46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015)
CONDITIONS ON MARS. A. Kereszturi1 1Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, H 9400 Sopron,
Csatkai u. 6-8, Hungary. (E-mail: [email protected] ).
Introduction: There is an onlgoing debate on how
much weathering products (and related warm-wet climate) are in the ancient fluvial structures on Mars,
were transported there or formed in-situ. While certain
ratio of alterational minerals that are present in the sedimentary fans must be re-deposited and accumulated
there, minerals also possibly formed there. Although
during the identification spectral masking (by goethite
and ferryhydrite) might hide the VNIR signatures of
other alterational products [1] several arguments point
to small amount of alteration happened in he fans,
while strong and widespread early weathering [2]
might happened on Mars.
Minerals in lacustrine basins: Phyllosilicates often occur in the bottom of fans and they resemble spectrally to outcrops in the drainage area, supporting they
are redeposted and not formed there [3]. Sources for
weathered minerals in such cases thus are not from
fluvial but from other, like hydrothermal or pedigenic
processes. Here only the source region of the flows and
does matter there, like for example in the case of plateau phyllosilicates at Valles Marineris [4]. Little evidence for joint alteration in fluvial systems with clays
are present, and many clays without fluvial marking on
Noacian terrains are frequent. The general view is most
phyllosilicates could be formed by some Noachian
aged shallow subsurface water.
Best candidates: Opposite to the above mentioned
arguments, chlorides are more easily produced by desiccation just like some hydrated sulfates. Partly opaline (the main hydrated phase in many fans [5]) could
be also considered as in-situ produced but less probable than evaporites. While the evaporation naturaly
produce chloride salts from brines, for opaline forma-
tion aric and acid conditions are required on the Earth
with low water/rock ratio.
Future directions: Chloride bearing fans might
provide the missing link toward the analysis of alteration in fluvial and related lacustrine systems, as their
formation is connected somewhat to the duration of
aqueous phase there. While the flow could transport
other minerals from the source region, evaporites probably accumulate in the topset region of fans, and could
be resemble to the evaporates in the deepest part of the
basin. The clay/chloride ratio thus could be used as a
possible evaluator for transported vs. in-situ alteration.
Figure 1. Examples on the differences between transported and in-situ altered minerals containing systems (hypothetical positions with numbers from Table 1.)
Analyzing this ratio ideal fans could be selected for
detailed research on alteration in the fluvial/lacustrine
environment. Some example structures are indicated in
Table 1. and their context (rough position) in this visualized in Figure 1.
Acknowledgment: The support of the OTKA PD
105970 is acknowledged.
References: [1] Cull et al. (2014) EPSL 403, 217224 [2] Carter et al. (2015) Icarus 248, 373-382.
[3] Murchie et al. (2009) JGR 114, 1-30. [4] Le Deit
(2012) JGR 117(E3), E00J05. [5] Carter et al. (2012)
LPSC #1978.
Table 1. Some possible “arche types” of wet alteration products on Mars at fluvial systems
n name, location
1 Jezero crater
(18.5N, 77.4E)
2 unamed crater (2.7N
3 Terby crater (28S, 73E)
general description
transported and re-deposited
weathered minerals
below the frontal edge of the
fan, possible authigenic
thick layered sediments
identified minerals (data source)
Mg-carbonate, Fe/Mg smectite
opaline and/or Al-smectite (HRL
Fe/Mg-smectites, zeolites or sulfates
4 70 km unnamed crater
(30S 202E)
5 Shalbatana delta (3N
6 unnamed valley, Sirenum basin (33S 216E)
possible acid-saline, evaporative lacustrine deposit
hydrated minerals in lacustrine beds
chloride filled valley
alunite, montmosillonite, kaolinite,
Fe/Mg/Al-phyllosilicates, polyhydrated sulfates, opal
valley cut through clay-bearing deposits (PSP_007050_1465, FRT 9AAA)
Ehlmann et al. (2009)
JGR 114, E00D08
Carter et al. (2012) LPSC
Ansan et al. (2011) Icarus 211, 273–304.
Swayze et al. (2008)
AGU Fall 11/2008; 1:04.
Di Achille, G. et al.
(2009) GRL, 36, L14201
Wray et al. (2009) Geology 37, 1043-1046.