NZ CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RACING REGISTER INC N.Z.C.M.R.R. P O Box 11-301 Ellerslie Auckland 1542 email :contact PRESENTS THE NZCMRR CLASSIC FESTIVAL Pukekohe Raceway January 30th, 31st & February 1st 2015 Important Note This is a “One-Off” event to trial the re-introduction of motorcycle events back to the Pukekohe Raceway Rider discretion and restraint will be required to ensure riders safety at this event especially over the RH corner leading on to the front straight. If you are of the “Go Hard or Go Home” school of riding then this event is not for you. Any rider judged to be over-aggressive and not within the spirit of this event will be Black-Flagged and may be excluded from the meeting. If at any stage during the running of the event there is a concern for the safety of the riders the competition side of the meeting may be shut down and it would then become a parade event only. There are no Championship Points for this event for the NZCMRR or indeed for any other club . An entry form for the above three day meeting is enclosed. Upon arrival, bring your competition licence and club membership card and helmet to sign on. Proceed to machine examination, which will be from 7.30am to 9.00am as detailed below in the supplementary regulations. Classes are as follows, but not necessarily in this order: NZCMRR Rules can be viewed on the NZCMRR Website MNZ classes are as defined in the MNZ Rulebook Chapter 25 NB some classes may be combined into a single event depending on entry numbers in each class 1. NZCMRR Rules – Pre 63 351-500cc - Pre 63 500 Clubmans, Pre 63 500 Factory Racing , Pre 63 500 Modified & Pre 76 500 Post Classic 2. NZCMRR Rules - Vintage / Pre War /Pre 63 250cc /pre76 250cc - Pre 63 250cc Clubmans, Pre 63 250 Modified & Pre 76 250c Post Classic / Juniors 3. NZCMRR Rules - Pre 63& Pre76- 501-Open -– Pre 63 Open Modified & Pre 76 Open Post Classic 4. NZCMRR Rules – Pree 63 & Pre 76 - 251-350cc - Pre 63 350 Clubmans, Pre 63 350 Factory Racing, Pre 63 350 Modified, Pre 76 350 Post Classic and Pre 63 250 Factory Racing Classes 5. NZCMRR Rules – Pre 63 & Pre 76 Sidecars 6. MNZ Rules - Post Classic- Pre 89 F1, F2 & F3 7. MNZ Rules – Post Classic Pre 82 Senior, Pre 82 Junior, pre 82 Lightweight, & Pre 82 Ultra Lightweight 8. MNZ Rules – Post Classic Pre 72 Senior, Pre 72 Junior, Pre 72 Lightweight, & Pre 72 Ultra Lightweight 9. Track Parade – if sufficient numbers SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS. ORGANISER The meeting is organised by the New Zealand Classic Motorcycle Racing Register Inc. under Motorcycling New Zealand permit no 14778. RULES The meeting will be conducted under the Manual of Motorcycle Sport of MNZ, the Technical Rules pertaining to the Classic Register and these supplementary Regulations. ENTRIES NB : Owing to this being the first meeting since the modifications to the circuit, any rider not feeling comfortable with the safety aspects of the track, may withdraw their entry either after or during practice and have 50% of their entry fee refunded. Entry fees are $240.00 for Seniors, ( 10% discount to $216 for NZCMRR members ) under 18’s free. Entries close Friday 19th December 2014 at 5:00pm. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Race Secretary, but will incur a $50.00 late entry fee. LICENCE MNZ competition licence compulsory. No Competition licence - no ride. CLUB MEMBERSHIP Membership of an MNZ affiliated club is compulsory. No proof – no ride. TIMING Sign-on and scrutineering is from 7:30am until 9.00am cut-off. Riders briefing at 9:00am and practice starts at 9.30am. REGULARITY PARADE The parade is to allow non-racing members the opportunity of 1 practice and 4 sessions on the race track. Entrants can ride either a racing machine which could be loaned for the event by a race entrant, or a suitable road machine. All machines in the parade must be presented for safety inspection, though they need not be fully race prepared. The NZCMRR Race Secretary reserves the right to accept or reject any rider or machine from this event as it sees fit. A minimum of one clearly legible number plate facing forward in the headlamp area is required. The number will be allocated with the parade acceptance form. Leather clothing and an approved crash helmet must be worn for safety reasons. Remember that these events are not races and unsuitable riding will result in exclusion. There is no prize for being the fastest, only for having the most consistent lap times. These events will suit any club member who is not competing in race events or a racer wishing to ride a machine that he has not entered into the races. The parades are run under the general MNZ rules and require a competition licence. Facility to obtain a one event licence is detailed on the payment summary form. Please note that this event is open to solo machines only. ENTERING & EXITING, PIT LANE Competitors shall only exit the pits to the circuit under the control of the Pit lane official and via the pit lane exit only. Riders shall not the cross the yellow blend line from the pit exit and are not to move onto the racing line until up to speed. Competitors found to be riding the wrong way up or down Pit Lane may be fined or excluded from the meeting. Entry to the Pit Lane is on the RH side of the straight immediately after the back straight hairpin; Competitors must move to the far right of the circuit and reduce speed and signal their intentions to leave the track without impeding other competitors in the process Once committed to entering Pit lane and a competitor has crossed to the inside of the entry blend lines that competitor MUST enter Pit Lane. NOISE EMISSION Circuit noise regulations as provided for under Rule 10-6-3. All machines are to be effectively silenced so as not to exceed 95dB(A) "ride by" measured by the official meter mounted 30m from the track centre line. Machines registering consistently in excess of the limit will be brought to the attention of the officials for action to be taken as follows: Exceeding 95 but not exceeding 98dB(A): On the first offence during the meeting the rider will be warned that this has occurred and instructed to rectify the situation. For second and subsequent infringements the machine will be black flagged from the race or practice without further warning. Exceeding 98dB(A): The machine will be black flagged from the race or practice without warning. If circumstances don’t allow the machine to be black flagged, the competitor may be excluded from the results of that practice or race. During the course of the event the club will endeavour to post lists of machines and their noise readings to assist competitors efforts in complying with these limits. REFUNDS Prior to the meeting, any entrant will be given a refund on his/her entry fee if for any reason attendance over the weekend is not possible. Notification is required in writing to the Race Secretary by Wednesday 28th January 2015 at 5:00pm. ANIMALS No dogs or pets are allowed at the meeting. – No Exceptions. ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 19TH December 2014 at 5:00pm ENTRY FORM – NZCMRR Classic Festival – 31st Jan & 1st Feb 2015. MNZ PERMIT No TBA NAME: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ADDRESS: ................................................................................................................................................................................ Email Address:............................................................................................................Racing No: ............................................... Telephone No. (H) .................................................................. (W).................................................................................. Make of Motorcycle ........................................ Model ............................. Capacity ............... Year ............... Class ............................. Make of Motorcycle ........................................ Model ............................. Capacity ............... Year ............... Class .............................. Make of Motorcycle ........................................ Model ............................. Capacity ............... Year ............... Class ............................. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: To NZ Classic Motorcycle Racing Register, Hampton Downs Motorsport Park and Motorcycling New Zealand Inc. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) I have read the Supplementary Regulations for this competition and agree to be bound by them and the General Rules of MNZ. I am aware that the sport of Motorcycle Competition might; a) cause me injury, serious or otherwise; b) damage my property. I wish to take part in the meeting despite the above risks. Neither I, nor anyone associated or connected with me will make any claim against you or your officers, employees or agents in respect of: a) any injury suffered by me; or b) any damage to any of my property regardless of how the injury of damage occurs. I will indemnify you against all claims, damages or losses (including costs) which you incur as the direct or indirect result of any injury to me or damage to my property. I am physically fit and there is no health or other reason why I should not participate in the sport of Motorcycle Competition. I am aware that this disclaimer will not affect any legal obligations you have to me which you cannot contract out of under NZ Law. I agree that in this disclaimer "my property" includes any property owned by me or in my possession or under my control. I agree that this disclaimer will be binding on my family, my heirs, my legal assigns and my administrators and executors. I accept that stripping and re-assembly for Technical Checks are at my cost. I consent to the details contained in this form being held by the NZCMRR Inc for the purpose of the promotion and benefit of the race meeting concerned, and Motorcycling in general. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. MNZ supports the FIM/IOC charter on drugs in sport. MNZ uses the services of the New Zealand Sports Drug Agency (NZSDA) to professionally carry out the testing. I acknowledge by signing this form I maybe subjected to a drug/alcohol test at any time. I agree to such testing. I further agree that my name can be published by MNZ as having taken part in a drug/alcohol test together with the result of that testing. I further certify that all information given on this form is correct. Riders Signature ............................................................................ Date ........................... Signature of parent or guardian if under the age of 16 ...................................................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sidecar Entrants Only: Passengers Name ......................................................................................................................................... Signature..................................................................................................... Signature of parent or guardian if under the age of 16 ........................................................................................................................ Summary of Programme. Friday 30th January 2015. Sign on & Machine Examination. Unofficial Practice from 1.00pm BBQ for Competitors. Saturday 31st January 2015. Sign on and Machine Examination. Official Practice. 2 Rounds of Racing - All Classes. BBQ and Prize giving for 2014 Championships. Sunday 1sth February 2015 Graded Scratch Races. 2 Rounds of Racing – All Classes. All Comers Scratch Races. BBQ and Prize giving for Festival Events. Free camping is available for competitors on Friday and Saturday nights. Hot showers are available. Campsites and campervan sites do not have power available. Details of camping sites will be provided with your postal entry acceptance pack . RACE ENTRANTS Entry Fee per rider includes 2 gate passes (Sidecar entries 3 passes) Extra gate passes. Specify number required. T-Shirts total carried over from T-Shirt Order Form . ......... @ $ 25.00 ........... @ $ 25.00 TOTAL $210.00 ........... ............ $ -------- ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** REGULARITY PARADE & SUPPORTERS Regularity Parade Entry Fee per rider – Includes 1 entry ticket Gate (extra) passes. Specify no. required T-Shirt total carried over from T-Shirt Order Form. One event competition licence (compulsory) .......... @ $ 25.00 ............ @ $ 25.00 Cheque in favour of NZCMRR herewith / please debit my credit card as below Pukekohe Festival 2015 Entry [ ][ ][ ][ ] TOTAL $_________ . Name:.......................................................................................................... Please debit my Visa or MasterCard below, or find attached my cheque for $............... [ ][ ][ ][ ] $ 140.00 ............. ............ $30.00 [ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ] Expires .........../......... Name on Card: ................................................................................................... T-SHIRTS "Special Limited Edition" T-SHIRTS ORDERED WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP AT SIGN ON OR DURING SATURDAY MORNING. NAME: ................................ RIDER'S RACING NUMBER .................. COMPETITOR Black White Black White Mens Small _____ _____ Ladies Small _____ _____ Mens Medium _____ _____ Ladies Medium _____ _____ Mens Large _____ _____ Ladies Large _____ ______ Mens X Large _____ _____ Ladies X-Large _____ ______ Mens XX Large _____ _____ PIT CREW Black White Mens Small _____ _____ Ladies Small Mens Medium _____ Mens Large Black White ______ ______ _____ Ladies Medium ______ ______ _____ _____ Ladies Large ______ ______ Mens X Large _____ _____ Ladies X-Large ______ ______ Mens XX Large _____ _____ TOTAL NUMBER OF SHIRTS _______ @ $25.00 each = $ .................... CARRY THIS TOTAL OVER TO THE APPROPRIATE PAYMENT SUMMARY PAGE. ONE MACHINE PER SHEET RIDER'S RACING NUMBER: ......... SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR SOLO ROAD RACE MACHINES & REGULARITY PARADE MACHINES – FESTIVAL 2015 NAME...................................................................................Intended Machine Class ............... Phone ............................... (H) ................................... (W) Owners Name (if not the rider) ................................................................................................................................................... Where boxes appear below, mark applicable box with an 'x' MAKE: ...........................................................Model ............................................................................. Year of Manufacture .................... Engine No. .................... Frame No. ................................ ENGINE Make.............................................Model.............................Year........................................... Bore.............................. mm Stroke Capacity Carburettor Make................................... Model.............................................. Year........................... Ignition System Make........................................ Model...................................... Year.......................... TYPE OF IGNITION Battery/Points/Coil CDI or Pointless Other (Give details) SYSTEM Magneto .............................................................................................................................................................. GEARBOX Make.................... Model................................ Year....................Number of Speeds............. FRAME Make................................................Model..................................Year............................................ FORKS Make................................................ Model.................................. Year............................................ Girder Telescopic Leading Link Other (Give Detail) .............................................................................................................................................................. BRAKES Front Hub Make................................................ Model.................................. Year........................ Front B/Plate(s)................................................ Drum Brake Type SLS TLS Disc Brake Type Single Disc Double Disc Rear Hub Make................................................ Rear B/Plate Make................................................ Drum Brake Type SLS TLS Disc Brake Type Single Disc Double Disc WHEELS Model.................................. Single Sided Year......................... Double Sided Callipers (number) ............. Pistons per Calliper Model.................................. Year......................... Model.................................. Year......................... Single Sided Double Sided Callipers (number) ............. Pistons per Calliper ............... Rim Width & Diameter Front ............................ Rear ............................. Type of Wheel Spoke Cast FUEL Clubmans Class: Pump petrol up to 100 Octane No 1 Racing Fuel Avgas Other Classes: Pump petrol up to 100 Octane No 1 Racing Fuel Avgas Methanol NITROMETHANE OR OTHER PERFORMANCE IMPROVING ADDITIVES NOT PERMITTED (MNZ RULE 10-17) DECLARATION: I hereby certify that the above details are correct and are the specifications of the machine I will ride in the race meeting to which the application refers. WARNING: The Technical committee must be notified of ANY deviation from the above specifications before the day of the race meeting. Failure to comply with this procedure will result in the machine being excluded from the meeting. Please, no surprises on the day. Machines must be presented in a Clean and Tidy State If any changes are made to the machine during the race meeting, a member of the Technical Committee must approve the changed machine before it may be ridden. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in the rider and the machine being excluded from the meeting. Riders Signature ................................................................................................ Date .................................... NZ CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE RACING REGISTER INC
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