 2/4, 11, 18, 25: The Wednesday Men's Group is studying "Leap Over a Wall: Reflections on the Life of David" by Eugene Peterson. They meet Wednesday’s from 6-7:15AM at Maple Street Biscuit Company on Edgewood Avenue. WEDNESDAY LADIES BIBLE STUDY 2/4, 11, 18, 25: This group meets at 6PM in the church library. (Continued on page 4) AVONDALE LOOP FUNDRAISER ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The Session has called our annual congregational meeting for Sunday, February 15th following both our 9AM and 11AM services for the purpose of receiving the annual report, to approve changes in Pastor Jon Lovelady’s terms of call and to elect 4 members of the nominating committee for 2015. 2/5: 10% of lunch and dinner proceeds go to the SJPC Living Waters fund. CRISPER’S FUNDRAISER 2/8: Visit Crisper’s on Roosevelt for lunch or dinner or even get take-out on this Sunday; 20% of all proceeds will go to our SJPC Mission fund. TUESDAY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY 2/10, 24: This group meets in PFH from 7-8AM for breakfast and Bible study. D-LIFE (YOUTH) New Member Classes Offered Would you like to explore your faith or express your faith for the first time? Learn about church membership? Know more about the Presbyterian Church (USA)? Well, we have a class that will provide a place to engage these subjects and several others. Our Discovering Church Membership Class will be offered Sunday mornings in February from 10:10-10:50AM in Peterson Fellowship Hall. If you miss a class, makeup classes will be offered. Childcare will be provided. Please register by calling the church office at 384-4501. Volume 28, Issue 2 2/11, 25: This group will meet in The Loft to continue working on the student film project. LUNCH BUNCH 2/15: Lunch Bunch will meet at The Loop of Avondale at 11:30AM. S.W.A.T. ACTIVITY 2/19: Seniors With A Testimony (S.W.A.T.) is headed to Fernandina Beach for lunch at Barbara Jeans and a visit with Doug Ganyo. More details to come. Page 3 The Cost Of Loving Others (Continued from page 3) When I need a pep talk on giving my life away to others, I go back to John 15 for my quiet time. EVERYTIME I read it, it moves me to action. Gently it beckons with the vine and the knowledgeable farmer tending me the supple little branch who must stay connected to produce delicious fruit. Then I am wooed by Christ’s declared love for me in verse 9. But, the prescription, the medicine I need is in verses 12 and 13: “This is My command that you love one another JUST as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this that one lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” Every time I read this, I am confronted, so I read it often. I actually want my morning time to confront me and correct me. Often its directive is toward others, and I find I must act, not in a mediocre “pat the back way,” but in a, I must do what the Word says. I have also found as is spoken in John 15 that true love of others will cost you something. It will cost you time, or money or sleep, or something! I love the phrase “lay down your life” because the picture I get is of a prostrate position willingly taken. Love is going to cost you. On January 6th, seventeen of our congregation volunteered to pray for Pastor Jon’s trip to Israel. If that sounds easy, it was not. The fine print (I should know, I wrote the fine print) said to choose one thirty minute slot between 7 AM and 1 PM to spend every day of the two week period praying fervently for Jon. We were not asked to pray any old time when we could. We had to pray at the same interval of at least a thirty minute time every day within the specific assigned/chosen time slot. We were also given Scripture to pray, the itinerary and specific prayer requests. If you were asked to pray day after day for two weeks, would you take it seriously? Would you take the assigned Scriptures and make them come alive? Would you hold Pastor Jon in your heart magnifying all he would see and do? In a real sense this was laying down our lives to pound on the Lord’s heart in intercessory prayer. Praying for others is not easy if you really do it. It will cost you. To me praying is loving. If you were God, would you also reward those prayer warriors with more of Yourself? Well, he did and He has. You see when you do John 15 and lay aside part of your day to labor for someone else, you draw closer to God. You don’t labor alone, you don’t lay down your life alone. You please the Savior with an act of obedience. As I write this, I have heard no complaints from the prayer warriors, most of whom had never done a prayer vigil before. I have heard “this is wonderful, but this is not easy,” and I wholeheartedly agree. Loving others is going to cost you, but I can almost hear the Savior’s voice when each thirty minutes is over. There is a smile in the sound of His voice, a knowing smile of one who knows all about the sacrifice it took to REALLY love others. Can you hear His voice? Add your name: “ if you love me, lay your life down for others.” The cost is nothing compared to the reward. In the midst of every battle...heroes emerge. The battle is now. Our heroes are here. Page 4 Last month, we said goodbye to Pastor Tara and wished her well as she begins her new adventure as Pastor of St. Marks Presbyterian Church in Hudson, Florida. Her Installation Service is scheduled for Sunday, March 1st at 4PM. Her new contact information is 10510 Penelope Place, #203, New Port Richey, FL 34654 and her email is [email protected]. Family Focus A Look At Pastor Jon’s Trip To Israel in January Mosaic floor at the Church of the Multiplication or Tabgha or Church of the Heptapegon This a double rainbow over the Valley of the Doves overlooking the Galilee region. After a couple of days of rain it was welcomed sight! Crusader crosses craved into the walls of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre about 1000 years ago Church of the Agony at the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus prayed just before going to the cross View from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem Church of the Beatitudes The " Mona Lisa"of Caesarea a Mosaic uncovered in the ruins of this city Altar where the cross of Jesus once stood. You can touch the rock where cross stood A boat recovered from the time of Jesus Church of the Primacy of Peter where Jesus fed the disciples along the shore of Galilee after the resurrection Gates of the biblical city of Dan the northern end of Israel perhaps where Boaz negotiated for Ruth Volume 28, Issue 2 The statue to the Prophet Elijah on Mt. Carmel commemorating God's victory over the prophets of Baal Page 5 SJPK Blue Door friends had fun building a snowman and then eating their creation! CHILDREN ACTIVITIES Toddler Class & Children’s Church • Sundays • 11 AM Kid’s Choir • 2/1, 15 • 4-5 PM Kid’s For Christ • 2/8 3:30 - 5 PM • PFH The group will gather for Bible study, games and dinner. They will continue their series on The Beatitudes by examining Matthew 5:8 and discussing how God blesses those whose hearts are pure. Movie Night • 2/8 5 –7 PM • PFH All children are invited to dress in their pajamas, bring a blanket, a pillow, and a friend and join us to watch “Gnomeo & Juliet” and enjoy a snack of Skittles, grapes and lemonade. Children’s Church Lesson Schedule 2/1 Jesus Heals, Prays & Preaches Mark 1:29-39 #257 2/8 Jesus Calms A Storm Mark 4:35-41 #274 2/15 Four Friends Help A Paralyzed Man Mark 2:1-12 #266 2/22 Jesus Heals The Blind Man Mark 10:46-52 #313 In order to provide a safe environment for all of our children, we do not permit outside food or drinks to be consumed during our Little Flock activities. We will provide snacks, when appropriate, from a pre-approved snack list which are milk, peanut, tree nut, fish and shellfish free. Thank you for your cooperation! St. Johns Presbyterian Church PARTNERS IN MINISTRY Jon Lovelady Senior Pastor Kevin Crainshaw Associate For Worship & Arts Travis Barnett Director of Youth & Families Address: 4275 Herschel Street, Jacksonville, FL 32210 Phone: (904) 384-4501 • Facsimile: (904) 384-4500 Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: @SJPConnect Office Hours: M-TH/9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Staff Extensions & Email Addresses: Travis Barnett ...............................Extension 19 ............................................. [email protected] Tim Carter ....................................Extension 30 ................................................ [email protected] Kevin Crainshaw ............................Extension 18 .............................................. [email protected] OUR WORSHIP SCHEDULE 1st Service - 9:00 AM Sunday School - 10:00 AM 2nd Service - 11:00 AM* *Separate Children’s Service Meloni Elkins .................................Extension 11 ............................................ [email protected] Tom Gunn.....................................(904) 384-4501 ........................................... [email protected] Kay Hazlehurst ..............................(904) 389-8191 ............................. [email protected] Jon Lovelady .................................Extension 16 ................................................. [email protected] Dena Slate ....................................Extension 10 ............................................... [email protected]
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