ABINGTON PRESBYTERIAN LIFE February 1, 2015 CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 AM AGE/GRADE ROOM Birth– 2 year olds 110-112 2 & 3 year olds 222 4 yr & Pre-K 221 TEACHER Childcare Amy Beck & Sue Parsons Carolyn Pitcairn TOPIC Childcare Jesus Stills the Storm Lost Sheep Pick Up 110-112 222 221 K & 1st Grade STAY IN WORSHIP XXX 2nd & 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th-6th Grade STAY STAY Room 70 IN IN Bob Cardewell WORSHIP WORSHIP The Gospels & Acts XXX XXX XXX ADULT EDUCATION (Sundays @ 8:45) FORUM—in the Parlor (room 113): Feb 1, 8 & 15—Christians Engaging Israel led by Lee Bowie and John Miller February 1--Jewish Peoplehood and Response to Jewish Exile PER CAPITA APPORTIONMENT FOR 2015 The Per Capita Apportionment for 2015 is $25.27. This amount is per member, not per family. Kindly include this amount in your annual giving. Thank you. February 8--Christian Response to Jewish Exile February 15--Beyond the Conflict--Hope BIBLE STUDY—in the Annex (room 108): Dr. Stephen Kim leads a study of Samuel. SOUPER BOWL SUNDAY Once again, we will be collecting money and soup to celebrate Superbowl Sunday TODAY! Make it a Super day for those who have less. Youth from our Confirmation Class will be collecting money in soup pots following worship. Welcome our part-time Bridge Pastor Rev. James H. Lappen Born in Philadelphia and raised in Delaware County. Graduate of Penn State University, Princeton, Fuller and Eastern Baptist Seminaries. Served churches in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Utah and Texas. Served as Associate Executive for Finance and Church Development for the Synod of the Sun and as Interim Associate Executive for Congregational Ministry for the Presbytery of Philadelphia. He is currently serving as the Moderator for the Southwest region for the Commission on Congregations and Leadership of the Presbytery of Philadelphia. He lives with his wife, Barbara, in Swarthmore. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Our monthly Grief Support Group will be held in the Church Library this Thursday afternoon from 2:00 – 3:30 pm, led by our Parish Associate, Rev. Christine Bruce. Please contact the church office or Rev. Bruce at (215) 620-8091, for more information. Congregational Potluck Date: Sunday, Febr uar y 8, 2015 Time: 11:30am to 1:00pm Place: Par ish Hall RSVP: No need A-M— salads/entrees N-Z— cut fruit/desserts Look forward to seeing you all there! Contact Carolyn Ming at [email protected] or 215-512-4145 if you have any questions. THIS WEEK AT APC Office Hours M-Thu 8:30-4:30 pm SUNDAY February 1 8:00am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm 8:30pm MONDAY February 2 TUESDAY February 3 WEDNESDAY February 4 THURSDAY February 5 FRIDAY February 6 SATURDAY February 7 Simple Gifts Worship & Communion (115) Adult Forum (113) Bible Study Class (108) Confirmation Class (70) Jr.High Church School (72/74) PresbyKids Senior High Dialogue (71) Celebration Worship & Communion Pre-School Church School Blood Pressure Screening (Chapel) Coffee Hour (115) The LOFT Setup (all downstairs rooms) 5:00pm Chapel choir Super Bowl: Youth Fellowship (72/74) Verse by Verse Bible Study (offsite) 9:00am 11:00am 7:15pm 7:30pm The Loft (all downstairs rooms) Older Adult Committee Mtg. (108) Boy Scouts (Rec. Room, 70, 72/74) Orchestra 8:30am 9:00am 12:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm Memorial Gifts Committee (108) The Loft (all downstairs rooms) Tuesday Noon Organ Recital New Directions Support Meeting (115) Children’s Ministry Meeting (108) Festive Ringers PW Book Club (offsite) Stewardship Council (101) Celebration Ringers 7:45am 9:00am 9:30am 9:30am 4:10pm 4:15pm 5:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Wednesday Morning Bible Study (113) The Loft (all downstairs rooms) Yoga Class (113) ** APNS @ The Library (116) Joyful Bells Chime Choir Crusader Choir Worship & Music Council (108) Youth Ministry Committee Meeting (70) 9:00am 2:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:30pm The Loft (all downstairs rooms) Grief Support Group Meeting (116) Webelos 2 Den Meeting (Rec. Room) Chancel Choir Oratorio Choir 9:00am 10:30am 12:30pm 5:00pm The Loft (all downstairs rooms) Civic Club Luncheon Setup (115) Civic Club Luncheon (Parish Hall) Senior High Mission Weekend All day Senior High Mission Weekend SUNDAY February 8 8:00am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 8:45am 9:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 11:30am 11:30am 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 8:30pm All day Senior High Mission Weekend Simple Gifts Worship & Communion (115) Adult Forum (113) Bible Study Class (108) Confirmation Class (70) Jr.High Church School (72/74) Presby Kids The Loft (all downstairs rooms) Celebration Worship Pre-K to 6th Church School Coffee Hour (115) Potluck Luncheon (115) Town Hall Meeting (Ruth Santana) (115) Jr/Sr High Youth Fellowship Youth Fellowship Dinner (115) Chapel Choir Interim Pastor Search Comm. Mtg. (108) Verse by Verse Bible Study (offsite) ** denotes use of church facilities by outside groups URGENT APPEAL! We are in urgent need for bus drivers who would be willing to transport our older adult members to services on Sundays and special church events, to and from Rydal Park. Candidates must be under 70 years of age, pass an online test and possess a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license. If you are able to help, please call the Church Office (215) 887-4530. A New Project for the New Year If you’re ready for a new opportunity for service why not join me on the Faith and Action Committee of theVillage – formerly known as Presbyterian Children’s Village. The group is made up of representatives from local Presbyterian churches and other organizations. theVillage serves at-risk teenage girls at their residential facility in Rosemont and needy families in southwest Philadelphia at the Preheim Center. The committee serves as a way to communicate with the churches and organizations that support them and also to coordinate projects such as the Backpacks we fill each fall and the families we adopt at Christmas. Please join me in this worthwhile endeavor; it only requires four meetings a year on Saturday morning from 9 to 11AM. Call me at 610-831-5995. Ruth Miller, Mission Council Abington Presbyterian Women Welcome You! APC offers groups and activities for women of all ages. Contact Carolyn Pitcairn ([email protected]) or Christina Lukens ([email protected]) to find out more about options for spiritual growth, fellowship or mission. PW Churchwide Gathering: “One Body and One Spirit”, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, June 18-21, 2015. Keynotes, workshops, worship, resources, fair trade shopping, fellowship. An amazing, inspiring, renewing event! All women are welcome! $395 per person plus travel and hotel. SIGN UP NOW! Contact Joyce McCormick ([email protected]). Parenting Workshop: Co-sponsored by MYKids and Abington Presbyterian Nursery School, and presented by the Center for Parenting Education of Abington. “It’s OK to Sit Down: Getting Your Needs Met as a Parent”. Tuesday, February 10, 7:00 PM arrival (program runs from 7:30 PM to 8:30PM in the Parish Hall). No fee for this program. All are welcome. Contact Jennie Colt ([email protected]). Labyrinth Ministry Advocacy Group: Walking a labyrinth can benefit mind, body and spirit. Check out the labyrinth painted on the parking lot surface by the Education Building and Church Street, available to members of the church and community. Contact Tink McDevitt ([email protected]). Circle Meetings: Dorcas: Tuesday, Feb 17 at 7:30 PM at Ginny Murray’s home ([email protected]) w Miriam: Monday, Feb 23 at 9:30 AM in the Church Parlor. Contact MM Harris ([email protected]) w Sarah: Monday, Feb 9 at 1:00 at Rydal Park in the Sun and Social Room on the sixth floor of Hillside. Contact Barbara Miller at [email protected] or Betty Graf ([email protected]). Interest Group Meetings: Book Group: Tuesday, February 3, 7:30 PM; a discussion of The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd. Hosted by June Perry. Contact Ilene Fey ([email protected]) w MYKids: Tuesday, February 10 – a parenting workshop co-sponsored by Abington Presbyterian Nursery School and presented by the Parenting Center of Abington: “It’s OK to Sit Down: Getting Your Needs Met as a Parent”. Feb 10, 7:00 PM arrival (program runs from 7:30 PM to 8:30PM in the Parish Hall). Contact Jennie Colt ([email protected]). w Prayer Shawl Ministry: Feb 18 from 7-8:30pm in Room 108 and/or Feb 19 from 9:30-11:00 am in Room 108. BYO needles and yarn. Contact Mary Stock ([email protected]) w Women’s Fellowship: Monday, Feb 23 at 7:30 PM at the home of Donna Hoffman. Contact Allison Boise ([email protected]). PW Coordinating Team Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 24 at 7:30 PM in Room 108. Face to Face: Mission Saturday 3/21: Opportunity for adults and/or youth to help chop vegetables and serve lunch for people in need in Germantown. Volunteer for 9 am-12 noon OR 11:30 am—2:00 pm Questions or to sign up Contact Joanne Maransky— [email protected] Flapjacks with Feiler On February 21, 2015 at 8:00 a.m. the Theological Book Club will be meeting in the Parkside building at Rydal Park to discuss Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths by Bruce Feiler, author of the "This Life" column about contemporary families for the Sunday New York Times, as well as the writer/ presenter of the PBS series "Walking the Bible" and the forthcoming "Sacred Journeys with Bruce Feiler." In "Abraham", Feiler uncovers the defining yet divisive role that Abraham plays for half the world's believers. We encourage you to read this book and join us in a provocative discussion. The book is available on Amazon.com. If you have any questions contact Tom Wamser at 215 576-5586 or at [email protected]. WINTER WEATHER EMERGENCIES In the last few years we have had severe snow storms that have caused the closing of the church for activities and even worship. We are reluctant to cancel worship and you can assume that unless there is a snow emergency worship will continue. When we close the facility for any activity we will send the information to television Channel 3, 6 and the Fox network; radio, KYW. A safe rule of thumb is: If Abington School District is closed, the Church is closed. If the mall is closed on Sunday, worship will be cancelled. COMMITTEE FOR OLDER ADULTS UPCOMING EVENT A presentation by Kelly Lafond of Willow Grove Physical Therapy will be held on Wednesday, February 25, at 12:30 p. m. in the Parlor, Room 113. Kelly's presentation includes fall risk screening for each person in attendance, ways to help with balance and to teach us how to prevent falls. Please join us for this informative program. Lunch will be served. We would appreciate your R. S. V. P. to the church office - 215-887-4530 - by Monday, February 23. Hope to see you there. February 1, 2015 To all my friends at Abington Presbyterian Church: Over five years ago I came to APC as Parish Associate and Minister to Older Adults. I had been retired six months from Senior Pastor and Head of Staff at Flourtown Presbyterian Church and the time was right to find some part time work suited to my talents and desires. Through the invitation of a mutual friend I came to meet Dorothy and Jack Graham and through them heard of the position opening at APC. I called Brent, sent my dossier, met with the calling committee and subsequently was asked to take the position. I have been blessed to be here and to have had the opportunity to minister among you. Although my position called for me to work with the Older Adult Committee and the Congregational Life Council, over the years I have had the additional good fortune to preach and serve communion; to teach; to work with the Deacons; to work with families as they moved through the grieving process, and to do many other things not included in the original position description. That has been a blessing and a joy. I have enjoyed the collegiality of the ordained staff as well as the non-ordained staff and have always found everyone to be supportive, helpful, encouraging and very friendly. I want to thank the session for changing my title from Parish Associate to Minister of Visitation enabling me to carry on when Brent left. I also appreciate very much the care the session showed me in granting as much time as I needed to take care of other issues in my life. And that brings me to a very special thank you, to all the members of APC who have showed love and care for me and especially for Jeanne. All of your prayers and words of concern and encouragement have been much appreciated, and the organizing of and making dinners made life so much easier for us during a very difficult time. All of this brings me to the purpose for my writing this letter. I believe it is time for me to do what I started out to do six years ago, and that is to retire. This decision is not made lightly, but with considerable prayer and conversation. My own health and the health of my family must take priority and so I have come to the decision to retire from my position at APC as of February 15, 2015. My official letter of retirement was received and approved by the session, with the added approval of my being able to worship at APC when Jeanne and I can make it. I do understand the necessity of keeping my distance and will in no way interfere in the work and ministry of the church. I consider my time at APC to have been a blessing; all of you have become like family to me and Jeanne, and so with sincerest thanks to God for all of you I conclude my work and time at Abington Presbyterian Church. Yours in Christ, Rev. John K. Norrie, Jr. The Tuesday Noon organ concert series returns to Abington in February. The first concert, February 3, will be played by Ethel Geist. The 30 to 40 minute concerts begin at noon and are sponsored by Music at Abington and the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Ethel’s program includes a wide variety of organ literature that explores some of the new, unique sounds now available on our instrument. Future recitals will be played by Aaron Patterson (Feb. 10), Jeff Fowler (Feb. 17), and Lee de Mets (Feb. 24)
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