apc.Toolbox Greko Would you like to find out where you are losing money in your enterprise, instead of increasing your business? updated February 2015 © all rights reserved by advanced profit control Leading with method, control with system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & Liquidity Planning The human factor should be the main focus CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 2 Areas of expertise advanced profit control 1 [advanced profit control] supports companies in strategic and operational issues from design to implementation; including cost- and performance management software apc.Toolbox Greko . "apc.Toolbox Greko is the most advanced software for continuous and consistent cost- and performance management within the complete company." apc.Consulting Portfolio of Leadership – Consulting Integrated Corporate Management Strategy development Business models Processes Organization Personal Guidance to objectives Strategy implementation with the Balanced Scorecard Cost- & PerformanceManagement IT Controlling Systems Planning, Control & Variance analysis apc.Controlling Software Business simulations Customer benefit analysis Liquidity management Cash Planning System Period-based planning & analysis Instruments of autonomous selforganization in organizational units www.greko.at process compliant marginal costing 3 Why our clients trust us advanced profit control 1 GREKO made it possible for us to financially illustrate our business in its divisions clearly. Thus we have a solid and sustainable basis to support strategic decision making processes in the best possible way. Mr. Dipl. Ing. Christian Stöger – Head of Controlling - Payment Service - Vienna apc.Toolbox Greko process technology as well as their support give already in the planning phase the relevant cost and performance data for all managers. Mrs. Margit Prettenhofer – Administrative Office of the Province / Lower Austria Informationtechnology - St. Pölten „apc.Toolbox Greko is the epitome of clear, flexible and economic knowledge and expertise.“ Mr. Dir. Karl Jagsch CEO at KSV1870 AG - Vienna "The advantages are simply a wide range of possibilities in the cost and performance accounting, as well as sector specific calculations in which other providers cannot deliver." Mr. Andreas Labner is CFO of- PayLife Bank GmbH - Vienna “The calculations of scenarios of variances are fascinating and the monthly comparison is vital. The novelty with „apc.Toolbox Greko “ is the presentation of real target figures based on piece work within all our Loden departments and hence a dynamic achievement of targets if possible. An absolute ‘must’ for managers! Mr. Johannes Steiner CEO – Steiner 1888 – Mandling - Austria "It is a pleasure to work with apc.Toolbox Greko . Questions are met with answers and all our requirements are fulfilled. We can translate all information into our operational planning. Flexibility and transparency are definitely the strengths.“ Mr. Mag. Arno Obrietan CFO of AKM – Vienna “apc.Toolbox Greko impress with their incredible flexibility!” Mr. Mag. Hannes Lechner Head of Controlling at ISD Innsbrucker Soziale Dienste GmbH – Innsbruck - Austria www.greko.at 4 Selection of clients… advanced profit control www.greko.at 1 5 References International Project Experience (Excerpt from 1997 to 2011) advanced profit control 1 Our consultants have many years of experience in corporate management organization and -control. FINANCE PROJECTS Industrial Sector CONTROLLING PROJECTS Industrial Sector Interim Management Controlling Seminars Cost- & Benefit Management Collecting Society. apc.Toolbox Greko Steel mill Management & Control Concept Machine Constr. Fin. Planning & Customer Benefit Analysis Tourism Company Management including BSC Internet shop Setup operating costs Real Estate apc.Toolbox Greko Electronics Interim Management Furniture Ind. Cost- & Benefit Management Public Admin. Strategy Development Textiles Cost- & Benefit Management Bank apc.Toolbox Greko Textiles Customer Benefit Analysis Software Organizational Development Plant Constr. Cost- & Benefit Management Nursing Homes Refurbishment Study Money Trans. Optimization and Controlling Construction Budgeting & Group Consolidation Plant Constr. Cost- & Benefit Management Research Ind. Budget- & Financial Planning Hotel Industry Reorganisation of Financial Sector Public Admin. Finance Planning Hotel Tourism apc.Toolbox Greko Blood Donation Process Management Dispatch Logistics apc.Toolbox Greko Hospital Planning- & Controlsystem foreign subsidiary Bank apc.Toolbox Greko Printing Plant apc.Toolbox Greko Plant Constr, apc.Toolbox Greko Creditor Protect. Organizational Development Construction apc.Toolbox Greko E-Industry Financial Planning Leather Fact Project preliminary and final costing Stahlprod. Strategy Development Media apc.Toolbox Greko Machine Constr. Corporate Management incl. BSC Church Project calculation Softloan finance Public Admin. Economic fine –tuning of company KLM Textiles apc.Toolbox Greko Nuclear Medicine Country www.greko.at Country 6 Strategy Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control The human factor should be the main focus apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & Liquidity Planning CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 7 apc.Philosophy of Business Management People Business Management 2 Issues We lead people We control / manage operations & processes Communication Through communication we present issues to the people and vice versa Vision/Strategy Actions /Objectives Period-based Planning and monitoring Strat. Roadmap Projeckt-related Planning and monitoring Instruments of autonomous control of projects Instruments of autonomous control of sectors and products Balanced Scorecard Instruments of personal management by objectives www.greko.at 8 all reports link from the strategy to Actual KPI‘s Business Management 2 strategical Operations, business oriented support with strategy development and review, this means:: Initiation or procurement of market- and competitor analyses Evaluation of the Product- and Market Portfolio with regard to existing or new markets, as well as existing or new products Plausibility check and validation of strategic revenue and earnings objectives of the various product- and market combinations Evaluation of alternative business models Analysis and evaluation of the degree of the company‘s real net output ratio (make or buy) Analysis if cooperation or opportunities for cooperation exist Vision/ Strategy Structure operational Managerial support with strategy implementation on process – and structure levels Definition and analysis of business processes with the objective to minimize interfaces Optimization of business processes, as well as clarification if possible conflicts with regard to objectives exist between the parties involved with the process Product- and section-based or project-related planning and monitoring, starting with personalized actions and objectives outlined in the Balanced Scorecard www.greko.at Business model Process 9 planning, messen, steuern 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control The human factor should be the main focus apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & Liquidity Planning CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 10 Process costs – Realization of Potential Company control 3 With analytical planning the persons responsible really get to accurately know their areas Communication of Managers and employees is greatly increased Integration of objectives and actions with KPI results in challenge, competence & responsibility of all employees Current forecast and fast simulations allow the management to make risk assessments The numbers transparency creates an excellent situation for decision and control Effective cost savings can be found in processes and management overhead Analytical planning makes it possible to recognize inefficiencies www.greko.at Accounting for internal cost allocation causes commercial thinking and action; thus every person responsible controls his costs and power consumption 11 apc.Toolbox Greko – Analytical Planning Problem definition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. More demanding customers Incorrect information – increased costs Tracking costs without performance context Little transparency of overhead costs Neglected cost center structure No flexibility due to rigid budget projections Insufficient functional capability of he MIS Tracking of cost-based performance Nonexistent period-based planning 3 Company control Project Progress Project phases 1 2 Months 3 4 5 Structure of processmanagement Interfaces and data import Testing and delivery Method Result Flexible, process-conforming marginal costs categorized into areas of responsibility 1. Process-conforming planning of costs and performance for cost centers, products & services 2. Internal cost allocation 3. Simple allocation of costs to services 4. Tremendous pricing improvement 5. Precise assignments /objectives for employees 6. Continuous monitoring of the expense ratio 7. Structured result- & contribution margin calculations www.greko.at 12 apc.Toolbox Greko - Steuerung einer Auslandstochter Problem definition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Different posting rules Other financial accounting software Communication problems Reporting structure Cost center structure is a dead end street Precalculation with estimated KOSA Non-existent post-calculations Required actions are not implemented Company control 3 Project Progress Project phases 1 2 Monthe 3 4 5 Structure of processmanagement Interfaces and data import Testing and delivery Method Result 1. Introduction of apc.Toolbox Greko serves as red thread 2. Employees like our clear structures of cost & performance accounting 3. Concise reports and evaluation analysis enable quick and deep insight. 4. Expense ratios for all processes facilitate internal service charges 5. Developing cost and performance errors are detected immediately 6. Everyone works in the native language www.greko.at 13 apc.Toolbox Greko – Restructuring Process Problem definition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Decline in sales– 30% Calculation remained unchanged for 5 years Cost control not activated Unreconciled full cost accounting No YTD costing analysis from Renner & Penner Employees had never been faced with costs and services 7. Activity input exists, but is not coordinated 8. Problems with reduced quantities Company control 3 Project Progress Project phases 1 2 Monate 3 4 5 Status Quo Analysis Preparation of concept Implementation & monitoring Method Result 1. Existing KORE image with Greko 2. Processes compiled using the entire value chain – blank process identified and disposed of 3. Rigorous revision of the cost structure 4. Development of a contribution margin calculation Setup product calculation for simulations 5. Solved disagreements of management and MA‘s with an employee satisfaction survey 6. The BSC–method provides objectives /actions for all responsible employees www.greko.at 14 Process modell- Customized Controlling … Company control Every Organization has unique demands as far as product- / market combinations are concerned. Therefore management is challenged to adapt the Management Information System acccordingly. Phase 1 Phase 2 DesignModeling phase Res Kontext Analysis/ Initiation phase • Source Analysis Preliminary feasibility test Expectations of managers and & MA Review of existing planning principles Survey of data resources Specification of reporting requirements Setup of interface for systems for planned and actual data apc.Toolbox Greko Identification of planning priciples and data Requirements for the reporting system are defined Planning calendar • • • • • • • • Discussion with employees regarding the development of cost centers / processes Define persons responsible for CC/accounting Internal accounting for services Cost structure – cost centers DBR Quantity structures of cost in conjunction with sales / production & EK Defined structures for the preparation of the planning Stipulated areas of responsibility Sample calculations Consolidated cost centers Phase 3 Phase 4 Analytical Planning Cost Centers/Division Evaluation Plan : Target: Actual Objectives/Actions Planning of process performance Planning of overhead costs per CC/process performance iLV planning Calculation of the quantity structure for process performance of intermediate processes, product calculation and cost units / divisions DBR design Plausibility checks Simulated calculation amount x price • Process cost unit rates for monitoring & billing • Calculations per product Oscillating remuneration system Data sources match plan data www.greko.at 3 Monthly continuous controlling Coaching of employees Standard reports for clear transparency Variance analysis Masurement of the actual resulting effects Regular progress reports Value analysis of all possibilities to reduce costs Quantification of effects Realized savings due to increased quality Instrument for permanent improvement and monitoring Customized evaluations to be able to make correct decisions 15 apc.Toolbox Greko for GUF Company control 3 As has already been stated in the first part of the presentation we only work with first-rate, independent, experienced consultants. During the course of the years the enormous efficient Management Tools have been the result. Presentation of the Strategy development Analysis Product-/ Market combination Strategy Roadmap KNA© apc.Toolbox Greko Integrated Corporate Management Structure of the Processes apc.greko Software Simple IT Interfaces www.greko.at VariationAnalysis Performance review 16 4 The red thread… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control The human factor should be the main focus apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & Liquidity Planning CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 17 Experience Quality & Speed apc.Toolbox Greko 4 Affordable maintenance & support – customer-oriented development Outstanding ease of use, copy & paste function Uncomplicated internal activity allocation Flexibility of application speed of computation Simulation calculations: Whats – would be– when…? Easy to install updates – no major server capacity required Clearly arranged forms and reports High level of practical orientation Standard interfaces for data import www.greko.at 18 Why use process oriented Cost & Performance Accounting? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 Customer Customer oriented all-around processing Customer Traditional hierarchical Organisational structure apc.Toolbox greko Thought process trends toward customer oriented business processes Managers finally know the processes within their area Focus on processes and activities Turn-around from department results to process results The customer‘s perspective is consistently taken into consideration Interfaces no longer overlap Efficiency and productivity of activities (Expenditures, duplications, media upheavals, processing time, resources...) 8. 9. Employee satisfaction Base for detailed calculations www.greko.at 19 Business Processes apc.Toolbox Greko 4 An important key element is the person: The process cost method supports any type of business model. Of importance thereby is to find the cost drivers. This inevitably leads to the business processes. Next, one is confronted with the performance of employees. In real life situations we experience over and over what type of working atmosphere prevails between management and staff. Core processes F&E Sales Procurement Innovation process Product- & Service development Sales Construction Innovationsprozess Source OE Corporate – Business Academy Production EK Serie Production/Assembly Series Sales Department Strategy Identification of the market for main concept Logistics Production Leistungserstellung Controlling HR EK Series Sales Series EK Project Sales projects Assembly IB Customer Serviceprocesses series After Sale Service -------------------------------------Project support Project managment Sales Auftragsabwicklung - Projektmanagement Finances Customer SE IT/PM Graz University of Technology o.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ulrich Bauer Seite 20 IT Business Processes Geschäftsprozesse Kunde Teilprozesse Hauptprozesse apc.Toolbox Greko Etablierung des controllingkonformen IT-Prozessdenkens Applikationen IT-Infrastruktur Ressourcen Kosten IT - Prozesse ERP Systeme Betriebsserver SE Manager Personal CRM Firewall Mitarbeiter Lizenz- Wartung MS Office Service Desk Netzwerk Afa Email Notfall Hardware iLV Strom, m² Pers. Contr... Fibu BDE Operative Strat. Projekte LPK Aufträge Kostenträger 4 Anwendersupport 1st Level 2nd Level Produkt- Leistungskatalog Geschäftsprozesskostenmanagement KST – Prozesse Verr. Preise Diagram apc.Toolbox greko Distribution ──── Cost centers for TPK and then to ZLPK or LPK ─∙─∙─∙ LPK to project ─∙∙─∙∙─ LPK to customer, projects to assets − − − − Cost centers for projects ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Cost centers to cost centers ─ ─ ─ Cost centers directly to customers ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Primarycosts directly to customers, VT‘s or project Total output Customer Section I Customers Chart complete Customer support staff 4 Customer Section II Customer Section III Anlagen Projects complete Order for payment LRK List complete Between LPK List complete LPK 10 LPK 20 Project A Project B Processing costs for parts List complete ZLPK 1 Activity units List complete Cost centers Basic data Primary costs TPK1 BZ1 TPK2 BZ2 BZ3 BZ4 TPK3 TPK4 BZ5 BZ1 TPK5 BZ2 BZ3 TPK6 BZ4 AfA TPK7 BZ1 Cost center BF 300 Cost center BU 200 LPK performance & products catalog ZLPK = betweenLPK TPK = part processing costs BZ = activity unit ZLPK 1 BZ2 TPK8 BZ3 Cost center PI 500 BZ4 BZ1 BZ2 KOAx Cost ceenterAE 400 KOAy Additional Primary costs ILV Types of costs Primary types of costs Cost centers Primary types of costs Projects, customers Seite 22 KOAz What does the process cost method achieve? apc.Toolbox greko 4 Transparent presentation of the costs from different perspectives of expense ratios for one process What are the cost for… a customer order? a procurement process? provision of material? production planning? a new customer? If these are present information, then you can improve it! www.greko.at 23 Use of the Process Cost Calculation Method apc.Toolbox greko 4 Many or few types of materials? High amount of MGK for processing and handling of materials High or low vertical range of manufacture? High cost to control production Mass-produced product or excotic variety? Lot sizes determine the cost of handling, order, storage as well as support- and maintenance costs per piece Bulk- or small order? The size of orders determines the distribution- and handling costs per piece Expensive or less expensive distribution channels? Customer distribution requirements as well as actual use of company services determine the amount of costs Special order or standardized products? Different types of products require different resource commitments for production www.greko.at 24 Simulation if you press the button www.greko.at apc.Toolbox Greko 4 25 Selected Evaluations apc.Toolbox Greko 4 1 Development of the process cost ratio for periods 1-4 2 Continuous product re-calculation as profit center www.greko.at 26 Highest quality of support apc.Toolbox Greko www.greko.at 4 27 Decisions – Process cost rates & cost units apc.Toolbox Greko 4 Formation of report per Prof. Hichert… Plan - Target – Actual comparison as basis for proper, honest feedback discussions, appreciation and recognition should be directly aimed at the employee. www.greko.at 28 Excerpt from the product process analysis www.greko.at apc.Toolbox Greko 4 29 Lasting improvement of your Performance! Utilize Synergies Increase Productivity apc.Toolbox Greko Lower Improve costs Results 4 Would you like to know from where your money dissipates slowly and unnoticed from your business instead of improving your results? Seite 30 Surplus per bed per year • Starting point: • Course of action: apc.Toolbox Greko Problems with results within the individual units. The costs as budget balances were never transparent. The question not where - but for what the costs haveaccrued – could only be answered after an activity based cost program has been initiated. It is clear that the sustainability of the results are impressive. Results I Operating result renovation Analysis of the organizational structure, development of the new business model analytical planning; training of employees in the management area, introduction of monthly SIV discussions. Benchmarking between nursing homes.. • Benefits: • The study to the right shows the nursing home‘s success in comparison to other nursing homes 4 Umbau With correct monthly cost information managers were able tonotice immediately where the financial trap was located and what had to be done! The results could be increased immediately. The owner now saw the rise in competency of the management and transferred more and more organizational units. Source: © Dr. Mayr Page 6 Managementpanorama Costing CCS Workingscenario: Managing director at the desk... Cost Rates Plan/Act-Comp. Quantity Structure CostCent Auth Code Planning CC Int. Serv. Acc. Cost Types Output Units Cost Units Project Costs Standing Orders Mgmt. Inc. Statmt Planned Balance Sheet Calculations Pre- & Postcalc. Item List Work Orders Marg. Manufct. Costs Target Contr. Margins Direct Costs Add. Charge for Risks Overheads Planned Volume Sales monthly Degree of Publicity Kind of Demand ABC Customer Analysis Product Development CM Customer Product Trend Investigation... Product/Market-Portfolio Core Competences Width and depth of product range LIM „less is more“ Simulation of the strategy with respect to feasibility +/Profit for the year Mgmt. Statemt. Market Observation Planned Result Competition CGA SWOT Plann. P&L Acc. Contr. Marg. Costing Revenues Process Costs__ CM 1 Overhead Costs__ Income Selling Prices Market Share Risk Analysis Customer Gain Analysis Use Budgeting Mission/Values How do we want to be perceived? Vision/Goals In what do we want to succeed? Strategies Ways to the goals Resource Potentials Learning Curve Side Conditions Measures Extend Capacities? Capital Expenditure Budget Profitability „RoI“ Earnings DCF Internal Interest on Capital Value of Total Asset Payback period Fixed Assets Current Assets IT Architecture Orders Processes Stock Contr.&Simul. Org.-Procedures modern Communication Organasational Change Employee Coaching Technologies Know How Functional Organisation Committment to Targets Management by Objectives Management by Delegation Planned Measures Raising Equity Capital lt. Debts st. Debts Cash Flow Statement Determination of Budget Earnings minus operational expenditure = (+/-) Surplus Working Capital Liquidity/Qick/Current Ratio Pay Back Time Equity Ratio Structure of KPI‘s KPI Reporting Management System Ratio Model Montag, 02. Februar 2015 False Sense of Security apc.Toolbox Greko …how do we achieve increased sales with a positive SB – contribution margin? Will I still be on the market tomorrow despite full cash registers today? • Starting point: At first everything goes well. Attractive products – satisfied customers – revenues increase – champagne for the bosses – for all others Prosecco! Changes however come quickly! Introduction of new products does not bring the desired sales- and profit growth; cost cutting programs do not have the desired effect. The company slides into a continuous minus position! The dilemma is that true product costs are not known! Diabolically these are however the starting point for many sales- and marketing decisions. • Course of action: Modelling of a cost management process, product calculation with progressive profit margin calculation. • 100% V & V-Kosten 15% 90% V & V-Kosten 30% 80% Fertigungsgemeinkosten 10% 70% Fertigungsgemeinkosten 20% 60% 50% Fertigungseinzelkosten 45% Fertigungseinzelkosten 10% 40% Materialgemeinkosten 10% 30% Material GMK 5% 20% Benefits: Clear, consumption based allocation / billing for internal services from “unproductive“ areas. Thereby the true cost-pricing is obtained = the correct basis for decisions. 4 10% Materialeinzelkosten 25% Materialeinzelkosten 30% 0% früher heute With the example of the German industrial enterprises Boehler, Winfried: integration of process costing in a standard cost accounting software. In: Männel, Wolfgang (eds.): Process costing - positions, industry experience, software solutions. Cost accounting practice (KRP). Special Issue 1/1994. Page 33 Planning process „Cost type H2O in detail“ Findings and why money dissipates slowly and unnoticed from your business? • apc.Toolbox Greko 4 Starting point: Quantity distribution of cost type H2O is primarily used for cooling of machinery. Was it not possible to find a purchaser for the entire amount? • Course of action: Analytical planning; what are the amounts of water used for? A resource is defined by the recipient.; meaning that the persons responsible only obtain the amount that is actually needed. A purchaser is needed for the residual amount. • Benefits: Every manager, who had to plan for his areas at least once or twice, understands his business and can influence the costs and services accordingly. Page 34 Visualization of Sales Planning • apc.Toolbox Greko 4 Starting point: Sales planning - when compared to cost- and benefit planning - is treated mostly like a stepchild. • Course of action: For persons responsible targeted information produces an understanding for the importance of sales planning and the effect it has as far as purchasing- and production planning is concerned. Detailed sales forecasts for sales & profit margins, per item (-groups), sales territory, distribution methods … • Strategic business units Benefits: The power of planning, “setting objectives“ and to achieve these as well. Continuous monitoring by the PIV – Plan – actual comparisons. Page 35 Control with the Cost- & Performance Managementapc.Toolbox Greko • 4 Starting point: To make decisions management requires the truth of cost covering charges! • Course of action: Implementation of a cost and benefit management. Communication & information are the decisive criteria for the success of the introduction of new products. The second step is joint analysis. Allocation of services based on quantity to internal cost allocation of the different areas (for example: item calculation – sales distribution) represents the last step. • Benefits: • • Allows clear pricing and design options with product / market combination. Discovery of savings potential Simulation management tools Page 36 Compliance of Costs of long-term Calculations • apc.Toolbox Greko 4 Starting point: Based on the utilization range of more than 1.5 years, it has to be ascertained that the cost rates remain the same until completion of the products. • Course of action: • Benefits: Use of Greko‘s Cost & Performance Management Tool to be able to settle and calculate the cost centers and especially the internal charges accurately. The monthly SIV discussion will ensure continuous compliance of the cost rates in the various service sections.. Management insists that the monthly SIV discussion will take place and can thereby counteract negative cost development immediately and is also able to keep the cost rates long-term at the same level Page 37 data source Innovative aspects with apc.greko’s activity based costingapc.Toolbox Greko Financial accounting Wage accounting Material management Store Operating data exchange 4 ERP apc reporting data processing Performance Measurement Excel Greko Mgmt. Extracts Responsibility Areas Cost- & Performance management Fix format Reimport to preceding systems Montag, 2. Februar 2015 Datenherkunft? apc.Toolbox greko BDE FINBOOK Financial Accounting Activity input 4 Schedule of Assets Inventory Depreciation data Number of customers Number of printers HICOM Mobile Invoice Telephone charges Cell phone charges HOST Mainframe expenditures TeleAss Telephone sets BDE New orders cost centers FINBOOK New orders cost centers Greko Cost- and benefits management Page 39 Possible IT Architecture apc.Toolbox greko 4 Greko User Implemented code copy contribution margin Greko Greko User Controller Greko User Greko User Page 40 Customer-oriented Process Concept Design& Modeling phase Analysis/ Initial phase Based on strategic orientation & objetive, apc.Toolbox Greko Analytic Planning Cost units /Sections 4 Evaluations Actions & Planning Planning of internal processesservices (Resources) to Cost Centers and Orders , Analysis of requirements Preliminary check for feasibility Expectations of Managers Involvement of employees Analysis of available data Create implementation team Creation of data base with quantity structure of costs Planning Preparations: Sales & Purchasing Production Internal Services With the cooperation of persons responsible for the process 1-3 Man-days Allocation of cost units (KTR) according to: Processes calculations GE – business units AG – work groups AA - types of orders Presentation of results! A basis for continuous improvement Definition of all performance- & processresources. 2- 5 Man-days 2 -4 Man-days 1-3 Man-days Page 41 Finance- & Liquidity Planning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control Place the human factor in the center apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & Liquidity Planning CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 42 Financial- & Liquidity planning Financial Planning 5 Surplus / Additional Financial resources required Time Short-term about 1 month Long-term www.greko.at 43 Profund decision Financial Planning www.greko.at 5 44 Financial bottleneck, what can be done …? Problem Financial Planning Project Approach 1. Extreme seasonal fluctuations 2. Procurement of raw materials very expensive 3. Liquidity situation very strained 4. Profitability for a healthy financial structure too low 5. Receivables Management non-existent 6. Customers did not pay 7. Stock levels too high 8. Price decline in the complete market Project Phases 1 2 Days 3 4 5 5 Payment flow analysis Model & Data transfer Implementation & monitoring Methodik Result 1. Setup of a financial plan with data trans ferred from the financial accounting system 2. Improvement of payment receipts 3. Renegotiate lending rates 4. Continuous management of receivables 5. Inventory liquidation – change stock lists 6. New pricing for reduced quantities 7. Banks provide a bridge loan 8. Close collaboration with KSV1870 www.greko.at 45 Insufficient Cost transparency & declining Profits • Starting point: • Course of action: 5 Planning & analyses based on cost types – Budgeting processes, this is no statements for what the costs were incurred. Preparation of responsibility for costs. Model for a meaningful cost management business process. Analytical planning of internal cost allocation & resource planning, traceable to the product groups. • Financial Planning Insolvency Development (result – CF development) Benefits: Clear overview of the areas of accountability. Understanding when costs were incurred – not only where, but also for what. Cost transparency for persons responsible. Product groups analysis – Renner & Penner… Page 46 Financial Planning – the Lifeblood • apc.Toolbox Greko BETRIEBSLEISTUNG 2.500 Cash Flow aus Jahresergebnis (=Gesamt CF) Starting point: Depending upon the season a company plans the raw material purchase for approximately half a year. Inspections and negotiations with the borrowers bank are required time and time again due to company‘s financing needs. 2.000 Preparation of a financial plan for the entire company, including a graphic chart of the “payback point“. Quarterly information about the progress of the cash flow to the bank. • 300,0 250,0 1.858,2 200,0 1.914,7 1.729,1 1.604,0 1.500 1.350,4 126,9 1.409,7 122,6 1.402,0 1.000 31,1 40,4 1.495,7 203,6 1.577,8 1.365,7 72,6 56,8 -41,1 Course of action: 350,0 300,4 500 • 5 1.677,4 164,9 150,0 100,0 1.075,1 63,5 -30,3 0 50,0 -50,0 -100,0 I 09.2006 P 10.2006 P 11.2006 P 12.2006 P 01.2007 P 02.2007 P 03.2007 P 04.2007 P 05.2007 P 06.2007 P 07.2007 P 08.2007 Liquidity overview Benefits: Improvement of communication with the bank. No problems during negotiations regarding short-term loans. Page 47 The most important success factor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6 advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & Liquidity Planning The human factor should be the main focus CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 48 The apc.Philosophiy ist die fractal Organization People are the focus 6 The fractal organization goes beyond the team oriented organization. Instead of teams, the company consists of independently and autonomously acting organizational units, so called fractals The fractals are “companies within the company” and as such have their own objectives and generate their own services. •Quelle Meffert & Kirchgeorg (1998) www.greko.at 49 Management vs Controlling Collaboration & Perspectives apc.Toolbox Greko 6 Our understanding of controlling Manager responsible for results The controller provides founded economic statements Controlling The manager runs the business Controller responsible for transparency on results Source: Dr. Deyhle Montag, 2. Februar 2015 Superior Management Leadership People are the focus 6 What motivates the various color types? FIRE RED TYPES need appreciation and independence - compliments - recognition - participation in decision making - respect ICE BLUE TYPES need stability and independence: - encouragement and praise - structured environment - no pressure - few decisions EARTH GREEN TYPES need security: - patience and reassurance - required support - praise for their work well done - no pressure SUNNY YELLOW TYPES need social acceptance: - frequent interaction with others - personal attention - friendliness - praise Quelle: © insights Discovery www.greko.at 51 Successful Team Building People are the focus 6 Richtige Leute am richtigen Arbeitsplatz …bringen sie soviel, wie sie bezahlt werden? • Starting point: Product developments are in the works and management would like a team that works effectively and efficiently on the implementation! • Course of action: Using the Insights Method we are able to generate teams from the various types of people of our own employees. Only a few evaluations are required to obtain an analysis of a type. • Benefits: An ideal employee team equipped to face and master the challenges to achieve the desired success of the product. Quelle: © insights Discovery Page 52 The Employee Survey – an important Project Component People are the focus 6 • Starting point: Our employees represent our most important assets. Dissatisfaction is often ignored and leads to “inner resignation“ – these employees most certainly will no longer inspire customers! • Course of action: Communication respectively information is the key for success of implementing employee surveys. A questionnaire is created with the GAP process. • Benefits: Employees have the chance to talk and share their point of view anonymously with the management.The final stage of these surveys is is a well functioning suggestion system and satisfied employees. Page 53 Who manages people, has to like people! Performance Psychology 6 Walter Röhrl , TWO-TIME Rally World Champion, said at one time: We cannot treat automobiles like people, we have to love them! Desire to perform! When we think, where we could improve ourselves, then only the processes remain! Where is the difference as far as the area of leadership is concerned? 1. Do you have a feedback concept? 2. How do you provide the required recognition? 3. How do you show the necessary appreciation? www.greko.at 54 7 Provide clarity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. advanced profit control Holistic Management Company control apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & liquidity planning Place the human factor in the center CVB© Customer Benefit Analysis Cooperation partners www.greko.at 55 Initial scenario of CVB © KNA© Customer Benefit Analysis 7 Position of the customer in the market Competitors Own business Market In a customer value analysis an average customer is defined in Customer a target group or in a market Quelle: Schauenburg Consulting www.greko.at 56 Evaluation for Improvement projects KNA© Kunden Nutzen Analyse 7 Ausweis aller Stärken und Schwächen des Unternehmens anhand der KNA© Kriterienstruktur Equipment VehiclesListprices FahrWidth zeuge Productsource Various designs Zahlungsbedingungen Negotiating margins PricingSales price Design Interior equipment Discounts Pricing of Used car returns Resale value Range of models Location PN Style Point of Sales Sales promotion Organizational structure Conditions- Kundennutzen Fair Dealing policy Warranty Market access Service Sales Competency Financing conditions Performance data Repair service Reputation Customer loyalty Maintenance intervals References Frequency of breakdowns Appearance Brand of car Degree of organization Operating costs Car Dealership Other services Competency Appearance = Dealership cannot be influenced = partially influenced by the car dealership = completely influenced by the car dealership Source: Schauenburg Consulting www.greko.at 57 8 best of class … 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. advanced profit control Holistic Management Company Control apc.Toolbox Greko Financial- & liquidity planning Place the human factor in the center CVB © Customer Value Benefit Analysis Cooperation Partners www.greko.at 58 Contact Person Kooperationspartner Professional Career 8 Alba Hotel Wieser – Assistant Food & Beverage Management GAW Pildner Steinburg GmbH – Administration Materials Management & Organization MAW Styria Maschinen & Anlagen GmbH – Commercial Management GAW Pildner Steinburg GmbH - Management Corporate Controlling Founded advanced profit control apc.consulting GmbH Areas of expertise Günther Pichler Economic Consultant Controller Degree Hernstein Certified Management Consultant Cooperation Partner Strategy-, Process- & Organizational Development, GUF-Method apc.Toolbox Greko KLR Cost & Performance Accounting, Compensation Systems Controlling, MIS Management Information System Financial Planning CBA© Process – Customer Benefit Analysis Management Development, Programming & Support Professional Career Commercial employeeVoest Alpine AG, Eisenerz Commercial Assistant Villas Styria AG, Eisenerz Commercial Management MAW Styria GmbH, Eisenerz SWS Styria Software Schmiede Styria Areas of expertise Helmut Feyrer Industrial Manager Controller for small and medium-size companies Software Developer Programming Cost- & Performance Management Accounting Customized Interface Management Programming Payroll, Personnel Accounting , Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting Software Developments in Access, Excel, FoxPro, VBA, SQL Customized Performance Data Preparations from feeder system for Greko www.greko.at Cooperation Partner Strategy Consulting Kooperationspartner Professional Career 8 President and Chairman of the Board of Magna Steyr AG & Co KG Chairman Mulit Utility of RWE AG Chairman of the Board of RWE Plus AG Mercedes Benz Executive Vice President of Production & Purchasing of passenger cars Daimler Benz AG, Stuttgart, Head of Business Management and Corporate Controlling, Corporate planning and -organization Manfred Remmel Strategy Consulting Management Consulting Industrial Engineer Manfred Remmel Graduate of the Busines School Karlsruhe Graduate in Industrial Engineering at the University Karlsruhe Areas of expertise Strategy-, Process- und Organizational Development, BSC KLR Cost- & Management Accounting, Remuneration Systems Controlling, MIS Management Information Systeme Cooperation Partner Personal Consulting Professional Career Owner of the Consulting Company MCI International Consulting & Trading GmbH located in Switzerland – 8808 Pfäffikon (SZ) Managing Partner of Collegae GmbH, Personnel Services, located in Germany- 95463 Bindlach Shareholder in several companies in the Personnel Services sector Areas of expertise Graduate Business Management, Magister Artium (M.A.) Ernst Neumann Study of Business in Coburg, studied Psychology, Philosophy and Educational Science in Bamberg Selection of Personnel, Personnel- and Management Development Change Management (Post Merger Integration, Reorganization, Restructuring, Process Optimization) Strategy- und Organizational Development for the HR Department www.greko.at Competence Partner Strategic Consulting Kooperationspartner 8 Professional Career Studies in Economics and Business Administration Consultant in WIFI of WK Styria Restructuring expert in the economic development of the Province of Styria Head of the Department of Economic Policy and Innovation Areas of expertise Strategy, Process and Organizational Development KLM Cost and Performance Management Redevelopment, Networking and Controlling Councillor , retired. Mag. Dipl. VW Stefan Hochfellner Strategy Development Competence Partner KNA© Inventor Professional Career Owner of Schauenburg Consulting, Markdorf, Germany Head of International Marketing at Dornier GmbH, Friedrichshafen Head Business Airline Passenger seats Keiper Recaro GmbH, Schwäbisch Hall Founder and Managing Director of Keiper Acil Ltda., Sao Paulo, Brazil Head of Marketing of Alpha Jet Aircraft Systems of Dornier GmbH Function as Calculation Engineer at Aero-Thermodynamik at the Company MAN Turbo (Munich), Avco Lycoming, (Stratford, Conn. USA) and Boeing, Seattle Areas of expertise Dr. rer. pol., Dipl. Ing (TU) Jochen Schauenburg Studied Aviation and Space Technology Munich Promotion to Dr. rer. pol. University Stuttgart Customer Benefit Analysis Product Introductionss Market Developments Irnationalization www.greko.at 61 Competence Partner Senior Consultant Kooperationspartner Professional Career Hortor – Management Consulting GF Detecon Hungary Management Consulting, Budapest GF Diebold Hungary Management Consulting, Budapest GF Koechert Hungary Management Consulting, Budapest GF Diebold Vienna - Senior Consultant Areas of expertise Industrial Engineer György Kirchknopf Electrical Engineer Techn. University Dresden Industrial Economics Engineer - Technical University Budapest Strategy Development Change Management Crisis Management Controlling, Management Information Systems Conflict Management Competence Partner apc.Toolbox Greko Expert Professional Career Hortor - Senior Consultant Detecon - Senior Consultant Diebold - Senior Consultant Areas of expertise Industrial Engineer Sandor Winkler Electrical Engineer Technical University Budapest Economist WU Budapest Cost Accounting, Internal Cost Allocation Planning, Budgeting apc.Toolbox Greko Preliminary- / Post Calculation Performance Management Contribution Margin Analysis / Product Costs Preparation of decisions www.greko.at 8 More Information from apc.Management Technologie apc.consulting GmbH advanced profit control Contact Person Günther Pichler A-1190 Vienna, Raffelspergergasse 32, Austria Phone +43 664 340 16 70, Fax +43 1 4798217 Email [email protected]. Skype apc.consulting www.greko.at
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