The N2 Buzz February 2015 Gold Wing Road Riders Association FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY, AND KNOWLEDGE Texas District South Central Region H Chapter N2 Humble, Texas Monthly Gatherings—4th Saturday, 6:00 p.m. American Legion Hall 307 Charles Street, Humble TX 2015 Page 2 Chapter N2 INSIDE THIS ISSUE... Monthly Meeting/Ride Location Map Chapter N-2 Staff Birthdays and Anniversaries Texas District Staff Dates to Remember News from the Chapter Directors First Place winners from January Potluck News from the Assistant Chapter Directors Mid-Winter Roundup Second & Third Places for Appetizers/Salads & Desserts News from the Chapter Educator MEC Spotlight News from the Chapter Events Coordinator Social Dinners / Words of Wisdom / Participation News from By the Book News from Region H MEC This and That / Kudos to Calendars News from Deputy Director—Bill Gray The Ideals of GWRRA Members Business Cards 2015 Chapter N2 Page 3 Chapter N2 Staff - 2015 ( Chapter Directors Randy & Sharon Rainwater Asst. Chapter Dir. George & Linda Stich 281-360-4577 / 281-794-1909 281-812-0997 / 832-264-2005 [email protected] / [email protected] [email protected] / [email protected] Chapter Educator/MAD Coord. Kenny Shults 281-642-4619 Treasurer Robin Smith 832-434-2991 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Sharon Rainwater 281-360-4577 [email protected] Ways N Means Randy Rainwater 281-360-4577 [email protected] Scrapbook Coordinator Karen Frazier 281-615-1365 [email protected] MEC Steve & Linda Seligman 2015 Couple of the Year Chapter N2 Email Address [email protected] Events Coordinator Billie Fleming 832-630-2293 [email protected] Website Camping Coordinator Rex & Ann Nix 713-231-4604 [email protected] 713-305-0225 / 281-844-6207 [email protected] [email protected] February 2015 Birthdays Web Master Brad Rodger 281-687-3267 [email protected] March 2015 Birthdays Adrian Summers 2/9 Mike Morgan 3/7 Robin Thacker 2/20 Marie Rabalais 3/20 Wedding Anniversaries Wedding Anniversaries Mike & Robin Thacker 2/5 Joel & Shannon Benoit 2/9 Ricky & Karen Frazier 2/17 GWRRA Anniversaries Jerry Barnett 2/2009 GWRRA Anniversaries Rex & Ann Nix 3/2000 Bubba & Carolyn Tice 3/2002 Ricky & Karen Frazier 3/2005 Gary & Marie Rabalais 3/2011 Kenny & Diane Shults 3/2011 2015 Page 4 Chapter N2 Texas District Staff - (Texas District Website - District Directors Mike & Robin Thacker 281-686-8892 [email protected] Assistant District Directors Tom & Dawn Sprague 858-755-6071 TxADD2@gwrra-tx-org District Rider Educators Lynn & Cindy Harris 386-846-8521 [email protected] Couple of the Year 2014/2015 Cliff & Gillian Allen 972-207-7557 [email protected] Membership Enhancement Coord. Steve & Donna VanGlider 210-391-9495 [email protected] Vendor Coordinator Kenny Shults 281-642-4619 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Tom Sprague 858-755-6071 [email protected] Chapter of the Year Coord. Robin Thacker 281-687-8548 [email protected] District Treasurer Diane Shults 713-562-3994 [email protected] Webmaster Tom Sprague 858-755-6071 [email protected] District Leadership Trainers Cliff & Gillian Allen 214-886-5798 [email protected] Couple of the Year Coord. Steve & Donna VanGilder 210-391-9495 [email protected] DATES TO REMEMBER... 2015 3/19-21 3/26-28 4/16-18 4/30-5/2 5/14-16 6/17-20 6/18-20 7/16-18 9/3-6 36th Annual Florida District Gathering of the Wings, Kissimmee, FL LA District Convention, Lafayette, LA Region H Convention, Marshall, TX TX District Convention, Temple, TX Alabama District Convention, Eufaula, AL Reno Rendezvous, Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, NV GWRRA Georgia Gold Wing Dynasty, Dillard, GA South Carolina 31st Annual District Convention, Anderson, SC Wing Ding 37, Huntsville, AL Entertainment Coordinator Kenny Shults 281-642-4619 [email protected] 2015 Chapter N2 Page 5 NEWS FROM THE CHAPTER DIRECTORS Randy & Sharon Rainwater Chapter N2 - Humble, TX Even though the weather has been a little gloomy for January 2015, Chapter N2 has started off 2015 with a buzz. Due to the rain, we had to cancel our annual Polar Bear Ride, but we replaced it with a lunch at Olive Garden in Humble with 25 people. Our group picture is on the N2 Website to witness the smiling faces. We had to cancel the No-Meal Ride due to the nasty weather and we decided that everyone needed a break after starting the New Year. Also it gave a lot of our members time to take down their Christmas decorations inside the house. The Chapter N2 Breakfast at Humble City Café always brings in a big crowd and the weather was good for riding, so we had 27 people and 7 bikes for this event. We had 15 people go to the Texas Mid-Winter Roundup in Temple, TX and, again, the weather was rainy and cold. Actually we woke up to ice on the vehicles as we were going to the Frank Mayborn Convention Center. We completed the necessary paperwork and attend several seminars and had a mass swearing in ceremony for all new staff members present presided by Mike Thacker, Texas District Director. Following is a picture of Mike and Robin Thacker being sworn-in. You’ll have to ask Mike what script he was reading from...ha-ha! Mike and Robin Thacker hosted their annual Weiner Roast at their home and we had 47 people and 10 bikes. Chapter C, M2, and Z were present and we all had a great time and the weather was great for sitting by the fire and solving world problems. If you didn’t go, you missed out on the honey bees swarming to the jalapeno jelly over a block of cream cheese. We didn’t really bother them, since they said that they received an invitation from the Humble Bumble Bees. Steve Seligman and I did an impromptu ride of 187 miles and stopped for lunch at Florida’s Kitchen in Livingston, TX. If you haven’t been there, we need to resolve that problem and go back soon. Our Social Dinner was hosted by Adrian Summers at Don Lencho Mexican in Huffman, TX. We had 19 people and 1 bike turn out in the middle of the week and everyone enjoyed visiting with one another and also had some great Mexican food also. Wow-wow-wow, is all I can say about our January 2015 N2 Chapter Gathering. We had 46 people and 2 bikes, with Chapters C, G, M2, and Z in attendance, along with Greg and Dee Eames (recently moved from Rochester, NY to New Caney, TX), and Scott and Angela Haden from Lufkin, TX. George Stich had contacted Scott by phone in 2014 and had invited Scott to any of our meetings or rides. All Scott said 2015 Chapter N2 Page 6 (Chapter Educator, cont.) when he came into the meeting room was “Where’s George.” He was probably a little overwhelmed by the buzz of the N2 members for the rest of the evening. I broke into a conversation between Scott and Ricky Frazier concerning GL 1500s and Ricky was setting up a time that they could get together to look at Scott’s 1500. With January 2015, we started having an Open Planning Meeting at 5:30 pm just prior to our Monthly Gathering at 6:00 pm on the fourth Saturday or each month. Actually the Open Planning Meeting will do two things for the Chapter (1) it gives your staff more time to concentrate on chapter improvement during our monthly Staff Meeting, (2) it gives us more time during our Gathering to discuss upcoming major events rather than spending time on ride specifics and calendar review. Our event calendars will be updated on the Texas District Calendar, included on our webpage, included in the Monthly Newsletter, and you will receive weekly reminders via a weekly email. N2 is off to a great start for 2015, but you better hang on because your 2015 Staff has some fun plans in the making. Remember “Bee Seen in 2015.” Please send your articles, pictures, recipes, etc. to Sharon Rainwater. Let’s make this newsletter a group effort and the “best” one around! 2015 Page 7 Chapter N2 NEWS FROM THE ASSISTANT CHAPTER DIRECTORS George & Linda Stich Chapter N2 - Humble, TX We had nine Chapter members with over 40 events. It isn’t always easy nor convenient for us to attend Chapter events, but rest assured, we love to have you attend as many as possible. Randy has initiated a Planning Meeting @ 5:30 pm prior to our monthly gatherings @ 6:00 pm. This gives our members an opportunity to have some input into our future activities. The participation of each and every one of our members is of utmost importance in keeping our Chapter thriving and promoting the FUN and the Love of Riding we all enjoy. We have an awesome Chapter and it’s all because of our members! CHAPTER PARTICIPATION... As an expression of appreciation from the former and current Staff and MECs, we want to thank everyone for their participation in 2014 Chapter events, conventions, seminars, gatherings, etc. At January’s gathering this past Saturday night, we were able to present several members with a token of appreciation for their participation within our Chapter. Most Chapter Gatherings Mike & Nancy Morgan 11 Most Chapter Events/Conventions *Randy Rainwater 1st Place 50 *Steve Seligman 2nd Place 49 *Ann Nix 3rd Place 47 THANK YOU! MID-WINTER ROUNDUP It was COLD and WET at the Mid Winter Roundup in Temple on January 10th, BRRRR. There was a very good turn out in spite of the weather with 12 attendees from Chapter N2. Opening ceremonies began with Jack Wagner speaking and giving the Oath of Office to our very own Mike and Robin Thacker as new Texas District Directors. Woo Hoo!! Mike stumbled over a few words, but managed to get through. The day passed quickly with breakouts of several categories: Rider Ed, Treasurer, MEC’s, CD’s and ACD’s, LTP’s, MEP’s, COY’s, CHOY’s and other acronym’s. The new officer’s were given their certificates and sworn in as well. It was very positive and enthusiastic! The District Team was really PUMPED about the District Convention in Temple April 30th thru May 3rd. Suggestions and ideas were requested with several comments being made by participants. Plans that had already been made were discussed. The Team is really focused on building up the number of attendees, obtaining vendors, promoting seminars, classes or events that would be most advantageous to GWRRA members. Come on TEXAS, I know we can have a bigger and better convention this year 2015 Chapter N2 Page 8 (Mid-Winter Roundup, cont.) with your support for the District Team and their efforts to provide you the opportunity to come out and have FUN! Let’s encourage them and rally round them to make this the best Texas Convention ever. Remember, TEXAS is your State, let’s show everyone how to have FUN! Lest we forget, KENNY & DIANE WILL BE COMPETING FOR DISTRICT COUPLE OF THE YEAR!!!! Come on out and show your support! 2015 Chapter N2 Page 9 NEWS FROM THE CHAPTER EDUCATOR Kenny Shults Chapter N2 - Humble, TX We all have friends who ride different bikes and might ride with us at some point. If they are riding with a passenger and there bike isn’t equipped properly, it is our responsibility to tell them about the law. It might save them some money and maybe a life. Well my friends, it’s a new year and I find myself as your Rider Educator. This is a new position for me and I only hope I can do as good of a job as Jim and Lynn. I would like to thank both of them for their contributions. We have learned so much from their life experiences and knowledge and I know who to turn to if I need technical expertise. I thought I would start out with my first article by talking about the new motorcycle law that took effect on January 1, 2015. This Law is called Malorie’s Law ( House Bill 3838 ) named after a young lady who was killed in a motorcycle wreck three years ago. She was a passenger on a bike that didn’t have footrest and hand holds and this is what the law pertains to. It is written like this: An operator may not carry another person on the motorcycle, and a person who is not operating the motorcycle may not ride on the motorcycle, unless the motorcycle is: 1) designed to carry more than one person; and 2) equipped with footrests and handholds for use by the passenger. It is a class B Misdemeanor and carries a fine up to $2,000 and possibly 180 days in jail. As Goldwing riders this is not a concern, because they are designed for passenger safety and comfort. I would like everyone to keep in mind that anyone who rides a motorcycle anywhere in the United States has the responsibility to know the laws of the state they are riding in and to abide by them. Helmet laws and laws like this one might be different from state to state. So as we travel across this country, we need to find out what laws apply to us and those who ride with us. I will end by saying: (Knowledge is safety and always ride safe!) 2015 Page 10 Chapter N2 MEC SPOTLIGHT Steve & Linda Seligman Chapter N2 - Humble, TX We are Steve and Linda Seligman your Membership Enhancement Coordinators (MECs). Most of you know us but we will reintroduce ourselves. Linda and I joined GWRRA and TX-N2 in March 2005 when we bought our first Goldwing 1800. We rode the red 1800 as a 2 wheeler until June 2006 when we converted it to a trike. In 2013 we bought another Goldwing 1800 which is blue. So, we are the proud parents of 2 1800’s – Red and Blue. (Steve keeps asking for a white one – so he can be patriotic). Linda and I have held many positions in chapter TX-N2 – scrapbook coordinator, newsletter editor, meeting coordinator, treasurer, Assistant Chapter Director and Chapter Director. We stepped down as Chapter Directors at the end of 2012. We decided to be just a member (JAMs) but that did not last long. In early 2013 Linda accepted the role of Chapter of the Year Coordinator. We have now accepted the role of MECs and are very excited. MEC is a very important position in the chapter – we are responsible for member recruitment, member retention and making sure the chapter has FUN!!!!!!!!!! Some of our duties are: Develop and maintain a Membership listing for the Chapter from the Gathering sign-in sheet Provide support for the Chapter Director. Coordinate seminars concerning the Leadership Training Program and Membership Enhancement Program Work with the Chapter Director and Team to promote Chapter activities and FUN events for the Members. Work with Membership data from Area Report (New Members, Prospective Members, Expiring and Expired Memberships, and Unassigned Zip Codes). Serve as liaison to the District Membership Enhancement Coordinator making sure the District Membership Enhancement Coordinator is made aware of any changes to the Chapter Membership Enhancement Coordinator information (new Coordinator, email address, etc…). Promote changes positively to help keep politics away from the Membership. Be a mentor to New Members (explain the benefits of GWRRA, the terminology, Chapter Life, etc. Promote involvement within the Membership and encourage everyone to become involved. Gather and/or write articles for Chapter Newsletter. May be asked to serve on the Couple of the Year selection committee. May be asked to serve as the Chapter of the Year Coordinator. In the months to come, we will provide the chapter with news about upcoming conventions, events (chapter, District, Region and International), training opportunities and great ways to have fun with our chapter and other chapters. We will also be making ourselves more visible at meetings, sharing ideas and basically having FUN!!! So, if you any ideas as to how to make the chapter grow, bring old members back into the fold or how to just have fun – please let us know. Remember – MECs Rock!!!!! 2015 Chapter N2 Page 11 NEWS FROM THE CHAPTER EVENTS COORDINATOR Billie Fleming Chapter N2 - Humble, TX Mardi Gras 2015 Mardi Gras season starts February 17th this year. Mardi Gras is celebrated by parties, parades, bead throwing, King Cake, and many other established traditions. Mardi Gras is French for “Fat Tuesday”, reflecting the practice of the last night of eating richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the Lenten season. Did you know the first Mardi Gras celebration was actually in Mobil, Alabama? In 1703, French settlers in Mobile established the first organized Mardi Gras celebration. Of course, you can’t think of Mardi Gras without thinking of New Orleans. The first Mardi Gras parade held in New Orleans is recorded to have taken place in 1837. The tradition in New Orleans expanded to the point that it became synonymous with the city and has been embraced by residents of New Orleans beyond those of French or Catholic heritage. Mardi Gras celebrations are part of the basis of the slogan, Laissez les bons temps rouler…“Let the good times roll.” Mardi Gras is a fun crazy time and I don’t know anyone who can have more fun or be crazier than N2. So come on everyone, get your Mardi Gras on and be at the February Gathering with your favorite mask. There is sure to be a couple of Mardi Gras prizes and you might be the winner. Don’t miss the fun, be at the Gathering in February!!! 2015 Page 12 Chapter N2 CHAPTER N2 MONTHLY WEDNESDAY NIGHT SOCIAL DINNER 6:30 p.m. FEB Steve & Linda Seligman Wed., Feb. 18 - (Mo’s BBQ - 8321 FM 1960 Rd. W, Humble TX 77338) MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Kenny & Diane Shults George & Linda Stich Robin Smith Mike & Robin Thacker Gary & Marie Rabalais Steve & Billie Fleming Jerry Barnett Renzo & Donita Nardi Rex & Ann Nix Marty & Donna Uphoff Alternates: Jim & Lynn Flournoy, Ricky & Karen Frazier, and Bubba & Carolyn Tice George’s Words of Wisdom… By George Stich If money is your hope for independence, you'll never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge , experience, and ability. January 2015 RIDE/EVENT PARTICIPATION REPORT DATE 1/01/2015 1/04/2015 1/10/2015 1/17/2015 1/21/2015 1/21/2015 1/24/2015 EVENT #OF BIKES #OF PARTICIPANTS New Year’s Day Lunch - Olive Garden 0 bikes Chapter Breakfast - Humble City Cafe 7 bikes 25 27 Mid-Winter Roundup - Temple, TX 0 bikes Thacker Weiner Roast 10 bikes Impromptu Ride - Florida’s Kitchen 2 bikes Social Dinner - Don Lencho Mexican - Huffman, TX 1 bike Chapter Gathering 2 bikes 15 47 2 19 46 2015 Chapter N2 Page 13 BY THE BOOK Gold Wing Road Riders Association Jack Wagner, Region H Trainer GWRRA Region H Newsletter February, 2015 “By the Book” articles are intended to help familiarize GWRRA Volunteer Leaders and Members with the policies, procedures, and information contained in the GWRRA Officer’s Handbook (OHB). A copy of the Officer’s Handbook can be found at the following Internet website: Please feel free to reprint these articles in Region, District, or Chapter newsletters. The Last Resort If you are taking the time to read By the Book, this article will probably sound like preaching to the choir. However, we have had some Chapter Directors announce that they were going to close their Chapter–frequently without involving the District Director or anyone else in advance. Chapter closure is not the Chapter Director's decision to make. There have been times when it seemed evident a Chapter would close, only to see it continue to not only survive, but to begin to thrive when the District became involved and some changes were implemented. It is imperative that the District team be involved before any announcement of Chapter closure is made. Considering Chapter closure is a serious situation for GWRRA and its Members. Chapters are the very heart-beat of our Association. All Chapter closures can usually be prevented if the following proactive steps are taken. This checklist is to help Officers considering the closure of an established Chapter. Officers involved in the closure of a Chapter should carefully review and consider all of the following questions and suggestions. It is imperative for the benefit of the participating Members that all resources are utilized to keep the Chapter active. Has the reason for closing the Chapter been explained to all Chapter participants? It is important that they are aware of the situation and the reason the health of the Chapter is in jeopardy. Chapter participants can offer valuable suggestions and possible solutions to the problem. Have all Chapter participants been involved in attempting to save the Chapter? Many times a problem-solving meeting or series of meetings of concerned Chapter participants can yield viable solutions to save the Chapter. Have alternatives to closure been discussed with all Chapter Participants? They need to have a clear picture of the reason for closure and the alternatives that are available to keep the Chapter active. Have key individuals within the Chapter been contacted for their input? Key individuals may have ideas or solutions that may not be expressed unless contacted directly for their input. Has the Chapter Director explored all alternatives within the Chapter to keep the Chapter active? Do not leave any stone unturned. It is very easy when frustrated with a problem to give in. All alternatives must be considered for the good of the participants. 2015 Chapter N2 Page 14 (By the Book, contd.) Has the Chapter Director involved the District Director? The District Director can many times lend support and offer additional ideas, suggestions or alternatives. Has the District Director contacted and discussed the closure with any of the Chapter Participants? Many times, direct contact from the District Director can carry more weight and solve some problems that were unable to be solved at a local level. Has the District Director met with Chapter participants in an attempt to avert the Chapter closure? At times, this might be advisable to allow the interested Chapter Participants an opportunity to work directly with the District Director to solve the problem. Has the Region Director been consulted regarding the possible Chapter closure? Here again, the Region Director, with his/her experience, might be able to offer additional ideas, suggestions or alternatives not previously thought of at District level and below. Have all alternatives to closure been exhausted? The Chapter should not be closed until all alternatives have been exhausted. No alternative should be left untried just because we feel it probably wouldn’t be successful. If your Chapter is struggling, or if you hear of a Chapter talking about closing, please contact your District Director immediately. REMEMBER: Chapter participation is an important and invaluable benefit of GWRRA Membership. It is through Chapter participation that the GWRRA Member truly develops “FRIENDS FOR FUN, SAFETY AND KNOWLEDGE.” The more you know, the better it gets! Jack Wagner Region H Trainer 2015 Chapter N2 Page 15 2015 Page 16 Chapter N2 SUPER BOWL PARTY BOWLING WITH M2 Sunday, February 1 3:00 p.m. Sunday, February 15 1:00 p.m. Marty & Donna Uphoff’s home 112 Spring Lake Dr., Montgomery, TX AMC Diamond Bowl, 267 N. Forest Blvd, South of 1960 just off of I-45 1:00 p.m. Chapter Social Dinner Wednesday, February 18 6:30 p.m. Ride...No Meal Stop Saturday, February 7 9:00 a.m. Meeting at the Valero gas station at Northpark and Hwy. 59. Randy Rainwater leading the ride. Steve and Linda Seligman have chosen Mo’s BBQ, 8321 FM 1960, Humble, TX. Ya’ll come! Training Day Saturday, February 21 10:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. American Legion Hall Sweetheart Dinner Hofbrau Steakhouse Hwy 1314 East of Hwy 59 Sunday, February 8 5:30 p.m. Training sessions are being discussed at this time and will be announced later. Chapter N2 Planning Meeting GAME NIGHT American Legion Hall BYOM at 6:00 p.m. Games start at 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 13 @ the American Legion Hall Saturday, February 21 5:30 p.m. You are invited to join us for a short planning meeting, before our monthly gathering at 6:00 p.m. Come with ride ideas and restaurant suggestions. We want to hear from YOU!!! Chapter N2 Monthly Gathering Chapter J Gathering Visitation Beaumont, TX Valero -Northpark & Hwy 59 8:30 a.m. Saturday, February 14 @ the American Legion Hall Saturday, Feburary 21 6:00 p.m. Potluck after the meal with a Mardi Gras and Cajun food Kudos to.. Mike & Robin Thacker - for serving Texas as the Texas Chapter Directors Mike & Robin Thacker - for hosting us at their annual Weiner Roast Chapter members - for your participation in the January “Soup” Gathering 2015 Chapter N2 Page 17 2015 Chapter N2 Page 18 2015 Chapter N2 Page 19 NEWS FROM BILL & DEA ANN GRAY DEPUTY DIRECTOR NATIONAL Hear Ye, Hear Ye Newsletters are the life blood of communication for our members. Newsletter editors are one of the most valuable (and many times least recognized) team members in GWRRA. For the record, I applaud each and every one of you!!! The time and effort it takes to pull information and pictures together month after month is sometimes a daunting task. Newsletters should be distributed monthly at no charge to ALL members both non-active and active within a chapter. The newsletter gives officers, team members and all members an opportunity to "talk" about rider education, safety, events, trips, anniversaries, calendar, etc.. National, Region and District activities should be represented as well. Editors need help! Everyone has a story to tell and a picture to share. If I could suggest only one thing that would improve nearly all newsletters, it's proper identification! First, GWRRA or Gold Wing Road Riders Association should be prominent with our current logo. Second, Chapter name, initials and/or logo. Third, District and Region letter designation and/or logos. Last, include the month and year distributed. I've read newsletters that are one page and some that are thirty, forty and even fifty plus pages. Some are very informative and some are well, let's just say less informative. Several important questions regarding the newsletter: First, if I am a non-active member, is there enough information to interest me in wanting to associate with the chapter? Second, is the date, time and place of the chapter gathering in a prominent place? Third, are there interesting and informative articles by each team member? Fourth, is there a chapter activity calendar and does it look busy? Does the calendar include District, Region and National events? Fifth, does it include awards and recognition of members? Last, does it have plenty of activity photos? As you can see, the newsletter can play a major role in the life of a chapter! Hard copies should be available at every chapter gathering. Copies or links to the newsletter should be emailed to EVERY member assigned to your chapter on the ARL. This should also include all Chapter Directors in your District as well as all District Directors in your Region. Don't forget the Region Director and as a Deputy, I like to read them as well. Social media can certainly be used as a supplement to link your newsletter and chapter activities but NOT as the sole vehicle of communication for the chapter. Good reading, writing and riding!! Bill & Dea Ann Gray Gold Wing Road Riders Assn. Deputy Director 918-231-9371 cell Chapter N2 Page 20 GWRRA Region H Newsletter THE IDEALS OF GWRRA Jack Wagner The most important ingredient for a successful Association is the Member. Where do we find them and how do we make these people interested enough to want to become one of us? Before anyone can be successful in “selling” GWRRA, they must first sit for a moment and determine the reason they joined. Each of us had our own reasons – it may have been the emphasis on keeping each other safe when riding, the 'G-rated' family atmosphere of our events or that we know the best places for food and desserts. In most cases the motorcycles brought us together and it’s the relationships and ideals of GWRRA that keep us together. Let's take a closer look at these ideals: PROMOTE SAFETY - This will help us continue to enjoy our hobby. We can also enjoy the fact that we are doing something to protect others by teaching them safe riding practices. We are saving lives! PROMOTE FRIENDSHIP - Among ALL of the motorcycling public. What better way to enjoy our way of life than to make friends and share with them? PROMOTE THE POSITIVE IMAGE OF THE MOTORCYCLE RIDER - We must always keep “our best foot forward”. PROMOTE FUN - This is the glue that holds it all together! PROVIDE A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE - GWRRA will provide a money-back guarantee to any Member that is of the opinion the Association has failed to live up to their expectations. It really does boil down to “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”, and we back that up with a money back guarantee! Remember our Motto “Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge” Jack Wagner GWRRA Region H Director [email protected] 405.359.7892 2014 Chapter N2 Page 21
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