2015 NZ Windsurf Slalom Nationals - SAILING INSTRUCTIONS - Page # 1 1. GENERAL NOTICES 1.1. Sportsmanship and Safety Racers will conduct themselves to ensure the safety of other racers. They will do nothing to endanger other racers, and will sacrifice their rights under these rules to avoid dangerous situations. This principle takes precedence over all racing rules. Please refer to Appendix 1. of no less than 5 sailors and no more than 9 racers per heat. Once 15 rounds of racing have been completed, the gold fleet will split into a top flight comprising the top 9 Competitors (after discards) who wil then continue to race against each other for the remaining rounds of the regattta, and a bottom flight comprising Competitors who are placed 10 and lower (after discards) who will then continue to race against each other for the remaining rounds of the regatta. The bottom flight may be split into heats based on rankings after racing the first 15 races (and after discards), at the discretion of the race committee. 1.2. Slalom Arena These rules are not to be utilised by a racer for the purpose of moving another racer from the Slalom Arena, which is the area bounded by the start boat, the buoys, and the finish line. Sailors must follow a Proper Course which will allow them to finish the race as soon as possible. 1.3. Notices to Competitors Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located on the side of Christchurch Watersports Association and at the race event site. This will be allocated in the rigging area and in the Naval Point Yacht Club. 1.4. Changes to the Sailing Instructions 3.3.2. Womens Fleet. Competitors in the Womens fleet will race each other in each round of racing. If numbers permit, Competitors in the Womens fleet will be randomly split into heats for each round of no less than 7 sailors and no more than 13 racers per heat. Once 15 rounds of racing have been completed, the Womens fleet will split into a top flight comprising the top 12 competitors (after discards) who wil then continue to race against each other for the remaining rounds of the regattta, and a bottom flight comprising competitors who are placed 10 and lower (after discards) who will then continue to race against each other for the remaining rounds of the regatta. The bottom flight may be split into heats based on rankings after racing the first 15 races (and after discards), at the discretion of the race committee. Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted before 0900 hours on the day it will take effect. 1.5. Mishaps When there is accidental or incidental contact or interference which does not significantly hamper a racer’s progress, racing should continue without assigning blame. 1.6. Disclaimer of Liability Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. The responsibility for a Competitor’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is his/her’s alone. The organising authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during or after the regatta. 2. EVENT RULES 2.1. Racing Rules The regatta will be governed by the ‘rules’ as defined in the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Racing Rules of Sailing 20132016, or as modified by the race committee for the 2015 New Zealand Windsurfing Slalom Nationals in the sailing instructions. A copy of the rules and amendment will be kept at the Naval Point Yacht Club. 2.2. The YNZ Safety Regulations Part 1 shall apply. A suitable wetsuit will satisfy clause 1. Suitable and fit for purpose Helmets and life jackets are strongly recommended for all sailors however are compulsory for anyone under 18. 2.3. Racing No race will start when the wind speed is consistently below 13 knots at the start area. Once a race is started, the wind speed must remain over 13 knots. No race will start when the wind speed consistently exceeds 40 knots at the start area. During a race, if the wind speed consistently exceeds 45 knots, the race will be abandoned. For avoidance of doubt, if a Competitor sails the wrong course or the wrong heat in a round, the race committee may disqualify the Competitor from that round. It does not require a protest to be lodged. 3. SCHEDULE OF RACES 3.1. Racing will continue until the 7th of February. If less than 10 rounds of races have been completed by each of the Gold and Womens fleet the race committee may choose to hold racing on 8th February. 3.2. Each fleet will race a maximum of 10 rounds of races per day. 3.3. The Gold, Silver, Womens and Junior fleets will each race as follows: 3.3.1. Gold Fleet. Competitors in the gold fleet will race each other in each round of racing. If numbers permit, Competitors in the Gold fleet will be randomly split into heats for each round 3.3.3. Silver Fleet. Competitors in the Silver fleet will race each other and in every other round that the gold fleet races. If numbers permit, Competitors in the Silver fleet will be randomly split into heats for each round of no less than 8 sailors and no more than 15 racers per heat. Ju nior Fleet. Competitors in the Junior fleet will race each other and in every other round that the gold fleet races. If numbers permit, Competitors in the Junior fleet will be randomly split into heats for each round of no less than 8 sailors and no more than 15 racers per heat. 3.4. Provided weather and tide conditions allow, the race committee will attempt to run the 10 races on each day in the following order: - 2 races with 25 minute break, - 4 races with 45 minute break to 1hour break, final 4 races. The actual number of back to back races and length of breaks will be advised by the race committee as each day progresses. 3.5. The warning signal (3 minute signal) for a subsequent race on the same day will be made as soon as practicable. And more than likely before the previous heat has returned to the startline. 3.6. Time Limits and Target Times 3.6.1. The time limit for the first competitor to complete the heat is 10 minutes. 3.6.2. The target time is five minutes. 3.6.3. If no competitor has passed Mark 1 within 5 minutes, the race will be abandoned. 3.6.4. Failure to meet the target time will not be grounds for redress. This changes Rule 62.1(a). 3.6.5. Competitors failing to finish within 10 minutes of the first competitor to complete the course will be scored Did Not Finish. 3.7. Initial competitors briefing will be at 1100 hours Wednesday 4th February at Christchurch Watersports Association, Naval Point Yacht Club and the proposed start of races for the day will be announced at that briefing. After that, daily briefing will be at 0930 hours each race day at Naval Point Yacht Club with any further briefings held in the rigging area near the event bus. On the last day of the regatta no warning signal will be made after 1700. hours. If the reserve day is used, the last possible warning signal on that day will be 1600 hours. 2015 NZ Windsurf Slalom Nationals - SAILING INSTRUCTIONS - Page # 2 4. When boards approach on opposite tacks, the starboard tack board is entitled to hold its course. The port tack board must Keep Clear. (A board not racing must keep clear of a board racing). RACING COURSE 4.1. Racing Area The racing area is on Lyttelton Harbour between the entrance of the main port & the reef / lighthouse above the reef west of the port. 4.2. The Courses The race committee will post a course diagram on the notice board at least 30 minutes before any race starts. This will include an indication of hazards and currents. You must read the information on this notice board at least before entering the water at the start of each day. 8.2. Jibing at the Mark - The position of the boards as Overtaking/Overlapped or Clear Ahead are determined only before the jibe has been initiated. Once a jibe has been initiated the Clesr ahead, overlapped, luffing and opposite tack do not apply but good sportmanship, fairness and saftey always apply! a) Clear Ahead or Clear Astern - In general, and in a good sportmanship like manner, a board which is Clear Astern at the Start of the Jibe should try to Keep Clear of the Clear Ahead boards throughout the jibe. 4.3. The Marks All marks for slalom racing will be orange or red. If a Clear Astern board attempts to overtake on the outside, it must try Keep Clear of the inside board. 4.4. The Start The starting line will be between the start boat and an orange or red mark. If a Clear Astern board attempts to overtake on the inside, the Clear Ahead board is not required to Keep Clear but common sense should also prevail. 4.5. The Finish 5. The finishing line will be between two orange or red marks. b) Overlapped/Overtaking PROTESTS AND REQUEST FOR REDRESS In general and in a good sportsmanship like manner, when boards are Overlapped at the start of the jibe, the inside board is entitled to Room to jibe. 5.1. Protest forms are available at the race office. Protests shall be delivered there within the protest time limit with a non refundable fee of $200.00. The inside board should try to avoid collisions and give the outside board Room to maintain a Proper Course in rounding the mark. 5.2. The protest time limit is 20 minutes after the last competitor has finished the last race of the day. The same protest time limit applies to all protests by the race committee and protest committee and to requests for redress. If an outside board passes astern of the inside board and attempts to overtake on the inside, it should try to Keep Clear of the board being overtaken. 5.3. Notices will be posted within 30 minutes of the protest time to inform competitors of hearings in which they are parties or named as witnesses. Hearings will be held at Naval Point Yacht Club. 5.4. Notices of protests by the race committee or protest committee jury will be posted to inform competitors. AALLW WAAYYSSUUSSEECCO OM MM MO ON NSSEEN NSSEEW WHHEEN NJJIIBBIIN NGG!! 9. OTHER RULES 9.1. Boards not Racing 6. SCORING 6.1. Windsurfing NZ will recognise the event when 3 races have been completed. 6.2. Total race scores will stand for first 3 races completed, then 6.2.1. Poorest score will be excluded when 3 to 6 races have been completed. 6.2.2. 2 poorest scores will be excluded when 7 to 10 races have been completed 6.2.3. 3 poorest scores will be excluded when 11-14 races have been completed. 6.2.4. 4 poorest scores will be excluded when 15 or more races have been completed 6.3. Series Ties - If there is a series score tie between two or more sailors, each sailors’ race scores shall be listed in order of best to worst, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour of the sailor with the best score. No excluded scores shall be used. 6.4. If a tie remains between two or more sailors, they shall be ranked in order of their scores in the last race. Any remaining ties shall be broken by using the tied sailors' scores in the next-to-last race and so on until all ties are broken. These scores shall be used even if some of them are excluded scores. 7. PRIZES 7.1. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third Overall Men, Overall Women, Overall Junior and spot prizes as available and where determined by the race committee. A board not racing must Keep Clear of boards which are racing 9.2. Over Early An over early board must Keep Clear of boards on course and racing. Any sailor flagged as over early is disqualified from that heat unless they return to restart immediately, but no Dip Starts as per 9.3. 9.3. Dip Starts Dip Start (Where a board crosses the start line from the race course side, jibes and re-enters the race course) are not allowed. 9.4. Capsized Boards Boards under way must attempt to Keep Clear of capsized and water starting boards. There is no violation for failure to Keep Clear of a board which capsized immediately in from of another board. Interference because of capsizing is not a violation. 9.5. Activation of the Rules The Technical Rules go into effect at the 3 Minute Flag. The Sportsmanship and Safety Rules goes into effect when boards leave the beach. 9.6. Hailing When a board is about to start a manoeuvre that may impact another board, the sailor must call out (“jibing”, “overlapped” etc) to alert the other sailor. 10. DEFINITIONS 10.1. Board Position 7.2. Prizes may also be awarded for other age groups/classes dependent on entry numbers; as per section 14. of the Notice of Race There are two imaginary lines perpendicular to the centreline of the board, one at the bow and one at the stern. These lines determine the position of the board relative to other boards as follows: 8. a) Clear Ahead/Clear Astern When the (line at the) stern of the forward board is ahead of the (line at the) bow of the trailing board, it is Clear Ahead. When the bow of the trailing board is behind the stern of the forward board it is Clear Astern. b) Overtaking/Overlapped When the bow of the trailing board passes the stern of the leading board, it is Overtaking. The boards are then Overlapped. SLALOM RULES 8.1. Sailing on Reaches a) Clear Ahead/Astern A Clear Astern Board must Keep Clear of a Clear Ahead Board b) Overlapped In general, when boards become Overlapped, the windward board must Keep Clear of the leeward board. c) Luffing Up The leeward board may luff up a board Overtaking to the windward until the bow of the windward board passes the bow of the leeward board. 10.2. Keep Clear Opposite Tacks 10.3. Room d) One board Keeps Clear of another if the other can sail its course with out taking action to avoid contact. 2015 NZ Windsurf Slalom Nationals - SAILING INSTRUCTIONS - Page # 3 Room is the space a board needs to manoeuvre properly. 10.4. Start of the Jibe A jibe starts when a sailor’s back foot comes out of the strap and is placed on the leward side of the board. 11. FLAGS / RACE SIGNALS Postpone Next heat start sequence will start 1 minute after Postpone Flag Drops Racing Halted - Return to Shore Heat Voided, return to shore for briefing Over Early Individual Recall Indicates Over Early sailor(s) has been identified and will be disqualified from heat unless they return to restart immediately. General Recall - In the unlikely event of several unidentified over early sailors or an error in the starting procedure, the Race Official may signal a General Recall and re-run that heat at time to be determined at the next break. A hooter will be sounded on raising of the flag. The following heat start sequence will begin 1 minute after the General Recall flag drops.. 3 Minute Start Sequence At 3 Minutes to go a Yellow and an Orange Flag will be raised At 1 Minute to go the Yellow Flag will drop. At Start the Orange Flag will Drop Postpone and Abandon Flags may only be displayed on the start boat. 2015 NZ Windsurf Slalom Nationals - SAILING INSTRUCTIONS - Page # 4 APPENDIX 1 - SAFETY NOTICES AND SAFETY RULES FOR COMPETITORS This event and its safety procedures are governed by the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)-Windsurfing Competition Rules (WCR) and the Notice of Race and the preceding parts of the Sailing instructions. In addition, certain rules and other safety information are set out below. You must make yourself familiar with the event safety information and safety rules. The penalty for breach of points 1, 3, 4.2, 4.5, 7 below may be disqualification from the round. A repeat infringement may mean disqualification from the event. When the Event Committee disqualifies a competitor for such an infringement it need not protest him or her. This Amends RRS. 63. Off the water 1 A tally system shall be in use to account for all competitors to ensure all have all made it ashore after racing is finished for the day or for a break in the day’s racing schedule. The tally system will be explained at the briefing and the first skippers meeting. 2 Container doors (If Applicable) – ensure they are secured in the open position so that the wind can’t move them. 3 Provisions will be made to let you tie down your rigs at the event site. Specifically: All boards and sails that are in a location making them vulnerable to being picked up by wind gusts must be tied down when unattended by you. On the water 4 If you have sustained an injury during racing or have gear damage that prevents you making your own way to shore, the rescue boat will come to your assistance. 4.1 Any competitor needing assistance shall try to signal by waving one hand. 4.2 If the race committee or its delegated representative deems any competitor to need assistance, the competitor shall accept this assistance and shall follow the directions given. 4.3 Spotters will be stationed on the start boat, rescue boat and at the event site. 4.4 The start of the next race may be delayed until the rescue boat is back on station. The postponement flag may or may not be raised in this situation depending on the likely length of the delay. 4.5 If you see a competitor in serious trouble in the water, you must stop and assist that competitor. A competitor, having provided assistance, can request redress as defined in The ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing – Windsurfing Competition Rules (WCR). 5 A rescue boat will be on station near the first gybe mark. General information 6 Competitors are entirely responsible for their own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing reduces this responsibility. It is for competitors to decide whether they and their equipment are fit to sail in the conditions. The provision of rescue boats does not relieve competitors of their responsibilities. 7 Personal buoyancy (not just a suitable wetsuit) and a helmet is mandatory for all competitors under 18 years of age as mentioned in the Notice of Race. No parental waiver will be accepted. 8 BEFORE ENTERING THE WATER Check your rigging for worn ropes, loose fittings or a cracked universal joint. AT THE BEACH Be sure of your self-rescue capabilities. Dress correctly - A wetsuit must be worn as it provides buoyancy and protection from the cold. Be aware of dehydration - drink water. Be aware of your limitations. If in doubt don't go out! 9 10 ON THE WATER Sail slowly when leaving and returning to shore to avoid running aground or colliding with others. Stay with your board no matter what happens, it is your largest buoyancy aid, if you need assistance wave one arm in the air to attract attention while hanging onto your board with your other hand. Be aware of hypothermia and leave the water if symptoms occur (shivering, numb extremities and poor co-ordination). Know the “rules of the road” in relation to other water users. If unsure ask someone on the race committee or read the WCR. REMEMBER – AVOID COLLISIONS. DON’T FORCE THE ISSUE JUST TO PROVE A POINT
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