Steubenville Are you looking for an opportunity to meet new people, learn more about yourself, and, most importantly, grow deeper in your relationship with God? Come to Steubenville Atlantic 2015! Steubenville Atlantic is our annual high school youth conference. Steubenville Atlantic is a weekend conference featuring amazing speakers, dynamic talks, and radical encounters with Christ through the sacraments. You’ve never seen Sunday Mass like this before! It’s a chance to learn and grow in a fun, high energy environment. Steubenville Atlantic is for everyone – for those who are searching for God, and those who have already found Him. To learn more about this year’s conference, watch the promo video, and register online, visit, SteubenvilleAtlantic SteubenvilleATC. When: July 3-5, 2015 Where: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Cost: $225 – or register before March 31 to save $25! Encounter Atlantic Young Adult Conference: Faith doesn’t have to end when high school youth group ends. Do you feel like you’re the only person on your campus or workplace interested in your faith? You’re not alone! Join us at Encounter Atlantic, a Steubenville Young Adult conference for ages 19-29 this summer in Halifax. Meet other young people who are trying to live as Catholics in the world, and find out how to include God in your life... wherever you are. Encounter will feature dynamic speakers, great music, interactive breakouts, socials and entertainment, and, of course, opportunities to come together as a community of prayer. This conference is specifically for you as a Catholic young adult and will be different from the high school conferences – but it will be every bit as powerful! Whether you’re new to the faith or you’ve been here all your life, come take the next step with us. You won’t regret it. WHEN: July 3-5, 2015 COST: $200 on campus; $130 off campus On Campus Registration closes June 1, 2015 Off Campus Registration closes June 19, 2015 Welcome to the new Halifax-Yarmouth News Service! Today we begin a new journey in our archdiocesan communications as we issue the first edition of our Halifax-Yarmouth News Service. In many of our consultations during our process of Transformation clear communications throughout the Archdiocese was highlighted as a key need. One way we hope to answer this need is through this News Service ‒ as well as an archdiocesan monthly journal. This News Service aims to become a valued means to share in a timely manner what is happening in the life of our local church. Halifax-Yarmouth News Service needs your News! This News Service is reflective of the life and times of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. Thus we need news from you! Parishes, religious congregations, ecclesial movements, and groups affiliated with the Archdiocese are invited to send us updates, information and news that they would like shared with the whole Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. Submissions can be forwarded to the Communications Office at any time and will be published at the relevant time as determined by the editor. Should you wish your item to be posted on a particular date please ensure that you submit the information no less than 10 days prior to your desired publish date. Submissions must be sent electronically to :[email protected] . An submission form for Events can be found on the archdiocesan website. Please note that this is a form that must be printed off and filled out then sent to the Communications Office through the same email above. To see a copy of the Guidelines for Submissions to the Halifax-Yarmouth News Service please see the website. 4 1 February, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary St. Agnes Parish 6903 Mumford Road, Halifax NS B3L 2H4 902-454-8200 fax 902-455-3831 Website: email: [email protected] Weekday Masses: Wed. & Fri . 12:10 pm Tue & Thu 8:00am Saturday: 4:00pm (anticipated) Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am Confessions: Saturdays 3pm – 3:30pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wed - 10-12 Pastor : Father Paul Morris Email: [email protected] Rev. Raymond Odumuko, Assistant Priest Email: [email protected] Pastoral Associate: Annie Kulczycki email : [email protected] Religious Ed. Dir: Tanya Thomson Direct ph # (454-8281) or [email protected] Music Coordinator: Gregory Doyle 902-488-0794 Office Administrator: Marlene Turpin Parish Office Hours: 7:00am – 3:00pm St. John the Baptist Parish 26 Purcell Cove Road, Halifax NS. B3N 1R4 902-477-3110 fax: 902-407-2419 Weekday Mass: Tue ,Thurs & Fri 9am; Wed 7pm Saturday: 4:00pm (anticipated) Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00am Confessions: Sat 3– 3:45pm & by appointment Pastor : Father Paul Morris Rev. Raymond Odumuko, Assistant Priest Religious Education Tish Sachetti 902-407-2419 or [email protected] Financial—Susan Hann (477-3362) Email: [email protected] Marriages: by appointment only. 1 year notice must be given. Please contact the office. Baptisms: Take place on the last Sunday of every month. Please Contact the office. RCIA: Please contact Fr. Paul Morris 454-8200. Hall Bookings: St Agnes call Marlene 454-8200 St. John the Baptist call Susan 477-3362. From Fr. Paul’s Desk… “Among the wonderful technological discoveries which men of talent, especially in the present era, have made with God's help, the Church welcomes and promotes with special interest those which have a most direct relation to humans minds and which have uncovered new avenues of communicating most readily news, views and teachings of every sort. The most important of these inventions are those media which, such as the press, movies, radio, television and the like, can, of their very nature, reach and influence, not only individuals, but the very masses and the whole of human society, and thus can rightly be called the media of social communication.” These words come from Vatican II in the Decree on Mass Media (Lat. ‘Inter Mirifica’), which was issued on December 4, 1963. The Council, like most others at the time, could barely have imagined where we would be today! It has been said that the invention of the internet is as significant as the Model-T was in 1908 – it has changed society itself. There is still a role for print media, of course, but the trend is moving decidedly toward online publication and sharing of information. It is a time of transition in our society and our diocesan church. With the decision of the archdiocese to end publication of the weekly bulletin and instead move into online information sharing, I want to assure everyone that we will be continuing to publish a printed weekly bulletin. Yet the parishes of St. John the Baptist and St. Agnes also develop a more comprehensive online presence through consideration of all available means of social media platforms (Facebook Twitter, websites, etc.) so that we are reaching the increasingly large number of people whose normative manner of learning and communicating is “online.” These two ways are complimentary and not opposed to one another. They will be questions the parishes will vision and look at in the near future. Transformation III—Lenten Series: St. Agnes Leo Day Auditorium. 5 sessions beginning Tuesday February 24, 2015 from 6-8pm. Please join both St Agnes and St John the Baptist Communities for a meal, video presentation and an opportunity to share in small groups. Babysitting will be available, please register online or fill out a registration form and drop it in the collection. There are copies of the pastoral letter available at the entrance of the church. 1 Religious Education News: Little Church > Big Help – Our Little Church collections continue to make a big difference. The Saint Agnes children’s collection covers education, board and care for Josephine and Gorreth at St. Teresa’s Girls School in Kisubi, Uganda. These girls are considered total orphans and our care has given them the opportunity to live a safe and productive life under the care of the Sisters at the school. Our Little Church has also been able to send funds to help support the families in the village of Kamakwie, Serra Leone. These families are very poor and now have 52 orphans from the Ebola outbreak. Our collections help buy rice, provide health care and education for the children. Our Saint Agnes children are reaching out as little blessings in a huge way. Thank you for your pray-full support and contributions. Saint Agnes First Reconciliation Parent Meeting – Sunday Feb. 1st 9:40am, please meet in the church. At this parent meeting we will talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the preparation outline and what to expect on sacrament day. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please let Tanya know so that you receive the meeting material. All Ages Cape Breton Ceilidh – Saturday Feb.7th 6:00pm – 9:00pm in the St. Agnes Leo Day Auditorium. Instructional Square Sets, Open Talent Showcase, Step dance Showcase, Music provided by: CASSIE and MAGGIE MACDONALD, with guest fiddler and pianist CELINE and DANELLE DOUCET. Admission $7, Family Rate $20, Children under 5 free. There’s a great CANTEEN and 50/50. Adult accompaniment required for children under 16, Smoke Free ~ Alcohol Free. This is wonderful family fun for all ages !! Saint Agnes Rite of Enrolment for Confirmation Youth – Sunday Feb.8th at the 10:30am Mass. Candidates preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation will be introduced to our Parish Community. Our Parish Family will be asked to accept a prayer card and pray for our youth and their families as they continue preparations to be Confirmed in Christ on May 24th 2015. ARK Sunday Suppers for the Homeless – Saint Agnes & Saint John the Baptist are scheduled to provide 16 SHEPHERD’S PIE Casseroles Sunday March 15th. If you are able to donate a casserole kindly let Tanya know at 902-454-8281 or [email protected] We are called to care for our brothers and sisters, Thank You for helping to provide a nutritious, warm meal for those who are cold and hungry. St. John The Baptist Religious Education program will be sponsoring the HMCS Fredericton by sending monthly care packages. We will be selling 50/50 tickets as our first fundraiser following the 9am Mass. For More info contact Tish@ 902-407-2414 St John The Baptist for those who are enrolled for the Sacraments of 1st Communion and Confirmation, certified copies of the children's Baptismal Certificates are needed as soon as possible. St. John The Baptist—is looking for Catechists for the 2015/2016 year. If you are interested please contact Tish at 902-407-2414 or [email protected]—as well we are also looking for Altar Servers, If interested please contact Tish. Our 4th Annual GIRLS NIGHT OUT will take place Friday, February 6, 2015 at St Agnes Parish, Msgr Leo Day Auditorium. Tickets are $15 and are available at our Parish Office or call 454-8200 #3 for further information. Each year we ask for donations of ladies items for our Girls Night Out Raffle. So if you received a gift this year that you already had….please feel free to donate it to us!! We are accepting donations from now until January 25th!! Call Annie 902-454-8200 #3 or drop off at the Parish Office. St. Agnes Women Walking with Christ 2nd Movie Night. Sunday February 15th 6-8:30 pm in the St. Agnes room .Movie is “Giver”. So Ladies bring a blanket, wear comfortable clothing slippers even. We supply the popcorn. Please Note: St. John The Baptist: Parishioners are advised that the 2014 Income Tax receipts are available this weekend in the foyer of the church. If there are any questions regarding the receipts please contact Susan @ 902-477-3362 or 2 Men’s Prayer Breakfast at St Agnes March 14th , all men are invited and bring your son, grandson or a friend with you to join in faith and fellowship. We will begin with Mass at 8:30pm, followed by a MAN-SIZED Breakfast. Following the Breakfast Phil Brown from St Michael’s In Spryfield will share his faith journey with you. Tickets are $15 and are available in the St Agnes Parish office. The caterer will need a head count please get your ticket or reserve it as soon as possible. St. John The Baptist CWL: - We need women or men who would like to cook for Hope Cottage once a year. Recipes provided. Please contact Sylvia @ 902 477-0755. St John The Baptist CWL – Do your bit for the environment. There is a container in the church porch to collect pop top pull tabs and plastic bread clips. These are used to provide rulers to third world schools and wheel chairs “The Halifax Metro Women’s Inter-Church Council will hold their 2015 World Day of Prayer Service at 2:00pm on Friday, March 6 (storm date will be March 13) at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 3311 Ashburn Avenue, Halifax. The service this year has been written by the women of the World Day of Prayer Committee of The Bahamas with the theme “Jesus said to them, “Do You Know What I Have Done to You?”. Our guest speaker will be Reverend Michael Koslowski, B.A., M.Div., Minister, Calvin Presbyterian Church. lease join us and invite your friends and family as we unite with our fellow Christians in more than 170 countries around the world and 2,000 communities across Canada who will gather on the World Day of Prayer to pray and act in solidarity Employment opportunities in the Archdiocese of Halifax -Yarmouth are listed on the Human Resources page of the archdiocesan website. Click Human Resources which can be found under the Archdiocesan Office tab. Job postings are updated on a regular basis.with the people of The Bahamas. A reception will follow the service. All Are Welcome. Mass to celebrate Wold Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life and the Year of Consecrated Life: This year has been designated by the Holy Father as the Year of Consecrated Life. Catholics all over the world are asked to recognize in a particular way the ministry and service of the men and women who have answered the call to consecrated life. Many communities of faith have been blessed by their presence and example of faith. As the community of the Church of Halifax-Yarmouth we want to also recognize, give thanks, and pray for the many women and men who live this vocation in our local area. Join members of these communities and Archbishop Anthony Mancini on Monday, February 2 for the 12:15pm Mass at Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica in Halifax. This Mass is an event to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life and will honor women and men who live in consecrated life and pray for young people who are discerning this vocation. A reception will follow in the Cathedral Hall. This a great opportunity to meet members of these communities and thank them personally for their witness. All are welcome! The communities of consecrated women and men that provide pastoral ministry in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth are: Religious Congregations of Women Congregation of Notre Dame (CND) Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint Joseph (r.h.s.j.) Religieuses Notre-Dame dur Sacré-Cœur (n.d.s.c.) Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) Sisters of Charity (SC) Sisters of St. Martha (Antigonish) (CSM) Sisters of St. Martha (Charlottetown) (CSM) Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (EHJ) Religious Congregations of Men Companions of the Cross (CC) Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) Salvatorians (SDS) Society of Jesus (SJ) Public Associations of the Faithful Franciscans of Halifax ”Employment opportunities in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth are listed on the Human Resources page of the archdiocesan website. Click Human Resources which can be found under the Archdiocesan Office tab. Job postings are updated on a regular basis. New opportunities have just been added, check it out. 3
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