Share The Spirit CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Volume 5, Issue 2 FEBRUARY 2015 GREETINGS FROM MOTHER MARTHA: Inside this issue: Share The Spirit Happenings 2 Lenten Series 3 Baptisms 3 Thank you 4 Fundraising 4 Birthdays 5 Valentine Poem 5 Upcoming Events 6 Notes for Lent 6 Four Chaplains Day 6 Deacon’s Bench 7 Calendar 8 Post Scripts 9 Page 2 Share The Spirit Share The Spirit Happenings January 11th was our first “Manger Walk”. We had eleven families that participated. Some displayed more than one type of manger from all around the world. We had guests that came to view and visit. All sizes from miniature to blow up mangers were displayed. It was interesting to see and we learned what we can do for next year. What a beautiful way to end the season and view the story of Jesus’ birth as depicted from countries around the world. Our Church of the Holy Spirit Annual Meeting took place on January 18th. The meeting covered reports from 2014 and plans for 2015. Congratulations to those who were elected: Jim Wack was elected to a second term as Junior Warden, Bill Stephenson and Eileen Minett (2nd term) were elected to the Vestry for 3 year terms, Pat Johnson and Jim Wack will be our Atlantic convocation delegates, with Anna and Ernie Tews as alternates, Mary Lou Malone, Lynn Rob bins and Anna Tews will be our Diocesan convention dele gates, with Ernie Tews and Tom Paul as alternates. One vestry spot was left vacant in anticipation of a reduction in the vestry size. Look for an upcoming change in our bylaws. Thanks to everyone who was willing to step up and participate in the governance and representation of our congregation. As always, a delicious buffet lunch followed with wonderful fellowship in the Parish Hall. Our church received a thank you letter from the Catholic Charities (Diocese of Trenton), for their sincere gratitude for the holiday gifts that we provided for under privileged children. The letter will be posted in the Parish Hall. Lent begins on February 18th with the Imposition of Ashes at 8:00am, 12:00pm and 7:00pm. “Ashes to Go” will be available outdoors in the front circle again this year. If you would like to lead Stations of the Cross on Thursday evenings, please sign up. The Schedule will be posted. “The next meeting of the new Vestry will be held on Feb 17th at 2:00pm. The trip sponsored by the Holy Innocents Episcopal Church to the National Cathedral in Washington has been cancelled. Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 3 What’s God Up To—And How Can I Join In? Lenten Wednesday 12:30 pm and Thursday Nights 6:00 pm The Rev. Canon Dr. Rob Droste for Congregational Development and Mission from The Diocese of New Jersey outlined a new Lenten series that Holy Spirit will use beginning on February 26th. The series will heighten your awareness of God’s activity in your lives, churches, neighborhoods and in the larger world. The sessions will begin with a soup lunch/supper followed by: February 25 & 26 Introduction March 4 & 5 March 11 & 12 What’s God Up To In My Church? What’s God Up To In The Neighborhood? March 18 & 19 March 25 & 26 What’s God Up To In The World? What’s God Up To In Jesus? On Thursday evenings, optional Stations of the Cross will be said at 7:30 pm. Please join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Easter. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Baptisms: January 11th, 2015: Ashley Robin Pharo, Steven Dominic Stackhouse and Johnathan Joseph (J.J.) Pharo. This was the first Baptisms of the year for Mother Martha. Ashley, Steven and J.J. are related to Evie Brown and her family. We wish them our warmest congratulations and welcome them into our church family and into the household of God. Look at this reverent little man, JJ, being baptized! Psalm 51:11 Share The Spirit Page 4 GIVE THANKS WITH A GREATFUL HEART TO: Jesse Peterson, who through his hard work and generosity, has put the choir back in business.You may not know that the outside wall in the choir robing room is compromised, and during heavy rain and wind, the desk is deluged with water. We lost some of our music last month. Jesse has kindly placed 3 3-slot bins on the right wall as you enter the room. There is also a small bin to hold paper clips. The choir gives many thanks to Jesse. Mother Martha for purchasing the flat screen TV for the Library. This was her gift to the Vestry. The Bible Study members will especially enjoy this TV for the films. The Crawfords, Penny Hughes, Amy Raspa, the Kopf family, Joan McQueeny, Paula Sullivan, Jane Chapman, the Wacks, Elaine Paul, Doris Denis, Deacon Rich and Sarah and Mother Martha, for participating in the Manger Display. Elaine Paul for the organization and publicity given to our post-Epiphany Manger Walk. Jim Crawford for taking pictures of the Manger Display and of the Baptism. Everyone who brought delicious food for our Annual Meeting Pot Luck brunch. As always the buffet was an epicurean delight! Penny Hughes, Jim Wack and our friend Pat have been working on the sanctuary walls to repair and paint anew. Please thank them. Bellarine Theater Company, led by Jessica Evans for offering the Community Dinner in January. The theater company is beginning rehearsals for their next play. Steven Stackhouse and Bill Matlack have been working to clean and repair our gutters. Thank them for their willingness to climb ladders and work in the cold. Elizabeth Hill and Rita Lanorith served as tellers for our Annual Parish Meeting. All who helped with de-greening the church. Special thanks to Lisa and Lauren Kopf who came back on a weekday afternoon and cleaned out and reorganized the closets off the crying room. The autumn and Christmas decorations are ready for next year but not in the way of the crying room use. FUNDRAISING MEETING 2015 Grace O’Connor called the first Fundraising Meeting of 2015 . She reported a very good turnout and some new fund raising ideas for this year. The following are just some of their plans. Lenten Fish Fry is scheduled for March 20 Fall Gift Auction October 3 A Garden party April 25 Kauriga Concert October 24 Spring Gift Auction May 10 Christmas Bazaar November 21 Blueberry Festival July 18 Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 5 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU: February 1 February 3 Justin Lagonegro Sarah Wisniewski February 8 February 9 Robert Seibel John and Matilda Kunicki February 11 Afton Tozer February 13 Sonya Fintland February 15 Mary Sweeten February 16 Penny Hughes February 16 Edith Given February 18 Marlene Johnson A Birthday Message: February 21 Joyce Slimowicz February 21 Jennifer Bruschi God fill this day with birthday blessings and His gift of love divine. God fills your February 23 Sandy Evans February 24 Ray Haddock heart with hope and peace in those quiet times. God fills your life with what you need, his most precious gifts. So as you celebrate, let us all give thanks to Him. May the Lord bless you and keep you. A Valentine Poem by Joanna Fuchs Love is a command that Christians are call to do; Our Lord says “Love your God, and love your neighbor, too.” Some people are easy to love; they are human rays of sun; They light up every life, and encourage everyone. Your are in that group, so I sincerely want to say; You are often in my thoughts and especially today. Happy Valentine’s Day! Numbers 6:23 Share The Spirit Page 6 UPCOMING EVENTS: February 7 February 18 February 25 February 26 February 27-28 March 20 ECW Meeting Ash Wednesday Lenten Class begins with soup lunches Lenten Class begins with soup suppers Diocesan Convention Fish Fry NOTES FOR LENT Alleluia is not sung or said during Mass or the offices. The Gloria in excelsis is also not used unless indicated. Weddings should not be celebrated during the season. The “Stations of the Cross” is appropriate. The Great Litany may be sung in procession. Crosses and images are veiled in the last two weeks of Lent. Bible Study, Lenten series for the churches of our Diocese are available. FEBRUARY 3, 1943 FOUR CHAPLAINS DAY Is celebrated as a feast day on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church in the United State of America The Four Chaplains, also sometimes referred to as the “Immortal Chaplains” or the “Dorchester Chaplains” were four Untied States Army chaplains who gave their lives to other civilian and military personnel as the troop ship USAT Dorchester sank on February 3, 1943, during World War II. They helped other soldiers board lifeboats and gave up their own life jackets when the supply ran out. The chaplains joined arms, said prayers, and sang hymns as they went down with the ship. They included Methodist minister, Rev. George L. Fox, Reform-Rabbi Alexander D. Goode (Ph.D.), Roman Catholic priest, the Rev. John Washington, and Reformed Church in America minister the Rev. Clark V. Poling. This story and these men have been remembered in a TV documentary, in many books, a music composition entitled “The Light Eternal,” tells the story through music, and in many paintings. Stained glass windows have been made, awards, ceremonies and services are held each year, a U.S. postage stamp honors them. The Chapel of the Four Chaplains was dedicated by President Harry S. Truman at Grace Baptist Church in Philadelphia. In 1974, that building now owned by Temple University is being renovated. Volume 5, Issue 2 Page 7 Volume 5, Issue 2 FEBRUARY CALENDAR 2015 Page 8 CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 220 E MAIN STREET SUNDAY SERVICES: TUCKERTON, NJ 098087 609-296-9618 Email: [email protected] 8:00am, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist followed by Coffee hour and Fellowship WEDNESDAY CHAPEL SERVICE: 12:00 pm Holy Eucharist (Healing Prayer is first Wednesday of the month) FREE COMMUNITY DINNERS Last Wed. of each month 6:00pm The Rev. Martha McKee, Vicar BIBLE STUDY Tuesday 11:00 am in the Library Mother Martha’s cell: 908-705-5098 LENTEN STUDY SERIES Wednesday 12:30pm Soup lunches [email protected] Rev. Rich Wisniewski, Deacon Thursday 6:00pm Soup suppers (Feb. 25-March 26) CHOIR REHEARSALS We’re on the Web! POST SCRIPTS: DID YOU MISS IT? Wednesday 7:00pm Sunday 9:30am Life is what you make of it. It can be a lovely garden or a bed of weeds. Look for the beauty in everything and you will find it. The Lord...will send his angel with you and make your way successful. Genesis 24:40 The Manger Walk on Epiphany Sunday January 11, 2015 We were happy to have so many people involved and interested in our first Manger Display. Thank you to all who contributed and attended.
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