l A monthly publication for the membership of Severn Sailing Association A Small Boat Racing Club, Established 1954 February 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMODORE’S COMMENTS UPCOMING EVENTS SSA has had multiple IT solutions hanging together with help ♥ TREASURER’S REVIEW – Thurs, Feb 5th at 7pm from our staff, IT committee and members for many years. ♥ DUTY DAY SERVICE SIGN–Up Begins Feb 9th With commercially available club-oriented packages now Use the Members site to sign-up for your preferred days. proven, robust and reasonably-priced, we are finally moving See page 6 for more information on online sign-up and forward with a selected package from ClubExpress. This included Mail-in Form on page 7. package will integrate our billing, volunteering, race ♥ REAL FOOD VALENTINE’S DINNER – Feb 14th registration and junior program on one website. The IT ♥ SSA BOOK CLUB – Tues, Feb 24th committee, BOG liaison Kim Couranz and the staff are working with the junior committee, standing race committee and the treasurer to make the transition as quick and seamless as possible for you. I can’t guarantee everything will be ready this month, but that is our goal we have a great team working to make it happen. Once we make the transition to the ClubExpress platform, you'll receive an introductory email with information on how to access and use the new system. February is our month to get ready for the 2015 sailing season and that means signing up for race committee duty and signing juniors up for summer classes. SSA is a volunteer oriented club and serving race committee is a key expression of that volunteer nature. In addition to serving the club, it serves the sailor for gaining knowledge and meeting and working with other members. We will be running the J/World Thursday night J/22 and J/24 course for the first eight week series this year (May 7 to June 25) and also scoring a few special TESODs this year so you’ll have an opportunity to serve during the week and get ½ day credits. The Junior Program will have their class list and sign-up notice out soon. Look for the four new 420s and new SSA branded Optimist sails this summer. A new class offering is “Adventure Sailing” featuring our SSA-owned J/22. Also save the date for the 4th annual junior fundraiser at the clubhouse on March 21; the first 3 have been terrific so I’m expecting nothing less. Finally, we will be paving part of the storage lot in March (exact date TBD). Look for the notice to move your boat so we can fix up the lot for you. Peter Rich, SSA Commodore See page 6 for more details. ♥ RACE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR – Feb 28th See details on page 6. ♥ JR ‘Spring Fling’ FUNDRAISER – March 21st Save the Date! Interested in being a sponsor to help support Jr. Program? See Sponsorship Letter on page 8. ♥ Windjammers of the Chesapeake Lecture Series – The Windjammers of the Chesapeake will have SSA Member, Hugh Donald at their lecture series on Feb 7th. Word has it, that this is a great one with A LOT of history in it. The series are free to attend. ♥ Winter Educational Race Training Sessions – Feb 21, 1-3pm at EYC - "Introduction to Protest Committee". Eastport Yacht Club has invited SSA Members to attend their winter educational race series. See page 6 for more details ♥ Summer Travel Team Meetings in March to review policies and the upcoming summer schedule. Laser: March 23, Optimist: March 24, 420: March 25 See page 6 for dates and fleet coordinator contacts. SIGNIFICANT NEWS ♥ Race Schedule is Included & Posted on website. ♥ Junior 2015 Summer Schedule is posted on the SSA Website. Online Registration will go live with new ClubExpress site. Contact Cole at the Jr Office at 410263-001 or [email protected] with any questions. ♥ Boat Storage Balances are DUE. $75 Late fee will be applied March 1. ♥ Best of luck to our 420 Travel Team going to 420 Midwinters in Stuart, FL Feb 14-16. Follow our junior sailors on Junior Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/severnsailingjuniors 2 A333p3333ril 2008 SSA BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING MINUTES 8 December 2014 BOG MEMBERS Present: Peter Rich (Commodore), Kim Couranz (Vice Commodore), Tip Clifton (Treasurer), Henry Thomas (Secretary), Alon Finkelstein (Fleet Captain), Jesse Falsone (Rear Commodore), Andrew Cole (Member-atLarge), David Koepper (Past Commodore) Absent: Jonathan Phillips (Member-at-Large) STAFF Present: Mike Higgin, Nan Walker MEMBERS Present: Peter Hale (SRC Chair), Henry Filter (Jr Program Chair), Pat Fitzgerald (J/24 Fleet Captain), Steve Cofer (Laser Fleet Captain); 2 others Members, Mike Murray and Paul Borssuck o o Meeting called to order - 6:30 pm at the SSA Clubhouse REVIEW OF PRIOR MONTH BOG MEETING MINUTES The minutes from the 3 November 2014 BOG meeting were approved. REVIEW OF THE 15 NOVEMBER ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES The DRAFT Minutes will be posted in the “Members Only” section of the SSA website for review and comment by the Members. o COMMODORE’S COMMENTS – Peter Rich Peter Rich welcomed the new BOG, staff, and guests. He noted that the Club is beginning a year in which we will be addressing the many changing dynamics within the sailing community as discussed at the Annual Meeting. He reminded the BOG and the Members of the need to carefully consider and follow the By-Laws and the P&Ps as many proposals come up for action, but there are “grey” areas within the By-Laws and P&Ps that the BOG will need to interpret. o NEW BUSINESS FROM GUESTS ● Laser Fleet Captain Steve Cofer requested guidance from the BOG in regards issues raised in his recent letter to the BOG about registration policies for sailors under 18 years of age. This has been a particular concern of his due to a recent increase in participation in the Lasers Frostbite Series racing. The BOG confirmed that, when obtaining liability waivers from sailors under 18 years of age, parental co-signing at the time of registration in person is required. ● His request to ask questions of procedure with regard to BOG decision-making in the AYC/USSailing Hinman event was deferred until later in the Agenda. OLD BUSINESS ● Resolve SSA commitment to AYC sponsored Hinman Team Racing event and (see SRC Report). ● Resolve outstanding member resignation on hold (See Membership Report). ● 2014 Fleet Captain Report to Members at Annual Meeting – o An analysis of the J/24 participation data from the 2014 Sailing records shows that the 2014 Fleet o February 2015 Captain’s Report at the Annual Meeting of 3.0 is in error and should be calculated at 2.7 at a maximum. Alon has double-checked the data and concurs there is an error and believes 2.7 is correct. A lengthy discussion ensued. According to the P&Ps, any Fleet failing to achieve an average of 3.0 for their scheduled events would lose its SSA sanctioned fleet status. Representatives of the J/24 Fleet were in attendance at the meeting and made a presentation addressing their difficulties in sailing within the current SSA scheduled format. The J/24 fleet stated that it was well aware that it had not met the required participation rates required by the By-Laws. The Fleet reported that it has achieved a 5-6 SSA member boat participation average in other local venues, and requests that SSA consider restructuring its regular racing schedule and Race Committee resources to accommodate weekday night racing for the J/24s This matter was referred to the Standing Race Committee and the Sailing Committee for further discussion and study. As the discussion regarding the necessity to amend the 2014 Fleet Captain’s Report continued the ByLaw requirements and precedents were noted. Also discussed was a concern that the Report may have contained other errors, and that there has been a history of inconsistent standards of reporting in past years. Whether to revisit all of the 2014 records and/or previous records was also discussed. A MOTION was made and seconded as follows: TO AMEND THE 2014 FLEET CAPTAIN’S REPORT TO REFLECT THE ERROR IN THE J/24 RESULTS ONLY AND TO CHANGE THE PARTICIPATION RATE TO 2.7. VOTE: for 0; against 5; abstain 2; recuse 1 – DEFEATED At the close of this discussion the Fleet Captain was directed to review the policies and procedures for calculating fleet participation and to propose a concise formula in advance of the 2015 season to be used each year so that such confusion can be avoided. 5 FLEET CAPTAIN REPORT – Alon Finkelstein, Fleet Captain ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● Discussion continued about “evolving plans” for accommodating J/70, J/22, J/24 desire for evening racing formats. Alon will convene meetings to study this issue further. At this time the SRC “does not see the resources”, but is studying the idea. ● The Sailing Committee is concerned that V-15 fleet members are leaving the club. In fact, there is no V-15 fleet captain at this time and Alon is serving in the interim. Alon reported that these groups of sailors are typically the “post-collegiate crowd” of younger members and that the fact that V-15 fleets, like the one at SSA, are no longer attracting these groups reflects a 3 ● ● ● A333p3333ril 2008 national trend. He noted that there are a number of sailors in a slightly older age group, including himself, who are promoting the V-15 as a family sailing boat (parent/child) and that he is hopeful of recruiting sailors for whom that type of competition is most desirable. Also, the V-15 fleet has requested the opportunity to sail in a “scored TESOD” on specifically scheduled dates and to use those events for meeting the fleet participation requirements. It was noted that the ByLaws/P&Ps do not restrict series to be counted for participation in weekend racing only. Further scheduling and discussion with the Sailing Committee and the Standing Race Committee will take place at a Jan 4 meeting and a proposal to the BOG will follow. J/70 Fleet request to hold Turkey Bowl event on 11/21 APPROVED; they have invited the J-22s to participate, but do not expect them to participate. Soling Winter Sailing request APPROVED Soling US Champs for 10/23-25 request APPROVED; exclusive use of the race course was not guaranteed but Fleet Captain will attempt to accommodate the request if possible. STANDING RACE COMMITTEE - Peter Hale, Chair ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● The “SRC is concerned with the low participation (30%) of Associate Members (mostly newer and younger Members) who participated on one or more regular season racing days, and urges the BOG to further investigate the reasons for this alarmingly low number.” ● “Cooperation with AYC on the September Hinman Cup Regatta [US Team Racing Championship] was discussed. It was reported that there is some confusion over the degree of SSA’s commitment to support this AYC event. A meeting with AYC will be scheduled this month to review planning for the event. If the BOG wants to change the level of support already offered (based on the July BOG Meeting, offering the use of the outer basin and bulkhead, outer seawall for spectators, Snack Bar, rest room facilities, but no car parking or boat storage during the event), it should be done before the planned December meeting with AYC.” ● The SRC Chair reported that he has had a number of meetings with AYC (Based on the July Meeting request that he “liaison with AYC about the Hinman”) and has made the above listed commitments to AYC. He reported that AYC was “a little disappointed” with the limits based on previous expectations. o A discussion ensued and the following was noted ○ There is confusion in the BOG and in the recorded minutes about what authorization to make commitments was given and whether there had been previous commitments made prior to discussion with the BOG at the July meeting. Regardless, Peter Hale is asking the BOG to vote to affirm any SSA commitment. February 2015 ○ Steve Cofer made comments, as a Member and as Laser Fleet Captain, and expressed concern that there had been no consultation with the Sailing Committee or with the Laser Fleet (who would normally host their annual “Crab Claw Regatta” on the weekend subject 9/26-27) about the possibility of allowing AYC to use SSA’s facilities for the Hinman event [US Team Racing Championship]; Steve noted that he has not received any specific writings as to the nature and scope of the expected activity, however, “based on a review of the same event that was held this year at the Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead, MA”, we could expect at least 72 nationally ranked sailors as well as their supporters, family and friends to be on the club grounds during the event. The first warning is likely to be at 10:00 meaning that activity at SSA is likely to begin by 9:00. Steve felt that by also holding the Crab Claw on the same weekend, which may attract 30-35 sailors, we would be hurting SSA’s ability to put our best foot forward hosting the US Team Racing Championship. For these reasons he is working with the Fleet Captain to schedule the Crab Claw on another date. He also made it clear to the BOG that he fully supports the event and recognizes this opportunity as beneficial for the long term development of SSA.” ○ Other comments were made and it was the consensus that, if the BOG approves permitting the use of SSA facilities that Timely and full notice be given to the entire membership regarding the details of the SSA commitment, and the demands being placed upon the fleets and the membership necessary to accommodate the Hinman event SSA will provide to AYC its own written and detailed statement of what uses are and are not permitted (in line with those discussed above and upon final review by the BOG) The SRC Chair will serve as the SSA Liaison with AYC and will be responsible all coordination and monitoring of SSA’s involvement in the event SSA will receive “full billing” credit for its assistance to AYC AND US Sailing in supporting this event SSA will work to “shine” as a facility and as an organization in its exposure in this event A MOTION was made and seconded as follows: TO SUPPORT THE AYC AND USSAILING HINMAN TROPHY EVENT BY AGREEING TO MAKE SSA’s FACILITIES AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO FINAL AGREEMENT ON THE DETAILS AS OUTLINED IN THE AFORESAID DISCUSSION AND FINAL APPROVAL BY THE BOG VOTE: for 7; against 1; abstain 0; recuse 0 – APPROVED 4 ● ● ● ● A333p3333ril 2008 The BOG must avoid this confusion in the future and establish protocols for dealings outside the club Fleet captain to study opportunities for SSA to directly host these types of events “The SRC OKed the concept of experiment in 2015, for Lasers and V15s to use the TESOD for their spring and/or summer series, subject to BOG approval.” A USS Basic Race Management Seminar is planned for February – details not final JUNIOR PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT – Henry Filter, Chair ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● Junior Program Capital equipment purchase proposals were reviewed. The Junior Program will submit details and quotations for final BOG approval. ● The Junior Program requests the BOG accept the donation of a Member owned J/22 for use in the Junior Program’s Adventure Sailing courses. A discussion followed. After reviewing the many issues related to the risks, costs, management, and equity associated with “club-owned” racing boats, it was generally agreed that SSA would only accept boats for which the Junior Program accepted the full responsibility of storage, maintenance, and management. And it was agreed that any other “loaner/charter for fee” boat programs required further study. A MOTION was made, and seconded as follows TO ACCEPT THE DONATION OF A MEMBEROWNED J/22 (JAMES AND BONNIE URBAN) TO BE USED BY THE JUNIOR PROGRAM FOR ITS “ADVENTURE SAILING” AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL AND RACING PROGRAMS; THE JUNIOR PROGRAM SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ASPECTS OF THE STORAGE AND OTHER COSTS, MAINTENANCE, AND MANAGEMENT OF THIS BOAT; FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY SSA SHALL BE CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT OF A PROPER SURVEY CONDUCTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF CLUB GENERAL MANAGER, MIKE HIGGINS VOTE: for 8; against 0; abstain 0; recuse 0 --APPROVED ● ● ● ● Junior Website needs full functionality for receiving registrations and payments for 2015; Kim Couranz and Cole Allsopp working on this. Whalers and other Junior assets maintenance is a problem; junior instructors have been responsible in the past; current plans are to use this time in their work schedule for “training”; alternative means discussed including organizing Member work parties. Mike Higgins and Cole Allsopp were directed to jointly prepare a list of all maintenance tasks anticipated on Junior Program assets for the 2015 season for further review and discussion. The Junior Fundraiser is now scheduled for March 21. A MOTION was made and seconded: to amend the P&Ps SECTION relating to the Junior Program; in summary, the revised language expands the “objects February 2015 and purposes” of the program, and prescribes in more detail the “responsibilities of the Junior Program Committee” in its relations with the BOG, and the Sailing Committee. The detailed language is in a 12/08/14 memo attached to the minutes. VOTE: for 8; against 0; abstained 0; recuse 0 --APPROVED MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Nan Walker, Office Manager ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● New Members approved: Steve Jahnige (Associate); Rick Welch (Associate); Rob Ranzenbach (Supporting) ● Changes: Matt Arthur (Associate to Non-Resident); John Gebhardt (Voting to Emeritus) ● Resignations: Chris Brady, Mike Brown, Craig Coltharp, Laine Haley, Cassandra Hamernick, Rob Kotler, Andres Matoso, Frank Pitelli, Ken Jacobs, William Sandberg, Matthew Iverson, Jon Guth. ● The BOG discussed its interest in working with the Membership Committee to review the Committee’s recommendations for P&Ps regarding Membership classes. OFFICE MANAGER’S REPORT – Nan Walker ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● Refer to Calendar/report for Clubhouse requests/approvals ● There appears to be excess storage capacity based on current status of storage apps ● Nan requesting volunteer help w/ Holiday Decorations and needs rsvps for Lights Parade GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT ● Fireplace repairs and restoration complete; a sign will be installed to advise on damper actions required. FACILITY COMMITTEE – Peter Rich ● No report – all current issues covered by general manager SOCIAL COMMITTEE – ● No Report IT COMMITTEE – Kim Couranz ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● BOG members and SSA staff will be testing a packaged web-site and database program as a potential solution to reinvigorating SSA’s IT infrastructure. ● SSA Facebook nearing 1K likes; be the 1000th and win a prize – look for updates on this huge opportunity! All staff and guests left the meeting before the finance report FINANCE REPORT – Tip Clifton ● A submitted written report will be archived attached to the minutes; highlights follow. ● Tip Clifton convened a meeting of the Finance Committee (Treasurer, and the chairs or designees from 5 ● A333p3333ril 2008 Fleet, Facilities, Junior, and Standing Race Committees) to initiate a long-range capital planning process for FY2015. Draft notes are attached to his report As requested at the Annual Meeting, an in-depth review of Club Finances will be conducted on either the last Thursday of January or the first Friday of February – dates to be confirmed and announced. Members ONLY may attend. 2015 Budget, new Chart of Accounts, and the Capital Allocation Schedule will be discussed. NEW BUSINESS ● Committee Appointments – The By-Laws require the Commodore to “appoint” six standing committees – Membership (minimum 3 Voting Mbrs w/ a Chair); Sailing (minimum 5 voting Mbrs chaired by BOG Member); Race Committee (minimum 5 Voting Mbrs w/ a Chair); Finance (minimum 3 Voting Mbrs chaired by Treasurer); Facilities; Junior Instruction (minimum 5 Voting Mbrs w/ a Chair. He will do so shortly. Liaison assignments were finalized- Jess Falsone- Membership; Jonathan Phillips- Facilities; Andrew Cole- SRC. Also Dave Koepper- Social/Food and Beverage Liaison. Existing committee chairs remain the same from FY14. ● Establishment of a Long Range Planning Committee discussed to be continued at January Meeting; discussion/memoranda encouraged in the interim. ● UMD contract w/ Secretary for review and to be signed shortly with billing to follow. Executive session Meeting Adjourned – 11:52pm; Next Board meeting Monday Jan 12th, 6:30pm MEMBERSHIP CHANGES Diane Burton-Supporting RESIGNATIONS Mark Boaz (A)- La, Li Dan Bowman (V)- La, V15 Carol Brown (SU) John Wrangle (N) MEMBERSHIP TALLY as of January 2015 Voting 170 JR Associate 1 Associate 65 Non Resident 37 Emeritus 39 Honorary Life 11 Supporting 30 Honorary 17 Student over 21 2 TOTAL 372 February 2015 another tie breaker for 4 and 5 between John Zseleczky and Dorian Haldeman with 12.7 points apiece. th th Series 2 of Frostbiting began on January 18th and it was a weird first day with rain, fog, light breeze, honking breeze, 180 degrees shift, and beautiful clouds. Please remember, you must register (again) for Series 2. There were a bunch of sailors on the course the first day that were not registered and consequently did not get scored. You don't get scored if you don't register! Don’t let that happen to you. Sign up and join the funl! Winter sailing is the best here in the Chesapeake and as we get part way through the series, we suddenly realize that spring sailing is not far away. Mid Atlantic Laser Frostbite Challenge Regular Frostbite action took a break the weekend of January 24-25 for the Frostbite Challenge in conjunction with the InterClub Mid-Winter event. Despite threatening forecasts of snow it was two great days of sailing with a party Saturday night. With a format similar to collegiate sailing, each boat is shared among sailors from two divisions who form a team for scoring purposes. The A Division sailors raced three races while the B Division watched from the deck, then the B Division sailors jumped in the boat and raced while the A Division filled up on hot chili and warmed up by the fire. Finishes are then combined to place the “team.” Alternating between racing and socializing builds the camaraderie and allows sailors a chance to warm-up. Top honors in the full rigs went to the father son team of Dave Schoene and Matt Schoene; second was the team of Christian Filter and Phillip Schoefield; and third Tim Herzog and Scott Williamson. In the radial fleet top honors went to Ainsley Parramore and Dorian Haldeman; Chris Young and JR Futcher were second; and Ed John and Tori Gibbs were third. FLEET NEWS Laser Fleet News Frostbiting The Laser Frostbite season is in full swing. The last day of the first series was January 11th and the turnout was great. You had to sail in at least half of the race days to be included in the final scoring. Twenty five full rigs and eight radials qualified. In the full rigs it was as close as it gets, Luke Shingledecker won the series with 8 points followed by Gavin O’Hare 2nd – 9, Chris Brady 3rd – 10, Bryan Fishback 4th – 11 and Dave Schoene in 5th with 12 points. In the radial fleet it was almost as competitive for the top spots. Leo Boucher was a monster with bullets across the board. It was a tie breaker for 2nd and 3rd between Chris Young and Russ Wesdyk with 11.3 points apiece and Christopher Young makes the windward rounding with Ainsley Parramore trailing close. Phil Schofield in the Full Rig at the offset making the offset mark as the wind fluctuated off the academy wall. Photo by: JuneRose JR Futcher It was the first Laser Frostbite Challenge and based on the great sailing, camaraderie, good food, and really great party we will do it again next year. 6 A333p3333ril 2008 InterClub Midwinters Nine teams in two divisions of the double-handed InterClub boats competed in team format for the fleet’s annual Midwinter event hosted by SSA. The winning team of Jay Rhame (A) and Ted Farranone (B) posted top 5 finishes in ten races worth a combined score of 51 points. Close behind was the team of Paul Jon Patin (A) and Pedro Lorson (B) with a score of 58 combined points. This event is always a popular event among the IC fleet with the great venue, great food, and great camaraderie InterClubs parade downwind from windward mark in annual MidWinter event. Photo by: JuneRose JR Futcher SSA BOOK CLUB Tuesday Feb. 24th at 7pm. Join Us to Discuss Muskrat: A Surprise Bid for the America's Cup, by Douglas Hanks. It is a fictional story about hte Eastern Shore town of Oxford, MD organizing a bid for the America's Cup. Come join us for a lively discussion, great food and beverages. RSVP to Social Committee Chair Dorian Haldeman ([email protected]). Didn’t read the book? No problem. Come anyway! Enjoy a beverage and lively discussion with your SSA sailing friends WINTER EDUCATIONAL RACE TRAINING SESSIONS "Introduction to Protest Committee" Saturday, Feb 21 1-3pm. This session will be geared to be something more from a competitor's perspective: how and when to protest, what to expect from the process, and how to help make it all fair. It will be immediately followed by a Racing Rules seminar, 3:00-5:00 p.m which will be a participatory session reviewing the basic RRS regarding when boats meet, combined with a more in-depth look at rules specific to mark roundings, starting, and finishing. Learn which rules apply when and how they affect your rights and responsibilities at crucial times on the racecourse. Must sign-up in advance with EYC. http://eastportyc.org/on-the-water/racing/30-on-the-water-/racinghighlights-right/1079-race-committee-winter-training JUNIOR TRAVEL TEAMS Summer Travel Team Parent Meetings to review the policies and the upcoming summer schedules: Laser: Monday, March 23 at 6:30pm Optimist: Tuesday, March 24 at 6:30pm 420: Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30pm February 2015 For general information or questions, please contact the 2015 summer fleet coordinators: Laser: Liz Filter [email protected] Optimist: Bell Carty [email protected] 420: Marina Schofield [email protected] DUTY DAY SIGN-UP The 2015 Open Period for Duty Day Sign-up will run from February 9 through March 25. This is your opportunity to sign-up for duty days of your choice. Go to www.severnsailing.org, then the Members Only tab. Clicking on your name, then go to the bottom of your personal record and click on “Duty Days”, then select the events in which you are interested. You can also go to “Reports/Duty Roster by Week”, to see the full 2015 schedule, and who has already sign-up for which events. Both sites will show events with unfilled and available days. You can also complete and mail the Duty Day form enclosed with this eSSAy to the club office. SSA is a volunteer organization, and proud of its record of Member Service. Members are expected to serve their required number of days. Buy Outs, at $75/day, are available for Members with health issues, assignments away from the area, etc. But if you are able-bodied, and in the area during the season, we need you to serve on our Race Committees or Work Parties – if too many Members opt for Buy Outs, we will not be able to run the full schedule of planned events. Take advantage of the Open Period to sign-up for your Duty Days – at the end of the Open Period, unfilled Race Committee and Work Party slots will be filled by lottery by Members who have not committed to serve their required number of days and. Members are responsible for serving these days and/or finding substitutes. One-Day Basic Race Management Seminar Saturday, February 28th SSA will host a US Sailing RC Seminar which provides training and education necessary to run safe, efficient, quality events that SSA is known for JOIN THE SSA RC TEAM! Schedule: 8am-5:30pm (donuts, coffee and lunch is provided) Principle Instructor - Sandy Grosvenor Topics: RC objectives, responsibilities, SIs, jobs, equipment, setting course, starting system, penalties, finishing, and scoring. Certification Test at conclusion is optional. Member Cost: ONLY $20 - SSA is covering the USS $25/person fee to help build our TEAM. Questions: Contact Juliet Thompson—email: [email protected] 7 A333p3333ril 2008 February 2015 2015 SSA MEMBER SERVICE DAYS Sign Up Starts Feb 9th March 25th is the deadline for regular duty signups ~ NO EXCEPTIONS Number of days required per membership category: Associate, Voting: 3 days Student over 21, Supporting: 2 days Junior Associate: 1 day • You may choose race committee and/or work parties dates (spaces are limited) Note Comments: Scored TESOD and J World Thursday Night events only account for ½ a duty day each Some summer events start at 1:00pm, with 4:30 cut-off for starting new race Schedule is subject to change. Check the SSA website www.severnsailing.org for definitive schedule. • • • Spring Work Party Days: Saturday-Sunday March 7, 14, 21-22, 28-29 You may also opt to "Buyout" for $75.00 per day. Include Buy Out payment along with written request. PRO and Vice CHAIR Positions – If you wish to sign up for a PRO or Vice Chair position, please contact Peter Hale or SSA office as cannot sign-up through online. After March 25th, Members who have not committed to all their required service days will be randomly assigned to remaining open race days slots Members will be held responsible for any unfulfilled days and scheduled to additional Work Parties and/or billed $100/day at end of Membership year. ***** The fine for not fulfilling your assigned dates or ‘No Show’ is $150 per day ***** Race Committee/Work Party Signup Deadline March 25th -- NO EXCEPTIONS ONLINE SIGN-UP: Go to SSA Website www.severnsailing.org, Click on ‘Members Only’ to access members site for Sign Up ‘Duty Day’ link is at the bottom of your member page – Remember to ‘Save’ after selection ** PLEASE check your member page to confirm your dates selected before exiting site Or Send to: SSA, 311 First St. Annapolis, MD 21403 E-mail: [email protected], Drop off in SSA Office Box, or Fax: 888-248-8691 Day 1: ____________________________ NAME: ______________________________________ Day 2: ____________________________ NAME: ______________________________________ Day 3: ____________________________ NAME: ______________________________________ Additional Day: _____________________ NAME: ______________________________________ Optional Buyout: Number of Days @ $75 per day: _____ Must include payment along with your written request by deadline COMMENTS: 8 A333p3333ril 2008 February 2015 Severn Sailing Association Junior Program 2015 Spring Fundraiser Sponsorship Attention Sponsors! Here is a great opportunity to advertise your business to the sailing community of the Chesapeake Bay area and beyond! The Severn Sailing Association is creating a commemorative T-shirt for this year’s junior sailing programs, featuring the company names and logos of our sponsors (see sign-up form below). The t-shirts will be given to summer camp participants, and sold to additional children and adults at our spring fundraiser, and throughout the year. These “walking advertisements” will be worn by potentially 500+ current and future Chesapeake Bay area boat owners, and will be seen by countless more! This is a fantastic marketing opportunity for any business owner wishing exposure to the sailing/boating community! The SSA Jr. Program strives to maintain accessible and affordable programs, providing opportunities for area youth interested in learning to sail, from basic recreation to Olympic aspiration. This year’s spring fundraiser event has been dedicated to replacing the fleet of Club 420 sailboats, used by both the high school and summer camp participants. Continuing to serve the community at the highest standard requires both safe and up-to-date equipment. Sponsorship from local businesses such as yours helps to make this possible! Sponsor Level: (please circle your choice) • $250 (company name on back of t-shirt) • $500 (company name and logo on back of t-shirt) • $1000 (company name and logo on sleeve of t-shirt. Note: only 2 spots available!) Sponsor Company Name (as you want it to appear on t-shirt): _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone/email: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Every sponsor will receive a complimentary t-shirt! Please indicate size: S M L XL Make checks payable to: SSA Juniors Please contact Bell Carty: [email protected] for more information, and to submit your logo design. The SSA Junior Program thanks you for your generous support! 9 A333p3333ril 2008 February 2015 2015 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Name Liaison to Phone Peter Rich Junior Program 410-350-6491 Kim Couranz IT Committee 410-268-1357 Jesse Falsone Membership 443-223-9733 Henry Thomas 609-273-3723 Tip Clifton Finance 443-527-0007 Alon Finkelstein Sailing 410-295-3823 Dave Koepper Snack Bar 410-987-4506 Andrew Cole Standing RC 410-206-3577 Jonathan Phillips Facilities 757-333-1423 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Phone SSA Committees Name Facilities Committee Mike Beer 410-570-2237 Finance Committee Tip Clifton 443-527-0007 Junior Committee Henry Filter 410-991-9063 Membership Committee Sandy Westphal 410-268-8454 Race Committee Peter Hale 410-643-1104 Sailing Committee Alon Finkelstein 407-948-6141 IT Committee John Gebhardt 410-263-8200 Social Committee Dorian Haldeman 410-703-3401 FLEET CAPTAINS Club Fleets Name Phone Day Sailer Chris Lewton 202-306-4726 505 Bryan Richardson 202-361-0224 InterClub Chris Brady 401-474-1102 J-22 Jason Goscha 443-413-4470 J-70 Rhett Christensen 801-835-5571 Laser Steve Cofer 410-693-9071 Laser Radial Dorian Haldeman 410-703-3401 Lightning Joan Hurban 410-923-2497 Snipe Chris Ryan 410-703-8935 Soling Andy Dize 443-822-9431 Thistle James McKenna 301-787-4045 Vanguard 15 Mike Brown 407-556-4114 Open Fleets Jet 14 Eric Johnson 202-544-9242 Johnson 18 Rob Murphy 215-650-7996 J-24 Pat Fitzgerald 443-838-4095 Star Elliot Oldak 410-268-0162 STAFF Position Name Phone/Email General Manager Mike Higgins 410-991-1383 / [email protected] Office Manager Nan Walker 410-268-8744 / [email protected] Junior Program Director Cole Allsopp 410-263-0071 / [email protected] Snack Bar/Caterer Operators Betka Yates 410-212-5061 / [email protected] John Miller 410-212-6921 / [email protected] Website John Gebhardt 410-263-8200/ [email protected] Weekend / RC Contact Mike Higgins 410-991-1383 / [email protected] Office Hours: Monday- Friday 9:00-am-3:00pm Fax Line # 888-248-8691 Office Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Treasurer Fleet Captain Past Commodore Member at Large Member at Large eSSAy Editor - Anne White. All submissions need to be to submitted by the 20th of each month to [email protected]
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