February 5, 2015 THE SPIRIT St. Andrew Presbyterian Church Riding the Wave of the Holy Spirit I just put my children down to bed. We read from a book of children's prayers before I tucked them in for the night. Sometimes we do something like that, and it makes me feel a lot like a pastor. Today I felt less like a pastor and more like a father who was excited to share the faith with my children. They tried reciting the Lord's Prayer with me. Kensington found this a bit more difficult than Langston and that is fair because there are some difficult words in there. Langston interrupted after we prayed, "And lead us not into temptation", "What's temptation daddy?" "That's when things or people try to make us do bad things," I said. I do not know if that is the best answer but it was the best I could come up with in the moment. He seemed satisfied. After receiving a text about hymns for Sunday from Jean Hemphill I started singing "Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty" far too loudly with children who were trying to sleep, but I could not help myself. The song is powerful, and sometimes I remember that when we sing a hymn, or a praise song, we are praying, too. One person once called singing hymns "praying twice." I am not sure what that means, but it seems appropriate and it satisfies me. Then I took the trash cans out and noticed the moon either full or nearly full. Sometimes I remember that the moon itself does not have any light, it simply reflects the light from the sun. It does so well enough that tonight I could see everything with no need of turning on other lights. I am glad for the reminder because it reminds me that we are here to reflect the light of Light of the world. I do not have any light of my own, but when I reflect the light of the Son the world becomes a brighter place. I pray that as my life journeys on I grow fuller and more light of Christ is reflected into the world as I move around it. I imagine that would satisfy God. I suppose I am in one of those moments that I am riding high... or riding the wave of the Holy Spirit. The Genesis class worked on Genesis 34 tonight. It is probably not a chapter from which many have heard a sermon. It is not a particularly "good" chapter of the Bible. It deals with bad things and in the class we had some incredible discussions because the world is not a particularly good place and I am glad the Bible deals with tough issues so that we can deal with them in the community of faith. Some people only want to talk about joy, but God cares about everything, even the awful things. Tonight's discussion did not talk about lofty theological topics; it focused on humans causing pain to other humans. So why am I riding high? Because I am grateful that we can talk about difficult things and learn and grow and decide to keep hoping on because we believe God is not done. Today's class was satisfying. I went to check on my children. My singing did not seem to keep Langston from sleep. Kensington does not need much of an excuse to keep from sleeping and she saw me poking my head in and said, "Hey daddy." "Hey princess," I said back. "Do you have any kisses for me?" Sure enough she did, she is not always so generous with kisses. When she was a baby she would always cry when going down to bed. Often I would hold her and rock her and whisper about how amazing, and perfect, and glorious, and beautiful, and interesting, and smart, and brilliant she is. After she gave me a kiss I told her those things and many more, until I was afraid I would begin repeating myself. Then I said, "Good night sweet girl." "Thanks daddy," she said. That she has the wherewithal at three years old to thank me for telling her how great I think she is... well that is pretty special. I went into Langston's room and whispered such things to him in his sleep as well. Some day they will be in a world that is not so good, a tough world full of tough places that the Bible does not try to hide. That is for later, however. Right now they are with me, and tonight I could pray with them, whisper sweet nothings to them, deal with serious issues in the Bible, and the whole, while be reminded that like the moon I want to shine the light of Christ into the world. It has been an immensely satisfying evening. I pray you discover opportunities to be immensely satisfied this week. Who knows, maybe as you do you will find that you are shining the light of Christ into a dark world and making the world that much brighter. Riding the wave of the Holy Spirit, Garrett Announcements ADULT MINISTRIES, FEBRUARY 8TH CLASSROOM A - SOCIAL JUSTICE CONCERNS PCUSA, HELEN HIGBY CLASSROOM B - BIBLE STUDY, CARL HULTQUIST CLASSROOM C - CONVERSATION, WES SCHENKEN CARL HULTQUISTS' BIBLE STUDY IS ON ISIAH 40:21-31. USING THAT SCRIPTURE AS A BASLINE, WE'LL TALK ABOUT HOW ISIAH DESCRIBES GOD'S POWER TO CREATE, HIS PROVISION TO SUSTAIN, AND HIS PRESENCE TO HELP. GOD IS ALMIGHTY AND POWERFUL, BUT EVEN SO, HE CARES FOR EACH OF US PERSONALLY, AND WE'LL TALK ABOUT WHAT THAT MEANS TO EACH OF US PERSONALLY. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is on February 17th from 57pm in the Ministry Center! There is also going to be a raffle with some great prizes! We look forward to seeing you! The Spirit Announcements SCRIP FOR VALENTINE'S DAY! Tell your loved ones they are the apple of your eye with Scrip from Applebees! Remember the dates at the soda shop, get a malt for two at Red Robin! YUM! He's your perfect catch, take him to Red Lobster for a wine and dine date! Chili's has hot peppers but none as caliente' as your Valentine! Give a piece of your heart with a slice of heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphys! When it comes to amore Olive Garden has enough for the whole family! ST. ANDREW CONNECTIONS INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER? JOIN PASTOR GARRETT ON FEBRUARY 21ST FROM 9AM TO 1PM. LUNCH WITH THE SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU! The Spirit Announcements March 1 in the Ministry Center We will have another Blood Drive in the Ministry Center on March 1st! Questions? Contact Bonnie Doolittle 701-2829 Circle on in February 13th at 1:00pm the Min- Please save the date! Our 2nd annual International Dinner benefitting Mother Hubbard's Cupboard will be held on Saturday, April 25. All the proceeds for this event will go towards buying food for the cupboard. Mark your calendars now! PER CAPITA Every year our church is required to provide a per capita to the presbytery. Per capita is like a membership fee that allows the presbytery and wider denomination to do much of their work. This year per capita is $27.00. If you are a member of our church it would be a great support if you paid your per capita! Please give a check in the amount of $27.00 and write per capita in the memo line and know that you are a part of the work that God is doing in our church, our presbytery, and the whole country. The Tuesday morning book club will be on hiatus in February - keep looking for new information! The Spirit Want to help? See Warren Miller or Brenda Wong for more information. Taizѐ Worship Service Friday, February 20, at 6:30 pm in the Chapel. Morning Contemplative Prayer Wednesday, February 18 at 9:30 am in the Chapel. Prayer Services The last Wednesday of the month! Child care is provided for all services. Announcements Our Winter Gathering is in Davis on February 14th and the theme is "Storytelling". Our speaker will be Rev. Judy Davis - a marvelous storyteller! Our mission focus will be on Bread of Life. This mission effort began in Davis many years ago and has since moved to North Sacramento. They provide many services for residents in that area - one of which is creative. They are always looking for art supplies. So clean your craft shelves, and bring extra to the gathering. We will take them to the Bread of Life! We end at noon with lunch. So it's only half day - invite a friend! Come early and take a tour through the farmer's market which meets on Saturdays. It is adjacent to the Church property. If interested in attending, please contact Corky Ulrey, 673-4023 TUESDAY EVENING GENESIS CLASS Prayer Cards Please place your prayer cards in the offering baskets. Thank You! The Tuesday evening Genesis class led by Pastor Garrett is every Tuesday (6:30-7:30) in the Ministry Center. Child care available. Please join us even if you can't attend every class! LIGHTHOUSE MARINER CANDY SALES! The Lighthouse Mariners will be selling $2.00 bags of homemade candy on Sunday, February 8th in the Narthex between services! The Spirit Children’s Ministries Supervisors for Activity Time February 1, 2015 8:30 Carole Gresham & Jennifer Noble 11:00 Ish & Jan Marino UPCOMING EVENTS Valentine Date Night, Saturday February 14th, 5:00-9:00PM Heifer Project Promotion Sunday, February 15-March 15th ( Children will raise money to purchase animals for families around the world, making a difference in access to food and sustainability.) Children’s Church During Activity Time at both services on February 22, we are excited to be offering Children’s Church (after Children’s Time with Pastor Garrett) for all children ages 3-5th grades, starting in the Chapel in the Narthex. Children’s Church will be offered the last Sunday of every month. Communion Class for 2nd & 3rd Graders (and their Parents) Saturday, March 7, 9-11AM Come learn about how and why this sacrament of Communion is important to our faith. The Spirit Joyful Noise Nursery School Joyful Noise Preschool for Children Ages 3 through 5 years THE CHILDREN ENJOYED A VISIT FROM MR. PIRATE! Joyful Noise Nursery School 2015-16 Registration A child must be at least three years of age by September 1, 2015 to enroll in the A.M class and four years of age by September 1, 2015 to enroll in the P.M. Class. Children must be fully potty-trained and up to date on immunizations. Classes are held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between September and May. The morning class meets 9:00-11:30 a.m. The afternoon class meets from 12:30-3:00 p.m. Application forms may be filled out in the Church office and are also available on the church website. For more information, contact Jennifer Davis, Director at 6737353 ext.16, email [email protected] or visit the church website www.standrewpcusa.org. Just a reminder: This school year, Joyful Noise is a peanut-free zone. The Spirit Youth Ministries SIGN UP NOW: Presbytery Youth (6-12th graders) All-Nighter at Cal-Fitness in Rocklin! We will leave our church at 8:45pm on Friday, Feb. 27th and return Saturday at 7:00pm. The cost is $30pp. Online registration for summer camps is now open at www.westminsterwoods.org! Use the discount code “HOMESTEAD” to receive a $35 discount. COMING UP: Feb. 4 Sr. High Hang Out at Rebecca Haun’s house 7:30-8:30pm! (1254 Maple Ave.) Feb. 5 Youth Team Meeting in the Library at 6pm Feb. 8 Jr. Highs feed dinner to the homeless from REST! Please bring a dessert to share. Notice spe cial time: 5:45-7:30 pm in the Youth Center. 5:45 to 7:30pm in the Youth Center. Sr. Highs will meet in the Ministry Center at our normal time 4:00pm to 5:30pm for a mys tery activity! Come find out! Feb. 11 Sr. High Hang Out at Rebecca Haun's house 7:30-8:30pm! Feb. 15 No Youth Events.......we will meet on Monday night due to break! Feb. 16 Jr. Highs help women at Casa De Esperanza 4:00-5:30pm! Sr. Highs enjoy a cooking class 4:00-5:30pm! If you need more information about our Youth and Young Adult Ministries, please contact Pastor Hayes at 788-3233. 2015 Youth Musical Schedule: (All events are in the sanctuary) The Youth Musical is one of our most exciting annual events! Youth (6-12th grades) are invited to participate you do not need prior acting, singing, or dancing experience and you are guaranteed a part! If you have questions, please speak with our Executive Producer and Director, Deanna Wiseman or any of our Musical Leaders (Vicki Henderson, Jennifer Noble, Beckie Kersting, Tim Nicholson, Carrie Hoag, Catrina McCaffery, Dave Stockmal, Erin Villagomez, Tom Wiseman, and Bob Lavy). Try-ons mean everyone gets a part… you come and “try-on” parts and the Director assigns each person a roll, which means no one is cut and everyone gets to participate! Try-ons – Sat, April 11th 2:00-4:00pm Try-ons -- Sun, April 12th 2:00-4:00pm Practices will be every Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays 5:30 to 7:30pm starting on Monday, April 13th and running to Tech Week. Tech Week will be 2 weeks prior to the performances Monday through Friday 5:30 to 8:30pm… Tech week will begin on Monday, May 18th and will run until Friday, May 29th. Performances: Saturday, May 30th 2:00-4:00 and again 7:00-9:00pm. St. Andrew Youth Group Snap Shots The Spirit Prayers of the People Adrian & Dean Alice Dewey Amanda Viljoen Anita McWhirk Anna Ashlee Barbara Breen Barbara Grove Bev Bill Hale Bill Wells Bob Gildersleeve Brad Rupert Brandon Brianna Rupert Carolan Lucas Carole Gresham Charlotte Simms Colleen Rodrick Darla & Dale Dawn Debbie Naylor Dee (Shirley Bartch’s sister) Diana Dolly Ed Stagg Eldon V Erika Westbrook Evelyn Families in the midst of divorce Frances & Mel Wood Fred Gayle Prager Healing for Krysti, Caleb and Bob Merklin Helen Jackson Homeless, Veterans, those struggling with addictions Jack Stokes Jacki Lee Jannie Lynn Jason Tallon Jerod Joe Bronner John Alexander Jon Whiteman Karen Kakishiba & Family Kathy Treleiu Kristy Allan Laura Lenoxx Mitchell Lori Evan Kitzmiller Lori Maskall Lois S Maria Marie Marta Marilyn Kinsbury Martha Cook Melissa Brown & Family Melvin Wood Michael Arnold Michael Johnson Noel Cantu Patty Mitchell Pat Pinney Peggy Pryor Rand Vensen Rich Hayes Richard Leonard Ron Beaman Ron Crusco Roy Clifton Russ Smith Scotty Scott Shirley Wilkes Steven Sue Henderson Susan McPherson Suzanne Hamilton Tamara Sheen Tammy Tim Walter Perry Wes Rigsby Wilma Reichert Prayers for the Life of Maggie Mitchell and Joe Sabaloni Sunday Service Volunteers Feb 8, 2015 8:30 am 11:00 am Ministry Of Music Choir Savannah Henry Coordinator Dianne Bryant Linda Sym Lay Reader Barbara Solheim Jeannie Morrisey Greeters Tom & Roberta Reusser Jim & Joan Buchan Ushers Craig & Carla Hendy Bob Putland & Judy Hale Sound System Dave Graham Kris Graben Projector Operator Lin Merklin Lin Merklin Responsible Person Laurie Harbison Laurie Harbison Activity Time Supervisors Carole Gresham & Jennifer Noble Ish & Jan Marino The Spirit Weekly Calendar THU 2/5 12:00 pm Brown Bag, Edna Armstrong 2:30 pm Fellowship Meeting 4:00 pm Adult Ministries Meeting, Naylor Room 5:30 pm Bells Rehearsal 6:00 pm Youth Team Meeting, Library 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal MON 2/9 REST, Conf Room 9:00 am Staff Meeting 2:00 pm Bridges to Housing 7:00 pm Co-Dependents, Rm A FRI 2/6 9:00 am Joyful Noise Nursery School 6:00 pm NA Area Service Meeting 7:00 pm OA, Conf Room TUE 2/10 REST, Conf Room 5:30 pm Stewardship/Finance,Rm. A 6:30 pm Bible Study, Ministry Center 7:00 pm Gamblers Anon, Rm. B 7:00 pm Men Under Construction Rm. C SAT 2/7 REST, Conf Room 8:00 am Praise Band Practice 10:00 am Brass Band Practice WED 2/11 REST, Conf Room 9:00 am Joyful Noise Nursery School 6:30 pm Cub Scouts, Youth Center 6:30 pm Deacons, Ministry Center 7:00 pm NA, Room C 7:30 pm Sr High Hangout,, Rebecca Haun's House SUN 2/8 REST, Conf Room 8:30 am Worship, Sanctuary 8:45 am Activity Time 10:00 am Adult Sunday Class, Ministry Center 11:00 am Worship, Sanctuary 11:15 am Activity Time 4:00 pm Youth Events (See Youth Ministries page) THU 2/12 REST, Conf Room 5:30 pm Bells Rehearsal 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal February Birthdays Rachel Gresham 2/1 Josephine Harn 2/3 Carter Manning 2/3 Kate West 2/3 Charles Aucoin 2/4 Gary Odom 2/4 Jon Trefzger 2/4 Jeff Tuttle 2/4 Sheryl Crocker 2/5 Bruce Dewey 2/5 John Mayer 2/5 Julie Del Pero 2/7 Anita Russell 2/6 Julie Berry 2/7 John Perry 2/8 Ken Swenson 2/8 Steven Howard 2/10 Aaron Chamberlin 2/11 Harriet Keim 2/12 Krysti Merklin 2/12 Gabriel Merklin 2/12 Morgan Kersting 2/14 Cindy Dragovich 2/15 Wendy Burri 2/16 Cameron Kersting 2/16 Linda Meakin 2/16 Rhea Kunkel 2/18 Jennifer Gengler 2/19 Mario Matteoli 2/19 Kurt Pfannkuch 2/19 Edna Smyth 2/19 Chuck Robinson 2/20 Denise Brown 2/23 Nicholas Schenken 2/23 Elyse Dewey 2/25 Steve Whiting 2/26 Diane Alexander 2/27 Jeff Herboldshimer 2/28 Charles Van Zyl 2/28 Church Directory and Staff Church Office Hours Web site: www.standrewpcusa.org MONDAY - FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Joyful Noise Nursery School 673-4808 (Ext. 22 Class Rm) CLOSED FOR LUNCH 12PM - 1 PM 673-7353 (Ext. 16 Office) Phone 530-673-7353 Fax 530-673-1386 Prayer Chain Donna Smith (674-3928) Shirley Bartch (674-0511) email: [email protected] Church Staff Garrett Andrew, Pastor (Ext. 14) [email protected] Chanell Cheney, Church Administrator (Ext. 10) [email protected] Carole Gresham, Children’s Ministries (Ext. 13) [email protected] Jennifer Davis, Joyful Noise School Director (Ext. 16) [email protected] Hayes Noble, Associate Pastor/ Laurie Harbison, Facilities Youth Ministries (Ext 20) (530) 682-0707 [email protected] Elders of the Congregation John Buckland, Jim Loe,, Bruce Henry, Brenda Wong, Barbara Solheim, Arlene Hite, Corky Ulrey, Dianne Bryant, Rebecca Haun, Diane Leighton, Wes Schenken, Jim Poston, Mike Sarringar, Tom Wiseman, Dave Flores, Nancy Chamberlin, David Graham, Lisa Kirchner, Helen Higby and Bill Paden. (Cheryl Landrus, Clerk; Vicki Henderson, Asst. Clerk; Dottie Naylor, Clerk of Records) Deacons of the Congregation Shirley Bartch, Wendy Burri, Beverly Cameron-Fildes,Ron Emerson, Carla Hendy, Craig Hendy, Ken Lux, Sue Nowinski, David Petersen, Gaylene Pomeroy, Beverly Root, Donna Smith, Morag Petersen, Deanna Wiseman, Brian Steele, Jeannie Bumen, Judy Putland, Ken Lux and Angela Kitchen We encourage you all to come and recycle here! The Spirit
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