Rockingham Church of Christ Inc. “A Place to Believe, Belong, Become” SOUND CHRIS IAN 1st February 2015 WELCOME! We’re glad you could join us here today. Don’t rush off after this morning’s service.... please stay for a cuppa and fellowship with us in the hall. Remember to look for people you don’t know or who are on their own and take the time to get to know them. Jim Gibbon will bring us today’s message titled: “Being like Jesus” Reading: Romans 13:1—14 W HAT ’ S HAPPENING OVER THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS ? ♦ Pastor Cohen (currently on leave) will be back in the office from Wednesday, 4th February. ♦ Weekly Ministries will recommence during this week, except for PlayGroup which resumes on Thursday, 12th February. Perhaps you would like to attend one of the ministries or are considering volunteering your help — speak to Elsie for more information or pick up a flyer (from the white stand in the foyer) that lists all the weekly ministries and times. ♦ Growth Groups will resume on their various days this week — see the insert for details on the days/times. If you are not part of a Growth Group and would like to join one, please put your name/contact number on the sign-up sheet on the back table in the foyer. The pastors will contact you during the week with further information. Please note: The Growth Group that used to meet in PK on a Wednesday @ 7:30pm, has now changed to a Tuesday (same place/time). The Wednesday afternoon (2pm) group who meet here at the church will be studying the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians. All are welcome. ♦ Christianity Explored Course will start on Tuesday evenings @ 7pm, from 10th February. Pick up a flyer or speak to Pastor Tim for more information. There is also a sign-up sheet on the back table in the foyer. P OWER FOR P ROBLEMS “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) A friend told me of a non-believer who came to him in the midst of a troubled day. Knowing my friend was a Christian, the man asked, “If I get born again, will all of my problems go away?” “No,” said my friend, “but you will have the power to deal with them.” God will give us wisdom and courage. He will surround us with brothers and sisters in Christ to help us carry our burdens, even provide us with insight and practical assistance. Satan will always try to discourage those who belong to Christ. When problems persist, he may even whisper, “See, God doesn’t care about you!” But with the Holy Spirit’s help, we can combat the evil one and contradict his lies. If God dismissed all our problems with a single stroke, we would be left defenceless, unequipped to meet the inevitable attacks of the enemy of our souls. But in the midst of life’s problems God supplies everything we need to see us through. HOPE FOR EACH DAY, BILLY GRAHAM B OARD M EMBERS & M INISTRY T REASURERS : Please submit your reports for the next Board meeting to Elsie by the latest Tuesday, 10th February. T RINITY T HEOLOGICAL C OLLEGE - NIGHT COURSES IN T ERM 1 Want to dig deeper into God’s Word? Trinity Theological College is running two night courses in Term 1 for average Christian people who want to grow in their faith and life. 1) "The Framework: Seeing Christian Truth as a Whole" - Tuesday nights @ 7:30—9:30pm from 10th February to 17th March, at Claremont Baptist Church. 2) "What Young People Need: Foundations for Effective Youth Ministry" Thursday nights @ 7:30—9:30pm from 12th February to 19th March, at Trinity House, Leederville. For more information, pick up a brochure in the foyer, or visit click on "Certificate Courses", or speak to Ps Cohen. P RAYER P OINTS Praise God the Father, Son, and Spirit, from whom, through whom, and in whom all blessings flow. Thank the Father for the gracious gift of salvation He has given us because of the finished work of Jesus for us. Ask God to continue to enable us, by His Spirit, to live in a manner worthy of the Gospel as we eagerly await our Saviour's return. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering various trials of many kinds; Keith Roediger (recovering from a successful operation but awaiting a second operation), Bert Davies (in hospital and experiencing breathing difficulty), Tony Fisher, Paul Fricker, Janice Smith, and others. Pray for wisdom and godliness for our Elders, Deacons and Pastors. Pray for our ministry leaders and helpers and for opportunities to form friendships and share the hope of Jesus with those who come. Pray for our local schools this week. Pray for wisdom and patience for the staff and teachers, for the witness and work of chaplains and Christian workers, for our children as they learn and for God to open doors for Jesus Christ to be made known. F EBRUARY UFO (U NIQUE F ELLOWSHIP O UTING ) On Friday, 13th February @ 10am we plan to meet for morning coffee at the Steel Tree Restaurant, Baldivis. Please let Graham & Denise Gilbert know if you would like to join the group (9593 9769) and also whether you would like a "chauffeur" service and they will arrange for someone to call for you. Come and fellowship together over a cuppa in a relaxed environment! S INGING G ROUP /C HOIR Does God have a ministry in song for you? Come and find out at choir practice on Thursday, 5th February @ 7pm, here at the church. For more information, see Susan or Roger Kingdon or contact them on 9528 5006. C HANGE OF A DDRESS Roy & Elma Anderson have moved: 71 Colreavy Ramble, Baldivis, 6171 “N EWS IN THE W EST ” The February edition is available from the white stand in the foyer. The latest edition of the Challenge Paper is available in the foyer. These papers are free of charge and you are invited to take several copies and distribute them to your friends and neighbours, and use them to promote the gospel of God’s grace around our community. If you would like to know more about this paper, please speak to Tim Pearce. H e y K i d s ! ! ! You know those activity packs you used over the school holidays when there was no Kids Church? Well, the worksheets are for you to keep, but we’’d be really thankful if you could return the coloured and lead pencils. You can give them to your Kids Church teacher. Thanks heaps! P LEASED TO SERVE NEXT S UNDAY , 8 TH F EBRUARY : Message: Ps Cohen Leading: L. McDonnell Communion: V. Young Comm Prep: M & S Hicks Helpers: M & S Hicks, P. Denholm, S. May, Lo McDonnell, & TBC Reading: S. May Music: R. Watson, M. Bailey, Ps Cohen I. Spence, Ps Tim Sound: TBC Overhead: P. May Hospitality: R & D Penfold Teas: B. Southcott, M. Kiddle Kids Church: A. Gibbon, E. Earley, D. Pearce, H. Brennan Kids Church Music: E. Earley Crèche: C. Fisher, N. Little Church Lock-Up: J. Hall C ARDS FOR R ECYCLING Margaret Saw is asking for any used Christmas/Birthday cards that you no longer want — please place them in her pigeon hole. Birthdays this week: FEBRUARY 5th 6th 7th Tony Fisher Peter & Jan Moses Heather MacLaren Tim Nsair D ATES TO D IARISE Thursday, 19th February Prayer Together @ 4—5pm Thursday, 26th February Board Meeting @7pm ROCKINGHAM CHURCH OF CHRIST, INC. Cnr Rae Rd & Frederick St, (PO Box 7128), SAFETY BAY, WA 6169 Tel: (08) 9592 2495 Email: Elsie: [email protected] Pastor Cohen: [email protected] Assoc. Pastor Tim: [email protected] Website: ARE YOU PART OF A MID-WEEK BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER GROUP? If not, you’re missing out! Please be encouraged to join a Growth Group because meeting with other Christians in small groups to read God’s Word, pray and enjoy fellowship is an important part of growing as a Christian and belonging to the local church family. THERE IS A “SIGN-UP SHEET” ON THE TABLE IN THE FOYER showing the various days/times/area of the meetings held throughout the week. For those wanting to join a Growth Group, please put your name under your preferred day. Pastors Cohen and Tim will contact you shortly. Below is a list of Growth Groups available throughout the week. If you need further information, please speak to either of the pastors and they will direct you to a group that might be the most suitable for you. Tuesday 9:30am KYB (ladies) 11:00am Wednesday Thursday Friday (fortnightly) Rockingham Beach Mixed Church 7:00pm KYB (ladies) Church 7:30pm Mixed Port Kennedy 7:30pm Mixed Waikiki/Shoalwater 2:00pm Mixed Church 7:00pm Mixed Shoalwater 7:30pm 10:00am Men's Group Safety Bay Young mums/ladies Safety Bay CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED COURSE One life... what's it all about? Pastor Tim will be running the course called "Christianity Explored" at the church on Tuesday evenings @ 7pm starting on 10th February (for 8 weeks ending 31st March) The course is designed for people who would like to explore what Christianity is about, or just brush up on the basics. FLYERS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE FOYER for more information, or to hand to friends or people you know who might be interested. Please enter your name on the “SIGN-UP SHEET” if you are interested in doing the course. RSVPs to Pastor Tim will be helpful for planning purposes.
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